
duanedesignlalejand: or if you can come back by tommorrow between 12:00-20:oo utc00:00
duanedesignthats when most the team is on00:00
duanedesignlalejand: if you do decide to file a bug you can use the terminal command:  ubuntu-bug ubuntuone-client00:01
lalejandduanedesign, the problem is that I don't know if what's happening is a bug or not00:02
lalejandbut thx anyway00:02
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duanedesignBigPincer: hi02:08
BigPincerhi... I'm having some problem using Ubuntu one02:09
BigPincercan you help me ?02:09
duanedesignBigPincer: what is your issue?02:14
BigPinceri can't connect to my localhost02:16
BigPincerwhen adding my computer02:17
BigPincernmap told me that no server is running at port 5451102:17
duanedesignBigPincer: so you are having ttrouble adding your computer to your Ubuntu One account?02:18
duanedesignBigPincer: what version of Ubuntu are you running?02:19
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BigPincerat first I haven't any button "add this computer"02:19
BigPincerfresh install02:19
duanedesignBigPincer: ok. the missing add this computer button is a known bug02:20
duanedesignfortunately the workaround is fairly simple02:20
BigPinceri've reached the page to add a computer using the command u1sdltool -c02:20
BigPincerbut now I've another problem02:20
BigPinceryes.. i know, now :)02:21
BigPincerI hope thath02:21
duanedesignBigPincer: ok so you closed the Ubuntu One Preferences and ran the command:   u1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login; u1sdtool -c02:22
BigPincerIt told me "ubuntu-login: no process found" or something like that.. I've translated the message from italian02:24
BigPincerit worked02:24
BigPincerI tried this command 4 or 5 times... i swear !!! :D02:25
BigPincerok so... tnx !!! :D02:26
duanedesignsometimes you will get the cant connect to localhost if you wait more thatn 10 minutes to click the add this computer button02:26
duanedesignfor instance if your reading all the text02:26
duanedesignBigPincer: glad it worked :)02:27
BigPincerok now it seems that everything's working02:27
nuboon2age_duanedesign: question: i ran the new windows installer as a test for mandel, but he's unavailable right now so i'm wondering if you know how i can tell if it installed whatever dummy U1 stuff it was supposed to install.02:28
BigPincertnx a lot, mate02:28
duanedesignnuboon2age_: i am afraid i know very little about the Windows Client02:29
nuboon2age_vds: question: i ran the new windows installer as a test for mandel, but he's unavailable right now so i'm wondering if you know how i can tell if it installed whatever dummy U1 stuff it was supposed to install.02:30
nuboon2age_duanedesign: so it sounds like you haven't run it yet?02:31
nuboon2age_duanedesign: long story short i had to go out while it was running and the computer i was running it on has a problem where it goes to sleep and won't wake up, so i don't know if it succeeded or not.02:33
nuboon2age_duanedesign: and i'm trying to figure out if there were some files installed i could check for to confirm it had worked...02:34
duanedesignnuboon2age_: yeah i have not run the windows client02:43
nuboon2age_duanedesign: not knowing what else to do , i just ran the installer again and it seems like whatever was supposed to happen, happened, although i don't know where to go in the OS to see files installed or what have you.02:45
nuboon2age_duanedesign: do you have a windows machine to test it on?02:45
duanedesignnuboon2age_: do you not see Ubuntu One under the Programs Menu?02:53
nuboon2age_duanedesign: oh, good idea... let me check...02:54
nuboon2age_duanedesign: no it doesn't.  but i think i've figured out it must be doing something on the computer because i ran uninstall and reinstall and it acted like i hadn't run it before, all except this time it didn't ask me to restart after it was done.02:57
nuboon2age_duanedesign: ie it had me 'accept' the terms again, which it hadn't done when i'd run it a few times in between before i uninstalled it.02:58
nuboon2age_thanks duanedesign, bbl...03:00
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kermiacdoes anyone know if bug 495983 is fixed in the packages in lucid?06:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 495983 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "syncdaemon creates "view, copy" shares only (affects: 1) (heat: 18)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49598306:03
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duanedesignkermiac: rye never did make it back yesterday did he :)06:28
kermiacno, he didn't.... the poor guy had dns issues06:28
duanedesigni guess we will let him slide this one time :D06:29
kermiacI'm trying to look through the changelogs to find the info myself atm but I'm at work still & I keep getting called away06:29
kermiacyeah, I'll forgive him just this once hehe06:29
duanedesignkermiac: i added a couple things to clicompanion06:30
duanedesignthe commands are alphabetized. When you highlight a command and click 'Help' the man page comes up in the Terminal window06:31
kermiacduanedesign: nice!06:31
duanedesign(the alphabetized thing might not be the best solution)06:31
duanedesignbut it helps. Better than it was. Easier to find commands. But all the sudo commands are together :P06:32
kermiacduanedesign: I was looking through the code yesterday & noticed the search comments in there. was there an issue with searching?06:32
duanedesignkermiac: i have not quite figured it out06:32
duanedesignthat is my ultimate goal06:32
kermiacduanedesign: ah, ok :)06:33
duanedesigni think that would be better than any alphabetizing, ect. Because some users are not going to know the name of the cocmmands06:33
duanedesignso if you could search for any word in that line06:33
kermiacduanedesign: alphabetising seems like the next best thing until you can implement searching06:34
duanedesign:) thank you06:34
duanedesignthat is what i was hoping06:34
kermiacduanedesign: how did the packaging go mate?06:35
duanedesigni think i got it06:35
duanedesigni should do that tommorrow /me thinks to myself06:36
kermiacawesome! that would be great if you can get it into a PPA06:36
duanedesignyeah that would be great06:38
duanedesignthen people could get updates as i work on it06:38
duanedesignand file bugs, etc06:39
kermiacyup, I'm going to install it on a few pc's of people who I'm trying to get to stop being afraid of the terminal. But I want to hold off until it's in a PPA so that I don't have to manage it for them06:40
duanedesignyeah good idea06:40
duanedesigni wish i had done that before i blogged about it06:40
duanedesignnow there are people out there using it that i have to reach again so they add the PPA06:40
duanedesignill do that for sure tmmorrow06:41
duanedesignif you want later, or this weekend, ill show you how i got it packaged06:41
kermiacI think you should write another blog post after it's in a PPA. Most people should see it on the planet feed06:41
* duanedesign nods06:42
duanedesigni found a way to get it packaged without a makefile/setup.py. Only a couple of lines added to the rules file we already had06:43
kermiacyeah, I saw the rules file you posted it in one of the BT channels earlier :)06:44
duanedesignworks good for this project but wouldnt want to do it for a huge application06:44
duanedesignkermiac: ahhhhhh06:44
duanedesignyep that is it06:44
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kermiacI've g2g. It's time to leave work... I'll hopefully catch you later duanedesign :)06:44
duanedesigni need to sleep for a bit :)06:44
duanedesignbye kermiac06:44
kermiacok, enjoy your sleep... cya06:45
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vdsmandel: hello09:01
mandelvds, morning! how is you back?09:01
vdsmandel: a bit better09:01
vdsmandel: what did I miss?09:01
mandelvds, well, we now how the bootstrapper that will download an install the different dependencies to make sure everything installs nicelly09:02
mandelvds, right now I'm installing a Vista VM because nice community person tried the installler on Vista and he had issues, so I'm gonna try to see what is up and will tell him to foward the logs of the install09:03
vdsmandel: can I o ahead with the ec2 win install or there is something else higher with priority?09:03
vdsmandel: ok09:03
mandelvds, go with the ec2, when ever is done we move to the selupdate09:03
vdslucky us we have a lot of nice people around!09:03
mandelvds, I'm finishing the unit tests and as soon as I have then we can try it out09:04
mandelI'd like to test it around 2 so we can give some feedback in the standup09:04
mandelvds, windows 7 is ridicouluss... it needs soooo much main memory...09:21
vdsmandel: don't tell me! :)09:27
vdsmandel: and I still don't understand what it does with it...09:28
vdsapart from boring the user with tons of questions about security :)09:28
mandelvds, haha, well, those I do not mind, bzr taking 15 s to do a bzr status... I do mind09:29
lifeless15s is long09:32
lifelesswhat OS ?09:32
mandellifeless, windows 7 ultimate while running a vista vm + visual studio compiling...09:34
mandellifeless, I thinks is the combination of things :P09:34
vdsmandel: it doesn't take that much here09:35
mandelvds, I guess I'm asking to much to the macbook pro...09:35
mandelvds, it clearly is not a pro09:35
vdsmandel: wow to do all that with win7 you need a 4x4core :)09:35
vdsand 20 gb of ram09:36
mandelvds, maybe after the first paycheck ;)09:37
mandelvds, install this when ever you can: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx09:47
mandelvds, at some point it will be useful09:47
vdsmandel: what is that?09:47
mandelvds, specially to find evil processes that are not doing what they should09:47
mandelvds, is a replacement for the task manager, is a lot better with far more info and options09:48
vdscool thanks09:48
mandelvds, it just save my ass when a stupid mono process was doing something it should not09:48
mandelvds, you can make it replace the task manager by clicking in one of the menues in the options09:49
mandelvds, is very useful09:49
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mandelvds, ping10:54
vdsmandel: pong10:55
mandelvds, I'm going to propose a merge that just has the lib to perform the self-update plus the tests10:55
mandelvds, later I'll propose one with it integrated in the client and the service10:56
mandelvds, is that ok?10:56
vdsmandel: sure10:56
mandelvds, otherwhise the merge is huge :P10:57
vdsmandel: is there a way to disable this dumb policy in IE that wants me to add each single url I browse?10:57
mandelvds, you are using IE??? I use chrome and I do not tocuh that unless i really really need to10:58
vdsmandel: it's on ec210:58
vdsyes that's what I'm doing10:58
mandelvds, oh, that, no, you are a server, you are not expected to browse10:59
mandelvds, you are going to get a virus !!! hehe10:59
vdsbut I have to save this ami and I wanted to make it clean10:59
vdsfrom a browser...10:59
mandelvds, yes, is a crap OS11:02
mandelvds, I cannot remove a folder 'cause I have to be admin, this is just crap11:03
mandelvds, oh fuck, I hate windows!!!!11:05
mandelvds, I hope people really appreciate this effort...11:05
vdsme too :)11:08
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mkarnickiCardinalFang: sorry for lame question, but I really wonder how to classify my Log.x messages. should "onCreate" or "onPostCreate" be a verbose or debug message? :(11:48
mkarnickiCardinalFang: I've got so much logging I have to clean it up11:48
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ChipacaUbuntu One Desktop+ standup on mumble in 8 minutes13:52
CardinalFangmkarnicki, the level depends on who will care about it.  It's all up to you.13:55
CardinalFangLogs are good.13:55
ChipacaUbuntu One Desktop+ standup on mumble *now*14:03
rodrigo_alecu, you had evo-couchdb crashes also, right?14:20
mkarnickiCardinalFang: roger :)14:21
alecurodrigo_, no, no crashes. When trying to add contacts to couch, it says something about not being able to connect to localhost14:21
alecurodrigo_, let me find the exact message...14:21
alecu** (test-contacts-picker:2569): WARNING **: Could not add contact to couchdb:// Cannot add contact14:22
alecurodrigo_, ^14:22
duanedesign'lo all. Was helping a user with bug 607102 I think this is the important bit of the logs http://paste.ubuntu.com/466999/ am i right in thinking that bit of metadata associated with the unlink Warnings needs to be deleted?14:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 607102 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "deleted files do not delete on ubuntuone web or other machines (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60710214:27
rodrigo_alecu, hmm, did e-addressbook-factory crash then?14:27
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mandelvds, ping14:45
vdsmandel: pong14:46
mandelvds, can u review the merge I propsed?14:47
vdsmandel: sure14:47
vdsmandel: need to test on win?14:47
mandelvds, yes, you need to compile/run tests14:48
mandelvds, there is no installation process to test14:48
beunolets agree to not call something Microsoft makes, "win"  :)14:48
vdsmandel: branch?14:49
mandelvds, lp:~mandel/ubuntuone-windows-installer/windows_selfupdate14:50
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vdsmandel_: approved15:29
mandel_vds, cool, I'm fighting with my system at the moment... I'll get back to you asap15:29
mandel_vds,  I really broke it this time :P15:29
vdswow :)15:30
vdsmandel_: what did you do?15:30
vdswell you can tell me later15:30
mandel_vds, brake it ;)15:30
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NickLquick question for someone... When my u1 music store purchases sync with rhythmbox, where can I find them stored locally on my computer? I can see them in Rhythmbox, but can locate the actual files locally on my computer?16:22
NickL* can't locate16:22
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duanedesignNickL: helo16:32
duanedesignNickL: ~/.ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One16:33
NickLduanedesign: thanks16:33
duanedesignNickL: you might need to Ctrl+H or view hidden files to see the .ubuntuone folder16:33
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nUboon2Agemandel_: howdy... i have to type and run, but i just wanted to highlight that when i did the 'remove' option (many times) it always reports that 'installation is complete' instead of "uninstall complete"17:05
mandel_nUboon2Age, sweet I'll file a bug with that, or do you want to do it (karma should be yours ;) )17:05
nUboon2Agemandel_: :D, i won't be able to for a while so go ahead.  i can update it if need be.17:06
mandel_nUboon2Age, ok, I'll put you in cc17:07
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nUboon2Agemandel_: thanks!17:07
mandel_nUboon2Age, np17:08
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* vds is away: Ci vediamo...18:28
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jetsaredimis there a way to mark a file/folder for UO under 9.10?19:19
ryejetsaredim, this is possible only if you install a beta version of ubuntuone client, that does not have the applet but has support for UDFs19:20
jetsaredimfrom the ppa?19:20
pvandewyngaerderhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store:   Installed: 0.1.1-0ubuntu1   Candidate: 0.1.1-0ubuntu1   Version table:  *** 0.1.1-0ubuntu1 0         500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick/main Packages         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status19:23
ryejetsaredim, yes, beta ppa19:23
CardinalFangpvandewyngaerde is having a syntax error:  rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store (0.1.1-0ubuntu1) ... Compiling /usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins/umusicstore/__init__.py ... SyntaxError: ('invalid syntax', ('/usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins/umusicstore/__init__.py', 70, 2, '<<<<<<< TREE\n'))19:28
CardinalFangI saw him on #ubuntu+1 talking about it.19:28
CardinalFangit looks like someone committed a merge conflict.19:29
duanedesignhello U1inites19:33
duanedesignWas helping a user with bug 607102 I think this is the important bit of  the logs http://paste.ubuntu.com/466999/ am i right in thinking that bit of  metadata associated with the unlink Warnings needs to be deleted?19:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 607102 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "deleted files do not delete on ubuntuone web or other machines (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60710219:35
mkarnickiverterok: concerning that DirectoryContent sort, is the byte order of filename bytes essentially something SQL would do like "ORDER BY filename ASC;" ?19:39
verterokmkarnicki: no idea how sqlite works :)19:39
mkarnickiverterok: let me rephrase ;) is it like regular comparison of Strings (filenames) in alphabetical order, or _byte_order_ is something totally different?19:40
mkarnickichar is like 1 byte19:40
mkarnickiI mean, String comparison is like if we had arrays of chars in C++, and started comparing character by character (byte by byte)19:41
mkarnickidoes it make any sense what I'm writing ;) ?19:41
verterokmkarnicki: I don't really know how java/android stuff behaves, in Java all strings are unicode, right?19:41
verterokmkarnicki: probably you'r right19:41
mkarnickiarghhh, 2 bytes per sign then19:41
mkarnickiok, I'll check that =)19:42
mkarnickithanks verterok19:42
mkarnickiverterok: yes, it's same as alphabetical filename order, that's great news :)19:44
* rye is preparing bugpattern for music store bug19:49
rye.. music store client19:50
ryefirst bugpattern in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store.xml19:55
CardinalFangThat rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store bug is embarassing.20:50
CardinalFangI hope it wasn't me.20:50
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mkarnickiverterok: please have a look whenever you can http://paste.ubuntu.com/467230/ - if I'm not around, I'll read your message later23:33
* mkarnicki went to get some sleep23:39

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