[00:49] morning doctormo [00:49] went to bed by the time you pinged me last night :) [00:51] aloha [00:54] * nigelb yawns [00:54] its cold and its 5 am [00:57] 00:56n here [00:59] czajkowski: Do you know, is shanefagan on irc at all? [01:01] as fagan as [07:07] *sigh* teaching closed source programmers about foss is hard work. [08:09] doctormo: LOL [08:09] what happened? [08:13] nigelb: Just trying to figure out why programmers who make small tools persist in writing things in closed frameworks with no community. [08:21] argh, he left [09:17] good morning [09:19] Morning! [09:20] hi sesne! [09:21] sense even. [09:21] * jcastro blushes [09:21] * popey hands jcastro a tab key [09:21] :) [09:21] Tab, oh wonderful invention of mankind! [09:22] jcastro: They're still needing people for the trips during GUADEC to make them all go through. Do you know people who might be interested in attending them? (They're also suitable for spouses!) [09:26] sense: what's the link to the trips? I can announce it to our guadec attendees [09:27] jcastro: http://live.gnome.org/GUADEC/2010/Trips If you could, that would be great! [09:33] ara: uploaded [09:33] * popey hugs dholbach [09:33] \o/ [09:33] * dholbach hugs popey back :) [09:33] dholbach, thanks! [09:34] de nada [09:55] morning everyone ! [09:59] popey: lol @ display corruption ;) [10:01] morning [10:06] :) [10:43] dholbach: poke? [10:43] nigelb: pong [10:44] dholbach: I can do it, though I'm not part of MOTU per se ;) [11:01] Have I missed anyone out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingCommunity/Contacts [11:02] I can't point out anything on quick glance [11:03] well all that was thre before was jono CC and Forums so a but more information at least [11:04] :) [11:23] sense: you're really kicking ass on blogging these days [11:23] czajkowski: I have a lot to write about! :) [11:37] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2010-July/004722.html [11:59] jono: ping [11:59] I think he's hiding [12:00] czajkowski, hey [12:01] czajkowski, I have to run to lunch, will be back in a bit [12:01] cheeky [12:01] ok [12:01] enjoy then I'm nabbing you [13:10] morning all [13:22] morning duanedesign [13:30] Grrrrrr [13:30] my maintainer rocks so much, but he just made the package debian-native again [13:31] I have a feeling that's wrong [13:31] but I can't call him out :/ [13:58] why not? [14:06] nigelb: because I've learned everything I know from him [14:06] nigelb: and he is @debain, and he rocks. He is always 20 steps ahead of me [14:07] and I'm a pip-squeek in Debian, I need to just keep my head down and work hard :) [14:08] head down [14:08] he's skating [14:08] he's skating [14:08] shoots ... [14:08] SCOOOORES!!!!! [14:08] * paultag does a lap around the goal [14:09] man, I wish I could play hockey :) [14:09] seems like it would be awesome [14:21] jcastro: fan of detroit? :D [15:54] did jono come back at all [16:00] Nope. [16:01] bah [16:02] He's having lunch for exactly four hours now. [16:05] well not getting that action item done so today [16:57] http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/07/22/approval-and-re-approval-process/ [16:59] * sense goes reading [17:00] czajkowski: How far is the localisation of the LoCo Directory? [17:01] sense: you'd have to ask in -locoteams I'm not sure [17:01] ok [17:41] hey jcastro, I have some dirt on you [17:41] oh? [17:42] paultag: oi be nice to jcastro [17:42] jcastro: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2096/2431683165_ea60b33b8f.jpg <-- a little birdy showed me this [17:43] hahaha yeah [17:43] that was awesome [17:43] jcastro: haha so good [17:43] I am wearing that green shirt now! [17:43] hahaha [17:44] jcastro: wait you're not wearing your banshee one :O [17:44] * nhandler is glad nixternal isn't in here right now [17:44] why [17:44] hahaha nhandler [17:45] czajkowski: it's in my bag. :D [17:46] jcastro: I was wondering :D [17:46] jcastro: I'm still really concerned about http://castrojo.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/rur53.jpg?w=300&h=225 [17:46] jcastro: I hit your site again, and every time I see that photo I think it's me [17:46] indeed [17:46] he's the hero fo the day [17:47] he just fixed the omgunitykillingyourCPU issue [17:47] haha [17:47] nice :) [17:47] jcastro: AREA 51 is at 100% :D [17:47] I saw! [17:48] jcastro: who's that licking you :p [17:48] nigelb: nixternal [17:48] aah [17:48] love is in the air [17:48] I wonder if we should show it to him too :p [17:49] I'm pretty sure he would kill the little birdy who told me [17:50] LL [17:50] LOL [17:50] it's ok, I think that was on planet [17:50] tell little birdie that it'll take more than that to embarrass me [17:51] jcastro: I'm pretty sure there are some photos from OLF [22:09] * czajkowski yawns [22:09] * czajkowski prods paultag just cause [22:10] czajkowski: hai :) [22:11] paultag: hows things [22:11] czajkowski: gut, just a bit tired :) [22:22] paultag: not breaking things then [22:23] czajkowski: no ma'am! [22:23] brb [22:25] czajkowski: /43 [22:25] (ignore that) [22:26] :) [22:36] paultag: you're missing from over there [22:36] pop in [22:36] back :) [22:36] czajkowski: missing from where? [22:36] council [22:36] oh ffs [22:37] special lad [22:42] maco: http://www.gnarc.com/tutorials/bold-prediction-bug-1-will-be-closed-in-the-next-24-months looks familiar [22:42] in fact, looks like a wholesale copy/paste from http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2009/07/bold-prediction-bug-1-will-be-closed-in.html [22:46] popey: yep, you can see from the bottom of it that its yanked from my rss feed [22:47] of course, they're 13 months behind... [22:51] :) [22:59] popey: funny how the bottom of the page says they follow the "latest" in open source...when theyre pulling my year-old ones [23:01] haha