[01:01] Hey lfaraone are you still doing sugar on a buntu? [01:02] doctormo: yes, I am. [01:02] lfaraone: I was surprised to hear of your involvement when I was on my way to FOSSed [01:02] doctormo: oh? why's that? [01:02] doctormo: Ian told me you said hi. [01:04] lfaraone: normally the community is very fragmented, it was a pleasant surprise to see a project involved with someone who I consider to be inside the bowels of ubuntu packaging. [01:04] doctormo: yeah, we're working on that :) thanks. more hands welcome, of course. === jeanl is now known as jlevasseur === jlevasseur is now known as JeanL [01:30] lfaraone: I'm not really a developer other than python, although I was thinking of all the google docs people when I wrote yesterday's blog post. [02:20] lfaraone: Got python-xpcom figured out yet? [03:30] ScottK: no, I'm not very familiar with the problems faced in that situation. [04:09] lfaraone: Short version is xulrunner no longer ships python-xpcom which a bunch of sugar apps depend on. [04:10] ScottK: is there a reason it's excluded from Ubuntu? (IIRC it's in Debian) [04:10] lfaraone: Debian is still on the older xulrunner that supported it. [04:11] lfaraone: chrisccoulson said he'd look into packaging pyxpcom [04:17] ScottK: ah, makes sense then. [04:17] micahg: awesome. is there a way I can help out? [04:17] lfaraone: I don't have any details at this point, as soon as I hear something, I'll let you know [04:18] ScottK: is it ok to subscribe an AA to a bug where they only need to act on 1 task out of 4? [04:25] micahg: Yes, but please make sure there's a clear comment about what they need to do. [04:32] ScottK: k, thanks [07:41] hey there, I have a problem that I want to use apt-get to only download packages, but not installing then, i could pass -d option. but if want to download the packages to other directory rather than /var/cache/apt/archives, is that possible? :-) [07:48] raywang: you can do it with "aptitude download" [07:49] jacob, if then, using aptitude system wouldn't conflict with apt system ? [07:49] oops, sorry [07:49] james_w, I have learned they don't share the same database [07:49] raywang: just downloading the file doesn't do anything to the database [07:50] ok [07:50] and doesn't install to the system, so there is not an issue [07:50] james_w, make sense, but they are conflict, aren't they? [07:51] i mean if I use both to install packages [07:51] raywang: no, it's not a problem to use both [07:52] got it, thanks a lot :) [07:54] james_w, by reading manpage, aptitude download just download package to current dir, then how can I specify a directory for it? [07:56] raywang: cd :-) [07:56] well, it can be a workaround. :-) [07:56] thank you [08:57] http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/gnome-globalmenu <-- Is there a point for getting this into Ubuntu anymore? It basically duplicates the functionality for the UNE global menu, except for GTK only and in a more hackish way. [09:10] LucidFox: not really [09:10] I'll archive it, then? [09:13] I'd think so. if the submitter feels otherwise, he'll probably argue about this [09:45] http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/mangler-1007160700/mangler-1.2.0/debian/patches/05_zap_la.patch <-- hmmmm [09:45] dholbach: sablotron has not a section so soyuz will never upload it, I reported that to debian [09:45] Would a better way be patching just .am and calling dh_autoreconf? [09:45] (a section in the source package) [09:46] BlackZ: that should be fixed in soyuz [09:46] dholbach: but the package has not a section in the source package [09:46] ah ok [09:53] Is the rule about MOTUs needing one other developer to review new packages still in effect? [09:56] LucidFox: I think it says "encouraged" or something [09:57] BlackZ, dholbach: What's this issue? [09:57] wgrant: we're not able to upload a package without the section in the source package [09:57] wgrant: sorry, I misunderstdoof the problem [09:57] dholbach: tried that [09:57] BlackZ: tried what? [09:58] dholbach: you tried to upload sablotron [09:58] ah ok [09:58] yes [09:58] I meant that ;) [10:10] In that case, could someone review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/juffed ? Just want one advocate and then I'll upload. [10:10] been lying for a while without any comments at all [10:10] LucidFox: we should encourage who wants to get a new package in ubuntu to get it in debian directly [10:11] Well, thing is, unlike Ubuntu, I don't have direct upload rights into Debian :) [10:12] granted, I *could* upload it to mentors.debian.net and file an ITP... [10:13] LucidFox: if you want to upload it go ahead (if it's good for upload), but tell the REVU uploader to try getting it in debian directly [10:13] Eh... It's mine. [10:13] I packaged it [10:13] LucidFox: ah, ok [10:14] by the way, BlackZ, I'm looking at ppa-purge [10:14] LucidFox: I have to fix some things with it -- BTW it's better to get ppa-purge just in ubuntu as debian does not support PPAs [10:15] * LucidFox nods [10:15] LucidFox: Got my shirt!! [10:15] Pix plz? :) [10:15] of the shirt, I mean [10:16] LucidFox: http://www.cafepress.co.uk/VEWarning === persia` is now known as persia [10:18] BlackZ> commented on ppa-purge [10:19] LucidFox: I'll check [10:20] Other than that looks fine, fix those problems and I'll advocate it. [10:21] LucidFox: I can advocate it myself too but I'd prefer to wait [10:21] I have it in my TODO list :) [10:21] Wait? What for? [10:22] LucidFox: some fix in debian/rules, for example: add get-orig-source [10:24] LucidFox: I'll do a new upload on REVU soon [10:24] * LucidFox nods [10:27] lfaraone: as you care about the sugar packages: what should happen to the remaining 0.84 and 0.86 sugar packages in the archive? [10:29] dholbach, while on the subject of Behind MOTU: I never got an interview, because apparently I was MOTU'd before they became standard practice; is there any point in doing one now? [10:32] LucidFox: sure [10:32] LucidFox: I'd love it to be more active again, but I just don't have time for it any more :-/ [10:39] dholbach> So, who could I contact to have an interview? Your successor? [10:39] When one emerges, that is [10:40] For that matter, how are the interviews done? In real time IM, or in voice chat, or does the interviewee send a text file with all the answers at once? [10:43] LucidFox: I just sent an email [10:43] LucidFox: and it was very boring because I always used the same questions :) [10:43] Heh [10:43] LucidFox: I'll send you one :-P [10:43] I suppose I could volunteer to succeed you - after my interview is done, though, because it would be odd to interview myself :) [10:44] awesome [10:44] Yes, I saw your email in the mailing list, that's why I was asking [10:44] LucidFox: if you have a wordpress.com account, can you let me know which email you used to register with? [10:44] LucidFox: and nigelb wants to be co-editor [10:44] awesome [10:44] :-D [10:44] a team! [10:46] LucidFox: ah, you're there too :) [10:46] do you want to interview yourself or want me to do it ? :p [10:47] I jut said it would be odd to interview myself, so I'd rather let either dholbach or you do it [10:47] LucidFox: just about to send that mail [10:47] and dholbach, my wordpress.com email is the same as here, sikon@ubuntu.com, account name LucidFox [10:47] thanks LucidFox [10:47] nigelb: your wordpress.com email you registered with? [10:48] nigelbabu@gmail [10:49] LucidFox, nigelb: done [10:49] in the past I interviewed people who just joined MOTU team [10:50] maybe it'd make sense to move to people who join ubuntu-dev now? I don't know [10:50] I'll leave that to you guys :) [10:51] oh and also add it to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Interviews [10:53] LucidFox: what is your TZ? [10:53] UTC+6, UTC+7 DST [10:53] hi, how would I go about customizing an ubuntu live CD [10:54] I just need to have some script auto-run (after X is started), change default config (disable gfx effects etc) and perhaps remove list of packages on cd [10:54] LucidFox: ok, we're only 2 to 2.5 hours apart. Talk in the evening? (I'm at work now) [10:54] Sure [10:55] :) [10:57] LucidFox, nigelb: thanks so much! [10:58] LucidFox, nigelb: agraner also does some interviews, maybe she has a few ideas how to do stuff as well [10:58] ROCK! [10:58] dholbach: yeah, watiting for oscon to end [11:06] LucidFox: new version of ppa-purge uploaded to REVU [11:07] however I did not created the get-orig-source rule in debian/rules as a Vcs field is already in debian/control , so you will be warned if there's a new branch [11:20] BlackZ: get-orig-source is for building repacks, it shouldn't have anything to do with Vcs [11:21] tumbleweed: in this case you can use bzr-builddeb [11:22] if you put a Vcs field in debian/control it will warn you about the new branch [11:23] BlackZ: are you saying that the upstream maintains /debian too? [11:23] tumbleweed: yes [11:24] aah, in that case it's probably best to think of it as a native package [11:24] then you don't need get-orig-source [11:24] actually I'm not sure if it can be a native ubuntu package [11:26] then it might be best to fork the packaging. What if we need to change something? [11:27] tumbleweed: well, upstream has different things in debian/ than us, this is one of the reason why I'm not advocating it yet [11:28] I need to talk with upstream [11:28] BlackZ: um, I'd just completely ignore upstream's /debian and overwrite it with our own (unless they want to maintain it in Ubuntu) [11:28] tumbleweed: this is what I'm doing [11:29] then drop the Vcs-Bzr entry beacues it won't be accurate [11:30] tumbleweed: I was just about to do that ;) [11:31] right. and if upstream doesn't produce tarballs, we should still have get-orig-source [11:31] tumbleweed: I will check, for now I'd upload it on REVU so anyone can check it [11:34] tumbleweed: thanks for the hint, dropped :) === jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna [14:05] geser: well, they work IIRC, so there's no real reason to remove them, I guess. [14:29] lfaraone: "Package sugar-calculate-activity version 30-5 has an unmet dep:", "Depends: python-sugar-0.84 | python-sugar-0.86" and sugar-base-0.84 got deleted with "sugar .84 removing in favour of .88" and the same for sugar-base-0.86 [14:33] geser: all of those activities should be forward-compatible, so file a bug and we'll correct the deps. [14:59] lfaraone: done, I've files some unmetdeps bugs on sugar packages and made sure that the sugarteam is subscribed to them (two of those packages have also a removal request filed, so please decide what to do with them) [15:00] geser: awesome, thanks. [15:14] BlackZ: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tulip/+bug/608628 => updated debdiff :) [15:14] Launchpad bug 608628 in tulip (Ubuntu) "Please merge tulip 3.1.2-2.3 (universe) from debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] [15:16] dupondje, in your last debdiff [15:16] Change libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev to libgl1-mesa-dev in Build-Depends, this fix FTBFS (LP:#553638) [15:16] should be duanedesign, Change libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev to libgl1-mesa-dev in Build-Depends, this fix FTBFS (LP: #553638) [15:20] err cosme what wrong exactly ? [15:21] (LP:#553638) -> (LP: #553638) [15:22] oh, it was a copy/paste. i'll change [15:23] geser: just fyi re bug 608766, IIRC the new pippy uploaded yesterday is uninstallable in Maverick (as well as unstable) [15:23] Launchpad bug 608766 in Bazaar Subversion Plugin "iter_changes on caching logwalker supports only one prefix" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/608766 [15:23] * lfaraone is currently setting up a stable VM to see if that's the case. [15:24] cosme: new debdiff uploaded :) [15:25] hmm, why did ubottu return a wrong subject for that bug? [15:26] bug git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/sugar-jigsawpuzzle-activity.git [15:26] lfaraone: so better not sync it? the current version in the archive has a versioned build-dependency on a virtual package [15:26] * bug 608766 [15:26] Launchpad bug 608766 in sugar-pippy-activity (Ubuntu) "Sync sugar-pippy-activity 36~dfsg-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/608766 [15:26] ah, now it gets it right. odd. === aalex is now known as aalex_home [15:27] geser: well, python-box2d (the non-existant package it depends on) is packaged and ready for sponsoring in Debian, but it's not yet there yet. [15:27] geser: once the package is in and synced over, we should be good. [16:26] dholbach: I nominate persia! [16:30] dholbach, nigelb> Sent my interview answers [16:35] dholbach: what's the process that we have to do? [16:37] dholbach: thank you for the very nice introduction on the developer week === fta__ is now known as fta [16:43] MTecknology: for what? [16:43] nigelb: ask questions, blog, add to wiki.ubuntu.com/Interviews :) [16:43] LucidFox: super, I'll have a look tomorrow [16:43] tuxracer_: anytime :) [16:45] dholbach: the blog [16:45] MTecknology: sure, but I was planing to hand off the interviews to LucidFox and nigelb [16:46] dholbach: or that - Just wanted to mention it :) [17:06] hmm.. any one who can sync choqok ? [17:08] bug 608378 [17:08] Launchpad bug 608378 in choqok (Ubuntu) "Sync choqok 0.9.81-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/608378 === mdomsch_ is now known as mdomsch [17:24] I'm rebuilding the package gcc-mingw32 [17:24] from package source [17:24] and I noticed that although it builds 32-bit g++ [17:25] it is configured to not build 64-bit targeted g++ [17:25] but it does build amd64-mingw32-gcc and all the binutils and the cstdlib for the 32-bit hosted 64-bit targeted cross [17:26] so, I figured "This is easy..." and I added --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran [17:26] in the debian/rules file [17:27] and rebuilt and reinstalled the package. Everything went fine, but a simple "Hello World" example could not find #include...which leads me to believe that somehow libstdc++ didn't get built or installed [17:27] Anyone got any hints? === cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson [19:03] Just so that you all know, Rhonda is taking a class in #ubuntu-classroom now about working with debian BTS :) [20:54] /quit [21:09] TheMuso: still here :P [21:36] shadeslayer: Yeah I am connecting to IRC via a bip proxy. I meant to type /quit to exit from my irssi client. [21:36] TheMuso: :D [23:10] anyone have time to sponsor a quick no source change rebuild to lucid-proposed (bug 608940) [23:10] Launchpad bug 608940 in gjs (Ubuntu) "No change rebuild for xulrunner- update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/608940 [23:28] micahg: done [23:28] BlackZ: thanks :) [23:31] BlackZ: so MOTU let's you accept bugs for a series? [23:31] *lets [23:31] micahg: just for packages in universe and multiverse [23:32] * micahg might have to reconsider going for MOTU :)