=== cpg is now known as cpg|brb === cpg|brb is now known as cpg === cpg is now known as cpg|brb === cpg|brb is now known as cpg [04:50] kermiac: ping [04:50] nUboon2Age: !pong [04:52] nUboon2Age: ?? === cpg is now known as cpg|away === cpg|away is now known as cpg [08:25] jdobrien: I think Bug 607716 that you reported is related to the person who reported Bug 608011. 608011 now contains DEBUG logs [08:25] Launchpad bug 607716 in ubuntuone-client "UnicodeDecodeError when syncing file (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/607716 [08:25] Launchpad bug 608011 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "errors in syncdaemon.log (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/608011 === JUMPA is now known as jumpa [09:53] hi there [09:53] i have a problem with ubuntu and blade server HS22 and DS4700 [09:54] can anybody help me plz [09:56] i need help with blade servers [09:56] can you help plz [10:05] u1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login; u1sdtool -c [10:05] honk === jumpa is now known as JUMPA === JUMPA is now known as jumpa === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates === cpg is now known as cpg|away === jumpa is now known as JUMPA === JUMPA is now known as jumpa [11:47] morning all [11:48] o/ [11:52] didrocks, did you try deleting your ~/.config/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.ini [11:52] ? [11:53] kenvandine: yeah, it was regenerated [11:53] kenvandine: but not the .html file [11:54] morning didrocks [11:54] hey duanedesign, how are you? [11:54] well morning here :) [11:54] almost lunch time there! [11:54] didrocks: i am really good. Trying to do some packaging this morning [11:55] oh sweet :) [11:55] packaging stipple? [11:55] didrocks: it is next. I am packaging my other current project CLIcompanion. [11:56] morning all [11:57] didrocks: you having some couch issues today? [12:02] duanedesign: well, I'm on my netbook right now and I killed beam.smp because it was taking too much CPU [12:02] and it's already hell there :) [12:02] duanedesign: the thing is, I want futon back :) [12:27] kermiac: ping [12:27] howdy duanedesign :) [12:31] kermiac: the gnomekeyring Daemon error. I now the temporary solution is to start the daemon, but what is the long term solution [12:31] i cant seem to remember [12:32] hmm... it's been a while since I looked at that. one sec mate, I'll look for the bug report [12:35] duanedesign: I'm pretty sure this was the workaround that was working best - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/579158/comments/9 [12:35] Launchpad bug 579158 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "nothing happens when i click on the ubuntu one icon from the menu or the me menu (dup-of: 567194)" [High,New] [12:35] Launchpad bug 567194 in ubuntuone-client "Lucid Ubuntuone preferences not starting gnomekeyring.IOerror (affects: 11) (dups: 2) (heat: 50)" [High,New] [12:35] duanedesign: but it *may* be fixed as I haven't seen a bug report on that issue for quite a while === teknico is now known as teknico_away [12:50] thank you kermiac [12:50] duanedesign: no probs mate :) [12:55] hi duanedesign , need a lil help here :) [12:55] a localy removed folder sits there in the cloud [12:55] plus: mike@dojo:~$ u1sdtool --status [12:55] State: QUEUE_MANAGER connection: With User With Network description: processing queues is_connected: True is_error: False is_online: True queues: IDLE [12:55] o crap not this paste [12:56] mike@dojo:~$ u1sdtool --status [12:56] State: QUEUE_MANAGER connection: With User With Network description: processing queues is_connected: True is_error: False is_online: True queues: IDLE [12:56] u1 is idle. [12:57] that may be related to that problem (is it a known bug?): create a folder in /Ubuntu One. u1 works on it, appears in the cloud, but the icon never changes to be marked with green tick [12:57] it's with these 'two syncing arrows' plus.. a grayed out small exclamation mark I think. [12:57] any ideas? [12:57] my laptop is up to date [12:57] runnin 10.04 [12:58] I'd honk, but rye's not around ;< [12:58] mkarnicki: is everything syncing ok? It is just the emblem is not displaying correctly? [12:59] duanedesign: I did sync 2 1meg files yesterday, to it seems to be fine [12:59] just the emblems. plus, a folder in WebUI that has been removed locally [12:59] can I force a local rescan somehow? [13:00] mkarnicki: strange. there was a user in 2 days ago that removed a folder locally and it did not get removed from cloud [13:00] I'll try replicating that problem again [13:00] * mkarnicki creates a folder [13:01] duanedesign: looks like one-time-problem or nondeterminate behaviour. I created/deleted a folder, and WebUI followed correctly. [13:01] I'll remove the cloud folder then, manually. [13:03] mkarnicki: http://paste.ubuntu.com/466999/ here is a log from the user the other day [13:03] line 116 [13:04] the unlink warning. I wonder if your syncdaemon.log has something similar [13:04] mkarnicki: the emblem problem. Does clicking the 'Refresh' button update the icon emblem? [13:04] duanedesign: remind me please where is the log located [13:05] mkarnicki: ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/ [13:05] duanedesign: brb phone call [13:08] duanedesign: strangely enough, when I complained, the emblems started to work. I'll double-check [13:10] duanedesign: I checked twice. WebUI followed and emblems worked. now I created folder 'blah', it's in WebUI but emblem is wrong [13:10] even after refreshes [13:10] I'll see the log [13:14] duanedesign: connected: true, queues: IDLE, emblem still not a green tick, pretty much trafic as for empty folder 'blah': http://paste.ubuntu.com/467484/ [13:20] duanedesign: Looks like the emblem won't change. [13:20] mkarnicki: looks like i can reproduce that here locally [13:21] * duanedesign is looking to see if there is a bug report on this [13:21] duanedesign: good (that you can reproduce that) [13:21] duanedesign: thanks [13:24] hmm. Refresh updated the emblem. That does not work for you? [13:25] it did twice. and now twice (for folders blah and blah2 not, under /Ubuntu One/TestDir1) no, didn't help [13:26] sorry, I sound onfusing. it did work for some folders. but now again refresh didn't help, for folders /U1/TestDir1/blah and /U1/TestDir1/blah2 [13:29] * mkarnicki aquarius in the meantime, I wanted to share an ide with you. (TBD no soone than few months, but it's worth discussing). [13:29] aquarius: ops, I'll send a priv [13:31] mkarnicki: i think i have reproduced it. It seems it is the directory level [13:32] mkarnicki: ~/Ubuntu\ One/folder will update emblem with refresh. ~/Ubuntu\ One/folder/folder2 will not [13:36] duanedesign: I see. Thank you. Should I file a bug? [13:42] mkarnicki: i do not see a bug report for that issue. [13:46] duanedesign: filing bug [13:46] * mkarnicki checks if it's the same with files [13:47] yes it is === teknico_away is now known as teknico [13:50] * mkarnicki filed Bug #608721 [13:50] Launchpad bug 608721 in ubuntuone-client "Icon emblems won't update on nested folders and files (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/608721 [13:51] duanedesign: you can confirm the bug [13:51] mkarnicki: i will confi..... [13:51] :) [13:51] :) [13:51] what is the saying, great minds think alike ;) [13:56] duanedesign: ;) [13:56] duanedesign: I thought of writin the same thing, but could not recall how that was in English ;D [14:00] Ubuntu One Desktop+ team standup starting in mumble [14:02] hmm, mandel is talking it seems, but can't hear anything [14:03] hmm, can't hear anything :( [14:07] rodrigo_ I said nothing too interesting ;) [14:07] well, people are talking, and still can't hear, so it's not only you :( [14:08] rodrigo_ windows blah blah blah windows blah blah blah [14:08] it worked this morning [14:08] rodrigo_ works here.. thisfred on... strange [14:10] :( [14:10] yeah I hear lots of gaps too [14:11] I hear nothing here, but I "see" you talking [14:11] rodrigo_: :( [14:11] yeah, not sure what's up, it worked this morning [14:11] rodrigo_: you want to report old-style in the chat? [14:11] rodrigo_ read our lips ;) [14:11] mandel, :) [14:11] Chipaca, yeah [14:12] Chipaca, worked a bit on the single selection, and seems, again, it's not going to be easy, the GTK widgets are not prepared for that, so it works a little bit, but fails for other bits [14:12] Chipaca, also applied your patch for the rb plugin and did a new release/package [14:13] mumble and irc == mandel multitask fail [14:13] rodrigo_: ok. can we meet you, rmcbride_ and me to talk about qa in a few minutes? [14:13] Chipaca, and also, a bit blocked on syncdaemon not uploading a new UDF I created which I need to test my check-no-shares-before-disabling-udf [14:13] it's been 24 hours since I created the UDF, and still get_shared returns a NULL path, which makes my code not detect the share [14:13] Chipaca, yeah, sure [14:14] I'll try to fix mumble while you finish the standup [14:14] rodrigo_: ok, we can talk about unblocking you on that after the meeting [14:14] ok [14:14] rmcbride_, the codec or something screams a hiss when your mic saturates. It hurts. [14:14] rodrigo_: rmcbride_: vds: I'm running on battery, and my ups is probably close to its death right now [14:15] CardinalFang: I'll tweak the gain. mic is about 4 feet away, pulseaudio seems to have a randomization factor X( [14:15] oh, now I can hear! [14:15] I had to mute and unmute the volume control applet [14:16] I really hear two words and then miss two [14:19] ok, I hear mostly nothing now so I'm gonna assume meeting's over [14:19] mumble is so fickle [14:19] thisfred, I was going to say the same.. [14:20] nobody is talking [14:20] Chipaca, is your battery dead? [14:20] guess who has to reboot again???? Fucking windows! [14:20] when it works, it works great, better than skype with a sizeable group for lag etc. [14:21] grr [14:21] ups died [14:22] hello? is this working? [14:23] I think you need to increase your IRC gain, Chipaca [14:23] 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗼 [14:23] heh [14:24] :) [14:25] * rmcbride_ goes to get another soda before the QA call/discussion [14:25] Chipaca, qa meeting now? [14:26] re [14:26] rodrigo_: let me wrap up the standup fur real :) [14:27] ok :) [14:32] rodrigo_, aquarius: how does one run tests in the rb plug-in? [14:33] dobey, there are no tests afaics [14:33] :( [14:35] it's darn nearly impossible to test a rhythmbox plugin without either (a) using some kind of gui testing tool, none of which were in any way reliable when I wrote the plugin, or (b) mocking the whole RB setup and API, at which point your "tests" basically test whether Python can call a function. [14:35] hence there being no tests. I wasn't happy about it myself either :( [14:35] aquarius: well, there are other things that should still be there [14:35] aquarius: lint for example :) [14:37] i'll get ubuntuone-dev-tools packaged up and add a script to the plug-in to do the lint checking and the intltool checks [14:56] rodrigo_, aquarius: anywya, i've got it set up in tarmac now, but without tests of course, since there are none yet [14:57] dobey, cool [16:26] verterok: Thanks for prompt response! Will try that snippet. === beuno is now known as beuno-lunch [16:27] mkarnicki: np [16:30] rodrigo_, ping? [17:47] CardinalFang, ping? [17:48] aloha [17:48] CardinalFang: you about [17:49] CardinalFang, czajkowski has desktopcouch using 70% CPU constantly -- would be useful to work out what's doing it so we can put a stop to it [17:52] vds, ping [17:54] aquarius, hi. [17:54] czajkowski, hi [17:55] Er, okay. I know as much about the internals of couchdb as you do, aquarius. I assume the process eating CPU is 'beam', yes? [17:56] CardinalFang: yes evil beam that I end up killing [17:57] czajkowski, is it nice'd at all? [17:57] CardinalFang: at sleeping it go betwwen 46-72% so i kill t [17:57] when it's running it'a 1t 100% [17:57] czajkowski, ah. I've heard of problems with sleeping causing it to go bonkers, often exiting. [17:57] czajkowski, do you mind joining me in the #couchdb channel? [17:58] nope [17:58] let me restart the machine as atm it's killed === beuno-lunch is now known as beuno [18:04] mandel: pong [18:04] vds, I finally got the bloody thing working!! :D [18:04] mandel: which one? [18:04] vds, this: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-windows-installer/install_service_wix/+merge/30685 [18:04] vds, test when ever you can ;) [18:04] mandel: and the other branch [18:05] ? [18:05] mandel: you still need a review on that? [18:05] vds, yes, please review that one too [18:05] this new one depends on the other one [18:05] mandel: from which directory I have to run the InstallUtils? [18:06] mandel: if I run it from the root of the branch I got an error [18:06] installUtil should be ran from the same location where the .exe is [18:06] vds, you have to go to install/build_results [18:07] mandel: which .exe? [18:07] the msi? [18:08] vds, InstallUtil Canonical.UbuntuOne.ProcessDispatcher.exe [18:08] there is no build_results in install [18:08] mandel: ^^ [18:09] vds, did u do nant installer? [18:09] mandel: yes [18:09] vds, you should have a build_results [18:10] muffinresearch, did u have this ^ problem? [18:10] mandel: no build_results folder [18:11] vds, really? [18:11] which branch is that? [18:11] mandel: really really [18:12] vds, mm I dont know, let me go for a jog and I'll take a look [18:12] mandel: ok [18:12] vds, my brain is damaged right now :P === mandel is now known as mandel_afk === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk === cpg|away is now known as cpg [18:59] aquarius, I don't see anything wrong with cz's database. [19:00] CardinalFang, apart from it using all the CPU all the time, obviously. Strange. Is there any way of telling what it's doing that's causing it to eat CPU? [19:01] I know that people have complained about this before, so I was hoping that this would help us narrow down on what the problem actually is [19:01] aquarius, I got his log to verbose. Watching the log should tell us of outside access. [19:01] (her log) [19:01] aquarius, If she stops the outside access, does it stop the load? [19:02] don't know [19:02] CardinalFang: what do you means stop the outsides access sorry ? [19:02] aquarius knows, czajkowski. Gwibber-service, et c. He can tell by what URLs are accessed. [19:02] czajkowski, are you using gwibber? does quitting it (making sure that gwibber-service is also quit) stop the CPU? [19:03] aquarius, Oh, sorry, I assumed you two were close, spatially. [19:03] aquarius: well not stared it, from the me menu but I'll go kill services [19:03] CardinalFang: if I were in hands reach of aquarius you'd have been left alone :) [19:03] Well, he's a slippery fellow. [19:04] CardinalFang, well, I'm closer to her than you are, but we're still separated by at least one sea :) [19:04] heh [19:04] Sorry! I assumed you both were at the Prague sprint. [19:04] gwibber sercices is now at a state of Zombie [19:04] CardinalFang: I'm community not canonical [19:05] wow beam is at 0% [19:05] * aquarius is not in prague either :) [19:06] spoke too soon up at 40% [19:06] is gwibber or gwibber-service running? [19:07] nope both sleeping [19:08] "Sleeping" is still running. When you look, the looker is probably the only running app, but another app gets CPU time every 1/100th of a second. [19:08] kill -9 both of them [19:09] done [19:09] and now, CPU? [19:10] no difference still at 40% [19:13] CardinalFang: thanks for you help [19:14] czajkowski, run this: [19:15] watch -n 5 -d 'grep GET.\*200 ~/.cache/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.log.1 |cut -d/ -f2 |cut -d\ -f1 |sort |uniq -c' [19:16] 3 _all_dbs [19:16] 1157 gwibber_accounts [19:16] 11639 gwibber_messages [19:16] 115 gwibber_preferences [19:16] 31 management [19:16] That should change over time. Every 5 seconds. === teknico is now known as teknico_away [19:19] CardinalFang: nothing changes [19:19] czajkowski, ah, since you killed those apps, yes. [19:20] czajkowski, and now how is your CPU load? [19:20] still at 40$ [19:28] czajkowski, even now? [19:46] * alecu should remember to re-enable NetworkManager after testing nm dbus stuff :P [19:46] only if you like the internet [20:11] beuno, hi! Tell me about the Android! mkarnicki digs it too. === jumpa is now known as JUMPA === cpg is now known as cpg|brb [21:55] mkarnicki: pushed revno 27, should stop dying an horrible death === cpg|brb is now known as cpg [21:55] verterok: you're fast :O [21:56] * mkarnicki tries new revision [21:56] mkarnicki: be aware that the notification handling code is quitye incomplete :( [21:56] mkarnicki: I'll try to hack on it on the weekend [21:57] verterok: no worries. I would prefer to have them off then have them on and get the client broken on first notification :) [21:58] mkarnicki: they are on :) === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [22:00] * mkarnicki test the app, hopes it won't die on me :) === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [22:01] mkarnicki: I shouldn't die with NODE_STATE notifications ;) [22:01] \o/ ! [22:02] verterok: it worked! [22:02] verterok: should I have a look in the code, or can you tell me in 1 sentence how did you fix that? [22:03] verterok: hahahah, I may have formulated that badly, I meant I hoped the application wouldn't die ;D [22:05] mkarnicki: gimme 2' phone [22:05] verterok: np! /me looks at the code [22:06] mkarnicki: my first guess was wrong, the code doing reflection was ok [22:06] aha [22:06] mkarnicki: the type of the argument of all the handle_* methods was wrong [22:06] that's what you wrote in the email though. [22:07] right [22:07] mkarnicki: I changed the signature of all the handle_* methods and passed the correct type to the callbacks, and added a test case for nodeState case [22:07] mkarnicki: I need to add tests for all the notifications, and write the code to actually handle them [22:08] verterok: when GSoC is over, and you have some time to guide me, maybe I'll be able to do some work for you [22:08] verterok: make sure you didn't leave your token in the source, I think you did. [22:08] really? [22:08] again? [22:08] should have written that on priv, sorry.. [22:09] I dont' know if its yours or mine [22:09] I'm looking on bzr diff [22:09] mkarnicki: on which class? [22:09] OIOExampleClient.. no, date is old 2010-07-13 [22:09] ah, ok [22:09] perhaps it's mine, sorry for confusion. [22:10] yes, the code is clean here [22:10] no tokens [22:10] verterok: hmm.. if I did pull bzr, shouldn't it overwrite my changes? like, the code I pasted you sent me today [22:11] no [22:11] verterok: you're back to those 2 lines with reflection, right? [22:11] mkarnicki: if you have changes in file changed upstream, bzr pull will mark it as in conflict [22:11] yes [22:11] oh, ok. I'll fix it then. [22:12] verterok: thanks, you saved me again [22:12] np [22:12] just don't say np xD I'm bugging you all the time ;) [22:12] I'm glad you're so helpful [22:12] * mkarnicki gives high five to verterok [22:13] mkarnicki: hahaha, really, no problem. happy to help :) [22:13] :) === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk === teknico_away is now known as teknico [23:29] honk [23:30] (I've never felt more silly requesting help, btw ;) )