maxwellian | yofel: Well would it have been different with Perl or Ruby? | 00:10 |
yofel | maxwellian: no, that's why I said c++ | 00:10 |
maxwellian | yofel: Well you didn't -- any of the other dynamic languages. :( | 00:10 |
maxwellian | yofel: It's a "feature" of dynamic languages that caused this problem, it's nothing specific to Python. (From what I understand, which is not much.) | 00:11 |
shadeslayer | hmm | 00:11 |
shadeslayer | i have a friend here who has a broadcom card and : | 00:12 |
shadeslayer | on 10.04... but he cant seem to find any networks | 00:12 |
shadeslayer | he says he has turned off his SSID..... | 00:12 |
yofel | maxwellian: I know, but that *feature* can be annoying as hell sometimes (it has its benefits yes, but it usually causes me more problems than that I benefit from it) | 00:13 |
maxwellian | yofel: I agree, it can bite you, I just don't think you should blame Python for something that a whole class of languages share. | 00:14 |
shadeslayer | ah yes.. it was the SSID | 00:14 |
maxwellian | yofel: We should have karma for whole families of languages, I guess. ;) | 00:14 |
yofel | ack | 00:14 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
jjesse | JontheEchidna where is muon going to reside in kde? | 02:56 |
JontheEchidna | jjesse: extragear | 02:59 |
jjesse | JontheEchidna thanks | 03:00 |
jjesse | working on documentation finally | 03:00 |
jjesse | got sick of working on work at night so now doing fun | 03:00 |
jjesse | yeah i know i'm wierd that documentation is fun | 03:01 |
* maxwellian was just going to say that | 03:01 | |
jjesse | nice maxwellian | 03:02 |
jjesse | does reqonk save downloads in ~/Documents for you by default? | 03:13 |
jjesse | for me it is saving things there instead of ~/Downloads | 03:13 |
Darkwing-Netbook | anyone about? | 03:43 |
Darkwing-Netbook | update-notifier-kde -d doesn't work in 10.04? How to I update internally? | 03:44 |
jjesse | apt-get dist-upgrade? | 03:44 |
* Darkwing-Netbook hugs jjesse | 03:45 | |
Darkwing-Netbook | Speaking of... | 03:45 |
Darkwing-Netbook | I'm leaving for Fort Wayne, IN on the 2nd | 03:46 |
Darkwing-Netbook | Then moving there mid month jjesse | 03:46 |
jjesse | nice | 03:46 |
jjesse | ft wayne isn't too far away from me | 03:46 |
Darkwing-Netbook | I know :) | 03:46 |
Darkwing-Netbook | I used to live in LaGrange | 03:46 |
jjesse | 3 hours | 03:46 |
Darkwing-Netbook | You in Grand Rapids? | 03:46 |
jjesse | yup | 03:47 |
Darkwing-Netbook | They still have the hot air balloon fest? | 03:47 |
jjesse | umm | 03:47 |
jjesse | don't remember | 03:47 |
Darkwing-Netbook | I remember that when I was there (15 years +) | 03:47 |
jjesse | grand rapids has changed a lot since then | 03:47 |
jjesse | hrmm bed time :) | 03:48 |
Darkwing-Netbook | KK | 03:48 |
Darkwing-Netbook | I'll let you know when I'm in the area. | 03:48 |
Darkwing-Netbook | Wife has never seem Amish country :D | 03:48 |
Darkwing-Netbook | Plus, you me and Rich will have to get together for some beers or something. | 03:49 |
ScottK | jjesse: re your mail - you should be able to switch back and forth between netbook an desktop with no loss of configuration for either. | 04:22 |
Darkwing-Netbook | Who does the website information these days? | 05:30 |
Darkwing-Netbook | NM, I'll talk about it tomorrow... The site FAQ is out of date. | 05:31 |
Darkwing-Netbook | Night. | 05:31 |
=== fabo_ is now known as fabo | ||
Riddell | kubuntu-netbook-default-settings uploaded with global menu and lockout widgets added | 09:21 |
* Riddell does the Qt 4 compiled on ARM dance | 09:48 | |
Riddell | and now I upload another Qt 4 just to keep the buildds busy | 09:49 |
Quintasan | \o | 09:54 |
eMyller | speaking of global menu, is there something like it to desktop? | 09:55 |
* eMyller just noticed a globalmenu-kde package | 09:56 | |
eMyller | no oxygen chance for it? :\ | 09:56 |
Riddell | plasma-widget-menubar can be used with plasma desktop | 09:58 |
eMyller | great; was trying to install xbar -- as suggested by globalmenu-kde --, but the pkg is broken here. :\ | 10:00 |
eMyller | Riddell: so is qtcurve/bespin required? | 10:02 |
Riddell | global menu is unrelated to the theme | 10:02 |
eMyller | i just installed it, but get nothing more than File » Close | 10:02 |
eMyller | restart? | 10:02 |
Riddell | once you add the menubar widget to plasma it will apply to newly started applications | 10:03 |
eMyller | oh, i have tried a new konsole window; i had another instance running, this is why i didn't get the menu bar, i guess. it's working perfectly now, thanks! :D | 10:05 |
* eMyller 've been waiting for this for a long time. w00t!! | 10:05 | |
eMyller | any chance to show the application icon at left, in a next release? | 10:06 |
Riddell | eMyller: why? | 10:12 |
Riddell | in plasma-netbook the current application widget shows the app icon in the panel | 10:13 |
eMyller | the app icon makes it faster to recognize the app than reading the menu items text | 10:14 |
eMyller | hm, i should look for this widget in desktop | 10:14 |
eMyller | didn't find it :( | 10:15 |
Riddell | Current Application Control | 10:16 |
Riddell | it's part of the plasma-netbook package | 10:17 |
eMyller | oh | 10:17 |
eMyller | maybe it'd be cool to have in desktop as well.. | 10:17 |
Riddell | plasma-netbook is now on the main CD so it'll be there | 10:18 |
eMyller | oh, awesome. is it planned to be backported to lucid? | 10:18 |
Riddell | you can install plasma-netbook in lucid | 10:19 |
eMyller | hm, thought it came in a separate package.. ok then. thanks :) | 10:19 |
eMyller | also, is globalmenu working for gnome apps in there? | 10:19 |
Riddell | eMyller: yes it ought to | 10:20 |
eMyller | not here yet... maybe i have to restart the qt-gtk thing... will test later then. thanks. | 10:21 |
agateau | Riddell: eMyller: for gnome apps to take advantage of appmenu, you need to install the appmenu-gtk package | 10:23 |
eMyller | agateau: no package with this name here | 10:26 |
eMyller | i did some aptitude searches, nothing like that | 10:26 |
Riddell | it's not in lucid | 10:27 |
agateau | eMyller: for lucid you have to use the Unity PPA | 10:27 |
eMyller | ok, will look for that. thanks :) | 10:27 |
Riddell | agateau: plasma-widget-menubar and Qt uploaded | 10:28 |
agateau | Riddell: thanks | 10:28 |
* Riddell spots qtwebkit-source compiling on ARM | 10:30 | |
Riddell | shadeslayer: what were you going to remind me to do in the morning? | 10:30 |
eMyller | Riddell: i had something like this in mind when i asked about the icon: (second image) | 10:33 |
Riddell | eMyller: buy agateau non-alcoholic beer and he might code it as an option for you :) | 10:39 |
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu, making your PC friendly | | Kubuntu Meeting, Monday 19:00UTC, #ubuntu-meeting | ||
eMyller | haha | 10:40 |
agateau | eMyller: the part on the left in the first image is the appcontrol widget, right? | 10:40 |
eMyller | agateau: yes | 10:41 |
eMyller | sheytan: | 10:41 |
agateau | eMyller: I am not very familiar with plasma-netbook yet, it lets you switch apps, right? | 10:41 |
eMyller | agateau: yep | 10:43 |
eMyller | it also lets you max/min/close the window when an app has focus | 10:43 |
agateau | eMyller: with your mockup, only the icon could be use to switch then | 10:43 |
agateau | eMyller: I would image it would be possible to split the applet in two, so that you can put the switch part on the left of the menu and the window control on the right | 10:44 |
agateau | eMyller: I kind of remember a blog post about an applet like this in the work | 10:44 |
eMyller | actually i wasn't even thinking abotu a switching feature; instead, the icon would belong to File menu or would show default window options | 10:44 |
agateau | need to reboot, brb (if new kernel works) | 10:45 |
eMyller | heh | 10:45 |
eMyller | sheytan: sorry, hit enter too early; will talk to you soon :) | 10:46 |
eMyller | will restart and take a nap | 10:57 |
eMyller | oh, wb, agateau | 10:58 |
Mamarok | Riddell: the still says #kubuntu-netbook in the header, is this valid again? | 10:58 |
Riddell | probably not but I'll let ScottK declaire on that, he opened the channel | 10:59 |
ryanakca | What's the status of www.k.o? Do the sysadmins need prodding? | 11:02 |
Riddell | ryanakca: what does the rt say? | 11:03 |
Riddell | shadeslayer: you packaged kdevelop but not kdevplatform? | 11:04 |
ryanakca | Riddell: Ah, apparently the sysadmins are still working on it. | 11:05 |
ryanakca | In any case, time for breakfast then work. | 11:06 |
eMyller | 'bk | 11:08 |
eMyller | weird stuff, dude | 11:08 |
eMyller | i'm getting menu bars both at the window and at the plasma widget after restart | 11:09 |
eMyller | Riddell: any idea why? it was working before installing libgtk from unity ppa the restart. | 11:14 |
Riddell | eMyller: I don't know, they recently changed the dbus interface so it may be an incompatibility there | 11:17 |
bulldog98 | Riddell: I packaged the new kdevelop-php, should I send it to revu? | 11:55 |
Riddell | bulldog98: great, yes revu | 12:09 |
Riddell | bulldog98: we're still missing kdevplatform though (unless you know different) | 12:10 |
bulldog98 | Riddell: it can be build with version 1.0.0, because it had no api changes | 12:10 |
yofel | Riddell: could you rebuild qtm? bug 573785 seems like it was last build against qt 4.6 beta | 12:14 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 573785 in qtm (Ubuntu) "QTM crashes when a window is launched" [High,Triaged] | 12:14 |
Riddell | bulldog98: still, I don't want to upload kdevelop or kdevelop-php without the new kdevplatform being packaged | 12:17 |
bulldog98 | Riddell: but uploading to revu is ok, because it won’t get build by it | 12:17 |
Riddell | yofel: do you want to give me a debdiff (means karma for you) | 12:18 |
Riddell | bulldog98: yes | 12:18 |
bulldog98 | Riddell: maybe I’ll find some time to update that this evening | 12:18 |
yofel | Riddell: what would be a good version, 1rebuild ? | 12:18 |
Riddell | yofel: -1build1 | 12:18 |
yofel | ok | 12:18 |
yofel | Riddell: | 12:22 |
Riddell | lovely | 12:24 |
yofel | Riddell: do you think I could get a SRU for this? as it's currently unusable in lucid too | 12:27 |
Riddell | yofel: yes could do | 12:41 |
Riddell | do you want to file the bug? | 12:41 |
yofel | shouldn't I just nominate bug 573785 for lucid when it's fixed in maverick? | 12:42 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 573785 in qtm (Ubuntu) "QTM crashes when a window is launched" [High,Triaged] | 12:42 |
yofel | and subscribe ubuntu-sru | 12:43 |
Riddell | yofel: you also need to add it to the lucid-backports package, add the lucid patch, add a test case, confirm that you've compiled and tested it then get me or someone to upload it | 13:06 |
Riddell | yofel: I'm afraid SRUs are necessarily hassle | 13:06 |
yofel | I know, and shouldn't it be lucid-propsed? Or why exactly would this be a backport | 13:07 |
Riddell | sorry ignore the lucid-backports bit | 13:08 |
Riddell | it's not a backport | 13:08 |
yofel | ok, I'll do the SRU procedure once it's rebuilt in maverick | 13:08 |
ScottK | Riddell and Mamarok: No, that's not valid. Please remove #kubuntu-netbook. | 13:28 |
Mamarok | ScottK: that's what I thought :) | 13:48 |
Riddell | fabo: this is a quick way to get webkit building with video and audio support | 14:15 |
fabo | Riddell: I just commited 2 patches. you should pick them | 14:20 |
fabo | one for Qt and one for Qt WebKit | 14:20 |
txwikinger | Riddell: I think the zombie processes appear independent of hibernation | 14:22 |
txwikinger | however I constantly get those, adding up more and more, until I have to reboot, because the system is just blocking all I/O to the HD | 14:23 |
fabo | Riddell: that's the same problem as Qt WebKit | 14:29 |
fabo | Riddell: phonon isn't detected when shipped standalone | 14:29 |
fabo | Riddell: I'm preparing a fix for upstream | 14:30 |
fabo | hmm no | 14:30 |
fabo | too fast | 14:30 |
fabo | that's something else | 14:30 |
fabo | Riddell: you could call qmake DEFINES+=ENABLE_VIDEO=1, it should work without patch | 14:38 |
yofel | txwikinger: you mean those? | 14:40 |
txwikinger | yofel: yes those | 14:40 |
txwikinger | On my desktop, I only have two and no more are created | 14:41 |
txwikinger | but on my netbook I get more and more (yesterday it was 2500) | 14:41 |
yofel | actually the kded zombies are especially annoying (bug 553557) | 14:46 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 553557 in acpid (Ubuntu) "kde power button configuration ignored" [Undecided,New] | 14:46 |
fabo | Riddell: override_dh_auto_configure: dh_auto_configure -- DEFINES+=ENABLE_VIDEO | 14:47 |
fabo | commited, thanks for the hint | 14:47 |
Quintasan | <3 cowbuilder | 15:24 |
txwikinger | Riddell: I found the source.. it happens when you disconnect or connect power.. there is already a bug for it | 15:35 |
ScottK | Riddell: The new netbook panel layout looks good, but it needs autohide turned off too (using app menu and autohide together is full of usability fail). | 15:40 |
* Riddell catches a train to Edinburgh, back online in two days | 16:33 | |
rbelem | hello everybody, i need some help to speedup the process of this bug | 16:42 |
rbelem | I would like to close this issue until monday | 16:43 |
CIA-33 | [ubuntu] Jonathan Thomas <> * * debian/ (3 files in 2 dirs) Add kubuntu_91_phonon_forget_option.diff from SuSE to allow users with roaming home directories to tell Phonon to always forget about old hw | 17:59 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: uh.. i should? ill do it right away | 18:40 |
shadeslayer | bulldog98: around? | 18:43 |
shadeslayer | ooooh... we have kdepim on agenda :D | 18:49 |
shadeslayer | ubuntu font already gets a +1 from me ( altho we should enable autohinting by default ) | 18:49 |
neversfelde | shadeslayer: I think bulldog is on holiday | 18:51 |
shadeslayer | is anyone packaging kdevplatform? | 18:51 |
shadeslayer | neversfelde: ah ok .. didnt know | 18:51 |
shadeslayer | just wanted to ask ^^ | 18:51 |
shadeslayer | whee... karma > 10k | 18:51 |
shadeslayer | and now my laptop is all kubuntu branded | 18:52 |
shadeslayer | i think i overdid it... :P | 18:52 |
shadeslayer | seems no one is packaging kdevplatform .. im doing it then | 18:52 |
neversfelde | oh I missed the doodle poll for the next meeting | 18:52 |
shadeslayer | awww.... | 18:53 |
neversfelde | never mind, I have time on monday | 18:53 |
shadeslayer | btw.. does anyone have a idea why we dont have nepomuk debug packages? | 18:53 |
shadeslayer | i just met one of the devs | 18:53 |
shadeslayer | and he was complaining ... and hes switching to arch :( | 18:54 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: ^^ | 18:54 |
shadeslayer | also..i now haz akademy t shirt \o/ | 18:55 |
Sput | apachelogger, fregl: have you considered putting Fluffy on this thing: | 20:12 |
neversfelde | Boyfriend is optional^^ | 20:13 |
=== gorgonizer_ is now known as gorgonizer | ||
shadeslayer | maco: Quintasan either of you around? | 20:42 |
maco | yes | 20:43 |
shadeslayer | maco: ok,i need kdevplatform sponsored from | 20:43 |
shadeslayer | :D | 20:43 |
shadeslayer | but let it build on buildd first :P | 20:43 |
shadeslayer | it builds in pbuilder.... | 20:43 |
shadeslayer | heh... poor Distribution builders : 101 jobs (9 hours 40 minutes) << amd64 | 20:45 |
shadeslayer | maco: what benefits do i get if my karma > 10k ? :P | 20:46 |
yofel | nothing, had 12k once, nobody cared :P | 20:47 |
shadeslayer | hahaha :P | 20:48 |
shadeslayer | does Qt creator qualify to go into kubuntu updates ppa? | 20:49 |
shadeslayer | ( the new 2.0 version ) | 20:49 |
shadeslayer | maco: btw i received a free pack of | 20:51 |
shadeslayer | so now my laptop is all kubuntu branded... :P | 20:52 |
maco | my laptop has stickers from those too, but i didnt buy them. yay freebies at uds | 20:52 |
shadeslayer | someone got it for me from akademy :) | 20:52 |
maco | ahok | 20:53 |
shadeslayer | plus one of the huge kde stickers + akademy t shirt :P | 20:53 |
Quintasan | shadeslayer: well, maco was first | 20:53 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: you had your chance :D | 20:53 |
Quintasan | anyways, I can't find any package which contains kephal/screen.h, any ideas? | 20:53 |
Quintasan | on maverick that is | 20:53 |
shadeslayer | !find kephal/screen.h | 20:54 |
ubottu | Package/file kephal/screen.h does not exist in lucid | 20:54 |
shadeslayer | :/ | 20:54 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: doesnt exsist :P | 20:54 |
Quintasan | maverick | 20:54 |
shadeslayer | ah | 20:54 |
Quintasan | in lucid it is in kdebase-workspace-dev | 20:54 |
shadeslayer | !find kephal/screen.h maverick | 20:54 |
ubottu | Package/file kephal/screen.h does not exist in maverick | 20:54 |
shadeslayer | heh.. | 20:54 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: tried apt-file search ? | 20:55 |
Quintasan | yes, returns exacly nothing | 20:55 |
shadeslayer | maybe its dropped/not-installed ? | 20:55 |
Quintasan | beats me, it is needed to build plasmoids | 20:55 |
yofel | !search kephal/screen.h | 20:56 |
ubottu | Found: | 20:56 |
Quintasan | see | 20:56 |
Quintasan | nothing | 20:56 |
Quintasan | :P | 20:56 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: any news on bzr+svn? | 20:57 |
Quintasan | nope | 20:57 |
shadeslayer | whats the use of having a 10 GB ppa | 20:57 |
shadeslayer | when you cant build kde | 20:57 |
Quintasan | I didn't pester them | 20:57 |
Quintasan | shadeslayer: go and annoy them, it's your turn today :P | 20:57 |
shadeslayer | ill be kicked ^_^ | 20:58 |
Quintasan | We can always make apachelogger fix it | 20:58 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: lets wait till tommorow :D | 20:58 |
Quintasan | He <3 Python | 20:58 |
shadeslayer | heh :P | 20:58 |
shadeslayer | kubotu: learn that apachelogger <3 python | 20:58 |
kubotu | okay, learned fact #2: apachelogger <3 python | 20:58 |
Quintasan | lol | 20:59 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: see fact 1 | 20:59 |
yofel | ~karma python | 20:59 |
kubotu | karma for python: -19 | 20:59 |
shadeslayer | kubotu: fact 1 | 21:00 |
kubotu | fact #1 of 2: lex79 owes me a new laptop if this one is blown to pieces [from evilshadeslayer!~shadeslay@ubuntu/member/shadeslayer on Sun Jul 11 03:03:15 +0300 2010 in #kubuntu-devel] | 21:00 |
Quintasan | lol | 21:00 |
Quintasan | kubotu: fact 2 | 21:00 |
kubotu | fact #2 of 2: apachelogger <3 python [from shadeslayer!~shadeslay@ubuntu/member/shadeslayer on Fri Jul 23 23:00:09 +0300 2010 in #kubuntu-devel] | 21:00 |
shadeslayer | btw anyone using ubuntu beta fonts? | 21:01 |
Quintasan | kubotu: learn that Python magic is Crappy magic | 21:01 |
kubotu | okay, learned fact #3: Python magic is Crappy magic | 21:01 |
=== shadeslayer is now known as Razac | ||
=== Razac is now known as shadeslayer | ||
shadeslayer | maco: whee.. it seems it builds fine : | 21:29 |
shadeslayer | from build log its about to finish | 21:29 |
maco | ok poke me when im home from work | 21:30 |
shadeslayer | maco: work? 0_o | 21:30 |
* shadeslayer thought maco was a student | 21:30 | |
shadeslayer | anyways.. after how many hours? | 21:31 |
maco | 2 hours | 21:31 |
maco | and i am a student | 21:32 |
maco | students dont work in your country, particularly during holiday? | 21:32 |
shadeslayer | maco: nope... we have training..but we dont get paid for it.. so no actual work as such | 21:32 |
maco | oh. well...then how do they pay for school? | 21:32 |
shadeslayer | training == industrial training/exposure/what ever | 21:33 |
maco | or for like... a place to live while in school? | 21:33 |
shadeslayer | uh oh... | 21:33 |
shadeslayer | maco: i stay with my parents :P | 21:33 |
shadeslayer | everyone does | 21:33 |
maco | oh. thatd be a really really long commute to school for me | 21:33 |
maco | my parents live 250mi away | 21:33 |
maco | 4hr by car | 21:33 |
shadeslayer | and the ones living in hostels/PG's get money from their parents | 21:34 |
maco | whats a pg? | 21:34 |
maco | i live in a flat | 21:34 |
shadeslayer | Paying Guest | 21:34 |
shadeslayer | you live in with a family but are a 'Paying' Guest | 21:34 |
shadeslayer | ( not your own family of course ) | 21:34 |
maco | during school year, i work ~15hr/wk, during summer holiday, i work closer to full time | 21:34 |
shadeslayer | nice... i had to travel 2 hours daily by metro+cab during my 6 week industrial training | 21:35 |
shadeslayer | but then as i said.. i didnt get paid :P | 21:36 |
maco | i live about 40 minutes from work for metro+bus and 20 from school by metro | 21:36 |
maco | so you actually *lost* money on the deal then, ugh | 21:36 |
maco | since you had to pay for the metro & cab | 21:36 |
shadeslayer | << i hate when downloads go to more than 100 MB | 21:37 |
maco | so does that mean your parents pay for your schooling too? | 21:37 |
shadeslayer | maco: heh.. you dont know half the story :P | 21:37 |
shadeslayer | most of the people pay 4k INR + the travelling stuff to get industrial training here | 21:37 |
maco | here, only really rich families have the parents pay for the schooling, unless you go to a very cheap public school | 21:37 |
shadeslayer | well.. its a different concept here :P | 21:39 |
maco | seems like | 21:39 |
shadeslayer | we get chucked out of the house after we get a full fledged job | 21:39 |
maco | i will come out of school with massive debt and pay it off over a few years after graduating | 21:39 |
shadeslayer | until the time we are studying... we get pampered ^_^ | 21:39 |
maco | we try to get out as quick as we can :P | 21:40 |
* maco points to "250mi" | 21:40 | |
shadeslayer | lol... | 21:40 |
maco | we're expected to get jobs around age 15. while in secondary school / high school, thats spending money. in college/uni, it's flat money, beer money, food money... everything | 21:40 |
shadeslayer | most of the countries have this concept | 21:40 |
shadeslayer | india doesnt :P | 21:40 |
shadeslayer | maco: thing is ... no one will employ me until i have a proper degree ( i.e a undergraduate degree ) | 21:41 |
maco | and getting a job after uni is pretty hard if you didnt have one during | 21:41 |
shadeslayer | thats the min. criteria | 21:41 |
maco | experience counts a lot here | 21:42 |
maco | so if you have a degree but no work experience, you wont get hired here | 21:42 |
shadeslayer | yes.. thats why we have this training period of 6 weeks | 21:42 |
maco | only 6 weeks? | 21:42 |
shadeslayer | after our 2nd and 3rd year | 21:42 |
shadeslayer | maco: yeah.. 6 weeks == entire summer holidays gone | 21:42 |
maco | oh wow ours are 12wk | 21:43 |
shadeslayer | so we started our summer holidays on 14th june,i got placed on 15th june.. college opens this monday | 21:43 |
maco | and internships *don't* count as work experience, according to some employers here. (what you describe... not being paid, but doing work... sounds like internships) | 21:43 |
maco | wow. we started summer holidays mid-may and start school again 30 aug | 21:44 |
shadeslayer | maco: its called industrial training here.. but thats what i call it personally.. internships | 21:44 |
shadeslayer | maco: and the best part... i dont know if i cleared the previous sem | 21:44 |
shadeslayer | results will be out in October.... just before the exams for the next sem start | 21:45 |
shadeslayer | yes... i have a ....weird uni... :P | 21:45 |
Quintasan | omfg | 21:52 |
Quintasan | that reminds me | 21:52 |
Quintasan | I wonder if I passed CAE | 21:53 |
shadeslayer | CAE ??? :P | 21:55 |
Quintasan | shadeslayer: Certificate in Advanced English | 22:45 |
Quintasan | :P | 22:45 |
shadeslayer | oh i see | 22:45 |
shadeslayer | i was certified in something called Business Enlgish Course by the British Council | 22:46 |
shadeslayer | BEC for short | 22:46 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: | 22:47 |
shadeslayer | i scored 90/100 in BEC Vantage :P | 22:47 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: bug 609276 << should i backport to ppa? | 22:48 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 609276 in qtcreator (Ubuntu) "qt-creator in (k)ubuntu out of date" [Undecided,New] | 22:48 |
ScottK | Backport to backports .... | 22:49 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: lucid-backports? | 22:49 |
ScottK | That's the sort of thing it's there for. | 22:49 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: ok.. can you upload kdevplatform from | 22:50 |
ScottK | Backports should come from Maverick. | 22:50 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: of course | 22:50 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: any idea why we dont have virtuoso debug packages? | 22:51 |
ScottK | No | 22:51 |
shadeslayer | :( | 22:51 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: cant be backported.... we need Qt 4.7 in lucid to build qtcreator 2.0 | 22:59 |
shadeslayer | Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 7.4.15), libqt4-dev (>= 4:4.7.0~), qt4-dev-tools | 22:59 |
ScottK | OK. That's a good reason to put it in a PPA. | 23:00 |
shadeslayer | ill upload to PPA then | 23:00 |
shadeslayer | doesnt need any changes imo | 23:00 |
eMyller | how's lightspark behaving today? | 23:01 |
shadeslayer | eMyller: doesnt work for me in maverick | 23:02 |
eMyller | gonna test it at lucid | 23:02 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: should i put it in beta backports? | 23:03 |
shadeslayer | or just backports | 23:03 |
* shadeslayer opts for beta backports... | 23:03 | |
eMyller | i faced a weird problem this morning; plasma-widget-menubar was working flawlessly, then after i installed appmenu-gtk and restarted, the menu bar appeared in both application window and in the plasma-widget. | 23:04 |
ScottK | shadeslayer: Beta (since it needs Qt 4.7) | 23:04 |
shadeslayer | hmm | 23:04 |
ScottK | eMyller: See my recent blog post on planet ubuntu on the topic. | 23:04 |
eMyller | reading, thanks :) | 23:06 |
ScottK | Bottom line is it's because the GTK stuff is behind the Qt stuff. Of course. | 23:07 |
eMyller | heh | 23:07 |
eMyller | i was about to uninstall appmenu-gtk | 23:07 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: uploading | 23:08 |
shadeslayer | and then ill go to sleep | 23:08 |
ScottK | OK | 23:09 |
eMyller | ScottK: actually my 80appmenu doesn't have DISPLAY_BOTH; should i add it with 0? | 23:10 |
ScottK | eMyller: Worth a try. Not sure as stuff may have changed. | 23:11 |
eMyller | ScottK: is that trick for gtk apps only? | 23:12 |
eMyller | the problem happened to me with both qt and gtk. | 23:12 |
eMyller | well, restarting X; brb | 23:12 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: eMyller night :) | 23:13 |
ScottK | eMyller: The DISPLAY_BOTH environment variable affects both Qt and GTK, but it (at least was) shipped only in the GTK package. | 23:17 |
eMyller | shadeslayer: sleep well :) | 23:18 |
eMyller | ScottK: setting it to 0 didn't work. now it's not even working for gtk apps :P | 23:19 |
ScottK | eMyller: Sorry. No idea then. That solved it a week ago. | 23:20 |
eMyller | np. maybe something is getting changed.. | 23:20 |
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu, making your PC friendly | | Kubuntu Meeting, Monday 19:00UTC, #ubuntu-meeting | | ||
eMyller | ScottK: just did some tests here; 1) i have uninstalled appmenu-gtk and rm'ed 80appmenu and it's working again with qt apps; 2) installed appmenu-gtk 0.1.1 and did the trick you mentioned, but didn't work. :\ 3) installed 0.1.3 again, and it's misteriously working with qt but not with gtk. | 23:37 |
ScottK | You probably don't have 80appmenu at all and you need that for the GTK stuff. | 23:38 |
ScottK | Purge appmenu-gtk and then reinstall to get it back. | 23:38 |
ScottK | </guess work> | 23:38 |
eMyller | i did it | 23:38 |
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