=== raffa_ is now known as raffa-laptop | ||
mshorts | hello. I need help. I have gotten a wireless adapter so I can use with Kubuntu and have the zip downloaded from realtek .... now what do I do? I know it was make and make install but I can't remember all the details | 01:10 |
mshorts | anyone home | 01:15 |
mshorts | hello. I need help. I have gotten a wireless adapter so I can use with Kubuntu and have the zip downloaded from realtek .... now what do I do? I know it was make and make install but I can't remember all the details | 01:16 |
mshorts | anyone here | 02:07 |
luis__ | hi everyone i have openoffice3.2 and i opened an hour ago and told me there's an update available i click ok and it downloaded a .tar.gz file how do i applied that so my openoffice can be updated? | 02:15 |
luis__ | hel please | 02:15 |
luis__ | help* | 02:16 |
luis__ | thanks anyway i already find out how to do the update with that file :P | 02:32 |
=== crissi_ is now known as CrissiD | ||
sea4ever | Hi, there seems to be something strange going on with my X server. | 02:55 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
sea4ever | The edges of gradients are green-pixellated and sort of flickering, but only sometimes. | 02:55 |
sea4ever | I've booted into BSD (here I am now) and it doesn't occur. | 02:55 |
sea4ever | I've also taken screenshots and checked them but the green pixels are not saved, it looks normal. | 02:56 |
cato37 | after playing supertux, the screen resolution had a hard time resetting, and now the information bar in dolphin won't auto adjust. it is stuck in monster size. how do i get it back to being adustable? | 03:13 |
kwtm | Hi! How are you all? | 03:31 |
cato37 | after playing supertux, the screen resolution had a hard time resetting, and now the information bar in dolphin won't auto adjust. it is stuck in monster size. how do i get it back to being adustable? | 04:07 |
cato37 | have agood night all. | 04:14 |
avihay | mmm, anyone know why my dolphin takes 540MB of RAM? I only have 40 tabs open. it also seems to grow as time goes by, when I start the computer, dolphin doesn't take that much memory | 05:07 |
=== root is now known as Guest795 | ||
navetz | Hi I need help. New applications that I install are not beign added to my start menu. | 06:47 |
navetz | How can I fix this? | 06:47 |
sea4ever | You can log out and back in and that'll fix it for sure, or you can run update-menus in a terminal | 06:49 |
idanka_ | hali | 06:49 |
idanka_ | tud valaki segíteni Kubuntu/nvidia csúnya fontokban? | 06:50 |
navetz | sea4ever: logging out and in has not fixed it, and update-menus doesn't work as a command for me | 06:52 |
sea4ever | Oh interesting, how'd you install the new stuff? | 06:53 |
navetz | sea4ever: with apt-get | 06:53 |
sea4ever | Well..maybe kbuildsyscoca? :\ Since nothing else works | 06:55 |
navetz | sea4ever: I am trying that now, I don't really know what its suppose to do and it gives me some errors | 06:59 |
sea4ever | What are the errors? | 07:01 |
navetz | sea4ever: humm, seems to have worked, plasma desktop crashed but the menu items are there now after it restarted | 07:02 |
sea4ever | lol weird, but it works..dunno why plasma went and crashed though. | 07:03 |
navetz | sea4ever: what does that program do? | 07:05 |
sea4ever | navetz: Y'know I have no idea really. It rebuilds some kde thing or other. | 07:06 |
navetz | sea4ever: haha well thanks for recommending it | 07:06 |
sea4ever | lol. No problem. If you ever figure out what it does let me know though | 07:07 |
sea4ever | Oh wait I got it. It's 'kbuildsycoca' and it rebuilds the 'kSyCoCa' Kde System configuration Cache. | 07:08 |
=== praseem is now known as yoda | ||
=== yoda is now known as Guest86669 | ||
gunsofbrixton | hi, how do I know which qt libraries I have on my system? | 09:58 |
gunsofbrixton | I mean, which version... | 09:58 |
Torch | gunsofbrixton: kde4-config --version shows you what kde uses. | 10:02 |
Thrik | hi all. using quassel, i accidently clicked on the menu item to hide the menu. now, i can't figure out to unhide the file menu. any clues? | 10:22 |
Thrik | ctrl-m | 10:25 |
dany_ | hi all | 10:35 |
dany_ | I got a problem | 10:35 |
dany_ | I upgraded to Kubuntu 10 | 10:35 |
dany_ | and now sometimes when I try to shutdown the system the system does not | 10:36 |
dany_ | shutdown properly | 10:36 |
dany_ | there is the blue screen with the text "kubuntu 10" and the loading bar but it does not shutdown :( | 10:37 |
dany_ | in these cases I must reboot the system and shutdown.. What can I do? | 10:37 |
=== bottiger__ is now known as bottiger | ||
dany_ | is there nobody? | 11:19 |
Misterio | dany_: no :P | 11:25 |
dany_ | :D | 11:25 |
dany_ | one in the desert :P | 11:25 |
Chicano | hi everyone | 11:27 |
Misterio | Hi Chicano | 11:28 |
Chicano | I've got backports installed and have seen blocked koffice updates for quite some time now. | 11:28 |
Chicano | I guess my question is: why haven't the prerequisite packages been uploaded to the archives? | 11:28 |
Misterio | Chicano: Did you check universe and that stuff enabled? | 11:28 |
Misterio | if there are enabled | 11:28 |
Chicano | yeah, main, universe and multiverse are all enabled | 11:29 |
Misterio | Chicano: Have you tried updating in a terminal? "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get upgrade" | 11:30 |
Chicano | yep, tried apt-get and aptitude | 11:30 |
Chicano | the koffice 2.2.1 packages remain blocked | 11:30 |
Chicano | The first week I didn't even pay any mind to the blocked packages | 11:31 |
Chicano | but since it's not an experimental package, I'd like to update them if at all possible | 11:32 |
Misterio | Chicano: Do you have backports enabled? Is Koffice a backport version? | 11:32 |
CaNoc | hello, my screen is 1280x1024, but every time i reboot, it's alway 1600x1200, I'm using ATI proprietary driver. | 11:34 |
CaNoc | how can I fix it? | 11:35 |
Chicano | Hm I though koffice 2.2.1 *had* to be backports but it seems it isn't | 11:36 |
Chicano | ok now I'm confused - I removed all "external" repo's (all entries in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* are commented out) but I *still* get the blocked updates | 11:42 |
Misterio | Chicano: Try disabling backports | 11:42 |
Chicano | Indeed, they're in the (non kubuntu-specific) backports | 11:44 |
Chicano | aren't packages from there supposed to be at least upgradeable? | 11:45 |
Misterio | Chicano: No, backports mean maverick's updates | 11:46 |
Misterio | Chicano: There aren't old versions patched, there are new versions | 11:46 |
Misterio | Chicano: Imagine; recommend updates install patches for firefox 3. Backports, instead, installs firefox 3.5 or 4 | 11:47 |
Chicano | yeah but it's a repository separate from ubuntu+1's repos right? | 11:48 |
Misterio | Right | 11:48 |
Chicano | then I would think they would upgrade the prereqs for any package in there as well | 11:50 |
Chicano | it's a bit difficult to use a package that you can't install | 11:53 |
Chicano | but ok, I guess it can't be helped for now then | 11:53 |
Chicano | thanks for the help | 11:54 |
Mamarok | Chicano: I have those packages installed, did you try installing by hand, eg. sudo apt-get install koffice? | 12:04 |
Chicano | yeah I bluntly installed koffice | 12:05 |
Mamarok | Chicano: and you can't get the 2.2. version? | 12:05 |
Mamarok | Misterio: backporets doesn't mean Maverick updates on Lucid, that is nonesense | 12:06 |
Mamarok | backports* | 12:06 |
Mamarok | 2.2.1* | 12:06 |
Chicano | I've currently got 2.2.0, but 2.2.1 remains blocked yeah | 12:06 |
Mamarok | Chicano: and did you try changing the mirror server? Maybe switching to main could help | 12:07 |
Mamarok | sometimes a mirror is not correctly updated | 12:07 |
Mamarok | I use the main server and was able to update without problems | 12:07 |
Chicano | I currently use main - local servers are sometimes terribly slow | 12:08 |
Chicano | but I'll try switching to see what happens | 12:08 |
Mamarok | hm, then it really should work | 12:08 |
Misterio | Mamarok: sorry, was busy | 12:08 |
Mamarok | Misterio: np | 12:08 |
Misterio | Mamarok: Doesn't backport mean the next ubuntu's version updates? | 12:08 |
Mamarok | Misterio: not necessarily | 12:09 |
Mamarok | you certainly don't get everything that is in +1 in the backports | 12:09 |
Chicano | still blocked | 12:09 |
Chicano | interesting to see that a server (which is supposedly on one of the fastest networks in this country) which is less than 2 km away is still slower than the main server | 12:10 |
Chicano | in case it helps, these packages are blocked: kpresenter, kspread, kword, koffice, kchart, karbon, krita, kplato, kexi, kthesaurus and koffice-libs | 12:12 |
Mamarok | what about koffice-data? | 12:14 |
Mamarok | Chicano: do you still have koreport installed from 2.2.0? Maybe removing that can help | 12:16 |
Mamarok | as it is not needed in 2.2.1 anymore | 12:17 |
Chicano | if i try to remove it aptitude tells me that koffice-libs and kplato are broken | 12:18 |
Chicano | I guess i'll just accept the solution and see what happens | 12:19 |
Chicano | Mamarok: I think you're right, the pkgmgt system was basically falling over the disappeared koreport package | 12:21 |
Mamarok | Chicano: I remember it was removed when I updated | 12:22 |
Mamarok | still, that would be a dependency problem in the 2.2. packages, it should just remove it | 12:23 |
Mamarok | 2.2.1 (my 1 key is not working well, sorry) | 12:23 |
Chicano | I honestly have no idea why it didn't | 12:25 |
Mamarok | Chicano: don't worry, neither have I, it's just strange it worked for me but not for you | 12:27 |
Chicano | ah well, it's upgraded now, thanks a bunch :) | 12:28 |
Mamarok | Chicano: you are welcome :) | 12:30 |
=== simi is now known as simion314 | ||
=== thiago_ is now known as ThiagoMedeiros | ||
markit | hi, I would like to have a program that shows me the wifi hotspot available with a good indication of strenght of the signal. swscanner would be perfect but tells that can' get the list. any tip? | 13:29 |
markit | (failed to read scan data) | 13:30 |
markit | wifimanager plasmoid seems not to update data very well, so does not fit to my needs | 13:31 |
cvmissiontech | cv.mission tec | 13:46 |
=== Misterio is now known as Misterio_ | ||
=== Misterio_ is now known as Misterio | ||
BluesKaj | 'Morning all | 14:16 |
cm | hola¿? | 14:55 |
cm | esto funciona? | 14:55 |
cm | hola? | 14:56 |
cm | alguien me puede ayudar? | 14:56 |
cm | no sé cómo va esto | 14:56 |
Torch | !english | cm | 14:56 |
ubottu | cm: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 14:56 |
cm | oh tanks | 14:57 |
=== root is now known as Guest41518 | ||
hellslinger | sigh... does anyone know how to disable emulate3buttons in 10.04? I cannot turn it off for the life of me, | 15:07 |
James147 | hellslinger: see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Input | 15:17 |
=== patrick is now known as Guest4101 | ||
=== CrissiD is now known as TheWolfinatress | ||
jimmy51_ | is the kernel installed with 64 bit kubuntu 10.04 a "standard kernel" ? | 16:12 |
=== TheWolfinatress is now known as CrissiD | ||
slinker1 | 2.6.32-24-generic on mine | 16:13 |
slinker1 | so i guess yes | 16:13 |
slinker1 | well standard 64 bit anyway | 16:14 |
alelnro1 | Hello everybody | 16:16 |
alelnro1 | Hey everybody | 16:16 |
alelnro1 | I am trying to install kubuntu 10.04 LTS | 16:17 |
alelnro1 | but I am getting a multicolor screen | 16:17 |
James147 | !hi | alelnro1 | 16:17 |
ubottu | alelnro1: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay! | 16:17 |
alelnro1 | I really do not now what to do, can someone help me? | 16:17 |
alelnro1 | I tried by writting i915.modeset=1 but it does not work | 16:18 |
hellslinger | alelnro1: what is the problem? | 16:18 |
James147 | alelnro1: multicolor screen? could you explain in abit more detail? | 16:18 |
alelnro1 | Yes, let me show you a pic of something exactly the same I found on internet...1 moment | 16:18 |
alelnro1 | I am getting this problem: http://s3.amazonaws.com/satisfaction-production/s3_images/14588/p_inline.jpg | 16:19 |
alelnro1 | But I am using a desktop computer not a laptop | 16:19 |
alelnro1 | I have Quad Core, 2GB DDR3, GeForge 220 GT, Gigabyte 2 | 16:19 |
James147 | alelnro1: what graphics card do you have? | 16:19 |
James147 | .. | 16:19 |
James147 | :) | 16:19 |
hellslinger | oh wow, hahaha | 16:20 |
hellslinger | so is it all vertical bars or is there anything recognizable on the screen? | 16:20 |
alelnro1 | So you see...isn't it a good computer?? | 16:20 |
alelnro1 | Yes, all vertical bars | 16:20 |
alelnro1 | I am not able to read anything | 16:20 |
tim | hi, is there a way to configure phonon to use jack as backend? currently it shows me only pulseaudio ... | 16:20 |
alelnro1 | Just like you see on that picture | 16:20 |
hellslinger | does it successfully boot past the ubuntu splash screen? | 16:20 |
James147 | alelnro1: my guess would be the Nouveau drivers..... | 16:21 |
alelnro1 | it appears the screen to choose from the menu, like install, try without installing | 16:21 |
hellslinger | tim: there is a way to use mplayer, but not jack, what are you trying to do? | 16:21 |
alelnro1 | So?? Any idea?? I mean | 16:22 |
tim | hellslinger, it is as easy as playing from amarok via jack ... | 16:22 |
alelnro1 | I have to install some drivers in some way | 16:22 |
hellslinger | alelnro1: are you able to ctrl + alt + F1 and get to a text login? | 16:22 |
tim | hellslinger, since mplayer supports jack, how can i configure phonon to use mplayer as backend? | 16:23 |
alelnro1 | JamesI really do not know | 16:23 |
alelnro1 | I haven't try that | 16:23 |
alelnro1 | Hold on a minute please | 16:23 |
hellslinger | tim: my apologies, there is a gstreamer backend for phonon rather than mplayer | 16:24 |
hellslinger | however, it is not very stable in my experience... I guess I'm curious as to why one might want to use something other than xine... areyou experiencing trouble? | 16:25 |
alelnro1 | James147: I am getting another computer so that I can test and chat at the same time | 16:25 |
hellslinger | tim: if so, we can probably help solve the pulse issue | 16:25 |
James147 | alelnro1: ping me when your ready | 16:26 |
tim | hellslinger, well, the pulse devs weren't really able to help me :/ | 16:26 |
hellslinger | tim: what was the problem you were having? | 16:26 |
hellslinger | tim: just no sound? | 16:26 |
tim | hellslinger, pulseaudio causes the machine to hickup, if the breakout box of my audio interface is not connected | 16:27 |
hellslinger | what kind of sound card | 16:27 |
tim | hellslinger, rme hdsp ... http://www.rme-audio.de/en_products_multiface_2.php | 16:28 |
hellslinger | wow great card | 16:28 |
tim | hellslinger, first portable multichannel card with good alsa support | 16:29 |
hellslinger | why not bypass this card entirely and use integrated audio for system alerts and such... | 16:30 |
tim | hellslinger, i don't want to listen to music with the shitty dac and the mini-jack connector of the onboard card, if i have high-quality converters with balanced jack outputs | 16:31 |
hellslinger | tim: understandable, I use my Delta 1010 for that purpose a lot | 16:32 |
tim | hellslinger, via phonon->pulseaudio->jack->alsa? | 16:33 |
hellslinger | tim: a super nice low latency recording card like RME should probably avoid pulse as it is a high latency network based sound stuff | 16:33 |
hellslinger | tim: how about redirecting the phonon config to just use the card via alsa instead of going through pulse? | 16:34 |
tim | hellslinger, it depends on the use case ... playing some music is one use case, running ardour or supercollider another ... | 16:34 |
tim | hellslinger, can i configure phonon to directly use jack as backend? | 16:35 |
hellslinger | tim: unfortunately no, jack cannot be used with phonon | 16:35 |
tim | hellslinger, hm ... | 16:35 |
hellslinger | tim: jack uses ALSA though and in a way is the same layer as pulseaudio | 16:35 |
hellslinger | try this: | 16:35 |
hellslinger | in the System Settings -> muiltimedia list | 16:36 |
hellslinger | you should see a list of hardware and pulseaudio should be in that list | 16:36 |
tim | hellslinger, system settings -> multimedia -> phonon shows me just pulseaudio :/ | 16:37 |
hellslinger | I would defer pulse audio in the entire audio output category | 16:37 |
hellslinger | aha! that is a clue | 16:37 |
tim | hellslinger, (i've checked the `show advanced devices' option) | 16:37 |
hellslinger | wiat a second here, I see jack in my audio output list | 16:37 |
hellslinger | (which I didn't think was possible before) | 16:37 |
tim | hellslinger, great ... then we should get my machine to the state of yours ;) | 16:39 |
hellslinger | that is interesting that you are unable to see your alsa devices | 16:39 |
hellslinger | what happens when you click youir "Show advanced devices" checkbox? | 16:40 |
alelnro12 | Hey guys I am the same as alelnro1 | 16:41 |
tim | hellslinger, nothing ... i have checked it anyway | 16:41 |
alelnro12 | James147: What was the combination? alt +?? | 16:41 |
James147 | alelnro12: alt + crtl + F1 | 16:41 |
James147 | alelnro12: that should take you to a terminal | 16:42 |
alelnro12 | when do i put that? | 16:42 |
James147 | alelnro12: once it has fully booted | 16:42 |
James147 | alelnro12: ie once your screen goes funny :) | 16:42 |
alelnro12 | James 147: Right now I am in the menu screen | 16:42 |
alelnro12 | James 147: Oh okey | 16:43 |
alelnro12 | James 147: I pressed that but nothing happens | 16:43 |
alelnro12 | I mean..the colors changed | 16:44 |
James147 | alelnro12: and what happens if you press alt + print screen + k ? | 16:44 |
alelnro12 | James 147: wait I'll try to put the 1st option "try without installing it" | 16:44 |
James147 | alelnro12: opps, yeah you need to pick that option | 16:45 |
alelnro12 | James 147: nothing happens in both ways | 16:45 |
alelnro12 | James 147: I mean, the "bar codes" are still there | 16:46 |
hellslinger | tim: is your card supported by alsa? | 16:46 |
James147 | alelnro12: even if you boot into the "try without instlling" mode? | 16:46 |
alelnro12 | James147: Yes, I am in that option | 16:47 |
James147 | alelnro12: hmm... could you try running the cd check? | 16:47 |
hellslinger | tim: err, sorry are you able to access it through alsa? | 16:47 |
hellslinger | tim: like, alsamixer and adjust inputs and oiutputs? | 16:47 |
alelnro12 | James147: Yes but I really don't think that the cd is the problem... | 16:48 |
James147 | alelnro12: just checking :) | 16:48 |
alelnro12 | OMG! | 16:48 |
alelnro12 | James147: The bars just appeared again! | 16:48 |
tim | hellslinger, alsamixer is not the appropriate tool for it ... there is a dedicated hdspmixer application, shipped with alsa ... the card itself is working via alsa and via jack ... | 16:48 |
tim | hellslinger, one interesting point, that may be interesting ... what version of phonon-backend-xine are you using? | 16:49 |
hellslinger | 0.2.60 | 16:49 |
alelnro12 | James147: Maybe by changing some options? Some modes (F4) ? | 16:50 |
James147 | alelnro12: not sure that would help... sounds like a driver issue to me | 16:50 |
alelnro12 | James147: Yes for me also, but I don't know how to install it! | 16:51 |
James147 | alelnro12: need to get to a terminal :S | 16:51 |
alelnro12 | James147: Yes...but how?! | 16:51 |
James147 | alelnro12: thats what I am not sure about :) | 16:52 |
alelnro12 | James147: Maybe at the computer boot screen? | 16:52 |
alelnro12 | James147: I enter the CD and install the nVidia drivers? | 16:52 |
hellslinger | alelnro12: if you can't get the system to boot up into even a simple VGA mode, there might be a greater problem affecting you | 16:52 |
tim | hellslinger, hm ... i am running phonon from the kubuntu beta ppa ... 4:4.7.0really4.4.2-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1 | 16:53 |
James147 | hellslinger: how do you boot the live cd into vga mode? | 16:53 |
alelnro12 | hellslinger: The thing is that it is entering, but the this stripes are blocking my sight | 16:53 |
alelnro12 | My screen goes like this: http://s3.amazonaws.com/satisfaction-production/s3_images/14588/p_inline.jpg | 16:54 |
alelnro12 | So guys, no idea :S? | 16:55 |
hellslinger | tim: I used to use gentoo, for years actually, part of the reason I switched to ubuntu was to go the "stable" route... | 16:55 |
hellslinger | alelnro12: I'm checking to see what the init=3 boot equivalent for the live cd is | 16:55 |
alelnro12 | hellslinger: Ok | 16:56 |
tim | hellslinger, me too ... but sometimes i cannot resist ;) | 16:56 |
hellslinger | tim: yeah.. however I'm still puzzled as to why your devices aren't showing up in the list | 16:57 |
hellslinger | that should happen anyway | 16:57 |
tim | hellslinger, i guess, i should go to the phonon channel ... | 16:58 |
tim | they will now some of the internals ;) | 16:58 |
hellslinger | tim: yeah... sounds to me like this could be alsa related though | 16:59 |
hellslinger | alelnro12: I assume you tried safe graphics mode (F4)? | 16:59 |
alelnro12 | When¡ | 17:00 |
* James147 dosent see that option here :( | 17:00 | |
alelnro12 | hellslinger: When do I F4? F4 appears to me as modes | 17:01 |
* James147 shouldent be using the 10.10 alhpa cd :p | 17:01 | |
alelnro12 | And I have these options: Normal, Use driver update disc and OEM install (for manufacturers) | 17:02 |
hellslinger | alelnro12: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Changing the Boot Option Configuration Line | 17:02 |
hellslinger | FFS | 17:02 |
hellslinger | hahaha bad URL | 17:02 |
alelnro12 | hmm? | 17:03 |
hellslinger | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=mainboot.png | 17:03 |
hellslinger | are you getting a boot menu like this? | 17:03 |
alelnro12 | Kind of, I am using kubuntu anyway | 17:03 |
alelnro12 | But I do not get safe graphics mode | 17:03 |
alelnro12 | I just get those options I just told you | 17:03 |
hellslinger | oh I see | 17:04 |
hellslinger | yeah sorry... I've been up all night | 17:04 |
hellslinger | haha | 17:04 |
hellslinger | so does it only do this on 10.10? | 17:05 |
hellslinger | does it work ok on a previous version of ubuntu/kubuntu? | 17:05 |
alelnro12 | yes | 17:05 |
James147 | hellslinger: alelnro12 is using 10.04 | 17:05 |
alelnro12 | but i am working on 10.04 | 17:05 |
hellslinger | oh I thought that was a different comp | 17:05 |
alelnro12 | OH YES!!! | 17:07 |
alelnro12 | It's starting! | 17:07 |
alelnro12 | I wrote vga=771 and it worked :D! | 17:07 |
alelnro12 | Now let's see if it does not get stucked | 17:07 |
alelnro12 | Okey, I am in the console | 17:08 |
alelnro12 | It just disappeared | 17:08 |
alelnro12 | And started the graphic mode :D | 17:08 |
hellslinger | oh man, I hate that... | 17:09 |
hellslinger | 10.04 did that when I was having trouble with graphics too | 17:09 |
hellslinger | err xorg.conf trouble that is | 17:09 |
alelnro12 | So the solution for everybody is vga=771 | 17:09 |
hellslinger | hahah | 17:09 |
hellslinger | t would be nice to get some dmesg output or some Xorg.0.log output | 17:09 |
hellslinger | to see what is going on | 17:10 |
alelnro12 | Yes hehe..I think canonical should repair this ASAP | 17:10 |
alelnro12 | Now, does kubuntu work fast? | 17:10 |
hellslinger | alelnro12: lsmod and see if nvidia is running | 17:11 |
James147 | alelnro12: depends what you mean by fast :) i find it faster then windws 7 but slower then gnome :) | 17:11 |
alelnro12 | James147: So you would stay with ubuntu.. | 17:11 |
hellslinger | nah! | 17:11 |
alelnro12 | hellslinger: I am going to install it, I don't have the menu option | 17:11 |
James147 | alelnro12: hell no, love kde way much more then gnome and can live with it being slightly slower :D | 17:11 |
slinker1 | agreed gnome always ends up ii$$ing me off | 17:12 |
hellslinger | alelnro12: there are ways to get it running faster | 17:12 |
hellslinger | for instance: | 17:12 |
alelnro12 | hey guys I just pressed Alt + Ctrl + F1 and I don't know how to return to the kde | 17:13 |
James147 | alelnro12: alt+ctrl+f7 | 17:14 |
James147 | or 8 or 9... | 17:14 |
hellslinger | alelnro12: if you are using oxygen, go to System Settings -> Appearance -> Style -> Fine Tuning | 17:14 |
hellslinger | set to "Low Display resolution and low CPU" | 17:14 |
hellslinger | improve the snappiness for me a lot | 17:14 |
James147 | soudnt really have anyproblems with preformance >> <alelnro1> I have Quad Core, 2GB DDR3, GeForge 220 GT, Gigabyte 2 | 17:15 |
hellslinger | I didn't have problems.. but it just made it more responsive | 17:15 |
* James147 goes se see what options he has there | 17:15 | |
hellslinger | alelnro12: are you using OpenGL compositing? | 17:15 |
alelnro12 | heheh I should have that | 17:15 |
alelnro12 | How do I know that? | 17:15 |
hellslinger | System Settings -> Desktop -> Desktop Effects | 17:16 |
hellslinger | you'll see a big green check mark | 17:16 |
alelnro12 | Oh wait, I am installing it | 17:16 |
hellslinger | only works if you have nvidia driver loading | 17:16 |
hellslinger | err loaded | 17:16 |
hellslinger | requires hardware opengl | 17:16 |
alelnro12 | All right, so when the installation finishes loading, I will check all the things you told me | 17:17 |
alelnro12 | alelnro12 is hapier :) | 17:17 |
hellslinger | sorry, might be overload | 17:17 |
hellslinger | I've spent a lot of time tweaking those settings on my Core 2 + 9800 GTX | 17:17 |
alelnro12 | That's a nice pc | 17:17 |
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hellslinger | it's fast either way, but I want it to be really really snappy! | 17:17 |
hellslinger | haha | 17:17 |
hellslinger | I ahve windows 7 and mac os 10.6 on this thing, and I want linux to be faster than both | 17:18 |
* alelnro12 is happier | 17:18 | |
alelnro12 | Anyway...the installer is going reaaally slow :S | 17:19 |
alelnro12 | Why can that be? | 17:19 |
hellslinger | yeah, CD boot | 17:19 |
alelnro12 | I am already in the installation process | 17:20 |
hellslinger | oh very good | 17:20 |
hellslinger | yeah, your HDs are probably under load | 17:20 |
hellslinger | I'd just wait till its done and do all that stuff afterward | 17:20 |
alelnro12 | ok | 17:20 |
hellslinger | livecd install was slow for me too | 17:20 |
alelnro12 | I just changed the language | 17:20 |
hellslinger | what quad core do you have alelnro12? | 17:20 |
alelnro12 | I am not in live cd...that the problem | 17:21 |
alelnro12 | hellslinger: Intel Core2 Quad Q8400 | 17:22 |
hellslinger | GTX 220? | 17:22 |
alelnro12 | No, GT 220 | 17:22 |
hellslinger | checking benchmarks on that thing, do you game on it? | 17:23 |
alelnro12 | not much.. | 17:24 |
alelnro12 | do you know counter strike? | 17:24 |
hellslinger | yep :) | 17:24 |
hellslinger | used to play CS:S a lot | 17:24 |
alelnro12 | The same...welll it gets stacked | 17:25 |
hellslinger | stacked? | 17:25 |
hellslinger | like, too much for that card to handle! | 17:25 |
hellslinger | ? | 17:25 |
alelnro12 | yes....isn't it an excellent card | 17:26 |
hellslinger | eek.... | 17:26 |
alelnro12 | hmmm? | 17:27 |
hellslinger | getting maxed out on CS:S... I'll stick with my 9800 GTX | 17:28 |
hellslinger | older card, but probably a bit faster | 17:28 |
hellslinger | hopefully opengl compositing will do OK on it | 17:28 |
hellslinger | I think it will | 17:28 |
hellslinger | but... may not be outstanding | 17:29 |
hellslinger | either way, there are things you can do to get good snappy performance | 17:29 |
hellslinger | I run KDE 4 on my 4 year old laptop that has a 6150 | 17:29 |
hellslinger | after some tweaking, it runs great | 17:29 |
alelnro12 | Ok, so it should fly with a 220 | 17:29 |
hellslinger | yeah | 17:30 |
alelnro12 | hellslinger: do you know dealextreme? | 17:31 |
hellslinger | no, what is it? | 17:31 |
hellslinger | deal website, I assume | 17:32 |
alelnro12 | its a chinese website to buy things | 17:32 |
alelnro12 | yes | 17:32 |
alelnro12 | where do you buy things | 17:32 |
hellslinger | new egg, it has been almost 3 years since I've gotten anything | 17:33 |
alelnro12 | Do they ship internationally? | 17:33 |
hellslinger | not sure, I imagine they do, they're big | 17:33 |
hellslinger | they're customer service is excellent | 17:34 |
alelnro12 | Oh okey, but they do not have "illegal" things such as dealextreme :P | 17:34 |
hellslinger | hahaha | 17:34 |
hellslinger | probably not :) | 17:34 |
James147 | might want to take this to #kubuntu-offtopic :) | 17:34 |
alelnro12 | No it's ok | 17:34 |
alelnro12 | I just wanted to know that | 17:34 |
alelnro12 | So..my kubuntu is right now being installed | 17:35 |
hellslinger | The "present windows" effect for desktop compositing is the real test | 17:35 |
hellslinger | I use it all the time | 17:35 |
hellslinger | it's the Mac OS "expose" feeature | 17:35 |
alelnro12 | So do you also have a Mac? | 17:37 |
hellslinger | have an old G4 and hackintosh running on this PC | 17:39 |
alelnro12 | Because I want to install a mac os, I never tried one | 17:39 |
hellslinger | I think KDE was inspired by mac os considerably, however, I do think they improved on many things | 17:39 |
hellslinger | best of all worlds is my opinion on it | 17:40 |
alelnro12 | okey, i am about to run it so i'll comment you later | 17:40 |
hellslinger | good luck, sir | 17:40 |
alelnro12 | Thanks! | 17:41 |
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crooks3o6 | Which drivers should be used for the Prism 2.5 chipset? Seems as though the Orinoco_pci kernel drivers are default but I only have partial functionality. | 18:20 |
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alelnro12 | Hey guys | 18:53 |
marcus | hello guys i just install kubuntu 10 lts on my laptop but it keeps turning off can someboy help me to fix this please??? | 19:01 |
crooks3o6 | marcus: Do you get any error messages or anything? Check the log files maybe. | 19:14 |
Soyburg | question about kubuntu 10.04 task bar: how can i change icons for programs i dragged into the task bar? | 19:23 |
aguitel_ | how configure keyboard layout in kde 4? | 19:25 |
Freddy2 | hi | 19:30 |
James147 | aguitel_: sydtem settings > locale or System settings > mouse and keyboard > keyboard | 19:31 |
James147 | Soyburg: I think they share the same icons as the entries in the menu (to edit the menu right click the menu icon > edit menu or run kmenueditor) | 19:33 |
Soyburg | Thanks James147! So if my program isn't in the menu (because I dragged it from /usr/local/bin) I just have to create a menu entry for it and assign an icon, then drag it to the panel? Thanks again, that helped a lot! | 19:34 |
Soyburg | Yes it works! Wohooo! | 19:36 |
James147 | Soyburg: then it would be best to either create a menu item or just a .desktop file somewhere (basically what creating a menu item would do) | 19:36 |
dany_ | hi guys | 19:44 |
dany_ | can you tell me the shortcut for changing the desktop | 19:44 |
dany_ | I mean, to switch to another desktop | 19:44 |
James147 | dany_: ctrl + F1-X | 19:45 |
dany_ | uhm | 19:46 |
dany_ | James147: another way? | 19:46 |
dany_ | with the arrows for example | 19:46 |
Soyburg | I think James147 means that you need to use F1 or F2 to get to desktop 1 or desktop 2 | 19:47 |
dany_ | Soyburg: yes | 19:47 |
dany_ | I got it | 19:47 |
Soyburg | (I tried CTRL + F1 + X, hehe) | 19:47 |
James147 | Soyburg: yes :) and dany_: you can change the shortcut kets in system settings > keyboard & mouse > global keyboard shortcuts | 19:47 |
dany_ | ctrl + F1 or ctrl + F2 | 19:48 |
dany_ | James147: thx | 19:48 |
James147 | dany_: if you want to use the arrow keys a good shortcut to set is the "Switch to next desktop" under the "KWin" component | 19:49 |
dany_ | James147: is not set for default, right? | 19:50 |
James147 | dany_: (and obviously "Switch to Previous Desktop" :) ) | 19:50 |
James147 | dany_: dont have one set here and dont know of a default | 19:50 |
James147 | dany_: its not hard to change it though :) | 19:50 |
dany_ | kk | 19:50 |
dany_ | thank you :) | 19:50 |
jimmy51_ | has anyone here used amazon.com's MP3 album download? | 19:52 |
jimmy51_ | i can buy a CD i want in MP3 format for 9 bucks, which is fine with me. i just don't want some restriction saying i can only use it on this machine. | 19:53 |
jimmy51_ | it says it supports ubuntu (i assume kubuntu too) | 19:53 |
James147 | jimmy51_: can't say for sure, but I think amazon dosn't do DRM on their mp3... hell itunes now dont have DRM on their stuff :) | 19:54 |
jimmy51_ | James147: ok. i'll give it a try. i have to download and install their *.deb MP3 downloader app. | 19:54 |
jimmy51_ | crap. it says wrong arch. it must be 32 bit only. | 19:55 |
Soyburg | jimmy51_: I tried it a year ago and they have no drm. | 19:55 |
James147 | jimmy51_: you can run 32 bit on 64... need... um ia32lib or somehting | 19:55 |
* James147 wonders why you need extra software to download mp3s | 19:55 | |
* James147 wonders if amarok can do it through amazon... | 19:56 | |
Soyburg | Anyone know how to make the icons in the task bar grow continuously while enlarging the size of the task bar? Mine grow up to a point and then snap back to half size. | 19:58 |
* James147 cant find a way for amarok to do it :( | 19:58 | |
jimmy51_ | James147: me neither. | 19:59 |
James147 | Soyburg: can see the same here... although it needs to be quite large for it to happen :S | 19:59 |
Soyburg | I have a large screen :) | 20:00 |
James147 | Soyburg: you could try using the quicklaunder widget... | 20:01 |
Soyburg | James147: I thought about a replacement, but at the end of the day... I guess I'll stick with the micro icons | 20:02 |
James147 | Soyburg: the quicklaunch widget is preinstalled on kubuntu... its just ap matter of draggin it to the task bar :) | 20:03 |
Soyburg | That sounds good James147. I'll try that. | 20:03 |
James147 | Soyburg: yeah, it works, but you need to force it into 1 row through its settings | 20:04 |
lor | does Kubuntu take a lot more ram compared to Ubuntu? | 20:05 |
James147 | lor: wouldnt have thourght it would take that much more if it did... if limited ram is a consern then you might want to try xubuntu | 20:07 |
lor | James147, I have 2GB | 20:07 |
Soyburg | James147: what does the icon for the quicklauch look like? Is it a rocket by any chance? I am on German Kubuntu here, so the names are slightly different. | 20:07 |
James147 | lor: 2 gig is fine :) i have run it off a 512 comp before | 20:08 |
lor | great! | 20:08 |
James147 | Soyburg: yes | 20:08 |
James147 | lor: hell, i think i ran kde 4.0 off a 256 with a pentium 2or 3 :D was a little slow | 20:08 |
lor | lol :D | 20:09 |
lvh | hey | 20:09 |
lvh | im currently running ubuntu lucid | 20:09 |
lvh | and I want to try out kubuntu without getting rid of my current stuff | 20:10 |
jimmy51_ | James147: dang. i guess i'll have to do it in a windows VM | 20:10 |
lvh | do i just install kubuntu-desktop? | 20:10 |
Soyburg | James147: I can't force it into one row (there doesn't seem to be a setting for that), but I was able to change the icon size, so they show up large. I just don't get how the icons are to be changed. | 20:10 |
James147 | lvh: yes, you just need to install kubuntu-desktop | 20:10 |
Soyburg | James147: ignore my previous comment. Found it. | 20:10 |
lvh | James147: Okay, thanks! :-) | 20:10 |
James147 | Soyburg: :D | 20:11 |
lvh | http://www.flickr.com/photos/freeflying/4036438792/in/set-72157622515083587/ | 20:11 |
James147 | Soyburg: might need to set the row count to 1 first :) | 20:11 |
lvh | That looks like a hell of a lot bigger a screen than a netbook. | 20:11 |
lvh | Is the resolution very low, or something? | 20:11 |
lvh | I'm interested in trying if these new small-screen GUIs also work for big screens. | 20:11 |
* James147 waits for image to load... dont know whats up with his connection atm | 20:11 | |
Soyburg | James147: I am afraid there is no row count. Just an icon size slider. | 20:11 |
lvh | I'm guessing the thing that will make me angry is terrible multihead. | 20:11 |
lvh | my dev box has 3x24" now | 20:12 |
James147 | lvh: that look like the netbook version of a larger screen... netbooks are probally ment to be 1/2 the size of that or smaller | 20:13 |
lvh | James147: Yes, that's what it looks like to me too. | 20:13 |
lvh | But I find the ideas presented in netbook gui's pretty attractive; I don't understand why they are exclusive to netbook guis | 20:14 |
lvh | I understand why netbook guis want them (no room for the big thing), though | 20:14 |
James147 | lvh: but I ask, why would you want to try the netbook on 3x24" screens... as much as I love it.... i only use it on my netbook as it dosent work as well (as one would think) on larger screens | 20:14 |
lvh | I guess I could just TIAS. Will installing kubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-netbook hose anything? | 20:14 |
lvh | James147: ah, alas | 20:14 |
lvh | James147: I use a tiling wm now anyway | 20:14 |
lvh | but I keep trying the new traditional gui stuff, under the assumption that they might have come up with something better :-) | 20:15 |
James147 | lvh: kde 4.5 has a window tilling mode now :D ... although they dont have very good multihead support yet | 20:15 |
lvh | James147: Cool :-) | 20:15 |
maco | lvh: no it wont hose anything. its the default in 10.10 | 20:15 |
lvh | I've seen some people use compiz as an el cheapo tiling wm | 20:16 |
lvh | maco: I meant "at the same time". Is that what you meant too? | 20:16 |
maco | you choose which you want using systemsettings -> workspace | 20:16 |
James147 | lvh: btw, if you install kubuntu-desktp and kubuntu-netbook... you can have the search and launch interface on plasma-desktop | 20:16 |
lvh | maco: Okay, cool! Thanks. | 20:16 |
lvh | James147: this sounds like an interesting prospect, I'll try it out | 20:16 |
maco | lvh: 4.5's tiling doesnt work the same as xmonad's, if thats what youre used to | 20:16 |
lvh | I've got a 13" ultraportable | 20:16 |
lvh | maco: stumpwm | 20:16 |
lvh | maco: it's like emacs but for windows that arent emacs windows | 20:17 |
maco | im waiting for a 11.6" kubuntu netbook remix netbook to show up | 20:17 |
* maco is a vim user | 20:17 | |
lvh | maco: ah. Well, it's different :) | 20:17 |
lvh | emacs does not appear to have a Qt thing :( | 20:18 |
Soyburg | have a nice day and thanks for the help James147 | 20:18 |
djustice | weird question: i have a dir. i need to make a .img (ext4) of it. how? | 20:25 |
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James147 | djustice: not sure if this is the best way... but: dd if=/dev/zero of=~/test.img; mkfs.ext4 ~/text.img; sudo mount ~/test.img /mnt -o loop then copy the files to /mnt worked for me :S | 20:33 |
jimmy51_ | James147: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9145072&postcount=17 <- got it | 20:45 |
jimmy51_ | James147: just downloaded the inception OST and a CD i bought back in highschool, scratched, and never found again | 20:46 |
jimmy51_ | kubuntu wins again | 20:46 |
jimmy51_ | (after a little convincing) | 20:46 |
James147 | jimmy51_: :D | 20:47 |
JuJuBee__ | I can't seem to get my iPod Nano 16G (new) to sync with Amarok/Banshee/Rhythmbox Any help? | 21:21 |
hellslinger | JuJuBee__: have you tried GTKpod? | 21:26 |
hellslinger | they all use libgpod, I believe, so if it isn't supported in amarok and others, it probably wont' work elsewhere | 21:29 |
hellslinger | might be too new and isn't supported yet | 21:29 |
winmutt | im trying to get a dual headed radeon and my onbooard vid card to give me three displays, i can get either to work but not both | 21:32 |
glaucous | What's the location of the files used by the file indexer (Nepomuk)? I'd like to change the location either by linking file or change file location with any config file. | 21:34 |
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James147 | glaucous: look at ~/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk | 21:51 |
JuJuBee__ | hellslinger: no, I have not. I will install it and try it | 21:52 |
dlp | Do we have any IMAP gurus here? | 21:54 |
glaucous | James147, thanks, that's correct :) | 21:54 |
dlp | Is it possible to read/write to IMAP directories as if they're FTP? | 21:55 |
dlp | e.g. to falsify header data, etc? | 21:55 |
dlp | The real question is: is it possible to edit files... either directly or by replacement? | 21:56 |
glaucous | What's the command for using KDE to kill an application/process? | 21:58 |
dlp | kill | 21:59 |
glaucous | There's like a kdequit command or something, but I guess I can use kill as well | 21:59 |
James147 | glaucous: although that dosent use kde :) ^^ | 21:59 |
James147 | glaucous: kquitapp | 21:59 |
glaucous | James147, ah, thanks, that's the one | 21:59 |
dlp | pgrep <process_name> | xargs kill | 22:00 |
James147 | dlp: killall <process_name> is quicker to type :) | 22:00 |
dlp | or, actually, just killall <... yeah | 22:00 |
hellslinger | pkill | 22:00 |
hellslinger | hehe | 22:00 |
hellslinger | so many ways to kill processes | 22:00 |
glaucous | Okay killall works the best | 22:01 |
glaucous | in this scenario | 22:01 |
dlp | man pkill | 22:01 |
James147 | dlp: had the same plan :D | 22:02 |
dlp | It basically does the same thing. | 22:02 |
James147 | yeah | 22:02 |
dlp | Except it takes a pattern rather than a name. | 22:03 |
dlp | Which killall will do anyway with the -r option. | 22:03 |
dlp | Well anyway... does anyone know the answer to my IMAP question? | 22:05 |
dlp | This is important. | 22:05 |
dlp | I need to know if I can use an email in evidence. | 22:05 |
dlp | And its timestamps. | 22:06 |
dlp | And content. | 22:06 |
dlp | (but on a server that I don't have root access to) | 22:06 |
James147 | dlp: you might want to consider asking in #ubuntu there are usually alot more people in there | 22:06 |
dlp | But I obviously do have access to the mailbox. | 22:07 |
dlp | Yeah, I suppose that would make sense. | 22:07 |
dlp | I realy don't understand why GNOME is so more widespread than KDE. | 22:08 |
James147 | dlp: i think it was adopted eariler on when qt had some licening issues | 22:09 |
James147 | dlp: but the issues where sorted out... and people dont like change | 22:09 |
dlp | that's true. | 22:10 |
dlp | But things are changing whether people like it or not. | 22:10 |
dlp | I mean, most people use Windows. | 22:11 |
dlp | And that changes a lot. | 22:11 |
James147 | dlp: atm alot of people still consider kde4.x to be to unstable/incomplete :( i mean its still missing networking, printer config, samba config | 22:11 |
dlp | Has kinda gone a similar way to KDE, actually. | 22:11 |
dlp | Yes, I know. | 22:11 |
James147 | dlp: ah, windows dosent change alot... and look at the changes they made... most poeple hated them at first | 22:12 |
dlp | Lots still do. | 22:12 |
James147 | dlp: so see, people don't like change :( | 22:12 |
dlp | I'm supposed to be doing some work on the KDE networkmanagement, actually. | 22:12 |
dlp | I got as far as building an environment. | 22:13 |
James147 | dlp: then do you know the current state of the widget? | 22:13 |
dlp | Which didn't work too well. I can hack around the issues (but risk breaking my system in the process) :-S | 22:13 |
dlp | Pretty much. | 22:13 |
dlp | i.e. I've tried to use it. | 22:13 |
alonso | anyone can help me | 22:14 |
James147 | !help | alonso | 22:14 |
ubottu | alonso: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 22:14 |
alonso | my device is not getting mounted | 22:14 |
James147 | alonso: define: "my device" | 22:14 |
alonso | altough they have a /dev node | 22:14 |
alonso | usb stick | 22:14 |
alonso | cdrom | 22:14 |
alonso | sometime its doesn't mount but theres /dev/sr0 | 22:15 |
alonso | sometime theres no /dev/sr0 node | 22:15 |
James147 | alonso: kubuntu dosent auto mount things (for some reason... well at least not on first plug in) check the device norifier (should be on your panel) | 22:15 |
alonso | no devices | 22:16 |
alonso | my usb is there | 22:16 |
James147 | alonso: can you manually mount them? | 22:16 |
alonso | formated as fat32 | 22:16 |
alonso | yes | 22:16 |
alonso | its /dev/sdb | 22:16 |
James147 | alonso: your usb stick is listed in the device notifier? | 22:16 |
alonso | and i can format it using gparted | 22:16 |
alonso | no | 22:16 |
alonso | oh unchecked automont | 22:17 |
alonso | thats it | 22:17 |
alonso | but what about my cdrom | 22:17 |
alonso | /dev/sr0 node sometime isnt there | 22:18 |
James147 | alonso: when a _non_ blank cd is in the drive? | 22:18 |
alonso | yeah | 22:19 |
alonso | well i dont remember | 22:19 |
alonso | right now is there | 22:19 |
alonso | but i rember not seeing it | 22:19 |
James147 | alonso: :S not sure why they arent in /dev then... possible lose cable/faulty hardware? | 22:19 |
DrNitro | hello there | 22:20 |
alonso | right now is there | 22:20 |
alonso | probably i didnt cd | 22:20 |
alonso | i expected /dev/sr0 to be all the time there | 22:20 |
alonso | ok its ther | 22:21 |
alonso | but i still dont get my cd detected | 22:21 |
James147 | alonso: is the cd blank? | 22:22 |
alonso | no | 22:22 |
alonso | ok it got detected | 22:22 |
alonso | that box ... | 22:22 |
alonso | checbox ... arghh | 22:23 |
alonso | my slow drive | 22:23 |
alonso | ok thanks | 22:23 |
James147 | :S | 22:23 |
* James147 isn't sure what he did there | 22:24 | |
* dlp isn't, either | 22:24 | |
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urgyen | darn it.. | 22:43 |
urgyen | :-) | 22:43 |
urgyen | I'm still dead in the water re flash | 22:43 |
urgyen | what did I do? | 22:43 |
James147 | ?? | 22:43 |
urgyen | unstall something I shouldn't have? | 22:43 |
urgyen | kubuntu 10.04 | 22:44 |
James147 | urgyen: you might want to describe the problem you are facing | 22:44 |
urgyen | all browsers report missing plugin no matter how many times I install and uninstall | 22:44 |
urgyen | or how I try to install | 22:44 |
James147 | urgyen: what are you insatlling? | 22:44 |
urgyen | is there a troubleshoot walk through? | 22:44 |
James147 | urgyen: and how? | 22:44 |
urgyen | I was just trying to do classic package support | 22:45 |
urgyen | nothing fancy | 22:45 |
urgyen | I like Chrome | 22:45 |
James147 | urgyen: flashplugin-installer? works `fine` here | 22:45 |
urgyen | ya, I'll try to install again and follow logs | 22:45 |
James147 | urgyen: try "sudo aptitude purge flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree; sudo aptitude install flashplugin-installer" | 22:47 |
urgyen | thanks | 22:47 |
JuJuBee__ | hellslinger: I installed gtkpod and when I try to run it I select my iPod model and gtkpod shuts down...? | 22:51 |
glaucous | Whats the application called which shows up when you click Alt+F2? I'd like to change the key combination | 22:52 |
James147 | glaucous: krunner | 22:52 |
James147 | glaucous: you might want to change it in the global keyboard shotcuts settings (rather then in the kmenu) | 22:53 |
James147 | glaucous: the shortcut is listed as "Run command" under "Run Command Interface" | 22:54 |
glaucous | James147, ah thank you! Was just about to ask where I find the shortcut :) | 22:54 |
urgyen | adobe-flashplugin_10.1.53.64.orig.tar.gz | 22:55 |
urgyen | Flash Plugin installed. | 22:55 |
urgyen | and.. still no go :-) | 22:55 |
urgyen | is there a directory I need to manually move some file to? | 22:56 |
urgyen | no in konqueror firefox and chrome | 22:56 |
dlp | Well... | 23:25 |
jcgs | hi, does anyone know how to get multiuser screen? i can't figure out how to get aclchg to do what i want | 23:25 |
dlp | You can forge header information on an IMAP server. | 23:25 |
dlp | This is slightly inconvenient. | 23:26 |
dlp | I've had a bad day. | 23:26 |
James147 | sorry dlp... don't know much about IMAP server :( and i guess there arn't many here that do | 23:27 |
dlp | Well, I do.. now. | 23:27 |
dlp | I know what I needed to know, anyway. | 23:27 |
James147 | jcgs: multiuser screen? do you mean remote desktops? or multiuser sessions (logins)? | 23:27 |
James147 | dlp: ahh, sorry, thourhg tyou where asking again... glad you got an answer even if it wasent the one you wanted :( | 23:28 |
jcgs | James147: neither, the program called screen - running in multiuser mode | 23:28 |
dlp | RFC3501 | 23:28 |
dlp | Of course it'd have saved me about an hour of reading if someone had known ;) | 23:29 |
jcgs | James147: probably "get" should have read "use" | 23:30 |
dlp | As would have the experiment I used (copy a message from one IMAP server to another, see if datestamps remain intact). | 23:30 |
dlp | Which they do. | 23:30 |
jcgs | James147: or "work" | 23:30 |
James147 | jcgs: http://aperiodic.net/screen/multiuser that might help | 23:30 |
dlp | I guess it's fairly typical of mail servers to believe what they're told. | 23:30 |
jcgs | James147: most of that site is just the manual page installed on my system - which i've already read, and the examples on there, which are new, don't seem to work. am i doing something wrong? | 23:36 |
James147 | jcgs: sorry, that is am much as I know about multiuser screen :) didn't even know it was possible | 23:37 |
jcgs | James147: thanks a lot anyway, | 23:42 |
anon_ | yo guys | 23:43 |
anon_ | how do i found my sound options? like, where i can turn it up and off? | 23:43 |
anon_ | i've managed to delete my panel.. | 23:43 |
jcgs | anon_: there should be a loudspeaker icon in the system tray, you can change the volume there | 23:44 |
anon_ | Yeah.. i've managed to get that tray away.. Don't ask me how | 23:44 |
anon_ | Any idea how i can get it back? | 23:44 |
jcgs | anon_: if you click on the funny symbol at the far right hand side of the taskbar, it looks a bit like half a yin-yang | 23:45 |
anon_ | Yeah | 23:46 |
jcgs | anon_: choose add widget | 23:46 |
jcgs | anon_: sorry "add widgets" | 23:46 |
anon_ | okay | 23:46 |
anon_ | and from there? | 23:47 |
jcgs | anon_: there in alphabetical order, so you might need to scroll a while before you get to "system tray" | 23:47 |
anon_ | oh | 23:47 |
anon_ | okay | 23:47 |
anon_ | Thanks alot | 23:47 |
anon_ | and how can i | 23:48 |
jcgs | anon_: no problem | 23:48 |
James147 | anon_: also if you removed your entire panel right click on the desktop > add panel | 23:48 |
anon_ | put the tray beside the ying yang symbol? | 23:48 |
jcgs | anon_: wherever you like, i think the default is to the left of the clock | 23:48 |
James147 | anon_: you can drag widget around the panel when you have the panel settings window open (right click the panel > [panel options >] panel settings) | 23:49 |
anon_ | Okay thanks guys, now one last problem | 23:50 |
anon_ | I've somehow.. managed to disable when i open a window, it does not show up in the panel | 23:50 |
James147 | anon_: one window or all? | 23:50 |
anon_ | All | 23:50 |
jcgs | anon_; that's the task manager widget | 23:50 |
James147 | anon_: ^^ yeah you probally removed the task manager widget | 23:50 |
anon_ | Ohh D: Thanks, i just switched over from windows so.. >_< | 23:51 |
anon_ | Wait wait, ONE last questioonnnnn | 23:51 |
anon_ | The tray isn't beside the clock | 23:51 |
anon_ | How do i move it there? | 23:51 |
anon_ | It's beside the quickAccess browser | 23:51 |
James147 | anon_: the kde desktop is very nicly designed... everything on the desktop/panel is a widget, so anything can be move to anywhere, or removed entirly :) | 23:51 |
jcgs | anon_: click on the plasma symbol (yin-yang like thing) and then you should be able to drag it around - the cursor will change to like a dot with four arrows | 23:52 |
James147 | anon_: to move widget on the panel you need to open the panel settigns and drag the widget where you want it (with the settings window open) | 23:52 |
anon_ | I love you all | 23:54 |
anon_ | <3 | 23:54 |
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