wgrant | Are we out of testfix yet? | 00:31 |
jelmer | we were for a bit but I missed the window | 00:33 |
spm | wgrant: possibly. I've kicked/forced a bunch of builds, so we remain optimistic. | 00:33 |
jelmer | not sure if we're out of textfix again | 00:33 |
spm | hey jelmer! | 00:34 |
jelmer | 'morning spm! | 00:34 |
wgrant | Morning spm, jelmer. | 00:34 |
wgrant | Thanks. | 00:35 |
spm | hey wgrant | 00:36 |
* thumper is getting sad writing the current email | 00:40 | |
thumper | I'm realising how far behind we are on bzr bits in LP | 00:41 |
jelmer | thumper, behind in terms of the version you mean? | 00:46 |
thumper | jelmer: yeah | 00:47 |
thumper | we are very behing in bzr, dulwich, bzr-git, bzr-svn and bzr-hg | 00:47 |
thumper | prolly bzr-loom too | 00:47 |
jelmer | thumper: well, the last three have pretty much stalled for the last couple of months | 00:48 |
thumper | there have still been a number of commits though | 00:48 |
mtaylor | rockstar: hey-ho | 00:52 |
thumper | mtaylor: I think rockstar is travelling | 00:52 |
mtaylor | thumper: dammit | 00:52 |
mtaylor | thumper: I need him to fix things in tarmac for me | 00:52 |
mtaylor | thumper: it's discarding tag info, even though we thought the other day that it shouldn't | 00:53 |
wgrant | We're out of testfix, then? | 02:31 |
thumper | wgrant: I'm trying to land | 02:32 |
thumper | I think the force builds take us out of testfix | 02:32 |
wgrant | Well, mwhudson landed something a few minutes ago. | 02:33 |
wgrant | So it seems to work. | 02:33 |
mwhudson | ah cool, that landed | 02:36 |
wgrant | Hm. | 02:38 |
wgrant | When did bin/test start spitting out per-test times? | 02:38 |
mwhudson | it's when you have -vvv | 02:38 |
wgrant | Maybe I just added more -v than usual. | 02:38 |
wgrant | Ah. | 02:38 |
wgrant | Can someone please land lp:~wgrant/launchpad/rework-dominator-tests? | 03:17 |
thumper | mwhudson: did the email make reasonable sense? | 03:26 |
mwhudson | thumper: yes | 03:26 |
thumper | cool | 03:26 |
mwhudson | thumper: although i guess i had a head start on understanding :-) | 03:27 |
thumper | :) | 03:28 |
* thumper afk to pickup | 03:30 | |
wgrant | Some of the queries in lib/lp/archivepublisher/domination.py are extended versions of some on ArchiveSet. In a normal application, I'd call the ArchiveSet method and then .find() on the ResultSet to do further filtering. | 03:59 |
wgrant | But IResultSet doesn't contain .find(), so I can't do that in LP. | 03:59 |
wgrant | Help? | 03:59 |
thumper | wgrant: I think perhaps an updated storm has it... | 04:23 |
thumper | not sure though | 04:24 |
thumper | could ask on #storm | 04:24 |
wgrant | thumper: Thanks, I've asked there. | 04:29 |
wgrant | thumper: Could you be convinced to ec2 https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/rework-dominator-tests/+merge/29668 and https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/link-uploaded-ddebs/+merge/29669? | 04:29 |
thumper | wgrant: yep | 04:29 |
wgrant | Thanks. | 04:30 |
lifeless | moin | 04:56 |
wgrant | Morning lifeless. | 04:58 |
* wgrant wishes that the 3.0 heading guidelines were complete. | 04:59 | |
lifeless | ...? | 05:00 |
wgrant | lifeless: Page titles were redesigned for 3.0. | 05:02 |
wgrant | But they did not consider how it should work when on a page with a non-root context. | 05:03 |
wgrant | The root context is always shown at the top of the page. | 05:03 |
wgrant | But say I'm on a page relating to a PPA. It has the owner's name at the top, and no built-in indicator of which PPA it's operating on. | 05:03 |
wgrant | What should the h1 be? | 05:03 |
wgrant | 'Administer', 'Administer archive', 'Administer PPA for William Grant'? | 05:03 |
lifeless | oh | 05:04 |
lifeless | is this a widely known issue ? | 05:04 |
lifeless | who was doing the work, can we ask them to finish it off? Or is there a good answer ppl are just doing ? | 05:04 |
wgrant | I've raised it a couple of times in the last 12 months. | 05:04 |
wgrant | There's no consistency at the moment. | 05:04 |
lifeless | when you raised it, what happened; was there some sort of consensus ? | 05:05 |
wgrant | Nothing really came of it. | 05:05 |
wgrant | There's also the whole mess around how the tabs work for non-root contexts. | 05:05 |
wgrant | The issue was identified somewhat before 3.0, but never resolved. | 05:05 |
wgrant | Resulting in a confusing UI for non-projects. | 05:05 |
lifeless | is there something you'd like to do about it ? | 05:06 |
lifeless | actually | 05:07 |
lifeless | a better question | 05:07 |
lifeless | do you have a proposal that would improve consistency and be, on the whole, more useful for users. | 05:07 |
lifeless | and not be terrible to calculate perf wise. | 05:07 |
wgrant | I don't know what would be best. | 05:07 |
lifeless | I'm not talking best. | 05:07 |
lifeless | best is freaking hard man. | 05:07 |
lifeless | I think some consistency is good - useless consistency isn't. We need to do each page really well, but a sane default can help a great deal. | 05:08 |
wgrant | Even some pages on root contexts are pretty bad. | 05:14 |
wgrant | https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews, for example. | 05:14 |
lifeless | is there some difficulty in fixing them? | 05:14 |
wgrant | They're trivial to fix, once we define what they should be like. | 05:14 |
lifeless | uh | 05:14 |
lifeless | why do we need a pre-fix definition here ? | 05:14 |
lifeless | *anything* is trivial if you can define it :P | 05:14 |
wgrant | If we are changing titles to suck less and be more consistent, we need to define what they are going to be consistent with. | 05:14 |
wgrant | 3.0 tried to do that, but failed. | 05:14 |
lifeless | perhaps I'm over simplifying | 05:14 |
lifeless | but - a) suck less, b) be more consistent : seems we could make them suck less by /doing/ and make them more consistent by picking the nicest pattern that emerges and using it as a sane default ? | 05:14 |
wgrant | Possibly. | 05:14 |
lifeless | wgrant: if the only consistent thing at the moment is that they suck, surely we should fix that :) | 05:14 |
lifeless | we have a ui review process, so mistakes should be caught - thats a decent safety net | 05:16 |
wgrant | You can't make a mistake at the moment. | 05:17 |
wgrant | Because there are no guidelines to break. | 05:17 |
wgrant | I think we just need to work out the undefined general cases, and define them. | 05:18 |
wgrant | This may require a change to the structure of the header. | 05:19 |
lifeless | wgrant: You seem to be saying folk can't improve things here without a lot of work, which surprises me, | 05:34 |
lifeless | is that right? | 05:34 |
wgrant | lifeless: It can be mostly fixed by someone just declaring how much context information should go in titles. | 05:35 |
wgrant | A complete fix (which fixes tabs for non-root contexts) is harder. | 05:35 |
lifeless | so if I say 'the right amount to look good on a page should go there', is that useful, or am I *still* missing the point | 05:36 |
thumper | wgrant: both your branches playing through ec2 | 05:38 |
wgrant | lifeless: How much looks good on a page? | 05:40 |
wgrant | And is that amount enough? | 05:40 |
wgrant | thumper: Thanks. | 05:40 |
lifeless | wgrant: that seems to be a matter of judgment and testing | 05:47 |
lifeless | wgrant: You don't seem to have a hesitation doing that to lp internals; I'm unclear why you have a hesitation doing the same to page templates :) | 05:47 |
wgrant | lifeless: Precisely. | 05:47 |
wgrant | lifeless: I am no UI designer. | 05:48 |
wgrant | LP has a severe lack of UI design | 05:48 |
wgrant | And it shows. | 05:48 |
lifeless | are you saying we lack the knowledge to improve at all? | 05:49 |
wgrant | No. I'm saying that somebody with significant user experience should be consulted before we go and fix all the titles to conform to a new standard that might still suck. | 05:50 |
lifeless | wgrant: so - +1 on getting more import. -1 on doing /nothing at all/ | 05:51 |
lifeless | s/import/input | 05:51 |
wgrant | We have no UI designer. How do we get more input? | 05:51 |
lifeless | we have a whole design team on call, and they are extremely happy to do small things on-request. | 05:52 |
lifeless | I'm not at all convinced that this is a problem we lack the knowledge for though. However, I'll grab mpt today and show him this chat and ask his opinion. | 05:53 |
wgrant | An attempt was made a year ago. | 05:53 |
wgrant | It did not work. | 05:53 |
lifeless | wgrant: so try something different | 05:53 |
wgrant | We can certainly make large improvements easily. | 05:53 |
wgrant | But it would be nice to get it right. | 05:53 |
lifeless | great! | 05:53 |
lifeless | the thing about right. | 05:54 |
lifeless | is that it lasts for, oh, 2-3 days. | 05:54 |
wgrant | OK, as close to right as we can easily get. | 05:54 |
lifeless | :) | 05:54 |
* bryceh goes close to left | 05:55 | |
lifeless | bryceh: any progress on the attachments thing? | 05:55 |
bryceh | hmm? | 05:56 |
lifeless | the api call | 05:56 |
lifeless | in bugs | 05:56 |
lifeless | is there a partial branch or something like that to make it faster? If not I'll have a stab at same today. | 05:56 |
bryceh | nope, I'm trying to get another branch finished up before I go on vacation | 05:58 |
lifeless | ok | 06:03 |
lifeless | losa hi | 06:17 |
lifeless | spm: hi ? | 06:23 |
spm | lifeless: hola | 06:29 |
lifeless | how long till edge rolls out ? | 06:38 |
* lifeless is excited | 06:38 | |
thumper | lifeless: excited about what? | 06:39 |
spm | lifeless: https://wiki.canonical.com/InformationInfrastructure/OSA/LaunchpadProductionStatus "Edge Updates" 0800 BST. we strikethru if they're not for some reason or another | 06:40 |
lifeless | thumper: rev 11199 on stable | 06:40 |
lifeless | spm: kk | 06:41 |
thumper | lifeless: which has what? | 06:41 |
lifeless | a /massive/ search overhead reduction | 06:41 |
thumper | ah | 06:41 |
* thumper EOWs | 06:41 | |
lifeless | have a good weekend | 06:43 |
lifeless | spm: so, another hour right ? :) | 07:07 |
* lifeless bounces | 07:07 | |
bilalakhtar | lifeless: Are you a core-dev in ubuntu? | 07:10 |
spm | lifeless: pretty much exactly, yeah | 07:11 |
lifeless | bilalakhtar: no, why? | 07:11 |
* bilalakhtar is searching for core-devs to sponsor his bugfixes | 07:12 | |
bilalakhtar | lifeless: ^^ | 07:12 |
lifeless | put it in the sponsor queue please | 07:12 |
lifeless | spm: whats the url for monitoring edge rollout progress again ? I didnae bookmark it | 07:56 |
spm | lifeless: we don't have one | 07:57 |
lifeless | oh | 07:57 |
lifeless | thats right :) | 07:57 |
lifeless | we have one for staging or so or something | 07:57 |
spm | yup | 07:58 |
spm | https://staging.launchpad.net/successful-updates.txt <== tho is more "worked/not" vs progress | 07:58 |
lifeless | so how is edge going ? :) | 08:00 |
lifeless | <- not keen at all | 08:00 |
danilos | OOPSes while trying to log in, a known problem? https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1665ED841 | 08:01 |
spm | from memory, it'll be around 5-10 mins before it gets beyond simply building/syncing the tree | 08:01 |
lifeless | danilos: ugh | 08:02 |
lifeless | spm: we may have to abort - benji's code may be bust | 08:02 |
lifeless | spm: don't stop it yet | 08:02 |
lifeless | danilos: does your username have utf8 in it ? | 08:03 |
danilos | spm, did we get a new openid rollout by ISD guys as well? (just to confirm we only have to look at our code for the problem) | 08:03 |
spm | lifeless: not really; if it's a hard fail; edge1 will break and the rollout will stop | 08:03 |
danilos | lifeless, username doesn't, but my name does | 08:03 |
spm | if it's more subtle than that; rolling back is trivial | 08:03 |
lifeless | spm: actually, thats already on edge. I was thinking a prod stop-point | 08:03 |
lifeless | <- EUNCAFFEINATED | 08:03 |
* danilos disables edge redirection and tries again | 08:04 | |
wgrant | lifeless: Is it complaining about the XSRF token sent by SSO? | 08:04 |
wgrant | I can't see the OOPS, but there's already a branch to fix that. | 08:04 |
lifeless | wgrant: no, unicode | 08:04 |
wgrant | Ah. | 08:04 |
lifeless | danilos: file a bug on foundations | 08:07 |
danilos | lifeless, right, my name is the culprit, I've changed it and can log in | 08:08 |
danilos | lifeless, prod also works, so it's edge code | 08:08 |
lifeless | its a classic 'this code wasn't QA'd' scenario :- | 08:08 |
lifeless | which the new deployment process should address | 08:09 |
danilos | lifeless, I'd also lean on marking this one as critical, but will leave that to whoever gets a chance to take care of it | 08:11 |
danilos | anyway, bug 609029 | 08:11 |
_mup_ | Bug #609029: UnicodeDecodeError OOPS on login on edge <oops> <Launchpad Foundations:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/609029> | 08:11 |
lifeless | danilos: I agree | 08:12 |
lifeless | spm: hows edge, and how is the db load looking | 08:18 |
spm | lifeless the-impatient ;-) fwiw, your email will probably know before I do, unless something breaks hard. error reports: Subject: Cron <pqm@praseodymium> /home/pqm/bin/rollout_edge.sh will have the details | 08:20 |
lifeless | spm: yes, its live | 08:21 |
spm | load looks normal, as a one off snapshot ish. | 08:22 |
spm | looks like edge4 is/has just been updated | 08:24 |
spm | has | 08:24 |
lifeless | ok, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug does seem better on edge now | 08:26 |
mrevell | Howdy | 08:27 |
lifeless | spm: ok, still looks ok ? | 08:33 |
spm | lifeless: I assume so, not getting any alerts; which is the usual 1st line | 08:34 |
lifeless | k, thanks | 08:35 |
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan | ||
wgrant | Does PQM really take half an hour? | 09:35 |
jkakar | FYI, I'm getting 'Internal Server Error' here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jkakar/storm/resultselect/files | 09:45 |
spiv | jkakar: that branch is 1.9 format, but is stacked on trunk which is 2a | 09:54 |
spiv | jkakar: upgrade it and it'll be fine | 09:54 |
jkakar | spiv: Yeah, I figured as much... | 09:55 |
jkakar | spiv: Regardless, I shouldn't see "Internal Server Error". | 09:55 |
spiv | Oh, certainly. | 09:55 |
spiv | I *think* there's a bug about that already, feel free to click "affects me too" on it. | 09:55 |
jkakar | Cool. | 09:56 |
wgrant | bigjools: Are there really no tests of NascentUpload that don't use a real upload? | 10:37 |
wgrant | I can't see any :( | 10:38 |
wgrant | I guess I'll work it out. | 10:38 |
bigjools | wgrant: probably not :( I know there's some unit tests for dscfile | 10:40 |
bigjools | that's about it | 10:40 |
bigjools | but it's the direction we need to go so that soyuz tests don't take 35-40 minutes. :/ | 10:41 |
wgrant | Yeah, I've started shuffling things around so it's more possible. | 10:41 |
wgrant | archiveuploader is really ugly. | 10:41 |
bigjools | ugly with boils | 10:43 |
lifeless | wgrant: ok, mpt review done, checklist being fixed. | 10:58 |
lifeless | its like the title but less so :P | 10:59 |
wgrant | lifeless: Ooh, thanks. | 11:06 |
mpt | lifeless, https://dev.launchpad.net/UI/Reviews?action=diff&rev2=34&rev1=33 | 11:15 |
wgrant | mpt: Thanks. | 11:17 |
wgrant | So we're to include context in the h1, even if it's the root context? | 11:17 |
wgrant | (which is already displayed at the top of the page) | 11:17 |
lifeless | mpt: thanks! | 11:17 |
lifeless | wgrant: mpt said verbally that folk ignore the global nav stuff, universally | 11:18 |
lifeless | perhaps thats worth adding | 11:18 |
wgrant | In the root context case, it's in the breadcrumbs and header already. | 11:19 |
mpt | wgrant, remind me what "the root context" means? | 11:20 |
wgrant | mpt: The pillar or person containing this page. | 11:21 |
wgrant | The context may be a source package, but the root context is the distribution. | 11:21 |
wgrant | It's displayed at the top of every page. | 11:22 |
wgrant | (I believe the concept and term were introduced with 3.0) | 11:22 |
lifeless | wgrant: the point is people don't read that stuff | 11:22 |
lifeless | wgrant: mpt: anyhow: if we can transfer the info so that wgrant is unblocked, I will be ecstatic. I think the page improvement so far is very useful. | 11:23 |
wgrant | It looks like a good idea. | 11:24 |
mpt | Ah, I should have mentioned another thing | 11:25 |
mpt | More specific stuff should go earlier in the heading and the title | 11:25 |
mpt | less specific stuff later | 11:25 |
wgrant | That's ensured in the title, since it's reversed breadcrumbs. | 11:26 |
wgrant | Although that does result in oddities like "10.04 : Ubuntu", which I'm not really a fan of. | 11:26 |
mpt | yeah, reversed breadcrumbs are an unfortunate case of automation over sensibility | 11:27 |
wgrant | I think they are better than what came before them. | 11:27 |
wgrant | But not better than a fully redesigned set of custom titles. | 11:27 |
mpt | They may be better technically, in that pagetitles.py was hilarious | 11:28 |
wgrant | There is at least some amount of consistency now. | 11:28 |
wgrant | pagetitles.py is almost gone. | 11:28 |
mpt | But at least pagetitles.py let me eyeball inconsistencies. | 11:28 |
stub | lifeless: Have you looked at garbo.py? It is a framework suitable for many of our hourly and daily tasks - the ones that don't need external resources besides the database. | 11:28 |
stub | lifeless: So for instance I'll be suggesting to jtv that the cachesuggestivetranslations.py cronjob should be a task in the garbo, avoiding yet-another-cronscript-to-manage as well as bonuses such as aborts if it takes too long and fewer notifications for people to monitor. | 11:30 |
stub | lifeless: It needs better plugin architecture, and it isn't a replacement for a general job handler, but I think a step in the right direction. | 11:31 |
lifeless | stub: nice | 11:38 |
lifeless | stub: +1 | 11:38 |
lifeless | stub: I do think jtv's particular case would be better served by events, but the existing event queuing things are not nice enough to draw in adopters yet | 11:39 |
stub | I don't know enough of the task system or the suggestions to know if that is a suitable fit. | 11:40 |
lifeless | stub: making garbo replace most of the existing cron jobs would help the sysadmins a lot I think | 11:41 |
stub | Yup. Also makes scheduling nicer - we don't end up with batch jobs running simultaneously causing load spikes. | 11:42 |
lifeless | anyohe that has oopstools working - could you see if https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/oops-tools/+bug/608914 has a working patch ? | 11:46 |
lifeless | jelmer: wb, did you see my reply? | 11:46 |
_mup_ | Bug #608914: Bugs not shown in the Timeouts section of oops summaries <OOPS Tools:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/608914> | 11:48 |
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away | ||
jelmer | lifeless: yep, thanks | 12:05 |
poolie | james_w, istm that <https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bzr> (for example) ought to link to the packaging branches | 12:12 |
poolie | if any | 12:12 |
poolie | or tell us there are none | 12:12 |
james_w | yes | 12:13 |
james_w | "Code", but yes | 12:13 |
rockstar | Morning folks! | 12:22 |
bigjools | hey rockstar | 12:22 |
rockstar | bigjools, what's the status of the maverick buildd stuff? | 12:30 |
bigjools | rockstar: still buggered as far as I know. Are you referring to the aptitude thing? | 12:33 |
rockstar | bigjools, yeah, | 12:33 |
rockstar | bigjools, is there anything I can do to help that along? I have some other tasks, but that's one of the blockers for jorge getting upstreams to use it. | 12:33 |
rockstar | (I'm going to work on the other one today) | 12:34 |
bigjools | rockstar: I don't know, I am not dealing with it. Were you expecting me to be? | 12:34 |
bigjools | it's a problem with the recipe stuff in the slave code | 12:35 |
rockstar | bigjools, yeah, I thought that you were going to get abentley's patch applied to the buildd to fix it. | 12:35 |
bigjools | I didn't know there was a patch :) | 12:35 |
bigjools | we're currently having problems getting any recipe build to go through dogfood - they all hang. | 12:35 |
rockstar | bigjools, okay, lemme chat with abentley when he's around, and we'll sort it out. We need to make that a priority. | 12:36 |
rockstar | bigjools, :( | 12:36 |
bigjools | rockstar: see this for example: https://code.dogfood.launchpad.net/~abentley/+recipe/bazaar/+build/263/+files/buildlog.txt.gz | 12:36 |
bigjools | "bzr: ERROR: No previous changelog to take the package name from, and --package not specified" | 12:36 |
bigjools | wtf? | 12:36 |
bigjools | rockstar: ok when you get know where the patch is, we can ask lamont to deploy it on the DF builders. | 12:37 |
rockstar | bigjools, yeah, I was just about to point that out. | 12:37 |
rockstar | bigjools, ack. Thanks. | 12:37 |
bigjools | it takes 10 minutes to print that error out as well | 12:37 |
rockstar | bigjools, since you said they were hanging, I wondered if that was an artifact of killing the build. | 12:38 |
rockstar | james_w, ping | 12:38 |
bigjools | no, I didn't kill it | 12:38 |
rockstar | bigjools, we also have some sourcecode/ updates that need to be applied to fix some more bugs. | 12:39 |
rockstar | bigjools, do you have any comments on fixing https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/583403 | 12:39 |
_mup_ | Bug #583403: Sourcepackage recipe builds need much more logging <recipe> <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/583403> | 12:39 |
bigjools | rockstar: yeah I think the logging needs to come from bzr | 12:41 |
rockstar | bigjools, okay. Are those logs just capturing stdout then? | 12:41 |
bigjools | yes | 12:41 |
rockstar | bigjools, great. I'll get a patch together and have james_w review it. | 12:41 |
bigjools | nyshe | 12:42 |
bigjools | rockstar: we're not going to get far until we figure out that long hang + the error above though :( | 12:42 |
rockstar | bigjools, yeah, what resources do you need in order to do that? | 12:42 |
bigjools | rockstar: james_w :) | 12:43 |
bigjools | it's running stuff I know nothing about unfortunately | 12:43 |
wgrant | bigjools, rockstar: That recipe is buggy. | 12:43 |
bigjools | well that's a good start. | 12:44 |
wgrant | It should be a merge, not a nest. | 12:44 |
rockstar | bigjools, okay, well I'll try and reproduce it here. james_w is kind of going into maintenance mode on some of these udd tasks, and I offered to pick up maintenance for them. | 12:44 |
bigjools | it should fail a bit quicker though | 12:44 |
rockstar | (Of course, that means I need to learn them first) | 12:44 |
wgrant | How long does it hang? | 12:44 |
bigjools | 10 minutes | 12:44 |
wgrant | Interesting. | 12:44 |
* bigjools fixes the recipe | 12:44 | |
wgrant | bigjools: Just s/nest/merge/, and drop the 'debian' from the end. | 12:45 |
rockstar | That might be a bzr stupidity. | 12:45 |
rockstar | Like bzr builds a whole working tree in memory just to get the single folder, or something. | 12:46 |
bigjools | dispatching the new recipe now | 12:47 |
bigjools | wgrant: btw I have a new buildd-manager on DF. | 12:47 |
bigjools | should be fun to see if it breaks production :) | 12:47 |
wgrant | Heh. | 12:47 |
wgrant | As in the new properly parallel one? | 12:47 |
bigjools | testing so far shows no issue | 12:47 |
bigjools | yes | 12:48 |
wgrant | Now we just need to convince it to dump uploads in a queue, and the problem is mostly fixed! | 12:48 |
bigjools | I do like Twisted. I don't like the b-m code so much. | 12:48 |
bigjools | yes, jelmer is working on that :) | 12:48 |
wgrant | Excellent. | 12:48 |
wgrant | I've also ported lp-buildd to use a modern system version of sbuild, so we can drop our unmaintained ancient buggy fork once Soyuz does ddebs. | 12:51 |
wgrant | So we should have a much healthier, more maintainable build farm soon, on multiple fronts... | 12:51 |
lifeless | losa ping | 12:52 |
rockstar | wgrant, this, my friend, is most excellent news. | 12:52 |
lifeless | http://pastebin.com/e9D6x3hX <- I'd like timing data for that query on each DB host please. | 12:52 |
mthaddon | lifeless: hi | 12:52 |
bigjools | wgrant: \o/ \o/ \o/ | 12:52 |
wgrant | Although I had to destroy buildrecipe in the process. | 12:52 |
rockstar | wgrant, now, if only we could have test coverage for the build farm. | 12:52 |
poolie | james_w, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/609116 | 12:52 |
_mup_ | Bug #609116: package page should point to package branches (or not) <udd> <Launchpad Registry:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/609116> | 12:52 |
wgrant | rockstar: Translations made a good start on testing their part of it. | 12:53 |
lifeless | it the literal query running on filebug queries on edge; its timing out a lot - I'm interested in figuring out if: | 12:53 |
lifeless | - there is one bad host | 12:53 |
lifeless | - there are bad query plans being generated | 12:53 |
lifeless | mthaddon: oh, and hai | 12:53 |
mthaddon | :) | 12:53 |
wgrant | bigjools: Um, where did that recipe go? | 12:54 |
wgrant | It has disappeared. | 12:54 |
wgrant | I wonder if you ran into a form bug and accidentally reassigned it yourself. | 12:54 |
wgrant | Heh, yes, there it is. | 12:54 |
bigjools | the log was there briefly | 12:54 |
bigjools | wtf | 12:55 |
* rockstar waits for the expansion of "form bug" | 12:55 | |
wgrant | The owner <select> won't have been populated with the previous value, since it was abentley, and bigjools is not abentley. | 12:55 |
gmb | rockstar, Could you or a suitable one of your code team cohorts take a look at the currently-failing merge between stable and db-devel please? There's a conflict but I'm not sure whether to just accept the merge-source version or not. | 12:56 |
wgrant | So it will have defaulted to the first available value. | 12:56 |
rockstar | gmb, sure. | 12:56 |
gmb | rockstar, Thanks. | 12:56 |
rockstar | gmb, oh shit, if this is what I thinks it is... | 12:56 |
bigjools | wgrant: https://code.dogfood.launchpad.net/~julian-edwards/+recipe/bazaar/+build/265 | 12:56 |
bigjools | it's hanging again | 12:57 |
gmb | ... | 12:57 |
rockstar | bigjools, it might just be that it's not logging anything properly. | 12:57 |
wgrant | bigjools: Ew. | 12:57 |
wgrant | That is possible. | 12:58 |
rockstar | bigjools, when I hear "hang" I think "this will not complete" but it gets back to going in a bit. | 12:58 |
bigjools | that is not just possible, it's highly likely | 12:58 |
wgrant | bigjools: Can you check the CPU usage? | 12:58 |
bigjools | no :( | 12:58 |
bigjools | the VMs don't let you ssh in | 12:58 |
rockstar | It generates an error message that makes no sense, this is true. | 12:58 |
wgrant | The error message made perfect sense. | 12:58 |
bigjools | we need to make this run quicker, this is way too slow | 12:59 |
wgrant | It probably won't occur this time, though. | 12:59 |
rockstar | bigjools, maybe we should find a way to keep metrics on the buildd CPU/mem usage. | 12:59 |
rockstar | I'm sure lifeless is all for it. | 12:59 |
bigjools | aaaaaaand fail | 12:59 |
bigjools | /usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-satisfydepends: line 92: aptitude: command not found | 12:59 |
bigjools | as expected for maverick | 13:00 |
wgrant | Better fail, though. | 13:00 |
rockstar | Yup. | 13:00 |
bigjools | can we just bin aptitude | 13:00 |
bigjools | it causes no end of problems | 13:00 |
rockstar | bigjools, no idea what the ramifications are. The people who would know are sprinting currently. | 13:01 |
bigjools | pbuilder could just use apt-get and this problem would disappear | 13:01 |
wgrant | Well. | 13:01 |
wgrant | aptitude resolves some things differently. | 13:02 |
wgrant | It used to be vastly superior to apt-get. | 13:02 |
wgrant | Not so much any more, though. | 13:02 |
rockstar | s/differently/stupidly/ | 13:02 |
bigjools | where differently is wrongly, so I'm told :) | 13:02 |
wgrant | Indeed. | 13:02 |
wgrant | But there was rationale for using it in the past. | 13:02 |
jelmer | wgrant: also, it doesn't have moo powers. | 13:08 |
wgrant | jelmer: Heh. | 13:09 |
bigjools | "apt-get moo" is right up there with "bzr rocks" | 13:09 |
poolie | yeah i think the moment has passed | 13:09 |
Ursinha | bigjools, oh crap, I didn't know about that | 13:10 |
Ursinha | :) | 13:10 |
wgrant | bigjools: aptitude's moo is better... | 13:11 |
bigjools | heh | 13:11 |
bigjools | wgrant: ok the lucid build is working now | 13:12 |
bigjools | I wonder what it's doing that takes so long | 13:13 |
wgrant | It took 10 minutes to check out from here. | 13:13 |
bigjools | hmmm, I wonder if it needs a --lightweight | 13:13 |
bigjools | anyway, food time | 13:14 |
wgrant | A lightweight checkout might actually be a reasonable idea here. | 13:15 |
wgrant | Hmmmm. | 13:15 |
wgrant | We should test that. | 13:15 |
lifeless | ok | 13:17 |
lifeless | so fti can do the search we need in 4ms | 13:17 |
lifeless | but if you rank, you're fucked | 13:17 |
lifeless | and if you join out from bug, you're in trouble too | 13:18 |
wgrant | So basically, we're doubly in trouble? | 13:19 |
james_w | rockstar, bigjools: if you update your copy of bzr-builder you will get more logging | 13:20 |
lifeless | just as a noddy example: | 13:20 |
lifeless | SELECT bug.private FROM Bug, BugTask WHERE Bug.id = BugTask.bug AND BugTask.distribution = 1 AND Bug.fti @@ ftq('depend|eclips|error|get|instal|unmet') LIMIT 40; | 13:20 |
james_w | plus an improvement to that previous error message | 13:20 |
lifeless | Time: 4.552 ms | 13:21 |
james_w | and many other bugfixes too | 13:21 |
rockstar | james_w, awesome. I need to find out how to upgrade sourcecode/ then. | 13:21 |
lifeless | SELECT bug.private FROM Bug, BugTask WHERE Bug.id = BugTask.bug AND BugTask.distribution = 1 AND Bug.fti @@ ftq('depend|eclips|error|get|instal|unmet') ORDER BY -rank(Bug.fti, ftq('depend|eclips|error|get|instal|unmet')) LIMIT 40; | 13:21 |
lifeless | Time: 7467.015 ms | 13:21 |
rockstar | james_w, a bzr-builder and bzr-builddeb update are both in my TODO list for today. | 13:21 |
wgrant | rockstar: sourcecode won't help the builders. | 13:21 |
james_w | true | 13:21 |
rockstar | wgrant, I understand that, but it gives me a start. | 13:21 |
james_w | it will still be useful for other fixes though | 13:22 |
james_w | where in the log does the 10 minute hang happen? | 13:22 |
rockstar | To deploy the new changes, I can just put a new package in a ppa (location still unknown to me) and then have lamont update. | 13:22 |
rockstar | bigjools, see james_w's question. ^^ | 13:22 |
wgrant | james_w: Immediately after the launchpad-login warnings. | 13:24 |
james_w | ok | 13:24 |
rockstar | james_w, I think it's actually in the builder part at that point, so if we have better logging, we might not have to worry about it anymore. | 13:25 |
james_w | rockstar: it's still in bzr-builder I think, but I believe that it may just be slow bzr access over http | 13:28 |
rockstar | james_w, yeah, that's what I was thinking. | 13:29 |
james_w | rockstar: the new bzr-builder should help with that some as well | 13:29 |
rockstar | james_w, yup. Looking to update it today. | 13:29 |
wgrant | Is there a good reason for buildrecipe to be a shell script? | 13:31 |
wgrant | I need to move some of it into the Python part of the slave. | 13:31 |
james_w | wgrant: none that I know of | 13:32 |
wgrant | And it all ends up simpler (particularly the error handling) if the whole thing is integrated into the slave Python. | 13:32 |
lifeless | SELECT bug.private, 1 as therank FROM Bug, BugTask, to_tsquery('depend|eclips|error|get|instal|unmet') query WHERE query @@ bug.fti and Bug.id = BugTask.bug AND BugTask.distribution = 1 ORDER BY therank DESC LIMIT 40 OFFSET 0; | 13:32 |
lifeless | Time: 4.171 ms | 13:33 |
lifeless | SELECT bug.private, ts_rank(bug.fti, query) as therank FROM Bug, BugTask, to_tsquery('depend|eclips|error|get|instal|unmet') query WHERE query @@ bug.fti and Bug.id = BugTask.bug AND BugTask.distribution = 1 ORDER BY therank DESC LIMIT 40 OFFSET 0; | 13:33 |
lifeless | SELECT bug.private, ts_rank(bug.fti, query) as therank FROM Bug, BugTask, to_tsquery('depend|eclips|error|get|instal|unmet') query WHERE query @@ bug.fti and Bug.id = BugTask.bug AND BugTask.distribution = 1 ORDER BY therank DESC LIMIT 40 OFFSET 0; | 13:33 |
lifeless | bah | 13:33 |
lifeless | Time: 5626.790 ms | 13:33 |
lifeless | ok | 13:33 |
lifeless | plane time | 13:33 |
lifeless | mthaddon: thanks a lot for the stats - its useful | 13:33 |
mthaddon | cool | 13:33 |
wgrant | I guess that sort of makes sense. | 13:33 |
james_w | wgrant: there's a use for process separation I think, but the language doesn't have an impact on that | 13:34 |
wgrant | james_w: Given that it pretty much just executes a few subprocesses anyway, I don't see much value in having another layer there. | 13:35 |
jtv | danilos, btw: a very simple small improvement I discussed w arne & dpm is to discard blocked ubuntu PO uploads after a year. If there's ever a new upload they'll probably just get re-blocked anyway, but it cuts down the queue by 40% | 13:35 |
danilos | jtv, yeah, sounds good | 13:36 |
james_w | wgrant: right, it's a small window of exceptions that would affect that. Making it not run builder as a subprocess and call the python functions instead probably isn't a good idea though | 13:36 |
jtv | also, arne came up with a great solution for some other process problems: when they approve an upload, do an instant approval run over other entries it's likely to affect. | 13:36 |
wgrant | james_w: Oh, certainly. Those will continue to run as subprocesses. But buildrecipe will be merged into sourcepackagerecipe.py. | 13:37 |
danilos | jtv, sounds so simple ;) | 13:37 |
james_w | wgrant: +1 | 13:38 |
danilos | jtv, (ok, it's not too hard if "instant" is "in a few minutes" :) | 13:38 |
jtv | danilos: the fun is in the fine print... this would be approvals, not blocking, and probably only needs-review uploads with the same path and for the same package/productseries | 13:38 |
wgrant | james_w: Thanks. | 13:39 |
jtv | I think that's probably not too hard. | 13:39 |
danilos | jtv, hum, language detection, custom language codes, different layouts? blocked is just about the problem of the same complexity so not really a big deal | 13:40 |
jtv | danilos: they don't mind if it doesn't work as well for different layouts. I wouldn't think the rest would be that costly. | 13:40 |
jtv | Or how about just the files with the same path? | 13:41 |
james_w | hi gary_poster, I requested a review from you of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~james-w/launchpad/drop-default-skin/+merge/30763 which was a change that salgado discussed with you the other day. Let me know if you would like someone else to review it. | 13:55 |
gary_poster | ack, james_w. I'll look at it in a few | 13:56 |
flacoste | gmb: subscribing to a tag is within scope of the better subscription control story right? | 14:12 |
gmb | flacoste Yes. | 14:13 |
gmb | flacoste, Sorry, just grabbing lunch; I'll answer any questions when I get back., | 14:13 |
flacoste | gmb: no other questions, bon appétit! | 14:13 |
* rockstar fetches breakfast | 14:17 | |
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan | ||
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch | ||
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rockstar | bigjools, ping? | 16:20 |
bigjools | rockstar: hi | 16:47 |
rockstar | bigjools, we're talking recipes in mumble right now. | 16:48 |
rockstar | bigjools, I suppose that was my indirect way of inviting you to talk recipes with us in mumble. | 16:49 |
mtaylor | rockstar: morning | 16:53 |
rockstar | mtaylor, hello sir | 16:53 |
rockstar | mtaylor, are you on the west coast? | 16:53 |
mtaylor | rockstar: I am. | 16:54 |
mtaylor | rockstar: I have some fun tarmac things to poke you about - and now I'm in the right time zone to do it! | 16:54 |
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch | ||
rockstar | mtaylor, ah, yes, I am home now, so we're only an hour difference. | 16:55 |
mtaylor | w00t | 16:55 |
mtaylor | rockstar: well... the most annoying one is that, as lifeless was hinting might be the case, tags are not propogating | 16:55 |
rockstar | mtaylor, hm... | 16:55 |
rockstar | mtaylor, is there a bug? | 16:55 |
mtaylor | rockstar: not yet | 16:57 |
mtaylor | rockstar: I made a quick list of bugs to file, which I will do this morning | 16:57 |
rockstar | mtaylor, well how do I fix a bug I don't know about? :) | 16:57 |
mtaylor | rockstar: I know I know | 16:58 |
rockstar | mtaylor, also, there is #tarmac, that actually has people in it, if you get stuck and I'm not around. | 16:58 |
=== gary-lunch is now known as gary_poster | ||
rockstar | gary_poster, is there a doc in the launchpad that tells me how I can update stuff in sourcecode/ | 17:13 |
gary_poster | rockstar: not that I'm aware of, unfortunately, but the conf file is pretty obvious. Lemme find it for you (somewhere in utilities...) | 17:14 |
gary_poster | sourcedeps.conf | 17:14 |
benji | is there a way I can get a full diff between the code on edge and prod? | 17:15 |
gary_poster | rockstar: utilities/sourcedeps.conf . Take a look and then feel free to ask questions | 17:15 |
gary_poster | benji: um, yeah...you could do ``bzr diff --new=(edge) --old=(prod)`` where (edge) == lp:launchpad/stable and (prod) == lp:launchpad/production or something close to that, but that sounds to me like you're going to have an awfully unwieldy diff. I can see why you'd ask though (the unicode login thing, I suspect)...thinking if there might be another way to approach it... | 17:18 |
benji | yeah; it turns out that I can't reproduce it in development and I can't imagine how my recent changes caused it | 17:19 |
benji | the tests for this corner of the world are pretty screwy; so much stuff is faked out that very little of the real code runs, and when it does run it often takes different code paths than in actual use | 17:20 |
gary_poster | benji, you've duped on edge or (mildly better because then you are not changing the real db) staging? | 17:24 |
benji | yep, I can dupe on edge | 17:24 |
benji | I just had to change my login.launchpad.net user name slightly, so no DB change worries | 17:25 |
gary_poster | the fact that you can't dupe locally (launchpad.dev) is concerning | 17:26 |
benji | gary_poster: the problem is that it's not possible to dupe in dev, not that the error doesn't exist; there are no test users with unicode in their names and the prod OpenID provider doesn't entirely work with dev | 17:27 |
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara | ||
gary_poster | benji, oh, I see. So, to dupe, you would need to have a new user (or modified user) that has the state. ...I *think* we have some helpers now to create users on the fly | 17:34 |
gary_poster | benji: utilities/make-lp-user might or might not help | 17:36 |
benji | k, thanks | 17:36 |
rockstar | gary_poster, okay, so I just submit a merge against the pqm managed branch and then update the sourcecode.conf file with the new revno? | 17:41 |
gary_poster | rockstar: right | 17:41 |
rockstar | gary_poster, okay, thanks. | 17:42 |
gary_poster | np | 17:42 |
rockstar | james_w, ping | 17:56 |
james_w | hi rockstar | 17:56 |
rockstar | james_w, abentley tells me you're making packages for bzr-builder and bzr-builddeb to be used in the buildds (so I don't have to make those). Is this true? | 17:57 |
james_w | I did last time | 17:57 |
rockstar | james_w, I'm happy to make them and put them in the right place if you can provide me some details. | 17:57 |
james_w | rockstar: bzr-builddeb is a native package, and I usually upload via Debian, it's easy to tweak the version number and build a pre-release package though | 18:08 |
rockstar | james_w, I'm more concerned about bzr-builder's status more than anything now. | 18:09 |
james_w | rockstar: I'm just checking if there is anything I should fix before doing a bzr-builder release. If not then I will do that and we can get a package in to its PPA. | 18:09 |
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away | ||
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james_w | I wanted to get the merge-subdirs change in, but it is blocked right now, so I will do a release now, and then one with it when it lands | 18:11 |
rockstar | james_w, I think the big bzr-builder bug we need the fix for is the new merge instruction. | 18:25 |
statik | hola launchpad hackers | 18:32 |
statik | i'm trying to install launchpad-dependencies on maverick, and can't find the python-profiler package that is wanted | 18:32 |
statik | is this something i could fix by rebuilding a package for maverick in the PPA? | 18:33 |
james_w | rockstar: https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr-builder/trunk/0.3 | 18:38 |
james_w | statik: you need multiverse enabled, at least on lucid | 18:38 |
rockstar | james_w, did you mean to have that file start with .. ? | 18:38 |
james_w | rockstar: hah, no, I obviously don't have the script with that bug fixed. | 18:39 |
statik | james_w, ah thx, i will check that i have multiverse enabled | 18:39 |
rockstar | james_w, does this have the new instruction in it? | 18:39 |
james_w | rockstar: no | 18:39 |
rockstar | james_w, :( | 18:40 |
james_w | that branch isn't ready yet | 18:40 |
james_w | yeah | 18:40 |
rockstar | james_w, what do we need to do to get it ready? What can I do to help it along? | 18:40 |
james_w | New tarball uploaded | 18:40 |
james_w | https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~spiv/bzr-builder/merge-subdirs-479705/+merge/14979 | 18:41 |
james_w | rockstar: kicking it off to build into the PPA | 18:43 |
rockstar | james_w, awesome, thanks. | 18:43 |
james_w | now I'm heading out for dinner | 18:44 |
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha | ||
james_w | the packages should show up here in a bit: https://edge.launchpad.net/~dailydebs-team/+archive/bzr-builder | 18:45 |
rockstar | james_w, the package is basically trunk right now, yes? | 18:49 |
=== jelmer_ is now known as jelmer | ||
maxb | statik: Just testing, or actually going to try LP dev on Maverick? Is it time that we should be looking to properly populate the PPA for Maverick? | 19:03 |
mars | abentley, ping, have a moment for a quick question about testrepository and testr? I was wondering what you have in your .testr.conf | 19:24 |
abentley | mars, I have the default value except in one branch where I added xvfb-run to the run command. | 19:25 |
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno | ||
abentley | mars, right now the lack of incremental output is a real downside, so I haven't been using it much. | 19:26 |
mars | incremental output? | 19:26 |
mars | like "It runs everything and spits out the buffer at the end"? | 19:26 |
abentley | mars, all the stuff about setting up layers, tearing down layers, and individual test runs. | 19:27 |
abentley | mars, pretty much, yeah. | 19:27 |
mars | abentley, ok, thanks. Still sounds like it would work well for my one-off "I need to run all windmill tests for failures in a background process" type of work. | 19:29 |
abentley | mars, yes, it should be good for that. | 19:29 |
mars | many thanks | 19:29 |
mars | abentley, ack, next question: I did the obvious thing, "testr run -t test_me_too", and it says "no such option, -t". Quoting doesn't seem to help. Any way to pass options right on through? | 19:33 |
mars | just a sec, thought of something | 19:33 |
mars | maybe '-- -t foo' will work | 19:33 |
abentley | mars, use -- | 19:33 |
mars | alright, "next to least surprising thing" works :) | 19:33 |
abentley | mars, once you've had a test run, you'll probably want "testr run --failing" | 19:35 |
abentley | mars, though you can also run individual tests through it to knock them off the failing list. | 19:36 |
mars | neat | 19:37 |
statik | maxb, yes i'm on maverick fulltime and trying to dip my toe back in the water with launchpad dev | 19:49 |
maxb | I shall copy some packages and see if they install in a chroot | 19:51 |
abentley | mars, (quoting doesn't work because the shell interprets quotes, so testr can't distinguish it from testr run -t\ test_me_too) | 19:55 |
maxb | What on earth? I'm trying to copy pocket-lint from lucid to maverick in the launchpad ppa, and getting "binaries conflicting with the existing ones" | 19:56 |
maxb | it's a copy with binaries, how can there be a conflict?! | 19:56 |
statik | maxb, thanks for looking after this | 19:59 |
rockstar | abentley, so, bzr experts apparently can also rescore/cancel builds. That's why you were seeing the link. | 20:43 |
rockstar | (I had forgotten that thumper suggested it) | 20:43 |
abentley | rockstar, ah, okay. | 20:44 |
mtaylor | daily ppas should be able to be triggered by push to branch | 20:52 |
mtaylor | just saying | 20:52 |
=== gary_poster_ is now known as gary_poster | ||
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-bbl | ||
lifeless | losa ping | 22:15 |
mbarnett | heya lifeless | 22:19 |
lifeless | hey | 22:19 |
lifeless | I want to generate some stats from staging's fti index | 22:19 |
lifeless | this will take hours and hours | 22:19 |
mbarnett | heh | 22:20 |
lifeless | so I'm wondering if someone can do it in a screen session on the box | 22:20 |
mbarnett | lifeless: sure. | 22:21 |
lifeless | ok, I'll prep the exact thing to run form devpad then pastebin it for you | 22:21 |
lifeless | actually | 22:26 |
lifeless | its late, I'll skip it and get it organised over the weekend, might see if someone is around tomorrow to kick it off or some such | 22:27 |
lifeless | have a good weekend - gotta log off the wifi here | 22:27 |
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan | ||
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk | ||
wgrant | benji: You know you can run canonical-identity-provider locally, right? | 23:21 |
benji | no! | 23:21 |
wgrant | benji: It's not too difficult, and lets you replicate the production setup almost exactly. | 23:21 |
wgrant | bzr get lp:canonical-identity-provider | 23:21 |
benji | I need to get that going. Any directions? | 23:21 |
wgrant | Then follow the instructions in the tree. | 23:21 |
benji | great! | 23:21 |
wgrant | It's even open source now. | 23:21 |
benji | thanks, that'll make my life much better | 23:22 |
wgrant | Then you just have to tweak the LP vhost config to use that rather than login.launchpad.net, configure c-i-p to send full name and email address to launchpad.dev, and it all should work. | 23:23 |
benji | sounds good | 23:24 |
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