thumper | anyone? | 05:24 |
thumper | mwhudson: ^^ maybe? | 05:28 |
thumper | mwhudson: it is pretty simple | 05:28 |
mwhudson | thumper: you could verify the owner by examining the database object, maybe? | 05:30 |
thumper | mwhudson: not in the browser test | 05:30 |
thumper | well | 05:30 |
thumper | I could I suppose | 05:30 |
mwhudson | thumper: why not? you create a branch database-style | 05:30 |
* thumper thinks of steps | 05:30 | |
thumper | have to login, and get recipe for person | 05:31 |
thumper | shouldn't be too hard | 05:31 |
thumper | better option you think/ | 05:31 |
thumper | ? | 05:31 |
mwhudson | it makes it more obvious what you're actually testing i think | 05:31 |
thumper | mwhudson: | 05:42 |
thumper | and I'm happy that utilities/paste seems to work again | 05:42 |
mwhudson | thumper: looks good | 05:43 |
thumper | I do feel slightly that the test is testing two things | 05:44 |
thumper | one that the teams are shown (which is kinda defined by the widget) | 05:44 |
thumper | and the other is that we use the owner specified | 05:44 |
mwhudson | i guess you could do a more explicit test of the former | 05:44 |
mwhudson | oh | 05:45 |
* mwhudson opens his eyes | 05:45 | |
mwhudson | yeah, maybe that should be two tests | 05:45 |
* thumper hacks | 05:46 | |
thumper | mwhudson: | 05:48 |
thumper | look ok? | 05:48 |
mwhudson | thumper: yes | 05:53 |
thumper | good | 05:53 |
thumper | 'cause I just typed ec2 land | 05:54 |
thumper | :) | 05:54 |
mwhudson | heh | 05:54 |
mwhudson | i was busy writing awful code for lexbuilder | 05:54 |
thumper | lexbuilder? | 05:55 |
lifeless | mwhudson: is that open yet? | 05:55 |
mwhudson | lifeless: no, going through the management approval process aiui | 05:56 |
mwhudson | thumper: cody's image building service thing | 05:56 |
jtv | On call: - || reviewing: || queue: [jtv] || This channel is logged: || | 12:14 |
danilos | jtv, hey, I reviewed a branch for you :) how about you review one for me... ;) | 13:32 |
jtv | danilos: hi! | 13:32 |
jtv | uhhh | 13:32 |
jtv | "I'm sprinting, sorry" ;-) | 13:33 |
jtv | Nah, coming. :) | 13:33 |
danilos | jtv, no worries, it's only ~1100 lines or so :) | 13:33 |
jtv | danilos: gah | 13:33 |
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: bac || reviewing: || queue: [] || This channel is logged: || | ||
bac | morning | 13:47 |
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: bac || reviewing: jtv || queue: [] || This channel is logged: || | ||
jtv | bac: thanks... I've got several, but your choice which you take | 14:10 |
bac | looking at bug 600673 | 14:10 |
_mup_ | Bug #600673: Template selector on template approval form <import-queue> <ui> <Launchpad Translations:In Progress by jtv> <> | 14:10 |
bac | jtv: you've got a note in BRANCH.TODO. was that done? | 14:11 |
jtv | bac: great! That's been stuck in "$%&#@ windmill won't work" for ages | 14:11 |
* jtv checks | 14:11 | |
jtv | bac: whoops, no! | 14:12 |
jtv | bac: I'll retract that MP for now and fix that. :-( | 14:12 |
bac | wow, that was fast! | 14:12 |
jtv | Good thing I made a note there... AIUI such a note prohibits landing. | 14:12 |
bac | yep | 14:12 |
bac | big red flag to reviewers, too | 14:12 |
jtv | (So good thing you spotted it, but also good to know it wasn't our last line of defense) | 14:12 |
james_w | hi bac, a small branch for your perusal if you would: | 14:56 |
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: bac || reviewing: jtv || queue: [james_w] || This channel is logged: || | ||
bac | james_w: righto | 14:56 |
=== sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: bac || reviewing: jtv || queue: [james_w, sinzui] || This channel is logged: || | ||
bac | jtv: your export-reorg branch has a failing test: pofile.txt | 15:05 |
jtv | bac: just not my week, is it... | 15:06 |
jtv | I thought I'd run all tests. :( | 15:06 |
bac | looks easy | 15:06 |
jtv | bac: I'll have to get to it later... juggling too many balls right now | 15:12 |
bac | jtv: ok, i'll still finish up the review | 15:13 |
jtv | bac: thanks | 15:13 |
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch | ||
jtv | bac: you were right, looks easy | 15:30 |
jtv | forgot to pass some parameters | 15:30 |
jtv | exportTranslationFiles accepts them but fails to pass them on as intended. | 15:32 |
jtv | bac: export-reorg is fixed, passed all tests I cared to throw at it. | 15:36 |
bac | thanks | 15:36 |
salgado | jtv, did you file that bug on our windmill login helper? | 15:39 |
jtv | salgado: no... something I wanted to ask: going to the page first and _then_ logging in looks like it shouldn't work at all. | 15:39 |
salgado | jtv, but the test passes if you do that? | 15:40 |
jtv | salgado: I changed it like you said—ensure login, then open page. And that worked. | 15:40 |
salgado | jtv, and why you think it shouldn't work? | 15:40 |
jtv | So ISTM it's a bug in the test. Just don't get why buildbot doesn't scream bloody murder. | 15:41 |
jtv | salgado: because you need to be logged in before you can open that page. | 15:41 |
salgado | but if it shouldn't work then the login helper should fail loudly rather than silently. ;) | 15:42 |
jtv | Well AFAICS the login would work, but just too late for the test to get a working page. | 15:43 |
salgado | the login should work and redirect back to the page that was open when it started | 15:44 |
salgado | so the test would be able to proceed | 15:45 |
jtv | oic | 15:47 |
jtv | then I'll file that bug | 15:47 |
jtv | salgado: bug 609190 | 15:52 |
_mup_ | Bug #609190: Login problem in windmill test <Launchpad itself:New> <> | 15:52 |
salgado | jtv, cool, thanks | 15:52 |
=== gary_poster is now known as gary-lunch | ||
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: bac || reviewing: james_w || queue: [sinzui] || This channel is logged: || | ||
jtv | bac: thanks... I just fixed up my other branch as well. | 16:20 |
jtv | I hope. | 16:20 |
jtv | But let me test that first. :-) | 16:20 |
jelmer | bac: Can I add a trivial qa fix branch to your queue? | 16:38 |
jtv | bac: done fixing up both my broken branches—please consider them reviewable again | 16:58 |
jtv | ahem... one was already done of course | 16:59 |
* jtv eods | 17:06 | |
=== gary-lunch is now known as gary_poster | ||
abentley | rockstar, could you please review ? | 17:16 |
rockstar | abentley, absolutely. | 17:16 |
jelmer | Anybody around to do a quick qa fix review (6 line change + 7 lines cleanup) ? | 17:18 |
rockstar | abentley, line 26-27 of the diff, why are you printing "Printing recipe:" and the recipe on separate lines? | 17:22 |
abentley | rockstar, I'm printing 'Building recipe:' so to help break up the recipe from the body of the log. I'm printing the recipe verbatim so that it's easy to copy and paste. | 17:23 |
rockstar | abentley, okay. | 17:24 |
abentley | rockstar, this log gives an example of what it looks like: | 17:25 |
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara | ||
rockstar | abentley, ah, much better! | 17:29 |
rockstar | abentley, can you rubberstamp a merge for bzr-builder and bzr-builddeb trunk merges into sourcecode for me? | 18:02 |
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: bac || reviewing: sinzui || queue: [-] || This channel is logged: || | ||
bac | sinzui: where is your branch to review? | 18:56 |
bac | MP? | 18:56 |
=== jelmer_ is now known as jelmer | ||
* sinzui look | 18:58 | |
jelmer | hi Brad | 18:58 |
jelmer | bac: Can I add a trivial qa fix branch to your queue? | 18:58 |
bac | jelmer: sure | 18:58 |
=== jelmer changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: bac || reviewing: sinzui || queue: [jelmer] ] || This channel is logged: || | ||
bac | jelmer: is it on +activereviews? you have two there | 18:58 |
sinzui | bac: | 18:59 |
jelmer | bac: Thanks! It's | 18:59 |
bac | sinzui: ah, robert claimed it and then abstained. that's why it doesn't show up | 18:59 |
rockstar | abentley, can I use you as rubberstamp for bzr-builder update of sourcecode? | 19:30 |
abentley | rockstar, rs=me. | 19:30 |
abentley | rockstar, sorry, was on lunch. | 19:31 |
rockstar | abentley, ta | 19:31 |
rockstar | abentley, no problem. You're allowed to eat. :) | 19:31 |
abentley | rockstar, could you please review ? | 20:33 |
rockstar | abentley, sure. | 20:34 |
rockstar | abentley, it looks like there might be some conflicts. | 20:39 |
rockstar | (At least, that's what the diff says. It's sometimes wrong) | 20:39 |
abentley | rockstar, I merged just before pushing, so I'd be surprised. | 20:39 |
abentley | rockstar, the merge conflict is introduced in db-devel, which is why I didn't catch it. | 20:44 |
rockstar | abentley, ah, okay. The conflict looks like the result of a blanket lint fix, which makes me a bit sad. | 20:45 |
abentley | rockstar, plus I don't like the idea of remove_security_proxy_and_shout_at_engineer. | 20:47 |
abentley | rockstar, updated version pushed. | 20:48 |
sinzui | rockstar, are you available to do a UI review today? | 21:02 |
rockstar | sinzui, I am after I am finished with abentley, yes. | 21:03 |
sinzui | I will then make a formal request on my MP | 21:03 |
rockstar | sinzui, cool. | 21:04 |
rockstar | abentley, why do you catch ProgrammingError and then raise without an argument? | 21:06 |
abentley | rockstar, I want ProgrammingErrors to propagate normally, because it's confusing if that exception handler tries to swallow them, and it masks the original cause. | 21:07 |
rockstar | abentley, ah, is this the problem you were bumping into this morning? | 21:07 |
abentley | rockstar, I raise without an argument because I want to see the traceback from where it was originally raised. | 21:07 |
abentley | rockstar, yes. | 21:08 |
rockstar | abentley, oka. | 21:08 |
rockstar | abentley, I wonder if a comment to that effect might be good. | 21:08 |
rockstar | abentley, actually, no, probably not. | 21:08 |
bac | jelmer: i just got off a long call and will do your review now. sorry for the delay | 21:09 |
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: bac || reviewing: jelmer || queue: [-] ] || This channel is logged: || | ||
rockstar | abentley, I don't see any tests for lfaUrl, log_url, or upload_log_url. Are those abstracted somewhere? | 21:13 |
abentley | rockstar, I shouldn't have to test those, because they're provided by packagebuild. | 21:15 |
abentley | or buildfarmjob for log_url. | 21:15 |
rockstar | abentley, okay, lemme actually fetch the branch. The diff seems misleading then. | 21:16 |
rockstar | abentley, it looks like lfaURL is part of SourcePackageRecipeBuild | 21:19 |
abentley | rockstar, Yes, there are tests for that one. | 21:22 |
abentley | rockstar, that's basically a view helper. | 21:22 |
rockstar | abentley, can you point me to the tests for it? | 21:22 |
abentley | rockstar, it makes +files/upload-foo.log work. | 21:22 |
rockstar | abentley, okay, so it's not unit tested, but the functionality is being tested. | 21:25 |
abentley | rockstar, right. | 21:25 |
rockstar | abentley, I guess that's okay, although I'd be more comfortable with a unit test as well. | 21:26 |
rockstar | I leave that to your discretion. | 21:26 |
abentley | rockstar, I only added it because there were failing tests. | 21:26 |
* rockstar nods. | 21:27 | |
rockstar | abentley, okay, r=me. However, I'm going to have to wait for your branch to land before I change the Cancel/Rescore link, because it needs to hinge on the status now, and changing that in devel and then getting merged into db-devel after you land your patch will send us into testfix. | 21:38 |
abentley | rockstar, you're not planning on landing in in db-devel, are you? | 21:39 |
rockstar | abentley, no, but I need to coordinate the merge from devel to db-devel. | 21:39 |
abentley | rockstar, as you wish. | 21:40 |
rockstar | So I need to land in devel, then merge my patch into db-devel and make sure the change is made. | 21:40 |
abentley | rockstar, I'm doing a full test suite run now. | 21:40 |
abentley | rockstar, I'll probably land it this weekend. | 21:40 |
abentley | rockstar, I'd like to try calling you on Empathy chat. Cool? | 21:41 |
rockstar | abentley, lemme figure out how to make Empathy happy with my headset. One sec. | 21:42 |
rockstar | abentley, okay, call away. | 21:43 |
abentley | rockstar, nevermind. Let's do mumble as usual. | 21:44 |
rockstar | abentley, okay, cool. | 21:44 |
=== gary_poster_ is now known as gary_poster | ||
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || reviewing: - || queue: [-] ] || This channel is logged: || | ||
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk |
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