cheri703 | my computer won't let me make a usb startup disk | 00:44 |
stlsaint | cheri703: what application are you using? | 00:45 |
cheri703 | the startup disk creator in ubuntu | 00:46 |
cheri703 | I have been having strange problems with my computer all day | 00:46 |
stlsaint | cheri703: what error are you getting? | 00:46 |
cheri703 | well, when I choose my iso, the make startup disk button is greyed out, and I only have "erase disk" | 00:47 |
cheri703 | (the usb) | 00:47 |
cheri703 | ok, weird | 00:47 |
cheri703 | when I chose erase disk before it gave me an error, this time it might be working, one sec | 00:47 |
cheri703 | ok, now it's working | 00:47 |
cheri703 | sorry... | 00:48 |
stlsaint | cheri703: unmount the usb, use gparted to format the usb, remove the usb from system, plug in again and run | 00:48 |
stlsaint | oh ok,cool | 00:48 |
cheri703 | I was having an issue earlier that it wasn't recognizing my onboard sound card, was directed to do pulseaudio --kill and then start, that worked this morning, but computer froze up this afternoon and when I rebooted, it had disappeared again. I did the kill/start again, and no luck | 00:48 |
cheri703 | so I'm just scrapping it and reinstalling ubuntu | 00:49 |
cheri703 | I was messing with a bunch of audio stuff trying to get a usb mic working the other night | 00:49 |
cheri703 | so I may have screwed something up | 00:49 |
cheri703 | so my computer doesn't want to boot from the usb...also, I can't install oss4-dkms, I keep getting errors whenever I try, even when I downloaded it from the website | 01:05 |
Vantrax | grats stlsaint | 01:21 |
stlsaint | Vantrax: thanks | 01:22 |
nUboon2Age | hey all, i'm needing some help w/ getting the network icon back onto my top panel, can anyone help? | 02:11 |
nUboon2Age | i made sure i had a notification area, so that's taken care of. | 02:13 |
zkriesse | nUboon2Age: network icon | 02:13 |
zkriesse | the internet thing you mean? | 02:13 |
nUboon2Age | hey zkriesse, uh, its been a while since i've seen it | 02:14 |
nUboon2Age | i can't remember what it looks like. | 02:14 |
nUboon2Age | i had wicd in there for a long while | 02:14 |
zkriesse | huh | 02:15 |
nUboon2Age | and now i'm trying to get NetworkManager working again | 02:15 |
stlsaint | alright folks, ill be back in an hour | 02:15 |
nUboon2Age | i guess its the wireless icon | 02:16 |
zkriesse | nUboon2Age: ok | 02:16 |
zkriesse | hello kevin___ | 02:17 |
kevin___ | hey zkriesse | 02:17 |
kevin___ | sorry, I'm messing with xchat | 02:17 |
nUboon2Age | i think i just stumbled on the answer... | 02:17 |
kevin___ | and I don't know how to stop it from connecting | 02:17 |
zkriesse | kevin___: auto joining on ya? | 02:18 |
kevin___ | yeah, it's seidos | 02:18 |
zkriesse | kevin___: oh hey dude | 02:18 |
zkriesse | kevin___: go to XChat -> Network List -> Freenode -> Edit... -> Connecting -> Un-check "Auto connect to this network at startup" | 02:19 |
nUboon2Age | i reinstalled the gnome-network-manager package and then in a terminal typed 'nm-applet' | 02:19 |
zkriesse | nUboon2Age: ok | 02:20 |
nUboon2Age | now i need to know how to make sure it starts up automatically | 02:20 |
kevin___ | zkriesse, yeah, I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that, oh well. thanks | 02:20 |
zkriesse | kevin___: yup | 02:20 |
nUboon2Age | looks like its working. I just switched from wired to wireless... | 02:21 |
nUboon2Age | now i need to know how to make sure it starts up automatically | 02:21 |
nUboon2Age | cool, i just went to System->Preferences->Startup Applications and found there was an unchecked item for Network Manager. Whew! fixed (i think -- fingers crossed). | 02:24 |
nUboon2Age | now i'll check it by rebooting... cya l8r | 02:25 |
nUboon2Age | yup, it worked. I'd removed NetworkManger and replaced it w/ wicd, but when checking on some odd behavior with ubuntu One, (thanks to Kermiac) i found out that it was relying on NetworkManger to do some of its work, so i have to put it back and cope with the other previous problem separately (i can't recall for sure, but i think it was a USB sync problem with Palm or iPod). | 02:30 |
seidos | is wicd really that much better? I mean I know it's prettier, but is it doing anything different under the hood? I don't know, I've only used it very briefly | 02:31 |
nUboon2Age | seidos: i know it worked pretty well for most things, | 03:29 |
seidos | nUboon2Age, it == network manager? | 03:31 |
nulify0 | hi, what is netstumbler analouge for ubuntu? | 03:57 |
stlsaint | nulify0: not sure what you mean? | 04:10 |
nulify0 | i"d like to know where is best wifi signal at home, good program for such is netstumbler, it shows graph with strenth of signal (win only) , so i need something like that for ubuntu | 04:15 |
stlsaint | nulify0: you on gnome or kde? | 04:17 |
stlsaint | nulify0: for gnome there is: wavemon, for kde is:kwavecontrol | 04:18 |
nulify0 | gnome, but if kde wont crash this time (it crashed on my notebook,but recently i updated kernel) i might install kde | 04:18 |
stlsaint | nulify0: for gnome there is: wavemon, for kde is:kwavecontrol | 04:19 |
nulify0 | ok, i installed it, but cant find in menu | 04:21 |
stlsaint | call it from terminal | 04:23 |
nulify0 | called, but interface not very convinient )) is there some graphical program? | 04:26 |
stlsaint | nulify0: i dont use anything particular | 04:29 |
nulify0 | i see, i googled for netstumbler alternative and read that kismet is good, installed kismet, but cant guess what i should write on its config(about source wlan) to run it. | 04:34 |
=== bgs100 is now known as bgs000 | ||
nUboon2Age | seidos: to clarify what i said earlier: wicd was not only pretty, but worked pretty well for most everything you'd need it for, except i found out that ubuntu One is relaying on Network Manager for some of its services, and i don't know if you can have both NM and wicd working simulataneously. at least i wasn't successful in getting them both to work. | 05:28 |
jimio | I was wondering if someone could help me with my problem ... I accidentally enabled the magnifier for the login screen and it's blocking everything, including the icon which I first enabled it from (it's not actually magnifying anything useful). How can I disable it, or reset the login screen? | 05:31 |
=== steemed is now known as st33med | ||
SomeDude | hello everyone | 07:37 |
SomeDude | i have a software question, | 07:37 |
SomeDude | On my mac I had a small program called TweetmyMac. It allowed me to control my Mac via a twitter account and tweet basic UNIX commands. I was wondering if there was a program similar to that for Linux | 07:38 |
SomeDude | I have linux on a laptop and it would be nice to be able to turn it off remotely from a web browser rather then needing to install software (this is because I would do it from a random computer/school/library) | 07:38 |
yax51 | hmmm there should be....lets find out.... | 07:45 |
yax51 | Somedude: Gnome RDP might be what you are looking for | 07:48 |
yax51 | SomeDude: you could also check out KontrolPack.... | 07:50 |
yax51 | SomeDude: there is also KRDC | 07:51 |
yax51 | SomeDude: Remmina Remote Desktop Client... | 07:53 |
yax51 | SomeDude: Remote Desktop viewer | 07:54 |
yax51 | SomeDude: Secure Shell.... | 07:55 |
yax51 | SomeDude: are these anything you are looking for? | 07:55 |
SomeDude | thanks for the help everyone | 08:03 |
SomeDude | going to bed, adios | 08:03 |
=== swoody is now known as Guest50088 | ||
=== swoody_ is now known as swoody | ||
duanedesign | morning all | 12:43 |
paultag | hey | 12:44 |
paultag | duanedesign: what's up? | 12:44 |
isiah | hi guys, been a while | 12:49 |
paultag | heyya isiah | 12:50 |
isiah | what you been up to paultag? | 12:50 |
paultag | isiah: nada, how have you been? long time no see | 12:54 |
isiah | finished the EE degree and job searched | 12:57 |
paultag | killer | 12:57 |
isiah | looks like i landed something | 12:57 |
paultag | whatcha looking for a job in? | 12:57 |
paultag | nice! doin what? | 12:57 |
isiah | EE | 12:57 |
paultag | well duh! | 12:57 |
paultag | but that's a big field | 12:57 |
isiah | electrical safety standards engineering | 12:57 |
isiah | perfect job for an OCD engineer | 12:58 |
paultag | ah cool | 12:58 |
paultag | solid, congrats isiah | 12:58 |
isiah | thankx | 12:58 |
isiah | I was trying to get a former classmate to work on that business idea I had a while back. | 12:58 |
paultag | hell yeah | 12:59 |
isiah | thinking about giving it more time and just put up an ad in the college job board as an internship | 12:59 |
paultag | isiah: I've forgotten where you live | 13:02 |
isiah | buffalo NY | 13:02 |
paultag | ah right right right | 13:02 |
isiah | the real edge of western civilization | 13:03 |
paultag | isiah: bullshit | 13:03 |
paultag | isiah: I'm in cleveland | 13:03 |
paultag | isiah: that's just barely civilization | 13:03 |
isiah | over yonder horizon lies the barbarian forces of the Canada | 13:03 |
paultag | isiah: aye aye | 13:03 |
isiah | much like the roman legionnaire us buffaloions are all that is stopping them from stroming the gates | 13:04 |
paultag | hahaha | 13:04 |
isiah | what are you doing in cleveland? I thought you hailed from West Virginia for some reason | 13:05 |
paultag | isiah: no sir | 13:06 |
paultag | isiah: Bosoton by birth | 13:06 |
isiah | oh | 13:06 |
isiah | you got a job there? | 13:06 |
paultag | isiah: still in school | 13:07 |
paultag | isiah: last year :) | 13:07 |
isiah | nice for what? | 13:08 |
paultag | isiah: math + comp-sci | 13:08 |
paultag | single degree | 13:08 |
paultag | isiah: I'm a nerd :) | 13:10 |
isiah | I am going back part-time to school | 13:16 |
isiah | hope to pick up first comp engineering, then math degrees | 13:16 |
paultag | aye | 13:17 |
paultag | CE is fun | 13:17 |
paultag | it's a cross between CS and EE | 13:17 |
isiah | I think it is only 3 classes extra for me | 13:17 |
paultag | lots of Firmware, but higher level then FPGA | 13:17 |
paultag | yeah, it's no sweat for you | 13:17 |
isiah | I took discreet mathematics already | 13:17 |
paultag | well I'd hope so | 13:17 |
isiah | so it should only be comp sci 1,2 and that database class | 13:18 |
paultag | comp-sci is easy if you like philosiphy | 13:18 |
paultag | grr | 13:18 |
paultag | philosophy | 13:18 |
isiah | at UB its basically object-orientated programing with java | 13:18 |
paultag | oh man | 13:19 |
paultag | that's nothing | 13:19 |
paultag | I tutor jocks into doing that frak to fill out a lab class | 13:19 |
paultag | it's nothing | 13:19 |
paultag | trivial | 13:19 |
isiah | I took it for 3 weeks and dropped it | 13:19 |
paultag | why? | 13:20 |
isiah | I couldnt get the pre-built objects to work on my home computer, the computer labs dated from 1991 and were beyond slow | 13:20 |
isiah | its a weed-out course so the professor was trying to fail 25% of us | 13:20 |
isiah | I didnt want a bad grade | 13:21 |
isiah | the TAs were students who took the course a year ago | 13:21 |
isiah | and seemed very smug with there tiny fraction of knowledge they knew more then us | 13:22 |
paultag | assholes | 13:22 |
paultag | isiah: if you need help, I tutor Uni students in this stuff. | 13:22 |
isiah | just everything about the class sucked | 13:22 |
paultag | isiah: seriously | 13:22 |
isiah | it just didnt work | 13:23 |
isiah | I am going to have to try it again | 13:23 |
paultag | OK | 13:23 |
isiah | also, I never worked with objects before | 13:25 |
isiah | :( | 13:25 |
paultag | isiah: they are actually really really neat | 13:25 |
paultag | isiah: are you a C programmer? | 13:25 |
paultag | duh, fpga | 13:25 |
paultag | isiah: so, what's a struct | 13:25 |
isiah | all I have ever really messed with is basic C++ and assembly | 13:26 |
paultag | sure | 13:26 |
isiah | oh and a little bit of Lips | 13:26 |
paultag | isiah: so, what's a struct? | 13:26 |
isiah | umm its in C right? | 13:26 |
paultag | haha, right, let's go back a level | 13:27 |
isiah | i think its like a model | 13:27 |
paultag | isiah: so, stuff in memory is stored in 1D, right? | 13:27 |
isiah | close enough | 13:27 |
isiah | on the HD at least | 13:27 |
paultag | isiah: so, if you want to define a blob of things, do it along that line. Usually you say [x|y|z] memory addr 0x01 is x, 2 is y, 3 is z ( 0 is NULL ) | 13:28 |
isiah | ok | 13:28 |
paultag | isiah: what you can do is define a "template" to place stuff in memory. Say OK, the template should look like [x|y|z] | 13:28 |
isiah | so...... | 13:28 |
paultag | isiah: and so you can say I want a new alphabet-template at memory location 0x1 | 13:29 |
paultag | isiah: and you can access "x" because it knows the offset based on the squence of stuff in the template | 13:29 |
isiah | so anything at memory location x must be a number? | 13:29 |
isiah | rules like that? | 13:29 |
paultag | isiah: well everything's a number | 13:29 |
paultag | isiah: yes!! exactly!! | 13:29 |
paultag | so you can say: | 13:29 |
paultag | struct foo { | 13:29 |
paultag | int x | 13:29 |
isiah | and y = x + 1 | 13:29 |
paultag | int y | 13:29 |
paultag | } | 13:29 |
paultag | and then make new object of that struct, and access struct->x | 13:30 |
paultag | isiah: that syntax is off, but it makes things easy to grab | 13:30 |
paultag | isiah: still with me? | 13:30 |
isiah | ok so this struct says that everything at memory address Foo is three spaces long | 13:30 |
isiah | and must be a an integer | 13:30 |
isiah | ? | 13:30 |
paultag | isiah: structs can hold anything | 13:31 |
isiah | but this struct | 13:31 |
paultag | isiah: yes :) | 13:31 |
isiah | ok | 13:31 |
paultag | isiah: so when you hit struct->y, you know it's struct + sizeof(int) | 13:31 |
paultag | isiah: still with me? | 13:31 |
isiah | hit? | 13:31 |
paultag | isiah: access | 13:32 |
isiah | ok so I call in the program the struct | 13:32 |
isiah | and access it like an array? | 13:32 |
paultag | isiah: it's exactly like an array, but it can have mixed types and pointers with real objects and stuff | 13:32 |
paultag | isiah: it encapsulates stuff | 13:32 |
isiah | ok | 13:32 |
paultag | isiah: it's like a big blob that holds frak | 13:32 |
isiah | so a struct is like a template and a location | 13:33 |
paultag | yes!! | 13:33 |
isiah | it defines a type and where it is | 13:33 |
paultag | isiah: and if you make "struct1" and "struct2" and change "struct1->y" you will not touch struct2->y | 13:33 |
paultag | still with me? | 13:33 |
isiah | like saying "Bob is a person who is male, 6 feet tall, and has red hair he lives at 770 main st." | 13:33 |
paultag | PERFECT! | 13:34 |
paultag | isiah: Objects are fancy structs, and in addition to holding vars, it can hold functions | 13:34 |
isiah | when you say struct2 its a diferent guy | 13:34 |
paultag | isiah: perfect, yes, spot on | 13:34 |
pedro3005 | ooo, C class going on | 13:34 |
isiah | ok so the struct2 is ted | 13:34 |
paultag | isiah: but with classes you can set up these templates to pull from eachother and automate code generation and stuff | 13:34 |
paultag | isiah: yeah :) | 13:34 |
isiah | so the struct-people can talk etc.? | 13:35 |
paultag | isiah: yip! | 13:35 |
paultag | isiah: you can even have an array in the struct | 13:35 |
paultag | isiah: and the array can be of other people pointers | 13:35 |
paultag | isiah: and say that's your "friendsS" | 13:35 |
isiah | but....wouldnt you need a higher level for that? | 13:35 |
isiah | something that holds the structs together? | 13:35 |
paultag | isiah: well, you create structs in the C code | 13:36 |
isiah | hmm | 13:36 |
paultag | isiah: so yo would say struct_name bob = (struct_name *)malloc(sizeof(struct_name)); | 13:36 |
paultag | isiah: and then you can say bob->friend[0] = roger; | 13:36 |
paultag | isiah: where roger is a pointer to another struct | 13:37 |
pedro3005 | In this case you're creating some struct with typedef, right? | 13:37 |
paultag | pedro3005: yeah, but let's not talk syntax just yet | 13:37 |
paultag | pedro3005: :) | 13:37 |
isiah | ok so parts of the struct can interact with other structs? | 13:37 |
paultag | isiah: well structs can't have code in them | 13:37 |
paultag | isiah: you can only "play" with them | 13:38 |
isiah | ok, just attributes? | 13:38 |
paultag | isiah: yyup | 13:38 |
pedro3005 | paultag, can they have functions? | 13:38 |
paultag | isiah: if you add functions you have... "Classes" and "Objects" !!! | 13:38 |
paultag | pedro3005: structs? | 13:38 |
pedro3005 | yeah, in C | 13:38 |
paultag | pedro3005: they can have function pointers | 13:38 |
paultag | pedro3005: but never actual code | 13:38 |
pedro3005 | ok | 13:38 |
isiah | ok so i have two structs bob and ted. I can make a bigger structure to hold both | 13:38 |
isiah | and make them do stuff to each other? | 13:38 |
paultag | isiah: sure, "people" | 13:38 |
paultag | isiah: not automaticly | 13:38 |
paultag | isiah: that's why classes and objects came about | 13:39 |
paultag | isiah: because you can start to say "bob->visit_friends();" | 13:39 |
paultag | isiah: and bob can then run code inside his blob | 13:39 |
paultag | isiah: and access his vars in the "struct-type-thing" using a pointer to it's self ( "this" ) | 13:39 |
isiah | so a struct is an object or class? | 13:39 |
pedro3005 | bob is a pointer to struct_name? | 13:39 |
paultag | isiah: so bob->friends == this->friends inside a method | 13:39 |
paultag | pedro3005: yes | 13:40 |
paultag | isiah: struct is neither | 13:40 |
pedro3005 | paultag, so if we alter bob we're altering struct_name | 13:40 |
paultag | isiah: if you add functions, it becomes a class | 13:40 |
paultag | pedro3005: does not matter | 13:40 |
isiah | ok, so we modify the struct to allow Bob to go to work | 13:40 |
pedro3005 | why make bob a pointer and not just a new struct? | 13:40 |
paultag | isiah: and when you create a "new" class in code, it becomes an "object" | 13:40 |
isiah | now it is class | 13:40 |
paultag | pedro3005: we can talk later, isiah is trying to learn OOP | 13:40 |
paultag | isiah: yep | 13:41 |
pedro3005 | ohh, I see | 13:41 |
paultag | isiah: so now its not "struct bob {}" | 13:41 |
paultag | isiah: but "class person" | 13:41 |
isiah | its class person () | 13:41 |
paultag | yup! | 13:41 |
isiah | fill in attributes | 13:41 |
paultag | isiah: and you can start to move code out of the main code loop and into those blobs | 13:41 |
paultag | isiah: so you can have it "copy and paste" code when you have a new object | 13:41 |
isiah | class person ( height, age, hair color, gender) | 13:42 |
isiah | with a method that makes class person go to work? | 13:42 |
paultag | isiah: sure, it would look like: | 13:42 |
paultag | class person { | 13:42 |
paultag | int height; | 13:42 |
paultag | int age; | 13:42 |
paultag | char * hair_color; | 13:42 |
paultag | bool gender; | 13:42 |
paultag | void go_to_work() { print "I'm at work"; } | 13:43 |
paultag | } | 13:43 |
paultag | isiah: so you can create a new "person" and call person->go_to_work(); | 13:43 |
paultag | isiah: and that will print "I'm at work!" | 13:43 |
isiah | and when I fill in those that is "instatuation"? | 13:43 |
paultag | isiah: even easier :) | 13:43 |
paultag | isiah: when you create a new person, it's instantiation | 13:43 |
paultag | person bob = new person(); | 13:44 |
paultag | isiah: instance == instantiation | 13:44 |
isiah | that goes on top of the program? | 13:44 |
isiah | thats like an int x; | 13:44 |
paultag | isiah: yup, that would be in the "main" method | 13:44 |
isiah | right? | 13:44 |
paultag | isiah: yip!! | 13:44 |
paultag | isiah: not to hard, right? | 13:44 |
isiah | ok, but later in the program I fill it in, or let the user fill it in | 13:44 |
paultag | isiah: you can do either :) | 13:45 |
paultag | isiah: or you can create a "constructor" | 13:45 |
paultag | isiah: that's required arguments for the object creation | 13:45 |
isiah | person bob = new person ( 6, 16, red, male) | 13:45 |
paultag | isiah: yup! | 13:45 |
paultag | isiah: that would just look like a | 13:45 |
paultag | class person { | 13:45 |
paultag | person( int x, int y, char * color, char * gender ) { | 13:45 |
paultag | this->height = x; | 13:46 |
paultag | ... | 13:46 |
paultag | ... | 13:46 |
paultag | } | 13:46 |
paultag | .... | 13:46 |
paultag | .... | 13:46 |
paultag | } | 13:46 |
isiah | so how do I make bob go to work? | 13:46 |
paultag | isiah: remember, this-> is a pointer to the memory address of the starting addr of the current object | 13:46 |
paultag | isiah: bob->go_to_work(); | 13:47 |
isiah | pointers? I thought OO-programming didnt have that | 13:47 |
paultag | isiah: or bob.go_to_work(); | 13:47 |
paultag | isiah: oh no! we love pointers :) | 13:47 |
isiah | so java has them? | 13:47 |
paultag | isiah: not programmer modifiable | 13:47 |
isiah | oh | 13:47 |
paultag | isiah: but they exist ( you can still get a NullPointnerException ) | 13:47 |
paultag | isiah: by doing a : | 13:47 |
paultag | person bob; | 13:47 |
paultag | bob.go_to_work(); | 13:47 |
paultag | you never said bob = new person( .... ); | 13:48 |
paultag | so there is no mem addr, and bob = 0x00; | 13:48 |
isiah | like using x, without writing int x; | 13:48 |
isiah | ? | 13:48 |
paultag | isiah: yup | 13:48 |
isiah | ok, these sound a lot like function calls in C++ | 13:48 |
paultag | isiah: there are a lot of nuances | 13:49 |
isiah | C++ I would do methods by passing a number | 13:49 |
paultag | right :) | 13:49 |
paultag | isiah: think this over, and always think about them in terms of "blobs" of memory, or "chunks" | 13:49 |
paultag | isiah: that are just designed to always look a certen way in RAM | 13:49 |
isiah | so, once I make a template (read class) I can create an infinite number of people | 13:50 |
isiah | all unique | 13:50 |
paultag | right | 13:50 |
isiah | and make them do stuff with method calls | 13:50 |
paultag | isiah: person1->blah(); | 13:50 |
paultag | isiah: yeah | 13:50 |
paultag | or person1.blah(); | 13:50 |
paultag | depending on language and status of the thing ( pointer or object ) | 13:50 |
isiah | ok, but we are missing a few things | 13:51 |
paultag | isiah: OK, what are we missing | 13:51 |
isiah | 1. how do we know what methods are available to us? | 13:51 |
paultag | isiah: ahha | 13:51 |
paultag | isiah: well how do you know you have a function in C ? | 13:51 |
paultag | if you define "void do() { printf("Foobar\n");}" | 13:51 |
isiah | I look in the header files | 13:51 |
paultag | isiah: right | 13:51 |
paultag | isiah: same thing with a class | 13:51 |
isiah | fair enough | 13:52 |
isiah | 2. the real trick would be to get the people to do stuff to each other? | 13:52 |
paultag | isiah: hehe, yep | 13:52 |
paultag | isiah: so you can give pointers to functions | 13:52 |
paultag | isiah: say, here's the memory address of jill | 13:52 |
paultag | isiah: and use the given memory address and say "arg->date()' | 13:53 |
isiah | arg? | 13:53 |
paultag | isiah: if that was a function with the signature of: | 13:53 |
paultag | void date ( person * arg ) { | 13:53 |
paultag | ... | 13:53 |
paultag | } | 13:53 |
paultag | then you could say | 13:53 |
paultag | bob->date( jill ); | 13:53 |
isiah | jill->reject (bob); | 13:54 |
paultag | :D | 13:54 |
isiah | would that work? | 13:54 |
isiah | how would I make jill reject bob if he asks her out? | 13:54 |
paultag | sure, but since jill's request was called by bob, you don't have access to "jill" | 13:54 |
paultag | isiah: so in jill's rcv_date_request method she would say | 13:55 |
paultag | isiah: if ( requester->name == "bob" ) { this->reject( requester ); } | 13:55 |
paultag | isiah: where rcv_date_request has a passed arg requester which is a ptr to bob | 13:55 |
isiah | so, we defined a template for people | 13:56 |
paultag | yu[ | 13:56 |
paultag | yup | 13:56 |
isiah | give them two methods | 13:56 |
isiah | ask out, and reject | 13:56 |
isiah | create two people | 13:56 |
isiah | and then define there interaction | 13:56 |
paultag | yup | 13:57 |
isiah | but..... | 13:57 |
isiah | I dont want Bob to be able to control Jill | 13:57 |
isiah | however, they need a way to communicate | 13:57 |
paultag | isiah: each object has levels of access | 13:57 |
isiah | so Bob and Jill have a perdefined relationship? | 13:57 |
paultag | isiah: you can say a method is "public" ( anyone can call ) "private" ( only from "this" ), "protected" ( any object that extends it ) | 13:57 |
paultag | isiah: so you can say "accept_date" is protected or private | 13:58 |
paultag | isiah: and bob can't call accept_date | 13:58 |
isiah | what would be public? | 13:58 |
isiah | like seeing her wearing clothing? | 13:58 |
paultag | isiah: anyone can call it | 13:58 |
paultag | isiah: yeah | 13:58 |
paultag | isiah: or getHeight | 13:58 |
paultag | isiah: but not changeHeight | 13:58 |
isiah | so bob and jill can see each other | 13:59 |
isiah | both can ask each other out | 13:59 |
isiah | and both can reject each other after being asked | 13:59 |
paultag | yeah | 13:59 |
paultag | OK, sec isiah | 14:00 |
isiah | and this portected public stuff goes in the class definition? | 14:00 |
paultag | isiah: | 14:00 |
paultag | isiah: | 14:01 |
isiah | lol I was just doing that | 14:01 |
paultag | isiah: that might help :) | 14:01 |
paultag | isiah: you see how | 14:01 |
paultag | isiah: you see how int height; | 14:01 |
paultag | const char * name; | 14:01 |
paultag | isiah: are private | 14:01 |
paultag | isiah: that mens bob can't access jill->height; | 14:01 |
paultag | isiah: but jill can get to "this->height" | 14:01 |
isiah | still soemthignis bugging me | 14:02 |
isiah | its like they have a realtionship | 14:02 |
isiah | they can pass information to each other | 14:02 |
paultag | isiah: well they are both "person" types | 14:02 |
isiah | they cant change each other | 14:02 |
paultag | isiah: they can't unless you tell them to | 14:02 |
isiah | is there a name for this? | 14:02 |
paultag | isiah: name for them talking? | 14:02 |
paultag | isiah: using pointers :) | 14:03 |
isiah | ok, a fridge needs a compressor or there is no fridge, but a person doesnt need a fridge however they can interact | 14:03 |
paultag | isiah: run that by me one more time, I'm lost :) | 14:04 |
isiah | or in our analogy, Bob needs a head | 14:04 |
paultag | OK, yip | 14:04 |
isiah | so object bob and object head have a relationship | 14:04 |
isiah | that is much different then Bob and Jill have | 14:04 |
paultag | isiah: want me to do that? | 14:04 |
paultag | isiah: aye | 14:04 |
pedro3005 | paultag, if you're using namespace std why std::cout and not cout? | 14:04 |
paultag | pedro3005: habbet, classes should not be in std namespace | 14:05 |
paultag | isiah: sec | 14:05 |
paultag | isiah: | 14:07 |
paultag | isiah: | 14:07 |
isiah | so there is no name for this? | 14:08 |
isiah | I kind of remember something about this | 14:08 |
paultag | isiah: it's called object inheritance | 14:09 |
paultag | isiah: and using a person as a "alive" object ( and you can ) it's called "polymorphism" | 14:09 |
isiah | assoactive? | 14:09 |
madhatter84gn | hey paul good to see you are on again | 14:09 |
isiah | I think that was the word they used | 14:09 |
paultag | madhatter84gn: :) | 14:09 |
paultag | isiah: not really used | 14:10 |
paultag | isiah: mostly object inheritance | 14:10 |
isiah | which is? | 14:10 |
paultag | isiah: that person is both person and alive | 14:10 |
isiah | ok i think | 14:11 |
paultag | cool :) | 14:11 |
isiah | so we could build up a huge hierarchy | 14:11 |
paultag | isiah: yup! | 14:11 |
madhatter84gn | hey paul just about done going through the all the test to verify mono is up and running | 14:11 |
paultag | madhatter84gn: killer! | 14:12 |
madhatter84gn | will start today figuring out the road to getting the source code for Banshee and start looking it over | 14:12 |
isiah | we could define methods for every body part, attributes that each has. That insinuate the objects creating two people that have defined ways of interacting | 14:12 |
paultag | isiah: yup! and *that* is Object Oreanted programming :) | 14:13 |
isiah | still missing something | 14:13 |
isiah | what about the platypus? | 14:13 |
paultag | isiah: it can extend alive and animal | 14:14 |
paultag | isiah: but not person | 14:14 |
isiah | I mean it would be member of class mammal | 14:14 |
paultag | isiah: yup! | 14:14 |
isiah | but it lays eggs, which mammals cant do | 14:14 |
isiah | I wouldnt want to re-write the entire class mammal to allow this | 14:15 |
isiah | is there a way of forcing this exception? | 14:15 |
paultag | isiah: so have it extend egg-layer | 14:15 |
isiah | hmm | 14:16 |
isiah | by re-writing the code? | 14:16 |
isiah | and then releasing a patch | 14:16 |
paultag | I guess you can do it that way | 14:17 |
isiah | is there a better oo-programming way? | 14:17 |
paultag | isiah: extend egg-layer | 14:17 |
isiah | where would that be written? | 14:18 |
paultag | isiah: oh wait that's what you were saying | 14:18 |
paultag | isiah: yes, in the code | 14:18 |
isiah | when you insinuate it | 14:18 |
isiah | or in the template? | 14:18 |
paultag | isiah: template | 14:18 |
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paultag | isiah: you should have these templates dictate behavior and just play with them in code | 14:18 |
isiah | can objects through there interactions change permission statues of attributes? | 14:19 |
isiah | say for example Bob gets lucky and gets to see Jill naked | 14:19 |
paultag | isiah: not really, but jill can have code that "forwards" data via method callbacks | 14:20 |
isiah | ok | 14:20 |
isiah | but the data would still be private without that forward call? | 14:21 |
paultag | isiah: data is meaningless, you can send it via a return without it caring | 14:21 |
paultag | isiah: since it's all running on the same processess, it's shared memory | 14:22 |
isiah | I suppose I could then go on to define a class town | 14:22 |
paultag | sure | 14:22 |
isiah | and give it my own number of people | 14:22 |
paultag | that holds houses | 14:22 |
isiah | hmmm | 14:22 |
isiah | sounds complicated | 14:23 |
isiah | all these objects that can be defined to interact in different ways | 14:23 |
paultag | isiah: we start to get into data structures and that gets fun | 14:23 |
paultag | isiah: yeah, well that's programming :) | 14:23 |
isiah | ok, another thing I noticed in the 3 weeks in that java class was that the programs didnt really stream | 14:24 |
isiah | it was more like a modern video game | 14:24 |
paultag | isiah: what do you mean stream? | 14:24 |
isiah | in my engineering programming class and on my internship I needed to optimize work | 14:25 |
isiah | say you got to multiply a series of numbers by .7 from a .txt. file | 14:25 |
isiah | so the whole program would be in one loop | 14:25 |
paultag | well no | 14:25 |
isiah | and after it was done it would ask me if i want to run it again | 14:25 |
paultag | your program would be in one loop | 14:25 |
isiah | I guess, like those old BASIC video games | 14:26 |
paultag | isiah: right | 14:26 |
isiah | so in java stuff it is different? | 14:26 |
paultag | isiah: not really | 14:26 |
isiah | I dont remember any real big loops | 14:26 |
isiah | the applets just kind of ran forever | 14:27 |
paultag | isiah: but you can make it nicer, say create a class for "storage" that can read flat file, berkleydb, or pickle'd file, and have the class have a "getNext();" call that gets the next line in the queue | 14:27 |
paultag | isiah: and you can usually hook things up to callbacks and save CPU + RAM | 14:27 |
isiah | hmmm | 14:28 |
paultag | isiah: but logic is logic | 14:28 |
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isiah | is it possible to make an object with really not knowing or being able to know how the object internally works? | 14:28 |
paultag | isiah: yeah :) | 14:28 |
isiah | say I can make Bob off of code I cant see | 14:28 |
paultag | isiah: just like C you can move the .h file out of the implemtnation | 14:28 |
paultag | isiah: so that you have the .h as a ref with no code | 14:29 |
paultag | isiah: and you can even use a -llib to compile against a binary to do stuff that you don't have source to | 14:29 |
isiah | makes sense | 14:29 |
isiah | now inheritance | 14:29 |
paultag | isiah: we were just talking about that | 14:29 |
paultag | isiah: alive --> person | 14:30 |
isiah | so Bob's head can have hair. If on the top layer i say bob has hair | 14:30 |
isiah | red | 14:30 |
isiah | it goes down | 14:30 |
isiah | and each focial gets red colored | 14:30 |
isiah | but on top I dont have to say he has hair | 14:30 |
isiah | I can just say "red hair" | 14:30 |
isiah | and have it generate it lower down | 14:31 |
isiah | that is inheritance? | 14:31 |
paultag | isiah: no | 14:31 |
paultag | isiah: it's saying bob's a person, and a person's alive | 14:31 |
paultag | isiah: therefore bob is alive | 14:31 |
isiah | ah | 14:31 |
paultag | isiah: and you can call alive methods on person | 14:31 |
isiah | ok, this is pretty cool | 14:32 |
isiah | you can make functions do stuff without passing in a controlling number | 14:32 |
paultag | isiah: yeah if you access instance vars using "this" | 14:32 |
isiah | this could have other uses | 14:33 |
isiah | say, i believe knowing his arm length could be useful one day, and I build an algorithm that makes it based off of height and gender. I wouldnt have to touch the whole class town program | 14:34 |
isiah | but one day I could change how the object people interact based off of it | 14:34 |
paultag | isiah: yup. | 14:35 |
paultag | isiah: that's what makes it rock | 14:35 |
isiah | which would make the object town act different | 14:35 |
paultag | isiah: yup | 14:35 |
paultag | isiah: that's what's known as code maintainability | 14:35 |
isiah | so, one day you are playing my simtown game | 14:35 |
isiah | and I (work for microsoft) so i make you download a patch | 14:35 |
isiah | that uses this data | 14:35 |
isiah | and your town game changes | 14:36 |
paultag | yeah | 14:36 |
=== pjarnahom is now known as pjarnahomzz | ||
isiah | I could also make a database containing what i think are useful classes and let people download them | 14:36 |
isiah | each one with its own methods | 14:37 |
pedro3005 | paultag, one curiosity, I had this problem with python and I wonder how C++ handles it. Say you have one class with a constructor method and then create a new class inheriting from it with another constructor method. When you instantiate the second class would you pass it the arguments to both the constructors or just the second class' constructor? | 14:37 |
isiah | and that is what java did | 14:37 |
isiah | brb....bathroom | 14:37 |
paultag | isiah: yeah | 14:37 |
paultag | pedro3005: ah, with C++ it sucks | 14:38 |
paultag | pedro3005: with python, use super().__init__(); | 14:38 |
pedro3005 | yeah, I heard about super() | 14:38 |
paultag | sec | 14:46 |
paultag | brb | 14:46 |
isiah | backs | 14:51 |
isiah | actually not, i got an appointment | 14:54 |
isiah | ttyl | 14:54 |
Silver_Fox_ | Hola | 15:19 |
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isiah | that is not dead which can eternal lie yet with strange aeons even death may die | 17:17 |
Phrea | is there a per-application volume slider/mute thingy out there? | 17:54 |
isiah | go into more details about what you need please | 17:55 |
Phrea | to for instance 'mute' my browser | 17:55 |
isiah | so you want one volume control? | 17:55 |
Phrea | well, it would be handy if there was a little program that could be able to have a volume control per application | 17:55 |
Phrea | yes :) | 17:55 |
Phrea | but which lets me chose what application to mute | 17:56 |
isiah | oh, I see. Instead of the typical control already there you want one per process | 17:56 |
isiah | yes? | 17:56 |
Phrea | yes | 17:56 |
isiah | are you using gnome? | 17:56 |
Phrea | yes | 17:56 |
isiah | you know where the normal volume control is? | 17:57 |
Phrea | you know, like the one I've seen in windows 7 pictures | 17:57 |
isiah | for the whole computer | 17:57 |
Phrea | yes | 17:57 |
Phrea | don't tell me it's already in there... | 17:57 |
isiah | right click on it and go to sound preferences | 17:57 |
isiah | then click the application tab | 17:57 |
Phrea | how do I add applications to that? | 17:57 |
Phrea | I only have ALSA plug-in and Rhythmbox | 17:58 |
isiah | are you current applications listed? | 17:58 |
Phrea | no, just those two I just mentionned | 17:58 |
Phrea | no listing of other apps | 17:58 |
isiah | so for example you have an im client running and it isnt listed? | 17:59 |
Phrea | I've looked there already | 17:59 |
Phrea | it isnt listed no | 17:59 |
Phrea | I am running Pidgin and Opera, amonst other things | 17:59 |
Phrea | they are not listed there | 17:59 |
isiah | ok, lets do this together | 17:59 |
isiah | open a terminal please | 17:59 |
Phrea | ok | 17:59 |
isiah | and type in: apropos sound | 17:59 |
Phrea | isn't there just a little addon that lets me do this, or is this an adon? | 18:00 |
Phrea | o, brb ! | 18:00 |
isiah | I am not sure, I am trying to figure this out myself | 18:00 |
Phrea | sorry, somebody was at the door :) | 18:02 |
isiah | its fine | 18:03 |
Phrea | ah, it's just an output | 18:03 |
Phrea | I see | 18:03 |
isiah | ok I am trying a program called gnome-volume-control | 18:03 |
isiah | I typed in: man gnome-volume-control | 18:03 |
Phrea | don't go and try out programs for me :o | 18:03 |
isiah | and am reading the documentation | 18:03 |
Phrea | I can read, Sir/Ma'am | 18:03 |
Phrea | it mentiones gnome-volume-control --name=NameOfApp | 18:07 |
Phrea | but that does nothing | 18:08 |
isiah | what are you typing in exactly? | 18:08 |
Phrea | gnome-volume-control --name=Opera | 18:08 |
Phrea | ...that might be me being a bit dumb tho :) | 18:09 |
isiah | ok, I am playing around with it | 18:10 |
isiah | and it looks like certain programs only show up on that list when the program is making sound | 18:10 |
isiah | does this make sense in your case? | 18:10 |
Phrea | it does, in that those programs don't make sound atm | 18:11 |
Phrea | oh wow | 18:11 |
isiah | hmmm, well a really bad solution would be to run the programs and then adjust | 18:11 |
Phrea | I tried going to a website with audio | 18:11 |
Phrea | it works, it's in the list now | 18:12 |
isiah | there should be a way to do this from the command line | 18:12 |
Phrea | will it be muted forever? | 18:12 |
isiah | I dont know | 18:12 |
Phrea | because I don't mind | 18:12 |
Phrea | let me check | 18:12 |
isiah | if we figure it out | 18:12 |
Phrea | closing and opening Opera again | 18:13 |
isiah | we can make sure it works that way | 18:13 |
Phrea | ...and it's right there, and it's muted | 18:13 |
Phrea | petty there isnt just a list from which we can chose [in sound preferences] | 18:13 |
Phrea | but, this works fine, as long as a program outputs audio, it will show up in the applications list | 18:14 |
Phrea | and, it seems to remember the choice | 18:14 |
Phrea | :) | 18:14 |
Phrea | Opera shows up in SP --> Applications tab as: ALSA-plug-in [operapluginwrapper-ia32-linux] | 18:15 |
Phrea | if that's of any help to you for future reference | 18:16 |
isiah | ah | 18:16 |
Phrea | it's "ALSA plug-in [etc here]" without the first hyphen | 18:17 |
isiah | still bothers me | 18:17 |
isiah | you should be able to set this from the command line | 18:18 |
Phrea | haha | 18:18 |
isiah | and use it in application luancher | 18:18 |
Phrea | it would be easier to be able to do it beforehand, so you are not surprized by audio from some random app | 18:18 |
Phrea | isiah: I'm a mouse user :) | 18:18 |
Phrea | I don't know anything about the CLI | 18:18 |
isiah | well we could write the script | 18:18 |
isiah | so that way it will run it when you click on the ico | 18:18 |
isiah | icon | 18:19 |
Phrea | slash that 'we' | 18:19 |
Phrea | I can't script nor program | 18:19 |
isiah | ok, if i can figure out the command line syntax | 18:19 |
isiah | I can show you | 18:19 |
Phrea | I like GUI solutions better anyways | 18:19 |
Phrea | so I'd like to have a standard list added to the Applications tab in Sound Preferences so you can set the volume per app, even when it's not making sound at the time | 18:20 |
Phrea | hey, I have yet to thank you for your help :) | 18:21 |
Phrea | so, thanks ! :) | 18:21 |
isiah | oh np | 18:21 |
isiah | ok, let me look at the docs more. Figure this out | 18:21 |
Phrea | well, I'm not really interested in it anymore, I've accomplished what I wanted, with your help | 18:21 |
isiah | ok | 18:22 |
Phrea | I am now only interested in adding the before said feature to the Sound Preferences app | 18:22 |
isiah | so if any program is ever ran it will be on the list | 18:23 |
isiah | even if never ran before? | 18:23 |
Phrea | if it's installed, yes | 18:23 |
isiah | see, I am not sure about that | 18:23 |
isiah | I am fairly sure that programs generate sound by interrupts | 18:23 |
Phrea | well, maybe just a standard list, like browsers etc | 18:23 |
Phrea | I don't know what that means :\ | 18:24 |
isiah | trying to guess which ones will call it before hand would be a challenge | 18:24 |
Phrea | well, maybe just the option for browsers and IM clients then | 18:24 |
Phrea | :) | 18:24 |
Phrea | that would be a fine start | 18:24 |
isiah | an analogy "your dad controls the thermostat but thermostats can be used by anyone at any time" | 18:24 |
isiah | and the thermostats cant guess when they will be adjusted | 18:25 |
Phrea | I don't understand that | 18:25 |
isiah | an interrupt is when a program just says "hey do something" | 18:25 |
Phrea | ok | 18:25 |
isiah | and the OS sees if it will allow it | 18:25 |
Phrea | ok | 18:26 |
isiah | like flipping a switch | 18:26 |
isiah | this program seems like it waits for something to use the speakers and then identifies the name | 18:26 |
Phrea | well, we know that certain types of applications can make sound, we could only list those | 18:26 |
isiah | a cludge solution would simply run every program at once and set it | 18:27 |
isiah | :) | 18:27 |
Phrea | I am not a programmer | 18:27 |
Phrea | LOL | 18:27 |
Phrea | that would be fun tho :D | 18:27 |
Phrea | haha | 18:27 |
isiah | just click on everything | 18:27 |
isiah | haha | 18:27 |
Phrea | ...amazingly stupid, but fun :D | 18:27 |
isiah | well we dont want to screw around with any drivers | 18:28 |
isiah | but we want a rule | 18:28 |
isiah | like | 18:28 |
isiah | "if the program has never been run before it will get volume level x" | 18:28 |
Phrea | besides, not all programs make sound all of the time, only some of the time, like a browser | 18:28 |
Phrea | isiah: could work | 18:28 |
isiah | hmm | 18:29 |
isiah | trying to think how to go about this | 18:29 |
Phrea | are you a programmer? | 18:29 |
isiah | I couldnt program a pointer to hit the broad side of a barn from the inside | 18:30 |
Phrea | the thing is, I ask/say silly things, because I am not a programmer, in any sense of the word at all | 18:30 |
Phrea | so I also don't know how to think like one | 18:30 |
isiah | this will take some thinking | 18:31 |
Phrea | I could explain it a bit more, maybe with some home made pictures of what I exactly mean | 18:31 |
isiah | try | 18:32 |
Phrea | first, I have to do some groceries :) | 18:32 |
Phrea | brb | 18:32 |
DiegoTc | I am having troubles with my lan connection on my computer | 18:54 |
DiegoTc | last night it works fine | 18:54 |
DiegoTc | but today on the morning it didn't connect to internet(Yes there is internet) | 18:55 |
Phrea | have you checked the UTP connectors? | 18:55 |
DiegoTc | yes | 18:55 |
DiegoTc | my computer has windows on int | 18:55 |
DiegoTc | and on windows i have internet | 18:56 |
Phrea | well, then I'm out | 18:56 |
DiegoTc | i did an ifconfig | 18:57 |
DiegoTc | | 18:59 |
DiegoTc | and thats what i have | 18:59 |
Phrea | isiah: and so on :) | 19:01 |
isiah | arrr here be the dastardly program that plays so loudly, I banish thee to davy jone's locker! | 19:02 |
kb9cmw | how do I convert wma files to mp3 | 19:02 |
Phrea | isiah: just a couple of standard programs in there, so one can at least mute some of the nastiness out of hand | 19:03 |
Phrea | or general groups like 'browsers' and 'IM apps' | 19:03 |
Phrea | so one tick will do for Fx, Opera, Chrome, etc | 19:04 |
Phrea | I'm asking a lot, aren't I... | 19:05 |
isiah | this isnt the irc room you are looking for | 19:05 |
duanedesign | helllo kh9.... | 19:05 |
isiah | waves hand in front of face | 19:05 |
duanedesign | hmm, didnt wait very long for an answer :( | 19:06 |
Phrea | oh | 19:06 |
Phrea | indeed | 19:06 |
isiah | ok, basically the trick now is to either A find a program that does it B. re-write one so it does | 19:06 |
Phrea | I was about to post this: | 19:06 |
Phrea | isiah: aye | 19:07 |
isiah | so wanna try A first? | 19:07 |
Phrea | you already found A, didn't you | 19:07 |
isiah | well, I dont think this program has folders etc. | 19:08 |
duanedesign | Phrea: ahh, that is a good one | 19:08 |
Phrea | it should just look for installed programs, so we can chose from that list | 19:08 |
duanedesign | Phrea: i was gonna post | 19:08 |
Phrea | duanedesign: first hit on google... | 19:09 |
duanedesign | but i am partial to nautilus-scripts | 19:09 |
duanedesign | :) | 19:09 |
Phrea | oh, I only checked it briefly, to see if it was easy enough to do for a new user | 19:09 |
Phrea | I'm not familiar with any kind of script, duanedesign | 19:10 |
Phrea | I'm a 'dumb' user | 19:10 |
Phrea | as in that I don't script or program :) | 19:12 |
duanedesign | Phrea: nautilus scripts are neat. There is a folder in your home directory where you can put scripts. Then you can right-click > scripts and use them | 19:12 |
Phrea | such as bash scripts or so? | 19:12 |
Phrea | or am I totally off again? | 19:13 |
duanedesign | I have one that opens a terminal in that directory, one that opens the file as root in Gedit | 19:13 |
duanedesign | Phrea: yep | 19:13 |
Phrea | ah, handy | 19:13 |
duanedesign | Phrea: you can find a bunch already made for you | 19:13 |
Phrea | I still do sudo nautilus, then go to the file I need | 19:13 |
Phrea | duanedesign: I know :) | 19:13 |
paultag_ | GAH! | 19:14 |
paultag_ | Phrea, sudo nautilis?! | 19:14 |
duanedesign | :P | 19:14 |
paultag_ | >:( | 19:14 |
Phrea | I'm not very handy with scripts and the like | 19:14 |
Phrea | paultag: what's wrong with that? | 19:14 |
paultag_ | over here :) | 19:14 |
Phrea | it's the only way I know | 19:14 |
paultag_ | Phrea, you hit delete on accedent and you can fsck up your system | 19:14 |
duanedesign | Phrea: if you want the Gedit root one ill put it on my people.ubuntu site | 19:15 |
paultag_ | Phrea, it's not like running as a windows administrator | 19:15 |
Phrea | well, it's the only wey Iknow how to do it | 19:15 |
paultag_ | Phrea, sudo is very very VERY powerful. | 19:15 |
isiah | hey i gots to head out. Just wanted to say thankx again paultag_ | 19:15 |
Phrea | duanedesign: it's ok for now | 19:15 |
paultag_ | isiah, sure bud | 19:15 |
paultag_ | bai! | 19:15 |
Phrea | oh, he's already gone :\ | 19:15 |
Phrea | I wanted to say bye, he helped me earlier | 19:16 |
duanedesign | i got one nautilus-script called 'shred' that attempts to removes all traces of a file | 19:16 |
Phrea | paultag_: I don't even know the difference between gksu[dp], sudo, etc | 19:16 |
duanedesign | gksudo is when you use anything graphical | 19:16 |
Phrea | so, Nautilus, for instance? | 19:17 |
duanedesign | you should use gksudo nautilus instead of sudo nautilus | 19:17 |
Phrea | why does sudo nautilus work too then? | 19:17 |
Phrea | can you explain why? | 19:17 |
Phrea | because it works fine, it opens nautilus under root | 19:17 |
Phrea | which is what we want, no? | 19:18 |
duanedesign | Phrea: it works and a lot of times will cause no difficulties | 19:18 |
duanedesign | Phrea: but their are times when it can | 19:19 |
Phrea | ok, but what is the difference then? | 19:19 |
Phrea | both commands open Nautilus under root | 19:19 |
Phrea | be it gksudo or sudo | 19:19 |
philinux | Phrea: if you've not read it before. | 19:21 |
duanedesign | By default, sudo does not reset the the $HOME environment variable. So, in some cases, you may end up with files owned by root in your user's home directory. | 19:21 |
duanedesign | yes that is a good one | 19:21 |
Phrea | aha, so sudo nautilus is more or less just an improper way of launching nautilus under root | 19:22 |
Phrea | reading on... | 19:22 |
Phrea | I'm getting it | 19:22 |
Phrea | thanks, that's very handy to know ! | 19:22 |
Phrea | sorry for being so ignorant :) | 19:23 |
duanedesign | Phrea: yes, i did not know that for a long time when i started using Ubuntu | 19:23 |
duanedesign | and Ubuntu you use sudo a lot so it is important | 19:23 |
Phrea | so it sais in the documentation, yes | 19:24 |
Phrea | but this is actually quite important | 19:24 |
philinux | Phrea: some peeps get away with it othere end up with dmrc errors or ICEauthority problems | 19:24 |
Phrea | I will never recommend sudo again, I swear ! | 19:24 |
Phrea | and gksudo and gksu are the same thing? | 19:25 |
philinux | Yep | 19:25 |
philinux | In kde it would be kdesu | 19:25 |
Phrea | :) | 19:25 |
Phrea | trying to remember :) | 19:26 |
Phrea | let me try, checking an md5sum is done within the terminal, so you'd use sudo [not that it's needed with md5 checking, but you get my drift] | 19:27 |
Phrea | and, gksudo is ONLY used to open an app under root priveledges and nothing more | 19:29 |
Phrea | [a graphical app that is] | 19:29 |
philinux | Phrea: correct. If what you are running has a gui use gksudo, e.g gedit nautilus etc | 19:30 |
Phrea | I learned an important lesson today :) | 19:30 |
Phrea | thanks :) | 19:30 |
philinux | Dont run gksu firefox or else your profile will end up being owned by root. | 19:31 |
Phrea | I would never run a browser as root... | 19:31 |
philinux | According to lovinglinux | 19:31 |
Phrea | why would one? | 19:31 |
philinux | people have when they've had a problem | 19:31 |
philinux | Then they come to the forums with the problem | 19:32 |
Phrea | I don't see how running any browser as root would help troubleshooting any kind of problem | 19:32 |
Phrea | I've been using Ubuntu exclusive now for a year, and I still don't know this stuff, that's just bad | 19:34 |
Phrea | anybody followed the discussion I had with isiah earlier? | 19:35 |
Phrea | about controlling audio PER application without them having to run AND making sound | 19:37 |
Phrea | I had to open Opera AND set it to a site that made sound, for me to be able to mute it via sound preferences under the application tab | 19:38 |
Phrea | --> I want that | 19:41 |
Phrea | sorry for the bad gimp, but I'm a bit lazy :D | 19:41 |
Phrea | the man for gnome-volume-control did not help at all | 19:42 |
philinux | BEER o'clock bye guys | 19:55 |
Phrea | later | 19:55 |
philinux | See ya | 19:55 |
Phrea | thanks for your explanations :) | 19:55 |
Phrea | unaffiliated? | 19:55 |
Phrea | he should be a member, if you ask me | 19:56 |
phillw | drat missed philinux | 20:13 |
dean__ | hi can someone help me with a grub menu problem? | 20:40 |
hobgoblin | can try | 20:43 |
hobgoblin | dean__: what is the problem ... | 20:45 |
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