=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
=== nobuto is now known as nobuto1 | ||
pedro_ | bladernr_, remember, don't tell our bugsquad secret to hggdh | 09:24 |
hggdh | pfui | 09:25 |
ameetp | pedro_, I'm not sharing the bugsquad secret with hggdh | 09:28 |
pedro_ | hggdh, ^ | 09:29 |
hggdh | grrrrr | 09:29 |
thekorn | bugsquad secret ?! | 09:51 |
nigelb | thekorn: just act like you know it and play along :p | 09:52 |
pedro_ | shhhhh don't tell him!!! | 09:52 |
thekorn | it was just a rethoric question ;) | 09:53 |
pedro_ | i already said two clues to him | 09:53 |
pedro_ | 1- it has a tail 2- is green | 09:53 |
nigelb | hggdh: another clue - blue eyes! | 09:57 |
pedro_ | hggdh, ^ | 09:57 |
pedro_ | hello devildante | 10:02 |
devildante | pedro_: hi :) | 10:02 |
hggdh | LGMs? | 10:14 |
devildante | hggdh: what's LGMs? | 10:16 |
hggdh | devildante: Little Green Men | 10:16 |
hggdh | a.k.a. 'martians' | 10:17 |
pedro_ | nigelb, Little Green Men, what do you think? | 10:17 |
nigelb | hggdh: naaah | 10:17 |
pedro_ | true or false? | 10:17 |
pedro_ | ! | 10:17 |
nigelb | wrong speciies | 10:17 |
devildante | did I miss something? | 10:18 |
=== ogasawara_ is now known as ogasawara | ||
pedro_ | hggdh, well.. is not a LGM | 10:19 |
pedro_ | tomorrow maybe we can give you another clue | 10:19 |
hggdh | rrroight | 10:19 |
devildante | is LGM = Libre Graphics Meeting? | 10:20 |
=== BlackZ_ is now known as BlackZ | ||
erkan^ | do someone know: qtm: symbol lookup error: qtm: undefined symbol: _ZN9QHashData13detach_helperEPFvPNS_4NodeEPvEPFvS1_Ei | 11:40 |
erkan^ | 11:40 | |
yofel | erkan^: which release? | 11:47 |
yofel | ok, confirmed on maverick for now | 11:56 |
erkan^ | QTM, yofel | 11:57 |
yofel | I meant ubuntu release | 11:57 |
erkan^ | http://qtm.blogistan.co.uk/ | 11:57 |
yofel | but it seems like it's build against the wrong qt version | 11:58 |
erkan^ | yes i have installed QTM in Ubuntu (version 1.1.1 ) .. later can not start with QTM | 11:58 |
yofel | bug 573785 | 11:58 |
ubot2` | Launchpad bug 573785 in qtm (Ubuntu) "QTM crashes when a window is launched (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/573785 | 11:58 |
erkan^ | what can I do now, yofel | 11:59 |
erkan^ | ? | 12:00 |
erkan^ | I don't know good very about bugs | 12:00 |
yofel | well, I'll talk to someone who can rebulid it, but it will take a while, do you want to rebuild it yourself? I can tell you how to do it | 12:00 |
erkan^ | ok | 12:01 |
erkan^ | brb | 12:04 |
yofel | erkan^: ping me when you're back | 12:05 |
yofel | erkan^: easier way, I uploaded the package to a ppa of mine, please install the .deb for your architecture once it's build https://edge.launchpad.net/~yofel/+archive/off-ppa/+sourcepub/1246752/+listing-archive-extra | 12:07 |
yofel | erkan^: you are using ubuntu lucid right? | 12:08 |
erkan^ | yes | 12:10 |
erkan^ | ubuntu 10.04 | 12:10 |
erkan^ | deb https://edge.launchpad.net/~yofel/+archive/off-ppa/+sourcepub/1246752/+listing-archive-extra ? | 12:11 |
erkan^ | deb https://edge.launchpad.net/~yofel/+archive/off-ppa/+sourcepub/1246752/+listing-archive-extra lucid ? | 12:12 |
yofel | no | 12:12 |
yofel | wait | 12:12 |
yofel | erkan^: here's the ppa page | 12:12 |
yofel | https://edge.launchpad.net/~yofel/+archive/off-ppa | 12:12 |
yofel | erkan^: notice that it'll take 2-3 hours until qtm is built | 12:13 |
erkan^ | ok | 12:13 |
erkan^ | how add I ppa ? | 12:13 |
erkan^ | terminal venster? | 12:13 |
erkan^ | deb https://edge.launchpad.net/~yofel/+archive/off-ppa lucid | 12:15 |
yofel | erkan^: just use 'sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yofel/off-ppa' | 12:15 |
erkan^ | thank you | 12:18 |
erkan^ | i wait | 12:18 |
erkan^ | 2-3 untill qtm is built | 12:18 |
erkan^ | i go now | 12:18 |
vish | hmm , the reportbug UI fails :s | 12:21 |
vish | fails with floating point exception.. | 12:21 |
stanley_robertso | hi all | 13:26 |
stanley_robertso | hi vish | 13:26 |
erkan^ | i see | 13:42 |
erkan^ | yofel, thank you very much :) | 13:46 |
erkan^ | which type is hosted blog? I have www.blogger.com , yofel | 13:47 |
=== roopeshm is now known as stanley_robertso | ||
stanley_robertso | hi all.. am back | 14:25 |
erkan^ | wb (: | 14:27 |
stanley_robertso | erkan^, ty | 14:28 |
erkan^ | :( | 14:49 |
erkan^ | http://lh6.ggpht.com/_-g7SHML2oAI/TEme_uL--wI/AAAAAAAAAkE/0nAXP3iYHic/s640/account%20for%20qtm.png | 14:54 |
charlie-tca | I need a little help with the correct package for a bug 585524 | 16:43 |
ubot2` | Launchpad bug 585524 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Cant play Audio CD's in Lucid (affects: 1) (heat: 66)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/585524 | 16:43 |
charlie-tca | The audio cd's play in exaile, but not in any other application. I don't think thunar is the correct package if the audio cd won't play in brasero, rhythm box etc | 16:44 |
charlie-tca | What should the package be? | 16:44 |
micahg | charlie-tca: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems ? | 16:45 |
micahg | charlie-tca: does exaile use pulseaudio? | 16:45 |
charlie-tca | pulseaudio is installed by default now, but I don't know how it all works. I don't know if exaile uses it. | 16:47 |
charlie-tca | Yeah, I can try for Debugging Sound Problems. Thanks for the suggestion | 16:49 |
=== roopesh_majeti is now known as stanley_robertso | ||
pascal80 | Is it possible to close a bug in debian so that it appears as 'Invalid' in a launchpad bug watch? | 20:04 |
pascal80 | I'm not so familiar with debian bug system. | 20:05 |
pascal80 | I have closed the bug in debian but upstream bug watch of ubuntu bug #486641 marks this as 'Fix Released' | 20:08 |
ubot2` | Ubuntu bug 486641 in debian (and 1 other project) "Typo in package description: "This packages Contains" (affects: 1) (heat: 23)" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/486641 | 20:08 |
charlie-tca | We can put a comment in the launchpad bug that the debian bug was closed/invalid. | 20:16 |
devildante | charlie-tca: But shouldn't the bug watcher update the status all by itself? | 20:16 |
figure002 | hello. i'd like a bug set to 'wishlist'. but it's not a ubuntu bug, but a bug for a gnome application. should i post the bug number here, or in the channel for that particular application? | 20:17 |
yofel | devildante: it did, but misunderstood the debian bug | 20:18 |
charlie-tca | debian statuses are not the same. Launchpad translate the status when it sees it | 20:18 |
maco | figure002: for bugs on bugs.gnome.org you need to ask gnome people | 20:18 |
devildante | charlie-tca: yofel: thx a lot | 20:18 |
figure002 | maco: this particular bug is maintained by launchpad. | 20:19 |
vish | figure002: what is the bug number? | 20:19 |
maco | figure002: oh. then id suggest forwarding it to bugs.gnome.org if you ever want it to be looked at | 20:19 |
vish | maco: hmm , might be a figure002 meant a project maintained in lp... | 20:21 |
maco | vish: but said a gnome bug... | 20:21 |
pascal80 | charlie-tca: What do I need to do in the debian bug report to get 'Invalid' in launchpad? | 20:21 |
vish | "...but a bug for a gnome application." | 20:21 |
vish | meh.. | 20:21 |
figure002 | vish: yes, that's what I meant. this is the bug: Bug #609253 | 20:21 |
ubot2` | Launchpad bug 609253 in awn-extras "Can't set custom icon for Related applet (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/609253 | 20:21 |
maco | pascal80: i dont think you can. debian doesnt differentiate between reasons-for-being-closed-now, as far as i know | 20:22 |
devildante | figure002: awn has nothing to do with gnome | 20:22 |
vish | figure002: usually the respective teams take care of that , we dont need to worry about that :) | 20:22 |
figure002 | devildante: hmm, my bad then | 20:23 |
figure002 | vish: thanks :) | 20:23 |
vish | np.. | 20:23 |
yofel | pascal80: you could remove the bugwatch from the debian task and set it invalid by hand | 20:23 |
pascal80 | yofel: done that, thanks for the suggestion! | 20:29 |
vish | hrmm , lubuntu is more than xubuntu ??? http://distrowatch.com/ | 20:36 |
vish | and more kubuntu too! | 20:36 |
vish | more than K.. | 20:37 |
micahg | vish: what do you mean mroe? | 20:37 |
vish | page hits.. | 20:37 |
devildante | file a bug on lp :P | 20:37 |
vish | haha! | 20:38 |
yofel | new things are always more interesting :P | 20:39 |
devildante | vish: so this is an expected behaviour? | 20:39 |
devildante | we should mark the bug as Invalid :P | 20:39 |
devildante | oh I meant yofel | 20:40 |
devildante | my bad :( | 20:40 |
yofel | :P | 20:40 |
charlie-tca | didn't lubuntu just come out with kde version? | 20:40 |
vish | ;p | 20:40 |
vish | lubuntu kde ?? o.0 | 20:40 |
charlie-tca | either just came out is coming out very soon, I think | 20:41 |
yofel | wth is that supposed to be o.O | 20:41 |
vish | wasnt the point of lubuntu being that it was lxde.. | 20:41 |
charlie-tca | oh, maybe that was mint then | 20:41 |
devildante | vish: it runs kde hyper-super-lite | 20:41 |
devildante | :P | 20:41 |
vish | yeah , heard something bout it on mint | 20:42 |
vish | devildante: kde , can never be super lite! | 20:42 |
* vish hides | 20:42 | |
* devildante searches for vish | 20:42 | |
yofel | vish: you don't need to hide, KDE *is* a resource hole | 20:43 |
charlie-tca | Maybe the late review on lubuntu (7/22) has something to do with the page hits | 20:44 |
vish | yofel: :) | 20:44 |
vish | hmm , actually there probably is no gnome folk around , everyone online now is either kubuntu or xubuntu[which includes micahg ;p] | 20:45 |
devildante | vish: I'm on gnome :P | 20:46 |
vish | s/is/are | 20:46 |
micahg | xubuntu ftw! | 20:46 |
vish | devildante: ah , neat! | 20:46 |
charlie-tca | Someone still uses gnome?? ;) | 20:49 |
devildante | charlie-tca: KISS ftw | 20:50 |
vish | charlie-tca: does xubuntu get the indicator stuff? | 20:50 |
devildante | vish: yes | 20:50 |
vish | :( | 20:51 |
vish | if it did not , would have been a nice place ;) | 20:51 |
devildante | vish: indicators are AWESOME | 20:52 |
devildante | why don't you like the AWESOME indicators? | 20:52 |
vish | meh! | 20:52 |
yofel | devildante: they're not, I want to be able to choose what the panel contains, not click 'remove from panel' and loose half of the panel contents | 20:53 |
devildante | yofel: you're right, I guess | 20:54 |
devildante | would be neat if someone hacked this in a bzr branch | 20:54 |
charlie-tca | vish, devildante : we do not have the indicators as a group, in xubuntu | 20:54 |
vish | \o/ | 20:55 |
charlie-tca | You can add/remove any item, one at a time | 20:55 |
* yofel will stick to kubuntu | 20:55 | |
charlie-tca | We use notifyd, but not the indicator stuff | 20:55 |
* devildante will not go to xubuntu, even if he dies | 20:55 | |
vish | hehe , i tried kubuntu once then my head started spinning with all the options :D | 20:55 |
devildante | vish: kubuntu is actually pretty cool | 20:56 |
charlie-tca | devildante: xubuntu is not for everyone :) | 20:56 |
devildante | vish: the only drawback is that Ubuntu features don't get on time in kubuntu | 20:56 |
vish | devildante: yeah ,it is.. but it had too many options , it was hard for me to choose ;) | 20:56 |
yofel | haha | 20:57 |
sweltman_ | Greetings! | 21:02 |
sweltman_ | I have some trouble using the updater for a system upgrade. Is this the right place? | 21:02 |
vish | !support | sweltman_ | 21:06 |
ubot2` | sweltman_: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org | 21:06 |
sweltman_ | The dialogue box said to ask here first before opening up a bug report if the upgrade didn't go well. | 21:10 |
sweltman_ | hey d3v... | 21:12 |
d3vnu11 | yo | 21:17 |
erkan^ | !vlc | 21:25 |
ubot2` | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 21:25 |
sweltman_ | are we here? | 21:29 |
devildante | hey guys, I'd like some opinion on a bug I'm going to report | 21:40 |
devildante | the bug is: when the screen fades (for locking after being idle for some time), I can't interrupt the fading (moving the mouse, etc) | 21:42 |
devildante | Should I report this bug againt compiz or gnome-screensaver? | 21:42 |
devildante | against* | 21:42 |
devildante | Is anyone here? :( | 21:47 |
yofel | sure, but I'm clueless | 21:49 |
devildante | If you want more informatin, just tell | 21:49 |
devildante | information* | 21:52 |
devildante | well, I guess I'll file this bug without a package | 22:02 |
devildante | later | 22:02 |
devildante | because I'm coding :p | 22:02 |
yofel | devildante: rather just file it against gnome-screensaver, which is what I would tend to (but I have no idea really) | 22:03 |
yofel | so we get at least some apport info | 22:03 |
devildante | yofel: thank you | 22:04 |
puff | I'm not sure this is a bug, but it's happened several times now, and I just rebooted and tested it. In a nutshell, virtual consoles seem broken. If I boot into X and login normally, then hit ctrl-alt-shift-f1, I get a text-only login console. Sometimes it's responsive and I can login, sometimes it's not, but I can't shift back to the X console. | 22:13 |
puff | Just now, upon rebooting, I was able to shift to console f1, login, then shift to console f2, but then it became non-responsive. | 22:14 |
puff | This is on lucid 10.04. | 22:16 |
puff | And possibly another bug: the reason it came up, just now, is that I was watching a show on totem, last night, paused it and went to sleep, got up many hours later, eventually sat down to watch the end of the show, and Gnome was only partially responsive. The mouse pointer moved, but clicking pause/play didn't do anything, nor did trying to click on the totem menus, the totem windowframe close button, or the gnome panel. | 22:16 |
devildante | puff: you should file the first bug against the kernel | 22:18 |
puff | Ctrl-alt-left and ctrl-alt-right to move among the virtual desktop worked, but nothing else. I did ctrl-alt-shift-f1, logged in and checked the load, it wasn't excessive. Still, I thought I'd soft-kill the totem process and see if that helped. However, when I atttempted to shift back to the X console, it stuck on the text console, and the system became non-responsive. | 22:18 |
devildante | puff: Can you reproduce the totem bug? | 22:18 |
puff | I can try to leave it paused again for twelve hours :-). | 22:19 |
puff | I just reloaded the same file and watched the rest of it, it didn't reoccur. | 22:19 |
puff | So it's probably not file-specific. | 22:19 |
devildante | puff: we can't fix a bug without knowing what is *exactly* happening | 22:20 |
puff | Yeah, I understand that. | 22:21 |
puff | As I said, I can reproduce the virtual console problem. | 22:21 |
puff | Unless the expected behavior of virtual consoles changed somewhere in the last few versions (I jumped from Edgy to Lucid, by way of a complete reinstall). | 22:22 |
devildante | puff: about that bug... it could be either xorg or the kernel | 22:22 |
puff | Which, the consoles? | 22:23 |
* devildante wonders how people were still on Edgy... | 22:23 | |
puff | devildante: LTS. | 22:23 |
micahg | puff: yes, the behaviour changes, #ubuntu can help you configure | 22:23 |
micahg | puff: edgy wasn't an LTS | 22:23 |
devildante | puff: the LTS is dapper | 22:23 |
puff | micahg: The behavior _changes_ or the behavior _changed_? | 22:23 |
micahg | puff: changed, I can't type :-/ | 22:24 |
puff | micahg: Really? Hm, I must have been on dapper and upgraded to edgy. | 22:24 |
micahg | puff: Dapper desktop has been EOL for a year already | 22:24 |
puff | micahg: Is the new behavior documented somewhere? I should test against the expected behavior, before I file a bug :-) | 22:24 |
* micahg reads scrollback | 22:24 | |
puff | I love my hardware (thinkpad t43p, last of the ibm models) but apparently it's a pain in the rear for ubuntu. I have to use the alternate install CD, etc. | 22:26 |
micahg | puff: well, the main change was a switch to KMS for video which can break some consoles | 22:26 |
micahg | puff: the X wiki has a lot of documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X | 22:27 |
puff | micahg: I meant the expected behavior. | 22:28 |
micahg | puff: I'm not sure exactly what your issue is | 22:28 |
puff | micahg: What I am asking is, did the control key combinations change, or is my expectation of being able to hit shift-f8 and change back to the GUI terminal change, or anything of that nature? | 22:30 |
micahg | puff: well, that was broken in karmic, I think it was fixed in Lucid, but you can ask in #ubuntu to be sure | 22:30 |
micahg | puff: BTW, I thought it was CTRL + ALT + Fx | 22:31 |
puff | micahg: What was "that"? | 22:31 |
puff | micahg: Which bit was broken, that is. | 22:31 |
micahg | puff: terminals 1-6 and CTRL+ALT+DELETE wre linked | 22:31 |
* micahg thinks, could be wrong | 22:31 | |
puff | Linked? | 22:31 |
micahg | puff: as in there was a setting to enable both | 22:32 |
micahg | I think I might be remembering incorrectly though... | 22:32 |
puff | Ah... | 22:32 |
micahg | I remember something about them being disabled by default | 22:32 |
micahg | puff: you can post a request on answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu and see what people say, you can convert to a bug from there if necessary | 22:33 |
puff | Okay, I'll try that. | 22:33 |
puff | Wacky that they disabled them, when you need them it's too late to enable them :-) | 22:33 |
micahg | puff: well, tehre's recovery mode on boot | 22:34 |
puff | Yeah... | 22:34 |
puff | Okay, I'll post on answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu. | 22:36 |
xelister | suddenly all my national characters turned to crap, is that a known problem? | 23:42 |
xelister | in mplayer, ą ę ć ż etc are all showed as _. In other X apps (kde mostly), they are rendered with very strange fonts. This suddenly happened around 1 month ago. No change in configs | 23:43 |
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