huats | morning | 08:26 |
baptistemm | salut huats | 08:40 |
huats | hello baptistemm | 08:40 |
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pitti | ccheney: hello, how are you? | 10:00 |
pitti | ccheney: were you planning an OO.o upload for bug 570058? | 10:00 |
ubot2` | Launchpad bug 570058 in (Ubuntu) "file overwrite error on 8.04 -> 10.04 upgrade (affects: 1) (heat: 41)" [Undecided,Triaged] | 10:00 |
ccheney | pitti: i believe i could fix that issue by itself as an SRU and try to get to the other potential SRU bugs at a later date unless you know of other high priority ones that need fixing asap? | 10:14 |
ccheney | pitti: fixing a few of them won't take too much time away from my server work | 10:15 |
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pitti | ccheney: it's the only high-prio I'm aware of | 10:26 |
pitti | ccheney: we'll enable upgrades from hardy at that time | 10:26 |
pitti | that's why the "breaks upgrades" ones are a bit nasty | 10:26 |
pitti | ccheney: so, fixing this sounds good | 10:26 |
kenvandine | RAOF, 609073 | 10:30 |
RAOF | asac_: I uploaded omapfb this morning. Once it builds, it should be installable again. | 10:32 |
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nessita | rodrigo_: ping | 10:47 |
asac | RAOF: thx | 10:48 |
ogra | seb128, i'm seeing g-p-m eating tons of ram on omap4 (seems it adds 1M per hour to the reserved memory) did you hear something like that on other arches ? | 10:52 |
seb128 | ogra, could be #569273 | 10:53 |
seb128 | which seems to be a leak in the upstream code for menu refresh | 10:53 |
seb128 | which usually happens when you click on the icon only upstream but often with the indicator | 10:54 |
ogra | hmm | 10:54 |
ogra | seb128, thanks, looks pretty much like it | 10:57 |
seb128 | np | 10:57 |
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rodrigo_ | nessita, pong | 11:12 |
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nessita | rodrigo_: hey there! | 11:24 |
rodrigo_ | hi nessita | 11:24 |
nessita | rodrigo_: so, seb128 is "bitching" (just kidding! :-D) about the U1 bug (the one that opens a browser for a newly created user) | 11:25 |
nessita | rodrigo_: do we have that bugfix ready? | 11:25 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, we want to create isos for GUADEC usb sticks | 11:25 |
rodrigo_ | nessita, yes, forgot to pass it to verterok yesterday | 11:25 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, but it sort of ruins the demo effect to have firefox running on session start this way ;-) | 11:25 |
rodrigo_ | seb128, will talk with verterok as soon as he wakes up | 11:26 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, hey btw ;-) | 11:26 |
seb128 | thanks | 11:26 |
nessita | seb128: that would be after our lunch | 11:26 |
rodrigo_ | yes | 11:26 |
seb128 | ok | 11:26 |
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seb128 | nessita, | 13:11 |
nessita | seb128: thanks! | 13:11 |
seb128 | nessita, bug #608186 | 13:11 |
ubot2` | Launchpad bug 608186 in ubuntu-sso-client (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-sso-login crashed with AttributeError in from_token_and_callback() (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 1708)" [Undecided,New] | 13:11 |
seb128 | nessita, | 13:21 |
* nessita looks | 13:21 | |
seb128 | oauth-login.log | 13:24 |
seb128 | 2010-06-21 16:22:28,619:619.246959686 ubuntuone-login Starting Ubuntu One login manager version 1.2.1 | 13:24 |
seb128 | nessita, and that as well | 13:24 |
* nessita acks | 13:24 | |
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rodrigo_ | seb128, found the cause of the bug, fixing it | 15:21 |
rodrigo_ | seb128, but adding a patch to the package doesn't work, I added simple-patchsys to debian/rules, and then added the patch to debian/patches, but it's not being applied, any idea what am I missing? | 15:22 |
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rodrigo_ | seb128, ah, I needed to bzr add the patch, it seems ??? | 15:29 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, yes | 15:31 |
james_w | bug 521341 | 15:32 |
rodrigo_ | ok | 15:32 |
ubot2` | Launchpad bug 521341 in bzr-builddeb "bzr builddeb should support --strict / --no-strict (affects: 1) (heat: 1)" [Low,Triaged] | 15:32 |
rodrigo_ | seb128, package ready, waiting for nessita to fix the ubuntu-sso-client part | 15:32 |
nessita | rodrigo_: can we have a new ubuntu-sso-client? | 15:32 |
james_ | is this the right place to ask about the LEGAL riping of DVDs in Ubuntu or can someone point me to the right channel if this isn't the place | 15:43 |
james_ | is this the right place to ask about the LEGAL riping of DVDs in Ubuntu or can someone point me to the right channel if this isn't the place | 15:49 |
dobey | james_: #ubuntu is the right place to ask for help. i'm not sure any forum is the right place to ask about legal questions | 15:49 |
dobey | james_: and you don't need to repeat your question every few minutes :) | 15:49 |
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