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stlsaint | hello, i would like to ask for a ubuntu member cloak | 01:21 |
nhandler | stlsaint: Have a link to your LP profile handy? | 01:24 |
stlsaint | nhandler: https://launchpad.net/~faint-stl-saint | 01:25 |
nhandler | jussi, tsimpson, Pici, topyli: ^^^ | 01:25 |
Pici | nhandler: Did you add to the lp team? | 02:45 |
nhandler | No, I usually leave that to whoever ACKs the cloak | 02:45 |
Pici | nhandler: done, please assign a cloak :) | 02:46 |
nhandler | Pici: Done. I also sent him a message via memoserv to let him know I applied it. | 02:47 |
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe | ||
vish | hi , #ubuntu-debian is not registered. , and has a bot running there , how come? | 11:07 |
vish | who is running it? | 11:07 |
vish | > /msg chanserv access list #ubuntu-debian , gives channel not registered | 11:07 |
rww | vish: As I understand it, the relevant channel's on OFTC. The bot in #ubuntu-debian is run by grantbow; I'm not sure why it's in there. | 11:12 |
vish | rww: yeah, the relevant one is #debian-ubuntu on oftc , but this one is confusing , since it sits there with a bot | 11:13 |
vish | just seems no one is around at the moment | 11:13 |
vish | i was in there for a few mins and i noticed folks popping in and out , maybe we can shut it down , so that the people go to the right one? | 11:15 |
jussi | vish: are you in #debian-ubuntu? | 11:19 |
vish | jussi: #ubuntu-debian | 11:19 |
jussi | no, on oftc | 11:19 |
vish | yup | 11:20 |
vish | jussi: but #ubuntu-debian is the wrong one , accidentally mentioned during yesterday's session | 11:20 |
jussi | Im just wondering if its a relay bot... | 11:20 |
jussi | is it in both channels? | 11:20 |
rww | actually, now that I think of it, Grant mentioned relay bots recently. It may well be. | 11:20 |
jussi | and did my test come through? | 11:21 |
rww | (we're in the same LoCo) | 11:21 |
vish | i dont see a gbot on the oftc #debian-ubuntu | 11:21 |
jussi | vish: it may be named different on that network | 11:21 |
vish | jussi: yup , test came through | 11:21 |
jpds | jussi: So much for consistency.. | 11:22 |
jussi | rww: could you chase grantbow for me and check out the situation? | 11:22 |
* vish just asked on oftc , if there is a relay bot.. | 11:23 | |
rww | jussi: he's not highly active on IRC. If there's someone in #debian-ubuntu that knows what's going on, that'd be a better bet. | 11:23 |
jussi | right. that would actually mean joining oftc... :P | 11:24 |
rww | fine, I'll do it then ;P | 11:25 |
rww | doesn't look like it's relaying | 11:26 |
rww | and I don't see a gbot equivalent on the OFTC channel | 11:29 |
vish | yeah , no one knows there either.. | 11:29 |
rww | jussi: considering the above and that #ubuntu-debian isn't mentioned anywhere in the relevant wiki.debian.org documentation, I think IRCC could take it over and do whatever freenode does for pointing at non-freenode channels | 11:30 |
jussi | hrm, do oftc chans have owners? | 11:31 |
jussi | ie, who is responsible over there? | 11:31 |
rww | jussi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/467921/ | 11:31 |
jussi | ahh, persia :) | 11:32 |
jussi | anyway, I have to zip back to work, so Ill leave this to one of my compatriots for now | 11:33 |
persia | jussi: Rhonda is the best contact | 11:35 |
vish | oh , wait , regarding <jussi> and did my test come through? , i thought the test on freenode.. | 11:44 |
vish | it didnt come through on oftc | 11:44 |
vish | wheeeee , ircc now has control! :D | 12:25 |
doctormo | I've been asked to get your thoughts on the "Ask Smart Questions" guide which was blueprinted for the lucid cycle, sorry for the delay: | 17:27 |
doctormo | http://divajutta.com/doctormo/foo/ask-smart-questions.pdf | 17:27 |
nhandler | doctormo: That reminds me a lot of http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html | 17:33 |
doctormo | nhandler: I wouldn't be surprised if mine was derived from that via proxy. I got those titles from the people at UDS Lucid back in December. | 17:34 |
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rww | doctormo: Looks good to me, and covers all the points I'd put in. Let me know if you'd like me to pick at the spelling/grammar, there are a couple of mistakes in there. Apart from that, cool :) | 19:08 |
rww | jussi: Did you get #ubuntu-debian sorted out, or would you like me to ask Grant about it? I'll probably see him today. | 19:09 |
nhandler | rww: We locked down the channel and modified the topic and entrymsg to point to the oftc channel | 19:13 |
rww | nhandler: alrighty, awesome | 19:14 |
rww | Do I ask here or #freenode to get my cloak changed to match my account name? | 19:38 |
nhandler | rww: An Ubuntu GC needs to approve the change, so here. jussi, tsimpson, Pici, topyli: ^^^ | 19:39 |
Pici | nhandler: Could you do the honors? | 19:39 |
nhandler | Yep. Did he update his LP page? | 19:40 |
Pici | rww: did you update your lp page? | 19:40 |
rww | Which part? the IRC: section? | 19:40 |
Pici | Yes. | 19:40 |
rww | done | 19:41 |
rww | thanks :) | 19:41 |
nhandler | You are welcome | 19:41 |
Pici | np :) | 19:42 |
doctormo | rww: spelling and grammar are good to be corrected. | 20:37 |
IdleOne | Wonder if I can have my cloak changed to @ubuntu/member/notjustamemberbutalsoprez | 20:40 |
IdleOne | :) | 20:40 |
IdleOne | kinding | 20:41 |
IdleOne | kiding also | 20:41 |
=== MichealH_ is now known as MichealH | ||
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