daker | godbyk, ping | 01:07 |
godbyk | daker: pong | 01:08 |
daker | how to add a space between two paragraphs ? | 01:09 |
daker | i used \\ but it's not working | 01:09 |
daker | also the \linebreak[2] is not working | 01:10 |
godbyk | daker: As just a one-time thing or do you always want space between your paragraphs? | 01:12 |
daker | always | 01:12 |
daker | the paragraphs are too close | 01:12 |
godbyk | Put \setlength{\parskip}{\baselineskip} before your \begin{document} | 01:12 |
godbyk | \baselineskip will give you one line of blank space. | 01:12 |
godbyk | you can use 2\baselineskip for two lines, etc. also, 0.5\baselineskip for half a line. | 01:13 |
godbyk | (you can use other dimensions, if you prefer.. like 3mm or 0.25in or 12pt) | 01:13 |
daker | the default is one line ? | 01:15 |
godbyk | the default is no space. | 01:16 |
daker | no he add a space | 01:17 |
daker | between paragraphs and to the TOC | 01:17 |
godbyk | I don't understand. | 01:19 |
godbyk | The default space between paragraphs in the article class, for instance, is technically 1 to 2 pt. | 01:20 |
daker | it's a book class not article | 01:21 |
daker | when i did \setlength{\parskip}{\baselineskip} | 01:21 |
daker | a space is added between paragraphs | 01:22 |
daker | and between the titles of the toc | 01:22 |
godbyk | Ah, yeah, that's true. | 01:24 |
godbyk | The \parskip length is used in multiple places for different things. | 01:24 |
godbyk | book class has the same spacing as the article class.. 0-1pt. (not 1-2 like I said before. sorry. misread the code.) | 01:25 |
godbyk | try moving your \setlength command to someplace after the \tableofcontents comand. | 01:26 |
godbyk | then it should only affect things below that point. | 01:27 |
godbyk | (though there are likely to be other undesirable side-effects to globally setting the \parskip length like this.) | 01:27 |
daker | last Question | 01:33 |
daker | how can reduce the height between the top and the content | 01:34 |
godbyk | the top margin? | 01:37 |
daker | yep | 01:38 |
godbyk | I would use the geometry package. | 01:38 |
godbyk | \usepackage[top=0.5in]{geometry} | 01:38 |
godbyk | run 'texdoc geometry' to see the manual for it. | 01:38 |
godbyk | but you can set the top, bottom, left, and right margins with it (among other things). | 01:38 |
daker | i use | 01:38 |
daker | \usepackage[paperwidth=150mm, paperheight=200mm,left=15mm,top=15mm,width=120mm, height=160mm,headheight=6mm,headsep=4mm,footskip=10mm,marginparsep=2mm,marginparwidth=13mm]{geometry} | 01:38 |
godbyk | yeah, just adjust the top margin from 15 mm to something smaller. | 01:39 |
daker | oki | 01:39 |
godbyk | What are you working on, if you don't mind my asking? | 01:40 |
daker | i dont know what we call that in english | 01:45 |
daker | oh ye it's something like a dissertation study | 01:47 |
daker | it's for the university | 01:47 |
brandonj | thesis | 01:47 |
daker | we can call it like that | 01:48 |
godbyk | daker: cool | 01:48 |
godbyk | Hey, humphreybc-cell | 01:48 |
* humphreybc-cell groans | 01:49 | |
humphreybc-cell | Heya | 01:49 |
godbyk | humphreybc-cell: what're you groaning about? :) | 01:49 |
humphreybc-cell | So much to do | 01:49 |
humphreybc-cell | Not enough time | 01:49 |
humphreybc-cell | And I have had a very unproductive week | 01:50 |
humphreybc-cell | I see Greek is done | 01:50 |
humphreybc-cell | Yay! | 01:50 |
godbyk | humphreybc-cell: I hear ya. There was a big wind storm here, and I didn't have electricity for 3 days. | 01:51 |
humphreybc-cell | Haha | 01:51 |
godbyk | But yeah, we released the Greek manual. So feel free to unleash the fanfare. | 01:51 |
humphreybc-cell | My except | 01:51 |
humphreybc-cell | Blah | 01:51 |
humphreybc-cell | Android. .. | 01:51 |
godbyk | I blame my phone for my bad typing skills, too. ;-) | 01:52 |
humphreybc-cell | My excuse is that I have been dating a girl that I met last weekend | 01:52 |
godbyk | (Stupid Swype keyboard nails me all the time.) | 01:52 |
godbyk | Ah, congrats. | 01:52 |
humphreybc-cell | Haha thanks | 01:53 |
godbyk | @%$#@! | 01:53 |
godbyk | I hate you so very much, OpenOffice! | 01:53 |
* daker is always faithful to his computer | 01:53 | |
godbyk | The spreadsheet I've been typing numbers into by hand for the past 30 minutes just crashed. | 01:53 |
humphreybc-cell | Anyway she's going away skiing this weekend so I should be able to get stuff done | 01:53 |
godbyk | And their lame recovery thing did nothing for me. Nothing! | 01:53 |
godbyk | Hate! | 01:53 |
* godbyk fumes. | 01:53 | |
humphreybc-cell | Oh bummer! | 01:54 |
godbyk | I'm going back to vim and text files. | 01:54 |
humphreybc-cell | But to be yoga | 01:54 |
godbyk | And I'm gonna write a python script to crunch these numbers for me. | 01:54 |
humphreybc-cell | Fuck you android keyboard | 01:54 |
* daker don't trust cell phones | 01:54 | |
humphreybc-cell | Lol | 01:54 |
daker | \o/ | 01:54 |
daker | my lovely keyboard | 01:55 |
daker | :p | 01:55 |
daker | with big keys and big letters | 01:55 |
zkriesse | lol | 01:55 |
humphreybc-cell | But to be totally honest, at the moment I'm focussing on OMG! stuff - trying to set up a business and new sites. This weekend I'm going to create a nmerchandisr store =/ | 01:55 |
zkriesse | bunch of cooks | 01:55 |
godbyk | cool | 01:56 |
* humphreybc-cell has ginormous fingers and a tiny android keyboard | 01:56 | |
humphreybc-cell | Yeah it's cool but I feel bad having not done much manual stuff recently | 01:57 |
daker | i confirm your feelings | 01:58 |
daker | :p | 01:59 |
godbyk | I'm gonna zone out and watch a movie. Should I go with The Road, Alice and Wonderland, or Shutter Island? | 02:00 |
daker | shutter Island | 02:00 |
daker | crasy movie | 02:00 |
godbyk | okay. shutter island it is. :) | 02:01 |
infosoft_ | godbyk: I've reported a bug related to NetworkManager screenshot. | 10:57 |
jenkins | infosoft: can you please explain what is wrong with the network manager screenshot? | 11:26 |
jenkins | as far as I can tell the only difference is the icons and the "enable wireless" line. The icons don't show on the default theme | 11:27 |
infosoft | The screenshot included in manual has option Enable Networking, but NetworkManager now has also option Enable Wireless. | 11:28 |
jenkins | infosoft: the enable wireless has always been there I assume who ever took the screenshot did not have a wifi card | 11:29 |
infosoft | Oh, ok then | 11:29 |
infosoft | Sorry for that | 11:29 |
jenkins | I can soon redo it with the wifi line in | 11:29 |
jenkins | its nice to see people being observant :) | 11:30 |
infosoft | In the image above, the check box next to ``Enable Networking'' is currently selected; you can deselect it to disable all network connections. This may be useful if you need to shut off all wireless communication, such as when in an airplane. | 11:31 |
infosoft | That's not true | 11:31 |
jenkins | that is wrong | 11:31 |
infosoft | If you uncheck Enable networking, you disable wired connections | 11:31 |
jenkins | yep who ever wrote it got it wrong | 11:31 |
infosoft | Needs updating :) When is lucid-e2 freeze (editing freeze) deadline? | 11:33 |
jenkins | no idea :( | 11:33 |
jenkins | I will attach a new screenshot later | 11:33 |
infosoft | For some reasons I thought deadline is 29th of this month. | 11:34 |
infosoft | *think | 11:35 |
jenkins | that rings a bell but it thought it was last month | 11:35 |
infosoft | It's hard to translate when we don't know how much updates there will be :) | 11:36 |
infosoft | However it's good that I can instead of translating wrong entries just to add modified translations with these bugs fixed. | 11:41 |
jenkins | yep the translators do fix lots of bugs as they translate, alot of them are spotted because of that | 11:47 |
jenkins | dutchie: can we update the lucid-e2 template? | 11:47 |
jenkins | especially as that is now the translation focus | 11:47 |
dutchie | er | 11:48 |
dutchie | bloody hell, po4a | 11:52 |
dutchie | jenkins: can you see if the following command works for you? | 11:53 |
dutchie | po4a -v --no-translations --copyright-holder "The Ubuntu Manual Team" --package-name ubuntu-manual --package-version `bzr revno` po4a.conf | 11:53 |
jenkins | just going to pull and then I will try it | 11:53 |
jenkins | po4a: Couldn't determine the input document's charset. Please specify it on the command line. | 11:54 |
jenkins | (non-ASCII char at ./default-apps/browsingtheweb.tex :238) | 11:54 |
jenkins | not a clue what charater that is that line looks fine to me | 11:55 |
dutchie | stick a "-MUTF-8" in | 11:58 |
jenkins | it appears to be working, I have just thought does godbyk want to get the layout sported before the translators start work? So it is less work to release this edition | 12:00 |
jenkins | dutchie: before i do it should I pull the latest po files from launchpad as well? | 12:07 |
dutchie | yes | 12:08 |
jenkins | woops I will have to do it all again | 12:08 |
jenkins | right lets try again | 12:36 |
jenkins | dutchie: http://paste.ubuntu.com/467950/ what have I done wrong? | 12:38 |
jenkins | I have been called away be back in a bit | 12:39 |
dutchie | nothing | 12:39 |
dutchie | i don't know what's causing that | 12:39 |
jenkins | dutchie: I guess you are getting an error as well | 13:06 |
dutchie | the same one | 13:07 |
jenkins | hmm | 13:07 |
jenkins | dutchie: I am going to ask in #po4a on irc.oftc.net | 13:09 |
dutchie | already there :) | 13:09 |
jenkins | o there are loads of people | 13:10 |
dutchie | two of them are the same :) | 13:10 |
dutchie | and one is a bot | 13:10 |
jenkins | lol | 13:10 |
jenkins | and ones me and the other is you so there are 2 people who might be able to answer us | 13:11 |
jenkins | happy birthday for tomorrow dutchie | 13:12 |
dutchie | thanks | 13:12 |
jenkins | I have to go now should be back later, dutchie please let me know if you fix it | 13:19 |
jenkins | bye | 13:19 |
daker | !nowplaying | 15:16 |
daker | ouups | 15:17 |
infosoft | daker: wtf??? | 15:17 |
daker | nothing :D | 15:17 |
nisshh | lol | 15:17 |
infosoft | !now_sitting | 15:18 |
daker | Xchat plugin | 15:18 |
daker | \o/ | 15:18 |
daker | stupid plugin | 15:18 |
infosoft | I miss Konversation. After finishing translating manual I'll be glad to delete Ubuntu :D (I prefer Arch Linux + KDE) | 15:19 |
daker | i don't use KDE :) | 15:25 |
daker | i love Gnome & Gnome loves me | 15:25 |
* nisshh is loving gentoo + fluxbox! | 15:26 | |
nisshh | fast as hell! | 15:26 |
infosoft | Fluxbox is nice too. I like e17, but it's still beta (or alpha) version. | 15:31 |
nisshh | infosoft: if you install gentoo properly (compile everything yourself, not use any binaries) its extremely fast :) | 15:32 |
nisshh | for comparison | 15:33 |
nisshh | on ubuntu i can start firefox in about 6-10 seconds | 15:33 |
nisshh | in gentoo i can start it in about 2-3 | 15:33 |
infosoft | Compiling takes lots of time, but I don't have time :D I know about the speed. | 15:33 |
nisshh | infosoft: yea, but the compiling is worth it for the speed gain | 15:34 |
nisshh | infosoft: while compiling everything i just chrooted from ubuntu, so i can multitask | 15:34 |
infosoft | I still prefer Arch Linux. Not too geeky, not too user friendly :) | 15:35 |
nisshh | yea | 15:36 |
infosoft | Sometimes I need to connect projector, so I'm afraid that it may not work if I'd use environment without administration centre like KDE has. I tried Gnome + Arch. It was fast, but I wasn't able to listen music via USB speakers (while it worked perfectly while using KDE). | 15:38 |
nisshh | right | 15:39 |
nisshh | gentoo has everything i need, except flash and java are a serious problem to try and install | 15:39 |
thorwil | i used gentoo for quite a while, then i found stuff would break to often, costing me precious time to fix it | 15:42 |
infosoft | For working in office or somewhere else I'd choose Fedora (not Ubuntu, not Mint, not openSUSE). It's quite adorable, because it requires some knowledge + no need to compile packages (if you need to do tasks while on hurry). Arch is quite stable (sometimes more stable than Ubuntu) :) | 15:43 |
nisshh | thorwil: hmmm, hasnt for me yet, but then again iv only been using it for 2 weeks or so | 15:43 |
flan | Anyone else following the discussion on bug #1? | 15:48 |
flan | (Though I suppose it doesn't matter 'cause most of you are probably also subscribed to omgubuntu) | 15:48 |
* flan is a Debian loyalist. | 15:49 | |
* flan used to be active with Arch, and still uses Gentoo for testing stuff. | 15:50 | |
popey | i can't believe people still post to bug 1 | 15:50 |
nisshh | flan: what about bug #1? | 15:50 |
popey | nobody says _anything_ new on that bug report | 15:50 |
nisshh | popey: i think i might have | 15:50 |
nisshh | i a long time ago | 15:51 |
thorwil | popey: there are too many comments on that bug, so people don't read what's there already, as they only have enough time to add their own oh-so important *fresh* insight! | 15:52 |
popey | indeed | 15:52 |
nisshh | agreed | 15:52 |
nisshh | i believe this is the first of popey's rants that iv witnessed :) | 15:53 |
popey | hah | 15:53 |
flan | Well, yes, that's exactly what its discussion has become. | 15:54 |
flan | I'm not saying it's worth following (I just do it 'cause it's amusing). | 15:54 |
* nisshh goes and has a look at the comments on bug #1 | 15:54 | |
flan | But there was a link to an omgubuntu page with a Dell ad for Netbook Remix 9.10. | 15:55 |
thorwil | that's also what happened with the wm button "discussion". i guess the whole internet would shrink to a fraction if all that duplication would get thrown out | 15:55 |
flan | http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/07/best-advert-for-ubuntu-you-probably.html | 15:55 |
flan | WM button? | 15:55 |
nisshh | thorwil: exactly, i dont get why that was such a big deal, it was a very trivial change | 15:56 |
thorwil | flan: the omg! they are on the wrong side, in the wrong order thing | 15:56 |
flan | Oh, that. | 15:56 |
nisshh | flan i saw that earier today, its good ad :) | 15:56 |
flan | My only qualm with the buttons is that the ^ and v shapes are less intuitive than the old box form or Apple's +/-. | 15:57 |
flan | I keep my panels on the top and right sides of my display. ^ kinda suggests that the window will be iconified and v suggests it'll be zoomed. | 15:57 |
flan | (Relative to my layout) | 15:58 |
thorwil | flan: i had no problem getting used to the on the left, but i still mix up min/max sometimes. guess i have to patch my theme there | 15:59 |
flan | Ah. So I'm not alone. | 15:59 |
flan | Also, double-click-to-roll should be the default. | 15:59 |
flan | There's already a button for zooming. | 15:59 |
flan | And a button for always-on-top would be nice, since that one little thing could be a significant productivity plug over other OS's default (only) interfaces. | 16:00 |
flan | OSes'? | 16:00 |
flan | How does one pluralize and make OS possessive? | 16:01 |
thorwil | OSen's | 16:01 |
flan | Works for me. | 16:01 |
infosoft | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6lvZkv7hUI&feature=player_embedded :D | 16:04 |
infosoft | Talking cat (for those who are bored to translate something :) ): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94WcWy67Kfw&feature=player_embedded | 16:07 |
daker | anyone using Radiotray/Xchat ? | 16:13 |
nisshh | nope | 16:13 |
nisshh | irssi for me | 16:13 |
daker | i wrote a small plugin for xchat that display radiotray song | 16:14 |
daker | something like this | 16:14 |
* daker is listening to Professor Green ft. Lily Allen - Just be good to green | 16:14 | |
nisshh | cool | 16:14 |
daker | http://paste.ubuntu.com/468045/ | 16:52 |
jenkins | dutchie: did you solve the po4a bug? | 18:26 |
dutchie | jenkins: no | 18:42 |
jenkins | dutchie: :( | 18:42 |
jenkins | any luck in #po4a? | 18:42 |
dutchie | nothing | 18:43 |
dutchie | all that happened while you had left the room is dpm joined then left again | 18:44 |
jenkins | o right thats good :P | 18:44 |
jenkins | godbyk: do we have the command \textfeild in the manual? building lucid-e2 is erroring on it. I can't recall what we use instead | 18:48 |
jenkins | people are not building before pushing bug fixes :( | 18:50 |
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj | ||
godbyk | jenkins: yeah, \textfield (spelled correctly). :) | 18:51 |
jenkins | godbyk: yea just worked out it was spelt wrong | 18:52 |
jenkins | fixed the build errors now | 18:52 |
jenkins | godbyk: did you want to get lucid-e2 layout right before we updated the translations? | 18:53 |
jenkins | dutchie: I have a different error now | 18:53 |
godbyk | jenkins: once we're done fixing bugs, I'll probably go through and make sure the margin notes and other things are placed okay. | 18:54 |
jenkins | godbyk: thats what i thought my only concern is we have it as the translation focus and it is way out of date | 18:54 |
jenkins | dutchie: http://paste.ubuntu.com/468113/ | 18:55 |
godbyk | why is it translation focus? lucid-e1 should still be the translation focus, I think. | 18:56 |
godbyk | (e2 isn't in writing freeze yet) | 18:56 |
jenkins | I know ben set it a week ago. | 18:56 |
jenkins | and we have people translating it | 18:57 |
infosoft | godbyk: When will there be lucid-e2 writing freeze? P.S. Section about NetworkManager needs to be rewritten. | 18:57 |
jenkins | infosoft: I added to the bug | 18:57 |
jenkins | *it | 18:57 |
godbyk | infosoft: I don't know. The only date that I'm aware of is that it's to be released 29 July. | 18:57 |
godbyk | But even that was just an arbitrary date that was set eons ago. | 18:58 |
daker | godbyk, HELP!! | 19:04 |
infosoft | daker: Call 911 | 19:04 |
godbyk | heh | 19:05 |
godbyk | what's up, daker? | 19:05 |
daker | ! I can't write on file `main.pdf'. | 19:05 |
daker | (Press Enter to retry, or Control-D to exit; default file extension is `.pdf') | 19:05 |
daker | by runing $ fmtutil --all the first time it solved the problem | 19:07 |
daker | but now it doesn't solve anything | 19:07 |
dutchie | jenkins: put "% po4a: environment fullwidth" before the offending line | 19:11 |
godbyk | I've seen that error in this channel before, but don't know how we solved it. | 19:11 |
godbyk | I think we wiped out the whole directory and checked it out from scratch or something. | 19:11 |
daker | ah i'll try | 19:12 |
godbyk | dutchie: yeah, there may be more commands and environments that we need to tell po4a about. | 19:12 |
godbyk | also, I need to pull in some code from the lucid-e1 branch to bring the e2 branch up to speed (wrt translation stuff). | 19:13 |
jenkins | dutchie: that fixes it, I fixed the other bug by running make on the manual | 19:13 |
godbyk | oh, and I need to update the e2 makefile, I guess. :-) | 19:14 |
dutchie | godbyk: as long as it's not complaining, we're fine | 19:14 |
dutchie | jenkins: oh, of course | 19:15 |
* dutchie notes that down | 19:16 | |
dutchie | godbyk: have I asked before for a translations target? | 19:16 |
godbyk | dutchie: I don't recall. What do you want 'make translations' to do? | 19:16 |
dutchie | po4a -v --no-translations --copyright-holder "The Ubuntu Manual Team" --package-name ubuntu-manual --package-version `bzr revno` po4a.conf | 19:17 |
jenkins | shall we set the translation focus to back to lucid-e1 | 19:17 |
dutchie | godbyk: that, but have the manual built first | 19:17 |
dutchie | otherwise it dies | 19:17 |
jenkins | dutchie: should it not be po4a -v -MUTF-8 --no-translations --copyright-holder "The Ubuntu Manual Team" --package-name ubuntu-manual --package-version `bzr revno` po4a.conf | 19:17 |
dutchie | oh yes | 19:17 |
dutchie | probably need that in there too | 19:17 |
dutchie | i hate unicode | 19:17 |
infosoft | dutchie: UTF8 is one of the best things in my life :) | 19:18 |
infosoft | You shouldn't... hate it :| | 19:19 |
dutchie | it's a real pain to deal with | 19:20 |
dutchie | i don't really hate unicode, i hate the fact that there are multiple encodings and you have to deal with that | 19:21 |
infosoft | It's a lot better than ASCII. Multiple unicode encodings? Do you mean UTF8 and UTF16? | 19:22 |
dutchie | multiple encodings at all | 19:22 |
dutchie | iso-8859-x, ascii, ebcdic, utf-8, utf-16 | 19:22 |
dutchie | can't we just all agree to use one and not care about it? | 19:22 |
godbyk | that's what unicode is all about. :) | 19:23 |
infosoft | I agree with that. UTF8 is the best :D | 19:23 |
dutchie | but not everyone uses it yet, so there are headaches | 19:23 |
dutchie | like the -MUTF-8 | 19:23 |
infosoft | There are headaches when someone uses UTF8 with BOM (especially in programming; because of BOM some applications doesn't work) | 19:24 |
dutchie | every time i've written a program that has to deal with unicode, it's been a pain | 19:24 |
infosoft | BOM is the source of all bad things. | 19:26 |
jenkins | unless anyone objects in the next 15 minutes I will change the translation focus back to lucid-e1, it seams silly to have people trying to do stuff that will change | 19:45 |
jenkins | dutchie: how do I go about updating lanchpad with the new po files? | 19:46 |
dutchie | just commit & push | 19:46 |
dutchie | it should be set up right to auto-import | 19:47 |
jenkins | I thought it was on manual import as auto import messed things up | 19:47 |
dutchie | dunno | 19:48 |
dutchie | don't remember | 19:48 |
jenkins | any idea what i do to make it import? | 19:48 |
jenkins | it appears to be on auto import going on https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/+imports | 19:49 |
jenkins | two minutes time translations back to lucid-e1 | 19:58 |
jenkins | changed the focus to lucid-e1 | 20:01 |
jenkins | why on lucid-e1 is greek got 1390 untranslated strings? and german is not complete | 20:03 |
jenkins | neither is english ul | 20:03 |
jenkins | *uk | 20:03 |
jenkins | launchpad is bad :( | 20:04 |
daker | Lauchpad is the Best Open source app | 20:05 |
jenkins | dutchie/ godbyk go to https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/+imports?start=0&batch=50 and look there are loads of imports that need review now. there were not a minute ago | 20:06 |
godbyk | jenkins: you better not have done anything to piss off the translators.. :-) | 20:06 |
jenkins | I hope not, I am trying not to I have been palying with lucid-e2 and changed the focus (which made sense) | 20:07 |
jenkins | whos an admin for the manual team? | 20:08 |
godbyk | launchpad's translation stuff is all mysterious and scary. | 20:08 |
zkriesse | jenkins: probably humphrey | 20:08 |
godbyk | I don't understand how it works, how it's *supposed* to work, etc. | 20:08 |
godbyk | it just breaks all the time and there seems to be nothing I can do about it. | 20:08 |
godbyk | jenkins: I can do some things. What do you need? | 20:09 |
jenkins | I agree godbyk I need someone who is an admin to look at the above page ^ and aprove everything to the right place | 20:09 |
godbyk | Looks like I can only mark things as Deleted, Needs Review, or Blocked. | 20:10 |
jenkins | same | 20:10 |
jenkins | dutchie: ^^ | 20:10 |
godbyk | I think a *Launchpad* admin had to help us with this last time. | 20:10 |
godbyk | Maybe ask in #launchpad for some help? | 20:10 |
jenkins | may be I am disliking launchpad and translations | 20:11 |
jenkins | godbyk: both you and i are not admins but josh is | 20:12 |
jenkins | he should be able to do it | 20:12 |
godbyk | jenkins: ah. | 20:12 |
godbyk | jenkins: We should have them make us admins so we can break things, too. :-) | 20:14 |
jenkins | well only ben can make admins as he is the project owner | 20:14 |
dutchie | hmmm | 20:14 |
godbyk | dutchie: fix it! :) | 20:14 |
jenkins | dutchie: lanuchpad broke it :) | 20:15 |
dutchie | i can only do deleted, needs review and blocked too | 20:15 |
dutchie | can someone else go and ask in #launchpad? i'm trying to create a virtual transport business in simutrans ;) | 20:15 |
* jenkins asks | 20:17 | |
jenkins | what other places can we use for translations? I don't like launchpad | 20:24 |
daker | transifex ? | 20:28 |
dutchie | the "write our own" idea has appeared once or twice | 20:30 |
jenkins | do other projects have problems with translations in launchpad? or are we using it wrong? | 20:35 |
infosoft | There isn't much time left until Ubuntu 10.10 release. Will we be able to prepare lucid-e2? :) | 20:35 |
jenkins | lucid is an lts so i guess we will release it later like canonical do with a new disk with all the updates | 20:36 |
c7p | what happened with the bug contest ? | 21:17 |
godbyk | not sure. you'd have to ask humphreybc. | 21:26 |
c7p | ok | 21:26 |
c7p | btw i have to say that the Greek community is very excited about the manual and thanks all of it's contributors | 21:27 |
godbyk | cool. glad to hear it! | 21:28 |
c7p | godbyk what will we do with the mail notification ? | 21:29 |
godbyk | well, I can send out the email if you want to write something. | 21:30 |
c7p | ok i can right a small text | 21:31 |
c7p | will it be sth like Dear reader, etcc | 21:32 |
c7p | or Dear $name, $name=variable for name ? | 21:33 |
c7p | godbyk: ping | 22:07 |
godbyk | c7p: pong | 22:09 |
c7p | can i write in the message our ML's address so if someone wants to contribute to the project send a mail there ? | 22:10 |
jenkins | godbyk: / dutchie can you take up the problem with https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/+imports?start=0&batch=50 as I don't think I will have much time in the next few days | 22:10 |
godbyk | c7p: Sure! | 22:11 |
godbyk | jenkins: I think the last time I talked to the launchpad guys they had to do something, but I don't recall what. | 22:12 |
dutchie | jenkins: did you get a reply from #launchpad? | 22:12 |
jenkins | nope I did not get a reply | 22:12 |
dutchie | irc is so reliable and efficient :) | 22:12 |
jenkins | lol, not sure how long i was on I am so busy at the moment | 22:13 |
c7p | do you have to be subscribed to ML so you can send a mail to it or not ? | 22:14 |
dutchie | it ends up in the moderation queue if you're not subscribed | 22:14 |
c7p | which means ? | 22:15 |
dutchie | it will end up being sent | 22:16 |
jenkins | one of the moderators has to aprove it first | 22:16 |
c7p | ok cool then thx | 22:16 |
c7p | godbyk: i send you the prototype mail, you can send it to dear readers :P | 22:28 |
godbyk | c7p: yep! | 22:56 |
c7p | nice | 22:56 |
godbyk | c7p: What should the subject line be? | 23:10 |
c7p | Το εγχειρίδιο "Ξεκινώντας με το Ubuntu 10.04" είναι πλέον διαθέσιμο | 23:11 |
c7p | is it to long ? | 23:11 |
godbyk | works for me | 23:14 |
c7p | ok | 23:17 |
godbyk | c7p: I've sent the email. | 23:28 |
godbyk | We'll see what happens. :) | 23:28 |
c7p | great job | 23:28 |
c7p | it works | 23:29 |
c7p | a friend of mine received the mail | 23:30 |
godbyk | Good! | 23:30 |
daker | debian's website is really VERY POOR | 23:32 |
c7p | night all | 23:50 |
daker | good night c7p | 23:51 |
c7p | ty | 23:52 |
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