
dudanogueiragood night all :)00:58
MootBotMeeting started at 19:00. The chair is pleia2.01:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]01:00
pleia2Hello and welcome to the Ubuntu Membership Review Board for the Americas meeting for July 22nd. The wiki page for the Review Board is available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/Americas01:00
pleia2this is a make-up meeting for one we had to reschedule from last week :)01:00
pleia2The format for the meeting is as follows: We will go through the list of applicants one by one, by date of application (FIFO).01:00
* beuno apologizes01:00
pleia2Each applicant should introduce themselves (1-5 sentences) and provide links to their Ubuntu Wiki page. After the introduction the members of the Membership Review Board will review the pages and, if needed, ask the applicant further questions.01:01
pleia2During this time it is encouraged for other members of the community to show their support for the applicant. Do not be alarmed if the members of the Membership Review Board are quiet during this time; they are most likely reading wiki/launchpad/forum/other pages and deciding how they are going to vote.01:01
pleia2When the board is ready to vote, they will publicly vote in the channel with either +1, 0, or -1 (for membership, abstain, and against membership, respectively). If the sum of those numbers is positive, then the applicant is now an official Ubuntu member! (feel free congratulate them!)01:01
pleia2Now, with any further ado, lets get started with the first applicant...01:01
pleia2dyfet was approved by email since he started his app during the last meeting, we'll announce his approval along with the rest of the applicants, so congrats dyfet!01:02
greg-gyes, congrats again, dyfet!01:03
pleia2is jturek here?01:03
pleia2ok, we'll come back to him if he makes it01:03
pleia2stlsaint: are you here?01:03
pleia2[TOPIC] stlsaint membership01:03
beunohi stlsaint01:03
MootBotNew Topic:  stlsaint membership01:03
stlsaintbeuno: hello01:03
pleia2stlsaint: please go ahead and introduce yourself and link to your wiki :)01:05
stlsaintnames matthew, nickname is stlsaint. I am employed with the US govt as a information tech. I have used ubuntu a little over a year 1/2. Here is link to wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/stlsaint01:05
nhandler[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/stlsaint01:06
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/stlsaint01:06
stlsaintSorry for small introduction but i hope that my wiki explains more01:06
pleia2stlsaint: if you were to pick a strong point of yours within the community, what would you highlight as something you are most proud of/spend the most time on?01:07
nhandlerstlsaint: I notice that you mention you are part of the Screencast team. What have you been doing as a member of that team?01:07
* maco waits for wiki to loa01:08
macostlsaint: us gov? so are you local to me then? dc area?01:08
stlsaintnhandler: yes, the team has just been recently been reorganized so there has not been a cast yet but my first plan is to do a screencast of a manual partition of maverick01:08
stlsaintmaco: i am a soldier in the US Army01:08
pleia2stlsaint: any tx team plans on the horizon?01:09
dudanogueirastlsaint: and events, with pictures of happy users?01:09
greg-gI was just getting ready to ask why it is call the "centex" team, but I just woke up from a nap, so it just took my brain a second to realize the obviousness :)01:10
stlsaintpleia2: yes, i have proposed a get together of the various seperate locos in a "geeknic" and i have future plans for the killeen team becoming more formal01:10
nhandlerstlsaint: You mention a goal of becoming a bugcontrol member. Are you part of the bugsquad mentoring program right now?01:10
stlsaintnhandler: yes i am, my mentor is ddecator01:10
greg-goh good01:10
pleia2[VOTE] stlsaint membership01:11
MootBotPlease vote on:  stlsaint membership.01:11
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot01:11
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting01:11
MootBot+1 received from pleia2. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 101:11
MootBot+1 received from beuno. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 201:11
MootBot+1 received from nhandler. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 301:12
MootBot+1 received from dudanogueira. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 401:12
MootBot+1 received from greg-g. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 501:12
MootBot+1 received from maco. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 601:12
MootBotFinal result is 6 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 601:12
nhandlerCongratulations stlsaint !01:12
pleia2congrats and welcome stlsaint!01:12
macowow we got 6 board members to show up? O_O01:12
stlsaintvery nice :D01:12
greg-gcongrats stlsaint!01:12
stlsaintthank you all!!01:12
pleia2maco: yeah, for a meeting with only one applicant, doh!01:12
dudanogueirastlsaint: welcome!01:12
macopleia2:  haha whoops01:13
stlsaintdudanogueira: thank you01:13
stlsaintgreg-g: appreciate it :D01:13
pleia2doesn't look like jturek is going to make it01:13
nhandlerWell, great meeting everyone01:13
pleia2thanks everyone01:13
greg-gpaultag: you missed stlsaint being approved, I saw you wrote a testimonial01:13
paultagAch! I was here to cheer stlsaint :)01:13
MootBotMeeting finished at 19:13.01:13
stlsaintpaultag: ;)01:13
paultaggreg-g: yeah, I was in community-team arguing with doctormo01:13
pleia2paultag: it's ok, he didn't need you ;)01:13
greg-gpaultag: it happens01:14
paultagrighto :)01:14
paultaggreat meeting, grats stlsaint :D01:14
paultagthanks approval board :)01:14
stlsaintpaultag: thanks man01:14
greg-gI might have to put that quote in a blog post or something, paultag01:14
paultaggreg-g: fire at will, that there is public domain ;)01:14
macooh wait look01:15
jturekphew - sorry guys.. timezone was off on my iphone from flyin g:(01:15
stlsaintuh oh01:16
pleia2going to check real quick to see if we have quorum01:16
pleia2jturek: we just wrapped up the meeting, but we can probably reopen :)01:16
jturekoh , i am sorry01:16
jturekWe need a push notification ubuntu-meeting iphone app :)01:17
jturekthat is timezone agnostic01:17
paultagjturek: or get a droid ;)01:17
MootBotMeeting started at 19:18. The chair is pleia2.01:18
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]01:18
pleia2ok, here we go again :)01:18
pleia2[TOPIC] jturek membership01:18
MootBotNew Topic:  jturek membership01:18
nhandlerCan you introduce yourself jturek ?01:18
jturekHi Guys, I am John Turek  - a long time ubuntu user01:19
jturekI have been involved with passing on the ubuntu flame for years, now.  and I run a local linux users group in rural PA01:19
jturekMy main job runs a UEC with a large voip deployment01:19
jturekI'd like to be a ubuntu member to be able to continue my indoctrination of ubuntu to others01:20
jturekI have been working more with #ubuntu-community and getting to know everybody there01:20
jturek(even was a runner up with Jono's new UEC Laison position)01:21
jturekThanks for considering me for membership01:21
jtureknhandler: ok01:22
macowhere's your wiki link?01:22
pleia2jturek: can you discuss some of the work you've done in the community thus far? your wiki is kind of sparse01:22
jturekHi, the wiki is space since i have little web based community involvement,  it has mostly been in the local and rural setting.01:23
jturekI was on many of th emeetings of the last UDS in belgum (remotely) and contributed some feedback in the UEC meetings and Server01:23
pleia2jturek: have you tried working at all with the ubuntu pennsylvania team?01:23
macocouldnt get any of the in-person-people to write on it?01:24
jturekpleia2: I'd like to reach out to the other ubuntu locals and grow our rural team,  its difficult where i live01:24
nhandlerjturek: I see you are a member of the 5-a-day team. How much bug triaging have you done?01:24
pleia2jturek: loco teams are great for that, pennsylvania is my old loco (I just moved a few months back) and they're a great bunch, a lot of folks who are rural and always looking to swap best practices and tips :)01:24
jturekexcellent pleia2 i look forward to growing that01:25
jturekand nhandler  I made a committment to myself to work on triaging bugs more, I helped with python-snippets and other small jono projects.. and I did alot of bug reporting back in the old days if BitchX and gaim01:25
jturekI will continue to give more time as it has become available, esp with Maverick01:26
dudanogueirajturek: have you contributed with documentation or support on mailing lists?01:26
macojturek: couldnt get any of the in-person-people to write on your wiki page?01:26
jturekMaco,  If its truly required, I will get a snippet from a few local team members and have them added.  Sorry it isn't on there01:27
nhandlerjturek: It isn't really "required", but they are a very big help01:28
pleia2jturek: that'd be great, testimonials are really valueable to this process, particularly in your case where much of your work can not be reflected in statistics and "web work"01:28
jturekok pleia201:28
pleia2if you worked with jono you might also ask him for a testimonial, as well as the folks you've been working with remotely since UDS01:28
* nhandler has to go to dinner01:29
jturekAnd dudanogueira the support has been in IRC chat alot of the times,  for the lernid and snippets projects, I am doing a proxy impelemntation for Lernid to work behind irc blocked networks01:29
dudanogueirathat's very good!!01:29
jtureksince I am blocked at work as well.. which breaks lernid :)01:30
jturekI have worked with Amazon EC2 engineers to help get AMI's deployed for customers as well in a consulting role01:31
pleia2jturek: if you have time to help with lernid more, you should pop around #ubuntu-classroom-backstage to chat with the classroom folks, I know there are a few bugs out there we'd like to see addressed :)01:31
jturekpleia2: i'd be glad to01:31
pleia2great :)01:31
jturekI usually keep my irc on while my day job is going on... just right now I was out chasing kids around01:31
pleia2jturek: so I'd suggest you collect some testimonials from folks who know your work in the community, and then return in a couple months so we can review your app again01:31
pleia2oh, and head over to #ubuntu-us-pa to chat with the pennsylvania folks, might even find some others in your area01:32
nhandlerBut you are definitely off to a great start. I look forward to seeing you come back01:32
jturekthanks nhandler01:32
jturekand pleia201:32
jtureksorry to hold you guys off01:32
pleia2no need for apologies, thanks for coming :)01:32
jturekmaybe an iphone app can be implemented by then so I don't miss this again01:32
jturek(yes, and android ) :)01:33
paultagjturek: Thanks for comming!  P.S. -- If you're close to Ohio, please stop by #ubuntu-us-oh, you're more then welcome over :)01:33
dudanogueiraor meego, on a near future...01:33
maco3aaaaaaaand come to ohio linuxfest! im sure plenty of us will be there01:33
paultagwooo!! +1 maco301:33
maco3yeah </plug>01:34
maco3paultag: see you there?01:34
jturekI am about 2 hours east of Erie, PA01:34
paultagjturek: ah! right around the corner01:34
paultagmaco3: I'm here :)01:34
paultagmaco3: Oh, yes, duh! See you there!01:34
MootBotMeeting finished at 19:34.01:34
pleia2thanks everyone01:34
maco3jturek: are you near state college then?01:34
jturekalright guys,  i'll gather everything up for the next one01:34
jturekmaco3: 4 hours north01:35
dudanogueirajturek: thank you!!01:35
jturekalright, ia m going to get back outside before the kids kill themselves01:35
maco3i didnt think there was 4 hours of space between state college and ny O_O01:35
jturekyeah,  google Coudersport, PA01:36
jturekI work for Level 3 communications which has an office there.. as a Tier 4 IP/Voice engineer01:36
jturekif you ever see level3.com/.net in a traceroute.. thats us01:36
maco3O_O there's like.... 6 roads one way and 10 roads the other01:36
jturekyeap, one stop light01:36
jturekalright nice to meet all of you01:37
maco3(i'm from pittsburgh and spend holidays in ny, btw)01:37
maco3have a nice night01:37
jturekoh! cool01:37
jtureki'll catch you guys on here, and can I get criticizm about my wiki if I ask one of you to look it over for suggestions after i work on it?01:38
jturekdon't want to waste y'all time again01:38
maco3jturek: im not in pittsburgh anymore though ;-) escaped to a bigger city01:38
dudanogueiragotta go, thank you all!01:48
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