lfaraone | If for an upload I'm only regenerating debian/control from debian/control.in, can I use "build1" rather than "ubuntu1" since the change can safely be synced over? | 02:34 |
lfaraone | (picking up some bug fixes in control generation in the newer versions of CDBS) | 02:35 |
micahg | lfaraone: build1 is usually a no source change rebuild | 02:35 |
lfaraone | micahg: yeah, but we're basically calling "DEB_MAINTAINER_MODE=1 debian/rules clean; dch -i 'Regenerating debian/control from debian/control.in.'" | 02:36 |
lfaraone | micahg: and that's all that's needed to fix a bug. | 02:37 |
lfaraone | micahg: I feel silly to have to make a sync request for this bug next time Debian releases something. | 02:39 |
micahg | lfaraone: do you have upload rights for it? | 02:41 |
lfaraone | micahg: yes. | 02:41 |
micahg | lfaraone: you can sync it yourself with the sync script in u-d-t | 02:41 |
lfaraone | micahg: yes, but when I do that I feel the death glares of the Archive Admins. | 02:42 |
lfaraone | and I keep on reading people in -motu decrying use of the script. | 02:42 |
micahg | lfaraone: heh, I think they would've complained more about it going into u-d-t if they didn't want it used | 02:42 |
lfaraone | micahg: wonder why it's not installed in the package? | 02:43 |
micahg | lfaraone: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-dev-tools/0.100 | 02:44 |
lfaraone | micahg: oh, wow. I'll shut up then :) | 02:44 |
lfaraone | micahg: now all we need is to get ack-sru in there :) | 02:45 |
micahg | lfaraone: being cautious isn't a bad thing especially with uploads :) | 02:45 |
* micahg agrees though if there's no rush, just to file the sync | 02:47 | |
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bilalakhtar | tumbleweed: you there ? | 06:55 |
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huats | morning | 08:26 |
Rhonda | I wonder how the iPhone Ubuntu One client is more (or less?) compliant with the license it is put into. From what I understood the Affero GPL would be even more in violation by the appstore? | 08:40 |
Rhonda | erm, violated, not in violation | 08:41 |
wgrant | They've probably dual-licensed it. | 08:41 |
wgrant | But #ubuntuone might know. | 08:41 |
Rhonda | Thanks for the pointer - I just didn't know where to mention it otherwise. :) | 08:42 |
wgrant | But yes, I wondered that myself. | 08:43 |
wgrant | Given the recent Wesnoth business. | 08:43 |
Rhonda | cloning the ios client though has a drop of the affero license, which is even more in violation. | 08:43 |
Rhonda | I'm very well aware of that, to be honest. ;) | 08:43 |
wgrant | How's it even more in violation? | 08:44 |
Rhonda | Because of the requirements that Affero has. | 08:44 |
wgrant | Canonical owns all the code. They can distribute it under any other license. | 08:44 |
Rhonda | It would mean that the appstore itself has to provide the source. | 08:44 |
Rhonda | Right, but this is the only license that I see when cloning the ios branch. | 08:45 |
Rhonda | If it wouldn't be in the clone of ubuntuone-ios-client, I wouldn't have asked. | 08:45 |
wgrant | They never were very good with their license headers. | 08:45 |
wgrant | Or licensing. | 08:46 |
vish | Rhonda: hi , how do we change the email id when using reportbug? | 09:01 |
* vish found channel #ubuntu-debian empty except for gbot ofcourse :) | 09:01 | |
vish | its seems to pull my old mail id.. need to change that.. | 09:01 |
hyperair | vish: i believe it uses DEBEMAIL | 09:02 |
vish | hyperair: where is that ? | 09:03 |
hyperair | vish: in .${SHELL}rc? | 09:04 |
hyperair | you can also define it in .reportbugrc by 'email "hyperair@ubuntu.com"' | 09:04 |
hyperair | and 'realname "Chow Loong Jin"' | 09:04 |
hyperair | hmm i wonder where my .reportbugrc came from.. it seems like a template of sorts. | 09:05 |
hyperair | vish: you can run reportbug --configure | 09:05 |
vish | neat! | 09:05 |
vish | hyperair: yeah , editing the .reportbugrc did the job... but i still didnt find where the mail id was being pulled from :s | 09:10 |
hyperair | vish: DEBEMAIL environment variable? | 09:11 |
vish | yeah.. | 09:11 |
Rhonda | vish: You export DEBEMAIL. | 09:12 |
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Rhonda | Sorry, I had that in my notes but forgot to mention it in the talk. It's the same environment variable for the bts tool, btw. | 09:13 |
vish | Rhonda: ok. but this is my first time using debian or report bug , so I'm not sure where DEBEMAIL is set .. | 09:24 |
Rhonda | It's meant to be an environment variable. | 09:27 |
Rhonda | Wait, one moment. | 09:27 |
Rhonda | What's the shell you use? I suspect it might be bash? | 09:28 |
Rhonda | Anyway, what you always can do is "DEBEMAIL=my@addre.ss reportbug $package" - prefix the command with it. | 09:29 |
vish | i check the .bashrc and it aint there | 09:29 |
vish | checked* | 09:29 |
Rhonda | Then simply add it. :) | 09:29 |
Rhonda | Add a line like "export DEBEMAIL=my@addre.ss" | 09:29 |
Rhonda | Also issue that command in your shell to have it for the current running shell, too. | 09:30 |
vish | Rhonda: hehe , well , I was able to add it to the .reportbugrc and change it , but am wondering where it was pulling my id from in the first place :) | 09:30 |
Rhonda | reportbug tells right ahead as one of its starting message what email address it's going to use. You can always press ctrl-c to stop at that point too, so don't hesitate to just give it a try and check wether it was done properly. | 09:30 |
Rhonda | If it can't find anything it defaults to $USER@`honstmae -f` | 09:31 |
Rhonda | So uses your login and the full hostname of your system. | 09:31 |
vish | yup , thats when i noticed my mail id :) | 09:32 |
Rhonda | And I really would have vished for such questions to pop up during the talk. The feedback came only from very few people, which felt a bit discouraging/disappointing. :/ | 09:32 |
* Rhonda . o O ( pun intended ;) ) | 09:32 | |
vish | Rhonda: haha , it was too late last nite , caught up with logs only now :) | 09:33 |
vish | timezones suck fwiw ;) | 09:33 |
LucidFox | dholbach, thanks for publishing! o/ | 09:35 |
dholbach | LucidFox: thanks for sending it in so quickly! :) | 09:40 |
dholbach | LucidFox: apart from nigelb, bobbo is also interested | 09:40 |
nigelb | vish: this shows you aren't packaging :p | 09:46 |
nigelb | LucidFox: time to hunt for next target :p | 09:47 |
nigelb | Rhonda: FYI, you're free to be on that channel :) | 09:50 |
LucidFox | What channel? | 09:50 |
nigelb | #ubuntu-classroom-backstage | 09:51 |
Quintasan | \o | 09:54 |
Rhonda | nigelb: Way to many windows, have to cut them down to stuff that feels relevant for me for longer than just a few minutes. Still have way too many open. | 09:59 |
nigelb | Rhonda: can beat 3 digits? | 10:00 |
Rhonda | Almost %-/ | 10:01 |
nigelb | heh | 10:01 |
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bilalakhtar | *CRITICAL* need help with bug #604910 | 10:29 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 604910 in uswsusp (Ubuntu) "Please sync uswsusp 0.8-1.2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/604910 | 10:29 |
bilalakhtar | tumbleweed: you there? | 10:32 |
tumbleweed | bilalakhtar: hi | 10:34 |
bilalakhtar | tumbleweed: hi there! bug #604910 | 10:34 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 604910 in uswsusp (Ubuntu) "Please sync uswsusp 0.8-1.2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/604910 | 10:34 |
bilalakhtar | I cannot figure out why the problem is occuring | 10:34 |
tumbleweed | bilalakhtar: have you dealt with the existing delta issues? | 10:35 |
bilalakhtar | tumbleweed: which package? | 10:36 |
vish | nigelb: well , there is only so much i can do with time available ;) cant be omnipresent ;) | 10:36 |
tumbleweed | bilalakhtar: that one, fabrice_sp's comments | 10:36 |
vish | nigelb: btw , why is #ubuntu-debian totally empty? | 10:37 |
bilalakhtar | tumbleweed: my problem, will come here after 10 mins | 10:37 |
tumbleweed | bilalakhtar: | 10:37 |
tumbleweed | $ apt-cache show libsplashy1-dev | 10:37 |
tumbleweed | W: Unable to locate package libsplashy1-dev | 10:37 |
Laney | vish: because it's #debian-ubuntu | 10:38 |
Laney | and it's on oftc. | 10:38 |
geser | vish: try #debian-ubuntu @ OFTC | 10:38 |
bilalakhtar | tumbleweed: yes, I understand everything over here now | 10:38 |
vish | ah cool, was going by Rhonda's session.. | 10:39 |
Laney | wgrant: Did you get my message about haskell & multidistrotools the other day? | 10:42 |
wgrant | Laney: I don't believe so... what's the issue? | 10:42 |
Laney | wgrant: The sid details seem out of date | 10:42 |
Laney | It thinks that a load of packages are newer in M than sid | 10:42 |
wgrant | I wonder if that's because there are multiple versions in Sources... | 10:43 |
nigelb | vish: because you probably are on the freenode channel. the acual one is on oftc. | 10:43 |
bilalakhtar | tumbleweed: in the meantime, do you know any core-dev ? I have a bunch of main bug fixes. | 10:43 |
wgrant | Hm, no, that's not it. | 10:43 |
tumbleweed | bilalakhtar: yes, there are some here, you can ask | 10:44 |
vish | nigelb: yeah , in the class session logs its mentioned as #ubuntu-debian , so probably we should correct that while adding to wiki | 10:44 |
nigelb | vish: hm, true. I'll add a footnote | 10:45 |
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bilalakhtar | tumbleweed: we have a lockout here. usplash support doesn't work, and splashy has been removed from Ubuntu archives, as it conflicts with plymouth in lucid. What should we do with uswsusp? get it removed as well ? | 10:48 |
tumbleweed | bilalakhtar: disable splashy support in uswsusp | 10:49 |
bilalakhtar | tumbleweed: then tell it to use what? it needs one of the two | 10:49 |
tumbleweed | bilalakhtar: aah, in that case it isn't usable on ubuntu, yes | 10:50 |
bilalakhtar | tumbleweed: wait a minute, I think it can be used without either | 10:50 |
bilalakhtar | tumbleweed: BRB in 10 mins | 10:51 |
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bilalakhtar | tumbleweed: bug #604910 | 11:07 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 604910 in uswsusp (Ubuntu) "Please merge uswsusp 0.8-1.2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/604910 | 11:07 |
bilalakhtar | uswsusp works without splashy or usplash | 11:09 |
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bilalakhtar | tumbleweed: you there? | 11:17 |
tumbleweed | bilalakhtar: I can only look in a few hours | 11:31 |
bilalakhtar | Someone, please sponsor fix for bug #155930 | 11:47 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 155930 in synaptic (Ubuntu) ""Unmark all" clears the package list (!)" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155930 | 11:47 |
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sommer | morning all | 13:18 |
Aquina | 'lo | 13:19 |
lfaraone | dholbach: if you're looking for more people for Behind MOTU, let me know :) | 15:26 |
tkren | Hey there, anyone has some time for reviewing clasp, an answer set solver for logic programs? See http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/clasp | 15:27 |
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dholbach | lfaraone: up until now LucidFox, nigelb and bobbo stepped up to help out :) | 15:27 |
lfaraone | If I'm simply rewording a changelog entry from a sponsoree, should I replace his name with mine and credit him using the '[]' syntax, or can I just amke the change and leave his name as the author in the changelog? | 15:47 |
geser | would it really be such a difference when you reword the changelog entry and credit him in [] compared to his name as the author of the changelog entry? | 15:55 |
Laney | dch --[no]mainttrailer | 15:56 |
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ari-tczew | slangasek: ping | 16:58 |
ari-tczew | who is expierenced with bzr-merge ? | 17:21 |
leonel | Hello : Ubuntu Lucid has cherokee 0.99.39 , I maintain the latest cherokee on ppa (https://edge.launchpad.net/~cherokee-webserver/+archive/ppa) with upstream and with the debian maintainer for cherokee, I'd like to push 1.0.1 to lucid what's the procedure to do this ? | 18:01 |
jpds | leonel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates | 18:03 |
leonel | jpds: I know there are no new versions but for lucid as an LTS I think Would be better to have this 1.0 version instead the 0.99.39 | 18:05 |
ScottL | leonel, you can try for backport ? | 18:08 |
ScottL | !backport | leonel | 18:08 |
ubottu | leonel: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging | 18:08 |
leonel | Yes I can .. | 18:09 |
leonel | with upstream we were taking about keep a stable release this case 1.0.1 and the devel versions with ppa | 18:10 |
leonel | have 2 branches for the package | 18:10 |
leonel | since most of the ubuntu users that use cherokee uses the ppa version | 18:10 |
leonel | and we can doit with ppa packages | 18:11 |
leonel | but I think can be better to keep the stable 1.0.1 in Ubuntu replacing the 0.99.39 and keep the lattest version in ppa | 18:11 |
lfaraone | micahg: for your mozilla uploaders, do you set the maintainer to ubuntu mozilla uploaders, or to the wider ubuntu mozilla team? | 18:12 |
micahg | lfaraone: mozillateam which goes to a ML | 18:19 |
lfaraone | micahg: mk, that's what I've been doing with sugarteam. | 18:20 |
lfaraone | micahg: think it's worthwhile to modify update-maintainer so it does that automatically? | 18:20 |
ari-tczew | tumbleweed: ping | 18:20 |
micahg | lfaraone: no, the general consensus is that everything should go to u-d-d@l.u.c | 18:20 |
micahg | lfaraone: but there are a few exceptions :) | 18:21 |
micahg | lfaraone: also, our stuff doesn't go through debian, so it never changes | 18:21 |
lfaraone | micahg: well, it should be easy to special-case or have it check against a package list. | 18:21 |
lfaraone | micahg: mk. for the sugarteam, we try when possible to always go through debian and only fix what we must in Ubuntu. | 18:21 |
micahg | lfaraone: yeah, but I don't think that's wanted in general | 18:22 |
micahg | lfaraone: maybe then the maintainer should be set in Debian as the sugarteam? | 18:22 |
micahg | lfaraone: if that's feasible | 18:22 |
tumbleweed | ari-tczew: hi | 18:22 |
micahg | lfaraone: I have to go, I'll be on later, but I'm sure others have an opinion on this :) | 18:22 |
lfaraone | micahg: in Debian, we have "Debian OLPC <debian-olpc-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>" | 18:23 |
micahg | lfaraone: ah, well, then, nothing is really being "maintained" per se in Ubuntu | 18:23 |
ari-tczew | tumbleweed: hi, do you know how doing a merge by bzr? | 18:23 |
ari-tczew | bzr-merge sucks, too hard to use for me | 18:23 |
micahg | lfaraone: I think maintainer is more for the core pacakge than the small changes Ubuntu makes | 18:23 |
tumbleweed | ari-tczew: for merging new versions from Debian, don't use UDD, it's more work than MOM | 18:24 |
Laney | is it? | 18:25 |
micahg | lfaraone: there's probably a thread on ubuntu-devel about this already in the archives | 18:25 |
tumbleweed | ari-tczew: if you really want to (but I wrote this for reviewing more than for merging), try my grab-udd-merge: lp:~stefanor/ubuntu-dev-tools/grab-udde-merge | 18:25 |
* micahg is out for a but | 18:25 | |
tumbleweed | Laney: I find it to be more work :) | 18:25 |
micahg | *bit | 18:25 |
nigelb | tumbleweed I thought it would be easier doing it via uud | 18:25 |
tumbleweed | nigelb: MOM gives you everything you need to see what's going on | 18:25 |
ari-tczew | tumbleweed: "new versions from Debian", do you mean new upstream release? | 18:25 |
tumbleweed | with UDD you have to know bzr quite well to extract diffs | 18:26 |
ari-tczew | hmmm, I think how do a merge to show a debian-ubuntu patch by bzr | 18:26 |
tumbleweed | ari-tczew: I mean new versions from debian, not -0ubuntu1 | 18:26 |
tumbleweed | ari-tczew: err, lp:~stefanor/ubuntu-dev-tools/grab-udd-merge (that was a typo) | 18:27 |
hyperair | what's udd? | 18:28 |
tumbleweed | !udd | hyperair | 18:28 |
tumbleweed | meh, hyperair: wiki.ubuntu.com/UDD | 18:28 |
* hyperair waits | 18:28 | |
hyperair | okay thanks | 18:28 |
hyperair | aah distributed development. | 18:29 |
hyperair | i know that acronym. | 18:29 |
hyperair | i mean i know the term, but not the acronym. | 18:30 |
tumbleweed | of course there's also udd.debian.org, which is something completely different | 18:30 |
ari-tczew | tumbleweed: my work on merges with bzr is following: prepare a clean and ready for upload a patch debian-ubuntu, then do a debdiff between current -XubuntuY and new merge -XubuntuY, then bzr branch current ubuntu dev, then patch -p1 new merge - | 18:32 |
ari-tczew | XubuntuY into bzr dev-release directory | 18:32 |
tumbleweed | ari-tczew: so you are saying you use the MOM method, then you apply it to a bzr UDD checkout? | 18:33 |
ari-tczew | tumbleweed: yes | 18:35 |
ari-tczew | but my procedure is not good, because it's loosing merge log revision | 18:36 |
geser | why not directly merge with bzr (if the package branches are up-to-date)? | 18:36 |
tumbleweed | geser: that's what the script I pointed ari-tczew does (and it checks that thye are up-to-date) | 18:36 |
ari-tczew | because it's giving some errors and I;m looking for help | 18:36 |
tumbleweed | ari-tczew: what errors? | 18:37 |
geser | tumbleweed: I've mentioned your script in bug #607727. It this branch ready for merging into u-d-t trunk? | 18:39 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 607727 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "grab-merge equivalent" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/607727 | 18:39 |
tumbleweed | geser: it could use some testing :) | 18:39 |
tumbleweed | I use it for reviews | 18:39 |
tumbleweed | (because reviewing bzr merges is a nightmare) | 18:39 |
ari-tczew | sorry for the late | 19:13 |
ari-tczew | tumbleweed: I can test your scirpt | 19:14 |
shadeslayer | is it even remotely possible to get pbuilder show the download speeds of packages and remaining time? | 19:20 |
shadeslayer | i have a slow connection and would like this info to be displayed.... | 19:20 |
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ari-tczew | tumbleweed: can I copy your script grab-udd-merge to /usr/bin and use script anywhere? | 19:21 |
tumbleweed | yes | 19:21 |
tumbleweed | (although normally one puts things like that in ~/bin) | 19:22 |
ari-tczew | ok, give me 5-10 minutes | 19:25 |
ari-tczew | tumbleweed: bzr: ERROR: There are conflicts in the working tree. You must resolve these before building. | 19:27 |
tumbleweed | ari-tczew: then you need to do that :) | 19:27 |
ari-tczew | tumbleweed: is it your own script? | 19:31 |
tumbleweed | ari-tczew: yes, but there's not exactly very much of that. That error you pasted is a normal bzr conflict | 19:31 |
ari-tczew | tumbleweed: hmm, is it possible to improve script by patches like in MoM? | 19:32 |
tumbleweed | patches like in Mom? | 19:33 |
ari-tczew | yes | 19:33 |
tumbleweed | I'm not understanding, what do you mean | 19:33 |
ari-tczew | tumbleweed: for example, do grab-merge commons-io | 19:34 |
ari-tczew | and go to directory downloaded | 19:34 |
ari-tczew | you will see patches: commons-io_1.4-3.patch and commons-io_1.4-2ubuntu1.patch | 19:35 |
ari-tczew | then I can see what changes are exist in Ubuntu right now | 19:35 |
tumbleweed | right. It doesn't generate those, but you can get them out of bzr easily enough | 19:35 |
tumbleweed | that's probably the next thing that should be added | 19:35 |
ari-tczew | nice | 19:35 |
ari-tczew | tumbleweed: ok, what's directory called "build-area"? | 19:37 |
tumbleweed | that's where the merge is | 19:37 |
ari-tczew | tumbleweed: files are repeated in main directory and in build-area | 19:38 |
ari-tczew | is it correct? | 19:38 |
tumbleweed | I don't know what you mean | 19:38 |
ari-tczew | tumbleweed: ok, I've commons-io by your script | 19:41 |
ari-tczew | I go to commons-io directory | 19:41 |
ari-tczew | e.g. I see file commons-io_1.4.orig.tar.gz in head directory (commons-io) and in build-area | 19:42 |
tumbleweed | oh, build area, sorry I thought you said merge-area | 19:42 |
tumbleweed | yes, that's normal bzr-buildpackage behaviour | 19:42 |
tumbleweed | it does the build in build-area, and then puts the result in .. | 19:42 |
ari-tczew | ok tumbleweed, I put command: bzr diff | 19:43 |
tumbleweed | in the merge area, bzr diff will give you the diff to the previous ubuntu version. | 19:44 |
tumbleweed | if you want the diff to debian, do bzr diff -rbranch:../debian | 19:44 |
ari-tczew | ehh, Stefano, I promise that I'll come back to your script. Now I'll prepare some merges in clasic method :P | 19:46 |
tumbleweed | cool, then I can go out (it's friday night) :) | 19:47 |
geser | shadeslayer: doesn't the apt inside pbuilder show you that info? | 20:10 |
shadeslayer | geser: no :( | 20:10 |
shadeslayer | only the file its downloading | 20:10 |
shadeslayer | geser: does it show you the info? | 20:11 |
shadeslayer | ( im usinge pdebuild ) | 20:11 |
geser | I never used pdebuild so can't tell about it, but pbuilder shows it for me (more precisely apt shows it) | 20:11 |
shadeslayer | hmm | 20:12 |
geser | and I don't remember configuring something for it | 20:12 |
geser | using apt in your normal system does show it or not? | 20:13 |
shadeslayer | it does | 20:14 |
shadeslayer | but in pdebuild it just shows the size of the file and the name of the file | 20:14 |
geser | hmm, I don't currently something to test with | 20:15 |
geser | and I cache the debs with apt-cacher-ng so I can re-use the debs for my updating my maverick and my maverick pbuilder, so it's pretty fast if they are in the cache | 20:16 |
shadeslayer | hmm | 20:21 |
geser | it sometimes takes some time till the download speed and remaining time show up | 20:22 |
geser | especially with many small debs | 20:22 |
shadeslayer | geser: btw will you be around for another 45 mins? | 20:23 |
geser | sure, I should be around for the next 2-3 hours before I head to bed | 20:24 |
shadeslayer | ok good.. :D | 20:24 |
shadeslayer | then you can sponsor some stuff for me ^_^ | 20:24 |
shadeslayer | geser: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdevplatform << | 20:25 |
shadeslayer | there was a new release... | 20:25 |
ari-tczew | which package should exist in B-D? python2.6 or python2.6-dev ? | 20:26 |
geser | ari-tczew: depends on the package | 20:26 |
shadeslayer | geser: can you upload to main too? | 20:28 |
geser | shadeslayer: no, I'm not a core-dev | 20:28 |
shadeslayer | aww... :( | 20:29 |
vish | geser: hi , you maintain cheese in debian , right? | 20:30 |
geser | vish: no, why should I? | 20:31 |
vish | geser: oh ,nvm then.. I'v mixed up the maintainer name :) | 20:31 |
ari-tczew | geser: package miro, now ubuntu depends on python2.6 but debian on python2.6-dev. can I use depend from Debian? | 20:34 |
micahg | ari-tczew: don't worry about miro | 20:35 |
micahg | ari-tczew: it needs to be redone w/webkit | 20:36 |
micahg | ari-tczew: unless you want to update it to use webkit w/3.0.2 :) | 20:36 |
ari-tczew | micahg: I want to merge it | 20:37 |
ari-tczew | after merge I think you can do a transition | 20:37 |
micahg | ari-tczew: I'm saying use your time more productively | 20:37 |
micahg | ari-tczew: the package needs an update first | 20:37 |
micahg | ari-tczew: and it might not happen in Debian in time | 20:37 |
micahg | ari-tczew: are you familiar with webkit packaging? | 20:38 |
shadeslayer | geser: kdevplatform will appear here https://edge.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental | 20:38 |
ari-tczew | micahg: no. | 20:38 |
shadeslayer | geser: let it build first tho ^_^ | 20:39 |
shadeslayer | so that i can confirm it builds on buildd as well | 20:39 |
* micahg should update MOM for miro | 20:40 | |
micahg | ari-tczew: I just added a message | 20:40 |
* micahg should really file a bug and link that... | 20:41 | |
geser | shadeslayer: have you tried to find a sponsor in the kubuntu channels? As I don't anything about KDE and its packaging I try to avoid uploading KDE packages (if it's more than a simple change) | 20:41 |
micahg | maybe blueyed would be kind enough to do the update :) | 20:41 |
shadeslayer | geser: nope.. ill ask there then :D | 20:41 |
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ari-tczew | micahg: injury that scarcely right now | 20:42 |
micahg | ari-tczew: ? | 20:42 |
micahg | ari-tczew: I'd rather turn your merge request into an update request (which would turn into a sync request if it happens in Debian) | 20:42 |
micahg | ari-tczew: It's currently a xul rdepend and I don't want to keep it that way for maverick | 20:44 |
micahg | ari-tczew: is that ok with you if I hijack your merge bug to become an update (hopefully sync) bug? | 20:47 |
micahg | ari-tczew: or did you already do the work? | 20:47 |
ari-tczew | micahg: I have a ready patch to upload for merge. | 20:48 |
micahg | ari-tczew: ok, go ahead and attach and I'll review and upload this weekend | 20:49 |
ari-tczew | micahg: so merge is possible? | 20:49 |
micahg | ari-tczew: possible, yes, worth the time, no, but if you did it, that's moot :) | 20:49 |
ari-tczew | micahg: do you have upload permissions for miro? | 20:50 |
micahg | ari-tczew: yes | 20:50 |
ari-tczew | as mozilla management? | 20:50 |
micahg | ari-tczew: yeah, since it's a xul rdepend | 20:50 |
ari-tczew | nice! | 20:51 |
micahg | ari-tczew: but that's why I want it updated, so I don't have to wrory about it :) | 20:51 |
micahg | or rather, don't have to worry about porting mid-cycle to a new xulrunner | 20:51 |
ari-tczew | micahg: I'm pedantic and I'd like to have a clear situation - fresh package merged, then do a necessary changes like webkit transition | 20:51 |
micahg | ari-tczew: heh, I think I'm more pragmatic, if an update is coming, save the merge and work on something else | 20:52 |
micahg | to each his/her own :) | 20:52 |
ari-tczew | micahg: debdiff attached | 21:00 |
micahg | ari-tczew: k, it'll probably get uploaded sometime UTC Sunday | 21:03 |
micahg | ari-tczew: thanks :) | 21:03 |
ari-tczew | micahg: np | 21:04 |
kelelsai | I'm brand new to developing here and will be starting in the papercuts section of programming and was wondering what you guys recommended for an IDE or text editor | 21:13 |
kelelsai | im familiar with eclipse and emacs | 21:14 |
kelelsai | but was wondering what else you guys use | 21:14 |
* iulian uses vim. | 21:15 | |
* hyperair uses emacs. | 21:16 | |
hyperair | debian-changelog-mode is really awesome. | 21:16 |
kelelsai | I've used vim quite a bit. I like it as well | 21:17 |
kelelsai | thanks for the recommendations guys | 21:17 |
kelelsai | or gals | 21:17 |
kelelsai | either way | 21:17 |
* directhex uses monodevelop | 21:22 | |
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ari-tczew | jdong: could you review bug 464175 it's a sru | 23:10 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 464175 in skyeye (Ubuntu Lucid) "[SRU] Broken shared library dependency for skyeye in Karmic and Lucid" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/464175 | 23:10 |
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ari-tczew | does ubuntu has got configured variable PYTHON_VERSION ? | 23:20 |
km0r3 | ari-tczew: an environment variable, you mean? | 23:31 |
ari-tczew | km0r3: yea | 23:32 |
km0r3 | ari-tczew: printenv | grep -i python | 23:33 |
km0r3 | ari-tczew: this yields only my Python path | 23:33 |
km0r3 | s/Python path/PYTHONPATH | 23:33 |
km0r3 | means: no | 23:33 |
km0r3 | ari-tczew: perhpas you were seeking something else? | 23:34 |
ari-tczew | km0r3: qcake package has got in code: unix:PYTHON_VERSION= | 23:35 |
km0r3 | ari-tczew: what is qcake? | 23:36 |
km0r3 | (url) | 23:36 |
ari-tczew | km0r3: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qcake/+changelog | 23:37 |
km0r3 | ari-tczew: I'll look into it | 23:37 |
km0r3 | ari-tczew: show me where exactly in the code | 23:40 |
km0r3 | ari-tczew: you gave me a changelog | 23:40 |
ari-tczew | km0r3: get the debian package (pull-lp-source qcake) | 23:41 |
ari-tczew | go to downlaoded directory | 23:41 |
ari-tczew | debian/patches/05_use-default-python | 23:41 |
km0r3 | ari-tczew: does this answer your question: http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org/msg787008.html? | 23:42 |
km0r3 | sorry | 23:42 |
km0r3 | http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org/msg787008.html | 23:42 |
ari-tczew | km0r3: hmm in above link Jakub Wilk has attached a patch with: + unix:PYTHON_VERSION=$$(PYTHON_VERSION) | 23:43 |
ari-tczew | but Debian's patch has got: + unix:PYTHON_VERSION= | 23:44 |
ari-tczew | in Ubuntu we have + unix:PYTHON_VERSION=2.6 | 23:44 |
km0r3 | ari-tczew: I think you should ask the qcake devs, because I cannot tell you that for sure. | 23:45 |
ari-tczew | km0r3: anyway, thanks for help | 23:46 |
km0r3 | ari-tczew: you're welcome :) | 23:46 |
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