McNever | hey guys... have a quick question about mplayer... | 00:44 |
McNever | at some point i lost audio in mplayer... mythtv works fine... cant remember the last time i tried but i know it worked at one point | 00:45 |
McNever | i know this isnt an mplayer support channel but figured i throw it out there | 00:45 |
McNever | this is what i get when i try to play an mp3 from the console | 00:47 |
McNever | | 00:47 |
Timrit | good evening. i would like to know if there is a cli tool to upgrade my install from 9.10 to 10.04 | 03:39 |
Timrit | well after much more searching i found my answer but have also found out there is a problem with the hd that the os is on and have to wait. | 03:51 |
hot_wheelz | what is the log grabber under I can't see it? :-) | 12:00 |
hot_wheelz | found it | 12:52 |
coolblue | hello! Can someone help me to get VT1708S sound chip get working correctly? I have the problem that the sound on the backpanel is too quitly. about 10-15db | 16:17 |
Shadow__X | coolblue: raise the volume | 16:46 |
coolblue | I have it already… | 16:47 |
Shadow__X | ... | 16:47 |
coolblue | when I use the headphone jacket of the frontpanel, with is connected with the internal hd audio socket.. it is okey | 16:47 |
Shadow__X | raise all the sliders to the max | 16:48 |
coolblue | have it with alsamixer.. all to 100% | 16:48 |
Shadow__X | is your problem only in mythtv? | 16:49 |
coolblue | no I made checks with aplay. .and there it is too | 16:50 |
Shadow__X | if everything is all the way up | 16:51 |
coolblue | I have also treid with model=3stack and 3stack-digout.. but no effect | 16:51 |
Shadow__X | if everything is up all the way including master and pcm | 16:51 |
Shadow__X | then maybe you need the r aise the volume on your speakers | 16:52 |
coolblue | yes | 16:52 |
Shadow__X | i an unsure what 3stack is | 16:52 |
coolblue | from this PC (soundcard) I must make my ampflifierr 10-15db louder as usual.. and that isn't normal… | 16:52 |
coolblue | When I use the front jacket.. it is okey and the volume is normal, as of other devices in compare | 16:54 |
Shadow__X | open terminal and type in alsamixer | 16:54 |
coolblue | ok | 16:56 |
Shadow__X | do you have multiple audio cards | 16:57 |
Shadow__X | or just one | 16:57 |
coolblue | yes.. one hdmi out on geforce gt220 card.. but its not in use | 16:57 |
Shadow__X | if its just one make sure the view is on playback and start making things 100 percent | 16:58 |
coolblue | master front, headphone, pcm, front.. all on red 100% | 16:59 |
coolblue | und unmuted | 16:59 |
Shadow__X | try pluging your headphones in the back and checking it now | 16:59 |
coolblue | same | 17:00 |
coolblue | it is not loud enough.. only the front jacket has the right power | 17:01 |
coolblue | its strange.. | 17:01 |
Shadow__X | yeah i am unsure what is causing that | 17:02 |
Shadow__X | maybe someone else here would know | 17:02 |
coolblue | hmm thx | 17:06 |
Shadow__X | yup | 17:09 |
rhpot1991 | rileyp: | 18:33 |
Zinn | [] Errror 2041 after mythexport ipod conversion - Ubuntu Forums | 18:33 |
orificium | I want to reinstall a fresh copy of Mythbuntu on my primary partition. I currently have /dev/sda1 (ext3) on /. I have /dev/sda3 (jfs) on /var and /dev/sda5 as swap. During install can I just mount /var without wiping it since I have many videos in /var/lib/mythtv/videos | 18:40 |
orificium | last time I tried to do this, and unchecked format, it still gave me a warning me partitions would be wiped (I assumed it wouldn't since I unchecked format) and ended up losing a ton of stuff. | 18:42 |
tgm4883 | orificium, hmm. I haven't tried that in awhile, it was a limitation of the partitioner so i'm not sure if that was fixed | 18:43 |
orificium | I was thinkng I could install only to /dev/sda1 with no mention /var then I could remount /var to the thr partition | 18:44 |
orificium | *other partition | 18:44 |
orificium | but should I copy/overwrite all fresh /var/* data to originalpartition? | 18:45 |
orificium | and does that have to be done from a lIVE cd or not from within active / partition | 18:46 |
orificium | Is it better to have your SWAP at the end of the drive, or closer to the root partition? | 18:58 |
orificium | Maybe I'll just mount it after install as /myth or /storage and reorganize the files/folders | 19:00 |
orificium | Except I'm crap when it comes to setting up permissions properly but it maybe simplier with the storage groups ow | 19:02 |
orificium | *now | 19:02 |
stratagem1 | Using mythbuntu-control-center, went to startup behavior and wanted to change the login behavior to choose instead of automatic | 23:31 |
stratagem1 | now it just comes up wtih a blue background with a silhouette of a tree and no windows pop up to login with. | 23:31 |
stratagem1 | when I type dpkg-reconfigure gdm, it does nothing from the console, just returns back to prompt | 23:32 |
stratagem1 | how can I fix this? | 23:32 |
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