=== marienz_ is now known as marienz | ||
Niglop | can I aappeal my ban | 00:56 |
IdleOne | Niglop: why were you banned? | 01:35 |
Niglop | I was having a bad day and I said some innapropriate things | 01:38 |
IdleOne | Niglop: from what I can tell you were banned because of swearing and a poor attitude. | 01:39 |
IdleOne | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines and http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 01:39 |
IdleOne | please read those links | 01:39 |
Niglop | I wasnt in a good mood at the time i shouldve have taken it out on yous | 01:39 |
Niglop | i am very sorry | 01:39 |
IdleOne | Niglop: We all have bad days, happens. just remember that we are all here to help each other. when you find yourself getting stressed, take a step back, go do something else. | 01:40 |
IdleOne | Niglop: I will remove the ban but please remember that we do not tolerate swearing. | 01:41 |
IdleOne | Niglop: ban has been lifted. Have a good day | 01:42 |
IdleOne | please join #ubuntu and part this channel | 01:43 |
IdleOne | Niglop: we have a no idling rule. I don't mean to be so anal about it but if there is nothing else please part this channel. | 01:48 |
Niglop | sorry i was making food i am back now | 01:49 |
Niglop | thanks alot | 01:49 |
elky | Um, where's the guaranteed latest chanserv.py again? (and if it's not on seveas' server, why isn't !chanserv.py not updated) | 02:04 |
IdleOne | elky: I believe it is on seveas server | 02:06 |
IdleOne | that is where I got mine from, updated to work with ircd seven | 02:07 |
elky | Ok. I'm none to happy with that being the canonical source | 02:07 |
IdleOne | well personal issues aside the script works :) | 02:07 |
IdleOne | wonder if someone could write a little script for xchat to query google translate | 02:09 |
nhandler | They have one for irssi. You could probably port it. | 02:10 |
IdleOne | nhandler: I don't have the skills | 02:11 |
nhandler | IdleOne: Hmm...They allow Perl scripts. I can't remember how ugly the gtrans script is, but if it is straightforward, I could try my hand at porting it for you | 02:12 |
IdleOne | nhandler: that would be much appreciated | 02:12 |
IdleOne | I just asked the xchat channel if they know of a script | 02:13 |
IdleOne | will see what they come up with | 02:13 |
IdleOne | but yeah if you want to port the irssi one that would be cool | 02:13 |
nhandler | Hmm...Does xchat not support settings (I haven't used it in a while) for scripts? I really don't want to have to modify the script to use a conf file | 02:15 |
IdleOne | not sure what you mean | 02:16 |
nhandler | IdleOne: irssi supports settings. So for instance, I can do /set gtrans_my_lang en while irssi is running to change the language the gtrans script uses. I'm not seeing anything like that on http://xchat.org/docs/xchat2-perl.html | 02:17 |
IdleOne | nhandler: yes xchat does support /set | 02:18 |
nhandler | Ah, I see http://xchat.org/docs/xchat2-perl.html#xchat__get_prefs___name__ | 02:18 |
nhandler | Well, I'm not going to be able to start on this either way until I finish my current project. So if the people in the xchat channel know of a gtrans script, great :) | 02:20 |
IdleOne | nhandler: no worries, not like I can't survive without it. | 02:21 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from sebsebseb) | 06:00 |
ubottu | dominicdinada called the ops in #ubuntu () | 06:13 |
bazhang | ikonia, you rang? | 06:29 |
bazhang | btw, chum_chum is bolt aka nermal , catdog | 06:33 |
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth | ||
ikonia | hello experiMENTAL | 10:44 |
experiMENTAL | hi | 10:44 |
experiMENTAL | is it a good place to ask about a job in canonical? | 10:45 |
ikonia | not really no | 10:46 |
ikonia | the canonical website has the application process on it | 10:46 |
experiMENTAL | i have rather not standard question. | 10:47 |
experiMENTAL | who could i write to? | 10:47 |
jpds | experiMENTAL: IRC isn't the best place for this. | 10:48 |
experiMENTAL | ok, ty | 10:50 |
experiMENTAL | bye | 10:50 |
ikonia | experiMENTAL: do you need anything else from this channel ? | 12:05 |
experiMENTAL | no, i'm not sure if ill get any answer, so i'm waiting. | 12:06 |
ikonia | experiMENTAL: answer from where ? | 12:06 |
ikonia | experiMENTAL: what's your question ? | 12:06 |
experiMENTAL | jpds writes me on prv | 12:07 |
ikonia | experiMENTAL: ok, so you don't need to be in this channel to have a private conversation with jpds | 12:07 |
experiMENTAL | okok | 12:07 |
gnomefreak | maybe bring sam in here to discuss this further | 13:16 |
bazhang | top yli seems to have made it clear enough imo | 13:17 |
gnomefreak | yeah saw that | 13:17 |
gnomefreak | sam has a problem of not dropping things and i think he has been removed or banned for it | 13:17 |
gnomefreak | be back: phone | 13:18 |
bazhang | thought that was sean | 13:18 |
gnomefreak | see what i mean about sam | 13:25 |
bazhang | well he's not alone | 13:25 |
gnomefreak | yep but im triing to not remove him but he is really making it hard to not | 13:26 |
bazhang | 3rd warning just now see if he abides by it or not | 13:27 |
gnomefreak | well maybe we will get lucky and he will read the guidelines and be an angel, | 13:28 |
gnomefreak | no one ever does | 13:28 |
bazhang | (~SportsCar@ ²»¸æËßÄã multiple joins from that IP | 14:55 |
jpds | Col. | 14:56 |
ubottu | FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1534 users, 3 overflows, 1537 limit)) | 15:05 |
ubottu | FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1535 users, 10 overflows, 1545 limit)) | 15:05 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1532 users, 10 overflows, 1542 limit)) | 15:05 |
jpds | Nice sports car. | 15:05 |
ubottu | FloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1535 users, 11 overflows, 1546 limit)) | 15:05 |
bazhang | again ten more from that iP | 15:05 |
marienz | I see 'em | 15:05 |
marienz | tempted to ban them if no actual op shows up soon | 15:05 |
jpds | marienz: /kill them. | 15:06 |
marienz | I was trying to talk to them (well, to [abc], which was the odd one out) | 15:06 |
marienz | they must not have liked me :( | 15:06 |
bazhang | hah | 15:07 |
marienz | and I should've checked -overflow too | 15:07 |
ubottu | EvilTrek called the ops in #ubuntu (Guest5639 has been trolling for a while now) | 17:59 |
jpds | maco: Err, whoops. | 17:59 |
Jordan_U | Guest57177 is trolling in #ubuntu. | 18:38 |
ikonia | lets see | 18:46 |
ikonia | Jordan_U: I'll keep an eye on it | 18:47 |
Jordan_U | Thanks. | 18:47 |
jpds | Hmm, GIX. | 18:49 |
ikonia | I did correct ;) | 18:49 |
jpds | wut. | 19:06 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang |
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