manusheel | rgs_ : Hi Raul. How have you been? | 00:00 |
rgs_ | manusheel: hey, how are you? | 00:00 |
manusheel | rgs_ : Very well, thank you. | 00:01 |
dfarning | very nice how about tomorrow he and luke get togerther and figure out what needs to get done to package surf. They you can assign someone to package it. | 00:01 |
manusheel | How about you? | 00:01 |
manusheel | dfarning: Sure. Neat idea. | 00:02 |
manusheel | rgs_ : One question for you. | 00:02 |
manusheel | rgs_ : Are we documenting the code architecture and shift from gecko to pywebkit somewhere at the wiki? | 00:03 |
rgs_ | manusheel: very well too | 00:03 |
rgs_ | manusheel: hmm.. not exactly, we could resort to git's log history | 00:03 |
manusheel | rgs_ : Glad to hear. | 00:03 |
dfarning | manusheel, I think rgs_ can coordinate with lfaraone in a couple of hours... I forgot the lfaraone was coming on soon. | 00:05 |
dfarning | manusheelI think all they need to do is add tags to the git repo and it will work. | 00:05 |
manusheel_ | dfarning: Ok, great. | 00:05 |
manusheel_ | dfarning: Sure. Browse is indeed a very important activity. | 00:06 |
manusheel_ | dfarning: Kindly send me a note once the activity is ready for packaging. Will assign it as soon as possible. Would like to have maximum interaction between Luke and Jonas on packaging of activities at DebConf. | 00:07 |
manusheel_ | dfarning: DebConf is going to be pretty important for us. | 00:08 |
dfarning | manusheel_, ok and I will be gone tomorrow morning to vist a deployment. | 00:09 |
dfarning | manusheel_, Is everybody set with tasks? | 00:10 |
manusheel_ | dfarning: Yes. | 00:10 |
manusheel_ | We have the tasks ready for the next 3 days :-) | 00:10 |
dfarning | manusheel_, ok. | 00:10 |
dfarning | manusheel_, how about working with collabora? have you talked to Robert yet. | 00:11 |
dfarning | manusheel_, If we are going to bother fixing bug in telepathy we might want to update sugar to the latest version of telepathy. | 00:12 |
dfarning | manusheel_, this might be something to assign to a develop who will work on the network/collaoration stack and see it Robert will assign a mentor. | 00:13 |
dfarning | manusheel having trouble with you internet? | 00:14 |
dfarning | your/your/ | 00:14 |
manusheel | dfarning: Could you please post the last couple of messages again. | 00:14 |
dfarning | manusheel, eady for the next 3 days :-) | 00:15 |
dfarning | <dfarning> manusheel_, ok. | 00:15 |
dfarning | manusheel_, how about working with collabora? have you talked to Robert yet. | 00:15 |
dfarning | manusheel_, If we are going to bother fixing bug in telepathy we might want to update sugar to the latest version of telepathy. | 00:15 |
dfarning | --> manusheel (7aadcebe@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #ubuntu-sugarteam | 00:15 |
dfarning | <dfarning> manusheel_, this might be something to assign to a develop who will work on the network/collaoration stack and see it Robert will assign a mentor. | 00:15 |
dfarning | manusheel, should I send robert an email? | 00:15 |
manusheel_ | dfarning: My apologies. The internet connection breaks a bit after 4:45 am. | 00:16 |
manusheel_ | dfarning: Sure. | 00:16 |
manusheel_ | Robert McQueen, right? | 00:16 |
dfarning | manusheel manusheel_ yes, I will cc you. | 00:16 |
manusheel_ | dfarning: Thanks David. | 00:16 |
manusheel_ | dfarning: Our developers have gone through the documentation provided by you. | 00:17 |
dfarning | manusheel did they walk through to code to set up a connection? | 00:18 |
manusheel__ | dfarning: Was very well structured. | 00:19 |
dfarning | manusheel_great. the final step will be looking at how the activites actually use telepath for collobration. | 00:20 |
dfarning | manusheel_should I create an induction for that? | 00:21 |
* lfaraone waves. | 02:10 | |
lucian | lfaraone: i have a tarball for you | 13:29 |
dfarning | bernie, ping. There was not room in the car. So I stayed back to prepare for this afternoon. | 14:35 |
bernie | dfarning: d'oh! | 14:36 |
bernie | dfarning: are you starting to see what I mean for disorganization? | 14:36 |
bernie | dfarning: I'll stay home in the morning... do you need anything? | 14:37 |
bernie | dfarning: is tch there at least? | 14:37 |
dfarning | bernie, tch went with them | 14:39 |
dfarning | bernie, I have everything I need:) Laptop + wireless + coffee = office | 14:40 |
lfaraone | Manusheel: ping. Do you mind if I reply to Ankur's question re "Redundant Copying File" to the list? | 14:42 |
Manusheel | lfaraone: Sure. | 14:43 |
Manusheel | Please go ahead. | 14:43 |
lfaraone | Manusheel: something I think that might do well to establish crediblity and make the SEETA folk seem more human were if they were to go through reviews etc posted to the list and reply *to the list* when they have questions. While it might make the process take slightly longer, we'll benefit from documenting in a very easily retrievable format what questions etc we have. | 14:45 |
Manusheel | lfaraone: +1. A very important idea indeed. However, it requires change management and engagement at different levels of conversation. Will try my best to help the team arrive at this process systematically. | 14:48 |
Manusheel | lfaraone: Appreciate your feedback. | 14:48 |
Manusheel | lfaraone: Overtime, the list serv would become a good content repository too. +1. | 14:52 |
Manusheel | lfaraone: Leaving for a content meeting. Will talk to you soon. | 14:54 |
Manusheel | Thank you. | 14:54 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: good morning | 15:12 |
lfaraone | morning kandarpk | 15:12 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: I was trying Jonas' suggestion to update read | 15:28 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: okay. | 15:28 |
kandarpk | but the following results | 15:28 |
kandarpk | | 15:28 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: do I need to run 'git merge v87' first ? | 15:29 |
kandarpk | *which would result in conflicts | 15:29 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: try "git checkout -b reset-upstream-to-v87 v87" | 15:31 |
lfaraone | he may have gotten it backwards | 15:31 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: Ok | 15:31 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: it worked :) | 15:33 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: please reply to his post stating that you tried it his way it didn't work, but upon checking man git-commit you tried swapping the params. | 15:34 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: :) | 15:34 |
lfaraone | lucian: thanks. | 15:35 |
lucian | lfaraone: as you can see, it's rebranded | 15:35 |
dipankar | hi lfaraone | 15:38 |
dipankar | hi kandarpk | 15:38 |
kandarpk | hi dipankar | 15:38 |
kandarpk | how are you ? | 15:39 |
dipankar | I am fine. sorry I couldn't make it soon, power cut problem. | 15:39 |
dipankar | kandarpk, did you get a chance to run the packages? | 15:40 |
kandarpk | dipankar: oh sorry, got involved into packaging read | 15:40 |
kandarpk | dipankar: will run them just now | 15:41 |
kandarpk | dipankar: will take just 5min | 15:41 |
dipankar | kandarpk, no problem. :) Thanks | 15:41 |
dfarning | lfaraone, how are things going? | 15:50 |
lfaraone | dfarning: good, currently reviewing neeraj's uploads for Ubuntu. | 15:50 |
kandarp_ | dfarning: greetings. | 15:52 |
=== kandarp_ is now known as kandarpk | ||
dfarning | kandarpk, good morning. | 15:53 |
dfarning | lfaraone, do you have what you need to package surf. | 15:54 |
lfaraone | dfarning: from lucian , yes. | 15:54 |
kandarpk | dipankar: s-log-a fails to start in sugar-session-0.84 | 15:55 |
dipankar | kandarpk, rest all are working? | 15:56 |
dipankar | dfarning, lfaraone : good morning :) | 15:56 |
dfarning | lfaraone, great. due to dependancy issues surf will not run on fedora 11 which is what the new xo releases will be running. | 15:56 |
kandarpk | dipankar: checking flipsticks | 15:56 |
dipankar | ok | 15:56 |
dfarning | dipankar, good morning. | 15:56 |
dipankar_ | dfarning, how are you? How's work coming along at Paraguay? | 16:00 |
dfarning | very well | 16:01 |
=== dipankar_ is now known as dipankar | ||
dipankar | dfarning, The code for presence service looks a bit tough :( | 16:02 |
dipankar | and long too :( | 16:02 |
dfarning | dipankar, +1 it is a core piece of code. | 16:03 |
dfarning | dipankar, I talked to colobra last night about providing a mentor for you guys. I have not heard back yet. | 16:04 |
dipankar | dfarning, thats sad. I hope they reply something | 16:04 |
dipankar | and soon too | 16:04 |
kandarpk | dipankar: s-flipsticks-a fails to start in any of the three | 16:05 |
dipankar | kandarpk, :( | 16:05 |
kandarpk | dipankar: nothing in flipsticks-log file | 16:06 |
dipankar | kandarpk, can you please paste the shell.log? | 16:06 |
kandarpk | dipankar: shell.log here: | 16:06 |
kandarpk | | 16:06 |
dipankar | thanks | 16:06 |
* dipankar is going through the log. | 16:06 | |
lfaraone | lucian: will surf work in Sugar 0.84? 0.86? | 16:08 |
lucian | lfaraone: it shouldn't depend on sugar's version, but i've only tested it on 0.88 | 16:09 |
lucian | lfaraone: requirements are webkitgtk 1.1.7+ and pywebktigtk 1.1.6+ | 16:09 |
lfaraone | lucian: thanks. | 16:22 |
lucian | lfaraone: i hope it doesn't crash or something :) | 16:22 |
* ankur says hello | 16:30 | |
* lfaraone waves. | 16:30 | |
ankur | lfaraone, hi | 16:31 |
dipankar | lfaraone, need your help. | 16:32 |
ankur | me too :) | 16:32 |
lfaraone | dipankar: dimmi. | 16:32 |
dipankar | lfaraone, here is the error for flipsticks: | 16:32 |
dipankar | lfaraone, like I mentioned a couple of weeks back. | 16:33 |
dipankar | *I found the same log on Ubuntu too | 16:33 |
ankur | lfaraone, i tried removing redundant COPYING using the example you mentioned in your email but i am still getting problem in that , can you guide on that ? | 16:34 |
lfaraone | ankur: well, you'd have to tell me what you've tried first ;) | 16:34 |
ankur | i will paste log and my attempt in a min. btw what does dimmi means ? | 16:35 |
dipankar | lfaraone, +1 on above. | 16:35 |
ankur | here is the lintina warning : | 16:35 |
ankur | *lintian | 16:36 |
lfaraone | ankur: "tell me" in Italian. | 16:36 |
ankur | here is attempt 1 : | 16:37 |
ankur | and here is attempt 2: | 16:37 |
ankur | i tried using the different paths but i am missing out on some concepts here . so needs your guidance :) | 16:38 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I am also getting this error even after adding the remove lines in debian/rules | 16:38 |
ankur | dipankar you tried both paths? | 16:40 |
dipankar | ankur, I get that error in one of the two activities I am assigned. | 16:41 |
neeraj | hi all :) | 16:44 |
* ankur will back in 20 min | 16:45 | |
neeraj | lfaraone, here is my (for record) rules file | 16:45 |
lfaraone | ankur: run lintian on your package, you want to remove the COPYING files that it tells you. | 16:45 |
neeraj | I am confused what should I write in commit message :( | 16:46 |
lfaraone | ankur: the debian/... path is the right prefix, you just need to find the right place to remove inside there.. | 16:46 |
lfaraone | neeraj: you added the last two lines? | 16:46 |
neeraj | no.. I made changes according to | 16:47 |
lfaraone | neeraj: okay. "Declare support for all sugar versions in rules.' | 16:47 |
neeraj | lfaraone, I added last two lines in during before uploading the package afair | 16:48 |
dipankar | lfaraone, ankur is out for a walk | 16:48 |
dipankar | lfaraone, any solution to my original problem? :P | 16:52 |
lfaraone | dipankar: no idea. | 16:53 |
dipankar | lfaraone, then I shouldn't send it for review I guess. :( | 16:54 |
dipankar | lfaraone, flipsticks-activity 's problem is very odd. I followed the instructions properly for packaging :( | 16:54 |
lfaraone | dipankar: it could be that flipsticks just doens't work. ask in sugar ;) | 16:55 |
neeraj | lfaraone, I have updated Please review whenever u get time.. I hope that this time I didn't make ny mistake in s-record-a | 16:56 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: is the only place where the tarball can be found ? | 16:56 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: probbably. | 16:56 |
kandarpk | need version 87, here v78 is present :( | 16:56 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I am pushing latest changes in just 15 minutes. Please check if they are proper. | 16:57 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: ask upstream folk to release a tarball :) | 16:57 |
lfaraone | dipankar: mark it for review and I'l get to them. if flipsticks just doens't work, ask in #sugar | 16:57 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: sayaminfu ? | 16:57 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: sayamindu * | 16:57 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: typo on git. | 16:58 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: yeah, but it has changed here : | 16:58 |
kandarpk | | 16:58 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: like I said, it's a typo :) | 16:58 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: faster than I thought | 16:58 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: and again. | 16:58 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: ? | 16:59 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: your response. | 16:59 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: what about it? | 17:00 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: you responded well before I could say anything....too fast | 17:01 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: okay. | 17:01 |
dipankar | lfaraone, sorry got d/c | 17:05 |
dipankar | lfaraone, debian/rules of log-activity. I have commented the lines 12 -20 as per your instructions. But I don't find the DEB_SUGAR_BRANCHES settings anywhere. :( Is it the line 5? | 17:08 |
lfaraone | dipankar: no. for some reason you lack it. | 17:10 |
dipankar | lfaraone, any suggestions? | 17:11 |
lfaraone | dipankar: well, I asked you to comment it out in the mail, so if you don't have it, just carry on :) | 17:11 |
dipankar | lfaraone, log activity did not run on 0.84. You mentioned to change debian/rules before pushing changes to git repo : [ref :] | 17:13 |
* dipankar is off to dinner | 17:13 | |
* dipankar is away: Be Right Back | 17:13 | |
lfaraone | dipankar: right. readd DEB_SUGAR_BRANCHES, set it to "0.86 0.88", and restore the rules as before. | 17:14 |
neeraj | lfaraone, | 17:18 |
lfaraone | neeraj: yeah, just remove the browse dep for now. | 17:18 |
neeraj | lfaraone, for this I commented session_expand_activities = $(call sugar_expand_activities,read browse,0.86,$(1)) | 17:19 |
neeraj | and build the package.. now sucrose is installing without ny dep error.. | 17:19 |
lfaraone | neeraj: just remove browse, not read etc. | 17:19 |
neeraj | kkk | 17:19 |
neeraj | lfaraone, actually dfarning asked to to remove read to while we were fixing this in sugar-ppa.. I guess at that time read wasn't working properly.. | 17:20 |
neeraj | *making changes | 17:20 |
lfaraone | neeraj: okay, well, read isn't the problem right now. | 17:20 |
lfaraone | neeraj: btw, in you used the wrong bug number :) | 17:26 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: trying to update browse | 17:26 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: can you let me know the version available at | 17:27 |
neeraj | lfaraone, :(.. should I again submitted the debdiff.. Can i make the change only in debdiff and submit it? | 17:27 |
lfaraone | neeraj: I noticed that after I already uploaded it. | 17:29 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: what about that version? | 17:29 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: I'd recommend packagin the most recent tarball. but browse right now isn't a priority, right? | 17:29 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: It wasn't assigned to anyone yet. | 17:30 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: so thought of packaging it | 17:30 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: I am not able to figure out the version present at, commits don't show the version | 17:32 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: well, it's a good idea, but right now Browse doesn't work in Ubuntu. | 17:34 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: for very complciated reasons that other people are working on. | 17:34 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: Ok. | 17:34 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: thanks. | 17:34 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: anyway, how do we figure out the version if it isn't there in the commits ? | 17:35 |
kandarpk | as in this case | 17:35 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: you usually shouldn't, instead waiting for upstream to clue you in. | 17:35 |
neeraj_gupta | lfaraone, | 17:35 |
=== neeraj_gupta is now known as neeraj | ||
kandarpk | lfaraone: ok. | 17:36 |
lfaraone | neeraj: working on it. | 17:43 |
neeraj | lfaraone, ok.. | 17:43 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I have pushed some changes to log-activity. | 17:45 |
dipankar | lfaraone, | 17:46 |
* dipankar is back (gone 00:33:02) | 17:46 | |
dipankar | lfaraone, I couldn't find the DEB_SUGAR_BRANCHES line anywhere, except for the line no. 5 in debian/rules | 17:47 |
dipankar | it is mentioned as work around there. | 17:47 |
ankur | lfaraone, still around? | 17:58 |
lfaraone | ankur: yes. | 18:00 |
lfaraone | dipankar: right, add it then. | 18:00 |
ankur | lfaraone, one more thing | 18:00 |
ankur | when i was packaging IRC activity | 18:00 |
lfaraone | dipankar: look at other's rules files for inspiration | 18:00 |
ankur | i used version+date.commitid to | 18:00 |
ankur | clone the source | 18:00 |
lfaraone | dipankar: please try to give more informative commits than "Changes: debian/rules". | 18:01 |
ankur | did i need to continue with it , or shall i have removed the date.commitid part | 18:01 |
ankur | in futrhur steps | 18:01 |
ankur | well i kept the version same through out the packaging | 18:01 |
lfaraone | ankur: if you're packagign using the orig tarball you generated from git and get-orig-source, then yes. | 18:01 |
ankur | lfaraone, well yes here is for ? | 18:02 |
lfaraone | ankur: then keep it. | 18:02 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I will keep that in mind from now on (more info in commit messages) :) | 18:03 |
dfarning | dipankar, a commit message is not just a formality.... You should be able go back in 6 months when you are updating the package and quickly deternimine what you did. | 18:06 |
kandarpk | dfarning: +1 | 18:07 |
dipankar | dfarning, ok :) | 18:07 |
dfarning | dipankar, its importance is hard to remember until you you have gone back and tried to maintain something you did a year ago:) | 18:08 |
dipankar | so commit messages are like one liners for the changes which I can refer to | 18:08 |
lfaraone | dipankar: exactly. | 18:08 |
ankur | lfaraone, i was still having problem with Copying warning :( | 18:08 |
ankur | i have to manually track down the file and remove it? | 18:09 |
lfaraone | ankur: okay, what's the warning you're getting, and what's the contents of your rules? | 18:09 |
kandarpk | dfarning: what is the link to the git repo. of jhbuild on ? | 18:10 |
lfaraone | neeraj: sugar-0.88 uploaded with your patch. | 18:10 |
manusheel | dipankar: Please make sure that we write proper statements for the commit messages. | 18:10 |
ankur | okay wait, let me post | 18:10 |
neeraj | lfaraone, thanks :) | 18:11 |
dipankar | manusheel, Sir I will from now on | 18:11 |
manusheel | dipankar: Follow <object> <verb> <message> model. Will send the team examples on commit messages. | 18:11 |
manusheel | The commit messages should have a proper format. | 18:11 |
lfaraone | "Fixed typo in FILE". "Regenerated FILE from". "Bumped changelog version to FOO". "Fix spacing in BAR" | 18:13 |
dipankar | manusheel, that will be great sir | 18:14 |
manusheel | lfaraone: Neat examples. | 18:16 |
ankur | lfaraone, this was the rules file :;a=blob_plain;f=debian/rules;hb=HEAD | 18:17 |
ankur | and warning : | 18:18 |
ankur | i got it while building the package | 18:19 |
lfaraone | ankur: I think if there is only one binary package the files are installed in debian/tmp/... | 18:19 |
ankur | lfaraone, checking | 18:20 |
ankur | lfaraone, i will have to reboot | 18:24 |
ankur | will be back | 18:24 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: Hi | 18:26 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Hi Kandarp. | 18:29 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: packaging of read and browse cannot be completed | 18:30 |
kandarpk | their tarballs aren't available | 18:30 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Yes, went through the logs. Unfortunate. | 18:30 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Let us package connect in Ubuntu. | 18:31 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: I've written to Sayamindu for updating read tarball | 18:31 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Yes, I did see your e-mail. | 18:31 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: Ok. | 18:31 |
manusheel | I hope we get an immediate response from Sayamindu. | 18:31 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: anything else I should be doing right now ? | 18:32 |
kandarpk | *switching to Ubuntu | 18:34 |
lfaraone | lucian: oh. libwebkit-1.0.1 won't suffice, I take it. | 18:37 |
lucian | lfaraone: not the last time i tried | 18:38 |
lucian | lfaraone: i may be able to dumb it down to work with that | 18:38 |
lucian | but i'd lose features | 18:38 |
lfaraone | hm.... that's the latest in unstable. | 18:38 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: is this the right place for connect-activity package for Ubuntu ? | 18:38 |
kandarpk | | 18:38 |
lfaraone | wait, what am I thinking, lol. | 18:39 |
lucian | lfaraone: i could have a look at trying to backport it | 18:39 |
lucian | lfaraone: since we've already pretty much decided that pywebkitgtk is obsolete and we'd need to move to PyGI | 18:39 |
lfaraone | lucian: hm. in unstable there is "libwebkit-1.0.2" version "1.2.3". Am I missing something? :) | 18:41 |
lfaraone | ref: | 18:41 |
* lfaraone will bbl. | 18:41 | |
lucian | lfaraone: 1.2.3 is a more likely version for a recent package | 18:41 |
lucian | i don't get the version thing either | 18:42 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Hi Kandarp. | 18:47 |
manusheel | Had gone downstairs to attend a call. | 18:47 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: Hello sir. | 18:47 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: np. | 18:48 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Thanks. | 18:48 |
manusheel | kandarpk: You had some questions on Sugar Api documentation, right? | 18:49 |
dipankar | manusheel, sent you an e-mail | 18:50 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: yes sir | 18:50 |
dipankar | *Sir | 18:50 |
manusheel | dipankar: Thank you. | 18:50 |
dipankar | manusheel, Sir, | 18:50 |
dipankar | I would be going to bed now | 18:50 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: not technical | 18:50 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Could you please let me know your questions. Sure. | 18:50 |
manusheel | dipankar: Sure. | 18:50 |
* dipankar says good bye to all. Have a great day and night | 18:51 | |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: what approach do we need to take to change the docstrings ? | 18:51 |
kandarpk | dipankar: god night | 18:51 |
neeraj | dipankar: good night | 18:51 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: I know how to change the source present on the VM | 18:54 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: but we can directly change the source maintained at git repo. | 18:54 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: is that an option ? | 18:55 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Let me think. | 18:55 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Yes, we can do that. | 18:55 |
manusheel | Infact, that is how it should be done. | 18:56 |
manusheel | kandarpk: However, the steps we have followed is also a good option. | 18:57 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: If we change it on git repo, the changes will be universal | 18:58 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: moreover, others can contribute in much easier way. | 18:58 |
kandarpk | but again, we might like some formatting in docstrings to make HTML pages look good | 18:59 |
kandarpk | which might not look as good in the source file | 18:59 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Sure. Completely agree. | 19:00 |
manusheel | kandarpk: That is a very good idea. | 19:01 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Did you get a chance to do a test commit at git? | 19:03 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: not yet. | 19:04 |
kandarpk | wanted to know its feasibility first | 19:04 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Yes, it is feasible. Just that we need to check whether the commit is moderated? | 19:05 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Let us confirm the workflow with David too. | 19:06 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Can you send me the link to the git repository? | 19:06 |
neeraj | dfarning: around? | 19:06 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: I asked David for it | 19:06 |
manusheel | kandarpk: What did David recommend? | 19:07 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: he didn't reply *regarding the link | 19:07 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: you can use 'git clone git://' | 19:08 |
kandarpk | not sure about the website | 19:08 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Ok, this is the source that has been used at VM. | 19:09 |
manusheel | I.e. from the git repository. | 19:09 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: yes sir. | 19:09 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Great. Then we can use the method that we just discussed. | 19:10 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Thank you for sending the e-mail on connect activity. | 19:13 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: working on it | 19:14 |
ankur | lfaraone, around? | 19:14 |
ankur | hi manusheel sir | 19:14 |
manusheel | ankur: Hi Ankur. | 19:15 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Sure. One question, Kandarp. | 19:15 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: yes sir | 19:15 |
manusheel | kandarpk: What is the status of the pippy activity? | 19:15 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: it uses external library | 19:16 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: so, haven't worked on it | 19:17 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Ok, so, we should write a note about it at the Sugar tasks. | 19:17 |
manusheel | Name the library and dependency. | 19:17 |
manusheel | In that note. | 19:18 |
manusheel | ankur: How is etoys coming along? | 19:18 |
ankur | Sir, everything is sorted out , but for the redundant copying thing | 19:18 |
ankur | was working on finding it's path | 19:19 |
ankur | other wise | 19:19 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: done | 19:19 |
ankur | i will mail mailing list and Luke to see if there is a workaround | 19:19 |
neeraj | ankur: can u paste lintian ouput again? | 19:20 |
ankur | well wait | 19:20 |
manusheel | ankur: Ok. | 19:20 |
ankur | neeraj, | 19:21 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Did you face issue that Ankur is facing? | 19:21 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: no sir. | 19:22 |
ankur | well kandarpk i think so | 19:22 |
kandarpk | ankur: not regarding any license files | 19:23 |
ankur | | 19:23 |
ankur | i dont know | 19:23 |
ankur | may be yours was a different problem | 19:23 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Ok. | 19:23 |
ankur | neeraj, are you getting same error? | 19:24 |
ankur | ~/ is for homefolder right? | 19:24 |
ankur | what is for root folder ? | 19:24 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir, ankur : it seems same | 19:24 |
kandarpk | let me check | 19:24 |
neeraj | ankur: yes | 19:25 |
neeraj | ankur: cloning the package.. will let u knw | 19:25 |
ankur | kandarpk, neeraj sir what is path specification to root ? | 19:25 |
kandarpk | ankur: add something like | 19:25 |
kandarpk | install/sugar-memorize-activity:: | 19:25 |
kandarpk | rm -f debian/sugar-memorize-activity/usr/share/activities/Memorize.activity/port/COPYING | 19:25 |
kandarpk | to your rules file | 19:25 |
kandarpk | let me paste it on pastebin | 19:25 |
ankur | kandarpk, i did the same thing | 19:26 |
ankur | but the point was | 19:26 |
ankur | my lintian warning was not going | 19:26 |
ankur | well how did you checked that yours was working | 19:26 |
ankur | kandarpk, actually | 19:26 |
ankur | it worked | 19:27 |
ankur | as i included that in my previous rules file | 19:27 |
ankur | but lintian shows warning as well | 19:27 |
ankur | so is that okay? | 19:27 |
ankur | the file is being removed but warning is still there , any hints? | 19:27 |
kandarpk | ankur: I think its ok, as the files wont be included in the package | 19:28 |
ankur | well then i will send the package for review . | 19:29 |
manusheel | kandarpk: The next activity that I would like to assign you is Speak project. | 19:31 |
neeraj_gupta | ankur, around | 19:32 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: Ok. | 19:33 |
ankur | neeraj, yes | 19:33 |
neeraj_gupta | ankur, see last line of ur rules file | 19:33 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Kindly add your name at the Sugar/tasks. | 19:33 |
neeraj_gupta | rm -f debian/sugar-write-activity/usr/share/sugar/activities/Etoys.activity/COPYING :) | 19:33 |
neeraj_gupta | it should be sugar-etoys-activity | 19:34 |
ankur | neeraj, well i tried it with that as well , i goofed | 19:34 |
ankur | ii will change it | 19:34 |
manusheel | ankur: Yes, you should change it. | 19:35 |
ankur | manusheel, it was just that i treid with debain/sugar-etoys-activity and with | 19:35 |
manusheel | ankur: Please don't goof things when it comes to packaging :-) | 19:35 |
ankur | /usr/... | 19:35 |
ankur | manusheel sir , sorry | 19:36 |
manusheel | kandarpk: In front of speak activity. | 19:36 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: done | 19:36 |
manusheel | ankur: No worries. Be careful. I hope you have not goofed up things in irc and puzzle activity. | 19:36 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Great. | 19:37 |
manusheel | kandarpk and neeraj: Just had a word with Ankur. Could you please review IRC and Jigsaw activity that Ankur will be sending for review today. | 19:37 |
alsroot | debian related question, is it important to not have name conflicts for sources, i.e. binary packages don't conflict but sources do | 19:37 |
alsroot | sources do not conflict within the same repo | 19:39 |
neeraj | good night all.. No battery in laptop and my charger is not with me :( | 19:39 |
manusheel | alsroot: We should avoid conflict in names. Can you elaborate the case? | 19:40 |
kandarpk | alsroot: I think Dipankar had to rename log activity due to this reason | 19:40 |
manusheel | neeraj: Good night. | 19:40 |
manusheel | neeraj: Did you submit record? | 19:40 |
manusheel | for review? | 19:40 |
neeraj | manusheel: yes | 19:40 |
manusheel | neeraj: Great. | 19:40 |
neeraj | manusheel sir, also patched for ubuntu bugs is done.. :) | 19:40 |
kandarpk | neeraj: you have any idea ? | 19:41 |
manusheel | neeraj: Very neat. | 19:41 |
alsroot | the thing is that binaries do not conflict, and sources as well but only within the same repo(which is on official and will be attached) | 19:41 |
alsroot | lfaraone: ^ | 19:41 |
alsroot | s/which is on/which is not/ | 19:41 |
neeraj | kandarpk sir about what? | 19:41 |
neeraj | * might s=get disconnect ny time.. 3% battery | 19:41 |
kandarpk | neeraj: dipankar renamed logviewer to log | 19:42 |
kandarpk | do you know the reason for that | 19:42 |
manusheel | neeraj: Good night Neeraj. Talk to you tomorrow. | 19:43 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Did Dipankar submit log viewer for review? | 19:43 |
neeraj | kandarpk sir | 19:43 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Don't see r? | 19:43 |
neeraj | in ubuntu its logviewer | 19:43 |
manusheel | kandarpk: In front of log viewer. | 19:44 |
kandarpk |;a=summary | 19:45 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: he has pushed some changes 2 hours ago | 19:45 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Ok. That is good. He should have added "r?" in front of the activity. | 19:45 |
manusheel | Not sure, why he didn't do that. | 19:46 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: and yes, I had tested his package on diff. versions of sugar | 19:46 |
kandarpk | so maybe its complete | 19:46 |
manusheel | kandarpk; Should we put an "r?" in front of the activity? | 19:47 |
ankur | sir should i call him and ask? | 19:47 |
ankur | but may be it's too late | 19:47 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: I don't think so | 19:47 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Ok, we'll wait. | 19:48 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: his rules file doesn't seem to be upto date | 19:48 |
kandarpk | log had failed to start on 0.84 | 19:48 |
manusheel | ankur: Yes, it is indeed late. | 19:48 |
kandarpk | so, he'll need to add that | 19:48 |
manusheel | kandarpk: OK, interesting to hear. | 19:48 |
manusheel | ankur: You should submit irc and jigsaw puzzle for review. Let us see how things work out. | 19:50 |
manusheel | ankur: Add an r? | 19:50 |
manusheel | in front of the activities when you send them for review. | 19:50 |
ankur | manusheel sir, should i put r? after it has been passed by kandarp or now? | 19:51 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Will you be able to review irc and jigsaw puzzle now? | 19:52 |
manusheel | How much time will reviewing require? | 19:52 |
ankur | i am sending IRC in 5 min ,i was just making sure everything is up to date | 19:52 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: 15 min or so. | 19:53 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Ok, please do it, and take rest. | 19:53 |
manusheel | kandarpk: We'll begin with packaging speak tomorrow. | 19:53 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: Ok. | 19:53 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Great. | 19:55 |
manusheel | ankur: Please facilitate coordination with Kandarp. | 19:56 |
ankur | manusheel sir, sure | 19:56 |
manusheel | ankur: What about sliderpuzzle? | 20:02 |
manusheel | Is it also ready for review? | 20:02 |
ankur | sir slider puzzle i will send after these activities. | 20:02 |
ankur | manusheel, sir no i had to push pristine tar branch in it, so needed some guidance on that. | 20:03 |
manusheel | ankur: Ok. | 20:03 |
manusheel | ankur: Can you send me the areas, where you need guidance on that activity? | 20:04 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Have we worked on such a use-case? Pushing pristine tar branch/ | 20:04 |
manusheel | ?* | 20:04 |
ankur | sir ,actually it is not a big problem | 20:05 |
ankur | it could be done easily adding --all tag | 20:05 |
ankur | but the problem is that when i pulled changes made by luke | 20:05 |
kandarpk | git push git+ssh.... pristine-tar | 20:05 |
ankur | i lost my pristine branch on local rep | 20:06 |
manusheel | ankur: I think Kandarp just provided the solution. | 20:08 |
manusheel | ankur: Did it satisfy your questions? | 20:08 |
ankur | manusheel sir , no | 20:11 |
ankur | actually | 20:11 |
ankur | it will involve some different steps | 20:11 |
ankur | , but let me send the jigsaw puzzle first | 20:11 |
manusheel | ankur: Can you elaborate? | 20:12 |
manusheel | ankur: Please e-mail to Neeraj too. | 20:12 |
manusheel | neeraj: Did you get your adapter? | 20:13 |
ankur | manusheel, sir i dont have pristine tar branch on my machine as of now.I will have to import it again . | 20:13 |
ankur | and how do i do that i am not sure | 20:13 |
ankur | what i will try to do is package using same debian folder and package from start | 20:14 |
ankur | and then upload the activity to sliderpuzzle2 | 20:14 |
manusheel | ankur: I think our team did that before. neeraj_gupta and kandarpk, do we have a documentation on these steps? | 20:14 |
manusheel | kandarpk and neeraj_gupta: Did we do these steps before in activities? | 20:14 |
manusheel | packaged earlier* | 20:15 |
manusheel | ankur: Also, send the IRC activity. | 20:15 |
ankur | manusheel, i sent it . | 20:15 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: I think ankur means pulling the git repo is leading to deletion of pristine-tar | 20:15 |
manusheel | kandarpk: Any workaround for Ankur's question? | 20:16 |
=== neeraj_ is now known as neeraj | ||
manusheel | ankur: I didn't receive jigsaw puzzle activity. | 20:17 |
manusheel | Did you send it to us? | 20:17 |
ankur | no i send irc first | 20:17 |
ankur | *sent | 20:17 |
manusheel | ankur: Send the jigsaw puzzle activity too. | 20:17 |
neeraj | *is back :) | 20:18 |
kandarpk | manusheel sir: Sir, deletion of a branch on pulling seems odd | 20:18 |
ankur | kandarpk, it didnt delete | 20:18 |
ankur | actually | 20:18 |
kandarpk | ankur: yeah, I understand that | 20:18 |
ankur | kandarpk, i cloned it in different rep at folder at that time. | 20:18 |
manusheel | neeraj: Great. | 20:19 |
kandarpk | ankur: copy your folder and then use git pull | 20:19 |
manusheel | neeraj: Could you please review IRC and jigsaw puzzle activity. Ankur will then send it for review to Luke. We wish to make sure that we could achieve r+ in minimum iterations. Deadline to meet. Debconf round the corner. | 20:20 |
kandarpk | ankur: did you use git clone ? | 20:20 |
manusheel | neeraj: Kandarp has started reviewing it. Wish to make sure that we have a serious review by us before sending it across to Luke. | 20:20 |
manusheel | ankur: Please reply quickly. | 20:21 |
ankur | kandarpk, yes. | 20:21 |
ankur | and i donthave my original rep right now | 20:21 |
neeraj | ankur: u can push it on git.. | 20:21 |
ankur | so that is the problem i will have to pull orig source again | 20:22 |
ankur | i will try | 20:22 |
ankur | i think i have a workaround for it | 20:22 |
manusheel | ankur: Please try now. | 20:22 |
neeraj | we can see their and tell u the changes if we could find ny problem | 20:22 |
manusheel | ankur: We wish to send all 4 activities for review today, if possible. | 20:22 |
manusheel | Otherwise, we'll send slider puzzle tomorrow. | 20:22 |
ankur | manusheel sir , sure sir | 20:22 |
ankur | i am trying | 20:23 |
manusheel | ankur: Neat. I am still waiting for your e-mail on jigsaw puzzle. Wish if you could send that e-mail first. | 20:23 |
kandarpk | ankur: Homepage is missing in in s-irc-a | 20:25 |
lfaraone | alsroot: I'm sorry, I don't think I know your question. | 20:27 |
lfaraone | ankur: you rang? | 20:28 |
alsroot | lfaraone: in external repo, I have binary packages that don't have possible name conflicts with the rest of the system, but sources could (but don't within this external repo) -- is it ok, I guess source packages are not intended to be installed like binaries | 20:29 |
lfaraone | alsroot: that's correct. | 20:29 |
lfaraone | alsroot: conflicts is only relevant for binaries. | 20:29 |
alsroot | lfaraone: thanks, it will make my life easier :) | 20:30 |
neeraj | lfaraone: in etoys see;a=blob;;h=ec0f64e02a67b85153a5a4ba693ac7696ad73063;hb=3f80f3c9e44cecefc726cf089b5c4deb3e31e493 | 20:31 |
lfaraone | neeraj: what about it? | 20:32 |
neeraj | has no copyright information | 20:32 |
neeraj | so we should skip it? | 20:32 |
neeraj | in copyright | 20:32 |
lfaraone | neeraj: well, COPYING says "Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Viewpoints Research Institute, and Contributors", so I'd assume that covers the entire project. | 20:33 |
neeraj | lfaraone: ok | 20:33 |
lfaraone | neeraj: but feel free to ask bert for clarification. | 20:37 |
neeraj | lfaraone: ok.. can u see debian of my s-write-a;a=tree;f=debian;hb=c7b5821e04d47da9dfe879fcc461f7b1728e2c39 | 20:37 |
neeraj | I think i need to delete patch folder? | 20:38 |
lfaraone | neeraj: sure. it's getting created because MANIFEST is being created during the package build. add to your clean:: rule to rm -f MANIFEST. | 20:38 |
neeraj |;a=blob;f=debian/rules;h=7f9f2c846712391cb54f61b408c637dfe2d64294;hb=c7b5821e04d47da9dfe879fcc461f7b1728e2c39 I have added | 20:39 |
neeraj | I have added that.. | 20:39 |
neeraj | lfaraone: i will ping u after making some changes which i think are incorrect | 20:40 |
lfaraone | neeraj: mk, then you can probably remove the patch :) | 20:40 |
=== neeraj__ is now known as neeraj | ||
ankur | lfaraone, hi | 20:43 |
ankur | ya i ranged :) | 20:43 |
ankur | actually | 20:43 |
ankur | lintian was still giving warning even after i have set COPYING to be removde in install rule | 20:43 |
neeraj | ankur, u regenerated control file.. right for etoys? | 20:44 |
neeraj | ankur, or its some other activity | 20:44 |
lfaraone | ankur: hm? | 20:46 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: by the way, you probably meant to say "New upstream version.", rather than "New version release.", which doens't make any sense :) | 20:46 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: damn | 20:46 |
ankur | lfaraone, i added rule to remove redundant copying file | 20:46 |
lfaraone | ankur: okay. | 20:47 |
ankur | but lintian stills shows warning | 20:47 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: gtg, power cut | 20:47 |
ankur | neeraj, you were asking? | 20:47 |
kandarpk | good night all | 20:47 |
ankur | bye | 20:47 |
ankur | kandarpk | 20:47 |
neeraj | <ankur> lintian was still giving warning even after i have set COPYING to be removde in install rule | 20:47 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: sorry for leaving in a hurry | 20:47 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: no worries. | 20:48 |
kandarpk | will make changes tomorrow morning | 20:48 |
ankur | neeraj, will have to check | 20:48 |
ankur | running again | 20:48 |
Ian_Daniher | manusheel et alia: Waiting for a response on the ##reconstructor IRC channel - verified that the individual I'm addressing is the lead dev. | 20:48 |
Ian_Daniher | manusheel: if he doesn't respond in a timely fashion, and if I am unable to contact him via other means, I'll return to a shell-script based build sys | 20:49 |
ankur | neeraj, still same problem. | 20:51 |
ankur | u there? | 20:51 |
lfaraone | ankur: I just tested your package, lintian did not report the error when I ran "git-buildpackage; lintian -iIv ../sugar-etoys-activity_115-1_all.deb" | 20:51 |
ankur | yes in etoys it was not reporting, but in irc it gave | 20:52 |
lfaraone | ankur: although it did find a problem with your description that you should correct. | 20:52 |
ankur | i will double check | 20:52 |
neeraj | ankur, ok | 20:52 |
lfaraone | Ian_Daniher: typically ## means "unofficial", no? | 20:52 |
ankur | lfaraone, problem as in? | 20:53 |
neeraj | lfaraone, if I delete manually debian/patches dir and run git add debian/ and git commit -m'message' that will be sufficient.. right? | 20:53 |
manusheel | Ian_Daniher: Thanks for the update. I hope we get a positive response from them. | 20:53 |
lfaraone | neeraj: you should "git rm debian/patches -r". | 20:53 |
ankur | lfaraone, but we do leave readme in patches folder, dont we | 20:53 |
manusheel | Ian_Daniher: I'll join #reconstructor channel too. | 20:54 |
lfaraone | ankur: if ther'es a readme, yes, you should just remove the patch then. | 20:54 |
ankur | lfaraone, you found some rpoblem with description , can you elaborate on that? | 20:57 |
lfaraone | ankur: what does lintian tell you when you run it over the .deb your package produced? | 20:58 |
ankur | lfaraone, i always checked the lintian when i ran git-buildpackage | 20:58 |
ankur | just a min | 20:59 |
ankur | lfaraone, got it , let me check | 20:59 |
dfarning | manusheel, ping | 21:02 |
manusheel | dfarning: Hi David. | 21:02 |
dfarning | hello manusheel it is only 1:30 in the morning I thought you would still be awake:) | 21:03 |
manusheel | dfarning: Yes, I am awake. Meeting at #reconstructor. | 21:03 |
dfarning | manusheel, did you resovle the documentation problem. | 21:04 |
manusheel | dfarning: Ian is having a word with the lead dev there. Please join us. | 21:04 |
manusheel | dfarning: Yes. | 21:04 |
manusheel | dfarning: We are able to insert doc strings. | 21:04 |
manusheel | dfarning: We now need to use git. Kandarp had a question with you on it. | 21:05 |
manusheel | dfarning: Will ask him to send you the e-mail. | 21:05 |
dfarning | manusheel, thank you. Please make sure that if they have important questions and I miss them on IRC. I will always notice an email. | 21:07 |
manusheel | dfarning: Sure. Absolutely. Thank you for the pointer. | 21:08 |
lfaraone | neeraj: ping. | 21:31 |
neeraj | lfaraone, yes | 21:31 |
lfaraone | neeraj: in record, please indent all lines under the "other-X11" license block as it is done for the GPL and LGPL below it. | 21:32 |
lfaraone | neeraj: also, blank lines should have a single space and a ".", again as done below. | 21:32 |
lfaraone | neeraj: (I'm talking about copyright here) | 21:32 |
neeraj | lfaraone, ok | 21:33 |
ankur | lfaraone, in copyright_hints | 21:34 |
ankur | i have something like this | 21:34 |
ankur | Files: purk/COPYING | 21:34 |
ankur | Copyright: © 1989,1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc | 21:34 |
ankur | License: GPL-2+ | 21:34 |
ankur | it will be included in final copyrights or not? | 21:34 |
lfaraone | ankur: no, that's a false positive. | 21:35 |
ankur | lfaraone, i am not able to remove lintian warning in irc activity | 21:37 |
ankur | can you see to it and also check the version no. i was asking abt in morning is right or not? | 21:37 |
ankur | will you be able to do that as of now? | 21:37 |
lfaraone | Sure. | 21:38 |
lfaraone | ankur: look at your debian/rules, line 70. Does that rule look odd to you? | 21:40 |
dfarning | lfaraone, I notice a couple of r+ in the tasks list. | 21:41 |
dfarning | lfaraone, I notice a couple of r+ in the tasks list. | 21:41 |
lfaraone | dfarning: yep. | 21:41 |
ankur | lfaraone, sorry , changing that :) | 21:41 |
neeraj | lfaraone, fine? | 21:42 |
ankur | lfaraone, changed that , and what about version? | 21:43 |
lfaraone | ankur: well, it seems odd that you're using a git snapshot when there's a perfectly good release tarball out there :) | 21:44 |
lfaraone | ankur: a quick search for " irc" turned up | 21:44 |
ankur | lfaraone, i will package and uplaod again then. | 21:45 |
lfaraone | which, AAMOF, is newer than even what's in ASLO! | 21:45 |
dfarning | lfaraone, are you set with productive tasking for everyone for the next couple of days? | 21:45 |
lfaraone | ankur: you don't need to repackage, you can import the orig again :) | 21:45 |
ankur | lfaraone, no the versions are same , they havent just updated as yet | 21:45 |
ankur | lfaraone, and what will write in commits ,any hints? | 21:46 |
lfaraone | ankur: what are you changing? | 21:47 |
ankur | lfaraone, version no. as of now and nothing else. | 21:47 |
ankur | well let me import and check if there are other changes as well , as i am not sure what effects it will have | 21:48 |
lfaraone | ankur: hm. you somehow imported the upstream tarball incorrectly, the upstream branch contains your debian directory. | 21:48 |
ankur | lfaraone, well i am not sure on that front :( | 21:49 |
ankur | way to rectify it? | 21:49 |
neeraj | * good night all.. Not feeling well today :(.. | 21:50 |
neeraj | lfaraone please review activities whenever u get time and I will make required changes tomorrow.. :) | 21:50 |
manusheel | neeraj: Good night. | 21:50 |
manusheel | Please take care of your health. | 21:51 |
lfaraone | neeraj: feel better, get some rest. | 21:51 |
manusheel | neeraj: Yes, Neeraj. Please do so. | 21:51 |
manusheel | lfaraone: +! | 21:51 |
manusheel | +1 | 21:51 |
neeraj | lfaraone, manusheel sir Ok.. thanks :) | 21:51 |
lfaraone | ankur: well, I'm not sure how to do it without losing history. I guess you'll have to start agian. | 21:52 |
ankur | lfaraone, sure no problem , in the meanwhile if you could check etoys activity and see what things are needed to be rectified | 21:53 |
lfaraone | ankur: mark it on the wiki apge. | 21:53 |
ankur | lfaraone, sure | 21:54 |
ankur | lfaraone, one moe thing | 21:55 |
lfaraone | ankur: okay | 21:55 |
ankur | i had slider puzzle activity packaged eom time back | 21:55 |
ankur | some/eom | 21:56 |
ankur | i was not sure then how to pull changes | 21:56 |
ankur | so i cloned the rep again on my local machine | 21:56 |
ankur | but i what mistake i did was i haven't pushed pristine tar and upstram branch before | 21:56 |
ankur | so i didn't get in clone as well | 21:57 |
ankur | and now i dont have my original copy. | 21:57 |
ankur | Can i package that again as well? | 21:57 |
lfaraone | ankur: sure. | 21:58 |
ankur | but we will lose history in that case , will that be a issue? | 21:58 |
ankur | as it was reviewed once by you | 21:58 |
lfaraone | ankur: sliderpuzzle, you mean? | 22:04 |
ankur | yes | 22:04 |
lfaraone | ankur: well, this is slightly cheating, but you can reimport, then push up only the "upstream" and "pristine-tar" branches. | 22:05 |
lfaraone | :) | 22:05 |
ankur | lfaraone, but will that be really a prob if i push again from start? | 22:06 |
lfaraone | ankur: well, you lose history, so it's discouraged. | 22:11 |
lfaraone | what happened to yo ur orig, ankur ? | 22:12 |
ankur | well i mistakenly deleted that as i cloned the rep from git again | 22:12 |
ankur | i put the previous one in back up | 22:13 |
ankur | not backup exactly | 22:13 |
ankur | just renamed folder | 22:13 |
ankur | but then i deleted it after i updated the new rep :( | 22:13 |
manusheel | ankur: You forgot the attachment. | 22:35 |
ankur | attached | 22:37 |
ankur | and sent again | 22:37 |
manusheel | Ok, great. | 22:37 |
* ankur says good night . | 22:50 |
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