
Planetary^peanut^. ok, any other ideas?00:00
^peanut^Planetary: hmm, reset bios back to defaults.00:00
^peanut^Planetary: are the cables on the cdrom new or old?00:01
HasanibrahimBluesKaj: as a classical thought: i was going to use it for my multimedia datas00:01
Sasquatch7My splash screen no longer works after nvidia update. Any ideas?00:01
Planetary^peanut^: old00:01
^peanut^Planetary:  do you have any newer ones? I'd also try replacing that.00:01
Planetary^peanut^: if i put a new battery in wouldnt that reset teh bios?00:02
^peanut^Planetary: no00:02
Planetary^peanut^: ok00:02
Jordan_UHasanibrahim: Actually, I'm not sure about my last comment. I think the problem has to do with where window's bootloader is looking for its files but I'm not sure on the details. Try asking in ##windows.00:02
^peanut^Planetary: usually you have a jumper on the MB that you can use to reset the BIOS back to factory defaults00:02
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Planetary^peanut^: ya ok00:03
Hasanibrahimviolinappren: i'm now going to reboot and will try to  "fdisk /mbr" . Thanks Jordan_U BluesKaj and violinappren00:03
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MilkkkDasEi: how do i get it to boot from usb00:03
Jordan_UHasanibrahim: I don't think that fdisk /mbr will help00:03
^peanut^Planetary: Try the BIOS reset first, then try installing, if that fails, run the memtest, if that fails, replace the cdrom cable.00:03
SunzaruArt manager install is disabled, i can only download.  here's a picture. http://imagebin.org/106394  am i missing something?  i want to change my logon screen00:03
^peanut^Planetary: if that all fails... dude I'm sorry... I'm out of ideas atm00:03
DasEiMilkkk: you set in bios which device to boot00:03
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BluesKajHasanibrahim, ok, but this could be a part of the prob , but you must decide which approach to take, the live cd grub fix ...fixmbr only works if you have a C prompt00:03
MilkkkDasEi: already did that00:03
Planetary^peanut^: i can try other ram perhaps. thanks man00:04
^peanut^Planetary: ok good luck... =)00:04
HasanibrahimJordan_U: if it doesn't work, i will reinstall windows (with deleting ntfs) than try to fix grub again00:04
Jordan_UHasanibrahim: Whatever the problem is it's not in the mbr, as grub is currently there and working fine. The problem is somewhere in the PBR, ntldr, or boot.ini file.00:04
DasEiMilkkk: and then no bootable medium found I guess00:04
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ZykoticK9Sunzaru, if you are using 9.10 or 10.04LTS then "good luck" with changing to login screen (I've never really been successful in my attempts, hope you have better luck)00:04
HasanibrahimJordan_U: can't i access boot.ini now?00:05
Hasanibrahimi can show it00:05
DasEiMilkkk: you said you had a running ubuntu, can try to instll grub2 from there to the usb, then tell grub to boot the *.img00:05
Blue11having problems getting x to work properly on a compaq deskpro -- fresh install of ubuntu 10.04 (32 bit) -- worked fine, till I ran the updates, then nothing.00:05
^peanut^Sunzaru: have you tried "ubuntu tweak"? I have it, works nicely.00:06
DasEiMilkkk: thow easier once se unetbootin00:06
MilkkkDasEi: im running on osx00:06
ZykoticK9Sunzaru, based on your image - i'm guessing that program will NOT allow you to change GDM screen (those appear to be the old version GDM themes BTW)00:06
Jordan_UHasanibrahim: Yes, but I don't know the syntax very well personally. You can try backing it up and changing the "partition(1)" references to "partition(5)", but I may be completely off on that.00:06
cens0redis there any way to get Lucid to work with ATI Radeon Mobility x1600 cards yet?00:06
Sunzaru^peanut^ i'll give that a shot :D00:06
^peanut^!ati | cens0red00:06
ubottucens0red: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:06
DasEiMilkkk: or run the image in a virtual drive, and install grub2 to the  usb00:07
Sunzaruzykotick9 : kk ty much, giving ubuntu tweek a shot :D00:07
^peanut^cens0red: not sure if that will help as I have nvidia...but it's worth a go00:07
ZykoticK9Sunzaru, i must admit to not having tried the "Ubuntu Tweek" method, so hopefully that will work.00:07
^peanut^"Ubuntu Tweak" not Tweet =)00:07
^peanut^ZykoticK9: you should check it out. it's neat00:08
ZykoticK9^peanut^, oops sorry ;)00:08
MilkkkDasEi: i think ill just try to find a disc not a usb00:08
^peanut^ZykoticK9: =) np man00:08
^peanut^ZykoticK9: Sunzaru said it first =)00:08
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HasanibrahimBluesKaj: i have a 10.4 cd. i will boot with it than comw here if trying to fix win doesn't work :)00:09
Hasanibrahimi will reinstall windows00:09
cens0red^peanut^ I guess not then. Thanks.00:09
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grpaceQuestion concerning GyachI...  Any takers ?00:10
^peanut^ok have a good one all.... cya00:11
Sasquatch7Anyone know how to remove the splash screen process from occurring on boot?00:11
FunnyLookinHatAnyone know how to restart Subversion on 10.04 ?00:11
grpaceOK...  I can't get GyachI to login to Yahoo!  Anyone know why ?00:13
pelmenguys, how do i integrate all the updates into ubuntu install iso. For example I want to be able to install all latest without access to internet00:14
ZykoticK9grpace, looks like it might be a long standing issue.  See post http://sourceforge.net/projects/gyachi/forums/forum/533967/topic/354540200:14
cgs_bobhello all.  when I log into my system under kde, I do not see the networkmanager applet.  I do see it when I'm in gnome.  help!00:15
grpaceZyKotc9 ?  Have they changed the login protocol ?00:15
ZykoticK9!tab > grpace00:16
ubottugrpace, please see my private message00:16
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grpaceubottu:  Where do I see it at ?00:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:16
ZykoticK9grpace, i remember issues with Yahoo login a while ago (i don't use it myself, so I'm not really sure), i believe it was some sort of change to protocol.  Can you login with other clients?00:16
Blue11i have a compaq pro with an intel 82815 video chipset - worked BEFORE I did updates, now it doesn't -- suggestions?00:17
grpaceZykoticK9:  I really want to move to Ubuntu. I've tried all protocols Gyachi offers, but no luck.00:18
ZykoticK9Blue11, if you had a kernel update can you successfully boot the older kernel?  Hold "Shift" while computer starts if you don't currently see a grub menu.00:18
ZykoticK9grpace, you should think about using a newer/different client I think.00:18
spaceghost_anyone know how to stop terminal server client from reconnecting every 30 sec after exit00:18
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grpaceIs there one for Ubuntu/Linux that does video chat ?00:19
cehrI have a computer that will halt but freeze during a reboot, running hardy. the syslog at shutdown and bootup is http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/467733/ . can anyone help me fix?00:19
Blue11ZykoticK9: it boots, gives me a login screen, but when I login, it just muddles around and never logs me in.00:19
grpaceSkype hangs up.00:19
ZykoticK9grpace, Blue11 sorry guys I gotta run.  Good luck to both of you.00:19
shell-lordAnyone know any documentation about raid? One that explains what everything is? like the MD Device, partitions etc00:20
spydee32hi, ubuntu won't startup (stays blank) after i installed ati proprietary drivers from ati web site, now running onboard video in low graphics session00:20
DasEishell-lord: there a lots of out00:20
shell-lorddasei, that didn't answer my question fully00:20
tosiapl serwer's00:21
shell-lordcan I use a virtual HDD to make raid1 by making multiple partitions on it?00:21
shell-lordOr must I take two separate HDD entities and put partitions on them and connect the HDD ??00:22
DasEishell-lord: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=408461, or post a specific question00:22
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DasEishell-lord: vbox ?00:23
DasEishell-lord: you can create two virtual disks on one physical hd and mirror them00:24
MFencan anyone give me any HINTS as to why i can't get disk manager to appear in my gnome panel?00:24
Zelozelosis there a better remote desktop viewer then the default one? that one is laggy and freezes up all the time00:24
MFenerr, "disk mounter" actually00:24
MFenit's sitting there taking up 2 pixels. it's invisible.  externally mounted disks that would normally show up there, don't. plugged-in devices that should show up there, don't00:24
DasEiZelozelos: tight and ultravnc are00:24
MFenmounted disks also don't show up on the desktop, btw00:24
shell-lorddasei, I've put 4 partitions on a virtual hdd. can I put raid on that single virtual HDD?00:24
MFenand then, ONCE IN A BLUE MOON, i'll plug in something and the icon will appear there00:25
deanhi can someone help me with a grub menu problem?00:25
MFenit's maddening. i can't find any good information from ubuntu forums. people have clearly been having this problem for a long time (myself included, across several ubuntu versions) but there's no hint of a solution00:25
DasEishell-lord: yes, least you should, haven't tried this, as if the image(the virthd) gets corrupted, mirror won't save you, better use two independant ones and tell mdadm to boot with one, also00:26
Dulakshell-lord: raiding partitions on the same disk gives you no protection on top of a performance hit.  There is no reason to raid on a single disk since if the disk fails you lose everything just as if it weren't raid00:26
sh4d3sl4y3r_Hello, I am using gnash on my Ubuntu 10.04 .. Everything works great, however when I am opening a video on youtube, its showing "An error occurred". Any solutions?00:26
shell-lorddulak, i'm just doing this for education purposes. I don't plan to keep the virtual HDD or any content that's in them.00:27
trebuchetI'm encountering this bug, but a fix mentioned by a poster in the tracker links to wiki.netbsd.se, which is dead, so I cannot see what the work-around it. How do I mount my UFS/FFS2 under Lucid? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/26866500:27
DasEiDulak: right in case of hw-failure, though two virtual disks reduce the risk of a broken img file in vbox00:27
deanWell when i updated to ubuntu 10.04 today it messed up my grub menu and wont let me get on windows 7 when i choose it. all it does is go back to the grub menu screen can anyone help?00:27
Zelozelosty DasEi, i suppose those are showin up in the repo as x11vnc server or ssl/ssh vnc viewer?00:28
Dulakshell-lord: well in that case proceed to learn.  It's possible to do what you are asking about00:28
shell-lorddulak, do you know of any guides that explain RAID schemes wholly and tersely?00:28
DasEiZelozelos: see00:28
DasEi!info tightvnc00:28
ubottuPackage tightvnc does not exist in lucid00:28
Dulakshell-lord: the linux raid howto does a decent job I think00:29
DasEi!info tightvncserver | Zelozelos00:29
ubottuZelozelos: tightvncserver (source: tightvnc): virtual network computing server software. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.9-6 (lucid), package size 727 kB, installed size 1540 kB00:29
DasEi!info tightvnccleint | Zelozelos00:29
ubottuZelozelos: Package tightvnccleint does not exist in lucid00:29
DasEi!info tightvncclient | Zelozelos00:29
ubottuZelozelos: Package tightvncclient does not exist in lucid00:29
DulakIt's just tightvnc00:29
shell-lorddulak, i'm currently reading the ubuntu server guide, but I want a synopsis or explanation of raid1 etc00:30
BluesKajdean , in the terminal sudo update-grub00:30
DasEi!info xtightvncviewer | Zelozelos00:30
ubottuZelozelos: xtightvncviewer (source: tightvnc): virtual network computing client software for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.9-6 (lucid), package size 62 kB, installed size 196 kB00:30
Dulakshell-lord: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Software-RAID-HOWTO-1.html#ss1.200:30
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Dulakshell-lord: your google-fu is weak!00:31
shell-lorddulak, lol, i'm lazy ahahhaa00:31
deanblueskaj should i restart and see if it worked00:31
Zelozelosxtightvncviwer sounds good but it seems that everytime something is for x, it dosent work for me?00:31
DasEiZelozelos: so it's server and viewer, ultravnc is still a bitter faster, but you will have to compile it, tightvnc does fine for me here00:31
BluesKajdean, did it show the windows partition after the update command?00:32
TrinexxThis may seem like an odd question, but I was wondering... what file represents eth0, and where can I find it? I'm having fun with the cat command.00:32
DasEiZelozelos: works fine for x00:32
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deanBlueskaj yes00:32
metalgeekHi, I have made a new account on my ubuntu 10.04 box.  I would like to transfer data from my old account to the new but it says that i dont have permission, Any help will be grand. Cheers00:32
MFenok, nobody knows that one00:32
deanFound Windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sda100:32
MFenhow about this question00:32
DasEiTrinexx: cat /etc/network/interfaces00:33
MFenwhat command does ubuntu run to *automount* a disk?00:33
BluesKajwell ,if you can get back here , then ok , dean :)00:33
Zelozelosim outta time for now ill revisit this later. thanks guys for the help00:33
TrinexxSupposing I want to cat eth0 to /dev/dsp, what command would I use?00:33
MFensometimes, when the moons are aligned right, my usb drive will automatically be mounted00:33
c3lTrinexx: its somewhere in the kernel modules, not as obvious as an ordinary file00:33
DasEiMFen: it reads fstab00:33
Jordan_Udean: You accidentily installed grub to your windows partition.00:33
Trinexxc3l, thank you.00:33
DasEiTrinexx: echo00:33
harejIs there a way to install the Netbook Remix as an OEM?00:33
TrinexxDasEi, pardon?00:33
deanJordan_U How can i fix it i just need to get on windows real fast00:33
MFenDasEi: that doesn't seem possible. it recognizes (sometimes) disks that have never been on the computer before00:34
borja_algun espaƱol00:34
DasEiTrinexx: echo  "someExpression"  > someFile00:34
MFenDasEi: i know those aren't in fstab. my usual one isn't in there, but it sometimes works00:34
MFenbesides which, the mount point is automatically created under /media, and there are no references to /media in fstsab00:34
DasEiMFen: handled by upsart then00:34
TrinexxDasEi, that's not what I meant, but thank you regardless00:34
metalgeekmarienz, Hi, Sorry to bother you, Could you spare a second?00:35
Jordan_Udean: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bootinfoscript/index.php?title=Boot_Problems:Boot_Sector But you'l also need to fix the grub-pc package's configuration or you'll have this problem again the next time there is a grub update.00:35
TrinexxI'm catting random junk to /dev/dsp. I was just wondering where the file that represents eth0 is at, because I'm curious as to how that would sound00:35
DasEiGood evening sir ActionParsnip00:36
ActionParsnipYo DasEi00:36
MFenupstart? why would they be handled by a service manager?00:36
red__HELP PLEASE!00:37
c3lTrinexx: usually somewhere in  /lib/modules/2.6.32-23-generic/00:37
metalgeekActionParsnip, Hi, Don't know if you remember me, buy hi00:37
ActionParsnipmetalgeek: vaguely. Hi back :)00:37
ActionParsnip!ask | red__00:37
ubottured__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:37
metalgeekActionParsnip, Yesterday you advised me on my 500gb SATA00:38
ActionParsnipmetalgeek: oh yes yes00:38
red__my lap top display is huge and I cant change it,  help!00:38
MFenok, so nobody knows what command automounts the disks, either.00:38
metalgeekred, wassup00:38
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ActionParsnipMfen: sudo umount -a ,assuming its in /etc/fstab00:38
metalgeekActionParsnip, I did as you said, then ran into someone who pointed out a flaw in our plan :)00:38
Trinexxc3l, thanks. I'll dig around00:39
MFenActionParsnip: i'm talking about the more typical situation where it's *not* in fstab.00:39
MFenfor example, usb drives00:39
DasEiMFen: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/udisks.1.html00:39
ActionParsnipMFen: usb partitions (you don't mount drives) can be equally in fstab00:39
MFeni know they can be. they typically are not00:39
MFenif i grab someone's random usb drive, and plug it in, it will often mount00:40
ActionParsnipmetalgeek: sup? My plans are rarely perfect ;)00:40
MFen(on other peoples' computers, it will consistently mount)00:40
MFen(but not mine)00:40
red__how do i get my screen to a size where i can read it00:40
c3lTrinexx: there are some stuff named *eth* none eth0, i dont know much more than tahat you could possibly find what you want in there :)00:40
DasEiMFen: it's event-driven00:40
metalgeekActionParsnip, Do you remember advising me on 10gb for /? Well i did that and the someone pointed out /tmp. Apparently i need more space for it...lol00:40
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enthWhat are deb files compressed as?00:41
ActionParsnipmetalgeek: my / is 5Gb and I've never had issue, depends how much you need00:41
froekis there a performance hit when running ubuntu 'inside of windows'?00:41
MFenDasEi: that isn't helping me debug this. i just want to run the same command that the system uses to automount, so i can automount from the command line00:41
MFenalthough it might be udisks? thanks ActionParsnip00:41
kblessinggrI'm trying to boot off the Ubuntu install disk (10.04) but it shows the logo, and then the lil accesibility symbol at the bottom of the screen, and then when it continues to boot up, my LCD monitor all the sudden goes "Out of Range", and there doesn't seem to be a "safe mode graphic" option00:41
ActionParsnipMfen: then when you plug it in run: dmesg | tail ,it will give clues00:41
ActionParsnipMfen: a bad unmount or simply wrenching the device out in any OS can cause it not to automount00:42
IceMakerheya :) need help installing tl-wn422g v2 for my new 10.04 netbook edition any1?00:42
randy_kblessinggr: it is possible that the application that detects the automatic settings of your monitor (X.org) is having issues00:42
MFenActionParsnip: what would that look like in dmesg? i don't see any errors00:42
Jordan_Ukblessinggr: Press any key when you see the accessibility icon to get a menu with more options.00:42
DasEiMFen: look at /etc/init/udevtrigger.conf        , it's loaded in the kernel at strtup, so all you can do is a mount-script and alias it to a short command00:42
kblessinggrJordan_U: I already did that, there's no safe mode graphics option or any options relating to graphics00:43
cehrI have a computer running hardy that halts but freezes during reboot. the syslog of the restart attempt + bootup is at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/467733/ . any ideas on how to fix this?00:43
red__how do i add a high resolution?00:43
MFendevice found.. waiting before scanning.. scan complete.. then a description of the scsi disk it found. but not mounted00:43
randy_kblessinggr: have you attempted to use the alternate cd?00:43
ActionParsnipkblessinggr: seach for: ubuntu boot to black screen and use the ubuntugeek link. My webbrowsing is painfully slow here as I am on a coach00:43
kblessinggrrandy_: and how would I go about forcing it to stay at 1024x768 @ 60hz or lower?00:43
IceMakerheya :) need help installing tl-wn422g v2 wlan card for my new 10.04 netbook edition any1?00:43
kblessinggrk found it ActionParsnip looking00:44
randy_kblessinggr: i know it is *possible* but I only know how to do that through the alternate-cd installer, not through the LiveCD00:44
metalgeekwhen i set up a new user account in Ubuntu dose it have the same permissions default as the first user account that you make on install?00:44
kblessinggralso I'm booting off a flash drive I don't exactly have the luxery of burning a CD00:44
ActionParsnipMfen: bad blocks, unknown types. You may see the partitions show in dmesg but with errors. You could try to manually mount the partition to see if you get any errors or warnings00:44
Blue11i am trying to get an intel 82815 video chipset to work with  in ubuntu 10.04 - suggestions?00:44
metalgeekActionParsnip, I'm sorry if i offended, i have only thanks for the help you gave me :)00:44
enthWhat are deb files compressed as?00:44
Dr_WillisBlue11:  check the forums for that chipset?00:44
aeon-ltdBlue11: start by getting the drivers ?00:45
leagrismetalgeek, not same permission as not in admin group si it can not invoke sudo00:45
Drone4fourI recently installed kubuntu-kde and it changed the boot splash theme from an orange logo on a black background to tourqoise on blue.  How do I change it back? In KDE, I can navigate to Settings > System Settings > Appearance > Splash Screen but that's not what i'm looking for.  I'm not trying to change KDE's Splash Screen that shows when you load the KDE window manager after logging in as a user. Further, I'm not trying to change grub's boot splash im00:45
Drone4fourage. I want to change the boot splash theme which lasts 25 seconds that is shown between the time your select the kernel in grub2 and the time gdm loads.  Right now it says "Kubuntu" in an ugly way and I want to change it back to what it was originally before I installed KDE.  I want it to say "Ubuntu" as it should by default. How can I better describe what I am trying to do so I can search for it on Google?  What Google search terms will yield the res00:45
Drone4fourults I am looking for?00:45
FloodBot4Drone4four: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:45
randy_kblessinggr: it is possible to also load the alternate cd off a thumb drive ... though of course a pain00:45
Blue11Dr_Willis: I will check again.00:45
shay27Hello , does someone here familiar with Tor anonymity service ? i installed Tor on my Ubuntu and i would like to ask few question regarding the tor features ?00:45
Drone4foursorry for the flood00:45
kblessinggrsec I'll try the ubergeek options00:45
randy_kblessinggr: i'm assuming that your monitor is exceedingly old...00:45
MFenyeah, i know. i've manually mounted it a few times and never got any errors00:45
metalgeekleagris, Thanks, so theoretically, how would i reset my machine to that sort of default position00:45
ActionParsnipmetalgeek: not at all. There is usually more than one answer :)00:45
leagrisshay27, I use tor, not en expert though ask00:45
DasEicehr. hardy ? message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth300:46
=== SortiE is now known as Balbazar
metalgeekIE one acount with the right privileges00:46
DasEicehr: can you boot safemode ?00:46
leagrismetalgeek, what default would you restore ?00:46
IceMakerheya :) need help installing tl-wn422g v2 for my new 10.04 netbook edition any1 know how to do that?00:46
kalo_anyone know if ubuntu going from 9-10 to change something that no longer run the aircrack00:46
ActionParsnipred__: high resolution for what?00:47
shay27leagris: thanks , i would like to know if the its possible to gain new ip address via Tor and to ping other machine using the Tor ip ?00:47
IceMakershay27:  can i im u i have a q for u?00:47
MFenudisks mounted it with no errors00:47
DasEikalo : still there in 1000:47
cehrDasEi: yes, hardy. I can boot normally without problems, but rebooting will cause a freeze00:47
meesebyteI cannot edit /etc/default/grub it says permission denied00:47
metalgeekleagris, I want to kind of reset to one accountlike when i installed, but i dont want to use the account i made00:47
leagrisshay27, I use tor + privoxy so no it can not send ICMP messages (pings)00:48
Blue11Dr_Willis: there is nothing useful there...00:48
hiexpokalo_,  is it still in the repos?00:48
ActionParsnipMeesebyte: run: gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub ,and you have write access00:48
DasEicehr: from a first glance nothing unusual, consider going to jaunty, as support ends, and is the system updated/graded ?00:48
shay27leagris: ok , can i make the browser (mozilla) to gain new ip via Tor ?00:48
DasEihiexpo: it is00:48
leagrismetalgeek, I'd say, delete the account without deleting the user directory, then recreate immediatly00:49
metalgeekHowever i would like to copy the videos,doc,pics etc from that account00:49
hiexpoDasEi,  ya i don't know cause i never install it that way00:49
kalo_if it is, but now I do not inject packets00:49
=== Balbazar is now known as SortiE
meesebytethanks. And I don't see windows xp in that folder. How do I set it first?00:49
leagrisshay27, with tor button at least, it go out with a new ip each time a new tcp connection is made.00:49
ActionParsnipmetalgeek: if you simply delete all the hidden folders in the home dir and leave all the user data files in root recovery console then next login you will get all vanilla settings00:50
DasEishay27: can also set manually, it's a socks4 proxy, on 9050 in default00:50
charley__anyone know why Yahoo Games wont work on firefox?00:50
cehrDasEi: yes, the system is upgraded. perhaps upgrading the kernel would help?00:50
ActionParsnip!grub2 | meesebyte00:51
ubottumeesebyte: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:51
RenatoSilvaIs Emerald still officially maintained? Is there any replacement for getting true vista-like decoration?00:51
leagrismetalgeek, if you want to reset settings, then clear the user home directory then copy /etc/skel ther00:51
test34ActionParsnip, maybe should delete hidden files too?00:51
ActionParsnipmeesebyte: you don't add dualboot stuff in that file, its elsewhere, that factoid will help00:51
rautamiekkaBy applying a registry hack, Window$ 7 permits multiple simultaneous Remote Desktop connections. Is there such for Ubuntu ?00:51
DasEicehr: does /var/log/kern.log  offer any hints ? or messages in same dir ?00:51
leagrismetalgeek, /etc/skel contains default home directory content after creation00:51
shay27DasEi: can i open the browser from command line including the socks parameters ?00:52
ActionParsnipRenatoSilva: its not maintained but is in the repo00:52
test34rautamiekka, there is no such registry in ubuntu;)00:52
random_hunter_ActionParsnip, Sorry, over hear, random_hunter is metalgeek. Sorry, I was geting lag, opened another connection with ssl much better now. I got your last post but didn't understand all of it00:52
Dr_Willis!emerald | RenatoSilva00:52
ubottuRenatoSilva: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.00:52
ActionParsniptest34: indeed, gives vanilla settings next boot00:52
=== random_hunter_ is now known as metalgeek
DasEishay27: not that I knew, but once ff is up, can put it unter settings, next time you call it, it will still be there00:52
woodyjlwI have a WOW folder that I copied from windows and I have installed ubuntu 10.04 and wine so where is best place to put the wow folder and how do I make a shortcut to desktop for Wow.exe ?00:52
test34ActionParsnip, indeed not only directories but also files00:52
IceMaker need help installing tl-wn422g v2 for my new 10.04 netbook edition any1 know how to do that?00:53
rautamiekkatest34: I know. I asked is there such feature or possibility of multiple simultaneous remote usage.00:53
=== a_ is now known as Guest48773
leagrisrautamiekka, no hack needed, install freenx and nxclients and voila00:53
Dr_Williswoodyjlw:  wine stuff goes in .wine under the proper location.00:53
kblessinggranyone ever managed to get a Linksys WUSB11 wifi adapter to work in 10.04?00:53
kalo_9 with ubuntu, if I injected 10 ubuntu packages but no, there are some moyivo by what happens this00:53
DasEiIceMaker: I'm no good in wireless, but basics :00:53
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:53
ActionParsniprautamiekka: you can connect to a seperate screen, I believe. You can use x forwarding and just run the app from the terminal. You may not need the full desktop as many apps have web interfaces and ncurses interfaces which are much more elegant00:54
kblessinggrDasEi: however while mine is listed as supported and "just plug in" it doesn't show up says no wireless device detected00:54
RenatoSilvaDr_Willis: That's bad :( I like the vista style, I don't want to leave it. I think I'll continue using it. Didn't have any problem yet in 10.4.00:54
charley__anyone know why Yahoo Games wont work on my firefox?00:55
RenatoSilvaActionParsnip: ^00:55
woodyjlwDr_Willis, thanks for info.   where would I find .wine   sorry still learning linux here00:55
kblessinggrsays "Just choose wireless network in networking, and works. Xubuntu 6.06." , but it doesn't do that for me"00:55
ActionParsnipkblessinggr: the make and model is moot. If you run: sudo lshw -C network ,you will see the chip and you can find guides using that00:55
Dr_WillisRenatoSilva:  i dont bend over too far backewards for eyecandy.00:55
IceMakerDasEi: i`ll take a look but i don't know nothing almoust about linux00:55
kblessinggrActionParsnip: why would it be moot, its exactly a 2.8 firmware which is listed as supported00:55
cehrDasEi: the only red flags in kern.log are "[   20.495354] ACPI: Looking for DSDT in initramfs... error, file /DSDT.aml not found." and various usb errors (all usb ports seem to work though)00:55
Dr_Williswoodyjlw:  .wine is in your home dir. its made the first time you run wine. You may want tor ead up on some wine basics00:55
ActionParsnipRenatoSilva: it does work, just nobody is coding for it but the code works. I use it on my laptop just dandy00:56
Jordan_Uwoodyjlw: I doubt that just copying the directory over is enough. If nothing else it'll probably need some registry keys.00:56
cens0redwhat's 10.10 going to be called?00:56
kblessinggrActionParsnip: nothing popped up on that command00:56
DasEicehr: rebuild initramfs then, by : sudo update-initramfs -u (and be aware you can directly dist-upgrade hardy to lucid!!!)00:56
ActionParsnipkblessinggr: because linksys don't make wireless chips. Its most likely an atheros or broadcom chip. The chip is what you are driving00:57
metalgeekWhen i wanna change password with nickserve, what is the <key> arg00:57
ActionParsnipmetalgeek: ask in #freenode00:57
hiexpoActionParsnip,  i downloaded gnacktrack to check it out what a waste of my time that was00:57
DasEimetalgeek: #freenode00:57
RenatoSilvaActionParsnip: ok I know, I just thought that the vista decoration was so cool that people would create a replacement. I heard of Jasper00:57
ActionParsnipHiexpo: what is it?00:57
cehrDasEi: will try lucid if nothing else works, thanks00:58
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:58
hiexpoActionParsnip,  uses ubuntu 10.04 and suppose to like a backtrack gnome00:58
lukas2511hi! does anyone know why the ubuntu splash-screen (on boot) is stretched, but if i boot from the install disc it's just centered.. i want it centered on boot because it looks kinda crappy if it is strechted :-/00:58
kblessinggrActionParsnip: but it'd still show me something with that command wouldn't it?00:58
woodyjlwjordan_U,  what kind of regestry keys are you thinking I will need00:58
Jordan_Uwoodyjlw: No idea, and I don't think it will be trivial to find out. But try asking in #winehq00:59
gianniunixhi help00:59
gianniunixto boot me it flashes the led of the keyboard00:59
ActionParsnipkblessinggr: check: lsusb ,too see if its listed there. You can use the 8 character hexid to find guides00:59
woodyjlwok thankks00:59
ActionParsniphiexpo: I've not used backtrack00:59
charley__anyone know why Yahoo Games wont work on my firefox?00:59
ActionParsnipgianniunix: which? Your pc is telling you stuff01:00
ActionParsnipcharley__: no java most likely01:00
charley__i got the addon01:00
Jordan_UActionParsnip: It runs the entire desktop environment as root by default, that should probably tell you enough about it :)01:00
charley__it should be able to run java applets01:00
ActionParsnipJordan_U: puppy does that....01:00
DasEigianniunix: kernel panic01:00
wiesshundcharley__,  you have an up to date java runtime installed right?01:01
DasEigianniunix: try to boot another entry from grub01:01
charley__i believe so01:01
ActionParsnipJordan_U: but if its ubuntu then bad bad bad01:01
metalgeekActionParsnip, Could you possibly explain this alittle further, sorry. metalgeek: if you simply delete all the hidden folders in the home dir and leave all the user data files in root recovery console then next login you will get all vanilla settings01:01
gianniunixwhen start the PC after the grub, all black and I flash the three led of the keyboard DasEi01:02
* metalgeek scratches head01:02
DasEigianniunix: see above01:02
red__how can i increase my monitor from 800x600 to a higher resolotion01:02
jayp910is there a hardware channel on this server01:03
Dr_Willisgianniunix:  you mean the capslock led and other leds are all flashing?01:03
Dr_Willisjayp910:  try #hardware ?01:03
ActionParsnipmetalgeek: the hidden folders store all the config for all apps including gnome,compiz and whatnot. If you delete them and an app is used it will see the config is missing and generate a vanilla config for you. If you delete all hidden files this will happen for everything01:03
DasEired: which g-card ?01:03
Dr_Willisred__:  you did install the proper video card drivers for your video card?01:03
gianniunixDr_Willis: yes01:03
ActionParsnipred__: what video card?01:03
jayp910invite only01:03
kblessinggron the USB side ActionParsnip its listed as a Linksys WUSB11 2.8 , 1915:2233 <--- I assume thats the hex you mean01:03
Dr_Willisgianniunix:  thats a sign of a major crash.01:03
DasEijayp910: ##hardware01:03
Dr_Willisjayp910:  its MOST like 'regiestered nicks' only...01:03
red__intel it in a packar bell laptop01:03
gianniunixhow solve?01:03
DasEigianniunix: try to boot another entry from grub01:04
wiesshundred__,  system >preferences > (your video card driver app)  usualy is how01:04
metalgeekCool, Will give a try, EVERY HIDDEN FILE in my home. your sure?01:04
ActionParsnipkblessinggr: yeah,so serch for: ubuntu 1915:2233 ,see what comes up01:04
Dr_Willismetalgeek:  try moving the hidden files/dirs.. not deleting them :0 to some backup dir.01:04
red__wies it not give me any choice to go higher01:04
ActionParsnipred__: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga01:04
metalgeekDr_Willis, always a pleasure DR, thanks for the assist01:05
red__action i not know what that mena01:05
Dr_Willisred__: a pakard bell laptop? How old is that thing?01:05
gianniunixDasEi nothing to make01:05
wiesshundred__,  sounds like you dont have the hardware driver enabled?  look in system > admin > hardware drivers ?01:05
Dr_Willismetalgeek:  its worth learning what all those 'hidden and other special' dirs do. :) and dont touch the .gvfs dir either01:05
DasEigianniunix: tried another kernel ?01:05
red__Dr ? it runs vista01:05
ActionParsnipmetalgeek: yep, you can make a new folder if you want and simply move them. I advise you do it in recovery mode root console so the files aren't in use01:05
Stameniwhats the shell command to unzip files ?01:05
ActionParsnipred__: you haven't configured your driver yet01:06
Dr_Willisred__:  I thouigh pakard bell went belly under ages ago.. still How old is that laptop?01:06
songeri'm getting this:  E: Type 'n' is not known on line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-x-swat-x-updates-lucid.list01:06
kblessinggrwell that's annoying, I got into liveCD mode, with the nomodeset option, installed UBuntu, rebooted, and I got no grub or anything to press 'e' at, so naturally it goes straight to "Out of Sync"01:06
red__wies looking now01:06
gianniunixyes DasEi01:06
red__action how i do that01:06
wiesshundred__,  roughly, how old is the hardware?  ubuntu doesnt put in alot of support for hardware considered long outdated unless you use an old distro01:06
DasEiStameni: err... unzip ?!01:06
ActionParsnipSonger: edit the file and look at line 201:06
StameniDesEi: zip -qr file_path destination_path01:07
gianniunixhow to solve?01:07
Stameniis to compress archive, yes ?01:07
ActionParsnipred__: run it in a terminal (applications -> accessories)01:07
red__wies 5 year old01:07
DasEiStameni: man unzip tells you01:07
Stamenibut it wont work01:07
red__action what i type?01:07
=== xcv is now known as DaZ
ActionParsnipSonger: that ppa is hugely experimental so you can very much expect issues with it01:08
DasEiStameni: same for packing, man zip01:08
ActionParsnipred__: scroll up. I already told you01:08
DasEigianniunix: tried another kernel ? same thing ?01:08
petahello everybody01:08
StameniDasEi thankk you !01:08
petawhile resarting the apache2 my ssh hung up and now i destroyed apache's pid file. how can i recreate it?01:08
red__i sorry i stupid01:09
DasEipeta:restart apache01:09
IceMakerok 2 q . i need to install a wlan card and can i type hebrew in ubuntu?01:09
ActionParsnipred__: also, once you type action, press tab and it will complete my nick and will highlight like my text highlights you01:09
gianniunixDasEi http://paste.ubuntu.com/467748/01:09
KB1JWQIceMaker: Yes, it's under the keyboard settings.01:09
Flare183!hi | mercedes01:09
ubottumercedes: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:09
gianniunixDasEi  same thing01:10
ActionParsnipSonger: you will need: gksudo gedit ,to get write access to the file01:10
cheri703I keep getting errors processing "oss4-dkms"01:10
cheri703over and over...01:10
DasEigianniunix: so you will have to boot live again and then rebuild the initramfs, then again re-check grub01:10
songerActionParsnip, if i just tipe: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list01:10
petaDasEi:  OMFG! of course!!! :)01:10
ActionParsnipsonger: no, sudo is NOT used for gedit. And you aren't editting that file, reread your error message01:11
DasEipeta: serv well ...01:11
red__I am sorry i am useless? not know whAt i doig sorry01:11
gianniunixDasEi grub-install --recheck /dev/sda ???01:11
ActionParsnipred__: jeez. The command is: lspci | grep -i vga01:12
DasEigianniunix: yes, but first rebuild initrd01:12
=== xcv is now known as DaZ
gianniunixDasEi what's a command^01:12
songerso hoew is it: gksudo gedit01:13
red__action i typed that in01:14
DasEigianniunix: in first, same approach as for grub, mount /-bind, chroot (/proc /sys /dev and /dev/pts)01:14
ActionParsnipSonger: correct, that will correctly launch gedit. Then you can open the file you need to edit01:14
=== SortiE is now known as SortiE|A
DasEigianniunix: then cd into /boot01:14
ActionParsnipred__: ok what was output?01:14
metalgeekActionParsnip, Dr_Willis , Vanilla restart just like you saidJust like you guys said01:14
DasEigianniunix: update-initramfs -c -k all01:14
dabukalamIs there any way to send keystrokes to a computer (UNR+XBMC) over SSH, so i can, for example, pause a movie, or navigate using arrow keys?01:15
Drone4fourI recently installed kubuntu-kde and it changed the boot splash theme from an orange logo on a black background to tourqoise on blue. How do I change it back? Full details of my problem at this thread on the Ubuntu forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153687501:15
ActionParsnipmetalgeek: if you backedup the data and are happy with the result then you can delete the backup, or burn to cd for archiving01:15
songerActionParsnip, a blanck windows01:15
ActionParsnipdabukalam: I believe xbmc has a web ui01:15
Dianne417anyone out there?01:15
DasEigianniunix: grub-install --recheck /dev/sdX  with x correct letter of grubs harddrive01:16
Flare183!ask | Dianne41701:16
ubottuDianne417: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:16
red__01:00.o VGA compatible controleer: silicon integrated systems (Sis) 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter (rev 10)01:16
Dianne417have ubuntu 8.4, firefox01:16
DasEiDianne417: just a ~1400 :)01:16
metalgeekActionParsnip, Will keep around until i have run all of the programs i find in there with no problems, then probably delete01:16
ActionParsnipsonger: copy the filename from your error about 'n' and open it in gedit01:16
ActionParsnipmetalgeek: absolutely. You have created a rollback path and is very professional01:17
Dianne417have ubuntu 8.4, Firefox. Installed all updates today, but now I have to clear cache every time I browse the internet01:17
dabukalamActionParsnip: genius. thanks.01:17
shay27leagris: can i set tor to gain ip by country ?01:17
DasEishay27: yes, that's possible01:18
gianniunixDasEi http://paste.ubuntu.com/467751/01:18
Dianne417ļ»æhave ubuntu 8.4, Firefox. Installed all updates today, but now I have to clear cache every time I try to log into Facebook01:18
red__action did you get that01:18
Flare183ActionParsnip: ^^ He's talking to you01:18
ActionParsnipred__: ok those aren't very friendly to setup but it can be done. You will need an xorg.conf file to get a higher res. Use what you just pasted to find guides01:18
Stameniand here is wwhy u dont need to mess with terminal if you dont know exactly what are you doing :)01:18
StameniWARNING!!!  The filesystem is mounted.   If you continue you ***WILL***01:18
Stamenicause ***SEVERE*** filesystem damage.01:18
Dianne417ļ»æhave ubuntu 8.4, Firefox. Installed all updates today, but now I have to clear cache every time I try to log into Facebook01:18
Flare183!repeat | Dianne41701:19
ubottuDianne417: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.01:19
ActionParsnipFlare183: who is?01:19
DasEishay27: http://i8t.de/ukydrd4801:19
Flare183ActionParsnip: red__01:19
hiexpogonna get a flood note01:19
red__action just type that into google you mean01:19
songerActionParsnip, ?gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu01:19
ActionParsnipdabukalam: always a pleasure01:19
dabukalamActionParsnip: haha holy crap, it's perfect. I was expecting so much less :D01:19
DasEigianniunix: looks fine, exit  to get out chroot, then sudo reboot01:19
wiesshundDianne417,  er what is happening that makes you have to clear the cache?01:20
Dianne417ļ»æhave ubuntu 8.4, Firefox. Installed all updates today, but now I have to clear cache every time I log into Facebook, any ideas?01:20
Dianne417nothing happens01:20
Dianne417tries to open the page01:20
ActionParsnipsonger: whatever the error says dude. It named the file for you.01:20
Dianne417but just says "done"01:20
gianniunixtry DasEi01:21
Dr_WillisDianne417:  try a new firefox profile. or try a new user. see if affexcts them01:21
shay27DasEi: can this be done from command line ? (i am starting tor using : sudo /etc/init.d/tor start) how can i configure tor for specific country ?>01:21
wiesshundred__,  in google type SIS +671 +x11 +setup01:21
Dianne417ļ»æļ»æhave ubuntu 8.4, Firefox. Installed all updates today, but now I have to clear history/cache every time I log into Facebook, any ideas?01:21
DasEiDianne417: else use an extra repo and the latest build , FB is fine with it from here01:22
Dianne417have 2 Facebook accts.....effects both01:22
Dianne417extra repo?01:22
ActionParsnipred__: i'd use the entire output. You will need to run: sudo Xorg --configure ,in root recovery mode to get a skeleton file which you can then flesh out01:23
pcandgame-03me gustaria saber como reinstalar firefox desde una carpeta del escritorio01:23
wiesshundDianne417, please stop repeating your initial statement over and over01:23
Dianne417any way to PM me regarding my issue?01:23
Dr_WillisDianne417:  makea new Ubuntu USER  and try it with them.01:23
red__wies thank you01:23
Flare183!es | pcandgame-0301:23
ubottupcandgame-03: En la mayorĆ­a de canales de Ubuntu se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:23
ChrisBuchholzHey, i have been researching the topic of installing ubuntu on my macbook pro, and now i have come to point where i need to boot ubuntu. I have tried to do it with a 9.04 cd, but i want to directly install lucid so i need to do it from a sdcard or external harddrive since i have no empty dvds laying around. I have tried a lot of things, but nothing that worked, so how would i go about doing this? I have to create boot disk fr01:23
ChrisBuchholzboth mac and ubuntu 9.04 but none of them worked.01:23
jribDianne417: it's best to keep help in the channel01:23
ActionParsnipDianne417: not an extra facebook profile, a firefox profile. Run: firefox -p ,make a new profile and test using that01:23
pcandgame-03como se hace el slah al reves01:23
jrib!es | pcandgame-0301:23
ubottupcandgame-03: En la mayorĆ­a de canales de Ubuntu se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:23
slidinghorn!usb | ChrisBuchholz01:23
ubottuChrisBuchholz: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:23
ChrisBuchholzslidinghorn: thats not really the problem - the problem is that mac is entirely different. It seems to me you cant do it any of the traditional ways01:24
pcandgame-03que guatea la wea al tratar de instalar programas01:24
pcandgame-03 lo demas and a bien01:24
Dianne417and it says I ned Adobe 9, but I already have 9 installed01:25
Flare183!es | pcandgame-0301:25
ActionParsnipChrisBuchholz: there is an exe on pendrive linux you can use to transfer the iso nicely to a usb if you have a windws pc flapping around01:25
ubottupcandgame-03: En la mayorĆ­a de canales de Ubuntu se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:25
jribpcandgame-03: english only here.  Please type: /join #ubuntu-es01:25
DasEiDianne417: try re-profiling, else get another repo01:25
pcandgame-03con que tecla se hace el gato?01:25
Dianne417ļ»æit says I need Adobe 9, but I already have 9 installed01:25
ActionParsnipDianne417: quit repeating like that, so annoying01:25
slidinghorn!es > pcandgame-03 esta es la tercera que ha sido convocada para hablar InglƩs o entrar al canal espaƱol01:25
ubottupcandgame-03, please see my private message01:25
DasEiDianne417: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade01:25
ChrisBuchholzActionParsnip: i have already tried making severals from my ubuntu live cd, but the problem is that macs need special threatment01:26
ActionParsnipDianne417: you also cannot install "adobe 9" it doesn't exist01:26
Dianne417ActionParsnip....I have to repeat bcuz no one is giving me an answer that works!01:26
Dianne417Adobe 9 was already installed....worked yesterday until I did Ubuntu updates today!!!!!01:26
ActionParsnipDianne417: if EVERYONE did that it'd make the channel useless. Its called flooding and is not tollerated01:26
songerActionParsnip,  I did not understand, but now i get it01:26
Dianne417come on guys01:26
Dianne417I've managed call centers before01:26
Dianne417this is not working01:27
DasEiheh ?01:27
Flare183wow :/01:27
ActionParsnipSonger: what is the filename in error called?01:27
wiesshundwtf does a call center have to do with unpaid people hellping out other people in thier spare time out of the kindness of thier hearts?01:28
red__how do i run some thing from root?01:28
wiesshundred sudo  command01:28
Flare183wiesshund: I have no idea but oh well01:28
Dr_Williswiesshund:  :) and you have to wonder where his patience went.01:28
songerActionParsnip, E: Type 'n' is not known on line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu01:28
wiesshundred__,  like sudo gedit mytext.txt  etc01:28
red__should i have dollar sighn there01:28
songerE: Type 'n' is not known on line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-x-swat-x-updates-lucid.list ActionParsnip01:28
CkhiKuzadhelp! i am in an ubuntu LiveBoot for 10.04, i used unetbootin to get it, now it wants me to unmount a nonexistant /cdrom. how do i do this? (i WILL be getting this installed now)01:29
wiesshundred__,  your prompt may be set to display a dollar sign01:29
ActionParsnipSonger: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-x-swat-x-updates-lucid.list01:29
Dr_WillisCkhiKuzad:  what wants you to unmount  /cdrom ?01:29
red__weiser it say i must be set as root01:29
Dr_Willissonger:  line 2 of that file proberly has a typo.01:29
CkhiKuzadthe installer, Dr_Willis. it gets to the eyecandy-ish installer part, where it shows the ubuntu "circle" then a progress bar, then i get a little error01:30
CkhiKuzadthat says /cdrom needs unmounted. but i cant unmount it from a virtual CLI session01:30
ActionParsnipSonger: check the 2nd line of the file, see what's what01:30
Dr_WillisCkhiKuzad:  Hmm. I cant recall ysing unetbootin to do an install lately.. I normally make a usb-installer  with the usb-disk-creator tool. It seems to work a bit better then unetbootin01:30
hydesteranybody have pidgin running with video  chat on google talk?01:30
CkhiKuzadcan i get rid of this in the mtab thing? my cd drive is burnt out, so i dont need it01:30
hydesteron lucid, i have gstreamer ffmpeg plugin, etc.01:31
Flare183hydester: I do, and it works perfectly01:31
CkhiKuzadi cant boot from USB, Dr_Willis01:31
songeri already get it01:31
ActionParsnipCkhiKuzad: did you md5 test the iso you downloaded?01:31
hiexpoCkhiKuzad,  unplug it01:31
Dr_WillisCkhiKuzad:   then how did you boot? im confus3ed..01:31
songer ActionParsnip  i fixed it01:31
arboRunning ubuntu 1004, HDMI audio output is suddenly not working, and I'm not sure what's wrong.  looking for some troubleshooting.01:31
CkhiKuzadDr_Willis, i installed it to my hard drive through unetbootin01:31
hiexpoall always says thaT upon leaving01:31
CkhiKuzadits a "frugal install" that allows me to live-boot.01:31
ActionParsnipCkhiKuzad: disable its controller in bios. Easier :)01:31
Dr_WillisCkhiKuzad:  ewwww. :) what IS your partition layout right now then?01:31
Flare183!sound | arbo01:31
ubottuarbo: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:32
ActionParsnipsonger: good lad01:32
hydesterFlare183: where there any tricks?  i have it where the other user (using gmail web video client) can't see me, but can hear me and i can see AND hear them01:32
CkhiKuzadDr_Willis, what do you mean?01:32
Dr_WillisCkhiKuzad:  it could be its having some issues because your 'live os' partition is on the same Hd you are installing to.,01:32
Dr_WillisCkhiKuzad:  so what is your drive partition layout looking like?01:32
Flare183hydester: just enable the plugin, it all works after that01:32
Flare183!hi | mercedes01:32
ubottumercedes: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:32
hydesterFlare183: what plugin?01:32
CkhiKuzadnope,  i am installing it to SDA4, and the liveboot is on SDB201:32
Drone4fourI recently installed kubuntu-kde and it changed the boot splash theme from an orange logo on a black background to tourqoise on blue. How do I change it back? Full details of my problem at this thread on the Ubuntu forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153687501:32
* hiexpo oops misunderstood 01:32
Dr_WillisCkhiKuzad:  ok. that 'should' work. but ive rarely tried it that way01:33
Flare183hydester: the Video and webcam plugin01:33
CkhiKuzadDrone4four, try startup-manager. you can get it through apt, synaptic, or the add/remove.01:33
mercedesnoo teng01:33
CkhiKuzadDr_willis, how do i make it force disable the /cdrom thing? i tried umount -f01:33
hydesterFlare183: voice/video settings plugin?01:33
mercedesno se inmgles01:33
Flare183hydester: yup01:33
CkhiKuzad!es | mercedes01:34
ubottumercedes: En la mayorĆ­a de canales de Ubuntu se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:34
ActionParsnipDrone4four: I think if you read guides on how to change plymouth there is an update-alternatives command to switch it01:34
mercedesseamos friens01:34
Drone4fourty CkhiKuzad, i'll try that01:34
songerActionParsnip, i'm following a tutorial to install the lates driver for my geforce 615o le nvidia01:34
mercedeshello how are you?01:34
CkhiKuzadno problem Drone4four, i may have some trouble myself, but it doesnt stop me from trying to help others ^^01:34
songerbecause i cannot set my resolution in vercion current or 96, 17601:35
ActionParsnipSonger: I use the nvidia vdpau with mine but I believe that repo has packages on too01:35
DasEimercedes: join #ubuntu-offtopic or #defocus for random chat01:35
CkhiKuzadDr_Willis, any help?01:35
songerhow can i inattall it01:35
ActionParsnipDrone4four: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/quick-tipplymouth-themes-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html01:36
CkhiKuzadalso, ubi-migrationassistant failed with code 141, and its saying that it could break my install. what should i do?01:36
DasEiCkhiKuzad: what's your issu (haven't followed)01:36
ActionParsnipsonger: search for the nvidia-vdpau ppa and all will be revealed01:36
cablopwhat is the best aletrnative to utorent n ubuntu?01:37
songeri was tellin you i'm following this tutorial but when i make upgrade appers  a packages to upgrade call it: xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-radeon01:37
sebsebsebcablop: Ktorrent I guess01:37
cablopor better, a page with alternatives to some software?01:37
DasEicablop: best is a poll, there are deluge and vuze/azureus01:37
CkhiKuzadDasEi, i am in an ubuntu Liveboot from my hard drive, the boot is off my SDB drive, and i am trying to install 10.04 to an SDA drive. first it failed because /cdrom couldnt be unmounted, and now ubi-migrationassistant is saying that it decided to fail with error 14101:37
songerbut mine is gforce and the tutorial says that it works the repo for my gforce01:37
sebsebseb!info ktorrent01:37
ubottuktorrent (source: ktorrent): BitTorrent client based on the KDE platform. In component main, is optional. Version 3.3.4+dfsg.1-1ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 1254 kB, installed size 4956 kB01:37
cablopbut azureus is banned in many trackrs :(01:38
hydesterFlare183: did you change the settings from default?01:38
Flare183hydester: nope01:38
giulioDasEi, work :D but usplash don't work01:38
sebsebsebcablop: http://www.osalt.com http://www.linuxeq.com01:38
hydesterFlare183: pidgin from the distro or from pidgin.im/ubuntu?01:38
cablopthanks sebsebseb01:38
DasEicablop: go crypted or lazy bit then01:38
Flare183hydester: not distro is called the repos01:39
sebsebsebcablop: uhmm not so sure about that, and I guess its not in trackers that are providing downloads that aren't pirated01:39
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sebsebseb!piracy > cablop01:39
ubottucablop, please see my private message01:39
hydesterFlare183: uh, yeah.  hmm.  let me roll back and see01:39
Flare183hydester: Alright01:39
[Raiden]songer: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-nvidia-drivers-manually-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html01:39
CkhiKuzadDasEi, did you see my last post?01:39
CkhiKuzad"DasEi, i am in an ubuntu Liveboot from my hard drive, the boot is off my SDB drive, and i am trying to install 10.04 to an SDA drive. first it failed because /cdrom couldnt be unmounted, and now ubi-migrationassistant is saying that it decided to fail with error 141"01:39
sebsebsebcablop: anyway remember to only install programs from the Ubuntu repos,  or trusted sources such as offical websites01:39
DasEiCkhiKuzad: saw it01:39
slimjimflimhi i have a saa7164 w/ 4 bnc video inputs, but i can only see one at a time through /dev/video001:39
CkhiKuzadany help, DasEi?01:39
cabloplol, nope, some trackers just ban azureus cause azureus starts many threads and trackers got errors at trying to ddeal with just one torrent client or so01:40
slimjimflimis there a way to access the other channels or to forward them to another /dev/* ?01:40
sebsebsebcablop: oh ok01:40
DasEiCkhiKuzad: sda drive is ssd ? did the install went through ?01:40
cablopnever understood that, also my isp seems to have it but not utorrent, and utorrent is the best ans fastest of all in windows :) i got my ubuntu installlers with it ;)01:41
CkhiKuzadThe install worked until it decided /cdrom NEEDED to be unmounted. but my other errors didnt happen01:41
sebsebsebcablop: Ktorrent is probably the best in Desktop Linux, also if you really want uTorrent you can Wine it01:41
MyionuTorrent works really well with wine01:41
cablopi wined it in the past, but i'm willing to use ubuntu as pure as i could :)01:42
cablopexcept the things that i had to place in the vm :P01:42
DasEiCkhiKuzad: that is, if you try to boot it, get an error message ?01:42
sebsebsebcablop: using only Gnome apps and such would be a bit sucky, mixing a bit with KDE apps is good though :)01:42
sebsebsebcablop: You know what Gnome and KDE are right?01:42
cablopyup, KDE too, i mean, the less i wine, the better for me :)01:42
CkhiKuzadDasEi. i am installing right now. its not working. there, the style of asking that is typical of help channels.01:43
songerwhats mine: W: The "upgrade" command is deprecated; use "safe-upgrade" instead01:43
sweetpi!info deluge01:43
ubottudeluge (source: deluge): bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.2-2 (lucid), package size 32 kB, installed size 124 kB01:43
sebsebsebcablop: Ktorrent is for KDE, but you can run it in Gnome/Ubuntu01:43
cablopyes i know01:43
cablopi was using ubuntu for a long time, well, as a server01:43
sebsebsebcablop: oh01:44
cablopthis week i decided to switch to it ansd stop virtualizing the ubuntu... then i'll virtualize windows intead01:44
[Raiden]Transmission is also not bad01:44
cablopbuit after some years you realize you are too much used to windows things01:44
sebsebsebTransmisson is alright yeah, but Ktorrent is better :)01:44
CkhiKuzadfine then. no more help for me! yay! \o/01:45
sebsebsebCkhiKuzad: whats the issue?01:45
CkhiKuzadwhen i am installing from a liveboot from my hard drive, it fails because it cant unmount /cdrom. i want to kill cdrom ^^ how do i remove it so it wont be detected anymore?01:46
gianniunixDasEi,  how to it restores usplash?01:46
red__still no joy :0(01:46
Flare183CkhiKuzad: sudo eject01:46
gianniunixDasEi,  it is looked at badly01:47
DasEisebsebseb: as far as I got it, he tires to install ubuntu on an internall ssd in a multi-hd box and has error 141 in migration assistant01:47
CkhiKuzadFlare183, if that works, i will be incredibly suprised, and if it does, thank you. if it doesnt... meh.01:47
Flare183CkhiKuzad: if it doesn't then something else is doing it01:48
DasEigianniunix: sudo apt-get install --reinstall usplash01:48
CkhiKuzadFlare183, if its something else, its probably my crappy cdrom drive, that is burnt out.01:48
DasEigianniunix: ah, that was you the above"works now, so no more kernel panic, nice01:48
Flare183CkhiKuzad: I know how that feels :S01:48
hydesterFlare183: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin/+question/10377901:49
hydesterFlare183: i guess that is my problem01:49
Flare183hydester: alright try empathy01:49
CkhiKuzadFlare183, i just kicked my cd disk tray, my foot is bleeding, and the tray went flying. i hope that solved the problem. now i need to remove /cdrom from a table that allows the operating system to even know it exists.01:49
Flare183CkhiKuzad: ouch O.O01:50
gianniunixDasEi,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/467759/01:50
preston_got a question for yall01:50
CkhiKuzadnot really, adrenaline from frustration offsets it Flare183. now i need to remove this ficken thing.01:50
hydesterFlare183: i tried.  hmm, maybe it is a firewall thing.01:50
preston_if anyone can help me01:50
DasEigianniunix: sudo apt-get install --reinstall usplash-theme-ubuntu01:51
Flare183hydester: sudo ufw disable01:51
trojan_spikepreston_, whats the wuestion?01:51
privpreston_: just say01:51
hydesterFlare183: that was my next step. thanks01:51
shell-fuhow do you upgrade a program with apt-get01:51
gianniunixDasEi,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/467760/01:51
preston_for some reason, when i installed ubuntu, it decided it didnt like my wifi card and it doesnt show up01:51
Flare183!wireless | preston_01:52
ubottupreston_: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:52
preston_im a linux noob anyway01:52
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Flare183shell-fu: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade01:52
sublimehello.. i am trying to install ubuntu-xen-server package on lucid baseline system and keep receiving error messages about xen-tools not installable.. why is this occuring?01:53
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preston_the cards not on there01:54
DasEigianniunix: sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so01:54
trojan_spikepreston_, install ::  ndifwrapper-utils-1.901:55
DasEigianniunix: go through this, afterwards sudo dpkg-reconfigure usplash01:55
DasEigianniunix: then reboot01:56
Guest16547I loaded a USB stick with UNETbootin switched to USB boot in setup and it will not boot.Also loaded external Hard Drive and it will not boot.I have a Toshiba Satellite a205-580401:56
gartralis it possible to remove the 30 second timer for bad patern logins? it's really starting to piss me off cuase my phone thinks i put 5 patterns in when rying to do 101:56
gianniunixDasEi,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/467761/01:56
scooter2Hello. Is there any way of removing ANSI escape codes from a text file using a terminal command?01:56
gianniunixDasEi,  giulio@giulio-desktop:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure usplash01:56
gianniunix/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: usplash ĆØ rovinato o non completamente installato01:56
CkhiKuzadwoot! i figured it out. it is now installing 10.04 on my drive \o/01:56
gianniunixit's don't install01:57
IdleOnegianniunix: sudo apt-get -f install01:57
dasanybody else missing the visualization option in amarok?01:57
gianniunixIdleOne,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/467763/01:57
preston_doesent work?01:58
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trojan_spikewindows wireless drivers install01:59
hiexpopreston what card01:59
IdleOnegianniunix: sudo apt-get remove -purge usplash && sudo apt-get install usplash01:59
^peanut^preston_: I have that same card02:00
IdleOnegianniunix: those packages listed in the pastebin you provided can be removed with sudo apt-get autoremove02:00
^peanut^preston_: I'm using the (recommend drivers) for that02:00
preston_that means?02:00
DasEi!who| gianniunix02:00
ubottugianniunix: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:00
DasEigianniunix: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-xsplash-artwork02:01
^peanut^preston_: nothing I guess.02:01
DasEigianniunix: sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so02:01
DasEigianniunix: go through this, afterwards sudo dpkg-reconfigure usplash02:01
duliI'm trying to capture sound in Ubuntu. Actually, I can caputre and play the sound captured. But I cannot listen to the sound I'm capturing while I'm capturing. Any pointers?02:01
DasEiduli: using audacity ?02:02
wiesshundwhat source are you capturing from?02:02
duliDasEi: yep02:02
DasEiduli: install alsamixer, try to unmute02:02
IdleOnegianniunix: have you tried asking in #ubuntu-it ? my italian is not good enough to understand02:02
hiexpopreston what distro 10.04?02:03
duliDasEi: I have alsamixer... Apparently, nothing is muted..02:03
preston_hiexpo what02:03
DasEigianniunix: strange, old : ubuntu-xsplash-artwork ĆØ giĆ  alla versione piĆ¹ recente02:03
wiesshundduli,  what source are you capturing from?02:03
hiexpopreston what distro 10.04?02:03
DasEigianniunix: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade02:04
duliwiesshund: Line-in02:04
preston_ohhhh its 9.1002:04
gianniunixDasEi,  yes02:04
hiexpopreston_,  ubuntu 10.0402:04
hiexpopreston_,  ok 1 sec02:04
duliwiesshund: on MIC i get the same result02:04
wiesshundduli,  can you listen to line in when not capturing?02:04
thune3scooter2: is there a particular code you are trying to remove (or a link to a file to test on)? You could try: cat file | tr -d '[:cntrl:]' > file202:04
duliwiesshund: no, that's the problem02:04
DasEigianniunix: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-xsplash-artwork02:05
wiesshundin the mixer did you double check that mute is not checked on both the input and output level of line-in and mic?02:05
wiesshundand for giggles try to mute then unmute02:05
hiexpopreston_,  32 bit02:06
duliwiesshund: you mean in the gnome-volume-control?02:06
gianniunixDasEi, it's installed02:06
DasEigianniunix: sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so02:06
DasEigianniunix: go through this, afterwards sudo dpkg-reconfigure usplash02:06
wiesshundduli,  system > preference > sound > input02:06
[Raiden]das: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-howto-install-projectm-audio-visualizer.html02:07
duliwiesshund: yes, the same as gnome-volume-control02:07
duliwiesshund: well, it's unmuted... The input level bar is moving02:08
dulibut no sound is heard02:08
hiexpopreston_,  sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter02:08
DasEigianniunix: sudo apt-get install usplash02:09
revberaldo I'm trying to format a usb key... But I can't create a partition table. gparted says (in the terminal): /dev/sdb: unrecognised disk label. Is there a way to force the creation of a partition table? I think the usb key might be dead...02:09
Alien_OverlordI have a Intel GM45 enbeded graphics and I cannot get all the availbe resolutions in the the System>Preferences>monitor and the graphics are not smooth. (when I scroll in a web broswer or move winodws it jump compared to any other ubuntu machine)02:09
wiesshundduli well i just checked mine and i have the same thing lol02:10
duliwiesshund: guess I'll have to reboot and do it in win...02:10
duliwiesshund: ok, just found out02:11
duliuse alsamixer and activate the the source with m02:11
JORCHHola k hay??02:11
araiAnyone attend OSCON?02:11
wiesshundduli what you find out?02:12
preston_what now?02:12
duliwiesshund: how to listen when not capturing02:12
hiexporeboot see if you see it02:12
preston_k peace yall02:12
JORCHhelp jack control02:13
arairevberaldo: try fdisk/cfdisk?02:13
revberaldoarai, already tried02:13
arairevberaldo: any related messages in dmesg?02:13
DasEigianniunix: hm, getting tired on this now, for now we can disable uspalsh, so system will boot fine, further on there seem to be missing files, on a standard install there are ubuntu-standard  ubuntu-system-service   ubuntuu-xsplash-artwork    and upstart02:13
revberaldoarai, it doesn't say anything, fdisk just does its work and nothing changes02:14
revberaldoarai, dmesg output is fine02:14
DasEigianniunix: gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub02:14
olnutok, so what if a process goes AHHHH and kill -9 won't kill it?02:14
DasEigianniunix: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"  to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet "02:15
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arairevberaldo: I know this is messy, but if you had to, could you use the device w/o a partition table?02:15
hiexpohmm 1 sec02:15
DasEigianniunix: save and exit gedit, run sudo update-grub02:15
olnutanyone have an idea?02:16
sam__just got on my self02:16
araiolnut: I always have ideas02:16
olnuthow to kill a process that will not take kill -9 pid02:16
JORCHtengo problemas con mi controlador de audio JACK,  como lo puedo lanzar desde la terminal???02:16
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sam__no idea my self02:17
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zkriessepure_hate: please change your nick02:17
olnuttransmission is currently tieing up 2 of my cpu's02:17
hiexpolsmod | grep wl" output02:17
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austinhow so olnut?02:17
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gianniunixok DasEi02:17
gianniunixusplash disabled?02:18
^peanut^olnut: how about killall transmission02:18
pure_hatezkriesse, what?02:18
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sam__any 1 know much about the nvidia and 3d effects?02:18
DasEigianniunix: I'm off for today, yes, disabled for now02:18
olnutno killall won't get it either02:18
pure_dislikehow do i make my desktop look cool?02:18
preston<hiexpo> it just has an arrow, now what02:18
^peanut^olnut: is there a /var/run lock file for transmission? if so, try fuser -kuc /path/to/lock/file02:19
olnuti loaded a bunch of conference torrents to it, about 10 gigabytes worth, 16 torrents in all02:19
trojan_spikepure_dislike, what u looking to do to it?02:19
^peanut^olnut: then try the kill02:19
hiexpoctrl x02:19
olnutno var run sir02:19
araiolnut: sigkill cannot be blocked, so it seems somethings going wrong above your program02:20
^peanut^olnut:  u mean the pid isn't there?02:20
sam__im having problems with y display setting any 1 able to help me?02:20
pure_dislikenah nvm02:20
olnuti have a pid02:20
pure_dislikeit looks decent as it is02:20
^peanut^olnut: anything in /var/lock?02:20
hiexpo^ctrl +x sorry02:20
trojan_spikeawn dock and applets are a nice feature02:21
keith1Does anyone know a good client for torrent downloading. I'm using Transmission now but either it's not configured right or it is just slow to download. Seems like the u/l - d/l rate is always so slow. Any ideas?02:21
olnutjust firestarter02:21
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trojan_spikekeith1, k-torrent is very good02:21
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=== purehate_ is now known as pure_hate
keith1I'll check it out thanks02:21
hiexpopreston_,  it may not really be a 4312 possibly 431502:21
prestonthats what it says02:22
hiexpohey pure_hate02:22
pure_hatehiexpo, hola02:23
^peanut^olnut: can you renice the 2 pids to -20?02:23
pure_hatesorry about all the nick changes, was having some issues02:23
hiexpopure_hate,  any experience with 431202:23
^peanut^olnut: worst case would be a quick reboot, that will stop it =)02:24
pure_hatehiexpo, sure02:24
sweetpior kill the process that launched it02:25
hiexpocan u help preston  please seems like a good enough guy    > i tried02:25
Drone4fourI'm troubleshooting some framebuffer problems on Ubuntu.  Full details at this post on the Ubuntu forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9624537#post962453702:25
preston<-- linux noob02:25
Drone4fourwhere would be a better place for me to ask this question?02:26
pure_hatepreston, what version of ubuntu do you have?02:26
araipreston: aren't we all?02:26
baldpatchesHow can I reformat a flash drive I partitioned in Suse in Ubuntu - Disk Utility & Gparted won't work?02:26
teageProblems with my alsa i believe. Logitech webcam built in mic no longer works. Can anyone assist me in solving this?02:26
prestonhaha just got it like a week ago02:26
^peanut^baldpatches: what's the device? sda? sdb?02:26
Dr_Willisbaldpatches:  they should work.. or try 'sudo fdisk /dev/WHATEVERTHEDEVICEIS'02:26
Dr_Willisbaldpatches:  depends on what format you want to make it also.02:27
pure_hatepreston, http://hydtech.wordpress.com/2009/09/25/how-to-make-the-broadcom-4312-wireless-driver-work-on-the-lenovo-s10/ <-- check that out. Thats the driver we use in Backtrack02:27
^peanut^baldpatches: mkfs /dev/yourdevice =)02:27
moke99hi.. i got two quitre similar 5 yr old boxes (sempron 3k+ vs. a celeron D 346 ) and i need to use one as a dedidcated hom server(web server too, samba) a la a bit 'the perfect server' thingy.... and the oother one i need to run as an ubuntu-studio/desktop.... I wanna get the most for the desktop, but wondering , does it matter if the stand alone server is ont he slightly less cpu? (also, I choose which of the two has 1.5 vs. 2 gb ram).. any inpurt02:27
moke99/driver issues would be appreicated02:27
hiexpopreston,  pure_hate  is gonna help you now he is smart guy02:27
moke99input* even02:27
baldpatchesIts sde02:28
prestonhaha. i know nothing. everyones smart compared to me. thanks for your help02:28
araimoke99: for 99% of applications, servers aren't CPU constrained, so yeah, you'll be fine02:28
^peanut^baldpatches: ok then try mkfs /dev/sde1 for partition 1 on sde02:28
moke99arau, not entirely true for web serving though eh?02:28
hiexpothanks   pure_hate02:28
^peanut^moke99: a home web server. his computers will do the trick just fine02:29
moke99but ok, thanks... so basically its ok, to do all the 'junk' on the server.. n try and get something out for the desktop ? (as my computers one by one this month burnt up, died, or got fomratted by windows cd's by MICROSHIT .. although I revbuilt the disks... some sector damage occurred and now my last laptop is going down too )02:29
araimoke99: Unless you're hosting web-applications, but still, your usage on the desktop is likely to be much higher CPU wise.02:29
^peanut^moke99:  if it were a 24/7 production system, then oh heck no02:29
kblessinggris there a possible reason why no matter what wep key (or even open) I use with my wireless adapter that it tries for minutes, and then asks for the wep key again? yet on all my other machines they connect without an issue.02:29
araimoke99: if you're doing some serious hosting, you won't be doing it at home with a spare "server" anyways02:30
moke99^peanut^,  cheers peanut.. okidokie (and yes.. its NOT a production website as such... however, will have some activity to the outside world of course.. but am planning on moving over to a real production one in a few months when i can afford a new system aagin)02:30
prestonsooo.... pure_dislike, what now?02:30
^peanut^moke99:  sounds good man. have fun and good luck getting it all setup.02:31
laughterhey ubuntu, i might have the oppurtunity to teach a seminar class to high school age students.  I am a science teacher.  I would love to do a seminar about the open source community and the ubuntu experience.  do any of you know of any good resources to develop a curriculum?02:31
pure_hatepreston, Making fun of my nick is probably not the best way to get help02:31
moke99arai.. no i know... I just was ordereing a 5 static ip 120 mb/20 up linetoday .. but turned out i cant do it here sigh.. so anyway.. no its just a webserver for ye lets say 10 hits a day only02:31
prestoni wasnt...02:31
moke99no biggie02:31
pure_hatepreston, you read that link I gave you02:31
moke99cheers ^peanut^ and arai :)02:31
moke99erm i never used sambva in my life.. last lil squeezed in Q... much difficulty in getting the protocols communicating?02:32
seidosis it possible to use locate to search for only binary files?02:32
monkey_dusthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/467773/ => hi all - sudo apt-get upgrade says 'Found OS... on /dev/...' - is there a command with which  I can find this myself, without having to mount them one by one02:32
moke99(got an ex microcrap techinician in the house now, so gotta still have some windows stuff)02:32
baldpatches/dev/sde1 is mounted; will not make a filesystem here!02:32
^peanut^seidos: man locate?02:32
seidos^peanut^, tried man locate already :/02:32
^peanut^baldpatches: umount /dev/sde1; mkfs /dev/sde102:33
^peanut^baldpatches: sudo umount /dev/sde1; mkfs /dev/sde102:33
hiexpopreston,  - i gave you the best of the best and you insulted his nick thats not a good way to get help   > i asked him personally to help you02:33
moke99seidos: if i iunderstand y9ou correctly, and you want locate ot only look for thew X bit, writ ea small wrapper in bash , piping locate through erm the umask ccmd or so?02:33
prestoni seriously, didnt mean to. im sorr02:33
Alien_OverlordI have a Intel GM45 enbeded graphics and I cannot get all the availbe resolutions in the the System>Preferences>monitor and the graphics are not smooth. (when I scroll in a web broswer or move winodws it jump compared to any other ubuntu machine)02:34
araimoke99: if you're doing something normal in ubuntu, it should be pretty painless, if you're setting up something special ... that's a different story02:34
monkey_dusthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/467773/ => hi all - sudo apt-get upgrade says 'Found OS... on /dev/...' - is there a command with which  I can find this myself, without having to mount them one by one02:34
moke99well come on pure_hate.. if your nick is self-fgulfilling, it SHOULD* get picked on ;)02:34
baldpatchesCheers Peanut02:35
seidosmoke99, so locate doesn't have a parameter to search for binary files?  I know pretty much nothing about bash.  I don't think writing a script in bash is in the cards for me.  But I'll think about it some more, maybe try to work on it when I get a clue.  Thank you.02:35
moke99hmm arai... ok thanks.. no, it shlouldn't really be too divergent from any standard layout...02:36
moke99seidos, its just one line probably give me a sec02:36
pure_hatemoke99, I have had this nick for like 10 years, I dont love it but after a while you are known by your work/nick and you cant change it. Once you have been on the net a while you will realize that02:36
prestonok, downloaded. now what?02:36
araiif you're doing simple p2p sharing via samba, the ubuntu defaults should work fine, if you're setting up PDC/SDCs and other weirdness, IMO, you shouldn't be using Ubuntu for it02:36
moke99yes... Im perfectly aware of habit.. henmce I never calle dmyself bucket-full-of-shit-and-pjuke say on day 1 :)02:37
hiexpopure_hate,  - sorry buddy      I did not expect that disrespect02:37
* arai starts thinking up random instructions for the next request to hit the channel02:37
moke99arai... if not ubuntu, since you threw out a thought there.. what would u have in mind, gentoo/fedora/RH server or w00tles?02:37
moke99hmm, let me point out pure_hatye so its not misunderstood, my comments are merely hmm like just having a lil convo with ppl here.. I certianly am not* intending to imply any bad vibes ^^ seems like pooor preston didnt wish to either alhtough i missed his ininital comment , whicheer it was02:39
=== kblessinggr_ is now known as kblessinggr
preston i has no intention of disrespecting you02:40
Alien_OverlordAnyone get a 1920x1080 resolution on intel GM45?\02:40
moke99Alien_Overlord, GZUS.. is that on a desktop chipset then or a mobile?02:41
moke99and an external monitor?02:41
moke99LCD? with native res 1920?02:41
bartekHi there, via the new /etc/init directory, how can I guarantee these will be started on startup? I added a new one and it just won't start when the system boots, must be done manually.02:41
Alien_OverlordMoke: yes02:41
araimoke99: I'm personally a fan of Gentoo, but CentOS should do nicely as well.  Really anything that has less defaults turned on, and is more friendly to tuning02:41
Alien_Overlordnative 1080p on windows02:41
moke99the GM45 is pretty problematic chipset (mobile), and I could reocmmend to rather accept some down perfomance on running a less res than the lcd's native... the gm45m really realyl sucks balls mate02:42
moke99and thank you arai... I was looking up centOs the other day and been reading a loty.. cos I used to be on mandrake!! lol when i starte don linux like 1`0 yrs ago, then was off linux for abt 5 yrs now.. and found ubuntu to be nice for some programs I wanted...02:43
moke99but ye.. gentoo , centOS, look nice and im still ashamed i never gave freebsd a chance over thes emany yrs .. not even tried it sigh02:43
hiexporemember that ole saying goes do not bite the hand that feeds you02:43
Alien_OverlordReally? There isnt anything I can do then?02:43
traskmindI have dual-monitors set up on my laptop (my laptop's LCD and my TV) and I have it set up so they both show the same screen, but I want to be able to sometimes put my laptop display to sleep while I use the TV display. Is there a way I can do this?02:43
guidefreitasCan i install Ubuntu Cloud in a machine without a hardware virtualization processor?02:43
araiUbuntu is sweet for a drop-in windows replacement, but my history with Gentoo, or even mainstream Debian makes me prefer that to Ubuntu for anything else02:43
moke99anyway thx arai.. andya.. i have mixed impressions of ubuntu being a decent serv distro... toodles! :)02:44
HallajHi guys, I've posted a thread on the forum but not getting any response, would anyone know why is this happening http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153643602:46
Hasanibrahimhello violinappren02:48
Hasanibrahimi reinstalled windows and now i am using live cd. now how will i configure grub02:49
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.02:49
shivI have 2 partitions on the HDD on the 1st one I have / installed and on the 2nd is /home. Is it possible to reinstall ubuntu on / and leave the /home untouched?02:49
Hasanibrahimfirefox is not working02:49
Stamenistamenko@stamenko-laptop:~/Python Projects$ ls -l /usr/local/bin02:49
Stamenitotal 802:49
Stameni-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2296 2010-07-21 02:06 backup02:49
Stameni-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1242 2010-07-22 18:04 interpolacija02:49
FloodBot4Stameni: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:49
Stamenidoes this mean that i`m logged as a root whole time ?02:50
Voolooshiv: yes02:50
Hallajstamenko@stamenko-laptop <-- username@machine02:50
shivVooloo, how do i do that ? just custom partitioning?02:50
Hasanibrahimanyone to help about configuring my grub02:51
Voolooshiv: just dont format /home when you re-install02:51
hjstWhy does the message list in Evolution use a monospace font, and how do I change it? I can't find anything in the Evolution prefs, and googling suggests it's a gnome font config issue, but I can't find where to change the fonts.02:51
shivVooloo, ahaa02:51
shivVooloo, thanks let me try02:51
shivVooloo, will let you know in few minutes how it went :)02:51
hjstmonospace seems such an odd default choice02:52
moke99my god arai, i cam eback to say.. how could I forget.. the first server I ever used.. DEBIAN!!! im gonna give debian a try and ill also dl centOS ..(always worth trying out a new distro/flavour)02:52
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:52
moke99\gentoo i think is not relevant if im going only 1-2 servers02:53
Hasanibrahimanyone to help me expect bot for conf'gur'ng my grub. i m using liveCD now02:53
Hasanibrahimand firefox is not working02:54
araimoke99: cool02:54
Mspiggyi need help02:54
Mspiggyi need help02:55
Flare183!ask | Mspiggy02:55
ubottuMspiggy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:55
araiHasanibrahim: grub1 then?02:55
Hasanibrahimarai: no 202:55
Mspiggyhow do i connect ubuntu to the internet02:55
araiHasanibrahim: good, whats up?02:55
shblangcan anyone add a custom keyboard shortcut like ctrl-alt-h to a gedit plugin?02:55
Flare183!internet | Mspiggy02:56
moke99lenny (and then ill look at centOS and even a bit at smeserver for future production server)02:56
Flare183!wireless | Mspiggy02:56
ubottuMspiggy: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:56
new2ubuntu77Hello, How do I get to the Compiz Config Settings Manager on a fresh 10.03 install? It doesn't exist in system>preferences. When I go to the synaptic package manager to install Compiz, it says it's already installed. How do I find it?02:56
ssbplsi'm new here02:56
bastid_raZornew2ubuntu77: compizconfig-settings-manager02:56
Flare183new2ubuntu77: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager02:56
Flare183!hi | ssbpls02:56
ubottussbpls: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:56
ssbplshow can i get used to linux fastly?02:57
Hasanibrahimarai: i installed ubuntu on windows. but after that windows was out of order so i just reinstalled windows. at that time igrub dissappeared and now; i am using live cd02:57
Flare183!newuser | ssbpls02:57
coz_ssbpls,   well... the best way to get used to it is simply use it02:57
Raydiationssbpls: uninstall everything else and just focus on your ubuntu install^^02:57
coz_ssbpls,  but  what exactly do you need to get used to linux?02:57
talcitehi guys. How do you choose a new default kernel in 10.04?02:57
talcitemenu.lst is gone02:57
ZykoticK9!grub2 > talcite02:58
ubottutalcite, please see my private message02:58
Mspiggyi just downloaded the new netbook ubuntu os and i dont have the networking thing and i need help find it02:58
ssbplsdevelop sofeware on linux02:58
araiHasanibrahim: Sounds like you're going to want to reinstall Grub2 to boot Ubuntu or chainboot windows, correct?02:58
Raydiationssbpls: which language?02:58
new2ubuntu77@Flare183 Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)02:58
ssbplsand you?02:58
Hasanibrahimyes arai02:58
Raydiationssbpls: mostly python, some java02:58
Flare183new2ubuntu77: you've got synaptic open02:58
Mspiggyi just downloaded the new netbook ubuntu os and i dont have the networking thing and i need help find it and connecting to a wireless connection02:59
araiHasanibrahim: assuming you're using 10.0402:59
Hasanibrahimalso firefox is not working so i cant use google for this prob02:59
Mspiggyi just downloaded the new netbook ubuntu os and i dont have the networking thing and i need help find it and connecting to a wireless connection02:59
ssbplswhich language have you learn?02:59
new2ubuntu77@Flare183  Thank You!03:00
wiesshundStupid question but is the surround sound desktop something new in 10.X or did i just never notice it?03:00
JoshStroblWhat is the Ubuntu Developers IRC channel?03:00
Raydiationssbpls: php, python, javascript, some ruby and java03:00
Mspiggyi just downloaded the new netbook ubuntu os and i dont have the networking thing and i need help find it and connecting to a wireless connection03:00
Raydiationssbpls: its really easy to get used to program in linux, actually its way better than on win since all youre libs are already there03:00
ssbplswhere are you from?03:00
Mspiggyi just downloaded the new netbook ubuntu os and i dont have the networking thing and i need help find it and connecting to a wireless connection03:00
ZykoticK9!repeat | Mspiggy03:00
ubottuMspiggy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.03:00
araiHasanibrahim: Do you have an intact grub.cfg file?03:00
Raydiationssbpls: austria03:00
araithat would be in /boot/grub/grub.cfg03:01
ssbplsRaydiation,where are you from?03:01
wiesshundMspiggy, defien networking thing?03:01
* wiesshund means Define03:01
Mspiggyit says go to system03:01
JoshStroblWhat is the Ubuntu Developers IRC channel?03:01
Mspiggyadministative networking03:01
ssbplsi am from China03:01
Mspiggyand i cant find it03:01
Hasanibrahimarai: i don t know03:02
Flare183JoshStrobl: #ubuntu-devel I think03:02
JoshStroblThanks Flare!03:02
ZykoticK9Mspiggy, for networking - try using the icon in the near top right corner03:02
Flare183JoshStrobl: np03:02
Mspiggyi did03:02
Raydiationssbpls: hehe, any specific questions you wanna ask? this is mostly a support chan03:02
wiesshundMspiggy,  you do not have system >administration < network tools ?03:02
araiHasanibrahim: ook, lets assume you do (shouldn't have broken from before)03:02
Mspiggyi do03:02
ssbplsi know03:03
Mspiggybut it wont let me search for the network im wanting to connect to03:03
ZykoticK9wiesshund, Mspiggy is using UNE remember03:03
Hasanibrahimarai: is there anyway to do it when i am in windows. this live cd is working realy too slow03:03
keith1Got a problem. I think I screwed something up when I tried to install KTorrent. Now whenever I try to download something from Software Installer, it says the package system is broken..any help?03:03
wiesshundZykoticK9, sorry i havent played with the netbook distro much, no one will let me install it :(03:04
Hasanibrahimmy keyboard is not working properly and everything is like 35s film squares03:04
araiHasanibrahim: You really want to install grub from linux.  I don't actually know the steps for doing it in windows.03:04
ZykoticK9keith1, try running this apt-fix command in a terminal "sudo apt-get -f install"03:04
keith1all right..brb03:04
prariedoguxanyone having a hard time getting samba to mount shared directories on a network?03:05
araiHasanibrahim: (assuming your boot device is /dev/sda) from the terminal, run: grub-install --no-floppy /dev/sda03:05
Jordan_Uarai: Hasanibrahim: That command won't work from a LiveCD.03:05
Mspiggydoes it matter if i installed it via usb03:05
arai.. well fail for the livecd03:06
Hasanibrahimhello Jordan_U03:06
Jordan_UHasanibrahim: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide03:06
nemesis1911sup guys03:06
HasanibrahimJordan_U: firefox is not working03:06
araiJordan_U: want to take over, I might be too mainstream for this.. he can't use firefox03:06
hylianis there a way to connect my ethernet network printer and connect it wirelessly to a modem and a wireless n router network? (no wires between the printer and hopefully a 80.211 device)03:07
keith1awesome ZykoticK9..I love Linux help03:07
Jordan_UHasanibrahim: Ok, I can walk you through it. Do you know how to mount your Ubuntu partition? How comfortable are you with the terminal?03:07
ZykoticK9keith1, :)03:07
keith1Why can't other software help be so easy?03:07
araikeith1: Because they don't have penguins for middle managers03:07
[Raiden]may be grub-install --root-directory=/media/mountedrootdir --no-floppy /dev/sda03:07
araiSeriously, you don't want to talk to tier-2 tech support03:08
prariedoguxwhats the grub question?03:08
HasanibrahimJordan_U: in fact my situation at this moment is very bad because live cd is working very very slow and i am getting difficulty following your replies03:08
prariedoguxi just had to reinstall grub2 after installing opensuse on my ubuntu machine. thats pretty easy from live cd03:08
krainboltgreeneIs there a way to completely reset an Ubuntu server install?03:08
araiprariedogux: Hasanibrahim is trying to reinstall grub2 at the MBR when windows blew it away, also setting up a chainloader for windows03:08
nemesis1911I'm running ubuntu in vmware and got everything working but now i'm trying to install a USB Wifi 802.11n its by MSI Ralink chipset.. I got the software of their site but I just chant get it to work .. I don't know what I'm doing wrong .03:08
prariedoguxok, ill post the instructions, dont boot me for flooding!03:09
CodySmithi got a question03:09
araikrainboltgreene: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/<device you want to wipe clean>03:09
prariedoguxrecover grub203:09
prariedoguxpop in live cd or usb karmic or later03:09
prariedogux1 mount ubuntu partitiion by clicking it in places list03:09
prariedogux2 verify grub version ie grub2 or legacy by going to filesystem/boot/grub03:09
prariedogux  look for menu.lst legacy, or grub.cfg for grub203:09
FloodBot4prariedogux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:09
prariedogux3 verify partition correct03:09
araidon't do it unless you want to loose everything though03:09
hylianlet me make more sense.03:09
Prez00whenever I go to a page that has java applet, the java process consumes a big chunk of processor, even after leaving page, I have to kill java process.  this is on 10.04, any ideas?03:09
CodySmithwhy is ubuntu 10.04 so slow on my pc03:09
CodySmithits a brand new pc03:09
krainboltgreenearai: I basically want to start from a scratch Ubuntu.03:09
hyliancan i connect my ethernet network printer to a wireless n router, without wires?03:09
araikrainboltgreene: just put another liveCD in and start the install process over03:09
krainboltgreenearai: I said Server. There is no CD drive ;)03:10
araiUSB port?03:10
keith1Ok I got one more thing..dunno if I should chat it here so forgive me if it is for another forum. Any thought on the Chinese version Apad running Android 2.2. I ask only because I've messed with it on Linux..anyone think it is worth anything?03:10
JoshStroblhylian, you will need to connect your network printer to your motem or wireless router via USB or network cable.03:10
krainboltgreeneIt's on a server :P03:10
Jordan_UHasanibrahim: Why don't you boot into windows, get the directions there, then come back to the LiveCD?03:10
araikrainboltgreene: And does your server have USB ports?03:10
prariedoguxsorry, i just got flood warned03:10
krainboltgreenearai: Probably, but it's a VPS. It's not like I can walk up to it.03:11
Jordan_Ukrainboltgreene: However you installed initially, do it again.03:11
krainboltgreeneJordan_U: Currently not possible.03:11
HasanibrahimJordan_U: i was thinking about this really i thought maybe there is a one line command to do it so i tried to come here directly03:11
nemesis1911if anyone can help me out.. on how to in MSI USB WiFi 802.11n with the software found on the ralinktech site.. that would be kewl03:11
wiesshundhylian,  what hardware do you have to try to do this with?03:11
nemesis1911pm me03:11
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection03:11
araikrainboltgreene: If your VPS is managed, you should have an option to destroy it and create a new one with a freshly installed OS03:11
krainboltgreenearai: Normally I would. At this time I don't.03:12
Jordan_UHasanibrahim: If you are already comfortable with the terminal, and you're using an Ubuntu 10.04 LiveCD then it's just "sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt" then "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdX"03:12
prariedoguxhasa i just sent you your fix03:13
bobertdosI swear I'm doing everything in my power to do this right, but my Ubuntu box will not acknowledge any keys in my authorized_keys2 file. The permissions of my .ssh directory and everything in it is 600. My public keys are single lines beginning with ssh-rsa. I've tried authorized_keys and authorized_keys2. I've restarted the daemon every time I've changed my config file. public key authentication is on, password auth is off, pam is off, 03:13
Sunzaruanyone got a minute or 3 to help me setup totem to play dvds?  i did the script ( sudo /user/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh ) but still get an error about "Can't play this type of media"  http://imagebin.org/10641403:13
droundloopysurfing anonymously anyone need updated howto03:13
krainboltgreeneSo I'm guessing there is no "sudo apt-get revert" or something? That seems weird.03:14
bobertdosMy client is a Windows machine and I've tried using Putty and Bitvise Tunneller03:14
prariedoguxanyone handy with samba ?03:14
droundloopykrainboltgreene any ideas?03:14
bobertdos!medibuntu | Sunzaru03:14
ubottuSunzaru: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:14
bobertdosSunzaru: Specifically, you want libdvdcss203:15
Jordan_U!install | krainboltgreene03:15
ubottukrainboltgreene: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate03:15
bastid_raZorbobertdos: RSAAuthentication and PubkeyAuthentication   are both yes?03:15
hiexpoSunzaru,  add mediaubuntu repos03:15
droundloopybobertdos any ideas?03:15
bobertdosbastid_raZor: Indeed they are sir03:16
wiesshundsudo apt-get remove03:16
Jordan_Ukrainboltgreene: There are also some other tricks for re-installing in this situation if nothing there looks workable.03:16
__name__good morning03:16
Sunzaruahh kk, i'll give that a shot, thnx guys/girls03:16
bastid_raZorbobertdos: can you pastebin your /etc/ssh/sshd_config ?03:16
__name__are any problems with eSATA known that make ubuntu refuse to boot (it boots up to a blackscreen when the eSATA device is attached and continues to gdm as soon as that is disconnected)?03:17
bobertdosbastid_raZor: Yes, one moment03:17
bobertdosbastid_raZor:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/467784/03:18
=== geoff_ is now known as Mspiggy
Mspiggyi need help hooking up my wireless internet03:19
p-dawgHey, if I have a group id like 1000, is there a command to get the group name from that id?03:21
bobertdosbastid_raZor: I'm sure it's something exceedingly silly -- it usually turns out that way, but I for the life of me cannot figure it out03:21
prariedoguxhi mspiggy03:22
ibnarrashidp-dawg: I think you can use the "id -gn" command03:22
prariedoguxwhere are you stuck?03:23
p-dawgibnarrashidi: but that command takes usernames as input, no?03:23
Mspiggyim getting help now03:23
p-dawgI mean ibnarrashid, sorry :D.03:23
bastid_raZorbobertdos: i have keys setup for my network too, the only difference is you have AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys2 uncommented, mine is commented and UsePAM no, mine is Yes. i followed the guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys to setting all 4 of my boxes up.03:23
ibnarrashidp-dawg: The "-g" takes your group03:23
p-dawgibnarrashid: id -gn 1000 yields: id: 1000: No such user03:24
ibnarrashidp-dawg: You are trying to find your group name aren't you? then just "id -gn" nothing after it03:25
p-dawgibnarrashid: no, I know my group name. I'm doing a script to pick a random group and then do something to it.03:25
araip-dawg: that sounds safe03:26
p-dawgarai: haha, it's not like I'm going to do anything more than printing them or logging them, etc.03:26
Mspiggydoes ubuntu usually have some discoloration03:27
bobertdosbastid_raZor: Yeah, that's where I started. My main problem is that I don't have the luxury of using the ssh-copy-id script because I'm on a Windows client.03:27
dominicdinadais trying to figure out why the most recent update killed all my samba shares .......03:28
p-dawgthis is what I have so far: "id -G | sed 's/1000\|100\|0//g;s/ /\n/g;s/^\n\|\n$//g' | shuf -n 1". So from that I get a random group id, now all I need is to get that group's name :D.03:28
RxDxplease, im using Ubuntu 10.04 and changed the layout of my xchat (channel tab to the top of user list) .. how can i restore to the default setting?03:29
dominicdinada has anybody had any problems with samba shares since the most recent update today ?03:29
prariedoguxdomini, yeah!03:30
prariedoguxive been asking about samba too03:30
prariedoguxlast week everything was great03:30
prariedoguxthis week, i can't mount any shared directories03:30
dominicdinadai think i found my issue03:30
d9500i'm using xorg-edgers ppa, and, after the most recent update, X is frozen (mostly..I can still move the mouse, but clicking an icon does not open the program, nor can I clock gnome-panel items.) Removing the ppa and downgrading all packages fixes the issue, as does running in low-graphics mode.03:31
dominicdinadabut do i need it mapped to the idmap Gid ?03:31
d9500how would I go about finding which component, xorg/libdrm/mesa/etc. iscausing the freezeup?03:31
deexannihilateI have an ALS4000 sound card. I was on here a few days ago trying to get it to work, but we weren't able to figure it out. I can not get sound to come out of the speakers. If you turn up the controls in alsamixer, you can hear the static sound get louder, but no actual sound comes out. Is there anyone that can help me try to fix this situation please?03:31
Shugnki need some help03:32
xangua!help | Shugnk03:33
ubottuShugnk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:33
dominicdinada!ask | shugnk03:33
ubottushugnk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:33
PureSinehello I want to share files of my ubuntu over a vrtual box with windows 7,  when I go to System-> Prefrences->Personal File Sharing Prefrences    it says "This feature can't be enabled because the required package are not installed on your system"  . what  packages should I install ?03:33
bobertdos!samba | PureSine03:34
ubottuPureSine: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:34
Shugnkhey well im wondering what channel is most populated so i can talk to people03:34
twoflowerswill ubuntu netbook remix work with a regular laptop? possibly even better?03:34
tensorpuddingthere's nothing inherently special about netbooks that it wouldn't work with them03:35
tensorpuddingassuming that your laptop supports the same architecture as the version of netbook remix03:35
bobertdosbastid_raZor:  I'm about ready to finally dual boot my laptop so I can go Ubuntu to Ubuntu I suppose.03:36
prariedoguxget them in synaptic03:36
PureSinethanks :)03:36
bastid_raZorbobertdos: i have no experience with using ssh and windows other than PuTTY. all my boxes are Ubuntu and i ssh without passwords or passphrases with no issue by following the guides. best of luck when in Ubuntu03:38
xanguatensorpudding: the netbook remix ui is customized for a netbook, you can jus use it in a normal one if you like03:38
xangua!ot | Shugnk03:38
ubottuShugnk: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:38
twoflowerstensorpudding, thanks03:39
bobertdosbastid_raZor: It's cool, I understand. One of the many things I've learned over the past couple days is that using SSH with Windows is not as popular as one might think.03:39
ubusercan someone help me with something?03:40
prariedoguxsuch as?03:41
ubuseri have a pc with ubuntu 5.10 and it comes with totem player but it wont play an avi file...03:41
ubuserits not connected to the internet either, so what should i use03:41
ubuseryea... it doesnt have net03:41
prariedoguxyou need the codecs03:41
bobertdosubuser: Is there any particular reason you're on such an old version?03:41
ubuserim running 9.10 on this pc03:41
prariedoguxfor that youll need to get online03:41
ubuseri cant carry it on a cd03:42
ubuseror get an avi player?03:42
ubuserdivx wont work?03:42
ubuserive tried a lot03:42
ubuserfor instance burning the avi file...03:42
gafirhello, in ubuntu. the equivalent of modifying httpd.conf is to modify /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default?03:42
ubuserbut its like 700 megs03:42
prariedoguxif you update, ie reinstall to a more up to date version, you can usually double click the file, and it will auto search the plugin for you. if not, you can also download codec packs from medibuntu03:43
ubusertried gettin a game maker on it and it doesnt unzip rars.. lol03:43
bastid_raZorubuser: you would have to convert the avi file before burning it to disk for it to be playable in a DVD player.03:43
gigglesHi everybody03:43
bobertdos!aptoncd | This is one way you can do it, ubuser03:43
ubottuThis is one way you can do it, ubuser: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline03:43
ubuserive downloaded all updates03:43
prariedoguxxbmc comes loaded with codecs03:44
fourcolorshi how can I change the permission of a directory and all it's files/ directories under it to 755 ?03:44
bobertdosubuser: You can use AptOnCd to carry ubuntu-restricted-extras with you to your other system.03:44
fourcolorsjust chmod 755 ... thats it?03:44
bastid_raZorfourcolors: chmod -r 755 directory03:44
fourcolorsbastid_raZor: ok thanks03:45
bobertdosubuser: However, since you're using such an old version, the package may have incompatible dependencies.03:45
bastid_raZorfourcolors: it's -R not -r03:45
ubuser140 megs03:45
prariedoguxchmod a+rwx03:45
ubuseri can burn src files it should work03:45
fourcolorsok thanks03:46
prariedoguxand path03:46
bobertdosubuser: Hey, if you don't mind compiling, more power to you, man!03:46
ubuser365 megs now damn03:47
ubuserbetter work -.-03:47
bobertdoshehehe, you're funny03:48
ubuserBreezy Badger :D03:48
DarrylVisit Aftermathzone.com or our irc go to irc.aftermathzone.com #AMZ03:48
DarrylVisit Aftermathzone.com or our irc go to irc.aftermathzone.com #AMZ03:48
DarrylVisit Aftermathzone.com or our irc go to irc.aftermathzone.com #AMZ03:48
FloodBot4Darryl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:48
gigglesI'm setting up Karmic on my friends computer and I'm having issues trying to figure out how you set up Evolution Mail to work with a Yahoo address. I'm the GMail kinda guy...03:50
deexannihilateCan anyone help me situate my ALS4000 sound card. It has not worked since my installation of Ubuntu 10.04. I've followed a few tutorials with no luck. The drivers are loaded and it shows up in ALSAMIXER. Help! :(03:51
JoshStroblgiggles: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30588603:51
JoshStroblgiggles: 3rd post down should help03:52
xanguagiggles: you have to pay yahoo to be able to use pop i belive03:52
gigglesXangua: Hey, what's up? Long time no see.03:52
ubuserokay i dont think its gonna work need extra files... is there a way to download an avi codec or a player to put on ubuntu 5.1 pc without internet03:53
bobertdosubuser: A viable all-in-one alternative (assuming they had it back in the Breezy days) would be VLC03:54
xanguaubuser: 5.10 is not supported03:55
xanguaget a more recent version S:03:55
ubuseri just wanna watch a movie03:56
ubuserAfricans have this thing called UBUNTU. It is about the essence of being human, it is part of the gift that Africa will give the world. It embraces hospitality, caring about others, being able to go the extra mile for the sake of others. We believe that a person is a person through another person, that my humanity is caught up, bound up, inextricably, with yours. When I dehumanise you, I inexorably dehumanise myself.03:56
FloodBot4ubuser: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:56
ubuserUbuntu Breezy Badger 5.10  You really should upgrade ! We don't provide up-to-date binaries for this release.03:57
=== HPtwhite_ is now known as HPtwhite
ubuseranyone know of an avi player that will work with ubuntu 5.10, or a way to "get" avi codec (on there) to work with totem??03:58
aretrfre34ubuser: what are moaning about, by the time you are hanging here, you could checkout mplayer, and build it already03:58
randy_ubuser: ubuntu 5.10? really? why haven't you upgraded?03:58
ubuseri got free cds in the mail03:59
ubuserand i dont have internet at my house03:59
ubusermplayer doesnt support avi??03:59
wiesshundMplayer does04:00
ubuseror is avi just a divx file, and it is can i download divx?04:00
ubuseri dont have wine tho..04:00
ubuserno internet04:00
[thor]mplayer != mediaplayer04:00
birdis there anyway to get ubuntu on a ibook g4 to play youtube videos smoothly04:00
ubuserall mine came with was totem player04:00
randy_ubuser: its hard for me to suggest something because its been, literally, 5 years since i used 5.1004:01
E_MANthis afternoon the wireless iinternet on my laptop just stopped working. I am also missing some meu items, these problems might be related04:01
ubuserthats the cds i got, its only 750 processor and 128 ram 20 gigs... would it run 9.10 alright?04:01
ubuserthen i would to do a repeat probably end up here, where teh avi player04:02
randy_bird: you could try using youtube in html5 instead of flash04:02
nullwireI'm having trouble finding anything about mounting a Buffalo Linkstation NAS in Ubuntu. Can someone help me figure it out?04:02
Ricardo__dae pessoaal04:02
birdok cool ill try that randy04:02
randy_bird: http://www.youtube.com/html504:02
shawnpsHi, does anyone know how I can install only the evince software from lucid-proposed and nothing else?04:02
new2ubuntu77Hello, I'm trying to drag n drop some files into a hidden folder. I found that ctrl=H will toggle it viewable but when I drag the files in, I get permission denied. How do I get permission?04:02
shawnpsI'm experiencing this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evince/+bug/59916904:03
randy_bird: usually, flash *kills* the browser and the computer ... :(04:03
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=== ben is now known as RobertELee
yonahwnew2ubuntu77: I believe you need to launch nautulis as sudo04:03
new2ubuntu77what's nautulis? lol04:04
=== RobertELee is now known as daviddavidson
xangua!gksu | yonahw new2ubuntu7704:04
ubottuyonahw new2ubuntu77: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use Ā« gksudo Ā», as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)04:04
Mr_Sonomanew2ubuntu77, what directory are you trying to drag files into?04:05
new2ubuntu77So I type gksudo into one of those terminal thingies?04:05
new2ubuntu77Oh. I'm trying to do a aero snap tut04:06
skoomaIf I may ask a quick question, is there a risk I might lose my files if I resize a non-system ntfs partition with gparted?04:06
new2ubuntu77I make a folder called .scritps04:06
new2ubuntu77I make the scripts on my desktop, now I'm just tryingto drag them in04:06
dewwskooma: there's always a risk04:06
Jordan_Uskooma: There is always a risk with resizing, and even if you aren't resizing you should have any important files backed up.04:07
skoomabut is it enough to warrant not doing it?04:07
Mr_Sonomanew2ubuntu77, and where is the directory .scripts? in your home folder?04:07
octavio-rdzskooma: always good to backup04:07
bastid_raZornew2ubuntu77: press control + H  to see hidden folders04:07
=== Fawkes is now known as DavidDavidson
new2ubuntu77the dir is at the top /04:07
nullwireCan anyone help me mount a Linkstation NAS? Not native to Ubuntu Linux, no clue where to start.04:07
skoomaI'm embiggening it into unallocated space04:07
Mr_Sonomaso its /.scripts?04:07
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new2ubuntu77but the actuall scrips I made are still on my desktop04:08
=== GNOME is now known as Lunix
new2ubuntu77but the folder is ./scripts04:08
Lunixall the good nicks are taken04:08
pinPointI plugged in a new sata drive. Not formatted or anything. How do I initiate it?04:08
yonahwnew2ubuntu77: I meant nautilus which is the file browser, but doing that actually froze my machine so I am probably off base here.04:09
new2ubuntu77At least I got the folder in the right place lol04:09
tpocraI am booting off of a live Lucix USB drive, and I want the files I edit in /etc/ (or anywher?) to save to the drive and be consistent next reboot04:09
tpocraHow can I do this?04:09
Mr_Sonomaok, we can work through that no problem. but since i assume your new from your nick can i ask why you chose the root directory as the directory to put your scripts directory in?04:09
new2ubuntu77Mr_Son bcuz the tut said so lol04:10
new2ubuntu77But ur right, I think I can put them anywhere04:10
nullwireAnyone help me mount a Buffalo Linkstation NAS?04:11
xanguanew2ubuntu77: not anywhere, what type of tutorial said you to do thatĀæ04:11
new2ubuntu77This it the tut I am reading... http://wwww.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9190800&postcount=4504:11
deexannihilateAnyone know how to get ALS4000 working in Ubuntu 10.04?04:11
Mr_Sonomanew2ubuntu77, are these files your expecting to be able to execute from shell? meaning you want to be able to be anywhere in the directory structure and run that command?04:11
new2ubuntu77Mr_Sonoma: uhhh lol I dunno what I'm doing lol04:12
nullwireHelp! smbmount  //Linkstation/Disk /NAS returns  "no address associated with hostname/No ip address specified and hostname not found"04:12
meesebyteWhy don't I have /boot/grub/menu.lst?04:13
skoomaThanks for the help guys :004:13
bastid_raZormeesebyte: grub2 does things differently04:13
tucemiuxmeesebyte, thats legacy stuff04:13
NotALameranyone get cups printing to work on win 7?04:13
bastid_raZorubottu: tell meesebyte about grub204:13
ubottumeesebyte, please see my private message04:13
tucemiuxnullwire, try using the IP instead of the hostname04:13
octavio-rdzdoes any one know a application like ubuntu one, dropbox but that I could use in a internal network ... I want to have something like that so I have a machine as a file server04:14
new2ubuntu77but compiz is going to expect them to be in .scripts when I'm finished04:14
nullwiretucemiux, how do I get its IP?04:14
tucemiuxoctavio-rdz, "ubuntu one" what are you trying to accomplish?04:14
tucemiuxnullwire, what are you trying to mount???04:15
nullwireBuffalo Linkstation NAS04:15
Mr_Sonomanew2ubuntu77, give me a sec to read what it is your trying to do. Please understand my concern is that your new, admit you don't really know what your doing, and your doing stuff in the root directory. Things can go VERY badly if you mess around in root and do the wrong thing...04:15
new2ubuntu77Ok, take ur time Sonoma04:15
new2ubuntu77tut I am reading... http://wwww.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9190800&postcount=4504:16
tucemiuxwhat does that have to do with ubuntu?04:16
octavio-rdzI have some computer desktop and some labtops so I want that the files are sync. with each other computer but I dont want to use dropbox nor ubuntu one.... I want to have in my own computer04:16
nullwireits an NAS im trying to mount, and I'm using ubuntu04:16
wiesshundAm i wrong in thinking that installing ubuntu netbook on an older laptop probably isnt the best distro for it?04:17
tucemiuxnullwire, i still dont get what the problem is with ubuntu though, you mean you have a file server and you want us to figure out how to make it work so that you can connect ubuntu to it?04:18
meesebyteI put DEFAULT=5 in /etc/default/grub but it still boots the first menu item first04:18
octavio-rdzwiesshund: how old? ... I would pick a debian for old hardware04:19
nullwireIt works on my windows machine. I can access it on the network without any configuration. I would like to access it on my linux machine to use as a hub between the two.04:19
froeknullwire: on your windows machine, go to terminal and 'ping' it04:19
Mr_Sonomanew2ubuntu77, ok.........here's the thing .scripts (directory) goes in your /home/new2ubuntu/ folder where it shows you "sh ~/.scripts/compizsnap-left.sh" under set command 0. the ~ is a relative path to YOUR /home04:19
froeknullwire: it will resolve to an ip you can use in smbmount04:19
wiesshundoctavio-rdz,  the person has a dell d600, and they installed netbook on it, and ofcourse it isnt exactly working right04:19
new2ubuntu77Mr Sonoma I should probable learn how to copy from the desktop and paste into the term with a terminal, I'm just used to a windows point and click envierment04:19
tucemiuxoctavio-rdz, i dont know how to do that with more than 2 computers but I synchronize my laptop with my desktop using unison, unison works with ssh so you can synchronize securely locally and remotely, the trick is to first install and configure an ssh server on your desktop04:19
nullwireOk, thank you04:20
new2ubuntu77oh, so I was to high up in the dir tree huh? that's good to know.04:20
Mr_Sonomanew2ubuntu77, so first thing you need to do is go back to the beginning of that tutorial and follow the directions EXACTLY. the cd command without anything following it takes you back to your /home04:20
trismmeesebyte: GRUB_DEFAULT, did you run: sudo update-grub; after you changed it?04:21
gigglesTrying to set up yahoo mail to work with Evolution and I just got the following error message: http://yfrog.com/bcscreenshotrip04:21
new2ubuntu77Ok, that's easy enough, be back in one sec, don't go anywhere? :D04:21
Mr_Sonomanew2ubuntu77, k04:21
meesebyteTrism tried that too04:21
hoopi previously had 9.10 installed and updated to 10.04  via the update command script.. i now wish to reformat and have downloaded the newest version but the cd/dvd's  i have created  of the destop-i386.iso wont work and freezes up.. any advice?04:21
meesebyteDidn't change automatic boot04:21
SwitzDoes yahoo wok with email clients? I though they dint support pop04:21
froeknullwire: np.04:22
tucemiuxgiggles, yahoo dont allow POP3 unless you ***pay** for it, you can use it with google though04:22
xangualike i said you need to pay for pop or imap service giggles04:22
yonahwyahoo allows POP3 in Canada and elsewhere for free but not in the US04:22
Mr_Sonomanew2ubuntu77, that tutorial gives you shell commands follow the first part where you create the directories exactly and do it in command line04:22
yonahwthat is it depends where you opened your yahoo account04:22
octavio-rdztucemiux: actually I read the other day that now they do, they accept POP304:23
SwitzYeah, that is what i thought. Self hosted email FTW04:23
new2ubuntu77I'm using the folder explorer and I'm in home but I can't make a new folder without perm's ugggg04:23
gigglesxangua: tucemiux: Ok, thanks.04:23
tricktrickolii have probleme with msn shadow can you help me!04:23
tucemiuxoctavio-rdz, if they accept POP3 you still have to pay for it, as far as I know04:23
gigglesDoes anyone know anything about getting myspace mail to work with Evolution?04:23
trismmeesebyte: pastebin /boot/grub/grub.cfg04:24
ari_stressgood morning, guys. any opinion on: apt-get dist-upgrade is still needed to upgrade kernel. i thought i read somewhere it's deprecated?04:24
meesebytetrism: Ok04:24
Mr_Sonomanew2ubuntu77, open a terminal and follow those directions exactly. after the first part you can go back to the GUI04:24
yonahwtucemiux: I know I have friends who just went to www.yahoo.ca and opened an account and get free pop3 from it.04:24
octavio-rdztucemiux: I am pretty sure that I read that it was free, they recently changed that04:24
tricktrickoliye tu kk1 qui parle francais?04:24
hoopanyone see my question?04:24
xanguagiggles: you can try this http://v3.izymail.com/register.aspx i use it to get imap with hotmail04:25
Mr_Sonomanew2ubuntu77, the first 2 blocks of instructions need to be done from command line04:25
tucemiuxgiggles, so im hearing through the grapevine that POP3 does work on yahoo, I guess you have to enable POP3 on yahoo first, if that is true, I mean04:25
new2ubuntu77Ok, I did follow the tut exectly the first time but the .scripts folder was not,   ohhhh shit tornado I'm out of here!!!!!!04:25
tucemiuxhoop, no -- you can post again all in ***one line***, if anyone has an answer they will surely reply04:26
yonahwoctavio-rdz: I just logged into my yahoo account that I use for spam and it says to upgrade in order to activate pop304:26
hoopi previously had 9.10 installed and updated to 10.04  via the update command script.. i now wish to reformat and have downloaded the newest version but the cd/dvd's  i have created  of the destop-i386.iso wont work and freezes up.. any advice?04:26
gigglestucemiux do what?04:26
tricktrickolii have a big probleme and im not very good in english i have try to install msnshadow but i have fucking nicee error:checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!04:26
IdleOne!language | tricktrickoli new2ubuntu7704:26
ubottutricktrickoli new2ubuntu77: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:26
tucemiuxgiggles, read yonahw 's comment , octavio-rdz: I just logged into my yahoo account that I use for spam and it says to upgrade in order to activate pop304:26
meesebytetrism: grub.cfg file http://paste.ubuntu.com/467799/04:28
octavio-rdzok, lets see if I can find that page where I read that ... I read a couple of days ago04:28
trismmeesebyte: set GRUB_DEFAULT=4; it starts counting from 0, you only have 5 entries04:29
hoopwhen the cd freezes up it looks like white noice of the television04:29
trismmeesebyte: or better yet, GRUB_DEFAULT="Windows XP Media Center Edition (on /dev/sda1)"04:29
dominicdinadaneed a hand with my samba shares after the most recent ubuntu update :O04:30
dominicdinadathey dont work anymore04:30
woodyjlwwhy dose ati have to be so bad with linux support and drivers?  I can only get a 1/4 of the frame rate as I did in windows and I hate windows04:30
wiesshundheh what you know, 10.4 actualy sees my compass 597, atleast as a wireless broadband, still doesnt seem to see it as a wifi adapter04:31
meesebyteI have a belkin wireless card that won't show up in ubuntu... It didn't come with any DLL's and I cant find any online. Will a Driver.2K somehow do me any good?04:32
dominicdinadaanyone else having broken samba shares since the update today ?04:32
meesebyte(I have it installed in my windows partition04:32
mib_mibhi guys, permissions question: if i have a folder /usr/local/bin/myfolder/myprogam.pid and a user 'myuser', what permissions does 'myuser' need in order to read/write a pid file in 'myfolder'? Does he need write access to EVERY FOLDER on the path, including /usr and /usr/local, etc?04:33
wiesshundmeesebyte,  you might need the windows driver and have to use ndiswrapper04:33
froekmib_mib: no04:33
meesebyteHow? I have ndiswrapper but I cant find the correct dll.04:33
wiesshundwin2k or xp driver should work for that04:33
froekmib_mib: he only needs --x to get into them04:34
meesebyteSo a .2K file will work wiesshund ?04:34
wiesshundmeesebyte,  does belkin offer any linux driver or source for it?04:34
wiesshundmeesebyte, win2k? should work yes04:35
hoopwhat is differance between desktop and alternate versions?04:35
mib_mibfroek: can you help then? I have created a group called 'mygroup', and added a user 'myuser' to it. I have recursively changed group permissions all the way down that stack (chmod -R 775 /usr/local/myfolder), and chgrp -R mygroup /usr/local/myfolder) but it still isn't working04:35
meesebyteHow do I make the address bar in ubuntu show the full path instead of buttons?04:35
woodyjlwI got to scrap ubuntu and go back to win 7 till i can afford a nvidia card since ati is junk04:36
Sunzaruis there a way in ubuntu 10.4 to move the logon box to a diffrent location on screen?04:36
wiesshundmeesebyte, address bar?04:36
meesebytenautilus navigation bar wiesshund04:37
MaRk-Imeesebyte: if you mean nautilus just click the pencil and paper icon04:37
gartralhttp://imagebin.org/106431 where do i put a name in that prompt?04:37
hoopi previously had 9.10 installed and updated to 10.04  via the update command script.. i now wish to reformat and have downloaded the newest version but the cd/dvd's  i have created  of the destop-i386.iso wont work and freezes up.. any advice?04:37
hoopwhen the cd freezes up it looks like white noice of the television04:37
meesebyteI didn't see that buttons04:37
wiesshundmeesebyte, not sure on that, not something i have installed04:37
meesebytewiesshund: You don't have nautilus installed??04:37
wiesshundmeesebyte, not that i know of, minimal navagation tools works fine for me04:38
meesebytewiesshund: It's the default filesystem browser04:38
meesebyteIf you click on Home in Places it opens Nautilus by default04:39
wiesshundmeesebyte,  oh that windowsy thing, nah its gone04:39
magicianlordis maverick going to look even more like osx?04:39
meesebyteI love it for FTP and SFTP04:39
hoopno ones touching my question lol04:40
noisewaterphdhoop: what was your question04:42
hoopi previously had 9.10 installed and updated to 10.04  via the update command script.. i now wish to reformat and have downloaded the newest version but the cd/dvd's  i have created  of the destop-i386.iso wont work and freezes up.. any advice?04:42
hoopwhen the cd freezes up it looks like white noice of the television04:42
sebsebseb!md5sum | hoop04:42
ubottuhoop: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:42
gartralhey all, i'm trying to access a dav, not securedav server, and ubuntu wants a "name".. http://imagebin.org/106431 where do i put a name in that prompt?04:42
MJB_Hey guys04:42
noisewaterphdmake a new dvd04:42
sebsebseb!hashes | hoop04:42
ubottuhoop: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.04:42
MJB_Can I ask a question? I need drivers for ubuntu04:42
gigglesok, now we're trying to figure out how to get a printer to work with Karmic.04:43
sebsebsebMJB_: Yeah you just ask a question here, and drivers for what?04:43
gigglesWe tried just hooking up the printer and the computer detected it but we can't find the right drivers.04:43
noisewaterphdMJB_: don't ask to ask, just ask about your drivers or no one is going to help04:43
magicianlordgiggles: do you like karmic?04:44
=== shade_ is now known as SHADE\
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hoophow do i use checksums?04:44
MJB_ubuntu 10.04 display nvidia04:44
froekhoop: md5sum04:44
sebsebsebhoop: Your on Windows right now I assume?04:44
sebsebsebhoop: there are programs you can install into Windows, to check the ISO, before burning contents to CD04:44
hoopi have the iso download on linux and windows vista04:44
gigglesmagicianlord: Yeah, she says she likes it. I, personally, have been using Karmic for quite some time so of course I like it.04:45
noisewaterphdubuntu is pretty good with nvidia, should have asked you if you wanted to install the proprietary drivers already04:45
git__anyone know how to dump all the three letters word in a dictionary?04:45
git__first, where do i find a list of words04:45
canthus13google dictionary files.04:45
canthus13There are tons available out there.04:45
git__looking right now ...04:46
noisewaterphdgiggles: just google for ubuntu and your printer04:46
noisewaterphdit's got to turn up something04:46
tricktrickolii need help for install one software i have try to installl in the terminal with this commande ./configure and in the end i have this line:checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!04:47
ZykoticK9!google | noisewaterphd04:47
ubottunoisewaterphd: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.04:47
froekgit__: you might be able to use /usr/share/myspell/dicts04:47
sebsebsebhoop: you don't need to pm, just use the one the guide says04:47
gigglesnoisewaterphd: Yeah, I just thought of that...04:47
sebsebsebhoop: the link ubottu gave04:47
xangua tricktrickoliwhat are you trying to install that is not in repositoriesĀæ04:47
git__thanks froek!04:47
sebsebsebhoop: that I got ubottu to give you04:47
gigglesIt's what I personally would have done I just hopped on here for her benefit so she knows theres plenty of ways to get help if she has a question.04:47
noisewaterphdtricktrickoli: you are missing the development libraries for X or something04:48
noisewaterphdpastebin the actual error04:48
[Raiden]tricktrickoli: sudo apt-get install xorg-dev04:48
ssbplshello,i am back04:48
tricktrickolithx i go try this04:48
ssbplsI meet a problem04:48
ssbplsI want to install the chrome,but ...04:49
darkstarDoes anyone else have a lot of problems with emerald crashing?04:49
ssbplsa error happen04:49
xangua!emerald | darkstar04:49
ubottudarkstar: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.04:49
ssbplsError: Dependency is not satisfiable: libnss3-1d (>= 3.12.3)04:49
xanguamm i don't use it04:49
darkstarsweet. thats what I wanted to know04:49
ssbplsit was the information04:49
xanguassbpls: why don't you better try chromium browser ĀæĀæ is open source04:50
DelvienI have an encrypted home drive, and when looking at a breakdown of my disk usage, it has my user folder as 4.4gigs and also .encyptfs at the same amount.. Is this normal to have double the space used just to encrypt?04:50
noisewaterphdssbpls: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1337298.html04:50
ssbplsfirst chrome04:50
noisewaterphdDelvien: yes04:51
jellowBluetooth Applet 1.8 doesnot bick up my belkin bluetooth usb , What do i need to do?04:51
Delviennoisewaterphd: well that stinks...04:51
noisewaterphdbut it's not really used04:51
noisewaterphdit's just random noise for the encryption04:51
noisewaterphdDelvien: I read your question wrong04:53
noisewaterphdi thought you were talking about something completely different04:53
hoopthe md5sum  says  they are the same04:53
noisewaterphdI don't know, but I would assume they both represent the same thing, not that it's using twice as much04:53
noisewaterphdhoop: did you verify your discs after burning? and are the matched checksums the iso's you actually burned?04:55
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hoopi iso that i burned from04:56
noisewaterphdwell then if you know your image was good, then you've got a bad disc/burn, or a bad disc drive04:57
dontputYo guys, is there anyway i could do like Active Directory in WIndows for Ubuntu 10.04 Server?04:57
ubottuLDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer04:58
hoop_sorry bout that  d/c'ed there... md5check was of the iso  from which i burned the cd's from04:58
noisewaterphdhoop_: then you have a bad disc a bad burn or a bad drive04:59
dontputaight gonna try study that one04:59
^peanut^dontput: your welcome.04:59
imyousufI have installed UEC for the first time (total newbie) on a single node with node controller option selected and downloaded the lucid lynx 64 bit version from the store. Now when I am trying to run the image I am getting - http://paste.ubuntu.com/467353/ My machine configuration is core i7, 4G RAM, 1G VGA, Lucid Lynx 64-bit. Any idea how I could solve it?04:59
noisewaterphddontput: np04:59
^peanut^imyousuf: try #ubuntu-server04:59
wildbatis there tools for linux to convert DVD to rmvb?04:59
noisewaterphdwildbat: does it have to be real?05:00
FlynsarmyWhen are they finally goign to fix the memory leak in jaunty gnome-power-manager? It takes up like 200MB each day and i need to end task and restart it. very annoying05:00
gartralhey all, i'm trying to access a dav, not securedav server, and ubuntu wants a "name".. http://imagebin.org/106431 where do i put a name in that prompt?05:00
noisewaterphdwhy real?05:00
imyousufok ^peanut^05:00
wildbatnoisewaterphd, for smaller file size ~05:01
^peanut^wildbat:  try mplayer05:01
^peanut^!mplayer | wildbat05:01
ubottuwildbat: mplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs05:01
noisewaterphdwildbat: there are cool things like handbrake05:01
dontputoh btw, is ubottu a bot?05:01
dontputon noooo sorry05:01
^peanut^dontput: yes05:01
hoop_Sebsebseb the check was before the burn...05:01
dontputit seems not05:01
noisewaterphdhandbrake will do mp405:01
dontputoh he is?05:01
sebsebsebhoop_: yes check ISO before burning05:01
^peanut^noisewaterphd: yeah, and handbreak. I love handbreak =)05:01
noisewaterphdit can get full length movies down real small05:01
^peanut^noisewaterphd: yeah... =)05:02
dontputahh got it.. functions of "!"05:02
hoop_Seb well its correct05:02
sebsebsebhoop_: burn slowly to CD, if still problems,  either your hardware,  or  the version of Ubuntu, I guess05:02
noisewaterphdwildbat: http://handbrake.fr - i think they even have an ubuntu installer if I remember right, and then of course install vlc as well05:03
hoop_Seb ive burned 6 copies 4 on cdr and 2 on dvd... and on slowest spends none worked05:03
^peanut^hoop_: the "auto" for speed when buring a cd/dvd is not always the best option. I'd burn in at 6 or 8x05:03
meesebyteHow do I make myself the permanent owner?05:03
wildbatThanks ~ ^^ ppl05:03
^peanut^meesebyte: chown username.username file/folder05:03
^peanut^wildbat: your welcome05:03
sebsebsebhoop_: what kind of computer is it?05:04
gr3gsounds like a bad drive or image. why not try redownloading it, or if you can order an actual cd for free from the site05:04
meesebyte^peanut^: I did not understand that05:04
noisewaterphdmeesebyte: pee on it05:04
applesucksnewfag here, not to ubuntu or irc, just to this channel and network05:04
applesuckswhat are the rules of the channel?05:05
sebsebseb!install | hoop_05:05
ubottuhoop_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate05:05
noisewaterphdthat is how my dog claims things05:05
sebsebsebapplesucks: Nice name :D05:05
gartralhey all, i'm trying to access a dav, not securedav server, and ubuntu wants a "name".. http://imagebin.org/106431 where do i put a name in that prompt?05:05
hoop_Sed Intel Pentium D 3.40 ghz05:05
meesebyteIt still says im not the owner (I did "/")05:05
sebsebseb!rules | applesucks05:05
ubottuapplesucks: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines05:05
^peanut^meesebyte: you can change file/folder permissions from within "gnome" or from the command line. from the command line (open a terminal) then run "chown" = change owner "username.groupname" = usually just your username 2 times with : then the file or folder.05:05
sebsebsebapplesucks: ok wrong factoid05:05
sebsebseb!guidelines | applesucks05:05
ubottuapplesucks: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines05:05
FloodBot4sebsebseb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:05
noisewaterphdhoop_: try making a usb stick installer05:05
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:05
^peanut^meesebyte: you don't want to change permissions on / to u05:05
noisewaterphdyou must have a bad drive or something05:06
^peanut^meesebyte: that's why you have sudo05:06
hoop_dont have USB STICK05:06
^peanut^meesebyte: applications that run on your system depend on the correct permissions.05:06
meesebyteOh.... Yeah05:06
sebsebsebhoop_: have you tried an older version of Ubuntu?05:06
^peanut^meesebyte: so changing /'s permission could hose your system05:06
meesebyteI cant open /etc/ndiswrapper05:06
^peanut^meesebyte: what are you trying to do exactly?05:06
DasEi!coc | applesucks05:06
ubottuapplesucks: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .05:06
^peanut^meesebyte: are you trying to copy a file or edit something in ndiswrapper?05:07
meesebyteNow I can05:07
mascoolis there a way to configure the indicator in lucid to open the app when clicking on the notification ?05:07
hoop_seb i had 9.10 and was good upgraded to 10.4 with the commands ... but now want to reformat... and start with 10.4 from scratch05:07
sebsebsebhoop_: ok 9.10 worked fine, you upgraded to 10.04, and now problems?05:08
applesucksI know the basic rules of respect but what about language?05:08
^peanut^meesebyte: to edit or copy files in /etc/ you really should use sudo instead of changing file permissions.05:08
sebsebsebapplesucks: this is a no swearing channel05:08
^peanut^!languange | applesucks05:08
hoop_only with this install cd05:08
^peanut^!language | applesucks05:08
ubottuapplesucks: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:08
applesucksalright thanks05:08
meesebyteI cant figure out ndiswrapper05:09
noisewaterphdmeesebyte: ya, sudo vim /etc/myfile05:09
meesebyteI want to install drivers05:09
^peanut^!ndiswrapper | meesebyte05:09
ubottumeesebyte: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:09
noisewaterphdchanging permissions in nix without knowing what you are doing can make bad things happen05:09
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meesebyteI read those, but I still cant get it to work with my drivers05:14
meesebyteit keeps saying my driver isn't a folder05:14
mascoolis there a way to configure the indicator in lucid to open the app when clicking on the notification ?05:14
^peanut^mascool: yea I'd like to know how to do that =)05:14
sebsebseb!wubi | hoop_05:14
ubottuhoop_: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.05:14
mascool^peanut^, so you dont know05:14
meesebyteIt says all my drivers are invalid05:14
^peanut^mascool: no sorry05:14
sebsebsebhoop_: I don't normally recommend Wubi, but without a CD that works or the drive, or a USB, I guess thats the way to go really05:14
mascool^peanut^, isn't it totally backwards that you can't click a notification ?05:14
^peanut^meesebyte: sorry man. I haven't used ndiswrapper in over 12 years. so I don't think I will be much more help05:14
sebsebsebhoop_: or just put 9.10 back on if you can :)05:14
^peanut^mascool: yea kinda. first time I saw it I tried to click on it and was bummed that it didn't do anything05:14
woodyjlwdose DX10 or DX9 have any effect on opengl ?     I have a hd2600xt and I have a x800 pro  would the older ati be better for linux gaming?05:14
aretrfre34mascool:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1439519 ?05:14
mascool^peanut^, yeah.. i don't get it...05:14
sebsebsebmeesebyte:  you use the inf file from your windows driver and set up in Ndiswrapper05:14
applesucksany suggestions on how to sync an ipod touch in gnome?05:14
sebsebsebmeesebyte: and i'll get you a link hold on05:14
mascoolaretrfre34, thanks ! not what I asked for tho05:14
meesebytesebsebseb: I did, but they all are invalid05:14
^peanut^aretrfre34: nice man....05:14
meesebyteWhen I do ndiswrapper -l it says invalid beside all of them05:14
eliot89does anyone know why when I start some process like say xosview in a terminal I can no longer do anything in said terminal? does that happen to everyone or is it just my problem?05:14
xanguameesebyte: are you using the windows xp driver inf fileĀæ05:15
^peanut^eliot89: try running xosview with & at the end so: xosview &05:15
mascoolaretrfre34, i dont get it, how does that address my question ?05:15
xanguameesebyte: XP ĀæĀæ are you sureĀæĀæ05:15
sebsebsebmeesebyte: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper05:15
meesebytexangua: U mean the one that belkin installed on my windows right?05:15
^peanut^eliot89: that will put the process in the background. to gain access to it again you can type "fg" without " "05:15
meesebyteFor my card05:15
eliot89AAAAAAAHHHHHHH (sigh of relief) much better thank you05:15
^peanut^eliot89: your welcome05:16
xanguameesebyte: i mean the windows XP version of the driver05:16
j_ayen_greenI had a tar unpack die on me because a file in it had a name with unacceptable characters in it. Now when I try to remove the directory that it's in, or cd to that directory, I get a protocol error.05:16
eliot89#2 is there any way to grab the registration info of the windows dist that I killed when I installed ubuntu on my comp for the windows partition I have in virtualbox?05:16
^peanut^eliot89: you can also run xosview with the & (if you forget), then just hit ctrl+z and then type bg to background the job.05:17
mascoolaretrfre34, any other totally unrelated info you want to share with me ?05:18
^peanut^eliot89: so you installed ubuntu "over" your windows install and now you need the reg info from windows?05:18
aretrfre34mascool:nope, boring05:18
eliot89@peanut I installed ubuntu erasing windows from this comp05:18
^peanut^eliot89: ok...then all your windows stuff is gone.05:19
mascoolaretrfre34,  thanks!05:19
^peanut^eliot89: =)05:19
eliot89much appreciated you guys have been awesome'05:19
^peanut^eliot89: np, good luck and have fun05:19
eliot89will do you as well05:19
^peanut^thank you05:19
j_ayen_greenhow do I remove a directory if rm responds with 'protocol error' ?05:20
^peanut^j_ayen_green: are you removing something thats on an nfs share or cifs/samba share?05:20
gartralhey all, i'm trying to access a dav, not securedav server, and ubuntu wants a "name".. http://imagebin.org/106431 where do i put a name in that prompt?05:21
ActionParsnipgartral: do you mean "bookmark name"?05:22
j_ayen_green^peanut^: great question :) how can I tell?05:22
gartralActionParsnip: look at the photo05:23
gartralActionParsnip: it's asking for a name, not a bookmark name, which i already tried05:23
^peanut^j_ayen_green: type mount then "enter" in the cli05:23
meesebytendiswrapper says my "Driver.2K" is invalid driver05:23
ActionParsnipgartral: maybe it expects a hostname rather than an IP, add a resolution in /etc/hosts05:23
pinPointI'm running 8.0.4 lts right now. I want to upgrade, the best way is how?05:23
ActionParsnip!upgrade | pinPoint05:23
pinPointdvd/cd iso, sourcelist?05:23
ubottupinPoint: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade05:23
wiesshundmeesebyte,  whats your adapter model?05:24
gartralActionParsnip: resolution to what, im trying to connect to a dav server on my phone.. over in-house wifi...\05:24
ActionParsnippinPoint: DON'T edit sources.lst, its not the advised way, you can easily jump from hardy to lucid as it is lts to lts05:24
meesebyteF7D1101 wiesshund05:24
pinPointActionParsnip: how about from 8-9-10?05:24
wiesshundmeesebyte, what brand is that?05:24
^peanut^gartral: can you ping your phone?05:24
j_ayen_green^peanut^: I don't see nfs or cifs mentioned... just ext405:25
gartral^peanut^: yes05:25
ActionParsnipgartral: maybe the app wants a hostname in the location bar, i'd also drop down the service type to ensure it is accurate05:25
^peanut^gartral: can you access or telnet to port 8888 on your phone?05:25
^peanut^j_ayen_green: hmm05:25
wiesshundmeesebyte,  1 sec05:25
^peanut^j_ayen_green: and your getting a protocol error? what command are you typing?05:25
gartral^peanut^: no, theres no telnet server05:25
wiesshundmeesebyte,  pci USB or?05:25
ActionParsnippinPoint: you can but intrepid is EOL now. you can jump to lucid in one go and be fine05:25
meesebyteUSB wiesshund05:25
^peanut^gartral: you don't need a telnet server to telnet to a port on a host.05:25
gartralActionParsnip: you went way over my head there05:25
Hilikusif i have a dir with all my backups, is there any reason to have them u+w? no eh, since backups should not be changed05:25
j_ayen_green^peanut^: rm <subdirname> -R05:25
^peanut^gartral: type: telnet 888805:26
pinPointActionParsnip: without loosing data on my webserver and scripts, and irssi?05:26
j_ayen_greenor cd <subdirname>05:26
ActionParsnipgartral: add an entry in /etc/osts to resolve to a name. this may make the app happier05:26
meesebyteI even have the USBID of it05:26
^peanut^j_ayen_green: try rm -r  subdir05:26
^peanut^j_ayen_green: or rm -rf subdir05:26
ActionParsnippinPoint: it upgrades the apps, settings will be untouched. you should have backups if the data is important05:26
wiesshundmeesebyte,  it isnt in the list of working with ndiswrapper  http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/ndiswrapper/index.php?title=Category:USB05:26
meesebyteBrb toilet05:27
gartralActionParsnip: just so i can confirm we're on the same page, the webdav server is ON the phone, i'm trying to access it from ubuntu. not the otherway around05:27
j_ayen_green^peanut^: how about if I slap my forehead first? It's giving me the protocol error because it already deleted the subdir05:27
^peanut^j_ayen_green: =) well, thats a good thing then =)05:27
^peanut^j_ayen_green: it happens man. no worries.05:28
simon__I install kde 4, but it start loading the desktop (without panels) and me back to gdm05:28
j_ayen_green^peanut^: appreciate it :) thanks05:28
simon__any help, :(?05:28
^peanut^gartral: if the phone is running a webdav server, can you open firefox and type in the ip and port of your phone?05:28
jenuehow  can i share  my playlist from my rhythmbox to the network?05:28
gartral^peanut^: yes, telnet connected, and i lied, appreaently the webdav server has a telnet backend up05:28
^peanut^gartral: like
^peanut^gartral: =) cool05:29
meesebytewiesshund: Are there any alternatives? :(05:29
gartral^peanut^: yes, and it's asking me to authenticate05:29
^peanut^gartral: ok cool are you able to logon?05:29
wiesshundmeesebyte, with ubuntu, possibly not. let me look at something05:29
gartral^peanut^: yes.05:29
meesebyteI don't have cable/dialup/dsl Internet so I have to tether thru my iPhone05:30
^peanut^gartral: if so, in the bookmark window try putting: http://username:password@ and see if that works05:30
^peanut^gartral: put that in the "location (URI):05:30
^peanut^gartral: if that doesn't work, hmm, then I'm not sure. maybe that's a bug05:31
simon__thanks anyway :(05:31
gartral^peanut^: well, it's giving me exactly the same error05:31
applesuckswhy is bittorent so much faster in linux?05:32
^peanut^gartral: strange... the dev's might have missed a username/password field05:32
^peanut^applesucks: cause linux rocks?05:32
jmyeomneed some help when somone has time :)05:33
^peanut^!ask | jmyeom05:33
ubottujmyeom: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:33
applesucksI think it's something to do with microsoft limiting half open tcp/ip connections to 10 by default05:33
jmyeomkk , well i got a netbook, 1.5gb of ram 16gb sdd, and ive been running windows from it, and have used windows most my life, but its not cutting it05:34
^peanut^applesucks: yeah that could be it to.05:34
applesuckswhat I heard05:34
^peanut^jmyeom: so whats your question?05:34
jmyeomso, im totaly new to linux, im dl ubuntu now, but im a php coder, i need some sort of text editor and localhost (lampp?)05:34
sebsebseb!lamp | jmyeom05:35
ubottujmyeom: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:35
^peanut^jmyeom: ubuntu is perfect for that =)05:35
jmyeomis someone willing to show me the ropes, help me out? im going to need help sorting everything else05:35
noisewaterphdjmyeom: there are tons of editors, and the lamp stack is pretty much default on nix05:35
Hilikusjmyeom: its pretty easy, apt-get everything05:35
^peanut^jmyeom: read read read.05:35
sebsebsebjmyeom: basic text editing and such gedit will do it,   something more for programing try Emacs, has quite a learning curve though, or well you'll see if you try it05:35
^peanut^jmyeom: spend time on this channel, you'll learn a ton just reading other ppls questions05:35
sebsebseb!emacs | jmyeom05:35
ubottujmyeom: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code05:35
noisewaterphdand welcome, you'll be amazed at what you've been missing05:36
noisewaterphdespecially as a code slinger05:36
^peanut^jmyeom: for php editing, vim gkvim with php/perl plugins is great05:36
jmyeomkk, that was a lot of info in one minute, i think i got it :P05:36
^peanut^jmyeom:  =) good luck man, and welcome to ubuntu/linux05:37
jmyeomkk thanks, links saved, i used wampp, and tbh ive never looked away from windows, but the stuff i have heard, i should of changed a long time ago :P, this is why im changing :P05:37
noisewaterphdjmyeom: I've got e-text editor to compile on ubuntu and it works really well05:37
noisewaterphdit's kind of a textmate clone for windows, but they are working on a linux version, so you can download and toy with it for free right now05:37
jmyeomthanks, but im looking for a basic editor, not a ide, i liked my shitty trail and errors from notepad, it makes me know im not going mad with infomation :p05:38
^peanut^jmyeom: you'll love vim then =)05:38
noisewaterphdor if you are into the full IDE kind of thing there are a few eclipse based PHP IDE's05:38
JoshStroblYea, vim is awesome.05:38
^peanut^jmyeom: very clean and the learning curve is not that bad at all05:38
noisewaterphdand netbeans is a surprisingly good php ide05:38
noisewaterphdvim++, can't live without vim05:39
jmyeomnetbeans, i liked it, but, dident at the same time :O05:39
Hilikusi like emacs better05:39
mewieOkay, so I'm finally on the internet in Ubuntu.  But it's not letting me install Flash.  It keeps telling me:05:39
mewieCD/DVD 'Ubuntu 10.04 LTS _Lucid Lynx_ - Release amd64 (20100429)' is required05:39
mewiePlease insert the above CD/DVD into the drive '/cdrom/' to install software packages from the medium.05:39
mewieBut the CD is in the drive!05:39
^peanut^Hilikus: are you an old school coder?05:39
FloodBot4mewie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:39
pinPointis there sata support in 8.04 lts? My new 500GB cannot be seen in sudo fdisk -l05:40
noisewaterphdHilikus: I've honestly just never given emacs a shot, but I do know a lot of people swear by it05:40
Hilikusidk, i don't think so, i usually prefer fancy IDE's. but for text editing i prefer emacs over vim05:40
MasterOfDisastermewie: you have to mount the CD first05:40
tucemiuxanyone knows where I can find a list of hardware supported devices?  Im trying tofigure out what firewire cardbus I should buy05:40
MaRk-Imewie: if you already have internet disable the cd from package manager so you can install from the repos05:40
DasEimewie: bring your sources to a correct state and install from the net05:40
^peanut^noisewaterphd: yeah me to. most of the engineers I support are emacs ppl05:40
Hilikushow can you program ANYTHING without autocompletion05:40
jmyeomyes, thats reminds me, miens a dual core, so im dl the 64 bit, all most stuff work, or shall i got 32?05:40
jmyeomHilikus, so i know im not mad when i do it first time :P05:40
^peanut^Hilikus:  =) very true05:41
tucemiux64 bit for me05:41
^peanut^jmyeom: do you have 4gb of ram05:41
DasEimewie: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/05:41
Hilikusjmyeom: at some point i had problems with flash in 64bits, but that was like a year ago05:41
jmyeomhaha, flash05:41
aristohello there, i have this problem, i've installed ubuntu lucid, i had my previous /home partition so i used without formating, now i have changed my cursos theme and only the arrow pointer hasnt changed05:41
jmyeomalmost as bad as java05:41
* jmyeom looks for java coders -.-05:42
noisewaterphdHilikus: I usually just use an editor and the cli, when I do use an IDE all of the auto complete pop ups ans such just drive me nuts05:42
noisewaterphdI write java05:42
^peanut^jmyeom: 64bit is sweet if you don't need all of the enduser flash stuff05:42
gartral^peanut^: ok, i forgot to mention this: the normal webdav selection in the connect to server applet thing wont recognise my phone as webdav enable share05:42
DasEijmyeom: no java coder here, but flash does fine for me05:42
noisewaterphdamongst many others05:42
aristoi have deleted .gconf folders and all .gnome folders but problems is still there05:42
aristoany ideas?05:42
noisewaterphdI do plenty of flex work as well05:42
DasEimewie: need more advice ?05:43
jmyeomplease done hit me for this05:43
jmyeombut has ubunt got like a regedit or something?05:43
sebsebsebjmyeom: no05:44
sebsebsebjmyeom: no Linux distros do, however05:44
aristoslap jmyeom05:44
noisewaterphdthere isnt a registry05:44
Hilikusjmyeom:  /etc is the closest i guess05:44
sebsebsebjmyeom: for  Gnome there is something a little bit like a registery for configuring it called gconf editor05:44
noisewaterphdmost of that kind of stuff is in /etc05:44
jmyeomgood, i had regedit, its just begging to break05:44
Evolution-Xis there something i can run on terminal to make mi camara work05:44
sebsebsebjmyeom: thats the look that Ubuntu and a load of other distros use by default,  look as in desktop envrionment,  but normally there isn't even a reason to go in there05:44
DasEiEvolution-X: install cheese05:45
Evolution-Xi have skype05:45
jmyeomo yes, i has webcam, will it work on ubunt?05:45
Evolution-Xis now working with that05:45
noisewaterphdjmyeom: mine does05:45
sebsebsebjmyeom: depends on the web cam if it just works or not, and if not theres a program called cheese that can probably help to configure it05:45
noisewaterphdjust worked automatically05:45
noisewaterphdjust depends on the cam05:45
Evolution-Xi yru ur suggestion but will that fix that05:45
jmyeomkk thanks, im not to bothered, i just like to have everythign working and not break ;)05:46
Jp82191i need help i keep trying to log into ubuntu 10.04 and it tries to log in but ends back up in the login screen05:46
jmyeomlike windows breaks, it never breaks "a little", it goes with a bang -.-05:46
DasEisebsebseb: cheese is a  viewer app, just to check out of the box05:46
noisewaterphdjmyeom: what are you doing working as a developer then :)05:46
noisewaterphdhaha, ya05:47
fraggle780does anyone have suggestions for guides for the entire Ubuntu/Linux thing for noobs?05:47
DasEiJp82191: ctrl-altF1, then sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm05:47
noisewaterphdI'm actually a convert to linux full time from OS X, which I started using at the public beta05:47
jmyeomfraggle780, if you find one, sare with me :)05:47
DasEifraggle780: google ubuntu perfect desktop05:47
Jp82191ok give me a minute05:48
noisewaterphdI havent used windows since mac went nix05:48
DasEifraggle780: http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-ubuntu-10.04-lucid-lynx05:48
applesuckswhat is the command to see your wireless card model?05:48
fraggle780rgr appreciate it.....I am current military network admin.....no one told me about the penguin.....why didn't anyone tell me about the penguin?? :)05:48
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DasEijmyeom: see above05:48
peepingtomjmyeom: gnome has gnome-settings daemon and gconf-editor05:50
ralliasI have a question about wifi. I have 3 major areas that have wireless access. 2 of them have a conflicting SSID, one that i use one that I don't (they don't overlap). Is there any way to set precidence of the one I use in the area I don't use the conflicting SSID in for the wireless autoconnect?05:50
fraggle780what are some good editors / compilers, I am still learning much about this entire process05:50
jmyeompeepingtom, cool info, but only only on the 90% stage of downloading it, so i dunno what you chatting about :P05:50
DasEiapplesucks: lspci | grep Network05:51
noisewaterphdfraggle780: for what language05:51
Jp82191DasEi: i enter the command and it asks for a password i enter it and then nothing else comes out05:51
DasEifraggle780: gedit is common in gnome05:51
noisewaterphdyou want an english compiler?05:51
fraggle780oops....not what you were looking for huh?05:51
applesucksanybody know how to install madwifi drivers?05:51
noisewaterphdthere are a TON of editors05:52
DasEiJp82191: that's fine, then :05:52
noisewaterphdjust test drive until you find the one that's right for you05:52
DasEiJp82191: sudo service gdm stop05:52
DasEiJp82191: sudo service gdm start05:52
fraggle780I just started learning about this entire OS software and wanted to dip my hand into some modifications and application development05:52
fraggle780DasEI: gnome is standard on Ubuntu, correct?05:53
Jp82191still the same05:53
noisewaterphdfraggle780: and as DasEi said, gedit is common, and it's pretty powerful, plugins and such05:53
DasEifraggle780: yes, as kde for kubuntu and xdm for xubuntu05:53
noisewaterphdfraggle780: yes05:53
ralliasI have my computer in 2 areas, one SSID that repeats between them both, but for one of the areas, I want to use a different network. Is there a way to set precidence to this third network?05:53
fraggle780noisewaterphd: I appreciate the direction, and clarification05:53
noisewaterphdnp at all05:54
DasEirallias: use seperate nics, configure them in /etc/network/interfaces05:54
Jp82191DasEi: it still returns me to the login screen after i input my password05:55
DasEiJp82191: sure pw is right then ?05:55
Jp82191DasEi: it doesn't say that its an incorrect password05:55
sebsebsebjmyeom: since your new well this is rather useful and a free PDF download05:56
paulus68Does somebody has a good tutorial to install a raid 1 onto an excisting ubuntu 10.04 installation05:56
sebsebsebjmyeom: well more like will be new, anyway05:56
sebsebseb!manual | jmyeom05:56
ubottujmyeom: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:56
DasEiJp82191: so another issue, log out to cmd-line again and run : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade05:56
Jp82191DasEi: ok05:57
Jp82191DasEi: i entered those commands and i got unable to fetch update05:58
ralliasi have a couple problems with my mouse (a touch pad commonly found on laptops). One is that occasionally the mouse freezes randomly and i have to press CTRL to "unlock it". Another is that the two-finger scroll trick that works with windows and macs doesn't work for this computer. Does anyone know how to fix either of these?05:58
Jp82191& unable to fetch archives05:58
DasEiJp82191: how do you connect ? wired with dhcp to a router ?05:58
Jp82191do i need wired?05:59
jmyeomhow do i make a bootable usb stick?05:59
DasEiJp82191: sudo dhclient, is a ip assigned ?05:59
sebsebseb!usb | jmyeom05:59
ubottujmyeom: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:59
e1venHow can I get a version of Curl with SSL support in 10.04? Curl-ssl defaults to curl, but running it gives curl: (1) Protocol  https not supported or disabled in libcurl05:59
sebsebsebjmyeom: Did you see me give you the Ubuntu manual stuff,  it said you left channel soon after05:59
DasEijmyeom: install unetbootin and run it, pretty self-explaining06:00
paulus68does someone has a good manual to migrate an excisting ubuntu 10.04 to a raid 106:00
Jp82191DasEi: all i see is
mewieYes!  Disabling the CD worked!06:00
sebsebsebapplesucks: Apple Mac06:00
Jp82191and it looks like some mac addresses06:00
sebsebsebapplesucks: anyone?06:00
FloodBot4sebsebseb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:00
jmyeomsebsebseb, i did but the usb creater failed me06:01
applesucksI get it06:01
sebsebsebjmyeom: uhmm other people can help with that, I haven't made a bootable USB stick for any Linux distro before06:01
logan_I have an issue, "whenever I am connected to my wireless I am not able to sign in gyachi but when I conect the ethernet I am able to sign in".06:02
jmyeomunetbootin does the trick06:02
logan_can anyone tell me why?06:02
logan_tes gyachi the messenger06:03
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Hilikus is there any way to keep a server in a low-power state (stand-by) and make it wake up when there are network requests? apache request or ssh request for example06:04
paulus68does someone has a good manual to migrate an excisting ubuntu 10.04 to a raid 106:04
mewieNow to find the NVIDIA driver... I'm guessing that has something to do with why I still can't watch YouTube stuff.06:04
DasEiJp82191: sudo dhclient, is a ip assigned ?06:05
DasEimewie: system > hardwaredrivers06:05
mewieWait, no, that was just NoScript.  XD06:06
Blue11i changed the display size from 1024 to 800.  I get the x login screen, but when I login, all I get is wall paper.  Suggestions?  I need to reset it back to 102406:06
jmyeomyaya, just dropped my netbook and the fan is crackling, so i guess ill be back in 5, of to the workshop06:06
beijinwho are you06:06
beijinwhere is people06:06
DasEi!support | beijin06:06
ubottubeijin: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org06:06
=== SortiE|A is now known as SortiE
dominicdinadaanybody else having problems with samba shares after the update yesterday ?06:08
beijinhello world06:08
Jp82191DasEi: im connected via wired now06:08
Jp82191im trying to see if i can update now06:08
jmyeomi know this is not the right place to ask, but i dropped my netbook and its dead, not charging, any ideas?06:09
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DasEiJp82191:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade06:09
Jp82191both in the same command line?06:09
DasEijmyeom: ##hardware06:09
mewieSound quality seems a little off... O.o But I can see and hear videos now, at least.06:09
paulus68does someone has a good manual to migrate an excisting ubuntu 10.04 to a raid 106:10
dominicdinadajmyeom: you killed the hardware either the battery or the charger :O06:10
jmyeomits not working dos it dead, and its not charging cos im using wrong charged the pols wrong06:10
DasEiJp82191:  yes, two comands linked by "&&", one line06:10
jmyeomstupid me06:10
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:10
dominicdinadawhats a doller ?06:10
=== a_ is now known as Guest75091
Jp82191DasEi: it says 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded06:11
dominicdinadau mean Dollar ?06:11
Guest75091help me how desktop on screen keyboard show06:11
Guest75091help me how desktop on screen keyboard show06:11
Guest75091help me how desktop on screen keyboard show06:12
DasEiJp82191: sudo apt-get install --reinstall gdm --dry-run                   <<watch that, does it list just gdm or a bunch of soft to renew ?06:12
beijinor on06:12
Guest75091help me how desktop on screen keyboard show help me how desktop on screen keyboard show help me how desktop on screen keyboard show06:12
Jp82191DasEi: it just lists gdm06:13
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!06:13
jmyeomGuest75091, start making sense and we might help06:13
DasEibeijin: stop that06:13
paulus68does someone has a good manual to migrate an excisting ubuntu 10.04 to a raid 106:13
DasEibeijin: general, polite chatter in #ubuntu-offtopic, support here, only06:13
Jp82191DasEi: says 1 reinstalled06:13
dominicdinadahe got booted06:13
DasEidominicdinada: not so idle , hehe06:14
dominicdinadahehe guess not i also called because that guest guy was pushing it also spamming his questions :O06:14
IdleOneDasEi: never am :)06:15
DasEiJp82191: try again sudo service gdm restart (or start, if stopped)06:15
jmyeomguys, i have a usb with linux on, but it just sats ntldr is missing, what do?06:15
jmyeomguys, i have a usb with linux on, but it just sats ntldr is missing, what do?06:15
dominicdinadaIdleOne: is busy trolling somewhere on here usually :D06:15
uid01jmyeom: turn off the usb and turn it back on again06:16
Jp82191DasEi: it went back to login screen and entered password and it sent me back to login screen06:16
paulus68does someone has a good manual to migrate an excisting ubuntu 10.04 to a raid 1 would be very much appreciated06:16
uid01or try blowing in it06:16
uid01lol j/k i dunno wtf you should do06:16
DasEipaulus68: see above http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40846106:16
Jp82191DasEi: is there a way i can recover my files like music and videos then just reinstall?06:16
jmyeomuid01, tryed, it does nothing06:17
DasEiJp82191: sure, but  that shouldN't be necccessary06:17
troopperijmyeom: you need to put that usb-stick to boot on at computer startup. Sound like windows problem when ntdlr is missing...06:17
Jp82191DasEi: would it be a problem if I had removed Evolution earlier today?06:18
jmyeomtroopperi, usb booting is first, if its in it shows ntdlr is missing, when out it boots to windows hdd fine06:18
n0a1iashey how do i compile from source?06:18
DasEi!compile | n0a1ias06:19
ubottun0a1ias: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)06:19
troopperijmyeom: maybe you need to do new usb-stick with linux06:19
n0a1iaswait. whats the link to the ubuntu manual?06:19
DasEiJp82191: sudo gdmsetup06:19
red2kic!manual > n0a1ias06:19
ubottun0a1ias, please see my private message06:19
DasEi!manual > n0a1ias06:19
jmyeomtroopperi, go into query mode with me?06:19
noisewaterphdn0a1ias: it was for you to learn06:19
troopperijmyeom: i like solved problem in channels :)06:20
noisewaterphdn0a1ias: but generally the procedure is: ./configure, make, make install06:20
paulus68DasEi: thanks06:20
DasEiJp82191: get the gui ?06:20
jmyeomkk, but its still happening, its on a 16gb memorys stick, what do?06:20
n0a1iasok so im using empathy, how do i look at private messages06:20
Jp82191(gdmsetup:1747 Gtk warning cannot open display06:20
Jp82191thats what i get ^^06:21
DasEipaulus68: i run one myself, just ask if unsure06:21
troopperijmyeom: how you create your usb-linux stick?06:21
noisewaterphdn0a1ias: what are you talking about, I thought you wanted to compile something06:21
jmyeomusing unetbootin-windows-471.exe06:21
t-flotry using unetbootin for usb linux06:21
n0a1iasi do06:21
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jmyeomt-flo unetbootin-windows-471.exe is unetbootin06:22
jmyeomi did, still failed me06:22
n0a1iasbut the bot sent me a private message and i dont know how to see it06:22
noisewaterphdn0a1ias: ok, so you were pointed to the manual, and I summarized06:22
n0a1iasin empathy06:22
noisewaterphdits probably in another tab or window, dunno, I dont use empathy06:22
n0a1iasthere are no tabs06:23
IdleOnen0a1ias: http://ubuntu-manual.org/06:23
n0a1iaso well06:23
FloodBot4n0a1ias: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:23
jmyeomanyone know what to do, my usb stick is not working06:23
noisewaterphdn0a1ias: what makes you think the bot sent you a private message?06:23
noisewaterphdjmyeom: shot in the dark, but have you tried a different port?06:24
n0a1iasit said."n0a1ias, please see my private message"06:24
new2ubuntu77Mr Sonoma: Are you still here?06:24
jmyeomnoisewaterphd, nope, will do now06:24
noisewaterphdI just installed on a netbook for my buddy and it wasnt working, then I just switched the port for fun and it worked06:24
Jp82191DasEi:this is what i get - gdmsetup:1747 Gtk warning cannot open display06:24
jmyeomnoisewaterphd, omfg hax, why not work on the other one06:25
jmyeomwell, its doing some funky shit now06:25
ankitDasEi: u need to install gdm 2 setup06:25
IdleOnejmyeom: please watch the language06:25
jmyeominvalid boot.ini file, then reboots and trys again, rinse and repeat06:25
jmyeomsorry IdleOne06:25
DasEiankit: jp8... 's problem is gdm won't allow login, display isn't started, so no gui available, no change in gdm2 I assume06:26
noisewaterphdjmyeom: i would check into how you made the boot stick, and I have no idea how to make them in windows. somebody here must have some hints06:26
DasEi...where went gdm.conf06:26
ankitDasEi: u need to install gdm 2 setup06:27
jmyeomi used unetbootin-windows-471.exe06:27
noisewaterphdjmyeom: also verify your ISO06:27
new2ubuntu77I followed this aero snap tut http://wwww.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9190800&postcount=45 and it's not working. can any one help?06:27
Jp82191how do i install gdm?06:27
ankitits in the ppa06:27
noisewaterphdjmyeom: ya I don't even know what that is06:27
jmyeomiso is complete06:27
ankitgoogle it and u will find the ppa06:28
ankitwait i am givin u the link06:28
lalonhey ihav downloaded skype and installed it but cannot use that skype becoz i cant find it in my computer06:29
DasEiankit: that will do the same error06:29
lalonhelp me06:29
DasEiankit: display won't open06:29
ankiti am giving u the link now,wait06:29
noisewaterphdjmyeom: i think the invalid boot.ini is a windows thing?06:29
tricktrickolii have one more probleme if you have time to help me i try again to install my software sorry but im not good in english and im newbi i have this line:the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE libraries installed. This will fail.06:29
tricktrickoliSo, check this please and use another prefix!06:29
DasEiankit: http://i8t.de/62yhfpmv06:30
noisewaterphdjmyeom: double check your boot order, and try to make sure the stick is in the 1st USB2 slot06:30
jmyeomusb first, and ive tested in all 306:30
noisewaterphdjmyeom: i'm just shooting out blind ideas at this point though06:30
jmyeomnoisewaterphd, thats fine, go ahead06:31
ratBeen having a very frustrating issue with VNC connections crashing and my Gnome desktop refusing to become active again... Have described the issue in further detail here: http://pastebin.com/be0GpsQm  -  Would appreciate suggestions on how  to fix.06:32
noisewaterphdjmyeom: so you used the universal-usb-installer.exe program?06:32
tricktrickolipersonne parle francais06:33
lalonso u guys can't help me with skype problem?06:33
bazhangtricktrickoli, in #ubuntu-fr06:33
Jp82191skype would be under apps then internet06:33
noisewaterphdjmyeom: remake the stick with the universal usb installer: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/downloads/Universal-USB-Installer/Universal-USB-Installer.exe06:34
jmyeomnoisewaterphd, thanks will do it now06:34
noisewaterphdjmyeom: and you verified the checksums on your ISO right?06:34
Jp82191does anyone know how to recover files from 10.04 because it won't let me log in\06:35
noisewaterphdjmyeom: k, I should be lurking, let me know how it goes06:35
jmyeomkk ty06:35
Jp82191hola gabo06:36
gaboattackhola JP06:36
gaboattackde donde eres?06:36
noisewaterphdJp82191: mount the drive in another computer and transfer06:36
Jp82191De california06:37
Jp82191Gaboattack: Si06:37
Jp82191Noisewaterphd: and i can get all my files this way?06:37
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noisewaterphdas long as the computer you mount it with can read whatever filesystem you were using06:38
jmyeominstallation Done, Process is Complete!06:38
noisewaterphdwhich in lucid is ext406:38
Jp82191the only other pc's i have run Win706:39
noisewaterphdjmyeom: you mean completed making the stick right?06:39
jmyeomwin7, i hear?06:39
DasEiJp82191: I can't figure it out, as files changed, I suggest installing xdm to get to desk first, then enable autologin, until issue can be resolved06:39
noisewaterphdJp82191: i have no idea if win7 can read ext4, but I doubt it06:40
jmyeomits working, the linuxsys.sys was missing from my last build06:40
DasEiJp82191:sudo apt-get install xdm, and when it asks, set to default06:40
Jp82191DasEi: how do i install xdm?06:40
noisewaterphdjust install a linux VM on your win7 box06:40
noisewaterphdjmyeom: awesome!06:40
Jp82191DasEi: i pud xdm as default display manager06:41
jmyeomyer, ive not ever touched a linux sys brfore, im excited :P06:41
jmyeombetter be good, ot your neck is on the like nobody06:41
DasEiJp82191: sudo service xdm start06:41
Jp82191DasEi: says starting display manager xdm then it says ok06:42
DasEiJp82191: get a login prompt now ?06:42
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Jp82191DasEi: no its still in command prompt thingy06:42
logan_can anyone tell me how to run objective C program in ubuntu06:43
DasEiJp82191: sudo service xdm restart06:43
Jp82191DasEi: still in command mode06:44
Jp82191ill shut down manually06:44
shivVooloo, hi thanks for your helpmy system is up and running :)06:44
noisewaterphdjmyeom: haha, you'll dig it. the netbook version is way cooler than win for netbooks too06:45
DasEiJp82191: starnge fruit.. gdm still running ? sudo reboot06:45
Optimus55okay alsa on 10.04 is really bad. can someone help me quickly change back to anything good???06:45
Jp82191DasEi: I rebooted manually and I put my password and username and its just at a black screen with a cursor in the middle06:46
talcitecan someone help me out with my softraid setup? I have an old superblock from a previous raid on my /dev/sdd drive. The current superblock is at /dev/sdd1. I need to remove the old one, but mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sdd says it doesn't have access to the drive06:46
talciteit's not mounted and the raid isn't active06:46
mint-irosohow change to ubuntu-es06:46
DasEitalcite: sudo it06:47
mordocaiIs there anyway that I can get something similar to the compiz water-effect plugin, but as a screensaver? And i mean -actually- a screensaver in gnome, not the workaround posted here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1246897&page=4, please.06:47
talciteDasEi already done06:47
DasEimint-iroso: /j #ubuntu-es06:47
navetzHi I need help. New applications that I install are not beign added to my start menu.06:47
jmyeomneed help fast, my cpu is burning up, fan is slow, still installing ubunt, is there a way to speed the fan up once installed?06:47
noisewaterphdmint-iroso: you want the es irc channel? or you want to change the language on your OS?06:48
matthew_jmyeon: what is your machine, brand ect06:48
adalalhey, im having a problem, my mouse works on the login screen, but it doesn't once i log in.. .also I noticed that the xinput list-props for the synaptic ps/2 touchpad shows that device enabled is 0 and i cannot change this to 1, please help06:48
noisewaterphdbut ya either way ask at #ubuntu-es06:48
Jp82191Mint-iroso: Hablas espanol?06:48
talcitethe exact error I'm getting is 'mdadm: Couldn't open /dev/sdd for write - not zeroing06:48
jmyeomis the acer aspire one sdd version06:48
ratno response regarding my disappearing graphics problem?06:48
mint-irososi hablo06:49
Sasquatch7Anyone know how to fix the plymouth splash screen or remove it?06:49
noisewaterphdjmyeom: your hardware should take care of itself at this point06:49
matthew_jmyeom, i don't think that there is a way to, but it shouldn't damage the machine, only hurt your lap :P, let me see if there are any utilities06:49
talciteoh jeez I figured it out06:50
jmyeommatthew_, its got the smell of it burning up, i would say around 50c is what its running at, iv got a iceblock under it for now, but i need a better idea :P06:50
sebsebsebSasquatch7: yeah the way they have done Plymouth in 10.04 really sucks.  and its bundled into ubuntu-desktop as well, so can't jus remove it, without removing a load of stuff you should have installed with it.  You can sort of disable it though, have a black screen,  untill log in screen shows.06:51
FloodBot4happy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:51
talcitemdadm still hold onto the device even if it's inactive. You need to issue mdadm --stop to disassemble the device06:51
matthew_jmyeom, maybe thats a problem06:51
DasEiJp82191:so back to command line06:51
jmyeommaybe, fans clean ive had it apart and stripped it06:51
talcitehappy: /j #ubuntu-cn06:51
adalalhappy, thisis an english channel06:51
Sasquatch7sebsebseb: thanks, you know how I would go about doing that?06:51
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DasEiJp82191:sudo apt-get remove --purge xdm gdm06:52
sebsebsebSasquatch7: of course, but  its still a sucky boot up really.06:52
DasEiJp82191:sudo apt-get install gdm06:52
sebsebsebSasquatch7: Whats the problem with your Plymouth by the way?  Installed a propritary Nivida or ATI driver and it looks all weird or, whats the issue?06:52
happyꈑäøēŸ„道čæ™ä¹ˆåŠ 06:52
IdleOne!cn | happosade06:52
ubottuhapposade: For Ubuntu help in Chinese ę‚ØåÆ仄č®æ问äø­ę–‡é¢‘道ļ¼š #ubuntu-cn ꈖ者 #ubuntu-tw  ęˆ–者 #ubuntu-hk06:52
DasEiJp82191:sudo service gdm start06:52
IdleOne!cn | happy06:52
bastid_raZorthe gdm2setup .. what format do the background images need to be in? .jpg .png?06:52
ubottuhappy: For Ubuntu help in Chinese ę‚ØåÆ仄č®æ问äø­ę–‡é¢‘道ļ¼š #ubuntu-cn ꈖ者 #ubuntu-tw  ęˆ–者 #ubuntu-hk06:52
Optimus55Hey my alsa sounds is realllly bad on this card sometimes. buzzing when i stop playback, shoddy headphone sound. Can anyone help me change alsa to something else please??06:53
Flannelhappy: This channel is english only, please respect that.06:53
logan_has anyone ever programmed in objective C with gcc06:53
Sasquatch7sebsebseb: after nvidia driver i get error messages rather than the plymouth image. along the lines of plymouth terminated kill....06:53
Devlinhuh, i'm still connected :o06:53
matthew_jmyeom, type this in terminal06:53
Jp82191DasEi: gdm; unrecognized service06:53
matthew_cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/*/trip_points06:53
Optimus55shitty chan.06:54
jmyeomMatBoy, still is06:54
jmyeomffs, still installing, will do when booted06:54
DasEiJp82191:sudo apt-get install gdm && service gdm start06:55
DasEiJp82191:sudo apt-get install gdm && sudo service gdm start06:55
intangirdoes ubuntu still have a way to turn off services in the gui, or a way to turn off file search indexing06:55
Jp82191Ok i input my password on the login screen and now i get a white terminal window in the left corner06:56
intangirJp82191: sounsd like your not booting gnome anymore06:56
Jp82191DasEi: when i put the password in a white terminal window opened up06:57
DasEihow does one enable automatic login from commadline in current grub ?06:57
DasEicurrent gdm06:58
sebsebsebSasquatch7: So this is what I was on about just now: remove plymouth-label, plymouth-theme-ubuntu-{logo,text}, and plymouth-x11; then remove "splash" from /etc/default/grub and do sudo update-grub06:58
sebsebsebremove plymouth-label, plymouth-theme-ubuntu-{logo,text}, and plymouth-x11; then remove "splash" from /etc/default/grub and do sudo update-grub06:59
m0rph``does anyone have experience using ubuntu 10.04 on EC2? I'm having some difficulties booting a rebundled AMI07:00
gaboattackalguien mas habla espaƱol -.-07:00
navetzHi I need help. New applications that I install are not beign added to my start menu.07:01
Jp82191gaboattack: entra a el canal de ubuntu en espano07:01
Kozzyhey how can i make ubuntu boot faster?07:02
Jp82191more ram07:02
m0rph``navetz: what desktop are you using? gnome or KDE?07:02
Jp82191than what you have07:02
navetzm0rph``: KDE but I think the problem has just been resolved. Thank you.07:03
DasEiJp82191: seems I found it ..07:03
DasEiJp82191: sudo apt-get install  nano07:03
Jp82191DasEi: nano is already the newest version07:04
DasEiJp82191: sudo nano /etc/gdm/custom.conf07:04
DasEiJp82191: file there and filled ?07:04
=== Elv1313 is now known as Elv13
Jp82191DasEi: it opened a window called GNU Nano 2.2.207:05
Jp82191blank with options in the bottom07:06
DasEiJp82191: blank ? ctrl-x to close nano again;; is this lucid ?07:06
Kozzyi want to use openbox but i want a taskbar at the bottom but i dont know how to get it07:06
simon__kde4 dont charge.it start but after it show wallpaper it brings me to gdm07:07
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Jp82191Dasei: the options are  get help, exit, write out, justify, read file, where is,07:07
Jp82191next, prev page, cut text, uncut text, cur pos, to spell07:08
simon__I want to try kde4, _;07:08
Kozzyanyone use OpenBox?07:08
simon__Kozzy,  i dont :S07:08
simon__any help?07:09
Jp82191DasEi: Yes it is lucid 10.0407:09
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sparkyare there any good games on ubuntu07:11
JVizwhat do most people do about flash on ubuntu x64?07:11
sparkyor at least multilayer online games07:11
Jp82191Sparky: try chess07:11
Jp82191lol jk07:11
sebsebseb!games | sparky07:12
ubottusparky: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php07:12
bastid_raZorubottu: tell sparky about games07:12
ubottusparky, please see my private message07:12
sparkyJViz: nothing so far no reall way around it till adoby upgrades im starting to think07:12
JVizsparky: So you keep running the old version of the 64bit player?07:13
sparkyoh sure make the robot do all the work lol07:13
DasEi1Jp82191: sudo nano /etc/gdm/gdm.conf               , and again is this lucid, 10,04 ??07:13
sparkyi havent done anything yet im stuck with no flash for now07:14
Jp82191DasEi1: yes it is 10.0407:14
DasEi1file also empty ??07:14
sparkyso no one has sugestions on games?07:15
sebsebsebsparky: uhmm07:15
m0rph``anyone ever run ubuntu on amazon EC2?07:15
niohello all07:15
sebsebsebsparky: there are quite a few game suggestion  articles out there on websites, and you can Google for those07:15
Jp82191DasEi1: there is nothing on there just the options i listed above07:15
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sebsebsebsparky: try for example,  best linux  games as a Google search07:15
sebsebsebsparky: or maybe even join #ubuntu-offtopic and ask them for game suggestions07:16
JVizDoes anyone know where I can get the old 64bit flash player?07:16
sparkysebsebseb: ok will do thanks for the sugestion ohwhats the point of a game that just runs its self lol its called progress quest07:17
DasEi1Jp82191: ctrl-x to quit07:17
nioi am creating a initrd using cpio problem is that the client computer fails to loads and boot and says that unable to mount root as the user. this is problem related to the permission of the files any one have any idea please help07:17
DasEi1Jp82191: cd /etc/gdm07:17
ZimmY1rewt http://www.vcgh.com/07:17
DasEi1Jp82191: ls07:17
DasEi1Jp82191: any *conf files in there ?07:17
JVizI tried googling, I didn't find anything I'd call reputable07:18
Jp82191nothing pops up07:18
sparkyJViz: if u manage to get that to work let me or us all for that matter know07:18
JVizsparky: the old player?07:18
Jp82191DasEi: how can i back my stuff up ill just reinstall using either karmic or lucid07:19
sparkyJViz yea07:19
JVizi used a script i found on the intarwebs a couple of weeks ago and it worked great, it seems the download is gone now though07:19
DasEi1Jp82191: have you an external storage or another hd ?07:20
Jp82191DasEi1: yes i have and Ext HDD07:20
JVizsparky: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-flash-is-not-recognizing-mouse-clicks.html07:20
DasEi1Jp82191: plug it in then07:20
JVizsparky: I used method 2, but it fails now07:20
DasEi1Jp82191: sudo fdsik -l07:20
JVizsparky: it can't wget the tar.gz anymore07:20
DasEi1Jp82191: will be sth. like /dev/sdb107:21
Draconis hey guys, is there any way to get the mouse smoother on rdesktop?07:21
JViztwo or three weeks ago it worked awesome07:21
DasEi1Jp82191: sudo mkdir /media/sdWahtever07:21
Jp82191fdsik command not found07:21
DasEi1Jp82191: sudo mount /dev/sdX  /media/sdX  (x corresponding to out from fdisk)07:22
MaRk-IJViz: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132965407:22
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DasEi1Jp82191:fdisk, being tired here07:22
JVizMaRk-I: same thing, no more tarball on the dl site07:23
noisewaterphdwhat is the best media player for large music libraries?07:23
Jp82191DasEi1: Im lost07:23
DasEi1Jp82191: sudo fdsik -l07:23
picard1421i had a question07:23
noisewaterphdi've got like 150gig of music07:23
DasEi1Jp82191: sudo fdisk -l, darn07:23
picard1421does anyone have any knowledge about VPN service providers i had a question about which countries give their users the most protection for VPN usage07:24
Jp82191ok after that what?07:24
MaRk-IJViz: just d/l the regular tarbal from adobe07:24
DasEi1Jp82191: external device is ?07:24
noisewaterphdi'd like auto artwork, lyrics, other cool meta features07:24
Jp82191doesn't say07:24
picard1421i was looking at relakks from sweden.. but i also saw another one in canada that says they keep no logs or ip info?? does anyone reccomend a good VPN site that has no records /logs data?07:24
Jp82191says fdisk: invalid option --'1'07:24
DasEi1Jp82191: sudo fdisk -l, darn               with l lower L07:24
noisewaterphdis amarok the way to go?07:24
noisewaterphdis banshee still buggy07:25
MaRk-IJViz: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/   just select the tarbal07:25
Jp82191i thought it was a 107:25
pinPointim doing an upgrade from 8-10lts and the upgrage is asking me about saslauthd?07:25
JVizMaRk-I: doing so, but i don't think this is the 64bit version07:25
Jp82191i get sda1 for linux07:25
DasEi1Jp82191: nermind, I'm the one being more senil right now :)07:25
pinPointkeep or replace the configuration?07:25
Jp82191sda2 for extended07:25
Jp82191sda5 for linux swap/solaris07:25
MaRk-IJViz: read the post... says there's no more 64 bit, but that makes it work07:25
DasEi1Jp82191: and no sdb ?07:26
DasEi1Jp82191: hum ?07:26
Jp82191sdb1 w95 fat32 (lba)07:26
Jp82191didn't see it at first07:26
DasEi1Jp82191: sudo mkdir /media/sdb107:27
DasEi1Jp82191: sudo mount /dev/sdb1  /media/sdb107:27
DasEi1Jp82191: cd /media/sdb107:27
DasEi1Jp82191: ls                                         <<should now show content of your external07:28
Jp82191yes it shows folders in the external hdd07:28
DasEi1fine , so whats to be backed up ?07:28
Jp82191the home folder which is music, pictures, videos, documents07:28
DasEi1is the external large enough to catch your /home ?07:29
Jp82191yea my main hdd is 40 gigs ext is 16007:30
JVizMaRk-I: done, followed the instructions, it's exactly the same as it was before07:31
DasEi1Jp82191: sudo mkdir /media/sdb1/backup07:31
doktoreashello everybody..Any idea about those strange fonts in firefox? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/348430/google.png07:31
JVizMaRk-I: youtube buttons don't work and general flakiness07:31
DasEi1Jp82191: sudo rsync -Pr /home  /media/sdb1/backup07:31
DasEi1Jp82191: sudo now brew yourself a tea07:31
fireduckI am unable to share my files from my Hdd on network. I get this (http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/wj9skjgR) when i try sharing.07:32
magnetrondoktoreas_: are you using Tor?07:32
MaRk-IJViz: no idea, some other ppl tried it and said it worked, I cant tell i'm on 32 bit07:32
Jp82191its copying now07:32
Jp82191i think its showing time and a percentage at the bottom07:32
DasEi1Jp82191: sudo now brew yourself a tea07:32
Jp82191when do i know when its done?07:32
DasEi1when the command cursor is back07:33
pinPointim doing an upgrade from 8-10lts and the upgrage is asking me about saslauthd?07:33
pinPointkeep or replace the configuration?07:33
DasEi1Jp82191: also rsync counts backwards, can see it07:33
Jp82191once done ill check in the laptop to see if files are back and if so ill reinstall 10.0407:33
magnetrondoktoreas_: are you using Tor?07:33
JVizMaRk-I: it sort of works, i  can still see ads, i can watch youtube videos as long as they autoplay, i just can't interact with anything07:33
Jp82191yes the times is going backwards07:33
Jp82191like counting down07:34
JVizMaRk-I: that's why i was looking for the 64bit version still07:34
JVizMaRk-I: unless someone figures out how to make the 32bit version interactive on 64bit systems07:34
DasEi1Jp82191: if you do a fresh install anyway, maybe have a seperate home this time, next time you don't need this anymore07:34
DasEi1Jp82191: like if a dist-upgrade went borked07:35
magnetrondoktoreas: are you using Tor?07:35
doktoreasmagnetron, Tor?07:35
magnetrondoktoreas_: did you install it?07:35
MaRk-IJViz: doubt it'll work but looks like here's a 64 bit for 9.04 http://nxadm.wordpress.com/2009/04/26/install-64-bit-adobe-flash-player-on-ubuntu-904/07:35
doktoreasnope..it happened since one day07:36
Jp82191it wasn't an upgrade07:36
Jp82191it was a fresh install i had win7 b407:36
waseemhi, I using Dell Inspiron 14R, have installed  a dell tailored ubuntu 10.04 from the a dell website. I have some issues with which are: 1. The brightness keys doesnt work. 2. I am not able to select extended graphics from the Appearance Prefences, as only the first option is enabled.07:36
magnetrondoktoreas_: yes, i was wondering if you installed Tor07:36
MaRk-IJViz:  and here's another option http://blog.mattrudge.net/2010/05/07/installing-flash-player-from-repository-on-ubuntu-10-04-64-bit/07:37
scriptwarlockfireduck: have you shared correctly the folder?07:37
doktoreasmagnetron, nope no Tor installed07:37
waseemcan anyone help with the brightness key first07:37
jgcampbell300can anyone tell me how to log into my ubuntu 10.04 server from my other computer running ubuntu 10.04 desktop ... i need to be able to open a terminal on the desktop to control the server ... thanks07:37
DasEi1Jp82191: looks more like a corrupt installer medium then, though the repos in the end worked, strange, complete reinstall of gdm didn't bring the default-files back07:37
DasEi1jgcampbell300: use ssh07:37
Jp82191i know i thought that would fix it07:37
fireduckscriptwarlock: no it says the same error07:37
Jp82191ill just wait till it finishes backing up then ill keep a backup07:37
DasEi1jgcampbell300: on both machines : sudo apt-get install ssh07:38
Jp82191safe on the ext hdd and reinstall Lucid07:38
scriptwarlockfireduck: heres a little sample video on how to share the files07:38
jgcampbell300DasEil, thank you ... i remember doing that before now ...07:38
DasEi1jgcampbell300: then edit ssh-config on server, get its ip, can ssh in07:38
scriptwarlockfireduck: see if it helps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVSK_Mun9UM07:39
glickhey has anyone here had any experience with the lullabot video series?07:40
glickim thinking of getting one but its expensive07:40
visofhello , i have ext4 partition that has 20 Gb but it's now full , and i have another empty partition, can i add that to ext4 partition ?07:40
W43372Howdy Folks. I've got an issue. I introduced my friend to Karmic yesterday and installed it on her computer. And then I installed XP Home on another partition on the hard drive so she could dual boot so she could have the option of using windows if there was something she wasn't comfortable with on Linux. After I installed windows and restarted the machine it automatically boots into windows. Normally when a computer with more07:41
W43372 than one OS is turned on, as far as I've ever seen, a prompt appears asking which partition you want to boot from. Her computer doesn't even give me the option. What should I do?07:41
visofwithout formation o rwithout lossing any data ?07:41
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Jp82191W43372: I would think you need to install windows first the ubuntu07:41
Jp82191but im not sure07:42
Flannel!fixgrub | W4337207:42
ubottuW43372: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.07:42
fireduckscriptwarlock: Yes it works!! Thanks a lot07:42
scriptwarlockDual boot! | W4337207:42
scriptwarlock!Dual boot | W4337207:43
ubottuW43372: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot07:43
W43372That's what I was trying to do, but any and all computers I've ever had more than one OS on I got the prompt automatically. this is the first time I've encountered this problem07:43
Jp82191W43372: check those links out07:43
Jp82191they provide info on how to do it07:43
W43372I am.07:44
FlannelW43372: If you install Windows second, it overwrites things (because Windows doesn't know about other OSes).  If you intend to do this again in the future, install windows first, then Linux07:44
Jp82191Flannel: thats the same thing i told him07:45
Jp82191I said to install windows first then ubuntu07:45
W43372Is there any way I can get back into linux so that I can get some of her data off of it before I start all of this again?07:45
jgcampbell300i forgot how to connect to the ssh on the server lol07:45
W43372Or should I just stick my usb stick into a windows computer and check the .Trash folder to see if her files are still there?07:45
FlannelW43372: you don't need to do it all again, just reinstall GRUB (follow the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub page), you don't need to reinstall Ubuntu07:45
Jp82191but he can't boot into ubuntu07:46
W43372Flannel: Oh, ok. Cool. Would it be easier if I just had both OS's on seperate hard drives?07:46
scriptwarlockjgcampbell300: until now?07:46
lemonade_New here07:46
FlannelW43372: It doesn't make any difference in this case07:46
W43372But, for future reference?07:47
Flannellemonade_: Welcome07:47
Jp82191Welcome Lemonade07:47
FlannelW43372: As far as getting-computers-to-boot, it doesn't make a difference for 99% of the cases07:47
jgcampbell300umm nope ... still reading on it ... cant bleave how much i have forgoten07:47
pallgoneW43372: no, but the next time do it the other way around, first install windows, then linux, so you won't have to fix it afterwards07:48
scriptwarlockjgcampbell300: its usually ssh -p <port> you@ip07:48
W43372Flannel: ok, nifty. I'll read up on these pages and find my way back over to this screen if I have any questions.07:48
FlannelW43372: Good luck07:48
jgcampbell300ahh that sounds like the key07:48
AdvoWorkany idea what this means? 1346.200randomnumber end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 503000. done a fresh install of 10.04, its asked me to reboot, took the cd out and its filled with that :S07:48
jgcampbell300cool ... that did the trick ... thanks much for the reminders07:49
peepingtomAdvoWork: it refers to your CD drive, don't worry about it it normally happens after ejecting post-install07:50
scriptwarlockjgcampbell300: yo ok07:50
peepingtom/dev/sr0 is your cd drive07:50
_HelloPhriendlie>ne1 care to point me to an easily installable tarball for ubuntu gnome linux so i can install vlc via a gui?07:50
_HelloPhriendlie(my unix machine is not nor will it be hooked up to the internet at any point)07:50
ssbplswhat's C IDE in Ubuntu?07:50
pallgoneW43372: you see, windows is just overwriting the boot sector when installing and puts its own stuff on there, it doesn't care if you have other operating systems...07:51
Jp82191DasEi1: i think its done backing up07:51
Jp82191can i just unplug it?07:51
peepingtom_HelloPhreindlie: https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/cutting-edge-multimedia   this PPA has recent builds of VLC and other video players07:51
scriptwarlockHelloPhriendie: its inside the ubuntu software center, the vlc?07:51
ssbplsDo I have to only use Vi?07:51
DasEi1Jp82191: so unmount cleaanly and re-check on laptop07:51
DasEi1Jp82191: cd07:51
Jp82191how do i unmount?07:52
scriptwarlockHelloPhriendie: ah ok he wants the latest...07:52
peepingtomHelloPhriendie: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:nvidia-vdpau/cutting-edge-multimedia07:52
DasEi1Jp82191: sudo unmount /dev/sdb107:52
ssbplsCan anyone answer me ?07:52
peepingtomthen sudo apt-get vlc07:52
bastid_raZorDasEi1: umount no n07:52
DasEi1peepingtom: no inet07:52
AdvoWorkpeepingtom, ahh ok thanks :)07:52
DasEi1Jp82191: sudo umount /dev/sdb1 ,thks bastid_raZor07:52
jgcampbell300hmm ... i have a ftp set up on my server but i am wondering if there is a faster way to transfer files from desktop to server ? or more direct ?07:52
bastid_raZorDasEi1: you're welcome.07:52
ssbplsthe language C IDE,sofeware name07:53
W43372pallgone: Yeah, that does make sense.07:53
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W43372I found the fix I need to do, I just need to figure out when I can get back over there to do it because I have to work tomorrow. I'd just call her and have her do it, but I left her with the Windows disc and brought all my other discs home with me earlier.07:53
bastid_raZorjgcampbell300: scp will max out your bandwidth available if you let it. that would be fast as possible.07:53
peepingtomyes ssh/scp is a good sol'n07:54
Jp82191DesEi1: i get umount: dev/sdb1; not found07:54
peepingtomDesEil:  /dev/sdb107:54
jgcampbell300will check it out thanks07:54
peepingtomslash at beginning07:54
JVizMaRk-I: that last link did it! thank you!07:54
JVizMaRk-I: thank you for finding that!07:54
DasEi1Jp82191: sudo umount /dev/sdb1 , see peepingtom07:54
JVizit works like a charm07:54
Jp82191ok i think it got it07:55
Jp82191it didn't say anything just a blinking line07:55
sabgentonCould anyone give me advice on a broken apt-get install   http://pastebin.ca/190659407:55
sabgentonI wasn't using screen and the network died over ssh.07:55
sabgentonSo far I tried purging  http://pastebin.ca/190659507:55
DasEi1Jp82191: fine then , can control by mount (no options)07:55
peepingtomssbpls: many IDEs, eclipse is very popular07:55
sabgentonwhich failed miserably07:55
ssbplspeepingtom,and others?07:56
trijithello all07:56
W43372Ok, now that I've figured out how to fix her problem I have a problem of my own.07:56
DasEi1sabgenton: can still ssh in ?07:56
sabgenton~$  dpkg -s lvm2 |grep Status07:56
sabgentonStatus: purge ok half-configured07:56
_HelloPhriendliepeepingtom: Thank you <)07:56
W43372For some reason my Linux laptop is not talking to my Microsoft box across the network.07:56
trijitcan any1 tell me how to speed up ubuntu? Currently, I am using xmonad and I dont need gnome :)07:57
sabgentonDasEi1: yeah well I restarted the box07:57
DasEi1sabgenton: obviously,  sudo dpkg --configure -a07:57
peepingtomW433372: have you installed samba?07:57
peepingtomyou mean ciffs or smb?07:57
ssbpls peepingtom,how about the anjuta?07:57
sabgentonoh cool07:57
peepingtomssbpls: I've never used it, emacs runs in the terminal eclipse is GUI, try anything though ;)07:58
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!07:58
W43372Yeah, it used to work just fine. It's just all of a sudden that it hasn't been working.07:58
ssbplspeepingtom:thank u07:58
Jp82191DasEi1: Thank you very much i got my stuff back now im just going to reinstall 10.0407:58
sabgentonDasEi1:  sudo dpkg --configure -a didn't change the status07:59
sabgentondid nothing07:59
DasEi1Jp82191: and check media for defects (option on the cd)07:59
DasEi1sabgenton: sudo apt-get update               <<does this throw errors ?07:59
Jp82191DasEi1: what do you mean like play the files see iff they work?07:59
sabgentonmy internets a bit slow at pressent08:00
MaRk-IJViz: yw08:00
sabgentonhold on08:00
W43372When I'm on the laptop and I'm trying to access the windows box through the network it tells me that it failed to receieve the share list or something, but when I'm on the box trying to access the laptop through the network everything works just fine...08:00
DasEi1Jp82191: no, if you go installing again, there is an option on the installe disk, checking for files being complete on the cd08:00
MaRk-IJViz: which one worked the one with the sh script?08:00
peepingtomyes it checks the integrity of all files to be installeed08:00
plutonium45server freenode.com08:01
kevinh90I am having an occasional graphical issue08:01
kevinh90its like there is confetti on my screen08:01
kevinh90and anytimg something on the screen moves, it gets worse08:02
peepingtomkevinh90: what video drivers/gpu do you use?08:02
trijitwhich driver are you using?08:02
kevinh90its nvidia propietary08:02
kevinh909800m gts08:02
theneoindiancan sumbody tell me the location of firefox log files , if there is one ?08:02
sabgentonDasEi1: still downloading but not throwing errors08:03
peepingtomkecinh90: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates   this PPA has latest versionof nvidia drivers, give it a shot08:03
Jp82191booting from cd taking forever08:03
Shirlwhere can i buy ubuntu?08:03
peepingtomsudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates  then update and upgrade08:03
peepingtomShirl: at the canonical store08:03
DasEi1sabgenton: so that will have done it prbly, else it shouldN't have started at all, can verify by again : sudo apt-get install lvm208:04
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_HelloPhriendlietheneoindian:  on windoze?08:04
DasEi1sabgenton: sudo apt-get upgrade is your next friend08:04
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Lucid, and help keeping the servers' load low!08:04
trijit~/.mozilla/firefox/k2n26fbn.default/Cache >> this is the cache directory08:04
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Shirlcan this run crysis?08:04
theneoindian_HelloPhriendlie,  no  , in Ubuntu .. i'm tired of firefox crashing for  no reason :(08:05
trijityou can run counter strike...Worked for me :) via WINE08:05
DasEi1Shirl: sure, you merely have to rewrite it :)08:05
_HelloPhriendlieoh yeah, i forgot what room i was in08:05
Shirlwhere do i buy wine?08:05
peepingtomtheneoindian https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa  firefox 4 available here08:05
trijitwine u dont have to buy :08:06
DasEi1!wine > Shirl08:06
ubottuShirl, please see my private message08:06
trijitsudo apt-get install wine08:06
pinPointI need help getting my new sata drive detected and formatted for use.08:06
trijitit helps to run exe in linux08:06
pinPointFile Browser does not see the new drive.08:06
Shirlso it's a windows emulator08:06
_HelloPhriendlie!wine > _HelloPhriendlie08:06
ubottu_HelloPhriendlie, please see my private message08:06
kevinh90I think I will just reset X08:06
kevinh90why doesnt crtl+alt+backspace work?08:07
trijitu need to configure it08:07
kevinh90this issue is soooo rare08:07
DasEi1Shirl : don't try crysis on wine, and also there are ppa's with newer version of wine , the repo ones are .. little outdated08:07
theneoindianpeepingtom, okey , but is there any log files for firefox ? i just wanna know the problem ..08:07
bastid_raZorkevinh90: alt + sysreq + k08:07
peepingtomdisabled since karmic, use alt+printscrn+k08:07
Shirlthen how can i play crysis?08:07
bastid_raZorubottu tell kevinh90 about dontzap08:07
ubottukevinh90, please see my private message08:07
erryMy gnome-panel disappeared.. I tried reboot, i tried dist-upgrade, tried killing gnome-panel and restarting it through a commandline, nothing.08:07
DasEi1Shirl: on a win bo x?!08:07
trijitif you want to kill x via the key comb, you need to set it in System >> preferrences >> Keyboard shortcuts08:07
bastid_raZor!panels | erry try reseting the config for it08:08
ubottuerry try reseting the config for it: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: Ā« gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel Ā»08:08
Shirlbut i want a linux operation system08:08
sabgentonDasEi1: update not so usefull lvm2 is already the newest version.08:08
Shirli'm trying to get into hacking08:08
kevinh90bastid_raZor: thanks for sending me the thread link08:08
DasEi1bastid_raZor: cool, didn't know the bot also accepts human language08:08
trijit@Shirl :  you can not play Crysis in linux for now :(08:08
jgcampbell300does anyone here use landscape ? i have been looking for pricing but cant seem to find any08:08
Shirli also want to hack08:09
kevinh90g2g, g'night, thanks all08:09
DasEi1sabgenton: no, that's just what we wanted to achieeve, dpkg has worked then , all fine08:09
sabgentonDasEi1: http://pastebin.ca/190660308:09
ssbplsme too08:09
errybastid_raZor, doidn't help08:09
Shirlso i know i want a linux os08:09
DasEi1sabgenton: sudo apt-get upgrade is your next friend08:09
ssbplsShirl:me too08:09
shell-fuwhen doing raid, do all hdd & partition(slices) need to be the same size? e.g. five 10 tb slices on 50 tb hdd ... or can there be diverse memory on the hdd?08:09
trijithacking is a goog thing but cracking is a bad thing:)08:09
pinPointcan anyone help me get my drive online?08:09
trijithacking is a good thing if you know about it :(08:09
visofhello , how can i know , how much internet bandwidth my pc get from the lan ?08:09
ssbplshow to get used to hacking fastly?08:09
visofis there a command to know that ?08:09
pinPointI plugged a new 500gb sata drive and nothing is visible under file browser08:09
trijitwhich driver? may I know?08:10
sabgentonDasEi1: really08:10
Shirlwell i already learned html08:10
bastid_raZorerry: look in ~/.xsession-errors for possible hints as to why it has died.08:10
DasEi1sabgenton: ah, wait...08:10
sabgentondoen't that mean I had a buggy package08:10
shell-fuShirl, how old are you?08:10
pinPointtrijit: wd 500gb sata08:10
peepingtomvisof: system -> administration -> system monitor -> [resources]08:10
MaRk-I!ot | Shirl08:10
ubottuShirl: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:10
shell-fuShirl, you want to become a hacker? read the Ubuntu Server Guide08:10
Raeburn__Looking for help on checking the number of emails in my mailbox...08:10
DasEi1sabgenton: sudo apt-get remove --purge lvm2 && sudo apt-get install lvm208:10
zkriesseRaeburn__: ok08:10
trijit@pinpoint: let me check08:11
Shirli want to be a hacker08:11
Shirlthat's why i want this operation system08:11
errybastid_raZor, http://pastebin.com/pJs19nHf08:11
sabgentonDasEi1: thats what i've allready done just one at a time08:11
trijitthere should not be any issues regarding 500GB sata specially for WD08:11
lemonade_operating system08:11
trijitI am also using08:11
errybastid_raZor, not sure what to look for so i pasted the whole thing, it's not big08:11
shell-fushirl, https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html08:11
shell-fuShirl, download & install ubuntu 10.04 and get busy08:11
pinPointtrijit: its brand new. no formatting done at all. Bios sees the drive fine08:12
Shirli want ubuntu that runs crysis08:12
Ademanshell-fu: you linked to an 8.04 page, lol08:12
shell-fuget wine08:12
shell-fuademan, lol, i didn't even look soz....08:12
erryAny ideas?08:12
sabgentonDasEi1:well purge still errors so it doesn't get past the &&08:12
Shirlhow much does wine cost?08:12
trijit@pinpoint: which flavour r u using?08:12
Jp82191wine is free08:12
shell-fuademan, i just googled and that came up haha... it looked correct haha08:12
Ademanshell-fu: I'm not going to lose any sleep over it :-p08:12
pinPoint10 lts08:12
bastid_raZorerry: i don't see anything that stands out.08:13
AdemanJp82191: good wine isn't, it's at least USD 15 per bottle08:13
lemonade_Shirl, everything is free here08:13
errybastid_raZor, should i purge and re-install it?08:13
shell-fu10.04 isn't that great08:13
shell-fujust gui inclined08:13
Shirli'm not gonna pirate software08:13
DasEi1sabgenton: sudo apt-get clean08:13
Jp82191Ademan: lolz cheap wine from a liquor store?08:13
shell-fushirl, sush... or learn abotu ubuntu...08:13
Shirli already know how to hack'08:13
jgcampbell300sudo apt-get clean ... what does that do08:13
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Shirli already have html under my belt08:13
trijitsorry.@pinpoint : try fdisk -l08:13
erryI have php!08:13
bastid_raZorerry: i've had gnome-panel break because of an applet i tried to install was borked. possibly is this your case?08:13
trijittell me the o/p08:14
errybastid_raZor, no, didn't install any applets.08:14
peepingtomapt-get clean deletes downloaded .deb installers08:14
AdemanJp82191: sorry, *someone* has to make a wine (spirit) joke when someone mentions wine (software) :-p08:14
DasEi1sabgenton: deleting d/l packages from apt's cache08:14
jgcampbell300oh thats nice ... i should use that now lol08:14
trijitis it showing the new one? If so, you need to create file system08:14
shell-fufor raid, does all HDD have to be the same size?08:14
pinPointtrijit: i see a /dev/sdb: 500.1GB08:14
errybastid_raZor, i -think- it disappeared after i renamed my computer -_-08:14
Jp82191Ademan: i know i just like messing around while im loading 10.0408:14
DasEi1shell-fu : soft raid ? no08:14
trijitthat's it08:14
bastid_raZorerry: oh, you've changed your hostname?08:14
trijitu dont need a driver08:15
Shirlhow much does wine cost for a registry key?08:15
errybastid_raZor, yrah, but i did it on another cpomputer too and nothing bad happened08:15
bastid_raZorubottu tell erry about hostname08:15
alexdabossim new to ubuntu but love it, having trouble getting the ps eye mic to work08:15
ubottuerry, please see my private message08:15
shell-fucan you make a RAID setup on a 'single' HDD with multiple partitions acting as the distinct separate drives?08:15
pinPointtrijit: it says it doesn't have a valid partition table.08:15
EdinHello, do you know something like Ketarin, but for Linux / Ubuntu (tool for keeping setup packages up to date)08:15
errybastid_raZor, already done what ubottu says.08:15
pinPointits brand new so I guess it needs to be formatted?08:15
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese ę‚ØåÆ仄č®æ问äø­ę–‡é¢‘道ļ¼š #ubuntu-cn ꈖ者 #ubuntu-tw  ęˆ–者 #ubuntu-hk08:15
DasEi1shirl: read some basics on linux, wine is under gpl08:15
trijityou need to create the filesystem.so no driver issue :D08:15
Raeburn__There must be an easy way of checking the number of emails in my mailbox via cli?08:15
bastid_raZorerry: ahh, well. i am out of ideas.08:15
trijitit has already detected ur HW08:15
Shirldaseil: i don't need to08:15
lemonade_that's good wine,good brand across08:15
alexdabosscan someone please help me08:15
erryWell uh08:16
Shirli just need a valid registry key08:16
pinPointtrijit: what app allows me to format it?08:16
erryshould i re-install it?08:16
trijitPinpoint: wait.. I can provide you a cool link to create filesystem08:16
Shirli don't pirate software08:16
trijitcan you please wait? :)08:16
DasEi1Shirl: ... there is no registy in linux08:16
EdinHello, do you know something like Ketarin, but for Linux / Ubuntu (tool for keeping setup packages up to date)08:16
Jp82191this Shirl person is annoying08:16
DasEi1!gpl > Shirl08:17
ubottuShirl, please see my private message08:17
alexdabossneed help08:17
EdinShirl, afaik linux does not have a registry08:17
shell-fucan a single HDD be set in a RAID configuration using multiple slices on that HDD?????08:17
Jp82191State your question alexdaboss08:17
Shirlyou guys are no help08:17
FlannelShirl: Please mind your language08:17
DasEi1Edin: update-manager ?!08:17
sabgentonDasEi1: && statement still fails after clean08:17
Jp82191alexdaboss: what do you need help with08:17
Shirlin the end08:17
alexdabossim having issues setting up my ps eye cam08:17
trijitpinoint :try  sudo fdisk /dev/sdb08:17
lemonade_Shirl,wiki or google linux08:18
EdinDasEil: No, not for the current system, imagine you are a pc tech08:18
DasEi1shell-fu: could, though faking the sense of raid then08:18
ibnarrashidShirl: What do you need a registry for? It's free software...08:18
Jp82191ps eye cam on ubuntu?08:18
peepingtomEdin: Ubuntu uses .deb packages, it comes with a package manager called Synaptic or apt-get and dpkg08:18
alexdabossi got video no mic08:18
Jp82191you sure its compatible?08:18
errybastid_raZor, i purged and installed.. nothing.08:18
EdinAnd need the latest setup exes on your flash08:18
trijit@pinpoint : if it does not work, you can kill me :)08:18
sabgentonMy lvm2 package is still screwed and doesn't purge  or reinstall properly08:18
pinPointtrijit: let me try that08:19
peepingtomEdin: Use Synaptic, it comes with Ubuntu. System -> Administration -> synaptic08:19
trijitsure.. I am here08:19
EdinSo I would like to have a flash plugged in my PC constantly, and some tool to "hit" the links every day at given time08:19
Jp82191alexdaboss: try this http://blog.10100111001.com/2009/02/playstation-3-eye-web-cam-working-on.html08:19
root___hey trijit08:19
erryanybody have any ideas?08:19
ShirlI think i'd rather pay for the software that comes with windows than deal with the elitism and superficial flaws that come with a loonax os, nonetheless one that is so user friendly there is nothing to be elitist about.08:19
DasEi1someone ready to unlock sabgenton' apt ? http://pastebin.ca/1906603 I'm off08:19
trijitby the way, can any1 tell me how to change my alias here? every1 is using Alias08:19
EdinAnd I need it for Windows systems08:19
bazhang!ot > Shirl08:20
alexdabossim very new to linux is their a way you can privately walk me through it08:20
sabgentonDasEi1: thanks for you help all the same08:20
EdinI am using Ubuntu, but not all my friends can be convinced08:20
AdvoWorkhaving issues with wireless, ive activated the hardware drivers, so it says its in use, yet it says wireless is disabled. any ideas please?08:20
Jp82191DasEi1: thanks alot im not installing 10.04 Again hopefully it works better this time around08:20
erryI don't want to have to do that D:08:20
DasEi1cu lators aligators08:21
EdinFlashget, again under Win, is having such option afaicr08:21
tv7497hello folks ! well i was trying to transfer huge chunk of data between two of my external hdd ! the data is about quarter tb ! is there a faster way for me to transfer these data's ?08:21
EdinBut smth on Linux?08:21
EdinEven hard to search08:21
erryThanks for your time08:21
erryI guess my panel is gone lol08:21
trijit@W43372 : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108214808:21
erryFound it08:22
Niglopcan I setup fluxbox and still have an applications button on the taskbar? (thats the only thing I dont like ~ the right click desktop for app menu)08:22
FloodBot4erry: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:22
Edintv7497, are these "hdds" or just racks with hdds inside (can you take off the hdd)08:22
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pinPointwhat file system should I use? ext2,ext3,fat16,fat32?08:22
peepingtompinPoint: ext408:22
EdinpinPoint, ext408:22
magnetronpinPoint_: the default in new ubuntu versions is ext4, i recommend that08:23
tv7497Edin: just hdd's connected to my comp using a usb08:23
glickhey if i share a desktop on a machine, how can i connect to it?08:23
pinPointmagnetron: excellent, i have 10lts08:23
glickfrom another ubuntu machine?08:23
shell-fuhow do i register with freenode?08:23
peepingtomglick: SSH08:23
peepingtomoh sry08:23
Edintv7497, if you are able to take off the hdds and connect them directly to your MB, it will be faster08:23
magnetronpinPoint_: i use ext4 for / and /home. i use ext2 for /boot but that's just me08:23
EdinBut it requires some skills08:23
glickpeepingtom, Vinaigre?08:23
pinPointmagnetron: i just want a blank drive to begin with for now.08:24
peepingtomyes it's included with ubuntu for remote desktop/vnc08:24
tv7497Edin: its not possible its moulded inside a casing :(08:24
glickpeepingtom, i dont see it08:24
peepingtomApplications -> Internet -> remote desktop08:24
Edintv7497, so bare with the speed08:24
glickahh thanks08:24
trijitsorry.. typo error08:24
pinPointmagnetron: can I ask you a question?08:24
Edintv7497, use copy08:24
EdinThen delete08:25
Edinso no data loss08:25
Sbiokohow to change the governor of CPU?08:25
Sbiokoapplet on panel does not work08:25
magnetronpinPoint_: basically, if you want journalled i'd go with ext4. for just an USB thumbdrive i'd just put vfat on it. and if it's for a fix mountpoint but no journalling wanted, i'd go with ext208:25
SbiokoEdin: frequency08:25
=== root___ is now known as sogo
Sbiokowhen I boot up, It always on the max(2 Ghz)08:25
Sbiokoon the Perfomance mode08:26
EdinSbioko, I'd try in BIOS first08:26
magnetronpinPoint_: just ask it straight out, anyone that knows the answer will try to help08:26
jmyeomneed help installing a internet dongle on ubunt 10.408:26
Edinbest way08:26
SbiokoI want to set it always on powersave08:26
Sbiokoor 800 Mhz08:26
magnetronSbioko_: are you using a pentium 4?08:26
Edinincrease the bus, not multiplier08:26
Sbiokoapplet does not respond08:26
tv7497Edin: will copy work ?08:26
Sbiokomagnetron: laptop; AMD Turion x208:26
peepingtomsbioko: what CPU do you have?08:26
glickwhen i connect to a remote desktop, it doesnt seem to keep in sync08:26
=== dgtl|screen is now known as dgtlchlk
sogo@trijit: change ur nickname -> /nick <nickname>08:26
glickmaking it impossible to use08:26
EdinMay need a bit more voltage, but careful08:26
EdinWatch the temp08:26
trijitit's better not to deal with the frequency :( .... I performed a and the over-cloaking punished me bad08:26
pinPointmagnetron: right now I have a 120GB IDE drive. I got the new 500GB sata today. I want to eventually mirror the entire ide->sata. Is it possible and still make it bootable?08:26
glicki.e. when i move a window, it doesnt move in my remote display, but it moves on the remote coputer08:26
glickso after a while my display is no up to date08:27
Sbiokopeepingtom: AMD Turion x208:27
Edinalso +0.3 to +0.6 V to RAM08:27
pinPointmagnetron: bare in mind my OS is running on the IDE one.08:27
trijit@ pinpoint : solved? that one?08:27
jmyeomneed help installing a internet dongle on ubunt 10.408:27
EdinSbioko, never clocked AMD's08:27
peepingtomSbioko: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_make_use_of_Dynamic_Frequency_Scaling#Using_Frequency_Scaling_Governors08:27
pinPointtrijit: yes, its more of an extension.08:27
pinPointtrijit: thanks08:27
sogo@trijit change nick : /nick <nickname>08:27
Sbiokothe thing is08:27
EdinHad Cel North 2.0 @ 3.0 with $10 fan08:27
jgcampbell300wow that sucked08:27
magnetronpinPoint_: i would recommend transfer just the /home and install the rest anew08:27
Niglopwhat is the difference between distro's? other then what package management window manager and file system they use08:27
Sbiokomy laptop's temperatures is 68 C, 59 C, 62 C08:27
glickand refresh screen doesnt work08:28
=== trijit is now known as noob_bully
glickdoes anyone kow why that is?08:28
SbiokoGPU, CPU 0, CPU 1 respectively08:28
jmyeomneed help installing a internet dongle on ubunt 10.408:28
Sbiokoup to those values08:28
pinPointmagnetron: its a webserver.... tons of files everywhere and scripts08:28
Sbiokoand even higher08:28
EdinMy current Prescott reaches 3.0 @3.8 with same fan quality :P08:28
pinPointnot just /home08:28
Sbiokoand I dont know what to do?08:28
Sbiokosame thing on Windows!08:28
SbiokoUbuntu 10.0408:28
SbiokoWindows 708:28
magnetronpinPoint_: well you put it all in /var right?08:28
EdinSbioko, it is hard to overclock a lappy08:28
pinPointyes but apache scripts, mysql, cron08:28
Sbiokoand I want it to set to 800 Mhz08:28
EdinTry to clean the dust inside, put new thermopaste08:29
SbiokoI did it successfully08:29
Sbiokobut after some reboot08:29
jmyeomedin, as bout as hard trying to make a baby sing08:29
SbiokoI began not to work08:29
SbiokoEdin: cleaned08:29
jmyeomneed help installing a internet dongle on ubunt 10.408:29
SbiokoEdin: cleaned dust08:29
W43372ok this is weird, when I use remote desktop viewer and put in my windows box IP I can access the desktop thru VNC, but I still can't access it through the network...08:29
pinPointmagnetron: i just went from 8->10lts can't I just mirror to the new drive? isn't that the least painful method?08:29
Edincooling pad?08:29
sabgentonapt-get install lvm2 failed as my ssh connection died (should have been using screen)  http://pastebin.ca/190659408:29
SbiokoEdin: my cooler08:29
EdinWell, AMDs are... hot08:29
sabgentonreinstalling fails http://pastebin.ca/190660308:29
Edinlike it or not08:29
peepingtomturions run hot08:29
jmyeomneed help installing a internet dongle on ubunt 10.408:29
sogo@trijit: http://lizzie.spod.cx/screenirssi.shtml08:29
sabgentonany clues08:29
Sbiokoand it temperatures are always high08:29
Sbiokopeepingtom: really? so this is not Ubuntu's failure?08:30
Sbiokoor Windows?08:30
sabgentonhave tried clean purge and  dpkg --configure -a08:30
peepingtomW43372: install samba for file sharing between windows and ubuntu08:30
peepingtomcan you ping between them?08:30
jmyeomneed help installing a internet dongle on ubunt 10.408:30
jmyeomneed help installing a internet dongle on ubunt 10.408:30
Sbiokopeepingtom: ?08:30
W43372I already have it but I'll try doing it again, the terminal command is sudo install-smb, yeah?08:30
magnetronpinPoint_: i guess your earlier choices will affect you now. with more planning the transfer would be alot easier. just copying all files over will be unlikely to work, for lots of reasons08:30
EdinW43372, maybe you limited IPs to local net?08:31
peepingtomSbioko: those temperatures are reasonable for a turion08:31
noob_bully@sogo : Thanks :D08:31
Sbiokopeepingtom: but why?08:31
jmyeomneed help installing a internet dongle on ubunt 10.408:31
magnetronpinPoint_: i recommend you set up LVM for your new HDD, then any future upgrades will be alot easier08:31
magnetron!repeat | jmyeom08:31
ubottujmyeom: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.08:31
W43372what command do I use to install samba thru terminal?08:31
scriptwarlockjmyeom: paste the specs of your dongle08:31
peepingtomsudo apt-get install samba ....08:31
pinPointmagnetron: LVM?08:31
sogowhich internet dongle ur using?08:31
jmyeom3 dongle, all i know :P08:31
W43372peepingtom thanks, it's been a long day08:32
noob_bullywhat are you using? Netgear?08:32
EdinW43372, try sudo apt-get install samba [twice TABHERE]08:32
peepingtomSbioko: any electricity not consumed becomes heat, turions are inefficient08:32
glickhow come remote desktop istn working correctly?08:32
W43372it told me that I already had the newest version of samba and when I do a findsmb I only get my laptop as the output08:32
Edinor smb08:32
magnetronpinPoint: it's a system for partition management, you can grow, shrink, move and combine filesystems between hard drives even without rebooting08:32
glicklike for example, i dont see the remote icons08:32
glickif i move remote windows, the screen isnt updated08:33
Sbiokopeepingtom: but i dont remember, that I had such problems one year ago08:33
magnetron!lvm | pinPoint08:33
ubottupinPoint: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto08:33
Sbiokopeepingtom: I bought it 2 years ago08:33
glickand it doesnt help if i choose refresh display08:33
pinPointmagnetron: raid?08:33
magnetronpinPoint: no, it's different from RAID08:33
noob_bullyCan any1 tell me how to disable the splash screen in ubuntu 9.10.... Splash scree here does not mean the boot time splash..after logging to user account08:34
phlak_usernoob_bully: disable plymouth08:34
magnetronpinPoint: with LVM, it's possible to just add an extra HDD when you run out of disk space and let the old / grow over both HDDs08:34
jmyeomneed help installing a 3 internet dongle on ubunt 10.408:34
noob_bullyhow to? Can you please explain? That ed be vey helpful08:34
euph0riaisn't the ~/.ssg directory created automatically when a new user is added in ubuntu?08:34
sogobugging the splash screen for me as well :(08:34
euph0riaie ~./ssh i meant..08:35
pinPointmagnetron: can I have it all grow onto 500gb one?08:35
noob_bully@phalk_user : can you plase xplain?08:35
Sbiokopeepingtom: maybe the things are in laptop's age too?08:35
magnetronpinPoint: if you made your first install with LVM, yes08:35
Niglopwhat is the difference between distro's? other then what package management window manager and file system they use08:35
rwweuph0ria: no08:36
jmyeomneed help installing a 3 internet dongle on ubunt 10.408:36
pinPointmagnetron: this is too painful, theres gotta be a way for me to just move everything including the boot partition stuff08:36
magnetronpinPoint: i suggest you make a fresh install on the new HDD, with LVM partitions. then move the apache config, scripts folder and /var/www_data over by hand08:36
euph0riarww: when is it created? I logged on with the user through ssh and it's not created even then..08:36
phlak_usernoob_bully: this is the only known way; please do not remove the package. .. -> rename all the files plymouth* in /etc/init/ or move them out of that folde08:36
noob_bullyokay ..let me try thanks :)08:36
glickanyone know why remote desktop ubuntu to ubuntu doesnt update the screen?08:37
magnetronpinPoint: how you install it the first time affects how easy it is to upgrade08:37
glickmaking it pretty useless08:37
AdvoWorkanyone got a belkin f5d7051 usb dongle working in 10.04?08:37
jmyeomneed help installing a 3 internet dongle on ubunt 10.408:37
rwweuph0ria: when you run the ssh client as that user and it creates ~/.ssh/known_hosts. or you can just make the directory yourself.08:37
pinPointmagnetron: i installed using a burned dvd iso file of 8.x lts08:37
magnetronpinPoint: yes, and you didn't use LVM.08:38
zxscould someone lend a hand to getting 3 monitors setup on 10.04 - ati 4xxx x2 cards08:38
pinPointi was a rookie at this... dang it.08:38
noob_bully@phalk_user :  there's no plymo* :(08:38
euph0riarww: I login with that user but nothin happens..08:39
jmyeomneed help installing a 3 internet dongle on ubunt 10.408:39
phlak_userzxs: http://www.sakis3g.org/\08:39
magnetronpinPoint: setting up LVM is slightly more complicated but it's totally worth it in the long run08:39
pinPointmagnetron: i just want to copy from drive a to drive b. :(08:39
phlak_usernoob_bully: yes there is... check inside /etc/init.d/08:39
pinPointor ghost it but drives that are of different sizes08:40
rwwphlak_user: noob_bully said they're on 9.10. 9.10 doesn't use plymouth. Plymouth isn't responsible for splash screens after login anyway.08:40
magnetronpinPoint: you can! but it won't be bootable08:40
Sbiokopeepingtom: htanks08:40
pinPointmagnetron: why?08:40
magnetronpinPoint: also, it's unlikely it will mount your non-root partitions correctly08:40
phlak_userrww: you're right i was thinking Lucid...08:41
magnetronpinPoint: because the boot loader isn't simply a file08:41
Pirate_Hunterhow do i go about fixing the encoding/locale in my terminal some characters don't show properly all I see is squares specially when using ssh?08:41
zxsphlak_user:  3g for monitors?08:41
rwwphlak_user: and if they were using lucid and wanted to disable plymouth, the correct ways of doing it are 1) removing "splash" from /etc/default/grub, or 2) removing the plymouth-theme-* packages.08:41
phlak_userzxs: oops wrong nick;08:41
magnetronPirate_Hunter: are you connecting to an ubuntu box using ssh/putty from windows?08:41
jmyeomneed help installing a 3 internet dongle on ubunt 10.408:42
magnetron!repeat | jmyeom08:42
phlak_userjmyeom: This will help you configure 3G for most operators http://www.sakis3g.org/08:42
ubottujmyeom: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.08:42
jmyeomty :)08:42
phlak_userrww: removing splash from grub doesnt help at all08:42
rwwphlak_user: yes, actually it does08:42
noob_bully@phalk_user : nope :(08:43
AdvoWorkphlak_user, im still having issues with wireless lol. i can't even get this dongle working with it lol08:43
rwwI should know, I did it about an hour ago.08:43
Niglopwhat is the difference between distro's? other then what package management window manager and file system they use08:43
phlak_userAdvoWork: didnt the ndiswrapper thingy work?08:43
lemonade_how can i update my blackberry with Ubuntu08:43
rwwNiglop: not much. Try them and see.08:43
jmyeomphlak_user, iv gone there, now what, im totally new, it just gave me a file?08:43
Jp82191i don't think there are blackberry drivers for ubuntu08:44
Nigloprww:  what are some debian based distros08:44
=== dgtlchlk is now known as dgtl|screen
lemonade_Jp82191, no way help connect my bb?08:44
phlak_userjmyeom: thats a script that supposed to install the required apps (like usb_modeswitch) and configure your network manager; just follow the instructions08:44
rwwNiglop: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_distributions#Debian-based08:44
Pirate_Huntermagnetron, nope from ubuntu to ubuntu08:44
Niglopthanks rww08:45
phlak_userlemonade_: I use barrybackup08:45
Jp82191lemonade_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/Blackberry08:45
lemonade_phlak_user, what about installing software to bb?08:46
glickin my public folder, can i put links to folders i want to shar?08:46
magnetronPirate_Hunter: if both ubuntu computers are installed as UTF-8 systems, the only thing you can do is use a good font which supports most characters08:46
phlak_userlemonade_: I use blackberry app or download the app directly to the device itself.08:46
peepingtomglick: i think so08:47
Perfexioncan someone tell me how to remove a path that I added with a type using export PATH=${PATH}:<your_sdk_dir>/tools08:47
lemonade_phlak_user, thanks08:48
Niglopwhich package manager is most frequently updated?08:48
jmyeomnow do i open console?08:48
AdvoWorkphlak_user, nope, but.. i may have a solution. a guide shows to do: wget http://jooz.net/rndis/rndis_wlan-snapshot-20080509.tar.gz   that link is gone, but i think ive got rndis_wlan drivers somewhere as default. any suggestions please?08:48
phlak_userPerfexion: you might need to re-export the PATH variable with the correct spelling; first echo $PATH and copy down the correct path08:48
W43372I was able to solve my problem with this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=531649. Apparently my IP address changed on my windows box and that change wasn't reflected in /etc/hosts08:48
ping__lucehi, is there a way to access a gnome panel through ssh (with -X option) ?08:48
rwwNiglop: if you're asking about Linux distributions in general, rather than Ubuntu specifically, try ##linux or #ubuntu-offtopic. #ubuntu is just for Ubuntu support.08:49
peepingtomgnome-panel, or do you mean one running in another X-session?08:49
jmyeomnow do i open console?08:49
phlak_userAdvoWork: sorry havent worked on rndis drivers08:49
Perfexionphlak_user: I already re exported fixing the typo, now in my path I have the correct directory and the directory with a typo, I can see them both with echo $path08:50
phlak_userPerfexion: when re-exporting you shouldnt add the old $PATH only export PATH=/all/correct/paths:/new/path/corrected08:50
jmyeomnow do i open console?08:51
peepingtomapplications -> accessories -> terminal08:51
phlak_userjmyeom: why are you repeating the same sentence?08:51
PerfexionI basically typed tool instead of tools, now I want to remove /home/justin/android/android-sdk-linux_86/tools08:51
Pirate_Huntermagnetron, i would assume both systems support utf8 and have good font, however, how do i go about checking,?08:51
glickafter i share my public folder on one computer, how can i access it from other computers?08:51
jmyeomcos im not getting a answer, and thanks peepingtom, im have a look now08:51
glickother ubuntu computers that is08:51
phlak_user!patience| jmyeom08:52
ubottujmyeom: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.08:52
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
yoyoshihi, i have that blank screen problem with lucid. it happens right after i log in. this is an old computer with an old ati radeon. i was about to edit the /etc/default/grub file according to some instructions i found, but it seems i don't even have that file. what should i do?08:52
phlak_userglick: right-click on the folder and configure "Sharing Options"08:53
PerfexionPhlak_user: I don't understand what you are saying. I basically typed "export PATH=${PATH}:~/android/android-sdk-linux_86/tool" realized I messed up, so I typed "export PATH=${PATH}:~/android/android-sdk-linux_86/tools" and now I want to remove the bad one.08:54
zxscould someone lend a hand in getting 3 monitors setup on 10.04 - ati 4xxx x2 cards08:54
peepingtomyoyoshi: do you have grub-pc installed? that is Grub 2, you may ave grub 1 installed somehow08:54
radziomowi ktos tu po polsku?08:54
peepingtomyoyoshi: you want grub 2 to use that method, I think08:55
peepingtomradzio: #ubuntu-pl08:55
glickphlak_user, files i share are only visible on the local network right?08:55
yoyoshipeepingtom: so i should install a package called grub-pc?08:55
redhow can I use find to list all the mp3 files in sub folders08:55
peepingtomyoyoshi: do you already have it installed?08:55
jmyeomi need help, these are the instructions, but how can i dl it without a internet connection?08:55
redso that i can use it with | mpg123 * --random08:55
redwith just find and that it tries to play every word instead of full line08:56
yoyoshipeepingtom: no, installing now08:56
phlak_userPerfexion: 1) type echo $PATH. This will print out the current path. Select everything upto the point where you add the android directory and copy to clipboard (ctl+shift+c in terminal); 2) Now type export PATH=ctl+shift+v (paste):your/new/path08:56
claudiagood morning08:56
phlak_userglick: yes, they will not be visible on the internet unless you are on a public IP08:56
jmyeomi need help, these are the instructions,(http://wiki.sakis3g.org/wiki/index.php?title=Sakis3G_installation) but how can i dl it without a internet connection?08:56
Sbiokohi again08:56
yoyoshipeepingtom: so now i want to replace the legacy version of grub?08:56
Sbiokoplz help08:56
Sbiokosound began not to work08:57
Sbiokoin 10.0408:57
phlak_user!hi| claudia08:57
ubottuclaudia: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:57
claudiadoes anybody know the exact date for the next release of ubuntu? i heard that in august there will be a new version...08:57
AdvoWorkreally confused. this page: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/rndis_wlan#rndis_wlan  shows my wireless usb dongle is supported. but i dont know how to get that working?08:57
radzioclaudia do you speak polish?08:58
claudiaradzio no08:58
magnetronPirate_Hunter: all ubuntu installs are utf-8 by default since 6.06 or so08:58
radziowhere are you from?08:58
yoyoshipeepingtom: chainload from menu.lst?08:58
phlak_userAdvoWork: you should just load the module using modprobe -v08:58
claudiaradzio: germany08:58
glickpeople need a user account on your machine to access the public folder08:59
rwwclaudia: October 10th08:59
radzioi from polen:)08:59
glickunless you select no access08:59
phlak_userAdvoWork: sudo modprobe -v rndis_wlan (if it is available)08:59
glicki mean unless you select guest access08:59
radzionice to meet you:)08:59
claudiarww: ohhh, really? than i got some wrong information08:59
Perfexionphlak_user: I understand now, that fixed it. Much appreciated.08:59
phlak_userPerfexion: np08:59
rwwclaudia: The thing coming out in August is 10.04.1, which is just an update rollup for 10.04.08:59
claudiarww: ahh ok08:59
PerfexionCan I also ask if someone can explain what $source .profile does?09:00
Draconisholy crap09:00
Pirate_Huntermagnetron, i assumed that just dont know exactly why ssh characters wont show properly will explore a bit more09:00
Draconisdid anyone read the crap about the salaries in Bell, CA?09:00
wx9jcan I store all the files from an install disk on a different partition and reinstall from there ?09:00
Draconisoops wrong chan, sorry09:00
radzioi 20 years old and you?09:00
lorenzosuHi all I think I've messed with evolution and now I get a "Could not connect to Evolution Exchange backend process: Please restart Evolution" all the time help please!09:00
magnetronPirate_Hunter: "ssh characters"? which ones are we discussing, specifically?09:00
phlak_user!ot| radzio09:01
ubotturadzio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:01
claudiarww: so what would you advice to me... i am going to install ubuntu on a new laptop, shall i install 10.04 right now or maybe its better to wait for 10.04.109:01
phlak_userclaudia: that version would be 10.1009:01
rwwphlak_user: 10.04.1 is an update rollup for 10.04 that's coming out in August.09:02
phlak_userlorenzosu: can you not reconfigure exchange settings?09:02
claudiaphlak_user: yes, the version in october, but i mean the rollup for 10.04 in august09:02
rwwclaudia: may as well just install now. If you do normal system updates (which update manager will prompt you about), you'll end up with the same thing.09:02
phlak_userclaudia: you could also update then09:02
faleis there a way to install grub etc inhibiting them to make questions? (like grub wants to know where to put himself etc)09:03
claudiarww: thanks09:03
phlak_userclaudia: unless you're willing to wait with no ubuntu till aug :)09:03
claudiaphlak_user: also thx to you09:03
glickphlak_user, after i right click on the folder and share it, do i also have to go to System->preferences->file sharing and enable that?09:03
lorenzosuphlak_user, already done it several times, and also I'm importing a backup which works on a vanilla installation09:03
phlak_userglick: nope09:03
Pirate_Huntermagnetron, reading text files or using iftop characters such as lines, bars words will not show properly, what I get is white boxes09:04
glickfor some reason it wont let me connect to the remote share09:04
radzioclaudia you are?09:04
claudiaphlak_user: well, on the laptop is already ubunutu 9.04 installed, but i would like to update the system09:04
glicksays Failed to retrieve share list from server when i try to go to Places->netwoek09:04
claudiaradzio: what do you mean?09:04
phlak_userclaudia: oh ok; better to wait till aug then09:04
rwwradzio: This is not a chat channel, it's a support channel for Ubuntu. If you want to chat, try #ubuntu-offtopic or #defocus, not here.09:04
=== zeitgeist is now known as Guest43384
=== Guest43384 is now known as musashi
shell-fuin vbox, I can't make a raid configuration with 3 VIRTUAL HDDs. When creating a MD device, it won't let me select any of the partitions on the 3 Virtual HDDs. anyone solution????09:05
claudiaphlak_user: ahh ok... :-) i made some mistake while i installed 9.04 (e.g. the home directory is not on a sepearte partition) hence i would like to everything new09:05
magnetronPirate_Hunter: so you mean characters like - are not working correctly?09:06
phlak_userglick: are you trying this on the local pc or the remote one?09:08
glickphlak_user, im trying to share the files in my Public folder with the local network09:08
Pirate_Huntermagnetron, yeah and a few other will need to check why when using ssh I believe it is the ldx terminal but I could be wrong09:08
claudiarww: sorry that i disturb you again and ask the same question, do you know if there is an exact realease date for 10.04.1 ?09:08
phlak_userglick: right, did you look for the shares from a different pc on the network after you enabled sharing?09:09
NotALameranyone else have trouble with cups and win7? i haven't been able to get it to work09:09
Pirate_Huntermagnetron, have to restart quickly09:09
magnetronPirate_Hunter: not all terminal emulators supports utf-8 by default, compare with gnome-terminal09:09
glickyes phlak_user09:09
pozicInstalling kdevelop via Synaptic tells me the the package is not available, but is in the data base even after a refresh of the packages.09:10
=== Mthis_ is now known as Mthis
pozicWhat is going on?09:10
phlak_userglick: apparently you do have to do this --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144136809:10
Scotsmanhow do I utilise the RAM or /dev/stm/ as i need it as a shortcut or a drive09:10
rwwclaudia: August 12th09:11
red2kicglick: Try gshare09:11
GrimmVarghey guys, I have no cd, no usbstick/disk and I need to install ubuntu on my windows machine, any good ideas?09:11
red2kicGrimmVarg: Purchase a USB stick. It's cheap.09:11
ScotsmanGrimmVarg, buy a stick09:11
bastid_raZorubottu tell GrimmVarg about install09:12
ubottuGrimmVarg, please see my private message09:12
pozicGrimmVarg: you can just download the Windows installer for Ubuntu.09:12
pozicGrimmVarg: wubi is its name, IIRC.09:12
GrimmVarghehe, yeah tnx guys, I have plenty of usb sticks at home, but im at work :P09:12
claudiarww: thank you!!09:12
GrimmVargpozic: but wubi only makes a "dummy install" right?09:12
pozicGrimmVarg: you don't have a usb stick at work?09:13
GrimmVargpozic: hehe, no. Im quite amuzed be this fact my self09:13
red2kicGrimmVarg: Ask your co-workers or the big dog -- "Boss, Can I has USB stick to play with?"09:13
bastid_raZorGrimmVarg: follow the last link in that factoid. it tells how install directly from the ISO09:13
GrimmVargim stuck on a very non-teck project and people here barely know what a usb stick is, it is living hell09:13
lorenzosuHi all I think I've messed with evolution and now I get a "Could not connect to Evolution Exchange backend process: Please restart Evolution" all the time help please!09:14
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pozicGrimmVarg: as is common with "simple stuff", Wubi does not actually say exactly what they do.09:14
pozicGrimmVarg: I think it just installs Ubuntu on NTFS.09:14
GrimmVargis it possible to use wubi, install ubuntu on the windows drive, then run ubuntu and install to another partition form wubi?09:14
pozicGrimmVarg: so, it will probably work, but might be slower, because ntfs drivers are not that fast.09:15
Pirate_Huntermagnetron, any idea of what could be causing the problem other than the terminal settings09:15
GrimmVargah, ill give it a go, thnx pozic09:15
pozicGrimmVarg: I go with the other advice, just get a key.09:15
GrimmVargyeah, maybe ill run out and buy one during lunch :P09:16
pozicGrimmVarg: or you order one on-line.09:16
bastid_raZorGrimmVarg: wubi installs to a file on the windows drive almost like a VM would.09:16
glickhmm still cant get it to work09:16
GrimmVarggahds, to much quits/joins im out09:16
spaceghost_hey does anyone know what's up if my whole laptop freezes when I try to transfer files over network or watch video that's hosted on a network share09:17
spaceghost_using 10.04 lts09:17
Scotsmanthem flood bots are annoying me09:18
zxscould someone lend a hand in getting 3 monitors setup on 10.04 - ati 4xxx x2 cards09:19
thune3spaceghost_: freeze can mean different things. What do you mean by freeze.09:20
=== Andy is now known as Guest53269
yoyoshilucid. blank screen after login, display starts making a sound similar to that ticking when i change resolution. old ati radeon. i tried adding nomodeset and then acpi=off to the grub file. didn't help.09:21
spaceghost_thune3: laptop screen freezes, no mouse reponse or anything; the wifi drops too09:22
magnetronPirate_Hunter: except for terminal settings, the choice of terminal emulator matters09:22
thune3spaceghost_: does it recover after some time?09:22
glynehi everyone09:23
glynecould anyone lend me a hand concerning acpi management?09:23
spaceghost_thune3: I let it run for about 5 minutes for a 100ish mb file, while frozen, and it did not recover09:23
Jordan_Ufale: You can preseed the values, as with any other debian package. What are you trying to setup exactly?09:23
violinappren!help | glyne09:23
ubottuglyne: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:23
spaceghost_thune3: is it normal for a total freeze during network transfer?09:24
{g}Hello Ubuntu People! I want to use a server via vnc. By now there is no X installed on that server. I only have a terminal connection. What would be the first steps? "apt-get install gnome"?09:24
violinapprenspaceghost_: could be the network card driver. pastebin lshw -C network09:25
glickwhen i go to another ubuntu machine in my house and go to places->network->Windows Network  i still get Unable to mount location09:25
glickhow can i set it up?09:25
llutz{g}: learn to use ssh09:25
violinappren!samba | glick09:25
ubottuglick: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.09:25
glickcant i browse for all folders09:25
glyneI added "acpi=off" in grub (Ubuntu Lucid) which helps me prevent xruns (for audio) but I am looking for a way to switch off the computer "normally" - because with acpi=off I need to press the power button..any idea how to fix this??09:25
oCean_llutz: that's not a helpful answer09:25
MaRk-Iyoyoshi: try "xforcevesa" instead of nomodeset09:26
Jordan_Uyoyoshi: Have you run "sudo upgrade-from-grub-legacy" to complete the upgrade to grub2?09:26
lightbricko1I use Ubuntu Karmic Koala. Update Manager updated Firefox, and now I get the following error in the console when starting firefox: http://paste-it.net/public/a46370b/ What can be wrong?09:26
thune3spaceghost_: not this is a problem. if transfer is over wifi, i would suspect wireless driver is crashing the system. seeing lshw as violin asks would be helpful.09:26
spaceghost_violinappren: thune3: http://pastebin.org/41297209:26
Pirate_Huntermagnetron, hmm will check on that... might reconfigure the console and see if it helps09:27
bastid_raZorglick: Place > Connect to server > Service Type > SSH  ..then fill in the details and create a bookmark. the bookmark will then be listed in Places for easy mounting09:27
spaceghost_I had major wifi problems with my pc recently, only with this setup does it have access consistently09:27
llutzoCean_: its a more efficient way to administrate a server than installing gnome or whatever just to use  vnc09:27
=== sandy is now known as Guest44929
Jordan_Ulightbricko1: Looks like a problem with the quake live extention, try running "firefox --safe-mode"09:27
bastid_raZor{g}: ubuntu-desktop (but that would add huge overhead just for vnc)09:27
helltigerwich packet i have to dpkg-reconfigure to detect my monitor at higher refresh value?09:28
glickbastid_raZor, i thought if i shared my public folder it would be automatically visible on the network?09:28
Nokkhotrer`raatcan i use utorrent in ubuntu 10.0409:28
glickthat you could browse for it09:28
{g}bastid_raZor: "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"?09:28
oCean_llutz: definitely. But there could very well be a reason for the specific question.09:28
bastid_raZorglick: i don't know. i have never tried your method.09:28
bastid_raZor{g}: yes, it is a rather large download and defeats the purpose of it being a server.09:29
llutzoCean_: speculation09:29
thune3spaceghost_: problem is when using wired or wireless connection?09:29
oCean_{g}: do you really require a full desktop environment? Or just be capable of running specific commands/utilities09:29
glickbastid_raZor, when i clicked share, it autmatically made be install samba09:29
=== hovoron is now known as hovoron_
spaceghost_thune3: I only use wifi on this, the one time I used wired it worked fine09:29
bastid_raZorglick: ahh, samba.. one sec.09:30
=== hovoron_ is now known as hovoron
violinapprenspaceghost_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/38333209:31
bastid_raZorglick: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba09:31
violinapprenspaceghost_: this driver seems flaky09:31
{g}oCean_: its just for fun. im playing with a new cloud server where you can create and delete new VMs with a single mouseclick. i want to set up a desktop environment on one and use it via vnc. just to see it.09:31
spaceghost_violinappren: is there some way I could contribute my info to the bug report09:32
lightbricko1Jordan_U: I tried firefox --safe-mode and clicked "Continue in safe mode". It still doesn't start, but now I only get "(firefox-bin:2590): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times".09:32
Niglopok if u have a pci-e capture card, is it pci-e in the console or the pc?09:33
Jordan_Ulightbricko1: Can you try temporarily renaming your .mozilla directory?09:33
violinappren!bug | spaceghost_, yes09:34
ubottuspaceghost_, yes: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command Ā« ubuntu-bug <package> Ā» - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots09:34
oCean_{g}: ok, that might actually require complete desktop-environment setup. As bastid_raZor pointed out, 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' would add gnome, but give lots of overhead (since it's .. well.. gnome) After that, there are several choices in vncservers. Like tightvncserver or vino09:34
spaceghost_thank you all, I'll file the bug and hope my awful pci card gets better support soon09:35
thune3spaceghost_: one option may be to try linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic (or appropriate version for your kernel)09:35
FabParmahow to copy 1TB of data by shell & verify all with CRC or similar? in more, booting in rescue mode and using a root shell can create trouble? Thank you for helping09:35
spaceghost_thune3: I will try that thanks09:36
bastid_raZorFabParma: copy it to where?09:37
{g}oCean_: ok, doing "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" now09:37
glickthe windows Network folder has a WORKGROUP folder in it09:37
glickbut when i try to click on it says Unable to mount location09:37
skarhi, i used to have the current command name set to the title of the konsole tab in karmic. now i'm on gnome/ubuntu lucid and it doesn't work. anyone know of the bash command to set the current job to the tab title?09:38
FabParmahow to copy 1TB of data by shell & verify all with CRC or similar booting in rescue mode and using a root shell? what commands? rescue mode can create trouble? Thank you for helping09:38
phlak_userFabParma: copy it where?09:38
lightbricko1Jordan_U: I renamed the directory and now it worked! (But I have many bookmarks, plugins, settings etc. that I need)09:38
red2kicFabParma: "man rsync"09:39
erUSULFabParma: rsync ?09:39
lightbricko1Jordan_U:  Should I just rename the .mozilla to the original name and then remove the quakelive plugin maybe?09:39
Jordan_Ulightbricko1: At least now you know that it's a configuration problem, hopefully you can find a way to narrow down the problem from there.09:39
FabParmaphlak_user: from a 1tb hd ntfs to 1tb hd ext309:39
lightbricko1Jordan_U: Yes, thanks for helping me out09:39
Jordan_Ulightbricko1: You're welcome.09:39
glickcan anyone help me share my Public folder over the network?09:39
glickthe intuitive way isnt working09:39
faleJordan_U: i want install grub without it asking me the value (I'm looking for something like the -y option)09:40
phlak_userFabParma: rsync is the simplest way09:40
phlak_userFabParma: it is useful for copying links, devices, owners, groups, and permissions09:41
FabParmaphlak_user: no inode problem?09:41
Jordan_Ufale: Are you trying to set this up for someone else / automate it? If not then just bite the bullet and answer the questions the package scripts ask.09:41
Drenrizaim new to this chat, downloaded and installed xchat for the first time. What is the point of this channel? just so i know. Getting guidance?09:42
abhinav_singhi am making a cron job in unubtu...i have a file called abh.php in /home/abhinav/work/abh.php ....i want to run that file on every 2 hours.....i have searched on net and i have the following line ... 0 */2 * * * /home/abhinav/work/abh.php   now i want to know how to add this line to crontab ....please help me09:42
redanyone here who is good with shell stuff like using find with running a command for found files?09:42
faleJordan_U: I'm trying to create a script that installs it. Since it should run alone, that question stacks the script09:42
phlak_userFabParma: not that i know of09:43
phlak_userabhinav_singh: crontab -e09:43
faleJordan_U: (tecnically the script does a long list of things, and one is installing grub)09:43
Jordan_Ufale: Then read up on pre-seeding values in debian packages.09:43
redDrenriza: yes, #ubuntu-offtopic is for chitchat09:43
erUSULabhinav_singh: crontab -e09:43
faleJordan_U: awesome, thanks for the name, now I know what I'm looking for :)09:44
Jordan_Ufale: You're welcome.09:44
abhinav_singhphlak_user after adding this line in crontab -e will it run my file after every 2 hours?09:44
collabraI have a simple question; what is the key combination to activate the desktop cube funcion from compiz09:44
redabhinav_singh: add a php in front of the file i thinkk09:44
erUSUL!ccsm | collabra09:44
ubottucollabra: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz09:44
redso it runs it with php09:44
phlak_userabhinav_singh: if you have the php cli interpreter then it should09:45
erUSULabhinav_singh: and you added the correct sheebang line and the file is executable etc ...09:45
Jordan_Ufale: For grub-pc specifically make sure that the value you preseed for "install-devices" is a path in /dev/disk/by-id/ (as the normal packaging scripts set up). Otherwise the wrong drive could have grub installed to it on upgrades (as for various reasons what was once /dev/sda may later become /dev/sdb and visa-versa)09:45
glickthis is frustrating09:46
{g}oCean_, bastid_raZor: ok, i installed ubuntu-desktop. now how can i start it and access it via vnc?09:47
erUSUL!samba | glick09:47
ubottuglick: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.09:47
oCean_{g}: you have to start a vnc-server at the remote machine, and a vnc-client at your local desktop. Here's some explaining: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC09:48
{g}oCean_: so i do "apt-get install vncserver" on the server?09:49
glickerUSUL, the ubuntu help documentation doesnt mention anything about me having to muck around with samba directly09:49
glickit just says enable file sharing in System->Prefs->Personal File Sharing09:50
glickand then right click on the folders in want to share and select Share this folder09:50
kasunhello, does formatting a partition to a ntfs filesystem via ubuntu  is recommended? will there be compatibility issues when i access them through windows?09:50
aguaithefreakis anyone using thinkpad x201i?09:50
{g}oCean_: the link you posted seems to assume that the server is already running a desktop. but in my case its not. im just connected via ssh.09:51
Scotsmanhow do I utilise the RAM or /dev/stm/ as i need it as a shortcut or a drive09:51
GrimmVarghey guys, Ive now running ubuntu installed via wubi, is it possible to install this system on a real partition from within ubuntu, chroot ore something like that?09:51
Hali_303hi! is it possible to encrypt the attached HDD using some hardver IDs like serial number, ethernet MAC, etc?09:51
Hali_303so that the HDD is only usable in that PC?09:52
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zxscould someone lend a hand in getting 3 monitors setup on 10.04 - ati 4xxx x2 cards09:52
FabParmawhy Ubuntu starts the X at runlevel 2 and not at runlevel 4? years a go i used a distro that simply typing init 3 i had a full cli machine no X at all, when finished start x or init 5 that so easy. why Ubuntu dont?09:53
bastid_raZor!runlevels | FabParma09:54
ubottuFabParma: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.09:54
=== themill_ is now known as themill
Nokkhotrer`raatwhich torrent client u use in ubuntu 10.0409:55
spaceghost_thanks guys, linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic worked after reboot; transferred a movie with no freezing09:55
bastid_raZorNokkhotrer`raat: tranmission09:55
bastid_raZortransmission, rather... Nokkhotrer`raat09:56
musashiutorrent through wine09:56
bastid_raZormusashi: ktorrent has the same features.09:56
violinappren!hi | sam__09:56
ubottusam__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!09:56
musashibastid_raZor, not interested in installing kde libs09:56
hellRaiseri want to start contributing to open source projects. I am interested in shell scripting part, can any one suggest me how to start09:57
violinapprenmusashi: transmission has a gtk front end09:57
musashiviolinappren, i have transmission on the mac and my linux machine, i just find utorrent runs better09:58
violinappren!contribute | hellRaiser09:58
Nokkhotrer`raatbastid_raZor,  whats transmission09:58
ubottuhellRaiser: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate09:58
=== Nokkhotrer`raat is now known as lalon
lalonbastid_raZor,  whats transmission09:58
benoitc,/win 409:58
FabParmaubottu: sorry, if i want configure a server with X active, and when finished i want to keep it working w/o X?09:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:58
Jordan_UhellRaiser: Debian packaging often involves a lot of shell scripting.09:58
violinapprenlalon: a bittorent like09:59
bastid_raZorlalon: Applications > Internet > Transmission09:59
sam__what is the commands for ejecting a CD from the CdROM , can any one help please?09:59
hellRaiserJordan_U: thanks09:59
thune3spaceghost_: excellent, i didn't have confidence it would help but thought it was worth a shoot.09:59
lalonbastid_raZor,  ohh got it .. can i download torrent file from any torrent site with this transmission?09:59
Jordan_UhellRaiser: You're welcome.09:59
erUSULhellRaiser: the topic in #bash is a good start. the guide (specially) faq and pitfalls page09:59
Jordan_Usam__: "eject"09:59
bastid_raZorlalon: yes09:59
sam__hello ubuntu room10:00
mallchinhello o/10:02
jongleurhi. Why the more unstable outdated Thunderbird version is the last in the ubuntu repositories?10:02
FabParmaif i want configure services on Ubuntu using X and when finished keep on only the kernel and the working services?10:02
erUSULFabParma: sudo stop gdm10:03
Jordan_Ujongleur: Because regressions are often much more troublesome than known problems.10:03
oCean_jongleur: packages in ubuntu are not always 'latest'. Updates within an ubuntu release are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit.10:04
jongleurwell - I found some people having the same problem (thunderbird was starting very very slow - more than 20 minutes before I cancelled).10:05
mallchinhi guys, is there a guide to 9.10 server for installing packages? I am reading https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/add-applications/C/installing.html but it requires X10:05
jongleurI installed the current stable build from the mozilla repository and it worked fine - as for some of the others i found in the net ;)10:05
violinapprenmallchin: man apt-get10:06
mallchinviolinappren: it is advisable to use apt-get not aptitude?10:06
oCean_violinappren: that's a bit harsh. Ever seen that manpage? :/10:06
malo75hello guys, any news about the suspend/resume problem with laptops in lucid?10:06
ravenrhythmbox "radio browsser" SHOUTCAST - how to download shoutcast lists?10:06
violinapprenmallchin: not sure if advisable but it works well for my servers10:07
ssbplshello,how to install sofeware from the code package?10:07
violinapprenoCean_: it's all so pretty10:07
mallchinviolinappren: okay, thanks10:08
ssbplsi often get wrong10:08
violinappren!build | ssbpls10:08
ubottussbpls: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)10:08
ssbplsthank u10:08
experiMENTALhi. problem persists, plz. black screen with white flashing stripes up to half of the screen preceded by a message "checking battery state... [OK]": http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153154310:09
phlak_usermalo75: my laptop (eeepc) suspends and hibernates just fine on lucid10:09
mallchinhow can I see what versions of a package are available? I do not want to install the latest version10:10
ubottumallchin, please see my private message10:10
violinapprenmallchin: apt-cache policy10:10
MaRk-Iraven: how to add shoutcast stations:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J0YvYQ09WI10:11
* mallchin pets ubottu 10:11
mallchinviolinappren: thanks10:11
ravenMaRk-I, the shoutcast is in the list but everything is empty...10:12
MaRk-Irage: I know?  watch the link10:12
malo75phlak_user: I guess it is a problem with some video cards, for example with the integrated intelHD ...10:12
zxscould someone lend a hand in getting 3 monitors setup on 10.04 - ati 4xxx x2 cards10:13
mallchinviolinappren: I want to install asterisk-1.4 on ubuntu 9.10, I don't see it in the main repository, is it possible it's in another repository?10:14
violinapprenmallchin: you could search the PPAs10:14
violinappren!ppa | mallchin10:15
ubottumallchin: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.10:15
mallchinviolinappren: thanks10:15
shell-fucan anyone help me with settuping up a RAID1 array with ubuntu Server 10.04??? thanks10:19
violinappren!raid | shell-fu10:21
ubottushell-fu: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto10:21
Niglopdo pci-e or external capture cards produce better quality?10:22
BasicXPHello! We at Russian LoCo planned to make an interview about Ubuntu Membership. And we have a question we can't answer - how old is the youngest Ubuntu Member?10:23
oCean_Niglop: such question might be better suited for ##hardware10:23
NiglopoCean_:  nobody is answering me10:23
oCean_BasicXP: this is only technical support. Join #ubuntu-offtopic for all other chat10:23
oCean_Niglop: that is not a reason to ask here10:24
BasicXPokay thanks10:24
violinappren!hi | randy__10:24
ubotturandy__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:24
Suberjin!hi | Suberjin10:25
ubottuSuberjin, please see my private message10:25
WhizzxHi all I'm new here10:25
WhizzxIn need of someone to show me arround10:26
pallgoneWhizzx: new on IRC?10:26
phlak_user!hi| Whizzx10:26
ubottuWhizzx: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:26
oCean_Whizzx: do you have a technical ubuntu question?10:26
randy__so if i have any problems i just ask on this site10:26
WhizzxYup, new on IRC and Ubuntu10:26
oCean_randy__: all technical ubuntu issues are welcome here10:26
shell-fucan you put raid on a virtual box? with virtual HDDs????10:27
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oCean_Whizzx: this channel is not for introduction/help on IRC, this is technical ubuntu support only10:27
randy__okay ill remember this site for sure10:27
skarhi, how do i make gnome-terminal to display the current command as the tab title?10:28
glickit looks like soft links dont work10:29
glickin sharing files10:29
glickbut what about hard links?10:29
Whizzxhelp version10:29
phlak_userglick: links should never work on file shares10:30
glickphlak_user, so if i want to shar my music, i gotta make duplicate copies?10:30
ioskar: Certain commands set their own titles and that replaces the initial title.10:30
TenPhilis there another way to change the background except from the Appearance Menu?10:30
phlak_userglick: or share the music folder (if it is legal)10:30
ioskar: Edit -> Profile Preferences.10:30
oCean_TenPhil: right-click the background?10:30
glickphlak_user, i can only share one folder at a time?10:31
phlak_userTenPhil: right-click on any image and say "Set as Desktop Background"10:31
TenPhiloCean_ Nope10:31
phlak_userglick: not at all10:31
oCean_TenPhil: yes, in gnome10:31
oCean_TenPhil: default gnome/metacity that is10:31
skario: thanks. but somehow long running programs like top, mplayer etc which used to set the title previously under konsole in karmic don't work under gnome-terminal in lucid10:31
TschackoI play with my clicker now10:31
Tschackoclick click click10:32
oCean_Tschacko: please stop?10:32
phlak_user!ot | Tschacko10:32
ubottuTschacko: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:32
limsi_davidMSG ChanServ10:32
phlak_userlimsi_david: /msg10:32
ioskar: I understand, there doesn't seem to be a way to do that natively. It allows certain commands to change the title, but only if they choose - or so it seems.10:33
=== limsi_david is now known as david_limsi
skario: yup. but top, mplayer etc are setting the title's in karmic konsole, while here it doesn't. ah well, thanks anyway. i'll make do with what i have :)10:34
ioskar: I would stay in here though and randomly ask your question and possibly someone will have an answer - it's rather quiet at the moment.10:35
TenPhilphlak_user & oCean_ : ok, so according to the settings in the gconf editor the picture should have changed, but I only get the default image.10:35
skario: ok, will try that then during the night :)10:35
phlak_userio: i just tested with gnome-terminal and mplayer. the title does get set10:35
lorenzsizin amĆ½nĆ½za koyim10:35
lorenznoluyo burda la10:35
iophlak_user: That was for skar.10:35
lorenztop musun olum sen10:35
lorenzinternet orospusu demek mi io10:36
oCean_!tr | lorenz10:36
ubottulorenz: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, TĆ¼rkƧe yardım ya da geyik iƧin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.10:36
phlak_userskar: i just tested with gnome-terminal and mplayer. the title does get set10:36
phlak_userio: sorry10:36
skarphlak_user: oh, let me check10:36
lightbricko1Jordan_U: I finally fixed this issue. For some reason it works if I delete the file secmod.db in /home/lightbricko/.mozilla/firefox/vkuuxfit.default10:37
lorenz!tr | oCean_10:37
ubottuoCean_: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, TĆ¼rkƧe yardım ya da geyik iƧin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.10:37
lorenztop oCean_10:37
phlak_userskar: sorry, i spoke too soon; it was actually showing my cwd in10:38
skarphlak_user: nope, it still doesn't. i tried running mplayer on a mp3 file10:38
skarphlak_user: ok :) still, does it work when playing a mp3 or avi?10:38
phlak_userskar: my terminal shows the current working directory in Title not the title of the song/video when mplayer is playing10:39
violinapprenlol @ "i play with my clicker"10:39
mallchinis there a server edition of ubuntu 5?10:39
skarphlak_user: ok. same with me. however under konsole in karmic, it used to show the command. dunno if i customized it in karmic or not. let me check.10:40
mallchinnvm got it :)10:40
sabgentonapt-get crashed mid install (ssh disconected)  now lvm2 will just not install10:41
sabgentonany ideas?10:41
oCean_!cn | zjy97032410:42
phlak_user!cn| zjy97032410:42
ubottuzjy970324: For Ubuntu help in Chinese ę‚ØåÆ仄č®æ问äø­ę–‡é¢‘道ļ¼š #ubuntu-cn ꈖ者 #ubuntu-tw  ęˆ–者 #ubuntu-hk10:42
violinapprensabgenton: dpkg --configure -a10:42
dany_I got a problem.I upgraded to Kubuntu  10 and now sometimes when I try to shutdown the system the system does not shutdown properly there is the blue screen with the text "kubuntu 10" and the loading bar but it does not shutdown :( n these cases I must reboot the system and shutdown.. What can I do?10:42
zjy970324  what10:42
violinapprensabgenton: and? any errors?10:43
dany_#kubuntu is desert10:43
oCean_zjy970324: this is english only10:43
violinapprenzjy970324: write this       /join #ubuntu-cn10:43
oCean_zjy970324: please don't10:43
sabgentonthe command it self returns nothing at the shell  and  apt-get install still fails10:43
sabgentonand lvm still doesn't exist to run10:43
violinapprensabgenton: fails with what error messages? pastebin10:43
glickthere are serious security bugs in ubuntu10:44
ioglick: For example?10:44
llutzglick: fiel bug-reports10:44
sabgentonviolinappren: http://pastebin.ca/190660310:44
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto10:44
glickio, i uncheck the share folder option of a folder, and reboot...when it boots up even though share folder is unchecked, its still shared10:44
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:45
strangecan i search ubottu i want to know the keyword for moving the damn close/minimize/maximize buttons to right10:45
ubottuThe graphical user interface (GUI) in Ubuntu is composed of many elements, including the !X server, a window manager, and a desktop environment such as !GNOME or !KDE (which themselves use the !GTK and !Qt toolkits respectively)10:46
violinappren!controls | strange10:46
ubottustrange: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side10:46
sabgentonviolinappren: when I install other stuff with apt not it mentions10:46
sabgentonErrors were encountered while processing:10:46
sabgenton lvm210:46
skarphlak_user: well, konsole somehow sets the tab title to the cmd, if the cmd is mplayer, top or watch and it runs for more than 3 secs exactly10:46
violinapprensabgenton: apt-get purge lvm2 and then clean cache10:47
violinappren!hi | daniel10:47
ubottudaniel: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:47
strangei still cant get over why they went left side10:47
ross_does anyone know how to configure chrome?10:47
io!anyone | ross_10:47
ubottuross_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:47
ross_how do you configure chrome10:47
violinapprenross_: click on the button on far right, then select options10:47
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:48
glicki cant unshare my folder! what the hell!10:50
oCean_glick: watch your language please10:51
pallgoneglick on it?10:51
glickpallgone, ?10:51
sabgentonviolinappren: that was a while ago10:52
violinapprensabgenton: force it!10:53
joakimkI'm trying to set up bluetooth in ubuntu. "/etc/init.d/bluetooth restart" gives [OK] on both stopping and starting bluetooth, but still my cellphone can't detect any devices...10:53
sabgenton how10:53
sabgenton -f10:53
FloodBot3sabgenton: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:53
opijcould anyone please tell me how to turn character echo off in openssh?10:53
violinapprensabgenton: i think so, but check man page, could be something specific for remove, i'm checking too10:54
phlak_userjoakimk: have to set it to "Visible" ?10:54
joakimkphlak_user: what, the laptop?10:54
sabgentonk thx :D10:54
phlak_userjoakimk: yes, if you left-click on the bluetooth icon, there is an option for "Visible"; click to enable10:55
joakimkphlak_user: the bluetooth thing under preferences menu has almost no settings...10:55
joakimkphlak_user: that's the thing; there is no bt icon...10:55
phlak_userjoakimk: that icon normally comes on if the bluetooth radio is on10:55
violinapprensabgenton: yeah try with -f10:55
sabgentonviolinappren: --force-yes can potentially destroy your system :S10:56
sabgentonif that's what you mean10:56
sabgenton"says the man"10:56
phlak_userjoakimk: in System-Preferences-Bluetooth there is a checkbox which says "Show Bluetooth Icon". is that selected?10:56
violinapprensabgenton: just try -f (it means fix broken)10:57
sabgentonah seen10:57
=== amidelalune is now known as amidelalune|brb5
sabgentonsudo apt-get -f remove --purge  lvm210:58
opijcould anyone please tell me how to turn character echo off in openssh?10:58
violinapprenopij: for passwords?10:59
violinapprenit's already off10:59
opijviolinappren: for shell services10:59
joakimkphlak_user: yes, "Only display when adapter is present"10:59
joakimkphlak_user:  so I guess that's the problem then10:59
phlak_userjoakimk: its solved then?11:00
joakimkphlak_user: no... I can get the icon by choosing "always show", but the cellphone can't detect any computer11:00
violinapprenopij: i think it's up to the shell?11:00
violinapprensabgenton: yes11:00
joakimkphlak_user: and the laptop can't see the cellphone, if I try to "Setup a new device"11:01
phlak_userjoakimk: did you enable the "Visible" option11:01
joakimkphlak_user: but where do I do that?11:01
joakimkphlak_user: I have almost no settings to configure...11:01
sabgentonviolinappren: :( http://pastebin.ca/190671311:01
joakimkphlak_user: only show icon11:01
phlak_userjoakimk: left-click on the icon that does get shown in notification area11:01
sabgentonwaa my apt's screwed11:02
joakimkphlak_user: yes; I can do Preferences, and that lets me show/hide the icon. That's it.11:02
opijcould anyone please tell me how to turn character echo off in openssh?11:02
joakimkphlak_user: no Visible setting11:02
_SKiTZOi found fdupes to be a great program for finding duplicate files, however it works "deterministically" by calculating the MD5 sum of each file. Does anyone know of a similar program that will find similar (but not necessarily identical) images?11:02
llutzjoakimk: does "hcitool dev" show your adapter (mac)?11:02
llutzjoakimk: try "hcitool scan" after setting the cellphone to visible and watch output11:03
joakimkphlak_user: hcitool dev gives only "Devices: "11:03
violinapprensabgenton: i think there was an option to supress script execution11:03
joakimkphlak_user: Device is not available: No such device11:03
llutzjoakimk: so your bt-adaptor isn't initialized11:03
joakimkI guess not :)11:03
joakimkhow do I do? ;)11:03
joakimkphlak_user: but I can do sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart, and it says "OK"11:04
llutzjoakimk: check "dmesg|grep -i blue"11:04
phlak_userjoakimk: normally a button/fn key combination should do the trick11:04
opijcould anyone please tell me how to turn echo off in openssh?11:05
joakimkphlak_user: I have no such button. The wireless button is glowing blue.11:05
joakimkllutz: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/dp6FM9wG11:05
=== ThomasUK is now known as Hancock
phlak_useropij: what do you mean by that? unlike telnet, ssh does not echo characters remotely as well as locally11:07
llutzjoakimk: usb or pci bluetooth-adapt.?11:08
opijphlak_user: i just dont want everything i type to appear 2 seconds after i type it. it makes typing and correcting very difficult.11:08
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joakimkllutz: bluetooth, no cable11:09
phlak_useropij: that is just an indication of the low internet speed; if you didnt see that, how would you know what you typed and whether it was correct?11:09
llutzopij: "stty -echo"11:09
llutzjoakimk: usb or pci bluetooth-adaptor?11:09
joakimkllutz: I have the configs all done from before, it worked 6months ago. So I believe the BT adapter/driver has fallen out of my computer11:09
opijthanks llutz !11:09
phlak_userllutz: thats for all echo not just openssh :)11:09
llutzphlak_user: on that terminal, yes. ssh has no such option11:10
violinapprensabgenton: dpkg -r -P --force-remove-reinstreq11:10
phlak_userllutz: so in theory he wouldnt even be able to see his ssh connect command11:10
opijphlak_user: then where should i enter that11:10
joakimkllutz: phlak_user: thanks guys, got to run. :)11:11
sabgentonI'll give it a wirl11:11
glicki guess there is no way to unshare a folder i ubuntu once you share it11:11
opijphlak_user: i would like what i type in openssh to appear immediately. not 3 seconds later11:11
phlak_useropij: that depends on the connection speed between your pc and the remote11:11
opijphlak_user: is there no way to change it?11:12
phlak_useropij: get a high speed connection11:12
=== gaveen_ is now known as gaveen
sabgentonviolinappren: dpkg: conflicting actions -P (--purge) and -r (--remove)11:12
opijphlak_user: i have a very high speed connection11:12
violinapprensabgenton: ok just -P11:12
phlak_useropij: what about the remote? also, if the load on remote is very high, it might appear sluggish11:13
skuld_kid2I need some help.  Does anybody know stuff about volume groups?  I tried to add a third hard drive to my VG but it didn't work right, so I removed it, but instead the system is telling me I DEGRADED my VG, and now I can't login.11:13
sabgentonviolinappren: and  --force-remove-reinstreq ?11:13
violinapprensabgenton: yes11:13
violinapprensabgenton: and add package name to the end11:14
phlak_userglick: right-click on the shared folder and uncheck the "Share This Folder" check box in "Sharing Options"11:14
opijphlak_user: why should that have to appear when im typing crap though. the feature should be there to not have to send what i type to the server and then back again. isnt that kind of ridiculous?11:14
daedaluzhow to get rhythmbox to open visibly, not hidden in taskbar11:14
glickphlak_user, i did that, and it still share the folder11:14
sabgentonheh that would help11:14
glickphlak_user, i even rebooted after i did that, and it still shares the folder11:14
phlak_userglick: did you check if its parent folders are not shared still?11:14
glickphlak_user, no folders are shared11:15
phlak_userdaedaluz: click and select "Show Rhythmbox"\11:15
glickyet its still shared11:15
phlak_useropij: Im sorry I havent understood your requirement; your best bet is to go with llutz's recommendation11:16
daedaluzphlak_user: duh, I meant, when I open it, it always opens in taskbar. how to stop that?11:16
daedaluzphlak_user: I want to see it right away11:16
phlak_userdaedaluz: never thouth about it; let me check and get back though11:17
daedaluzphlak_user: nevermind I figured it out11:17
phlak_userdaedaluz: what did you do?11:18
phlak_userdaedaluz: changed edit-plugins Status Plugin ?11:19
DrenrizaAnyone know how i can get a plugin to chromium browser so i can watch surl=http://geo.dr.dk/findLocation/%3Fid%3D370541%26ListType%3Dnyheder%26location%3DNone%26uri%3Dhttp://www.dr.dk/extention/playWindowsMediaODP.aframe&mt=newstab&st=news_TVAvisen&furl=default.aspx%3Ftemplate%3Dnyhed%26guid%3DDR1201007222100%26autoplay%3D1%26back%3Ddefault.aspx%253ftemplate%253dnyheder%2526day%253d0&template=se_seneste&guid=tvavisen11:20
bastiaenAnyone here who can help me getting my broadcom wireless adapter running? (got told I need bwf43cutter but can't find it11:20
phlak_userbastiaen: did you follow this link --> http://www.asee.com.np/solved-enable-wireless-from-broadcom-corporation-bcm4312-802-11bg-rev-01/94/11:21
skuld_kid2can anybody help me?11:21
violinappren!broadcom | bastiaen11:22
ubottubastiaen: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx11:22
violinappren!help | skuld_kid211:22
ubottuskuld_kid2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:22
skuld_kid2I need some help.  Does anybody know stuff about volume groups?  I tried to add a third hard drive to my VG but it didn't work right, so I removed it, but instead the system is telling me I DEGRADED my VG, and now I can't login.11:22
claudiais anybody confirm with the webbrowser "chromium"? how do i add a site to my bookmarks?11:22
brorjonasclaudia, just press the star just before the adress.11:23
Drenrizaanyone who can help me. I posted 12:2011:23
bastiaenphlak_user,  No I did not but Thanks I'll check it after I have checket the link that violinappren just sent me. (Thanks violinappren )11:23
violinapprenDrenriza: sudo apt-get install totem-mozilla11:23
sabgentonviolinappren: sorry of the delay11:23
llutzclaudia: isn't it "ctrl-d"?11:23
phlak_userclaudia: ctl+d doesnt work?11:23
sabgentongrr @^&#@11:24
violinapprenclaudia: there's star in the address bar11:24
Drenrizadoes the line sudo apt-get install totem-mozilla help me in the chromium browser?11:24
claudiabrorjonas: thx thats it11:24
claudiallutz and phlak_user you are also right11:24
claudiathx a lot11:24
phlak_userclaudia: yw11:26
violinapprensabgenton: the  scripts causing the errors are in var/lib/dpkg/info/lvm2.* .. you could check them manually11:26
dani8oyserver irc.fullnetwork.org11:26
violinapprenDrenriza: it installs a plugin to play windows media files on web page.. also install restricted codecs11:27
violinappren!codec | Drenriza11:27
ubottuDrenriza: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:27
mahioohello folks11:27
violinapprenDrenriza: so it would be: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras totem-mozilla11:28
mahioohow i set icon of flags in keyboard indicator / gnome / ubuntu lucid11:28
DrenrizaHow can i install MMS protocol. To see media clips on the web?11:28
violinapprenDrenriza: execute the command i gave you in a terminal11:28
violinappren!terminal | Drenriza11:29
ubottuDrenriza: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:29
Atomic007zahow do I get help with LTSP in 10.0411:29
violinappren!help | Atomic007za11:29
ubottuAtomic007za: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:29
Drenriza156mb. 120kb/s Zzzzz but ty guys. hopes it works11:30
mahiooflags in keyboard indicator !! how11:30
phlak_usermahioo: what does that mean?11:30
manmaedis there a list of apps i can install on ubuntu?11:31
mahioophlak_user: i want to see the flags of country instead of text in keyboard layout indicator11:31
Euthanatosubuntu software center manmaed11:31
manmaedis there a link?11:31
Euthanatosalso try directory.fsf.org and sourceforge.net11:32
Euthanatosno it's an app in your applications lst manmaed11:32
EuthanatosApplication-> Ubuntu Software Center11:32
violinapprenDrenriza: restart browser after it finishes11:33
mahiooEuthanatos: thank you for link of directory.fsf.org :)11:33
Euthanatosmahioo, np it's a good site11:33
mahiooEuthanatos: what do you mean with np :)11:34
mahioophlak_user: any clue !!11:34
phlak_usermahioo: none whatsoever; Im happy with the names of the countries11:35
Drenrizaviolinappren: Will do, but still downloading.11:36
mahioophlak_user: perhaps yes , but i chose new theme that have the same color with the color text of country11:37
skuld_kid2does anybody know if I can recover a volume group by using the live CD?11:37
mahioophlak_user: so i want to chose icon !!11:37
mahiooEuthanatos: reply what do you mean with np !!11:37
phlak_usermahioo: i dont know how; you might have to ask someone else11:38
phlak_usermahioo: np -> no problem11:38
mahioophlak_user: thank you :)11:38
DrenrizaThanks guys. Now it works.11:38
Wimdhey all, i installed ubuntu server versions 9.1 64bit, now im trying to install java7 but i keep getting: " ./install.sfx.7726: not found"11:39
Wimdanyone know how to get it to work?11:39
toeyhi just hoping someone can point me in the right direction as im kinda desperate. I was running a software raid1 that i created via the gui in Ubuntu 9.10 however when i upgraded to 10.4 LTS i haven`t been able to mount it since...11:39
toeyhas anyone heard of this problem11:40
chrismedHi -- when I try to use ndiswrapper to use a Windows wireless driver, it finds the hardware, but the interface does not show up in ifconfig. Any ideas?11:40
toeyor know of a way to recover the data off one of the drives even11:40
skuld_kid2I'm looking at a simular problem11:41
skuld_kid2I'm begining to despise volumes11:41
=== LiquidDemocracyR is now known as LiquidDemocracy
mallchinhi guys -- I'm trying to install some sources but it says configure: error: Header file zlib.h not found.11:42
mallchindo I need to install some devel packages?11:42
phlak_usermallchin: yes11:42
bastiaeni think it worked, need computer reboot brb11:42
mallchinphlak_user: how can I find out which ones?11:43
Euthanatosmahioo, no problem11:43
Euthanatosoh he got it lol11:43
phlak_usermallchin: sudo apt-cache search zlib-dev gives libghc6-zlib-dev - Compression and decompression in the gzip and zlib formats11:43
mallchinphlak_user: I did aptitude search zlib, is it better to use apt-cache?11:44
rwwmallchin: zlib1g-dev , per http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=zlib.h&mode=exactfilename&suite=lucid&arch=any and knowing what those packages are for.11:44
phlak_usermallchin: they all look in the same place11:44
mallchinrww: thanks, I see zlib1g-dev, I guess that's the one to install :)11:45
* rww nods11:45
lorenzosuHI. Is there a way to 'take back' a bug from launchpad?11:46
mallchinrww: how can I install kernel sources please?11:46
zander hello everybody i am unable to connect to internet via kubuntu pls help11:47
zander hello everybody i am unable to connect to internet via kubuntu pls help11:48
phlak_user!repeat| zander11:48
ubottuzander: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.11:48
Misterio!repite | zander11:48
Misteriorepeat was the command :P11:48
rwwmallchin: install the `kernel-source` package11:49
rwwlorenzosu: by 'take back', do you mean delete?11:49
zander hello everybody i am unable to connect to internet via kubuntu pls help offline pls11:50
lorenzosurww, kinda... I filed it but actually I was caused by another lib I had from a bloody ppa11:50
lorenzosurww, Or mayby simply comment it so if anyone encounters the situation it will be there for reference?11:50
lorenzosurww, But then I guess some of the people will have to close it11:51
rwwlorenzosu: you can mark it as Invalid11:51
cement_head@zander What does that mean?11:51
rwwlorenzosu: do you know how to do that, or do you want instructions, or do you want to give the bug number and I'll do it for you?11:51
* Stallman wita11:51
cement_headhow are you connecting now?11:52
zanderfrom ubuntu11:52
lorenzosurww, It would be nice to learn how to do it if I can do it myself.11:52
cement_headwhat specifically is the problem?11:52
lorenzosurww, Also I'm interested to know: so in this case the bug is invalid right?11:52
mallchinrww: thanks, sorry just being lazy, found a guide :)11:52
zanderi am unable to connect to internet via kubuntu pls help pls but i am able to connect via ubuntu using dsl11:53
rwwlorenzosu: right, it's invalid because it's not actually a bug in Ubuntu, it's a PPA library messup11:53
zanderi am unable to connect to internet via kubuntu pls help pls but i am able to connect via ubuntu using dsl11:53
zanderi am unable to connect to internet via kubuntu pls help pls but i am able to connect via ubuntu using dsl11:53
crashusQuestion: how to make pop up menu, drop menu etc. completely transparent, leaving onlt text?11:53
lorenzosurww, Ok so how would I mark it invalid?11:53
=== AndIrc is now known as Guest86328
agrumanHow would i do to get separate deb packages with different args to configure from the same source? (ex one with qt and one with gtk)11:54
lorenzosurww, Guess it might be useful for reference to others googling though, so invalid would be goud vs deleting?11:54
rwwlorenzosu: look near the top of the bug report page, at the Affects/Status/Importance/etc. table. Under "Status", it should have the current status and (assuming you're logged in) a yellow circle. Click that, then click Invalid on the box that pops up.11:54
rwwlorenzosu: you can't actually delete bug reports, so...11:54
Guest86328Is there way to copy a files content s in the command line for use in nano?11:54
cement_headwith DSL you should just plug into the machine11:55
chrismedHi -- when I try to use ndiswrapper to use a Windows wireless driver, it finds the hardware, but the interface does not show up in ifconfig. Any ideas?11:55
lorenzosurww, Oh ok it's already marked as invalid11:55
lorenzosurww, I can see a point in not deleting them even if invalid11:55
cement_headCan you connect using wireless?11:55
chrismedcement_head: no11:55
chrismedit simply does not show up anywhere, lspci shows it.11:55
phlak_usercement_head: does iwconfig show it?11:55
songerhow you doing11:56
lorenzosurww, Been marked as invalid by someone already11:56
=== emc_ is now known as emc
lorenzosurww, Thank you very much for your helop11:56
rwwlorenzosu: alright, you should be all set then11:56
rwwyou're welcome :)11:56
cement_headifconfig -a11:56
=== gobbo is now known as _gobbo
chrismedcement_head: will pastebin11:56
cement_headdoes this show your card?11:56
chrismedcement_head: no11:56
chrismedeth0 and lo show.11:56
chrismednot wlan0.11:56
cement_headis ndiswrapper added to /etc/modules?11:57
espereguwhich packages should I install to get the latest kernel? (64bit)11:57
cement_headyou may have to specify wlan0 in your fstab11:57
crashushow can I make drop down menu, pop up menu etc. completely transparent, leaving only text?11:57
om26eresperegu, wait11:58
chrismedcement_head: and how would i go about that?11:58
Guest86328Is there way to copy a files content s in the command line for use in nano?11:58
jribGuest86328: highlight, middle click?11:58
fosco_esperegu, you don't need any extra package, last available kernel is installed by default11:58
om26eresperegu, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.34.1-maverick/linux-image-2.6.34-02063401-generic_2.6.34-02063401_amd64.deb11:58
espereguom26er: I mean from standard repos11:59
espereguI want it to update automatically11:59
abhinav_singhhey guys i have written a cron file and i am running it at every 1 minute...it is creating a log file but there is nothing in that file....what to do11:59
Guest86328jrib, anyway else?  I'm SSHing on a phone.11:59
esperegufosco_: so how to install that?11:59
cement_headtry this: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up11:59
esperegufosco_: the 64bit version11:59
om26eresperegu, go to update manager and see if there are any updates and update11:59
jribGuest86328: what exactly do you want to do?11:59
fosco_esperegu, you do not need to install anything11:59
cement_headdoes it work now?11:59
esperegufosco_: I uninstalled it once11:59
cement_heador is the output of iwconfig different?11:59
esperegufosco_: but I forgot which packages12:00
fosco_esperegu, so do a normal upgrade12:00
mahioophlak_user: i found solution ok12:00
chrismedcement_head: no such device12:00
esperegufosco_: that does not install it.12:00
esperegufosco_: I now have: 2.6.31-11-rt12:00
chrismediwconfig shows only eth0 and lo, neither have wireless extensions.12:00
Guest86328actually, I want to append one file's contents to the end of another file.  I'm sure there's a way to do that.12:00
fosco_esperegu, last available kernel is allways installed12:00
esperegufosco_: but I want the latest 64bit12:00
esperegufosco_: lemme check12:00
esperegufosco_: but that's generic. is taht 64bit?12:01
jribcat file2 >> file112:01
esperegufosco_: and what would be the command so the kernel packages will be made for that kernel?12:02
fosco_esperegu, you need no command for that12:02
esperegufosco_: well. before I had. otherwise it would not work12:02
cement_headwhat card are you using - broadcom?12:02
fosco_esperegu, if in doubt just run sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.32-21-generic12:03
chrismedcement_head: yes12:03
crashushow can I make drop down menu, pop up menu etc. completely transparent, leaving only text?12:03
esperegufosco_: I had to run dkms12:03
jribGuest86328: cat file2 >> file112:03
cement_headwhy aren't you using the STA driver?12:04
chrismedcement_head: it wasn't offered to me. i think the bxx driver was, but that one didn't show any interfaces either.12:04
phlak_usercement_head: you need to  address the q to the person by including his nick12:04
ross_the sound just stopped on my computer how do i fix it12:05
cement_headchrismed: what is the model of your card?12:05
chrismedcement_head: BCM431212:05
cement_headchrismed: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11a/b/g (rev 02)12:06
cement_headchrismed: use lspci12:07
DaveCzhi. Im running samba 3.4.7 on Ubuntu 10.4. It's PDC. Users are added in samba and linux - passwords are synchronized. When I try to log in on windows machine, I get this error for some users: Procedure number is out of range. Doest anyone know how to fix this, please?12:07
phlak_user!broadcom| chrismed12:07
ubottuchrismed: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx12:07
cement_headchrismed: better link is here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff12:07
chrismedcement_head: b/g12:07
chrismedrev 0112:07
rwwchrismed: I have that card. use the "Installing b43/STA hybrid drivers" section of the link ubottu sent you, and it works fine.12:08
cement_headthe STA or the WL driver should work12:08
chrismedthanks guys, i will have a go :)12:08
rwwassuming that ndiswrapper or whatever didn't cause horrid breakage, anyway ;P12:08
=== Saleh is now known as condor
phlak_userDaveCz: this is an old link/issue sorted out here --> http://www.mail-archive.com/samba@lists.samba.org/msg23238.html12:09
glicki thought you could make hard links to directories12:09
crashushow can I make drop down menu, pop up menu etc. completely transparent, leaving only text?12:09
rwwglick: should be able to12:10
glicki get this error12:10
glickhard link not allowed for directory12:10
Guest86328jrib, works perfectly.   Now I can edit websites on my pda.12:10
rwwoh, duh, yeah, there's restrictions about it these days12:11
rwwi forgot :s12:11
glickrww, can i override?12:12
rwwglick: no12:12
sam898889does anyone know if GOS (based on ubuntu) has a channel?12:12
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Misteriosam898889: /msg alis help list12:14
DaveCzphlak_user: this dosn't solve the problem for me. I already tried that. Besides, I have another Samba server with older Ubuntu and Samba and it is working just fine with that server12:14
sam898889Misterio,  what?12:14
sabgentonviolinappren: lvm2.list was the only file with contents out of /var/lib/dpkg/info/lvm2.*12:14
Misteriosam898889: alis is a channel-listing bot12:14
sabgentonits just a file list12:14
sam898889Misterio,   ok thanks12:15
sam898889Has anyone here used GOS?12:15
bazhangsam898889, sure, but its offtopic here, try /msg alis list *gos* or /join #ubuntu-offtopic12:15
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crashushow can I make the dropdown menu, pop up menu completely transparent leaving only text?12:17
diogo_79hi guys12:19
diogo_79i have a laptop with a wireless pci card that can only be activate by software is there a line command in linux that can activate the wireless card?12:20
BaramiHello :)12:22
MagicLoverdiogo_79: #ifup ppp012:22
MagicLoverMay be that?12:22
diogo_79the hardware of the wireless card is install but the card is not enable12:22
diogo_79i dont know how to activate the wireless card12:23
BaramiExecuse me, can you help me?12:23
=== LjL^ is now known as LjL
DASPRiDi have pidgin on another workspace (compiz), when a new message arrives and i click the message icon, the pidgin window becomes the focus, but compiz doesn't switch the workspace to the window, is there a way to accomplish that?12:23
diogo_79in windows i have activate the card by software but in linux i dont know how can this be accomplish12:24
BaramiI have a problem, But i can't found solution on google..;12:24
MagicLoverBarami: ask it and may be somebody answer you. :)12:24
MagicLoverdiogo_79: Exactly card or connection?12:25
BaramiI'm korea, i install support for korean, but, when i invoke xchat, i can't see korean interface..12:25
MagicLoverhardware or connection?12:25
Baramii'm korea -> i'm korean..;12:25
MagicLoverdiogo_79: try $ifconfig12:27
skuld_kid2does anybody know anything about the lvm command?12:27
MagicLoverWhat interfeces is up?12:27
mawstAnyone here triple boot osx ubuntu and windows?12:27
MagicLoverOr $ifconfig -a12:27
jribmawst: just ask your question12:27
mawstThat is my question.12:28
MagicLovermawst: only dualboot12:28
MagicLoverFor me12:28
mawstMagicLover, which two?12:28
Drenrizaanyone who has coldfusion9 knowleadge?12:28
BaramiHow to use a korean interface on xchat?12:28
MagicLoverBarami: May be try to come to Locale again?12:29
MagicLovermawst: win and ubuntu of course...12:29
GneaBarami: tried this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BeautifyKoreanFonts12:29
Kre10sI just wanted to tell you all how awsome ubuntu is...12:29
MagicLoverI dont heard about osx. :D12:29
mawstI'm looking into buying a mac.12:30
BaramiGnea, i can see a korean fonts.12:30
Kre10sthat is if you didn't know how cool it is already :P12:30
=== Nwab is now known as Benwa
mawstI want to make sure it's possible.12:30
Drenrizaanyone who can help me with coldfusion9 setup?12:30
Baramii want to xchat GUI's localed string.12:30
MagicLovermawst: so what problem? grub dont find any OS?12:30
MagicLoverBarami: may be try Pidgin? :)12:31
gianniunixhelp me.. resolution don't work a loading ubuntu  http://imagebin.org/10646812:31
GneaBarami: this maybe? http://xchat.org/encoding/12:31
BaramiOriginally, When running xchat, menu is converted to 'ė©”ė‰“'12:31
gianniunixand http://imagebin.org/10646712:31
mawstNo problem MagicLover... just investigating.12:31
gianniunixi have disabled usplash12:31
BaramiBut on my desktop, i see 'menu'12:32
Baramii want to 'ė©”ė‰“' instead of 'menu'12:32
GneaBarami: http://xchat.org/encoding/12:33
MagicLovermawst: do you have that's OS? All 3?12:33
BaramiGnea, it's not a encoding problem.12:33
Baramii can use korean irc very well.12:34
mawstMagicLover, I plan to12:34
herazioGoodmorning/afternoon or evening to everyone ^^12:34
BaramiOnly want some application has a localed version.12:34
MagicLovermawst: what pluses of OSX?12:34
MagicLoverWe call OSX as Mac... :D12:35
skuld_kid2okay,  i need some help.  I fixed my problem with the volume group.  What i want to do, is add a third hard drive to the vg.  Can somebody walk me though  how to do this?  I tried following some examples online, but that got me into the first mess with me corrupting the vg.12:35
MagicLoverI try it on my comp... Beauty... :)12:35
mawstMagicLover, Keynote12:35
BaramiAfter i running a localepurge, some application was don't show localed interface, those are using a english version GUI interface.12:35
herazioI'll just be blunt. It's not really a question that needs to be solved at the moment. I just solved it by reinstalling my whole Ubuntu after Docky for some kind of reason messed up. But that led me to wonder. Suppose a program does not want to start (it's a GUI app) and it does not show any errors at all. What is the best course of action to take ?12:35
GneaBarami: does the same thing happen with any other apps?12:36
mawstherazio, run from a terminal for error viewing12:36
heraziomawst: Oh I see I didn't know that was possible12:36
heraziothank you that was actually more simple than I thought :')12:36
MagicLovermawst: How I know osx is not very good adapted for PC... You will not feel all powerful of that os. :)12:36
BaramiSo, i reinstalled language support for korean, but it don't have effect.12:37
mawstVery welcome.12:37
mawstMagicLover, but Mac will run Linux and Windows too12:37
BaramiOnly one solution is format Harddrive and reinstall ubuntu, but i don't like that.12:37
MagicLoverMac's notebooks? There are another processors... Or I mistake?12:38
MagicLoverThat is not popular in my country...12:38
phlak_user!cn | ye12:39
ubottuye: For Ubuntu help in Chinese ę‚ØåÆ仄č®æ问äø­ę–‡é¢‘道ļ¼š #ubuntu-cn ꈖ者 #ubuntu-tw  ęˆ–者 #ubuntu-hk12:39
GneaBarami: have you looked at the gnome control center?12:39
MagicLoverBarami: may be you try it on VirtualBox and when solve a problem THEN reinstall and so on?12:39
BaramiWhere the gnome control center?12:39
GneaBarami: type alt-f2, and type this in:  gnome-control-center  and press enter12:39
BaramiMagicLover, no, always use ubuntu on real hardware.12:40
GneaBarami: then go to system->language support12:40
BaramiGnea, ok i get it.12:40
GneaBarami: now see if anything is still saying 'English (something)"12:40
Gneaok, change it to korean12:41
Baramialso Korean (Korea, Republic of) was aleady setted.12:41
Baramiit was top of list.12:42
Gneaprobably due to alphabetical sorting12:42
Ademanugh, I'm pulling my hair out, how can I make debootstrap for the server image download new packages?12:42
GneaBarami: select whichever makes the most sense to you12:43
Baramiselected.. but the problem was still.12:44
GneaBarami: okay, you may have to logout/login12:44
Baramii restarted xserver many times..12:45
Gneasince setting Korean in this fashion?12:45
BaramiGnea, my screenshot is http://barami.org/screenshots/korean.png12:47
DrenrizaAnyone who can help me setup ColdFusion9? It is installed but getting error,s i cant figure out.12:47
gruubhey , i ve got problem with grub, i need a piece of advice cause he turtorials does not assume having 2 hard drives with 2 systems12:47
GneaBarami: I see....12:48
phlak_usergruub: have you got a usb disk or ubuntu livecd?12:48
phlak_user!grub | gruub12:48
ubottugruub: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.12:48
gruubim on linux live cd right now, when i type find /boot/grub/stage1     i guess it shows me the windows root disk12:49
gruubi ve got 2 disk- on on there is linux(which i try to get back) and windows7 on second disk12:50
BaramiNow i planed reinstall a xchat, if it's still yet after reinstall xchat, i will format my desktop.;12:50
spookygruub: running fdisk -l will let you see all of your drives and what partitions/filesystems they're using.12:50
spookyIt was invaluable to me when I had to reinstall Grub12:51
MagicLoverBarami: You are VERY severe. :D12:51
gruubyes i did that and i know on which partition i have linux12:51
Baramihmm.. failed..12:52
DrenrizaAnyone who can help me with coldfusion9 error?12:53
phlak_usergruub: was grub on mbr?12:53
glickhey  i installed smbfs, yet i still cant mount a samba share12:53
glickany idea what im missing?12:54
glicki know the share is being exported correctly12:54
Baramiglick, you should smb.conf to use usershare.12:54
phlak_userglick: depends on the error you're getting12:54
Baramiyou should edit smb.conf to use useshare.12:54
glickphlak_user, Unable to mount location12:54
phlak_usergruub: so re-install grub12:54
glickFailed to mount windows share12:54
gruubthats what im trying to do12:54
hid3Hello everyone. I'm setting up an (official) Ubuntu mirror. How do I find fastest PRIMARY mirror available near me to sync from?12:55
phlak_userglick: did you try via cli12:55
phlak_userhid3: the mirror that has the least rtt from a ping?12:55
Baramiglick,Sorry my miss understand ..;;12:55
glickphlak_user, i can see the shares, on the computer, i just cant connect to them12:56
anodesniHi, I want to have the latest stable kernel installed. I enabled the backports, but I don't see the 2.6.34 kernel??? Where is it?12:56
Misterioanodesni: Enabling backports won't install you much stable things...12:56
airtonixhow do i pipe the output of "route" to text file ? route > route.txt does not seem to do it.12:56
hid3phlak_user: well, selected a pl.archive.ubuntu.com but it *sometimes* fails to sync. Rsync returns error code 12 sometimes...12:56
airtonixnvm it did it12:57
anodesniMisterio, IMHO 2.6.34 is stable12:57
phlak_userhid3: maybe poland has power outages?12:57
sipioranodesni: it may simply not be packaged yet. you can build it yourself, or wait.12:58
Drenrizaairtonix cant you do route > /destination/filename to overwrite content and route >> /destination/filename to add file-content12:58
llutzairtonix: works fine here12:58
gruububuntu@ubuntu:~$ mount | tail -112:58
gruub/dev/sda6 on /media/disk-3 type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096)12:58
phlak_userglick: if you do a smbmount from a terminal can you paste the errors?12:58
gruubwhich of these is disk UUID ?12:58
airtonixbtw clonezilla makes me rage trying to get it to read an image from the designated /home/partimg folder (which i know contains images)12:58
hid3phlak_user: well, it seems they're having power outages now for almost a week.. I need something reliable to sync my mirror from just in order to keep people happy with ubuntu and my name famous/liked12:58
anodesnisipior, is backports the 'same' as debian unstable? Then I can check out if it should be available12:58
phlak_usergruub: blkid /dev/sda6 will give that to you12:58
phlak_userhid3: where are you located geographically?12:59
gruubit didnt lol12:59
Saturn2888Hi all. I upgraded my Ubuntu Server Hardy to Lucid today and noticed that my kernel switched to 2.6.32-23-generic-pae instead of -server. Why is this? Is it possible to fix?12:59
phlak_usergruub: just blkid prints out all uuids12:59
airtonixllutz, if i need someone to look at setup info ( in regards to why a bridged virtualbox can not ping wan domain names) is resolv.conf, route, ifconfig enough ?13:00
phlak_userSaturn2888: just install the relevant kernel package thro aptitude and select that as default in grub13:00
Saturn2888phlak_user: yeah, but I can't figure out how to install it through package manager, or I would've done that :P.13:00
llutzairtonix:i'd say yes13:01
Saturn2888phlak_user: can't just do apt-get install 2.6.32-23-server13:01
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sipioranodesni: not exactly, no (at least, to my understanding)13:01
anodesnisipior, ok, tnx for the info13:02
phlak_userSaturn2888: cant you sudo apt-get install linux-server13:03
Saturn2888phlak_user: it says 0 upgraded13:04
phlak_user!info linux-server13:04
ubottulinux-server (source: linux-meta): Complete Linux kernel on Server Equipment.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)13:04
MisterioWhat works better in ubuntu, intel or amd?13:05
bleahhy , how can i register music in rhythmbox ?13:05
anodesniMisterio, CPU or GPU?13:05
Misterioanodesni: cpu13:05
anodesniMisterio, doesn't matter13:05
Misterioanodesni: gpu, obviusly, nvidia13:05
Misterioanodesni: Okay :), I'll buy a new PC soon and just unforming13:05
phlak_userSaturn2888: it might already be installed. Can you check your /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?13:06
anodesniMisterio, I don't know about core i7 and all newest stuff13:06
phlak_userbleah: what do you mean by registering?13:06
phlak_userbleah: you can ask rhythmbox to add music to library by Edit-Preferences-Music Tab- Library Location13:07
ThiagoMedeirosSomeone have the problem on sleep a laptop and it no return to on ?13:07
phlak_userThiagoMedeiros: you mean resume after suspend?13:08
bleahi want to rec music from radio13:08
ThiagoMedeirosphlak_user: yes13:08
Saturn2888phlak_user: I did, that's where I got that my kernel is wrong13:08
Saturn2888phlak_user: the server kernel is not in /boot13:08
ThiagoMedeirosphlak_user: i get a blank screen, no mouse, nothing to do13:08
phlak_userSaturn2888: is there an entry for your server kernel?13:09
Saturn2888phlak_user: only the hardy ones13:09
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glickphlak_user, im not too sure how to use the smbmount command13:09
phlak_userglick: man smbmount13:09
hid3phlak_user: sorry for late reply. I'm in Lithuania, Vilnius13:10
phlak_userSaturn2888: has your /etc/apt/sources.list been updated to show lucid ?13:10
phlak_userhid3: np; couldnt you use a mirror in the UK or Germany?13:11
Saturn2888phlak_user: yep.13:11
phlak_userSaturn2888: and sudo apt-get update has been run?13:11
=== EdwardCullen is now known as Guest68951
Guest68951so whats up13:12
phlak_user!hi| Guest6895113:12
ubottuGuest68951: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:12
Saturn2888phlak_user: yep, just did remove linux-server, install linux-server. Maybe I should purge it and install again?13:12
=== Guest68951 is now known as Lalon
phlak_userSaturn2888: sure13:12
Lalonwhy my screen goes black sometimes then i need to restart my pc13:12
Lalonwhy my screen goes black sometimes then i need to restart my pc manually13:13
Laloni feel this problem only on ubuntu13:13
Lalonso ppl cany say is there any software like ares where can i download songs from13:13
hid3phlak_user: I gave a great connectivity with GEANT networks so I prefer mirrors in GEANT. Thanks for suggestion, I'll try to traceroute and rsync with both to see if everything goes smoothly.13:13
trojan_spikeLalon, need more info,, i.e when it started and if anything that u can think of that would trigger it..13:14
phlak_userhid3: atb13:15
Saturn2888phlak_user: didn't change anything13:15
ThiagoMedeirosSomeone have the problem on sleep a laptop and it no resume ?13:15
Lalontrojan_spike,  actually it happens suddenly showing a command which last line is.. batter.. checking ok.. after then my screeen become black and after certain time my screen lights.. then gos black13:15
Lalonand i need to restart13:15
airtonixi have a virtualbox guest running ubuntu-eucalyptus-server 10.04, if i set the guest networking to bridges I am unable to access wan ip addresses. report here : http://gist.github.com/48736313:15
Lalonit starts only when i use ubuntu13:15
Lalonso i can say it sarts after installing ubuntu in my pc13:16
trojan_spikegraphic driver issues?13:16
Lalontrojan_spike,  may b13:16
Lalontrojan_spike,  how can i solve it13:16
trojan_spikehow long have u been running your ubuntu??13:17
Lalonmmm 10 days max13:17
trojan_spikeand when did it start acting up?13:17
kasunHello, does an extended partition counts as 1 primary partition? I have only 3 primary and one extended, but when I try to create another partition, it complains that I already have 4 primary. any ideas?13:18
Lalonfrom the first day i was using ubuntu13:18
rwwkasun: yes, it does13:18
erUSULkasun: yes13:18
rwwkasun: you can only have four primary partitions. an extended partition is a primary partition that can contain one or more logical partitions13:18
Jigalhello i am having a permissions issue here. Trying to edit a file via eclipse. Which is owned by www-data. I am logged in as a user which is a member of www-data but when saving the file i get an error that it's marked as read only. how to solve that problem?13:18
ThiagoMedeirosSomeone have the problem on sleep a laptop and it no resume ?13:18
trojan_spikemust be the graphic driver then,, check the ubuntu forum for your type of card.. see if you can get a stable driver for it13:19
Lalontrojan_spike,  gimme a link13:19
phlak_userSaturn2888: did you try sudo apt-get install linux-image-server13:19
ThiagoMedeirosi use nvidia driver by ubuntu13:19
kasunhmm, rww erUSUL can't I resize the extended the partition to add more space to it?13:19
phlak_userSaturn2888: somehow selecting that package in aptitude automatically selects the pae kernel!13:20
kasunrww erUSUL in GParted, the resize button is disabled for extended partition.13:20
bodomHi there. How do I enable CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE?13:21
Saturn2888phlak_user: so I'm not the only one?13:21
phlak_userJigal: is that directory writeable?13:21
Saturn2888phlak_user: bug?13:21
Laloni have 41 gb hard disk. and i partitioned it 9 and 32.. and i see that my home folder is in 32 gb partition drive.. if my ubuntu crashes im gonna miss all my files?13:21
phlak_userSaturn2888: not sure13:21
ohirLalon: if your hdd crashes.13:22
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phlak_userSaturn2888: were you on karmic server before this?13:22
ohirLalon: OS crashing is not about destroying user's files13:22
Lalonohir,  if ubuntu crases ?13:22
kasunany ideas?13:22
ascheelI'm having an 'upstart' problem.  It does NOT automatically kick off mysql as it should.  Anybody else see this?13:22
Saturn2888phlak_user: hardy13:22
Lalonohir,  i seee. does ubuntu crases like windows.. lilke sometimes i turn on pc i saw.. file is missing .. or somethinlk like this happens in ubuntu?13:23
ohirLalon: keeping /home on separate partition is good for you. Just mind that 9GB for system is not much. You oughta be careful with your package selections13:23
trojan_spikeits you graphic driver,, u could run ur pc without drivers,, just very slow and no eye candy13:24
ohirLalon: seldomly.13:24
Jigalphlak_user: solved it already it was a rights problem13:24
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Laloni see13:24
phlak_userJigal: oh ok13:24
Lalonnothing is perfect :|13:24
pozicLalon: you need at least 40GB if you don't want to worry about /usr13:24
airtonixLalon, remember that every package you install from a repo, gets "cached" in /var/cache/apt/archives13:24
pozicLalon: I use about 30GB I think.13:25
trojan_spikemegan fox is perfect ;)13:25
pozicLalon: (but I am a power-user, so it depends)13:25
kasunhello, can't I resize the extended the partition to add more space to it? the resize button is disabled in for it.13:25
Laloni see13:25
stanley_robertsohi all13:25
Laloni see13:25
Lalonso guys telling me not to download and install more softwares rite?13:25
ohirLalon: journaled filesystems are resistant to that. So once file is written to disk it tends to stay there. If ever, you may lost freshly created time if your power down will be at the very moment file was about to be created13:26
=== LjL^ is now known as LjL
trojan_spikeu should get your graphics sorted first Lalon13:26
Lalontrojan_spike,  ohh right13:26
Lalonokk lemme see the forum13:26
glickanyone else have issues connecting to a samba share from ubuntu?13:26
stanley_robertsohi all13:27
ohirLalon: yes, you need to be careful with your / usage. Typical home use ubuntu may have several gigs in apt cache plus 5-10 for programs (/usr)13:27
Lalonohir,  i have 100 mb sowap13:27
glickit can see the folder i am exporting if i go to Places->connect to server and enter in the ip13:27
Saturn2888phlak_user: sorry, I lost IMs there bc Pidgin froze. What was going on?13:27
glickyet when i click on the folder, it says Failed to mount windows share13:27
ohirLalon: its not about swap, its about needed storage13:27
ruusukoneCouldn't find package libraw1394.so.813:27
ruusukonewhere can i find that package13:28
Lalonohir,  i see.. so i must buy a new harddisk13:28
ohirLalon: use df -h and see disk usage13:28
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phlak_userSaturn2888: can you check if the linux-server package is showing as installed in Aptitude ?13:28
Lalonohir,  okk13:28
Saturn2888phlak_user: I can't seem to remember how to use apt-cache13:29
ActionParsnipyo yo yo13:29
ohirLalon: you might, though for browsing/chatting activities 40G is enough. You just can't have games (that tend to be several gigs per app) or huge multimedia13:29
ruusukoneCouldn't find package libraw1394.so.8 how can i install that package13:29
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phlak_userSaturn2888: just fire up aptitude and search by pressing /13:29
Lalonohir,  ohh okk.. i put my videos and song in /home wihich is separate from /13:30
Laloni have two partitions / and /home13:30
airtonixi have a virtualbox guest running ubuntu-eucalyptus-server 10.04, if i set the guest networking to bridges I am unable to access wan ip addresses. report here : http://gist.github.com/48736313:30
phlak_user!info libraw1394-11 | ruusukone13:30
ohirLalon: ok. Purge unused install packages often.13:30
ubotturuusukone: libraw1394-11 (source: libraw1394): library for direct access to IEEE 1394 bus (aka FireWire). In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.4-1ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 43 kB, installed size 136 kB13:30
ActionParsnipruusukone: dpkg -S libraw1394.so.*    will show the package, you will need to link /usr/lib/libraw1394.so.11.0.113:31
ActionParsnip to /usr/lib/libraw1394.so.813:31
Lalonhey ohir  how can i see my pc configuration like what i used to see by typing dxdiag.. in windows13:31
phlak_userLalon: sudo lshw13:31
ActionParsnipLalon: what are you trying to achieve?13:31
LalonActionParsnip,  me many things as im new to ubuntu13:32
Lalonphlak_user,  ok13:32
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Saturn2888phlak_user: couldn't figure out how to copy/paste it somewhere so here: http://badmarkup.com/ubuntu/linux-server.png13:33
abhijit!manual | Lalon13:33
ubottuLalon: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:33
ohirLalon: do monitor disk usage often.  If your / partition will be close to 1G free space, use apt-get clean from the console13:33
ActionParsnipLalon: http://www.watchingthenet.com/ubuntu-guide-for-windows-users-display-system-hardware-information.html13:33
phlak_userSaturn2888: it shows installed13:33
LalonActionParsnip,  got it13:34
Saturn2888phlak_user: yet I only have generic-pae13:34
ascheelI'm having a problem with mysql starting at system start.  It doesn't.  I can execute 'sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start' and it works just fine, but it should be starting at system boot.  Any ideas?13:34
tgalalI'm connected via wlan, and every 10 minutes the connection just like freezes for 30 seconds, then resumes. I tested on other connected computers and the problem does not occur.. I tested a usb modem and works flawlessly. The problem only is with wlan. Any idea?13:34
phlak_userSaturn2888: but at the same time, your installation isnt quite complete; there seem to be 12.7MB of download waiting to happen. just press g and it might complete13:34
Lalonohir,  i see13:34
anodesniCan somebody help me on this error: zsnes: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory13:34
anodesniI have opensource ati drivers13:34
AdvoWorkhow can i install some kernel deb files? says "You need to install: linux-headers-*-<amd64/i386>.deb linux-headers-*-all.deb linux-image-*-<amd64/i386>.deb" ?13:34
Lalonohir,  if i do apt-get clean then wont i loose my data?13:34
phlak_userascheel: do you have upstart?13:34
ActionParsniptgalal: when it freezes, run: dmesg | tail -n 25    it should give clues13:34
Saturn2888phlak_user: do you know why it wasn't fixing them itself?13:35
phlak_useranodesni: you dont seem to have openGL13:35
ascheelphlak_user: upstart is in use, yes.  Ubuntu 10.0413:35
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: sudo dpkg -i fileshere     using kernels not on the repos will limit your support13:35
anodesniphlak_user, I think I have, I have libgl-dri13:35
ohirLalon: it deletes instalation packages from apt file cache (aka those Install_blah.exe files that on windows you needed to get by hand then execute)13:35
AdvoWorkActionParsnip, tried everything to get my wireless working, so thought i'd try one more thing13:36
phlak_userSaturn2888: no idea13:36
Saturn2888phlak_user: didn't fix it anyway13:36
Lalonohir,  allright.. so  i have a webcam in my pc how can i run it on ubuntu13:37
ohirLalon: almos all linux commands have documentation13:37
Saturn2888phlak_user: ah ha! this might fix it: "apt-get install linux-headers-server"13:37
ohirLalon: open your console and type man apt-get to learn more13:38
ActionParsnipLalon: sudo apt-get install cheese          does it work in cheese?13:38
Lalonwhat is cheese13:38
Laloni havent installed cheese13:38
ruusukonehow can cet permissions to change things in /usr/lib13:38
ohirLalon: I can not help you with webcams, mine just worked (until I removed it ;)13:38
aguitelis kde4 "stable" in 10.04 ?13:38
ActionParsnipLalon: I know, i ust told you to install it as well as how....13:38
bazhangaguitel, yes13:39
ActionParsnipaguitel: should be13:39
k0shi want to make ubuntu boot from read-only nfsroot, i managed to find live-initramfs package, but theres no meningful tutorial or documentation on how to use it, apart form man page, but i want to know how to approach it13:39
ohirLalon: cheese is an app for webcams in ubuntu13:39
LalonActionParsnip,  ohh should i install cheese? now13:39
ActionParsnipLalon: run the command I gave13:39
LalonActionParsnip,  my webcam's name is Delux13:39
ActionParsnipLalon: that is moot13:39
AdvoWorkActionParsnip, i need to do 3 files, would i do these at the same time?13:39
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: i believe you have to do them in a certain order due to deps13:40
aguitelActionParsnip, my question is i am trying kde4 in debian squeeze and have some bugs when you try to change the background in the panel13:40
ActionParsnipaguitel: debian isnt supported here13:40
bazhangaguitel, #debian13:40
ruusukonehow can i get permissions to change things in /usr/lib, i know sudo thingie in terminal, but then i dont know how to make link13:40
ActionParsnipaguitel: debian is a different distro and has it's own support and channel13:40
tgalalActionParsnip: Tried and found nothing useful..13:40
tgalaljust normal connection establishment13:40
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ActionParsniptgalal: can you pastebin the output please13:41
StrongOrderHello guys, the latest Lucid update wants to install apache related packages while I do not have apache installed at all. Anyone does have extra info?13:42
LalonActionParsnip,  installed cheese by terminal now?13:42
tgalalActionParsnip: there you go http://pastebin.org/41319113:42
ActionParsnipLalon: launch it from the applications menu13:42
ActionParsniptgalal: try disabling ipv613:43
ruusukonehow can i get root permissions in gui?13:43
fosco_ruusukone, gksu13:43
tgalalActionParsnip: I'll try that. But I'd like also to mention that these messages appeared before the freeze. Nothing logged on after the freeze13:44
ActionParsnipruusukone: kdesu in kde13:44
abhijit!gksudo | ruusukone13:44
ubotturuusukone: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use Ā« gksudo Ā», as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)13:44
LalonActionParsnip,  done !13:44
Lalonubuntu is easy u see13:44
ActionParsniptgalal: i told you to run the command after the freeze....13:44
ActionParsnipLalon: ok, do you see yourself in cheese?13:45
tgalalActionParsnip: That's what I've done13:45
LalonActionParsnip,  yeah :D13:45
ActionParsnipLalon: then its all good to go13:45
ruusukonehow do i open folder with gksu? gksu then writed down /usr/lib13:45
ruusukonebut nothing happened13:45
tgalalActionParsnip: I just tried befored the freeze just for comparison, and nothing was different.13:45
tgalalbut I what I posted is after it13:46
LalonActionParsnip,  yeah now i can see myself in my emesene too xD13:46
ActionParsniptgalal: ok good, from your last message it sounded like you'd ran it before, it's worth a try assuming you dont use ipv6 yet13:46
ActionParsnipLalon: cool, sound like you have the gold then13:46
opijcould anyone tell me if there is a  way to get irssi to display those black bubbles in the top righthand corner of the screen when i get a highlighted message?13:46
LalonActionParsnip,  LoL13:47
LalonActionParsnip,  so can u help me with the agp card issue?13:47
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qwertyboyhi, is there any way i can repair a ubuntu installation?13:47
qwertyboylike you do it in fedora?13:48
ActionParsnipLalon: what is the output of: sudo lshw -C display    use http://pastie.org to give the output13:48
Guest78350i have got 2 hard drives, how to restore grub from livecd?13:48
kb9cmwntu,, can't play my home movies " VOB ect13:48
ActionParsnipqwertyboy: what have you done / trying to achieve13:48
ActionParsnipkb9cmw: have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras13:49
arandqwertyboy: Hmm I'm not sure if there a general "fixall" method, specifics might be needed.13:49
qwertyboyActionParsnip: dunno, ubuntu just crashed beutifully and is saying about a missing init file13:49
grifo74huawei k3765 dont work with ubuntu 10.04?13:49
ActionParsnipqwertyboy: what is the exact message?13:49
qwertyboyActionParsnip: one sec13:49
pontyhi. i want to write a script that resolves the ip adresses in sources.list (apt) on multiple dns servers. (mitigate the risk falling for dns poisoning). is there already a solution for that?13:50
kb9cmwActionParsnip, I bring up player, it searches then erro occured can't find file13:50
ActionParsnipgrifo74: found this in 10 seconds: http://leo.gaggl.com/2010/05/huawei-k3765-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid/13:50
LjLponty: why do you need to protect from dns poisoning, since the APT repositories are signed anyway?13:50
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ActionParsnipkb9cmw: what app are you playing them in?13:51
qwertyboyActionParsnip: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed13:51
qwertyboyActionParsnip: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed13:51
ActionParsnipqwertyboy: err, ok.  not seen anyone advise that nor have I heard of that13:52
pontyLjL: i think i m not sure what signed means in this context. i ll google for it13:52
ActionParsnipqwertyboy: sounds like your disk isnt healthy, boot to live cd and fsck it13:52
kb9cmwActionParsnip, totom movie player13:52
LalonActionParsnip,  take a look http://pastie.org/105694413:52
LalonActionParsnip,  my agp was 64 mb but i cant see here13:53
grifo74thanks it's work13:53
ActionParsnipgrifo74: amazing what a quick websearch finds, huh13:54
ActionParsnipLalon: do you use an onboard video device?13:55
pontyLjL: do you mean hashes for packages?13:55
LalonActionParsnip,  its builit in with the motherboard13:55
dbrunsI've got a relatively new (2 weeks) development server on a VM running 10.04  that won't boot for me.. its stuck complaining of "UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY  at /dev/mapper/megatron-root    (server name is megatron)13:55
ActionParsnipLalon: ok so you need to disable the onboard and plug the monitor into the agp card13:55
LalonActionParsnip,  why13:56
dbrunsis there any way to go to a 'safe mode' of sorts that would allow me to actually do something about htis?13:56
ActionParsnipLalon: well, do you want to use both o just the agp?13:56
Archana_I want to a play a mp4 file. But this works in windows. It works in ubuntu too. But the rate in which the video flows is slow ... How do i play the video the way it should be ?  ( I have vlc, totem - all have the same effect on my video)13:56
LalonActionParsnip,  i have only one agp card13:56
LjL^ponty: well more than hashes... hashes signed with the repository's private key13:56
LalonActionParsnip,  and my monitor is plugged in with the agp card13:56
ActionParsnipLalon: if you only want to use the AGP device then disable the onboard and set the AGP as primary13:57
haoyihuanhow to get help from ubuntu-cn13:57
phlak_userArchana_: have you seen the messages in VLC when this happens?13:57
rwwhaoyihuan: type /join #ubuntu-cn13:57
SidGBFCan I from a Minimal Install CD use "apt-get install (something)" and have downloaded and installed the _same_ things that Netbook version has?13:58
LalonActionParsnip,  my problem is my screen become black sometimes and i cant see anything then i need to restart my pc.. so r u telling me the solution of this problem?13:58
ActionParsnipLalon: i see, then make sure the onboard is off so as to not confuse stuff, if the AGP card is the ONLY video adapter then it is an Intel based card13:58
Archana_phlak_user, no, vlc plays the video. So does totem. but the rate in which video flows is slower than the audio..13:58
haoyihuanrww :thank you13:58
Lalonyeah my agp is intel based13:58
phlak_userArchana_: there is a messages window in VLC. just open it when the video is running, we may get some clues13:58
Archana_phlak_user, ok13:58
arandSidGBF: I think that would be ubuntu-standard and ubuntu-netbook (but not sure)13:59
Saturn2888phlak_user: thanks for your help though. I might ask again another time13:59
phlak_userArchana_: Tools-Messages or Ctl+M13:59
SidGBFok, thanks :D13:59
phlak_userSaturn2888: yw13:59
ActionParsnipSidGBF: sure, install the metapackage ubuntu-netbook-remix13:59
rwwActionParsnip: it's ubuntu-netbook now13:59
Archana_phlak_user, It's empty13:59
phlak_userArchana_: while playing the video?13:59
SidGBFNow I just need to transform the ISO (cd) insto a bootable USB stick (using mac)13:59
NakkelHow do I connect to a RADIUS authenticated wireless?13:59
ActionParsniprww: i have both in my apt-cache search result13:59
Archana_phlak_user, avcodec error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?) avcodec error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?)14:00
rwwActionParsnip: ubuntu-netbook-remix is a transitional package14:00
ActionParsniprww: i see14:00
Archana_phlak_user, do i need to install any codecs for this mp4 ?14:00
phlak_userArchana_: there you go... computer too slow. Ive seen this happen on netbooks14:00
Lalonhey ActionParsnip14:00
phlak_userArchana_: is it HD Video?14:00
mint-userusing the netbook remix right now with the eeepc. its great14:00
Archana_phlak_user, Slow? It plays in windows ... ?14:00
phlak_userArchana_: on the same machine?14:01
Lalonfor any video playing use vlc player14:01
Archana_phlak_user, yes , :-?14:01
ActionParsnipLalon: then that is your card, use the product line to fid guides, looks like you need an xorg.conf file to make it nice14:01
Archana_phlak_user, what codecs do i need to install ? Is it on repo ? Or manual download from somwhere ?14:01
LalonActionParsnip,  yeah .. plz make it nice for me :D14:02
ActionParsnipSidGBF: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick14:02
phlak_userArchana_: you dont seem to be missing codecs; can you pastebin the media information and codec information of the mp4 video?14:02
ActionParsnipLalon: there are guides all over, i have given direction now use it14:02
Archana_phlak_user, how to find those info ?14:02
kb9cmwActionParsnip,    I'll try later need to go. tnx14:03
phlak_userArchana_: Tools -Media Info & Tools-Codec Info14:03
Archana_phlak_user, wait , pleas14:03
Archana_phlak_user, Copying is not possible from there ?14:03
consitPlease help about maximising window when open. for example F-spot14:04
phlak_userArchana_: only codec info then?14:04
Archana_phlak_user, On general tab , it shows file name.. meta data is empty ..  stream1 = video = codec h264-mpeg 4avc (part 10) avc1   resolution 1920*1080  and frame rate 24 .14:05
doobehIs there a list anywhere between the differences of the base install of netbook ubuntu vs the standard edition?  (Or is the only changes the desktop layout and related pieces?)14:05
ActionParsnipdoobeh: its just a UI difference which are optomised for maximum screen realestate vertically14:06
aranddoobeh: And some differences in applications, (no OO.o per default e.g.14:07
marmothi, is there a way to unrar a file directly to remote host through scp?14:07
Gupdoes dist-upgrade install any of the current dist's outstanding updates first?14:07
marmotI was trying something like `unrar p file.rar | scp - test@test.host.com:`14:08
marmotbut I guess this doesn't make any sense14:08
arandGup: Isn't that the only thing it does?14:08
phlak_userArchana_: what graphics card do you have?14:09
Archana_phlak_user, 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)14:10
Guparand, it updates you to a whole new distribution, but its advised you update your current distribution to its latest before doing so.14:11
AdvoWorkfor a business card, IT manager or I.T Manager ?14:11
bazhangGup, no it does not14:12
ActionParsnip!ot | AdvoWork14:12
ubottuAdvoWork: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:12
ravmaminitube is not working14:12
arandGup: It will upgrade packages as defined by your sources.list, and include unsafe actions like removing and installing (as opposed to just upgrading).14:12
ravmadisplaying fatal error14:13
ActionParsnipravma: are you using the ppa version o the one on the repo?14:14
arandGup: It will not get you a new version of your distribution unless you also edit your sources.list, and this is also not the way to upgrade ubuntu through releases (do-release-upgrade exists fro that))14:15
ActionParsnipravma: theres 1.0 on the ppa, may help14:15
ActionParsnipravma: https://launchpad.net/~neversfelde/+archive/ppa14:16
ravmawhere cani find14:16
BluesKaj'Morning all14:16
ActionParsniplo BluesKaj14:17
coz_BluesKaj,  hey guy14:17
BluesKajhey ActionParsnip , how's things ?14:17
BluesKajhi coz_14:17
alexidoes IRC have Audio?14:18
tantivHow is Grub set up in Lucid?  There is no /boot/grub/menu.lst......14:18
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:18
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coz_tankdriver,   /etc/default/grub   now14:18
bazhangalexi, no14:18
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: chillin after visiting the british museum in london14:19
BluesKajActionParsnip, cool :)14:19
lemonade_too far away14:19
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: you ok?14:19
alexiok Baz, thanks... I saw some Karakoke rooms, how is that possible if its Text only??14:19
ActionParsnipalexi: no the protocol doesnt support it afaik14:19
ActionParsnipalexi: its an ancient protocol dude, probably made before sound was invented14:20
bazhangalexi, feel free to discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic14:20
Archana_phlak_user Are you ther?14:20
Swordsmanno irc doesn't have any sound14:20
Swordsmana channel you join might have some other thing they use14:20
SwordsmanI have no idea14:20
Swordsmanbut irc itself has no sound14:20
lemonade_bazhang, cn?14:21
Archana_Can anyone help me get my mp4 Hd video playing properly ?14:21
Guparand,  thanks for the info, getting a bit confused of the cmd line version of the GUI functions.  Got a mate who has done a dist update from the GUI, would that do the normal updates first?14:21
bazhanglemonade_, /join #ubuntu-cn14:21
Gupi'm now trying to fix broken upgrade from cmd line14:21
BluesKajActionParsnip, yup , got the media server all setup, but vlc broke so i discovered that mplayer is easier to use to control the server's media remotely14:21
lemonade_bazhang sounds too cn14:21
ActionParsnipGup: sudo apt-get -f install    should help14:21
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ActionParsnipBluesKaj: mplayer is the daddy :)14:21
bazhanglemonade_, do you have an ubuntu support question?14:21
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: i believe xbmc has a web interface too14:21
yonahware they any good tools for managing multiple montiors similar to Ultramon from the windows world? I would love shortcuts or buttons to send windows to other monitors.14:21
BluesKajActionParsnip, seems so alright14:22
CH|I am having trouble. Finding a some sort of driver. For my pcie ati radeon hd 4600 card. I have looked every ware.14:22
arandGup: afaik, it does.14:22
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lemonade_bazhang, i would like to read14:22
consitPlease help about maximizing window while open - how to manage that14:22
ActionParsnipCH|: system -> administration -> hardware14:22
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/14:23
ravmaupdated even not working14:23
mallchinI am following the guide here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile to install kernel sources on 7.04, but is says "E: Couldn't find package makedumpfile" when running "apt-get install linux-kernel-devel fakeroot kernel-wedge build-essential makedumpfile" ?14:23
mallchinwhat to do please?14:23
CH|ActionParsnip Iam use Elyssa14:23
Guparand, thanks14:23
bazhangmallchin, that version is long end of life14:24
GupActionParsnip, thanks, trying now14:24
BluesKajActionParsnip, xbmc is ok, but I'm trying to run it hradless from the laptop, altho the graphics card is connected by hdmi to our plasma tv. I don't have a proper remote control for the server so the laptop here is the substitute. Seems fine so far.:)14:24
BluesKajerr headless14:24
mallchinbazhang: I know, but the source I'm compiling needs an old version14:24
CH|ActionParsnip I am using Elyssa14:24
bazhangmallchin, as its end of life its not supported. consider upgrading to a supported version14:24
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yonahwBluesKaj: waht graphics card are you using? Do you get sound over the HDMI as well? I am considering building an HTPC myself and was looking for an affordable solution to the video and sound.14:25
mallchinbazhang: I've tried 9.10 and 8.04.4 but the source I'm compiling does work on them14:26
BluesKajyonahw, I'm using a nvidia grforce 7600gt with dvi to hmi cable for video and the spdif digital out to my HT amplifier for audio.14:27
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yonahwBluesKaj: What is the spdif digital out? Is the 7600gt capable of sending the sound over HDMI?14:28
derek_hello i'm new here14:29
BluesKajyonahw, one can buy relatively inexpensive graphics cards that will route the audio thru their hdmi outputs14:29
ActionParsnipCH|: elyssa is a mint app, i dont use mint and mint isnt supported in #ubuntu14:29
yonahwBluesKaj: do you know of any specific ones you could recommend?14:30
BluesKajno yonahw , the 7600gt is an older card , so no didgital / hdmi out , the audio on my setup has to be handled separately from the video feed14:30
erkan^have someone a software "QTM"?14:31
BluesKajyonahw, well look at some of the nvidia cards , most will provide hdmi nowadays...the spec list should show the output types14:31
yonahwBluesKaj: thanks, I have spent some time looking into this not too long ago and in general reading comments about particular cards tend to find varying success14:32
MDVz0ri have a new dell laptop that uses the i915 modules, everything seems to work fine except when unsuspending, then my screen stays black. I tried i386, x64, stable, unstable. What is remarkable is that it works without problems when using the liveCD, but after an installation it doesn't... anyone?14:33
AnxiousNutHow do i check if a touchpad (synaptic) is working in ubuntu? not sure if it is a hardware problem or a software! It just doesnt work14:33
steve6does ubuntu still sux nuts14:33
BluesKajyonahw, spdif is a digital output meant to feed a digital to audio converter (DAC) which then converts to analog for the speaker poer outs14:33
bazhangsteve6, actual support question?14:33
ActionParsnipsteve6: in some ways yes, in others, no14:33
steve6not today bazhang14:34
bazhangsteve6, then please chat elsewhere14:34
ActionParsnipAnxiousNut: if it doesnt move the mouse and it is enabled in a hardware sense then its not working14:34
cdubyaAnxiousNut, maybe here......https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad14:35
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:36
ActionParsnipAnxiousNut: you may need the boot options: i8024.reset and/or i8024.nomux=114:36
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bazhangArchana_, /msg ubottu please14:36
Archana_\msg ubottu mp414:37
tommie54gollie gosh14:37
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BluesKajyonahw, a word of caution, ati works well on windows , but can be troublesome on linux , IMO nvidia cards seem have fewer problems on linux.14:37
tommie54wilson pickett ?14:37
ascheelAnybody know a way to add a right-click option to files to send as an email attachment?  Preferably with Thunderbird?14:38
bazhang!ot > tommie5414:38
ubottutommie54, please see my private message14:38
ActionParsnipascheel: look into nautilus scripts14:38
BluesKajtommie54, "In the midnight hour"14:38
ascheelActionParsnip: thanks14:38
tommie54our soulman !14:38
tommie54you bazhang , me not babbi pangang14:39
yonahwBluesKaj: thanks, I have come to realize this over time and have nvidia cards on all of my machines14:40
ActionParsnipascheel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus-sendto/+bug/36323614:40
frexhow can i install intel/wireless wm3945ABG driver?14:40
erUSULfrex: already comes with the system.14:40
yonahwI am looking for a tool that will allow me to easily move windows between monitors. Something similar to Ultramon if anyone is familiar with it14:41
Archana_bazhang, I have everything . Gstreamer nice,bad, ugly .. also vlc. but none plays properly my mp4 hd video ... ANy codecs that you know for me to install ?14:41
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BluesKajyonahw, right :)14:41
ascheelActionParsnip: tested a standard CLI execution and it looks like it will work fine14:41
stukadwhat drivers may i use for gtx280 in ubuntu 10.4 ?14:42
frexerUSUL: thank you for quick respond but although it finds, it couldnt connect14:42
ActionParsnipascheel: cool, then add the script in ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts14:42
wmpotatoWow, so many people here...14:42
ascheelActionParsnip: thanks a ton.  I appreciate it14:42
ascheelfor the record:  thunderbird -compose "attachment=/path/to/file"14:42
erUSULfrex: you can try newer drivers istalling linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic14:42
erUSULfrex: sudo aptitude intall linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic14:42
ActionParsnipascheel: then your script will be: thunderbird -compose "attachment=$1"14:43
Archana_Does anyonne know what codecs to be installed  for Mp4 hd video ?14:43
frexerUSUL: ok let me try14:43
erUSULfrex: reboot when the package finish installing14:44
frexerUSUL: ok14:44
erUSULArchana_: all mayor players shouls support mp4 video ...14:44
ActionParsnipArchana_: install vlc and ubuntu-restricted-extras and w32codecs (from medibuntu repo) should be fine14:44
anodesniis it possible to run zsnes with opensource ati drivers? Somebody does it here?14:44
ActionParsnipArchana_: also install gnome-mplayer   it's badass14:44
Archana_ActionParsnip, the video works but the rate of video flow is slower than audio.14:44
ActionParsnipanodesni: should be fine14:45
anodesniActionParsnip, strange I get an error of missing libGL14:45
Archana_ActionParsnip, I have all of them installed.14:45
ActionParsnipanodesni: then install what is missing14:45
anodesniActionParsnip, it is already installed, it's realy strange problem14:45
x4d_Hello, is there any way to assign a global shortcut to refresh firefox without losing focus on the current window?14:46
BluesKajstukad, i think the nvidia current should work, have you run the hardware jockey ?14:46
erUSULanodesni: make sure all mesa packages are installed14:46
stukadArchana_, sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-pulse mozilla-plugin-vlc14:46
ActionParsnipanodesni: you do know that zsnes hasn't been updated in 3 years....14:46
ActionParsnipanodesni: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zsnes/files/   look at the dates14:46
Archana_ActionParsnip, smplayer doesn't play my video with respect to audio14:47
anodesniActionParsnip, why should they? I think it's fine14:47
erUSULanodesni: this three --> libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-swx11 libgl1-mesa-glx14:47
stukadBluesKaj, playonlinux is asking for a 3D accelerator when im using the current driver from synaptec, i could that hw jockey tho14:47
ActionParsnipArchana_: smplayer uses Qt so installing it will have pulled in a tonne of Qt libs to satisfy deps14:47
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parabyteanyone here know anything about the old xbox14:48
ActionParsnipanodesni: improvements in coding, newer lib versions which haven't been used to possibly give a cleaner / smoother app14:48
parabytei have a modified one14:48
parabyteready for fun14:48
ActionParsnip!ot | parabyte14:48
ubottuparabyte: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:48
anodesnierUSUL, if I try to install -swx11 it wants to remove ubuntu-desktop and libgl1-mesa-glx14:48
Archana_ActionParsnip, gnome-mplayer does not play the video at all only audio14:48
erUSULanodesni: pk then do not install that last one ...14:48
todd1this should be simple... but I can't figure it out.... how do I disable automounting of USB drives (10.04 gnome desktop)14:48
anodesnierUSUL, the rest I already have14:48
BluesKajstukad, the jockey will list a recomended driver to install , choose that one if you haven't already14:48
ActionParsniptodd1: sudo apt-get remove gnome-volume-manager    will do it but is a bit OTT IMHO14:49
Archana_ActionParsnip, I tried every solution given14:50
anodesniActionParsnip, is there a more up-to-date snes emulator which does not have a very spartan interface? (snes9x)14:50
opijmy forecaster panel applet isnt updating. it's just showing 2 dashes; no temperature, no weather14:50
Archana_ActionParsnip, none worked though :( //14:50
ActionParsniptodd1: you can just disable the volume manager in startup items and the system wont react when you slam in a volume, If you dont want automount ever then remove the package14:50
ZykoticK9anodesni, you might want to check out zsnes14:50
Archana_ActionParsnip, could  i install drivers for VGA to get this work ?14:50
erUSUL!find libGL14:50
ubottuFound: gle-doc, libglade2-0, libglade2-dev, libglade2.0-cil, libglade2.0-cil-dev (and 212 others)14:50
todd1ActionParsnip: ok... I was trying hal configs and stuff... but nothing I tried was working, so I'll give that a try14:50
erUSUL!find libGL.so.114:51
ubottuFile libGL.so.1 found in fglrx, ia32-libs, libgl1-mesa-glx, libgl1-mesa-glx-dbg, libgl1-mesa-swx11 (and 4 others)14:51
anodesnierUSUL, well fglrx works, but performance is not as smoot (for compiz) with it14:51
erUSULanodesni: dunno maybe znes look for it as different name? what is the exact message of znes?14:52
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ActionParsnipanodesni: theres snes9k apparently: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMrrG3ZUUx414:52
anodesnierUSUL, I also think it's a linker problem14:52
ActionParsnipArchana_: depends on your video chip14:52
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anodesnierUSUL, I now have fglrx installed so I cannot reproduce the error14:52
Archana_ActionParsnip, Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) . How do i get the latest drivers and install it ?14:52
ActionParsnipArchana_: you could try the xorg edgers ppa, its VERY experimental14:53
erUSULanodesni: well libgl1-mesa-glx should porvide libGL for the opensource driver afaics14:53
ActionParsnipanodesni: theres snes9x-gtk  too14:53
opijmy forecaster panel applet isnt updating. it's just showing 2 dashes; no temperature, no weather14:53
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opijcan someone help?14:53
erUSULActionParsnip: Archana_ maybe xorg-updates is enough14:53
todd1ActionParsnip: actually, nothing like that is installed :-/14:54
MDVz0ri have a new dell laptop that uses the i915 modules, everything seems to work fine except when unsuspending, then my screen stays black. I tried i386, x64, stable, unstable. What is remarkable is that it works without problems when using the liveCD, but after an installation it doesn't... anyone?14:54
mallchinwhen installing a kernel can I mount /boot and do it the normal way? or do I need to create a package?14:54
x4d_Sorry to repeat my question as I had to go out a figure out how to clear the usernames in irssi and it blocked my view of the discussion, is it possible to make a global shortcut to refresh firefox without losing focus on the current window?14:54
anodesniActionParsnip, erUSUL tnx for helping, I'll go try some stuff with linking, or another emu14:55
opijban time14:55
erUSULanodesni: no problem14:55
rileypI need to use a Dynamic DNS record that resolves to my WAN IP, but have the DNS resolve to the internal host IP from inside the network14:55
Archana_erUSUL, how to ?14:55
rileypI have a billion router can anyon ehelp me with the above14:56
erUSULmallchin: you can use the  make;make install;make modules_install; mkintramfs ... method14:56
fumanchu182Does anyone remember the name of the package to look for with extra screen savers for the desktop?14:56
erUSUL!ppa | Archana_14:56
ubottuArchana_: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.14:56
mallchinerUSUL: excellent, thanks14:56
destroitubuntu en espaƱol14:56
opijmy forecaster panel applet isnt updating. it's just showing 2 dashes; no temperature, no weather14:56
opijcan someone help?14:56
bazhangdestroit, in #ubuntu-es14:56
ZykoticK9!es | destroit14:56
ubottudestroit: En la mayorĆ­a de canales de Ubuntu se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:56
erUSULmallchin: do not forget to run update-grub too14:56
anodesnierUSUL, I think this is my solution-> "After the link is manually created by issuing `ln -s /usr/lib/opengl/ati/lib/libGL.so.1.2 /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2' everything works asexpected."14:56
Archana_erUSUL, My question is not on ppa. about xor updates :(14:56
mallchinerUSUL: I wouldn't have done that, thanks for the reminder14:57
opijweather report 2.30.014:57
erUSULanodesni: could be14:57
anodesniI try14:57
Archana_erUSUL, sorry, I see the search bar now there in that page14:57
erUSULArchana_: xorg-updates is a ppa14:57
Archana_erUSUL, how do i undo installing from this ppa?? like... if my gui breaks :P14:57
erUSULArchana_: i only jumped in becouse edgers is unstable and maybe update fix your isuue via a safer method...14:58
Archana_erUSUL, For confirmation : https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates .. This one to add and install ?14:58
erUSULArchana_: those ppa's provide a ppa-purge package/command you can use if something goes wrong14:58
frexerUSUL: sorry although installing linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic, it doesn't work :(14:58
BaramiHi ~_~14:58
erUSULfrex: :/14:58
Baramii have reinstalled ubuntu ~_~14:59
erUSULfrex: can you see what "dmesg" says when you try to connect?14:59
opijweather report 2.30.0 is not working14:59
livingdaylightBarami, why?14:59
BaramiAt now, the problem was solved.14:59
Archana_erUSUL, i have just added it to software sources.. what must i do now to updates ?14:59
Baramilivingdaylight, http://barami.org/screenshots/korean.png14:59
erUSULArchana_: nothing; just use the update manager to get the new packages15:00
Archana_erUSUL, if this breaks my Gui... then can it be undone ? :P15:00
BaramiAfter run a localepurge, some application was not show the korean.15:00
frexerUSUL: http://pastebin.com/DspUbmND15:01
livingdaylightis it safe to just unplug monitor why computer is off?15:01
erUSULArchana_: as a said; install ppa-purge and see how to use it to undo the update. if something goes wrong you can use it to go back to previous state15:01
Archana_erUSUL, yes, thanks.15:01
BluesKajhmm both 1.0.6 and 1.1.1 VLCs won't launch the gui on my setup , only a terminal with a blank playlist shows up15:02
erUSULfrex: you are sure the AP is ok ? it seems that it times out ...15:02
xanguaBluesKaj: try to delete vlc's configuration15:03
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frexerUSUL: I'm not sure.15:05
marienz[abc]: what do you need all those for?15:05
frexerUSUL: how to check it if it is ok?15:05
BluesKajxangua, yeah, I tried remove purge , but the conf file seems to to be retained somehow15:05
violinappreninteresting usernames15:05
erUSULfrex: if you dual boot and it works with windows we can discard it15:05
xanguaBluesKaj: that won't remove your vlc configuration files15:06
xanguai don't have vlc installed so i don't know where the config file is, if any one know please tell BluesKaj15:07
tschakaso, is there any alternative to "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" at present? Booting a live cd with an old tft on an nvidia 4 ti4200 fails to out of range, and i would really like to fix this w/o writing an xorg.conf by hand.15:07
ZykoticK9BluesKaj, even using "purge" will NOT touch anything in a users home directory.  Check for a .vlc type file/directory in you home dir.15:07
frexerUSUL: I'm only using ubuntu right now, no windows.15:08
ZykoticK9tschaka, if you want to generate an xorg.conf for you system see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/create-an-xorg-conf-file15:08
erUSULfrex: you are using wpa? can you try with no password in the AP/router? see if it fails too ?15:08
tschakaZykoticK9 thanks. what are the reasons behind these changes? :/15:09
MalignusI'm running Ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop and I'm experiencing a system-halting spike in iowait for about two minutes any time I launch or close Gnome Terminal emulator or Nautilus.  I also experience a DBUS timeout whenever I try to mount a Windows share through samba.  Any suggestions?15:09
BluesKajxangua, ZykoticK9 , yeah most likely in hidden files15:10
frexerUSUL: ok i will try it15:10
tschakaZykoticK9 this is too much fiddling around for the average user when he wants to simply boot a live stick...15:10
ZykoticK9tschaka, the hope is someone in that situation would NOT have to create an xorg.conf for MOST hardware.15:10
tschakaZykoticK9 what is the reason then to remove it instead of keeping it for the those users WITH old (but then common) hardware?!15:11
ZykoticK9tschaka, it's considered progress by most ;)15:11
tschakaZykoticK9 i see the point and i like that automatic approach, but why not having an alternative in case something goes wrong? technically impossible?15:12
frexerUSUL: no password it still fails.15:12
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erUSULfrex: :S ; i'm afraid this is as far as i can go diagnosing this ... dunno what is wrong ...15:13
urzkhi. is there any utility like everest or cpuz for linux to view my hardware?15:13
ZykoticK9tschaka, i really don't know the technical requirements of the xorg/automatic stuff.  You'd have to talk to a dev - or just someone who knows more about it then me :)15:13
Malignusurzk: hardinfo.org has a good package15:14
happyfaceis ubuntu REALLY good at dealing with slow hard drives?15:14
tschakaZykoticK9 thanks tho. seems i can not get my mum 10.04 on her pc then as easily as i considered it to be...15:14
urzkMalignus: thanks. i'll try it15:14
Malignusurz: It compiles all system information into an HTML file15:14
limeblackI have a gpart question15:14
limeblackDoes anyone know why the home directory appears locked in gpart?15:15
ZykoticK9urzk, you might want to try the package gnome-device-manager15:15
frexerUSUL: if i compile vanilla kernel with intel wireless drivers, it would work?15:15
BluesKajxangua, ZykoticK9, found the vlc conf files and deleted them in the server , should be fine now, but mplayer seems to work better in some ways than vlc , but it's nice to have 'options'15:15
Malignusurzk: Sorry, it's available in the repos as well.  sudo apt-get install hardinfo15:15
erUSULfrex: hard to say; you can try15:15
ZykoticK9BluesKaj, i keep vlc install but personally always use mplayer15:15
limeblackDoes anyone know why some of the partitions in gpart are locked by default?15:16
Malignuslimeblack: They'll be locked if mounted.15:16
abhijiti have added getdeb repo for urban terror. but afterthat it overtakes my freecol too. and ubuntu starts to takes all updates from getdeb. wihch i dont want. how to resolve this?15:16
ZykoticK9limeblack, turn off swap and it might unlock them.  good luck.15:17
dajhornlimeblack: Probably because they are mounted.15:17
Sliferhello all15:17
urzkMalignus: mmm it's been installed already. how do i start it? alt+F2 hardinfo? or in terminal?15:17
urzkMalignus: oh, it system profiler and benchmark15:17
limeblackI'm booting of a live cd and the ubuntu partition home directory doesn't allow me to delete or resize it15:17
frexerUSUL: I'm planning to apply these steps : http://pastebin.com/L3xBWMYk15:17
Malignusurzk: I've always installed through Terminal.  You can run dpkg -s hardinfo to check.15:17
urzkMalignus: it does not show my motherboard15:17
frexerUSUL: i dont know where is ksrc path15:18
MaRk-Itschaka: try booting the livecd with "nomodeset" option15:18
Sliferhow can i install KVirc for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - the Lucid Lynx plz ?15:18
jduI have an integrated nic and a pci ethernet card installed. Yet when I run ifconfig, only the integrated nic appears (as eth0). lspci shows both, and pci is enabled. Advice?15:18
dajhornlimeblack: Even in the Live environment, you need to run gparted as a privileged user.  Try starting it with `sudo gparted` at a terminal prompt.15:18
erUSULfrex:  Ā« sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) Ā» should be somewhere in /usr/src/15:18
urzkMalignus: sorry, i got it. it shows everything15:18
limeblackDoes unbuntu encrypt your home directory by default?  Because I am unable to delete it15:18
Malignusurzk: You bet.  :)15:18
jdulimeblack: not by default15:19
violinapprenjdu: ifconfig eth1 up ?15:19
jduviolinappren: says no such device15:19
limeblackSo how do I disable the encrypting or atleast delete the ubuntu partition without reformatting the drive15:19
BluesKajZykoticK9, yeah I'm investigating the optional ctrls etc that ssh can do for me ..using the cli to ssh into the server , since I'm lazy  and don't feel like getting out of my easychair to run the server . It does have a mouse KB connected as well as the tv but a 46" screen is abit much from 3 ft away :)15:19
tschakaMaRk-I thanks for your suggestions. i did that already. it simply seems to set the resolution to high. i could circumvent this with a modified xorg.conf but the general problem is, that ubuntu seems to more and more force you to a certain way, on the cost of applicability to rather seldom systems and circumstances. as an user from 5.10 on i dont like where this is going :/15:20
Malignuslimeblack: Run gparted from the Live Image.15:20
Sliferhow can i install KVIrc for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - the Lucid Lynx plz ? <--- Please15:20
abhijitSlifer, sudo apt-get install kvirc?15:21
tschakaMaRk-I and i am not xorg.conf expert and can write it by heart, but i always coudl use the reconfigure command and "click" through it. now i can't anymore.15:21
Sliferit doesnt work abhijit  :(15:21
limeblackThanks Malignus, but it 1 of the 3 partitions still appears to be locked15:21
abhijitSlifer, what error it gives?15:21
Sliferslifer@slifer-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install KVIrc15:22
SliferReading package lists... Done15:22
SliferBuilding dependency tree15:22
SliferReading state information... Done15:22
SliferE: Couldn't find package KVIrc15:22
FloodBot2Slifer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:22
Malignuslimeblack: If you right-click on the partition, is "Umount" a selectable option?15:22
abhijitSlifer, it works for me15:22
Sliferam sorry15:22
Malignuslimeblack: "Unmount", sorry.15:22
abhijitSlifer, type as exactly here: sudo apt-get instal kvirc --copy paste this15:22
ZykoticK9BluesKaj, i use a Mythbuntu install connected to my TV with a wireless keyboard/mouse (& a remote control too but it stopped working in 9.04) for my media.  Good luck with remote vlc stuff, interesting project.15:22
abhijitSlifer, type as exactly here: sudo apt-get install kvirc --copy paste this15:22
limeblackI think ubuntu encrypts one of the 3 partitions by default15:23
limeblackAlthough I can't resize the partitions I still can reformat the partition table15:23
ZykoticK9limeblack, Ubuntu does NOT use encrypted filesystem "by default", it's an option.15:23
Malignuslimeblack: Encryption is a selectable option during install (though encryption is selected by default)15:24
BluesKajSlifer, open your package manager / software sources and enable canonical partners and other software sources, then run sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras.15:24
Sliferi have abhijit  thnkx.. dont go plz.. help me run it .. it is being downloaded15:24
Malignuslimeblack: I can't say right now why it's still locked, but I can tell you I've run into a plentiful amount of errors when I messed with my encrypted home partition after install.15:24
abhijitSlifer, ohh ok. can you tell me what is its best points?15:24
NokioHi all, Is there a way not to monitor actual bandwidth usage but to run a tool that, at the end of the day would tell me you used that much download and that much upload?15:25
limeblackYES thank you15:25
limeblackThat makes perfect sense!15:25
BluesKajZykoticK9, yeah, good suggestion about the wifi mouse and KB , been considering that as well.15:25
Sliferwhat do you mean by "its best point" abhijit  ?15:25
MalignusNokio: The System Monitor widget through Screenlets populates this data on your Desktop.15:25
abhijitSlifer, i mean what is good in kvirc?15:25
BluesKajZykoticK9, I've never had much luck with mythtv tho15:25
ZykoticK9BluesKaj, it takes a lot of reading to get going the first couple of times.  Mythbuntu makes mythtv install VERY easy, but it's an xfce environment.15:26
Sliferis it not good abhijit  ? what do you recommend me as IRC Client ?15:27
NokioMalignus, cool i just saw that thanks ! Is there the same thing but on the command line for my other ubuntu that is a server cli only?15:27
abhijitSlifer, I first time heard about kvirc from you. So i want to know hows it?15:27
limeblackMalignus, Have you ever figured out a way to properly resize and delete encrypted partitions?15:27
frexerUSUL: when i try to make , i got that : http://pastebin.com/20J73X0N15:27
carlos_eduardopara compartilhar arquivos entre dois linux eu preciso instalar o samba nos dois computadores?15:28
carlos_eduardohaha, english here15:28
Malignuslimeblack: Sorry, I haven't.  Once I did so I spent about a week trying to salvage the silliness and ended up doing a wipe and fresh install15:28
carlos_eduardoto share files between two linux I need to install samba on both computers?15:28
BluesKajZykoticK9, I guess a tv tuner is a basic necessity for a mythtv setup  ?15:28
MalignusNokio: I'm not sure.  I'm only aware of nmap and other tools but none which show total packets sent/received.15:28
Sliferoh abhijit ... you can try it ( i have tried it on Windows ) and it works well... good interface.. userfriendly and many more options :)15:29
abhijitSlifer, ok.15:29
limeblackMalignus, Okay :) Thanks.15:29
dajhornNokio: There are several daemons in Ubuntu that can do this, like ipband and bandwidthd.   If you don't want to be charged for going over quota, then there is a shaper daemon too.15:29
NokioMalignus, same here i use tools like iptraf, nethogs etc etc but i can only get the curent download/upload rate.15:29
erUSULfrex: try with  Ā« make SHELL=/bin/bash Ā» like the error says15:29
ZykoticK9BluesKaj, you can use it for video/music/games without a tv card.  On another note, if you want to remote control music check out an mpd server and the various frontend clients.15:29
carlos_eduardoto share files between two linux I need to install samba on both computers?15:30
jducarlos_eduardo: samba is best if windows is involved. Otherwise, I suggest nfs, or I often use ssh15:30
Nokiodajhorn, ok cool ill look into those 2 thanks a lot !15:30
dajhornNokio: Welcome.15:30
Sliferit is taking abt 30mins to get installed abhijit .. is it normal ?15:30
carlos_eduardoif only have linux in the network, you suggest nfs?15:31
abhijitSlifer, whats your net speed? i completed installtion withing some 4-5 mins15:31
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Archana_How to restart x ?15:32
rileypI need to use a Dynamic DNS record that resolves to my WAN IP, but have the DNS resolve to the internal host IP from inside the network15:32
Sliferoh ok abhijit .. my speed is slow right now ... i'll wait :)15:32
rileypcan anyone help me with this?15:32
ewookrileyp: then you setup a internal dns-record that's identical..15:32
abhijitSlifer, :D15:32
rileypewook how15:32
erkan^hey abhijit (:15:32
jducarlos_eduardo: once nfs is set up (it can require some commandline, etc.) it seems much more reliable than samba works more like a standard, mounted linux filesystem15:32
abhijithelloo erkan^ :)15:33
carlos_eduardojdu, thanks  :) you solved my problem!15:33
ZykoticK9carlos_eduardo, if you are using Gnome/Ubuntu then SSH through - Place / Connect to Server / SSH in the Service Type.  is a LOT easier then setting up Samba or NFS (both can work between linux clients as well)15:33
slinker1carlos_eduardo: what ZykoticK9 said +115:33
dajhornrileyp: You need to be a DNS administrator to get split DNS resolution.  Do you control the DNS server for the private network?15:34
rileypewook using /etc/hots?15:34
carlos_eduardoZykoticK9, slinker1, jdu : Ok, thanks for all15:34
jducarlos_eduardo: it's true, both samba and nfs can be a hassle to configure.15:34
rileypits a home network15:34
wasutton3is there a way to get mouse button bindings higher than 9 to work in compiz config?15:34
rileypand Im the boss15:34
newbiehello all15:35
ZykoticK9wasutton3, that might be a compiz limitation, you might want to also as in the #compiz channel.  good luck.15:35
abhijitSlifer, i am testing it :D :P15:35
rileypwell boss of the network not the kitchen or the libing room or anything else for that matter15:35
wasutton3ZykoticK9: Yea im working on that now15:35
wasutton3i was just curious as to the ubuntu side limitations15:35
unclemantisuuid_generate_time generates a UUID based on the current time and the mac address. What if I want to generate a UUID based on a specified timestamp. how does one do this?15:35
dajhornrileyp: If you're running something like DD-WRT on a mini-router, then you can set an override for the dnsmasq daemon.15:36
ZykoticK9wasutton3, it might be that too.  never used that many buttons ;)15:36
dajhornrileyp: Just setting the required name in /etc/hosts or system32\hosts will be much easier than running a local DNS server.15:36
wasutton3ZykoticK9: yea, the mx revo has quite a few problems15:36
ZykoticK9wasutton3, i'm using a Logitech MX 518 and all buttons work by default.15:37
david_how do I start emacs from command line without invoking gui emacs?15:37
david_I like the terminal emacs15:37
rileypdajhorn this sounds like what i want15:37
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wasutton3ZykoticK9: yea, mines the MX Revolution, has like 15 buttons on it15:37
NightKhaoswasutton3: 15? 8 at my count.15:38
Slifergreat abhijit  test it :p15:38
ZykoticK9wasutton3, that's a lot more then the 8 on mine (and 2 are hardware only)15:38
wasutton3NightKhaos: theres 10 buttons, but the button bindings go from 1 to 1515:38
NightKhaoswasutton3: ahh, gotya.15:39
pipeepWhy is everyone leaving???15:39
abhijiti have added getdeb repo for urban terror. but afterthat it overtakes my freecol too. and ubuntu starts to takes all updates from getdeb. wihch i dont want. how to resolve this?15:39
unclemantiswhy isn't there a uuid generator that allows me to enter a specific timestamp?15:39
pipeepabhijit, you can just get the specific deb for urban terror, not the whole repo15:40
abhijitpipeep, should i remove that getdeb repo then?15:40
dajhornunclemantis: Because the UUID specification incorporates the time of generation.15:40
ZykoticK9abhijit, that is the downside to adding 3rd party repos, you get ALL the updates if you want them or not.  you could work around by installing the program then removing the repo?!  I don't know a better solution (there might be one).15:40
AdvoWorkin 10.04 can i change the close, maximise,minimise buttons to be on the right hand side rather than on the left?15:40
pipeepabhijit, http://bigbrovar.aoizora.org/index.php/2010/01/10/how-to-safely-remove-ppa-repository-from-ubuntu/15:40
abhijitZykoticK9, ok.15:40
abhijitpipeep, ZykoticK9 thanks15:40
abhijit!controls | AdvoWork15:41
ubottuAdvoWork: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side15:41
MaRk-Iabhijit: just disable it, in case you want to add another game just enable it back15:41
unclemantiswhat if i am looking for UUIDs created between timeA and TimeB?15:41
abhijitMaRk-I, yes. I wll disable it.15:41
pipeepActually apparently PPA Purge should be in GetDbe15:42
Malignusubottu: is there a reason to not give the command in chat to change this?15:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:42
MalignusAdvoWork: gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout "menu:maximize,minimize,close"15:42
xanguapipeep: it's in getdeb and xorg-updates ppa15:42
ZykoticK9abhijit, AdvoWork !controls is my favourite bot message, alucidfs is my site ;)15:43
abhijitZykoticK9, good :D15:43
AdvoWorkZykoticK9, cheers lol, would you mind if i add it to my blog, for my reference, its more just a dump of commands etc15:44
ZykoticK9AdvoWork, lol do whatever you want with it.  consider everything there "open source" ;)15:45
naxili need help15:46
Sliferhey abhijit = singer15:47
pipeepnaxil, with a side of fries?15:47
pipeepnaxil, would you like to turn that into a combo meal?15:47
OerZykoticK9, nice site alucidfs, specially the 'notes'15:48
Guest46452unclemantis: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt15:48
econdudeawesomeWhat apt-get install package do I need to install xubunut?15:48
econdudeawesomexubuntu rather15:48
econdudeawesomenever mind15:48
naxili have a problem in boot start15:48
ZykoticK9Oer, cheers.  i haven't really touched that site since Lucid Beta, amazing that !controls still links to it ;)15:49
naxilubuntu go ti a shell in start15:49
pipeepnaxil, could you be more specific?15:49
pipeepnaxil, what might have caused it? have you installed any wacky 3rd party apps lately, been messing in grub, etc?15:50
pipeepnaxil, can you even get to grub?15:50
Malignusnaxil, another problem is that you may have uninstalled a package that was a dependency for ubuntu-desktop15:51
Sammi16Hi, ive been having trouble with viewing pandora/youtube/etc. i can hear banshee, but it is hit or miss whether i can hear pandora/youtube/etc. Is this a flash issue?15:51
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MalignusSammi16, are you running 32-bit or 64-bit Ubuntu?15:51
pipeepSammi16, sounds like it (no pun intended)15:51
diogo_79guys how can i activate my wireless card it is hard locked?15:52
pipeepSammi16, or perhaps a browser issue15:52
Sammi1632 bit. I use firefox.15:52
pipeepSammi16, open up the sound preferences, go to the applications tab, and make sure firefox's volume is up15:52
MalignusSammi16: Okay, it's not the Adobe 64-bit issue, then.  Try a different browser, perhaps.  Chromium is open-source and natively supported on Ubuntu.15:53
MalignusSammi16: Opera also has a .deb installer15:53
AdvoWorkZykoticK9,  any reason why that command: gconftool-2 --set "/apps/metacity/general/button_layout" --type string "menu:minimize,maximize,close"  could cause my wireless to die? its took me like 2 days to get wireless working on this lappy, and i think it died at the same time i ran that command :/15:53
tschakaZykoticK9 btw: your http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/create-an-xorg-conf-file link failed.15:53
Sammi16Under application, it says alsa plugin, but my firefox uses pulse audio15:53
Sammi16i think15:54
tschakaZykoticK9 it aborts due to a mismatch of detected devices and configured screens. so i am stuck with a nice terminal under lucid. you gotta love that.15:54
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Guest17781꜉äø­å›½ ēš„吗ļ¼Ÿ15:54
pipeepSammi16, usually ALSA is just a fake device created by pulse audio, which when used provides a compatibility API for pulse audio15:55
sysieriuswhooo... compiz-fusion at 2 screens15:55
pipeepSammi16, so I don't think that's your problem15:55
Sammi16Oh, ok15:55
Sammi16so it probably is a browser issue.15:55
sysieriusanyone use compiz here?15:56
ZykoticK9tschaka, that's bad news man, sorry - i got nothing more for ya.  Good luck :)  sorry man.  You might want to consider trying the Alternative install CD, which is a text based install.15:56
Sammi16to the firefox support chat!15:56
pipeepsysierius, I do15:56
ZykoticK9AdvoWork, that gconf string has NOTHING to do with wireless!15:56
pipeepI guess we'll never know about naxil15:56
sysieriuspipeep: cool man :D15:56
pipeepsysierius, I've been trying to ease myself off of it15:57
pipeepbut the compositing is just ... so... pretty...15:57
sysieriuspipeep: yeah i like the cube15:57
rileypI need to use a Dynamic DNS record that resolves to my WAN IP, but have the DNS resolve to the internal host IP from inside the network15:57
rileypcan anyone help me15:58
rileypI have billion bipac 7401 vgp router15:58
MalignusI'm running Ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop and I'm experiencing a system-halting spike in iowait for about two minutes any time I launch or close Gnome Terminal emulator or Nautilus.  I also experience a DBUS timeout whenever I try to mount a Windows share through samba.  Any suggestions?15:58
AdvoWorkZykoticK9, didnt think so, just a coincidence15:59
sysieriusi have Ubuntu 10.04 on a dual-core x6415:59
pipeeprileyp, Malignus, questions that actually take thought to answer. RUN AWAY!!!15:59
edbianpipeep, I use compiz non-stop16:00
rodrigohi there, is someone brasilian here?16:00
MaRk-I!br | rodrigo16:00
ubotturodrigo: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em portuguĆŖs. Obrigado.16:00
sysieriusrodrigo: i have compiz-fusion at 2 screens16:00
rodrigooh ok, thanks16:01
Gnearileyp: what's a vgp router?16:02
sysieriusrodrigo: do you like te EPIC cube of DOOM ?16:03
karurui have a serious problem, on my new sony notebook vpcea1s1e the sound is not working, in alsamixer -c0 everything is on max and in the pulse settings also, what to do? under windows the sound is working out of the box16:03
limeblackwill all my applications still work if I install lxde in ubuntu?  I heard lxde is faster.16:04
karurulimeblack, maybe you try xubuntu?16:04
rodrigohum, i don't know what is that16:04
sysieriuslimeblack: or you need a better pc16:04
pipeeplimeblack, kinda16:05
limeblackMy desktop is fine at running ubuntu, my laptop just has minimal RAM and is old.16:05
pipeeplimeblack, but you probably would have better luck with xubuntu; lxde is not as clean as xfce imho16:05
sysieriuslike: KDE and GNOME?16:06
limeblackOk I'll try xubuntu, Thanks.16:07
xMopxCan anyone help me install mod_python?16:07
MaRk-Ikaruru: have you tried the intel hda sound issues?16:07
karuruMaRk-I how to find out?16:07
karuru*where to find16:08
MaRk-I!intelhda | karuru16:08
ubottukaruru: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto16:08
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rodrigolimeblack: tried others versions of Ubuntu and the one that i like is the Xubuntu16:08
karuruwhere can i see if i have intel hda?16:08
pipeeplimeblack, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop16:08
karuruah okay i see it in the documation16:08
rileypits part of themodel number thats all16:09
pipeepbye terry_, I hardly knew ye16:10
brorjonasThe "best" way to open a location with nautilus is to minimize all windows and press CTRL + L?16:10
rileypGnea its a aldsl voip modem router all in 116:10
dbuggerHey guys, for some reason Ubuntu freezes for me sometimes. Why is that?16:10
limeblackIf I install xubuntu from ubuntu how easy is it for me to go back??16:10
tensorpuddingdbugger: unfortunately there a lot of different possible reasons for it to freeze up16:11
abhijitSlifer: you installed?16:11
tensorpuddingwithout more information it would be nearly impossible to know.16:11
dbuggertensorpudding, Ok, how could I get more information of what caused the freeze?16:12
marcus_Anyone know about gdesklets for ubuntu 10.04, downloaded from peros but it wont start?16:12
dbuggerUsually happens when watching movies, listening to music or using flash in the web16:12
pipeepdbugger, when it locks up, can you still use tty1? (is it just an x11 crash)16:12
marcus_peros, sorry, repos16:12
tensorpuddingso things that involve high cpu load, and possibly video16:12
tensorpuddingcould be graphics driver bugs16:12
pipeepdbugger, can you pastebin us a log before a crash?16:12
dbuggerpipeep, I must do a hard reset.16:12
tensorpuddingwhat kind of lock-up is it?16:13
tensorpuddingis the mouse able to move?16:13
dbuggerThe keyboard and mouse doesnt respond16:13
tensorpuddingdo windows turn grey?16:13
dbuggerBut the screen remains frozen16:13
tensorpuddingare you able to switch to a tty?16:13
tensorpuddingor possibly ssh into the machine from outside?16:13
pipeepthat would be interesting16:14
stukadis there a way to patch a mouse to 500hz in ubuntu? (mx518)16:14
dbuggertensorpudding, I dont know if it would be possible to ssh, but I doubt it. Feels like the whole system went petrified16:14
dbuggerno HD or CPU leds lighting up or anything16:14
tensorpuddinghow frequent are the freezes, and can you set up a reproducible instanc e in which it occurs?16:14
* th1 whacks stukad16:15
Sliferyes abhijit  i have16:15
tensorpuddingare you using any proprietary drivers?16:15
Sliferand thnkx a lot abhijit .. i was editing it :)16:15
dbuggerI can't reproduce it. It just happens if Im watching video, listening music of using Flash in the web usually16:15
abhijitSlifer: ok16:15
dbuggertensorpudding, no propietary drivers16:15
th1stukad, don't ask a question and then quit without waiting for a response16:16
pipeepdbugger, flash...16:16
karuruMaRk-I: I have a ALC269 card, but how to fix it now :O16:16
tensorpuddingdoes your computer have a limited amount of ram?16:16
Sliferhey abhijit = singer16:16
dbuggerpipeep, I thought the same, but also happens when listening MP316:16
abhijitSlifer: hmm?16:16
dbuggertensorpudding, I think it has more than enough. It's only 3 years old16:16
MaRk-Ikaruru: keep reading that page, tells you how to edit the file16:16
stukadthl my bad, did a server change16:16
pipeepdbugger, log file?16:17
th1stukad, do you have usb or ps2 mosue?16:17
tensorpuddingchecking log files might be useful16:17
stukadth1 usb16:17
dbuggerpipeep, tensorpudding, which log file should I show you?16:17
th1stukad check that link16:17
tensorpuddingthough if you hard reset, there's a decent chance that the things that cause the problem weren't put to disk16:17
stukadi will16:17
tensorpuddingdmesg would be useful16:17
th1stukad, but you need to patch kernel for usb with ps2 you can do it without patching16:17
tensorpuddingif it is a hardware problem it would presumably spew a ton16:17
=== david is now known as Guest5639
coolbluehello! Can someone help me to get VT1708S sound chip get working correctly? I have the problem that the sound on the backpanel is too quitly. about 10-15db16:18
Guest5639Im a total newb with ubuntu, my webcam wont work, it's like it's not even plugged in, what do i do?16:18
cablophello, i used samba in the past... but years ago... maybe 4 years or more... i dunno if things are easier to share files in network today in 10.04... how can i share them now?16:18
badcloudanyone know if there is a fix to this ehci-hcd bug? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121400316:18
pipeepGuest5639, what webcam is it?16:18
badcloudI had to revert to usb 1.1 (r/w at barely 1MB/s)16:18
dbuggerthis is my dmesg: http://pastebin.com/Zyd8B7is16:18
JPPcablop: most people still use Samba, it's the most popular :)16:18
Guest5639my webcam i bought in taiwan, its a "andy-may2'16:18
dbuggerI'm gonna put a video in the background, see if I can reproduce it16:18
WierdAARHey, I just finished install ubuntu 10.04, and everything works except the sound.. Everything is turned on, and unmuted.. Any ideas?16:19
abhijit!sound | WierdAAR16:19
ubottuWierdAAR: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:19
tensorpuddingWierdAAR: You checked with alsamixer16:19
econdudeawesomeHey, I'm getting a mountall: disconnected from Plymouth error after running an LXDE or Xubuntu session for awhile. How do I fix it?16:19
TurbolinuxHello everyone. I want to buy an iPad for myself. Can I manage this gadget with Ubuntu? Thank you for your help.16:19
cablopJPP nice... but it's easier to setup now? i heard elsewhere that there's kjust an option in one menu to start sharing and manage access... but i don't know where16:19
Sliferthnkx a lot abhijit.. am off for dinner ... thnkx a lot again :)16:19
metalgeekhi, is there any reason why gdesklets might not work for Ubuntu 10.04?16:19
abhijit!ipod | Turbolinux16:19
ubottuTurbolinux: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod16:19
Sliferbubyee xx16:20
abhijitSlifer: welcome :)16:20
tensorpuddingTurbolinux: It's conceivable that the iPad has been rooted, but I would say that it could not hope to supplant the iOS.16:20
lixiangwho am i?16:20
tensorpuddingIt might be technically, with significant effort, *possible* but by no means would it be worthwhile.16:20
Guest5639how do i install drivers for webcam?16:20
ridini changed my password, but i have to enter my old password again + my new one, what gives?16:20
karuruMaRk-I: so i just have to add "options snd-hda-intel model=fujitsu" to the alsa base conf and thats it?16:20
metalgeekI downloaded from the repository but it won't even start up!!! :)16:20
abhijit!webcam | Guest563916:20
ubottuGuest5639: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras16:21
MaRk-Ikaruru: according to that page, yes, and reboot16:21
TurbolinuxNo no I want sync it with Ubuntu. Can I do it?16:21
lixiangi don't know how touse it16:21
karuruMaRk-I: but, i dont really set a model, just a name like fujitsu, and i have a vaio notebook :/16:21
* Sary is away: Not @ Desk16:22
Turbolinuxtensorpudding: I want to sync it with Ubuntu. Can I do this process?16:22
MaRk-Ikaruru: look for sony vaio there16:22
bleahTurbolinux: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=139351116:22
econdudeawesomeHey, I'm getting a mountall: disconnected from Plymouth error after running an LXDE or Xubuntu session for awhile. How do I fix it?16:22
tensorpuddingTurbolinux: that's different I suppose. But I don't know of any software to synchronize an iPad with Ubuntu16:22
cablopwell, the painy wuestion... can i  install the main gnome things in ubuntu? i sometimes feel ubuntu just stripped it too much down16:22
sipiorTurbolinux: there is an ubuntu one contacts app for the ipad, but i suspect much else will not be possible.16:22
karuruMaRk-I: there is no sony in this section of my soundcard16:22
=== pjarnahom is now known as pjarnahomzz
tensorpuddingThat would more likely to be something you'd have to find an app for.16:22
tensorpuddingOr try to find if there is a workaround hack for a built-in sync16:22
Bisu[Shield]hey guys, I used touch to create a file.  How can I put garbage into it so that its size is not 016:22
jlebarHow do I start the system font chooser from the command line?16:23
tensorpuddingBisu[Shield]: echo "some gabage" > filenamem16:23
machetumhey, got some newbie question: do I need to be logged off from linux to re-partition the system?16:23
machetumI have to install winXP16:23
econdudeawesomeAnyone know what a mountall: disconnected from Plymouth error is? AFAIK it's Ubuntu's kiss of BSOD16:23
TurbolinuxI think unfortunately I have to sync it with Windows.16:24
tensorpuddingmachetum: You won't be able to partition any mounted partitions16:24
abhijitmachetum: if you are partitionning the space where your linux is not installed then you dont need to logout. just unmount it16:24
TurbolinuxI heard that Canonical is planning to make Ubuntu based tablet internet devices. When will they come out?16:25
machetumabhijit, but if I need to re-partition the disk where / is installed then I would have to do it from a libe usb?16:25
metalgeekhi, is there any reason why gdesklets might not work for Ubuntu 10.04?16:25
k4zHello all, I've just install the last ubuntu studio, and I have a problem with my soundcard, a fast track: No problems whith the output, xrun, but with the recording of my guitar. When I play, there is an horrible "crunch", and the input not always work when I start jack. Notice that all works with an arch linux m.a.o oriented. Could you help me?16:26
abhijitmachetum: yes16:26
IdleOnek4z: ask in #ubuntustudio16:26
popeyTurbolinux: that rumour was squashed16:26
WierdAAREverything looks to be working.. Everything is on (checked with alas mixer) and all drivers are installed ect and still no sound.. any ideas?16:26
machetumabhijit, and I wouldn't loose any info?16:26
sipiormetalgeek: is this a roundabout way of saying "gdesklets doesn't work on my 10.04 system"?16:26
popeyTurbolinux: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/06/14/ubuntu_tablet/16:27
abhijitmachetum: yes its a risk. its advisable that you should have your backup with you. no one can garranty it16:27
abhijitmachetum: you may LOOSE your data during any partition like operations.16:27
econdudeawesomeWhat is the Plymouth program? I am getting a mountall error that I disconnect from this program16:28
machetumok, I appreciate the widsom16:28
metalgeeksipior, ,your one sharpe cookie, i feel stupid, but i don't know the file structure of Ubuntu well enough yet to even know where to start. I've only been using linux for a week ;)16:28
rileyphttp://pastebin.ca/1906878 can anyone help me with this16:28
axisysi installed 8gb mem in my laptop.. should I just install 64bit ubuntu or go with PAE kernel? i am seeing different opinions in #phoronix channel16:28
sipiormetalgeek: what happens if you try "gdekslets" from a terminal?16:28
axisyscurrently my laptop is running 32bit one16:29
metalgeeksipior, I don't know, let me go check16:29
econdudeawesomeWhat is the Plymouth program? I am getting a mountall error that I disconnect from this program16:29
ken__hi every116:29
Oerrileyp, do you have a ubuntu support quetion ?16:30
abhijit!hi | ken__16:30
ubottuken__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:30
metalgeeksipior, The result dos'nt look good, can I P.M it to you or should i put in pastebin16:30
sipiormetalgeek: pastebin, please.16:30
metalgeeksipior, any in particular16:30
loopy1hello, can anyone tell me how to start a program from CLI or get it into the menu, pls?16:31
econdudeawesomeloopy1: "cd <folderpath>" should get you to where you want to go16:31
MaRk-Ikaruru: try "auto"16:32
loopy1I don't know which is the folderpath, though16:32
econdudeawesomeloopy1 and typing in the program name works well (i.e. google-chrome)16:32
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dojoany suggestions for getting a seg fault when trying to remove the java jre?16:32
serealcheck /usr/bin16:32
serealthats probably where your program is16:32
kryptykloopy!: You can edit the menu by going to Menu > System > Preferences > Main Menu16:32
econdudeawesomeloopy1 do you know the name of the file you are looking for? Can you find it in Nautilus?16:32
loopy1econdude:  it's bittorrent but there's nothing indicating which one i go to16:32
ken__thanks ubottu16:32
econdudeawesomeloopy1 is it a program or a file you are searching for?16:33
tensorpuddingloopy1: just calling the executable, most likely16:33
loopy1i figured usr/bin but there's a zillion variations :(16:33
tensorpuddingubuntu almost always puts executables in the $PATH16:33
sipiormetalgeek: any of them would be fine16:33
serealWhere does ubuntu store enviromental variables (I am having a issue where python is loading my user installed python opposed to the one got threw apt-get) I want to change the variable so when I type python it launches the correct one.16:33
loopy1<--- using lxde... i hope the way to do it is similar enough to gnome :(16:33
metalgeeksipior, http://pastebin.com/NbU5rueM16:33
Lalonwhos gonna help me with agp card issue16:33
tensorpuddingsereal: environment variables are shell specific16:33
sipiormetalgeek: it mentions a log file...don't suppose that is about?16:34
=== pjarnahomzz is now known as pjarnahom
tensorpuddingthey're set when you open a shell and read the startup files, scripts, etc.16:34
metalgeeksipior, One second.....16:34
WierdAAROk.. I look through the sound troubleshooting, and everything is on, there is drivers, the drivers are working, sound card is deceted and working and everything is turned on, but I still don't get any sound. Please help16:34
Lalonis tehre anything like ares in ubuntu?16:34
abhijit!ask | Lalon16:35
ubottuLalon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:35
tensorpuddingsereal: you can provide an exact path to the python you want16:35
loopy1can anyone help ?16:35
serealtensorpudding, the thing is when programs that need python run, they are running the user installed python and thus can't find the modules I need16:35
abhijitloopy1: what you want to do?16:35
loopy1if i cd to /usr/bin/ ....there's a bunch of bt or bittorent entries... which one starts the program? :(16:36
tensorpuddingsereal: python is set using the alternatives system16:36
MaRk-IWierdAAR: have you looked at the intel hda troubleshoot page?16:36
econdudeawesomeCan I uninstall Plymouth without screwing up my bootup?16:36
karuruMaRk-I: auto doesnt work too...16:36
tensorpudding /usr/bin/python is actually a symlink set by update-alternatives16:36
abhijitloopy1: which program you want to start?16:36
loopy1abh:  i want to add the bittorrent prog i installed to the menu, preferably16:36
WierdAARNot yet.. I'll try that16:36
MaRk-I!intelhda | WierdAAR16:36
ubottuWierdAAR: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto16:36
serealtensorpudding: thanks, i'll take a look at that.16:36
tensorpuddingsereal: what you could do is remove the user-installed python from the path16:37
loopy1abh:  bitorrent and/or bittorentgui?  i guess both ?   the latter is just a gui frontend?16:37
abhijitloopy1: right click one menu => edit menu=> add new entry16:37
serealtensorpudding: is that done threw the update-alternatives?16:37
jribtensorpudding: where exactly did you install this user-installed python?16:37
tensorpuddingno, it is done by changing your shell's $PATH16:37
tensorpuddingjrib: sereal installed said python16:37
loopy1abh:  i installed lxde and it doesn't have 'edit menu'16:37
Lalonabhijit,  my screen goes black sometimes.. and then i have to restart my pc.. its happening since im using ubuntu..16:38
econdudeawesomeFor goodness sake, I've been patient until now. WTH is Plymouth, is it necessary for the ubuntu distro?16:38
abhijit!tab | loopy116:38
ubottuloopy1: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:38
metalgeeksipior, Have looked it .gdesklets in /home and have looked in /usr/share/gdesklets, Where else should i think about looking?16:38
serealjrib: /usr/local/bin/python16:38
serealwhats what which python gives16:38
MaRk-Ikaruru: did you reboot after the changes?16:38
Stameniis there a way, in terminal, to split compressed archive into pieces that can fit to dvd-s, then, when putting it to HD again, it join them back and thay are again representing one single compressedd archive16:38
loopy1ubottu: ok16:38
abhijitloopy1: you ask in #lubuntu there you get better help16:38
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:38
sipiormetalgeek: it's not in your home directory?16:38
Lalonno one right?16:38
karuruMaRk-I: of course, after every change in the alsa conf16:38
loopy1abhijit: no one ever answers in #lubuntu16:38
loopy1there's only like 10 ppl there16:39
econdudeawesomeloopy1 thats because there are only 10 people there16:39
WierdAARwhen running "cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec" I got "No such file or directory".. What does that mean?16:39
abhijitLalon: which version?16:39
redvilanyone here knows how to turn DRI and Accel off?16:39
abhijitloopy1: look for a good guy called philw16:39
=== pjarnahom is now known as pjarnahomzz
metalgeekthere is a folder called .gdesklets/logs but its empty16:39
A-KORunning Jaunty, my openssl is at version 0.9.8g.....Is there an update/upgrade available?...how do I get it to do any upgrade?16:39
Lalonabhijit,  10.0416:39
metalgeeksipior, sorrythere is a folder called .gdesklets/logs but its empty16:39
Lalonabhijit,  and its lucid16:39
econdudeawesomeWHAT is plymouth? Why is it in my ubuntu install? Do I need it? should I take it off? If two swallows converge over the ocean, does it make a sound?16:39
sipiormetalgeek: nothing in your home directory?16:40
abhijitLalon: there are some results here, see if anyone addresses your issue: http://www.google.co.in/search?sourceid=chrome&client=ubuntu&channel=cs&ie=UTF-8&q=screen+black+sometimes+lucid+ubuntu16:40
tensorpuddingA-KO: Jaunty probably isn't supported and you'll need to upgrade to a newer release16:40
Lalonabhijit,  ok16:40
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90416:40
loopy1how do you do it in gnome again?  right click the start menu?   sorry, what should i call it?16:40
jribecondudeawesome: shows the graphicy stuff at boot; to be pretty; no, you don't absolutely /need/ it; you should leave it; african?16:40
abhijit!lubuntu | loopy116:41
ubottuloopy1: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu16:41
warzHi, all. I'm going to be creating a vmware appliance, and if anyone has used one before, they all seem to have neat little admin interfaces that do not operate like the typical bash prompt. They're usually console interfaces that allow the user to configure the network interfaces and stuff. Does anyone know if there is a toolkit, or pre-written program that allows this to take place?16:41
metalgeeksipior, .xsession-errorsold16:41
econdudeawesomejrib the problem is it get the following error: "mountall: disconnected from Python"16:41
econdudeawesomejrib, any idea what that is?16:41
loopy1ubottu: I know... but lubuntu is so buggy16:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:41
jribecondudeawesome: get the error where? after doing what?16:41
econdudeawesomejrib may I pm?16:42
redvilanyone here knows how to turn DRI and Accel off? need help here pls16:42
WierdAARwhen running "cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec" I got "No such file or directory".. Does anyone know what that means and what to do? (I'm trying to fix my audio)16:42
ken__hi, do anyone know a good software to get free POPS in ubuntu? I need to use Yahoo mail in ThunderBird16:42
jribecondudeawesome: best to stay in the channel so everyone can help16:42
metalgeeksipior, I just cant see anything thats obviously related16:43
econdudeawesomeI posted the following in #lubuntu:16:43
econdudeawesome<econdudeawesome> Howdy!16:43
econdudeawesome<econdudeawesome> I'm having a really weird happenstance16:43
econdudeawesome<econdudeawesome> X seems to freak out on me from time to time and the only thing I can do is restart16:43
econdudeawesome<econdudeawesome> its almost like BSOD--I get a command prompt (but no ability enter commands or ctrl-c)16:43
econdudeawesome<econdudeawesome> there is no relevant text16:43
FloodBot2econdudeawesome: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:43
sipiormetalgeek: looks like a known problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdesklets/+bug/54484016:43
rileypOer yes anny suggestions for a new ubuntu user to get some help with a networking problem16:43
econdudeawesomestill muted?16:43
econdudeawesomeokay good16:43
EvilTrekecondudeawesome:  ever hear of pastebin?L16:43
EvilTrek!pastebin | econdudeawesome16:43
ubottuecondudeawesome: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:43
th1ken__, what exactly are you looking for16:43
sipiormetalgeek: there's a solution at the the end of that thread; hopefully it works for you.16:43
metalgeeksipior, Looking now, thanks mate16:43
grayhatgeekredvil If you have nvidia for example, it is as easy as opening the /etc/X11/xorg.conf and in the Device section changing the driver from "nvidia" (nvidias binary-only driver) to "nv" (the freely distributable but limited one).16:44
grayhatgeekThe ATI equivalents are "fglrx" to "ati" I believe, or maybe it's "radeon" I can't remember.16:44
econdudeawesomejrib the only relevant text I could find was "mountall: disconnected from Plymouth"16:44
econdudeawesomejrib it may be an error from bootup and irrelevant to the problem though--I'm just not sure16:44
redvilgrayhatgeek: you kinda lost me there...im not really that well versed in linux yet? is there a way i can do it using GUI?16:45
abhijit!caps | Guest563916:45
ubottuGuest5639: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.16:45
econdudeawesomejrib any idead?16:45
ken__th1, i need a software to make Yahoo mail work with Thunderbird, because yahoo don't support free POPS forwarding.16:45
econdudeawesomeidea rather16:45
jribecondudeawesome: i still have no clue what's going on.  You need to summarize what is happening WHEN and HOW in a single line and post relevant details to a pastebin.  I have to go now however16:45
redvilgrayhatgeek: an i dont have a vid card..mine's integrated on the mobo..16:46
metalgeeksipior, They all seem to know how to solve the problem, but i don't get which solution should i follow?16:46
Guest5639it travelled 47.8 feet16:46
WierdAARwhen running "cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec" I got "No such file or directory".. Does anyone know what that means and what to do? (I'm trying to fix my audio)16:46
Guest5639narrowely missing a pidgeon16:46
abhijitGuest5639: I can feel for you.16:46
MaRk-IWierdAAR: are you pasting it with the quotes?16:47
WierdAARMaRk-I, No.16:47
violinapprenWierdAAR: means that the card proc file is not in that directory (or not recognized at all)16:48
Guest5639what is this "pastebin" and how is it used?16:48
WierdAARviolinappren, Any idea of how to find it, or how to fix it?16:48
econdudeawesomeWhen I am logged into an LXDE session, after a variable time span, I get an error where the screen blacks out and I see what looks to be the command line bootup screen with all the old commands. I am unable to enter commands here. I can open a TTY session, but within seconds it reverts back to this black out screen. Every few seconds some cycle (appears to be xserver attempting to boot) my screen blacks out, only to return to this16:48
econdudeawesome screen.  The last line of text reads "mountall: disconnectd from Plymouth". Does anyone have any idea what is going on here,16:48
=== {mihai} is now known as {braqlinux}
th1ken__, I don't know any ...16:48
violinapprenWierdAAR: pastebin the output of lshw16:48
th1ken__, maybe time to switch to gmail ;)16:48
Guest5639I miss MS winoze16:49
{braqlinux}cineva interesat de vreo discutie?16:49
KwpolskaGuest5639: so install it in virtualbox16:49
ubottuEntre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em portuguĆŖs. Obrigado.16:49
ken__th1, :p, i have got a gmail account already, but i still need my yahoo mail account:p. Anyway, thanks for your help. th1.:)16:50
WierdAARviolinappren, http://paste.ubuntu.com/468063/16:50
tensorpudding{braqlinux}: romanian?16:50
{braqlinux}from romania16:51
tensorpuddingooh, good guess16:51
{braqlinux}y look for new friends16:51
tensorpuddingdon't know if there is a romanian-language ubuntu irc channel16:51
metalgeeksipior, Thanks for everything. Problem Solved16:51
th1ken__,  did you try the thunderbird extension available here: http://webmail.mozdev.org/installation.html16:51
{braqlinux}y know is an a english chanel but maybe will find friend from romania16:51
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro16:52
Kwpolskathere ya go.16:52
tensorpuddingoh I was late16:52
violinapprenWierdAAR: there are no sound cards! do you have the nvidia proprietary driver installed ?16:52
SimonP86hello, I'm trying to run ubuntu through VirtualBox on my laptop which has a Intel Core 2 Duo T5800 processor16:52
SimonP86I downloaded the x64 build16:52
SimonP86but when I run the virtualbox it says that it I have the wrong kernel for my CPU16:52
{braqlinux}somebody want help for make a NAS?16:52
{braqlinux}from an a old computer?16:53
tensorpuddingSimonP86: do you have the cpu virtualiazation extensions?16:53
tensorpuddingYou can't virtualize a 64-bit OS using VirtualBox without those extensions16:53
ken__th1, thankyou, i have tried it, nice extension. but it 's still buggy :p :p16:53
WierdAARviolinappren, Dosn't "  *-multimedia16:53
WierdAAR             "description: Multimedia audio controller, product: VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller, vendor: VIA Technologies, Inc., physical id: 11.5"" count as a sound card? and I have installed an Nvidia driver for my graphics card, but not any other driver16:53
econdudeawesomeWhen I am logged into an LXDE session, after a variable time span, I get an error where the screen blacks out and I see what looks to be the command line bootup screen with all the old commands. I am unable to enter commands here. I can open a TTY session, but within seconds it reverts back to this black out screen. Every few seconds some cycle (appears to be xserver attempting to boot) my screen blacks out, only to return to this16:53
econdudeawesome screen.  The last line of text reads "mountall: disconnectd from Plymouth". Does anyone have any idea what is going on here,16:53
violinappren{braqlinux}: there are distros specifically yo make a NAS, like FreeNAS16:54
SimonP86tensorpudding: how do I install the extensions before installing the OS?16:54
tensorpuddingSimonP86: that processor lacks VT-x, so you can't make a 64-bit guest in VirtualBox16:54
{braqlinux}mee to BSD16:54
dany_can you tell me why this command tell me permission denied?16:54
{braqlinux}y using16:54
swebwhich control panel is best for ubuntu server edition16:54
FloodBot2{braqlinux}: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:54
dany_$ sudo ./collectd 2>errors16:54
tensorpuddingSimonP86: It's not a software thing, it is fully hardware support16:54
dany_or also 2 > errors16:54
swebi know the capnel dose not work well with ubuntu16:54
{braqlinux}yo will nedd to have 775 permision16:54
=== Strangebrew is now known as Guest47289
dany_{braqlinux}: are you speaking with me?'16:55
{braqlinux}yo nedd to make a group frist16:55
SimonP86tensorpudding: ah ok, so I have to stick with the x86 kernel?16:55
{braqlinux}yes dany16:55
violinapprenWierdAAR: pastebin lspci16:55
tensorpuddingYou'll want the i386/x86 distribution, yeah16:55
dany_{braqlinux}: uhm but why? I'm using sudo16:55
tensorpuddingYou don't lose that much by having 32-bit VMs though.16:55
violinapprenWierdAAR: technically, a controller is not a card16:55
{braqlinux}hmm the 775 is the full permision16:55
SimonP86ok, thanks for the help tensorpudding16:56
dany_{braqlinux}: yes but with sudo you are root16:56
WierdAARviolinappren, Oh ok, well I don't know much about this, just thought those were connected.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/468067/16:56
hylianim curious, has anyone else had the name, power button and chat bubble icon on the top right half duplicate?16:56
{braqlinux}do you know what is drwx?16:56
bnzhello i have IDT 92HD75B3X5     chipset .16:56
{braqlinux}is the right of the folder16:56
dany_that I can write execute and read16:56
bnzi need help to solve the sound problem16:56
dany_uhm anyway ok16:57
dany_I'll set it16:57
dany_with chmod :=)16:57
FloodBot2dany_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:57
{braqlinux}or chmod16:57
{braqlinux}but is a way more symple16:57
{braqlinux}go to web managment16:57
haoyihuanhelp  dhcpd.conf line17: unknown optiondhcp.domain-name-servers   option d(^)omain-name-servers 192.16:57
{braqlinux}log on the server16:58
dany_{braqlinux}: done but same error :(16:58
violinapprenWierdAAR: what's your issue with sound, no sound at all?16:58
{braqlinux}witch error?16:58
dany_bash: errors: Permission denied16:58
WierdAARviolinappren, Yes16:59
{braqlinux}errors when yo are looged via web on the server?16:59
{braqlinux}sory for my english16:59
dany_{braqlinux}: I'm not using a server or similar stuff. My goal is starting a program16:59
dany_and redirect the stderr of this program in a file16:59
dany_$ sudo ./collectd 2>errors        collectd is the name of the program17:00
Lalonhow can i talk about my problem on ubuntu forums? someone tell me17:00
violinapprenWierdAAR: in alsamixer (in a terminal) .. do you see a "IEC958 Capture Monitor" ?17:00
th1dany_, try /tm/errors instead17:00
th1you maybe don't have write permissin in current dir??17:00
{braqlinux}the permision is not implemed on the web interface yet17:01
philinuxLalon: if you are registered just create a new thread17:01
dany_th1: what's /tm/17:01
th1dany_, sorry /tmp/17:01
th1I have crap in my keyboard ;)17:01
dany_th1: ah ok17:01
Lalonphilinux,  where can i found the create new thread on the forum.. tell me17:01
dany_now I m gonna try it thx17:01
violinapprenWierdAAR: press tab twice after you open alsamixer to view all controls17:01
sanjoydoes linux has virus??17:02
philinuxLalon: top left about 1 third down17:02
MrDudlesanjoy: Of course it does.17:02
th1sanjoy, no linux doesn't support virus sorry17:02
dany_th1: ok now it worked17:02
dany_thank you guys17:02
WierdAARviolinappren, Theres is no volume control called "IEC958 Capture monitor"..17:02
sanjoyhttp://stason.org/TULARC/os/linux.virus.html check dis link17:02
th1dany_, yw17:02
philinuxLalon: Also read this. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142247517:02
{braqlinux}dany yo are using live cd?17:02
hyliandoes anyone know why the indicator-applications section of the desktop sometimes act strange, it will be cut in half, like (chat bubble) Den (chat bubble) Denny | and no power button...??17:02
dany_{braqlinux}: no no it was the permission of the folder I think17:03
MaRk-I!ot | sanjoy  that's from 199717:03
ubottusanjoy  that's from 1997: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:03
th1MaRk-I you actually clicked his link17:03
{braqlinux}y have a 12tb freenas server17:03
technoverthow do you remove a PPA?17:03
wasutton3can i use dd to copy a single partition to an entire disk? (e.g. dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb)?17:03
th1better run a virusscan ;)17:03
sanjoyi dont get it17:04
MaRk-Ith1: I have mcaffee linux version,, np17:04
sanjoywhat it from 1997?17:04
{braqlinux}works very well with ipcoop17:04
{braqlinux}and coopliter17:04
{braqlinux}and coopfliter17:04
philinuxtechnovert: http://bigbrovar.aoizora.org/index.php/2010/01/10/how-to-safely-remove-ppa-repository-from-ubuntu/17:05
violinapprenWierdAAR: take a screenshot of the mixer17:05
abhijitanyone success using wammu on nokia 2700?17:05
hylianubottu, no help aye?17:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:06
=== LjL is now known as Guest25739
violinapprenhylian: report a bug a provide screenshots17:07
{braqlinux}someboby want to see my project?17:07
violinappren!bug | hylian17:07
ubottuhylian: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command Ā« ubuntu-bug <package> Ā» - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots17:07
violinappren!ot | {braqlinux}17:08
ubottu{braqlinux}: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:08
WierdAARviolinappren, I don't have any image editing software.. 1 min17:08
violinapprenWierdAAR: applications > accessories > take screenshot17:09
violinappren!screenshot | WierdAAR17:09
ubottuWierdAAR: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.17:09
technovertHow do i remove a launchpad repository17:09
philinuxtechnovert: http://bigbrovar.aoizora.org/index.php/2010/01/10/how-to-safely-remove-ppa-repository-from-ubuntu/17:10
philinuxtechnovert: ppa purge17:10
WierdAARviolinappren, My mistake, sorry http://imagebin.org/10649617:10
abhijitin to which group i should be added to be able to access mobile phones connected by usb cable?17:11
StaRetji1Wazzzaaaa :) Dudes, I've used 2 different wifi card and now I'm using third one. Naturally, it is shown as wlan2. Now, I need help reseting it somehow to be shown as wlan0 (former two cards should disappear as they where never used). Help would be highly appreciated ;) Thx!17:11
corpsegrindrHas anyone succefully gotten HDMI audio to work on a nvidia G210?17:11
philinux!ppa purge17:11
elyobBugger, done it again ... my right hand mponitor has gone into ZOOM mode .. how the hell did I do that?17:11
philinux!ppa purge | technovert17:12
hylianviolinappren actually this bug is reported but they seem to take this very lightly. If it happens again i will document it, all be it, probably to no real end.17:12
elyobOoh, Windows key, scroll mouse ..17:12
elyobNeed to turn that off!17:13
violinapprenWierdAAR: try unmuting everything except capture, mic and line17:13
violinapprenhylian: leave a comment in the bug17:13
violinappren!hi | jshriver17:13
ubottujshriver: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:13
hylianviolinapren as i said, i will.17:13
jshriveranyone notice any instability issues with 10.04 ?  Just bought a i3 machine and running 10.04, it completely locks up about once an hour.17:13
jshriverCan't ctrl-shift-Fx or anything, ctrl-alt-backspace  nor ssh in. just completely frozen17:14
violinapprenjshriver: pastebin lshw17:14
violinapprenprobably a driver issue17:14
paddy_every time i delete files on my memory stick they go into the wastebasket leaving no space left on the drive, i know i can go and delete them manualy but how do i turn wastebasket off for removable media or atleast have it cleared when the drive is nearly full?17:14
jshriverkk give me a sec17:14
violinapprenpaddy_: shift + delete17:14
retryyrhi all17:14
hylianjshriver actually this machine is running as solid as a rock, but i am running amd 64 bit version. i have seen frequent lock ups with this os with ati graphics cards, especially the x130017:15
violinapprenhi | retryyr17:15
violinappren!hi | retryyr17:15
ubotturetryyr: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:15
paddy_violinappren is there a way to turn the wastebasket off for removable media?17:15
th1!hi | Wolf0117:15
ubottuWolf01: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:15
th1i think you menat17:15
StaRetji1Dudes, I've used 2 different wifi card and now I'm using third one. Naturally, it is shown as wlan2. Now, I need help reseting it somehow to be shown as wlan0 (former two cards should disappear as they where never used). Help would be highly appreciated ;) Thx!17:15
jshriverhrm using i3 running 10.04 AMD64, the 32bit wouldnt even install on this machine17:15
violinapprenpaddy_: not that i'm aware of.. but why not just shift + delete ?17:15
paddy_i will forget17:16
WierdAARviolinappren,  gone through all of them.. Still no sound..17:16
paddy_is it quicker to do that?17:16
StaRetji1I need this because I have script that looks for wlan0 and it should do this on few comps17:16
th1StaRetji1, sudo rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules17:16
violinapprenWierdAAR: max'ed them too ?17:17
Wolf01I have a little problem, maybe it's not the best place to ask to, but I don't know what to do... I already searched with Google but I can't get rid of it: I compiled LinPopUp2, added the line on /etc/samba/smb.conf and tried to send a message, it says the message has been sent succesfully but nothing appears in the other pc with ubuntu, doing the contrary is the same17:17
StaRetji1th1, I've deleted it17:17
StaRetji1but it's the same again17:17
{braqlinux}y have a problem wit my pc don't work acpi17:17
WierdAARviolinappren, Yep.. And turned the volume for both vlc and my speakers up to make sure17:17
th1StaRetji1, yeah you need to reload udev17:17
{braqlinux}y have a problem wit my pc don't work acpi function17:17
{braqlinux}the computer suport this17:18
violinapprenWierdAAR: in columns without a slider, press space to switch between options17:18
th1StaRetji1, after you delete it then do sudo /etc/init.d/udev reload17:18
StaRetji1th1, I deleted it and rebooted, isn't that the same17:18
violinapprenpaddy_: yes quicker17:18
th1StaRetji1, no because when you shut down it then saves the rules for the active devices ;)17:18
StaRetji1th1 ;)17:18
ToxicsgNot strictly an ubuntu question but what is the standard boot process, is it 1st Floppy, 2nd Hard Disk, 3rd CD17:18
th1StaRetji1, or you can  sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules17:19
th1StaRetji1, then you can change it around like you like17:19
StaRetji1th1, there is one little problem, I have a bash script that deletes it upon start of ubuntu17:19
abhijitwhich group to join to able to connect to mobile phone?17:19
th1StaRetji1, thats no good17:19
Lalonmy interent is too slow today17:19
WierdAARviolinappren, I can't change the setting for "S/PDIF Capture Monitor" , "S/PDIF Capture Valid" and " S/PDIF Output" .. They are all set to "off"17:19
StaRetji1th1, I have to do it, it's live system, used on many PCs17:20
violinapprenWierdAAR: press M to toggle them?17:20
StaRetji1th1, I work on one, then I give to other guy, he plugs another usb wifi, and problem17:20
th1StaRetji1, you can disable the persistent logic altogether17:20
th1StaRetji1, I believe this should do it: sudo touch /etc/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules17:21
abhijitok. can anyone please suggest me good mobile phone manager? alternate to wammu?17:21
th1StaRetji1, if not then sudo rm /lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules17:21
StaRetji1th1, let me get this straight, this will give me behaviour as I first time boot to ubuntu?17:21
WierdAARviolinappren, Ok.. Everything is unmuted.. Everything is max.. Music is playing in VLC and but still no sound17:21
th1StaRetji1, yes it will prevent that 70-persistent-net rules file from even being created17:22
bsc2010Hi there, I have a USB printer connected to my 10.04 laptop. Can you tell me how I can share that printer with other computers in my network?17:22
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abhijitI can access my mobile phone. please help17:23
CkhiKuzadin 10.04 i've seen screenshots of a kind of "tab" like thing for the gnome panel's window list, is it possible to get this function in 9.04?17:24
=== Guest25739 is now known as LjL
BluesKajbsc2010, setup network printing on the other pcs17:24
violinapprenjshriver: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144868417:24
BluesKajand allow other pcs to print from the connected one , bsc201017:25
jshrivercool tyvm! so it's the video card17:25
bsc2010BluesKaj: Yeah, but how do I do that?17:25
bsc2010BluesKaj: I have checked it on OS X and Windows and none of them recognises the printer I have here on Ubuntu.17:25
violinapprenjshriver: probably yes, try the fix or install backports (i suggest backports first)17:25
BluesKajtell the printer to accept jobs from network pcs17:26
Baramibsc2010, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers17:26
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: can I PM please?17:26
BluesKajsure ActionParsnip17:26
jshriverwill do have a good day good sir17:27
violinapprenWierdAAR: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/SoundcardTesting17:27
jaracoI've found that subversion 1.6.6 on ubuntu 10.4 has the same problem I reported with SlikSVN here: http://subversion.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=1065&dsMessageId=243225617:27
jaracoIs there an easy way to update the subversion package to use neon 0.29.1 or later?17:28
wildc4rdevenin' all17:29
WierdAARviolinappren, Still no sound...17:29
bsc2010Barami: I have tried this one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu17:29
shell-fuanyone know anything ab out tomboy?17:30
bsc2010Now I can see printers from the other computers if they are shard via Bonjour.17:30
bsc2010Barami: But they don't see my printer.17:30
violinapprenWierdAAR: this is a lucid problem or never worked in any gnu/linux distro ?17:30
violinappren!hi | [ADS]17:30
ubottu[ADS]: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:30
shell-fuwhy won't tomboy link notes with a name '\'??????17:30
Baramibsc2010, they are using windows ?17:30
violinappren!hi | wildc4rd17:31
ubottuwildc4rd: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:31
bsc2010Barami: I'm trying this with an OS X machine.17:31
CkhiKuzadin 10.04 i've seen screenshots of a kind of "tab" like thing for the gnome panel's window list, is it possible to get this function in 9.04?17:31
ghoulsbladehi all, i switched from kde to gnome and i'm missing alt+rightmouse = resize window, can i get it in ubuntu somehow please ? can't find it in system config17:31
violinapprenCkhiKuzad: url to screenshot?17:31
StaRetji1tf1, thank you so much, you're gold mine :)17:31
StaRetji1it works like a charm17:31
bsc2010Barami: So I see the printers from the OS X laptops but they don't see my ubuntu printer.17:31
Baramibsc2010, Mac OS laptops can't see ubuntu's printer?17:32
ActionParsnipbsc2010: share the printers with samba, makes life easier :)17:32
bsc2010ActionParsnip: I already thought about that ...17:32
WierdAARviolinappren, Well.. This is a scrap build so this specific configuration havn't run Linux before, but me previous computer, which was basically this one without the geforce and 2 extra Hdd, Ran Xubuntu 10.04 fine without any problems.. The only diffrence in sound, is that this Capinet dosn't have any front jacks, but that shouldn't affect anything17:33
bsc2010ActionParsnip: But I installed samba and I couldn't find anything about printers in its gui.17:33
bsc2010Barami: Yes, they don't see Ubuntu's printer.17:33
Baramibsc2010, try this. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingFromMacOSX17:33
StaRetji1th1, thank you so much, you're gold mine :)17:33
StaRetji1th1, it works like a charm ;)17:33
KrabbyGot some Problems with Gnome Art. I Want to change the Login and Splash Screen. Installed Gnome-art everything alright, but I cant hit the button "install" (its grey) while choosing Login manager .... There are Websites that are saying that i have to open up System-->Administration-->Login Window. I only have an option called Login Screen and there are no possibilities to change the Themes. Anyone an idea?17:33
osmodivsI just installed Ubuntu (again) and do not have any sound17:33
ActionParsnipbsc2010: i used this: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/SMB-HOWTO-9.html17:34
heloThe following packages have unmet dependencies: linux-image-generic-pae: Depends: linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic-pae which is a virtual package.17:34
osmodivsyes, the sound icon is ok17:34
StaRetji1th1, do you now by any chance on setting up wireless card in master mode (to act as an access point17:34
Baramiif you want to use printer with mac or windows server, i recommend using SMB.17:34
ghoulsbladewhat's the display manager thing in gnome called ? is it still compiz ? or plasma?(i think that was kde) or something else ?17:34
trismghoulsblade: try alt+middlemouse17:34
violinapprenghoulsblade: alt + middle click17:34
KrabbyDoes anyone know how to change the Login screen?17:34
CkhiKuzadviolinappren, i cant find a screenshot. but its a thing with the launcher applets in the gnome panel, it launches them as a little tab next to it, and the top close/max/min things are transferred to the tab17:34
ghoulsblademiddleclick is bad due to mousewheel button. can i configure it to rightclick somehow ?17:35
StaRetji1th1, I have Bus 002 Device 004: ID 148f:2573 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2501USB Wireless Adapter, apparently it is suppose to work in master mode, but network manager doesn't offer that option17:35
ActionParsnipKrabby: http://maketecheasier.com/change-login-and-boot-screen-in-ubuntu-lucid/2010/05/1317:35
violinapprenCkhiKuzad: a "drawer"? righ-click, add to panel17:36
ActionParsnipStaRetji1: use /etc/network/interfaces to set it to master and set the interface to static IP17:36
CkhiKuzadviolinappren, i found one! its a small screenshot, but it shows the tab thing, right above the firefox window: http://mulenmar.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/une10_04_firefox.png?w=500&h=37517:36
bsc2010Barami: I don't really see how your link could help me.17:36
Baramibsc2010, after setting a samba, you can share printer though samba.17:36
giorgosnick thesss----17:36
philinuxKrabby: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/gdm2-setup-a-login-interface-management-utility-for-the-new-gdm.html17:36
bsc2010There is no "Global Settings" or "Share Printers"17:36
StaRetji1ActionParsnip: thx, will do that, I tried using iwconfig wlan0 mode Master and it returned error17:37
bsc2010Barami: Why can't I just share my printer?!17:37
ActionParsnipStaRetji1: that should be ok too17:37
KrabbyThanks that helps ... But why does Lucid only allow to change the background.. in 9.10 i was able to change the whole login manager thing17:37
KrabbySo Gnome Art does not work anymore ?17:37
ActionParsnipKrabby: its not coded in yet17:37
StaRetji1ActionParsnip: also, the problem is what ever I've set in /etc/network/interfaces it gets overwritten upon reboot :/17:37
CkhiKuzadviolinappren, do you know what that is?17:38
WierdAARviolinappren, Any ideas?17:38
BaramiWindow, mac are use different protocol...17:38
violinapprenCkhiKuzad: not really, i'm checking17:38
KrabbyOk, Thanks a lot for helping me out !17:38
ascorHello there17:38
bsc2010Is there no simple way to just share my printer?17:38
violinapprenWierdAAR: i'm sorry, i'm rather out of ideas, everything seems fine in your installation17:38
zenguyhello there17:38
bsc2010I mean ... OS X can even do that automatically!17:38
Baramibsc2010, share yout printer by sambe.17:38
violinappren!sound | WierdAAR17:39
ubottuWierdAAR: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:39
violinapprenthese may help17:39
Baramiit's cleary simple.17:39
ShapeShifter499I just tried a view games and apps in wine, on the wine from PPA and on one I built from git, problem is that one game so far has caused my whole system to lockup, only thing that works when this happens is the mouse, now I know doing a hard reboot/shutdown could be bad for the os....how would I shut down wine when this kind of lockup happens?17:39
ascorwell does anyone know how to start empathy automatically?17:39
WierdAARviolinappren, I checked all those already..17:39
Baramicleary -> clearly17:39
th1StaRetji1, sorry I have no idea about that17:39
rawrmageDoes anyone know a way to set the volume from the command line?17:39
bsc2010Barami: But how? Is there a clean and integrated GUI solution for that?17:39
abhijitascor, add it to startup aps list17:39
ZykoticK9ascor, add it to System / Preferences / Startup Applications17:39
ascori did.17:39
StaRetji1th1, thx for the help dude, you really helped me a lot ;)17:39
Baramihmm.. wait.17:39
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philinuxKrabby: gdm2 setup is about as good as it gets for now.17:39
blagforgive me for being offotpic, but i cant access #ubuntu-offtopic right now.  does anybody know of a good eda/verilog irc channel?17:40
abhijitascor, then? does it starts?17:40
WierdAARviolinappren, Well thanks for the help anyway!17:40
ascorthat's where it's located17:40
ascorwell it doesnt17:40
ascori don't see the green light i usually see17:40
Krabbyok ... Ill try it out later. Now im just changing the background ^^17:40
monkey_dustrawrmage, try with aumix17:40
abhijitascor, dont specify location just add cpommand17:40
ascorwhen empathy is started and i'm logged in17:40
violinapprenWierdAAR: np17:40
ascorjust add17:40
abhijitascor, yes17:40
ascorthank you17:41
ascorRebooting to try it out17:41
BossmanbetaIn Rhythmbox without how do you EDIT the path of the music library? The GUI doesn't offer a way to do so. I can add paths to the Music Library, but I cannot EDIT the already added paths.17:41
Baramibsc2010, http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/enterprise/RHEL-4-Manual/ref-guide/s1-samba-cups.html17:41
bsc2010Barami: That is neither clean nor integrated nor GUI.17:41
rawrmagemonkey_dust: Thanks, aumix -v does the trick nicely.17:41
th1rawrmage, check this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98714917:42
ascorNow it does!17:42
ascorThank you guys!17:42
monkey_dustBossmanbeta, try Edit > preferences > music > libray location17:42
ascorYou are doing a great job here!17:42
abhijit!yay | ascor17:42
ubottuascor: Glad you made it! :-)17:42
Baramibsc2010, i can't test. because i don't have printer..;17:42
jmc1i am setting up exim4 for use with evolution during config i told exim4 to store mail in home directory in maidir format right now i have the evoltion screen up for receiving mail and chose maildi and its asking for a path17:43
jmc1what path do i use?17:43
th1rawrmage, basically: pactl set-sink-volume 0 [0-65535]17:43
Bossmanbetamonkey_dust, no that's not it... that's just to add paths. I found it .. it's in gconf-editor17:43
Bossmanbetathanks anyway monkey_dust17:43
monkey_dust!yay| Bossmanbeta17:43
ubottuBossmanbeta: Glad you made it! :-)17:43
rawrmageth1: That seems to work, but it doesn't work with my little ACPI lights and I have to change it some other way for it to "take effect".17:45
rawrmageIt does offer finer control17:45
th1rawrmage, is it mute/unmute you are looking for?17:45
jmc1anyone know evolution and exim17:46
abhijitI know evolution17:46
bsc2010Wah, this is what I hate about Linux.17:46
rawrmageth1: Yes, I was looking for a way to turn the volume up, if my CPUs start to get warm I flash a warning and beep, but since this is a laptop and doesn't have a built-in bell, I have to use sb-beep which doesn't work with the volume muted.17:47
jmc1abhijit: i am setting up exim4 for use with evolution during config i told exim4 to store mail in home directory in maidir format right now i have the evoltion screen up for receiving mail and chose maildi and its asking for a path. what path do i use?17:47
rawrmageth1: I do have aumix -v +100 though.17:47
abhijitjmc1, but I dunno what is exim.    :(17:47
th1rawrmage there are specific mute/unmute commands: pactl set-sink-mute 0 0 and pactl set-sink-mute 0 117:47
th1they dont affect the volume so it gets restored when you unmute17:48
rawrmageth1: That actually works well, thank you.17:48
th1rawler, yw17:49
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shell-fui have a problem with setting up raid in a virtual box with Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS. I'm at the part where I pick active devices.... can anyone help me? If so, I will familiarize you with problem.17:52
abhijitjmc1, http://www.exim.org/17:52
=== dada is now known as dadall
ghoulsbladetrism,violinappren : alt+rightclick windowresize : in case you're interested, i found the config for the key in compiz-config dialog, i just need to get it to work, seems bugged as it doesn't save my changes17:53
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violinapprenghoulsblade: compiz is bload, long live metacity (with reduced_resources)17:55
th1violinappren, Xorg is bload (sic) use screen on a virtual terminal17:55
ZykoticK9using VirtualBox OSE 3.2.4 with 10.04 Lucid Guest.  Default kernel 2.6.32-21-generic works fine, but after update to 2.6.32-23-generic gives: "Kernel panic - noy syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)".  Running "sudo update-grub" from old kernel doesn't change.  Suggestions welcome ;)17:56
ghoulsbladei didn't install compiz, it came as default (at least i think the thing used by ubuntu is compiz, not sure here) %) i'm no fan of fancy 3d effects either17:56
bsc2010So ... there is definitely no easy way to share a printer via Bonjour from Ubuntu 10.04?17:56
headbusterHello :)17:56
Baramibsc2010, http://reformedmusings.wordpress.com/2010/05/08/sharing-printers-with-ubuntu-lucid-10-04-lts-and-a-firewall/17:56
violinapprenTh1: computers are bload (no sic) arrange bits on hard disk by hand17:57
th1ghoulsblade, yeah is the default untill you tuirn off Visual Effects in Appearance17:57
monkey_dustbsc2010, have you checked this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15667517:57
headbusterI have some problems with grub17:57
EvilTrekheadbuster:  explain your problem we might be able to help17:58
ghoulsbladei only want to config it so rightmouse+alt instead of middlemouse+alt is used for window-resize. seems to be handled by compiz config, but the config editor seems bugged17:58
monkey_dustbsc2010, there's also http://www.pinoymac.org/forum/showthread.php?t=2446417:58
headbusterWell, I installed Ubuntu via the windows installer17:58
EvilTrekheadbuster:  yeah, thats called "wubi" afaik17:58
headbusterand when I restart17:58
Guest5639any of you cunts want to help me with my fiendish webcam problem?17:58
monkey_dustheadbuster, that's wubi?17:58
bsc2010I want the printer to be connected to the Ubuntu computer, monkey_dust, Barami17:58
=== roopesh_majeti is now known as stanley_robertso
EvilTrek!ops | Guest5639 has been trolling for a while now17:59
ubottuGuest5639 has been trolling for a while now: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!17:59
headbusterand then appears this: Windows 7 and Ubuntu >> I choose ubuntu17:59
headbusterand then this appears:17:59
jlebarHow do I kill a hung dpkg?  kill -9 doesn't work.17:59
headbusterTry (hd0,0): NTFS5: no wubildr17:59
monkey_dustbsc2010, where does Mac's Bonjour come in?17:59
macojpds: uhh wrong one17:59
headbusterand I wait 30 seconds or so17:59
headbusterand grub appears17:59
th1jlebar, if its hung so bad that kill -9 doesn't work then you probably have a file system problem17:59
th1jlebar, check /var/log/syslog18:00
bsc2010monkey_dust: I want that other computers can print on my printer too18:00
Baramibsc2010, Where the printer connected? ubuntu server?18:00
headbusterDo I have to do every time? Why doesnt grub appear first18:00
philinuxjlebar: reboot if all else fails18:00
KrabbyHmm, does anyone know if there are just the 14 Plymouth themes ? Where can I download more :/18:00
jlebarphilinux, It's just a multiuser system -- I'm trying not to reboot.  Let's check the syslog.18:00
EvilTrekmaco and jpds: thanks for the fast response :)18:00
EvilTrekto the ops ping xP18:00
macoEvilTrek: well....jpds banned an innocent bystander18:01
headbusterso do you know how can I change this?18:01
EvilTrekmaco:  indeed, but he tried to do well xP18:01
EvilTrekmaco:  he meant well, but you were faster at it xP18:01
jlebarth1, philinux INFO: task dpkg:18688 blocked for more than 120 seconds.18:01
th1headbuster, it really helps if you ask your entire question at once so we dont have tos ccroll back 4 screens to figure out what you wanted helpl with18:01
headbusterOk I will type it again18:01
monkey_dustheadbuster, please put you question in one line, so we do not have to scroll up to read it18:01
headbusterOk just a moment18:02
th1jlebar, usually it means something is wrong with a syscall it's made. often it's a read() or a write() to a corrupted file system but not always18:02
th1jlebar, look further back and see if there is anything or anything in dmesg maybe18:02
CkhiKuzaddoes ubuntu have a windows media 9 audio codec for totem?18:03
th1CkhiKuzad, yes and if you try to play the file it should bring up a wizard to install it18:03
CkhiKuzadth1, there isnt one in that wizard.18:04
th1CkhiKuzad, it doesn't support DRM encrypted files18:04
jlebarth1 Nothing jumps out at me... http://pastebin.org/41348518:04
abhijit!restricted | CkhiKuzad18:04
ubottuCkhiKuzad: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:04
headbuster1: Installed ubuntu via "wubi". Then when I restart a loader appears but it's not grub. I think it windows'. I choose ubuntu and this appears: "Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: No wubildr". I wait for 30 seconds and grub appears. I choose Ubuntu and it's all ok but it takes me more than 1-2 minutes to boot.Can I change this(can grub load first)18:04
th1jlebar, it's blocked trying to do a fs sync18:04
th1jlebar, it will finish when there is no io activity so it can get all its buffers flushed18:05
abhijitI just remember from his issue. I have about 14 gh of songs and movies. and i want to convert all of them to free (i.e. ogg or something) format. any suggestion?18:05
th1jlebar, maybe you need to look into your mount options what do you have in /proc/mounts18:05
monkey_dust!wubi| headbuster18:05
MaRk-ICkhiKuzad: try installing the restricted-extras18:05
ubottuheadbuster: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.18:05
monkey_dust!grub| headbuster18:05
ubottuheadbuster: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.18:05
jlebarth1, http://pastebin.org/41348718:06
th1headbuster, I think it is grub the first one18:06
th1but its trying something wrong18:06
shaw1337Hi all , i gt stuck with grub rescue> problem i am not able to boot to my windows system either  ubuntu !18:06
Jordan_Uheadbuster: Yes, grub can be made to load first with Wubi, but if you want that you may just want to do a normal install instead.18:06
abhijitmonkey_dust, may i pm you?18:07
headbusterIs it bad that I have installed it via wubi?18:07
Jordan_Ushaw1337: Any error messages before the "rescue> " prompt?18:07
th1jlebar, it looks pretty normal to me if you do a "sync" on command line does that hang as well?18:07
jlebarth1, looks like it18:07
bsc2010Barami: The printer is connected to my Ubuntu computer.18:07
Paladinoj #ubuntugames18:07
bsc2010Who can it be that difficult?!18:07
jlebarth1, Someone else was doing a build on this machine, but I think that's over.18:07
th1jlebar, do you have some process running writing constantly to disk?18:07
shaw1337please help me out18:08
Jordan_Uheadbuster: I wouldn't say that it's bad, but IMHO a normal install is better.18:08
th1headbuster, its not supposed to be bad ;)18:08
BaramiAnd you want to print at mac os client ?18:08
th1headbuster if you are feeling a little adventurous try "sudo grub-install /dev/sda"18:08
Baramiok. i understand.18:09
bsc2010Barami: Clients are mainly OS X.18:09
th1jlebar, you're really screwed if you can't sync()18:09
shane2peruis there a simple command line for finding out the length of a video?18:10
th1jlebar, try running top and see if any processes are running that are taking CPU time18:10
headbusterWhat will this command do?18:10
jlebarth1, Is there some equivalent of top I can run for disk accesses?  Nothing is taking CPU.18:10
th1jlebar, yes there is iotop but you'll probably need to install it which you can't do in that state..18:10
Paladinohello all18:10
shaw1337Jordan_U: Hi i gt the error message as No such partition18:10
jlebarth1, Actually...I see jbd2/sda5-8 occasionally.  Not much cpu.  Just 1%.  But that looks drive-related.18:10
Baramibsc2010, you can print by ipp protocol.18:11
=== volci_ is now known as volci
jlebarth1, Also flush-8:0 occasionally shows up.18:11
shaw1337Jordan_U:what shall i do now ?18:11
th1jlebar, that's normal18:11
BaramiWhen you setting network printer on mac osx, you can select IPP printers.18:11
th1jlebar, what's not normal is that your sync never finishes and it might be a file system corruption that's just not causing a kernel oops18:12
headbusterth1, what will this command do? ("sudo grub-install /dev/sda")?18:12
th1jlebar, you're probably best off rebooting18:12
mda_How do I schedule a fsck -c for next reboot?18:12
Baramibsc2010, http://rukikuki.tistory.com/95 Sorry, it's a korean.18:12
th1headbuster, it will reinstall the grub boot record to the MBR18:12
BaramiOnly see pictures and urls.18:12
jlebarth1, I'll do that.  And I'll back up.  :)18:12
headbusterth1, I will try it. If it messes up I will use my windows cd to fix the bootloader. Thanks18:12
jlebarth1, I need to log out to reboot.  I'll be back if things go even weirder.  Thanks for your help.18:13
philinuxmda_: sudo touch /forcefsck18:13
bsc2010Barami: I don't really speak korean.18:13
LokoteHello, I have a original copy of "Baldurs Gate". When I place the game in my DVD-rom drive it doesn't mount so I can use wine with it. How do I force the cd to mount?18:13
AethelredI have 9.04/64-bit. I need a download link to Adobe's Flash Player... not the "Click To Install Page".18:14
mda_philinux: thx18:14
Baramisorry, i am searching english tutorial.18:14
Jordan_Ushane2peru: Is this a fresh install or has it booted sucessfully before?18:14
headbusterth1, Can you please tell me what can I do in case I get stuck on grub>?18:14
AethelredAdobe seems to hide the file.18:14
Baramii don't use mac, So, i don't know mac's printer setting system18:14
shane2peruJordan_U, you tagged the wrong fellow. :)18:15
LokoteOk. I ejected the CD-ROM and replaced it three times, and on the third time it mounted. Maybe something is wrong with the CD. Thanks all!18:15
th1headbuster, boot from the rescue CD?18:15
MaRk-IAethelred: I'm not sure if this will work for you it's for 10.04, http://blog.mattrudge.net/2010/05/07/installing-flash-player-from-repository-on-ubuntu-10-04-64-bit/18:15
Jordan_Ushaw1337: Is this a fresh install or has it booted sucessfully before?18:15
headbusterth1, ok18:16
AethelredMaRK-I: thanks. I'll check it out.18:16
iuLianBhello guys, i need help with a problem when installing ubuntu.18:16
MaRk-IAethelred: just change the repos for your release18:16
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iuLianBi start the installation wizard, and when i get to the partition manager, it doesn't show anything at all18:16
shaw1337no i had booted successfully18:16
iuLianBno hard drive. i tried setting it to AHCI, IDE, no result18:17
iuLianBwhen i run ubuntu live-cd, i can mount my ntfs partitions with no problem18:17
iuLianBany suggestions/18:17
fmdcerAny know how to remove a virtual partition ?18:17
captain-murphyHello, I need some help getting ubuntu 10 to share a folder over samba with an xp machine on the same network. Is anyone good at this/know a tutorial that really works? (I haven't found any that are remotely good)18:17
shaw1337Jordan_U: this is the second time happening to me , i did a fresh install when it happened first time but this time , i want to fix it so18:17
Jordan_UiuLianB: Press any key early in the LiveCD boot to get a boot menu, press F6, select "nodmraid".18:18
bsc2010Barami: Windows doesn't see my printer either.18:18
DuergarI just installed ubuntu 10.4 on my girlfriend's laptop, connected to the net via wire, updated the fwcutter, and now I can't seem to find a way to search for wifi connections. Any one able to help? I remember in 9.1 it was just at the top of the screen18:18
th1headbuster, there is a big warning I think you should have ....18:18
AethelredSecond question... Firefox 3.6 is just now available for 9.04. I've updated. I've been running Shiretoko for a while. Where can I find all the bookmarks (etc.) that I've accumulated in all that time? I'd like to import them to the now-updated Firefox 3.618:18
th1headbuster,if you remove ubuntu from inside windows after installing grub your system will definitely not boot18:18
iuLianBand that should fix it?18:19
Jordan_Ushaw1337: Can you boot a liveCD, run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 , and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?18:19
dominicdinadaneed a hand with 2 things.... 1 being iptables and how to deny by IP, such as ufw deny results in bad port WTF i dont care what port it is i want the entire IP blocked from any connection18:19
nickwebcoukubuntis osd notifications logged anywhere? My keyboard stops responding till i pound on it, but an icon that looks like a trackpad pops up on the screen whenever it happens.. Im trying to figure out what the icon is so i can find the root of the problem.. 10.04 / not a laptop.. Thanks! :D18:19
Baramibsc2010, On windows, try this.18:19
zuntzikxtanlpananybody knows about wubi 10.10? is it ok?18:19
dominicdinadaBarami: this is ubuntu not windows18:20
mda_"sudo touch /forcefsck", worked but it didn't do the "-c" part (full bad blocks check :(....anyone?18:20
dominicdinada!windows | barami18:20
ubottubarami: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents18:20
shaw1337Jordan_U:Yes I am using the live CD to  backup the data , i dint wanna lose it . I will try to run the script and then tell you18:20
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Baramidominicdinada, bsc's printer connected to ubuntu server and bsc2010 want to access printer at windows machine.18:20
skritehow does one go about customizing the ubuntu netbook remix UI, i would like to open thunar in the files and folders area instead of nautilus18:21
trismnickwebcoukubunt: they are logged to ~/.cache/notify-osd.log18:21
Baramiat -> from.18:21
BaramiI can't speak english very well.;18:21
ActionParsnipyo yo yo18:21
headbusterth1, so if I use the uninstall grub will not be deleted. Well then I will use the windows cd to "bootrec.exe /fixboot" and "bootrec.exe /fixmbr"18:21
mda_Barami: translate.google.com18:21
dominicdinadaBarami: Again if you are asking how to add the printer to windows this is not a ubuntu question, if your printer works correctly on ubuntu you add it by ip in windows #windows18:22
philinuxjoin ##windows18:22
nickwebcoukubunttrism, i've checked that, but theres no record of it..18:22
nickwebcoukubuntthats why this is hard to track down..18:22
ActionParsnipBarami: as long as it is shared in sambait will be fine18:22
zuntzikxtanlpanhell o!!!18:22
bsc2010dominicdinada: You could just be quiet or help me with my issue.18:22
Baramidominicdinada, i answered to bsc12010's question.18:22
zuntzikxtanlpananybody knows about wubi 10.10? is it ok?18:23
ohirdominicdinada: its exactly what Barami guy did. Pointed user to ipp howto.18:23
EvilPhoenix10.10 isnt out yet18:23
abhijit!10.10 | zuntzikxtanlpan18:23
ubottuzuntzikxtanlpan: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+118:23
zuntzikxtanlpananybody using 10.10?18:23
ActionParsnip!maverick | zuntzikxtanlpan18:23
DuergarAnyone know where to find the wifi manager in ubuntu 10.4?18:23
bsc2010Maybe I just ask my question again ...18:23
dominicdinadao  maybe i need more coffee to wake up18:23
macoDuergar: network manager should be in the top panel18:23
dominicdinadaneed a hand with 2 things.... 1 being iptables and how to deny by IP, such as ufw deny results in bad port WTF i dont care what port it is i want the entire IP blocked from any connection18:23
ohirdominicdinada: read context before ranting at someone helpful18:23
Duergarnot seeing it Maco18:23
ActionParsnipDuergar: its in the indicator aplet, if its missing then run nm-applet18:23
ActionParsnipmaco: can I PM please?18:23
macoActionParsnip: yes18:24
bsc2010Does anybody know how I can share my USB printer which is connected to my ubuntu 10.04 laptop with other computers (OSX and Windows) in my network?18:24
mda_Duergar: it's in the upper right hand corner of your screen.18:24
zuntzikxtanlpani know 10.10 isnt out but 10.04 doesnt work fine with me18:24
dominicdinadabsc2010: Samba18:24
abhijit!printer | bsc201018:24
ubottubsc2010: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows18:24
Baramidominicdinada, he want a GUI solution..;18:24
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macodominicdinada: in /etc/ufw/before.rules, add:  -A ufw-before-input -s -j DENY18:25
EvilPhoenixzuntzikxtanlpan:  did you upgrade or do a fresh install18:25
ActionParsnipbsc2010: share it in smb.conf I gave you a link to the lines you need to set in smb.conf18:25
macodominicdinada: i think18:25
zuntzikxtanlpanim having internet connection problems with 10.0418:25
ActionParsnipzuntzikxtanlpan: sup?18:25
EvilPhoenixzuntzikxtanlpan:  we might be able to help you with that xP18:25
th1maco, , dominicdinada  DROP instead of DENY otherwise it sends a response18:25
tucemiuxzuntzikxtanlpan, describe the problem: all in ***one*** line18:25
jpdsth1: TARPIT if you're mean.18:25
dominicdinadaBarami: If the printer is shared Via samba he should only need to add ip in windows for a network printer ??? GUI ??? windows controllers/print spooler should handle it18:26
tlacuachehey, anyone else experiencing this: i have available upgrades for  linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic right now, but synaptic won't install them because "linux-generic:  Depends: linux-image-generic (= but is to be installed"18:26
dominicdinadath1: ok i will give that a shot... say i want to block all external sources ??? just local things ?18:26
macoth1: REJECT is the one that sends response18:26
bsc2010dominicdinada: A gui which shares the printers from Ubuntu ...?18:26
th1tlacuache, that kind of issue seems to be Ubuntu's new trademark ;) I had it all week on my netbook18:26
zuntzikxtanlpanright know using 9.10 i guess it is ok18:26
th1tlacuache, eventually it went away by update18:26
Baramii explained share printer by samba.. but he want a gui solution to me..18:27
macodominicdinada: th1 is probably right about DROP though18:27
tlacuachehm, ok18:27
ActionParsniptlacuache: then you must wait for the package to be available, upgrades will be held back until its ready18:27
yonahwI have a Kensington Expert Mouse which is a trackball with 4 buttons and a scroll wheel. I am looking for help configuring the top two buttons which don't currently do anything.  Everything I find online talks about editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf which doesn't exist on my machine.  I am running 10.04. Any pointers on this?18:27
tucemiuxdominicdinada, you have a network printer?  If you have a network printer you should be add the printer on any OS, the hardware can talk directly to the OS -- meaning you configure your operating system to poing to the printer, you should know how to install the ddrivers on the OS, ubuntu should do that automatically18:27
macotlacuache: that means a kernel update is happening *right now*18:27
dominicdinadaBsc2010 if you are Printing from a windows machine You have the built in print spooler???18:27
limeblackDoes anyone know how to get "Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller "working in 10.4?18:27
tlacuacheok, i'll just hold off then. thanks.18:27
trismnickwebcoukubunt: yeah, it ignores some messages: the following command will listen on dbus for all desktop notification methods, may help, it's what my notification applet uses: dbus-monitor "type='method_call',interface='org.freedesktop.Notifications',member='Notify'"18:27
macotlacuache: and that the last few packages involved in that havent finished compiling yet18:27
zuntzikxtanlpansometimes connect to internet and ubuntu says it is connected but it is not and i have to connect 3 or 4  times to really get connected18:27
th1maco, you're right, DENY doesn't even exist ;)18:27
bsc2010dominicdinada: A what?18:27
ActionParsnipyonahw: boot to root recovery mode and run: Xorg --configure    it will make a skeleton file you can flesh out18:27
macoth1: heh woops :)18:27
dominicdinadatucemiux: I have a printer server running not a network printer18:28
Baramidominicdinada, bsc2010's printer is connected ubuntu..;18:28
macoth1: i think im being confused by ufw calling it deny :-/  *why* does it use a different term than iptables does?18:28
bsc2010See, if I connect a printer to a OSX machine, it will just be available for all computers in the network. Every computer can see it (Zerofonc/Bonjour)18:28
yonahwActionParsnip: are there any options which don't involve rebooting?18:28
dominicdinadaBarami: YES he is trying to set up a print server......................................................................................................................18:28
ActionParsnipyonahw: Canonical think udev can detect all flawlessly but it often doesnt. xorg.conf doesn't exist due to udev existing but if the file exists it will be obeyed18:28
Baramiand he want to access printer from mac or windows.18:28
th1maco, maybe ebcause it doesn't correspond 1:1 to a DROP or REJECT rule18:28
AethelredMaRK-I: that page gives a method to install flash using nspluginwrapper. Nspluginwrapper has always been problematic for me. I'm looking for the alpha release of flash for 64-bit linux.18:28
macoth1: but it does...18:28
bsc2010dominicdinada: Exactly as Barami said.18:28
ActionParsnipyonahw: you can shutdown the X server then run it then restart x18:28
zuntzikxtanlpan10.10 isnt out but im downloading alpha version i guess18:29
ikoniadominicdinada: easy on the .... there please18:29
macoth1: if you do "ufw default deny" itll act like drop. or "ufw default reject" or "ufw default accept" act like they sound18:29
ActionParsnipyonahw: or you can just wait until its convenient18:29
th1maco, no idea then :) I always use a script full of iptables rules rather than any of the frameworks for small systems18:29
nibu-bauhi, what package have tha arm-linux-gcc?18:29
yonahwActionParsnip: thanks, I guess I will just wait.18:29
dominicdinadaBarami: like you pointed out to bsc2010 get the printer by IP.... he is confused about a GUI printing solution because MAC and WINDOWS use their own spoolers to talk to the printers... this is gui isnt it ?18:29
MaRk-IAethelred: that's the problem adobe took out the 64bit....18:29
bsc2010dominicdinada: The printer doesn't have an IP.18:29
bsc2010It is connected via USB to my Ubuntu laptop.18:30
nickwebcoukubunttrism, thanks, ill keep iot running and see if ti happens again.. Grr.. lulz..18:30
Jordan_UAethelred: Adobe stopped releasing new beta versions of the 64 bit plugin and took down the download page18:30
tucemiuxdominicdinada, yes, once you have the printer shared  you can configure it using the IP,  if you have any problems doing that you can ask for help, being specific with your question -- I have done that so I know it works, you might run into config problems, make sure you give printing access to whoever needs to use the printer18:30
asad2005Can some one tell me whats wrong with the following "iptables -t filter -I OUTPUT -d -p tcp --dport 3128 -m owner! --uid-owner dansguardian -j DROP"18:30
ActionParsnipAethelred: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2009/12/64bit-flash-ppa.html18:30
Baramidominicdinada, that's right. but i don't know windows very well..;;18:30
dominicdinadabsc2010 if the printer is connected to the ubuntu machine it will have that ip18:30
zuntzikxtanlpanhow do i use packages ive got in 9.10 in future 10.1018:30
ActionParsnipAethelred: its 10.0 rather than 10.1 but its 64bit native18:30
dominicdinadaas long as you have the print server setup18:30
EvilPhoenixasad2005: you could try in #netfilter18:30
AethelredMaRK-I: Yeah... I know that. Read about it. But that file must be out there in the wild. I don't care of Adobe hosts it.18:30
ActionParsnipzuntzikxtanlpan: 10.10 is offtopic here18:30
th1is it possible in Ubuntu's installer to pass a command line option or something that enables certain PPI or external repositories by default and consider them during installation?18:30
iuLianBhello again. i tried using the option "nodmraid", but ubuntu still doesn't show any device in the list.18:31
iuLianBany other suggestions?18:31
ascorHello it's me again :P18:31
DuergarOk, just tried running nm-applet and it's saying an instance is already running. I don't see it in the upper right. It has the date, user, and power. that's it18:31
dominicdinadabsc2010 if your printer is connected to the ubuntu machine and you have the print server / samba set up it will be the ip of your ubuntu machine... it will automatically be listing on the port for printer traffic18:31
zuntzikxtanlpanhow do i use packages ive got in 9.10 in future 10.0418:31
MaRk-IAethelred: well a couple of hours ago someone installed that particular one and they said it worked good18:31
MaRk-Igood luck finding it18:31
ActionParsnipth1: you can customise the install ISO and add the PPAs or even update the packages to be installed to be the latest ones18:31
ascori just wanna know:18:31
zuntzikxtanlpanforget it18:31
th1Duergar, there is some fuckaroo in 10.04 so it auto hides the icon if it doesn't have anything to do. I don't know how to get it up in that case :(18:31
ascorCan i change the color of the ubuntu logo in the upper left corner?18:31
th1Duergar, but I would like to know :)18:32
trebuchetI'm encountering this bug, but a fix mentioned by a poster in the tracker links to wiki.netbsd.se, which is dead(no google cache or archive.org versions either), so I cannot see what the work-around is. How do I mount my UFS/FFS2 under Lucid? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/26866518:32
Bogus8looking to install fuppes... their wiki says I should have pthreads installed... I don't think I do... but I'm finding it hard to tell.18:32
ActionParsnipzuntzikxtanlpan: you can't the 9.10 packages are for Karmic, not maverick. Maverick is also offtopic here. Please take it to #ubuntu+118:32
Bogus8Any help?18:32
ActionParsnip!ask | bogus818:32
ubottubogus8: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:32
zuntzikxtanlpandoes anybody know why my internet is so slow in 10.04?18:32
Bogus8ActionParsnip: Umm, I already dead18:32
ascorCan i change the color of the ubuntu logo in the upper left corner?18:32
th1Bogus8, if you have a normal ubuntu then you have pthreads for sure18:32
ActionParsnipzuntzikxtanlpan: tweak the settings in sysctl.conf as well as use a different DNS and/or local DNS18:33
Bogus8th1: I am running server 10.418:33
th1Bogus8, yes even then18:33
Bogus8th1: ok, cool thanks!18:33
th1Bogus8, ls /lib/libpthread*18:33
Marzipan_Danyone know whut is so cool about mutt mail?18:33
Bogus8someone suggested doing a `locate pthreads.h` or something like that but that didn't work18:33
ActionParsnipascor: i think if you right click it you can edit it there18:33
Jordan_Uheadbuster: th1: Just running grub-install /dev/sda within a wubi system won't actually install grub to the mbr, the "lupin-support" package contains its own grub-install which overrides the normal one and just re-installs the wubildr file.18:33
erUSULBogus8: pthreads are part of the libc library18:33
caoticHi, does anyone knows how can I enable ssh and sshfs as root remotely ?18:33
th1Bogus8, ls -l /usr/include/pthread.h18:34
macoBogus8: dpkg -S pthreads.h18:34
Bogus8erUSUL: I had read that.. but that whole pthread.h thing was throwing me18:34
ActionParsnip!noroot | caotic18:34
ubottucaotic: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.18:34
macoBogus8: thatd tell you if a package containing it is installed18:34
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:34
Bogus8maco: true...18:34
erUSULBogus8: you need the -dev libc6-dev ( install build-essentials )18:34
th1caotic, you can put an ssh key into root's .ssh directory18:34
ActionParsnipcaotic: simply ssh over then run: sudo -i18:34
zuntzikxtanlpanis it possible to talk privately?18:34
th1ActionParsnip, how is that going to help him when he wants to use sshfs??18:35
ascorActionParsnip no i can'T18:35
abhijit!pm | zuntzikxtanlpan18:35
ubottuzuntzikxtanlpan: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:35
Guest57177my root password is "x",    i irc as root too18:35
iuLianBdoes anybody know what to do if when i try to install ubuntu 10.04, it doesn't show any devices in the partition menu? i have some NTFS partitions, and an ext3 partition, but none show up. If instead of installing i run ubuntu from RAM, it can see my hdd and i can mount any partition with no problems.18:35
headbusterJordan_U, so can you please tell me in few words what should I do because I am a noob. If it's too complicated I will just stay with this. I really don't mind it loading...18:35
ActionParsnipth1: copy the file over as user using sshfs then ssh over to use sudo to copy the data18:35
Jordan_Uheadbuster: IMHO it's too complicated to be worth it.18:35
jlebarHow do I install the 32-bit version of, say, libgtk2.0-dev, on a 64-bit system?  I thought it might be lib32gtk2.0-dev, but that doesn't seem to work.18:35
th1ActionParsnip, not if he wants to access the file system as root18:35
ascorCan i change the color of the ubuntu logo in the upper left corner?18:35
ActionParsnip!who | zuntzikxtanlpan18:35
ubottuzuntzikxtanlpan: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:35
abhijitiuLianB, I suggest that you first make free spaec from windows and again check from ubuntu live cd. this is just a guess. but give a try18:36
monkey_dustiuLianB, type sudo fdisk -l in a terminal, to see your partitions18:36
caoticActionParsnip: yeah but what about sshfs to /var/www/...18:36
ActionParsnipth1: the user will be able to upload the files as user to the users home, then ssh in a console over then move the files18:36
Duergarth1: right click and add the notification area18:36
ascorCan i change the color of the ubuntu logo in the upper left corner? I mean where is the logo located?18:36
caoticActionParsnip: that work around wont work18:36
headbusterJordan_U, Ok. Thanks anyway :)18:36
iuLianBi'm not installing it from a console, i'm just using the wizard. and i also tried letting some unformatted space, too. but it can't see that either18:36
ActionParsnipGuest57177: oh dear. massive fail18:37
th1caotic, first edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and make sure PermitRootLogin is yes and then sudo passwd to set a password for root (or better sudo ssh-keygen to generate him a keypair)18:37
Sirisian|WorkFor cronjob I'm trying to run something as a test '*/1 * * * * wget -N http://wwmt-radar.freedombroadcasting.net/7day.jpg /var/www/cico/' <-- this is saving the image to /root/ though. Why?18:37
caoticth1: I see thanks a lot :D18:37
Sirisian|Workit works in the CLI if I just paste it in but it won't work using cronjob18:37
lousygaruaSirisian|Work, which crontab you set? the root/global one or your own user one?18:38
Sirisian|Worklousygarua, crontab -e18:38
ascorCan i change the color of the ubuntu logo in the upper left corner? I mean where is the logo located?18:38
ActionParsnipcaotic: sur eit will, once the files are on the remote server you can console over and do the move to the right folder using: sudo cp -r, why wont it work??18:38
Sirisian|Worklousygarua, oh wait. I'm signed in as root though18:39
caoticActionParsnip: cp is not the same as mount18:39
Sirisian|Worklousygarua, I'm not sure I understand why it would redirect the saved file to /root/ though when I specifically gave it a place to put the file18:39
ActionParsnipcaotic: i thought the data was just to be copied to the folder?18:39
caoticActionParsnip: I need to work with my ide in the files stored in a headless ubuntu server (for testing )18:40
th1ActionParsnip, he obviously want to edit the files in place from the remote machine without logging in and copying them around afterwards18:40
shell-fuIf I install a program with root, will all my users in the '/home' directory be able to see that program/utility?18:40
caoticActionParsnip: nope thanks anyway18:40
th1ActionParsnip, how doesn't that make sense18:40
bsc2010I hate Ubuntu.18:40
corpsegrindrHas anyone succefully gotten HDMI audio to work on a nvidia G210?18:40
Duergarok, got the wifi thing fixed. woot woot.18:40
shell-fubsc2010, ##freebsd18:40
Duergarthanks guys for all your help!18:40
ActionParsnipth1: its more secure to disable root login with ssh, its the first account an attacker will use if s/he smells an SSH port open18:41
Guest57177bsc2010 debian18:41
th1ActionParsnip, of course it's more secure but if the password is good it doesn't really matter18:41
shell-fuinstalling a program with root will allow all subusers in the '/home' directory to see this program, lets say kompozer for example'.18:41
lousygaruaSirisian|Work, i think there's an option for wget to save to a certain directory18:41
caoticActionParsnip: yes you are completely right , but I dont give a cr@p for that machine is a VM  at a private network, nothing sensible on it18:41
lousygaruaSirisian|Work, it's not working just by writing the directory after the wget function18:41
th1ActionParsnip, main thing is that he wants to access files with root permissions from remote via sshfs and that does require an open root account18:41
markithi, my 70-persistent-net.rules has only the comments, not rules for eth0, eth1... how is that? how can I force to rebuild and populate?18:41
Strangebrewhi, this is my problem: when i log-in to msn through pidgin,amsn, kopete  others dont see me as "Avocado" they just see "A" ....which doesnt happen on windows..thank you18:42
bingomanateeIs there anyone who can help me through installing courier over postfix to handle pop3 accounts?18:42
Guest57177ActionParsnip heh that's why i allow root,  root == non-privleged very confined, very logged.18:42
dominicdinadabsc2010: www.pocketslax.org   :D18:42
lousygaruaSirisian|Work, try "wget http://something.somewhere/ -O /path/to/file18:42
Duergardoes ubuntu 10.4 play well with windows 7?18:42
th1Duergar, I have them installed in dual boot on my desktop and it works fine18:42
dominicdinadaDuergar: What do you mean play well ?18:42
oceanhi guys i am using ubuntu 10.4.can any one help me to install sun java please18:42
caoticDuergar: I think the question is will W7 play well with ubuntu18:43
markitDuergar: usually Free software plays well, can't be said of M$ ones18:43
ActionParsnipGuest57177: running browsers and IRCclients as root is massively foolish18:43
biharii have problem18:43
DuergarFor my school stuff and gaming I want to keep windows 7 on here. Want to play with ubuntu again. I miss it now that it's on my girl's laptop. lol18:43
dominicdinadamarkit: Not always true ..........18:43
caoticthey do, but if you install windows after ubuntu W will overwrite the boot loader ( you wont be able to choose "boot ubuntu" ) until you take some actions18:43
ActionParsnipocean: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-install-sun-java-runtime-environment-jre-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html18:43
th1ocean, open Software Centre and choose Edit->Software Sources and enable all repos in Ubuntu and Other software then just search for Sun Java18:43
kryptykocean: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-install-sun-java-runtime-environment-jre-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html18:43
caoticDuergar: why choose18:44
Guest57177ActionParsnip root == UID=2001 GID=10018:44
markitocean: sun java has been moved in different repositories, google for them (I just remember that news, but never used myself)18:44
ActionParsnipkryptyk: great minds eh ;)18:44
AethelredSecond question... Firefox 3.6 is just now available for 9.04. I've updated. I've been running Shiretoko for a while. Where can I find all the bookmarks (etc.) that I've accumulated in all that time? I'd like to import them to the now-updated Firefox 3.618:44
DuergarI was going ot use the ubuntu installer and partition like 50 gigs to ubuntu just for fun. lol18:44
caoticDuergar: virtualbox allows you to create a machine inside windows18:44
kryptykActionParsnip: Indeed18:44
markitdominicdinada: maybe you missed my "usually" word at the beginning :)18:44
Redcl0udI use ubuntu 10.04 along with win 7 ultimate and I have run into no problems yet18:44
Duergaris virtualbox free?18:44
caoticDuergar: as in free beer18:44
bihariin my gtk-recodmy desktop its says recoding is finished. recode my desktop has exited with 768 description:could not open/configure sound card18:45
ScuniziI"ve switched from network manager to wicd for my wired desktop.. looking at dmesg I see dhclient3 tries to load "/usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-dhcp-client.action" which doesn't exist.. I also see in dmesg my network card comes up and goes down a couple of times on boot before it stabilizes...  How do I clean this up and make the card come up and stick on the first attempt (set for static not dhcp)18:45
caoticDuergar: not as freedom18:45
th1Duergar, yes its free and community edition is Free18:45
monkey_dustguys, my brightness applet won't work - is there a way to increase the laptop's brightness, using the CLI?18:45
kryptykDuergar: I have been running Lucid with Win7 inside as a VM using VirtualBox with no issues at all18:45
markitDuergar: there is a Free as in Freedom version, and also one as in free beer (so bad by definition :))18:45
dominicdinadamarkit: Amazing not to bash any software but M$ year to date has had the least major bugs of any :D to bad the 2 most recent bugs haha18:45
caoticDuergar: happy ubuntuing :)18:45
kryptykHowever, you have to download and manually install the sound drivers for Win718:45
dominicdinadaleast this year******18:45
bihariin my gtk-recodmy desktop its says recoding is finished. recode my desktop has exited with 768 description:could not open/configure sound card<< wht to do?18:45
ActionParsnipDuergar: there is an open version which is free in cost and code, there is also a closed source one which is free in money18:45
markitso you all have udev with 70-persistent-net.rules  populated?18:46
iuLianBdoes anybody know what to do if when i try to install ubuntu 10.04, it doesn't show any devices in the partition menu? i have some NTFS partitions, and an ext3 partition, but none show up. Tried leaving some unallocated space, maybe it will see that, but no result. If instead of installing i run ubuntu from RAM, it can see my hdd and i can mount any partition with no problems.18:46
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th1iuLianB, what if you boot the installer in "Try Ubuntu" mode and then start the installer from there?18:46
Duergarwill i have to burn a copy of ubuntu 10.4 for it or can I just use daemon tools and install it in virtualbox?18:46
th1Duergar, you dont even need to use daemon tools, virtualbox can mount an iso directly in  the virtual PC's cd-rom drive18:47
iuLianBth1, tried that, same thing. I mounted the ext3 drive, and when i started the installer, it automatically unmounted it and didn't show anything in the list.18:47
BaramiDuergar, you can use iso file that is working like cdrom.18:47
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macoGuest57177: you've got things a bit turned around. i suggest you read up. root = UID 018:47
Baramivirtualbox support cdrom emulation by iso.18:47
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Duergarshaweet! I know what I'm gonna be downloading. lol. needed 32 bit for her laptop, gotta get 64 for me. lol18:48
th1iuLianB, I think the installer keeps a log in /tmp or /var/log you should probably look there and see if there are any messages about why it hides that disk18:48
ikonialast Guest5717718:48
Guest57177maco don't tell me how ignorant you are about the way i have my system set up.   just accept that you don't know.18:48
dominicdinadath1: could it be bad sectors on the drive ?18:48
ikoniafix even18:48
macointentionally configured brokenly? i see18:49
th1dominicdinada, sorry you lost me18:49
monkey_dustguys, my brightness applet won't work - is there a way to increase the laptop's brightness, using the CLI? I do not find the item in GConf18:49
dominicdinadath1: his drive having problems mounting ? could be bad sectors ?18:49
SpRiNkLeZmonkey_dust, what's the model of laptop18:50
th1dominicdinada, no it won't show the drive in the installer but it will mount it18:50
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th1that doesn't sound like baddd sectors18:50
monkey_dustSpRiNkLeZ, ACER Aspire 5735Z18:50
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SpRiNkLeZmonkey_dust, your exact model might not be on here but this might be helpful http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/acer.html18:51
SpRiNkLeZmonkey_dust, http://www.linlap.com/wiki/acer+aspire+5735z18:52
winmutti am trying to run three monitors, 2 on dualhead fglrx and one onboard intel18:53
winmutti think i have xorg setup for the third monitor, i see where it loads the intel driver18:53
winmuttbut no love18:53
SpRiNkLeZmonkey_dust, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99438218:53
dominicdinadaOk a Second question i have is with the updates yesterday Samba wont work I am assuming it is because samba is setup and mapped idmap gid.... if i remove that will it work correctly ?18:53
Scuniziwinmutt: you'll have to hand configure an xorg.conf.....18:53
winmuttscunizi: i have18:53
winmuttscunizi: althought not correctly however18:53
Scuniziwinmutt: is the dual head a nvidia card?18:54
winmutti see maybe18:54
winmuttdual head is fglrx18:54
ikoniawinmutt: it won't work then18:54
ikoniawinmutt: the ati and nvidia propriatary drivers use an extension to the xorg xserver that won't allow it to span 3 monitors with a different technology on the 3rd18:54
ikoniawinmutt: they are bascailly locking the xorg server to 1 physical card18:55
winmutti can do it with xinerama though right18:55
ikoniawinmutt: well, yes and no18:55
ikoniawinmutt: you won't get any acceleration on the physical cards, byt you can split the 3 monitors, but you can't use the closed source drivers18:56
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dominicdinadaOk a Second question i have is with the updates yesterday Samba wont work I am assuming it is because samba is setup and mapped idmap gid.... if i remove that will it work correctly ?18:58
kb9cmwhow do I convert wma files to mp3 ?18:58
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Araneidaeupdate-manager shows linux-{,headers-,image-}generic as recommended updates .. but they're greyed out and won't install19:01
MDVz0rwhen i put my laptop in standby using the liveCD of ubuntu 10.04, resuming works perfectly, but when i install ubuntu from the same liveCD and try to restore from standby i only get a black screen (everything seems to work, i can connect via SSH, but the screen stays black), does anyone got an idea?19:01
^peanut^kb9cmw: try: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3779319:01
AraneidaeSame story in synaptic19:01
VuuuuMh.g xD19:02
VuuuuMne selamĆ½19:02
FloodBot2VuuuuM: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:02
VuuuuMburanĆ½n yuzde 99 yabancĆ½19:02
AraneidaeAny idea what's going on there?19:02
KelebekSohbet935ne oluyor19:02
KelebekSohbet935lem burda19:02
VuuuuMban yedĆ½m19:02
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, TĆ¼rkƧe yardım ya da geyik iƧin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.19:02
VuuuuMburasĆ½ dunyanĆ½n en buyuk sunucusu :)19:02
VuuuuMLjL thanks you19:02
KelebekSohbet935biz reklam yapamakmĆ½ burda19:02
VuuuuMKelebekSohbet935 tam su anda bu kanalda 1534 kĆ½sĆ½ var19:03
VuuuuMĆ½stersen bak19:03
KelebekSohbet935Ć½ am ediz19:03
KelebekSohbet935Ć½ am from Turk19:03
sulfuricteapartyAnyone get a black screen with a blinking curser on ubuntu 10 instead of a boot up?19:03
macoKelebekSohbet935: #ubuntu-tr19:03
prestonhey, whats the difference between 9.10 and 10.04?19:04
KelebekSohbet935nediyo lan19:04
VuuuuM#ubuntu-tr kanalĆ½na gĆ½t dĆ½yo19:04
KelebekSohbet935gelin burda19:04
ikoniaKelebekSohbet935: please don't spam19:04
VuuuuMreklam mĆ½ yapĆ½yn xD19:04
VuuuuMhahaha:  : )19:04
trismAraneidae: yes I have that too, if you look, they are only the meta packages, not the actual kernel and headers, so they may have been pushed out early (that's probably why they're greyed out)19:04
th1get those mfs kickbanned19:04
FloodBot2VuuuuM: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:04
KelebekSohbet935sohbet edin19:04
ikoniath1: please control your language19:04
sulfuricteapartyi cant get 10.4 to boot up. Cd works live but the thing just wont boot.. its set as only OS on system19:04
ikoniaKelebekSohbet935: stop19:05
MBG1987How to select multiple windows and close them at once ?19:05
MBG1987How to select multiple windows and close them at once ?19:05
prestonive got a question if anyone can answer19:05
ikoniapreston: just ask19:05
macoMBG1987: dont think you can19:05
philinux!question | preston19:05
ubottupreston: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:05
KelebekSohbet935diyor lan19:06
dominicdinadasulfuricteaparty: i do from time to time i hold enter until i get it to boot..... or i ctrl alt del and make sure all my usb drives unplugged... although this is a laptop i dont care about it was saved from the graveyard19:06
prestonwhats the difference between 9.10 and 10.04?19:06
macopreston: 6 months?19:06
MBG1987maco from the gnome panel like in window$19:07
prestonin terms of software differences19:07
Araneidaetrism, it's rather odd, though: Properties/Versions shows four versions available (.22, .23, .24 and .25)19:07
macopreston: new version of gnome, more indicator redesign work19:07
MDVz0rwhen i put my laptop in standby using the liveCD of ubuntu 10.04, resuming works perfectly, but when i install ubuntu from the same liveCD and try to restore from standby i only get a black screen (everything seems to work, i can connect via SSH, but the screen stays black), does anyone got an idea?19:07
macopreston: prettier bootsplash19:07
prestonok. thanks.19:07
sulfuricteapartyit wont let me do anything. i tryed the ctrl alt f1 but it just hangs there. i even let it run for 1 hour and nothing but "blink blink" >.<19:07
Araneidaetrism, The odd thing is that .24 is marked (now) and .25 is marked (lucid-updates)19:07
Araneidae... however `uname -a` says I'm running 32-2319:08
philinuxmaco: not here nVidia19:08
Araneidae and I've only just rebooted half an hour ago!19:08
prestonare there any ati radeon drivers for ubuntu?19:08
dominicdinadasulfuricteaparty: I SAID that i ctrl alt del.... and when it reboots i hold the enter key.... i dont know why it hangs but if i shutdown with usb drives attached and try to reboot with them removed it hangs like you say19:08
philinuxpreston: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes19:08
Araneidaetrism, still it's encouraging that you've got the same oddness19:08
dominicdinadanot ctrl alt f119:08
philinuxpreston: is it a new ati card19:09
macophilinux: it would be prettier if you used open drivers for nvidia, like the default nouveau ones19:09
adambuntuhey all19:09
prestonim running karmic koala right now. and its x120019:09
sulfuricteapartyi was stating whats up with me not arguing with you dominicdinada19:09
trismAraneidae: yes it is odd that 25 is included in there, since 24 is still in proposed, have to wait and see19:09
philinuxmaco: fixed it with framebuffer19:09
adambuntuquestion, any good utilities for icmp sweep to a gui frontend for network monitoring?19:09
dominicdinadasulfuricteaparty: and i was stating that when that happens with me... that is what i do and it boots no problem...19:09
ubuntuislovedlooking at dmesg how can i tell intel or nvidia graphics card what should i grepping looking for?19:10
^peanut^adambuntu: Wireshare19:10
philinuxmaco: nouveau only 2d. I paid for my card19:10
^peanut^adambuntu: Wireshark19:10
jpdsunimatrix: lspci | grep VGA19:10
^peanut^!wireshark | adambuntu19:10
th1ubuntuisloved, better type lspci instead19:10
macophilinux: it can do 3d...sometimes19:10
adambuntu^peanut^, will that do all network from my local machine, or should I put that on the dc?19:10
macophilinux: depends if you bought the same card as one of the developers ;-)19:10
cdubyathis battery applet issue is extremely annoying.19:10
philinuxmaco: 8600GT works really fine now with workaround19:10
^peanut^adambuntu: Wireshark is a network traffic monitoring tools for all tcp/ip/udp stuff19:11
sulfuricteapartyyeah didnt work panties out of wad plz = P19:11
adambuntu^peanut^, i will look at it, but last i saw, it didnt map a network with a gui...19:11
adambuntu^peanut^, thanks!19:11
mib_mibhey guys, when i want to list my ruby gems, i do 'gem list', and it returns a string like *** LOCAL GEMS **** \n gem1 \n gem2, etc etc .... but when i redirect this to a file, i.e. gem list > mygems.txt, it doesn't have the line *** LOCAL GEMS *** -- what is happening to this line?19:11
trismAraneidae: actually, not I just checked it, it is, just a confusing version string, it is actually 2419:11
^peanut^adambuntu: if you need something that maps nodes on a network and can lay them out really nice in a gui/web interface...check out nagios19:11
adambuntu^peanut^, i will look19:12
th1mib_mib, eh try #ruby19:12
atcasanovatry 2> mygems.txt19:12
adambuntu^peanut^, thanks!19:12
^peanut^adambuntu: if you want full graphing stats on nodes, check out cacti...19:12
^peanut^adambuntu: np, your welcome19:12
mib_mibth1: this is a linux question though, it doesn't seem to be writing to stdout19:12
Araneidaetrism, oh!19:12
th1mib_mib, but I'm sure the #ruby people are better qualified to answer it still ;)19:12
prestonanyone get back to me on those drivers?19:13
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Araneidaeno relation to `uname -r` then...19:13
th1mib_mib, anyway if you redirect you probably get the "header" to stderr and the text to stdout so try COMMAND 2>&1 > output.txt19:13
philinuxpreston: This shows the significant changes in Lucid http://arstechnica.com/open-source/reviews/2010/05/lucid-dream-ars-reviews-ubuntu-1004.ars19:14
philinuxpreston: what card is it19:14
prestonati radeon x120019:14
AraneidaeOh crap.  My pyuic4 tries to import qwt_plot rather than PyQt4.  Damn damn damn19:14
mib_mibth1: no that doesn't work!19:15
th1mib_mib, what do you get then?19:15
mib_mibi get just the list of gems, and not the first line!19:15
Sirisian|Worklousygarua, it worked thank you :)19:15
th1maybe it uses istty() to see if it's outputting to a terminal and only shows a header if it is19:16
ManDayDoes anyone know a very much lightweight Calendar App which floats on the desktop and supports appointments?19:16
philinuxpreston: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1471599 Do a search for your card. There's probably a few more threads.19:16
philinuxpreston: Yep there is. http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=ubuntu+10.04+ati+radeon+x1200&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-819:16
figure002hello. quick launchpad question. i should use "Blueprints" for filing feature requests right?19:17
adambuntu^peanut^, do you use cacti?19:17
Saryfigure002: right19:17
SarySary: Hello Ubuntu ;)19:17
figure002Sary: ok, thanks19:18
StaRetji1folks, I have ubuntu installed on usb stick (live with permanent storage) and I have 4 wireless usb cards! I can't set any of these to work in master mode. Is there someone willing to help going trough set up.19:18
Saryfigure002: Good luck ;)19:18
coordinadorHi, vinagre doesnt find vnc servers in network, possibly vncserver doesnt notify to avahi19:18
philinuxfigure002: A minor change can often be described in a bug report. The issue may actually be a bug (a fault in existing software). A simple change can be expressed as a 'wishlist' bug. For more complex changes we need to write a 'blueprint'. Blueprints (a.k.a. "specs") are documents suitable for developers to study and act upon. These should usually only be written by developers actively working on realizing the idea.19:18
Sarycoordinador: Maybe in the BIOS Setup !19:19
th1mib_mib, yeah that looks like its what it does19:19
th1i just tried it ..19:20
coordinadorSary, what? how?19:20
alexxvillei have a quick problem which i know is common but i guess i didn't find a solution anywhere. my girlfriend has a dell dimension 2400 with intel graphics controller video. i installed ubuntu and it gives me a standy by mode on my screen and nothing happens after the splash. i tried i915.modeset=0 and 1 on the launch options in the grub and didn't help. thanks19:20
coordinadorSary, what do you mean?19:20
Sarycoordinador: Wait19:20
figure002philinux: awesome, thanks for the clear explanation.19:20
alexxvilleit's ubuntu 10.04 lucid btw19:21
philinuxfigure002: From here. Old but still correct. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89677719:21
trismmib_mib: th1: yes, it does, in query_command.rb: if ui.outs.tty? or both? then say "** LOCAL GEMS ***" end19:21
th1mib_mib, if ui.outs.tty? or both? then say "*** LOGAL GEMS ***"19:22
figure002philinux: gonna read it right now ;)19:22
cdubyaalexxville, not trying to discourage you, but good luck.....tried installing on the same machine and never would work right. Finally gave up as I didn't have the time to chase it....19:22
th1trism, lol yes just found the same file/line :)19:22
alexxvillecdubya, thanks, but i would like to try my best to find a solution. i think the best way is to just install a graphics card you know? a simple ati radeon 9250 or something lmao pci19:23
th1mib_mib, so you can set --both and then it will show the header even if its being redirected but then it will also be slow because it lists "remote gems"19:24
cdubyaalexxville, you may be right, but again, I don't have the time or patience for that anymore....I need something that will work out of the box and this wasn't the solution for me in that situation. Others, yes, by all means, but that one, no.19:24
mib_mibth1: so what does the tty? function actually do here? the description says 'Returns true if ios is associated with a terminal device (tty), false otherwise. ' what does this mean?19:25
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
th1mib_mib, I suspect it calls isatty() C library function: http://www.manpagez.com/man/3/isatty/19:26
Sarycoordinador: Wich OS you're in ,19:26
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coordinadorSary, ubuntu 9.0419:26
enix316is there a program for linux to recover deleted files on a windows format HD. I have the drive mounted to my ubuntu box and can browse, but my google-fu is weak today and cant get any leads.19:26
th1mib_mib, it basically means, that if the standard output file descriptor points to a terminal and not a file it returns true19:26
th1mib_mib, which is true when you run the command interactively but not when you redirect its output to a file19:27
winmuttso fglrx is unloading the intel driver19:27
Sarycoordinador: alright , what is the wireless brand model19:27
tobiaszhow do I disable screen blanking?19:27
mib_mibth1: ah okay, so a 'pipe' then is not necessarily executed AFTER the command, interesting19:27
winmuttis there an open source ati driver? just ati?19:27
alexxvillecdubya, imo, i think if you try to figure things out and solve them, you will learn more and more about linux and the errors and such am i right? i mean i understand you don't have the patience for it, but it doesn't hurt to try you know?19:27
cdubyaalexxville, by all means, give it your best.....it can't hurt to dive in and learn.19:28
mib_mibth1: so like COMMAND | grep something | sed ....  | awk ....|  > somefile.txt , each of these know that they are going to a file?19:28
th1mib_mib, no they are not going to a file they are going to a pipe (except the last one) which is neitehr a file nor a terminal  :)19:28
mib_mibth1: i guess i was always under the impression that each of these happened atomically and independently kind of19:28
coordinadorSary, i think my problem is different that you think, my problem is that Vinagre (the remote desktop viewer), cannot find automatically the vnc servers in my network19:28
j_ayen_green10.4 hung on me while importing a mysql dump. i had to kill it, and now i'm getting a few disk diagnostic messages when it comes up (and mysql won't start). tried to run the disk utility and check the disk, but it complains that the disk is mounted...?19:28
alexxvillecdubya, yeah i know, i was just saying. i'm not here for arguing even though we weren't lol, but i just like to say things and feel like I'm right. I don't like to be negative and stuff.19:28
mib_mibth1: ah true, okay19:29
lousygaruaSirisian|Work, glad to help :)19:29
coordinadormy network doesnt have any wireless interface, is just a server, wich many users log into it.19:29
mib_miboh ahaha | >19:29
th1mib_mib, only in DOS :) in linux they all run at the same time and each pipe is a file descriptor pair19:29
winmutttrying to run fglrx + intel for 3 screens19:29
mib_mibthey run at the same time? don't they have to run sequentially19:29
mib_mibth1: or it 'streams' rather19:29
th1mib_mib, all the commands are running and when someone writes to its standard output it's available at the staaandard input of the next in the chain19:30
th1pipe() creates 2 file descriptors one for writing and one for reading. whatever is written on the first cna be read from the second.19:30
mib_mibth1: so as many file descriptors as necessary could be created19:30
th1of course the write can block if the second process is not reading fast enough19:31
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mib_mibth1: theoretically, could the 'gem list' command create a file descriptor, say file descriptor 5, and write to that (and it be seen on the terminal, or is that only stdout (fd 1)?19:31
th1mib_mib, http://www.unix.com/unix-dummies-questions-answers/93531-how-does-pipe-work.html19:32
th1mib_mib, yes it can be done you can do that from the shell19:32
Sarycoordinador: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101349919:32
lixiangit's time to slepp19:32
coordinadorSary, lets see19:33
th1mib_mib, you can open a file descriptor to a file and redirect stdout to that if you want19:33
Sarycoordinador: i hope you'd find something19:34
coordinadorSary, thank you but i already saw this website and didnt solve my problem, thank you again anyway :)19:34
j_ayen_greenwhat gets me past "Device is mounted and no online capability in fsck tool for file system" trying to run the disk check utility?19:34
mib_mibth1: but if i did that in the gem program when i type 'gem list'  the "*** LOCAL GEMS ***" wouldn't show up on the terminal out, right? basically the only thing i can see outputted to terminal is fd 1 2 or 3 rite19:35
Jordan_Uj_ayen_green: If it's your root filesystem then run "sudo touch /forcefsck" and reboot. On the next boot a filesystem check will be made.19:35
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j_ayen_greenJordan_U: well, it does some file check when it boots, and I get diagnostic errors about a few read hangs at various locations and a couple sector issues... but will doing this have it fix those?19:36
th1mib_mib, no it will never show up unless you write directly to a terminal device19:36
Sarycoordinador: try searching and ask again , i would like to through with these .. but i have to go out19:37
Jordan_Uj_ayen_green: What do the SMART diagnostics say? What you're describing sounds like hardware failure.19:37
pilhello everyone. I need help for rebuilding a lost /boot. Any pointer?19:37
Sarycoordinador: Good luck , bbl19:37
mib_mibth1: okay thanks for clearing up the understanding -- so can i link a file descriptor i create to a terminal and have it displayed there (that isn't stdout file descriptor)19:37
Jordan_Upil: How was it "lost"?19:37
cdubyaalexxville, no worries. Seriously, I hope you DO get it to work. :-)19:37
th1mib_mib, yes but it will only go to that terminal in that case19:38
pilit was on its own disk which .... well is lost19:38
pildoesn't work anymore19:38
alexxvillecdubya, thanks man :D a lot of nice supporters here on ubuntu channel :D i like it19:38
j_ayen_greenJordan_U: ubuntu's running in vbox, and it hung when I was importing a mysql dump into mysql, and vbox couldn't stop the vm, so I had to kill it from windows. I guess the vm file has issues...doubt it's the physical disk19:38
pildoesn't even allow the pc to boot... harsware failure19:39
mib_mibth1: whereas stdout is automatically created for each terminal?19:39
tricktrickoliwhat is the name for ubuntu french?19:39
MaRk-Ienix316: testdisk/photorec to recover files19:39
ScuniziWhy do I have to restart smbd after boot to get the shares recognized by other machines?19:39
krylI have problem with luminosity in batterie mode with t510i (thinkpad)19:39
Alexzorif i have a core 2 duo, do install the 32 bit or 64 bit ubuntu installer?19:40
finemannguys, here's a wallpaper i made just now: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=30wbipx&s=319:40
ScuniziAlexzor: either one19:40
ScuniziAlexzor: how much ram do you have?19:40
finemannyour comments welcomed19:40
krylcan you help me to understand what happens ? and the settings buttons for luminosity doesn't work too19:40
MaRk-I!fr | tricktrickoli19:40
ubottutricktrickoli: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:40
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AlexzorScunizi: 4gb19:40
tricktrickolithx mark19:41
bergLNXjeeeesus... the wierdest bug ever renders ubuntu completely useless for me...19:41
ScuniziAlexzor: do you have to use citrix for anything?19:41
MaRk-Itricktrickoli: yw19:41
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AlexzorScunizi: not really sure what that is19:41
oliver_I installed Ubuntu on my eee pc with 2gb ram and ubuntu create a swap that was 6gb! Is it normal?19:41
bihariHi mark whats up :)19:41
bergLNXwindows stop responding to my mouseclicks... and alt-tab, but everything else works19:41
gumpish:\ so i'm running ubuntu karmic and Fx 3.6.7 just hit the repos. I installed it and youtube still works fine but when i try to access the product image viewer in newegg i get "the adobe flash plugin has crashed19:41
bergLNXnow I cant even shut down...19:41
MaRk-Ihi bihari19:42
macobergLNX: if you ctrl+alt+f1 you can login and type "sudo halt" to shut down19:42
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bergLNXis there a way to somehow restart whatever is handeling my windows?19:42
ScuniziAlexzor: I'll take that as a no.. businesses use it for web access to programs... I run kubuntu 64 and have run ubuntu 64 with no issues.. I also run 32 bit.. so on your machine either way.. the 64 bit will take advantage of the ram you have..19:42
Guest13763I have a script at /pat/to/script.sh that runs just fine if I type "bash /path/to/script.sh" and the command line.... using Ubuntu 9.10 to learn about this will be doing this on a sever once tested running 9.10 server..... My question how do I schedule crontab to run this script every 30min  right now I have 0,30 * * * * /path/to/script.sh in my crontab19:42
pilso... I've put a new disk for /boot, booted from live cd, partitioned, mkfs, made up a chroot environment with all filesystems in place, chrooted into it, reinstalled kernel, grub, rebooted and it worked except it just leaves me on the text mode login screen19:43
enix316!MaRk-I thanks19:43
bergLNXmaco: problem is that I leave everything unsaved... and I have this problem every time now, just a question of time19:43
pilJordan_U: still there?19:43
Jordan_Upil: Yes.19:43
ubuntu-usrn #wordpress19:43
MaRk-Ienix316: yw19:44
AlexzorScunizi: okay thanks a bunch19:44
ScuniziAlexzor: sure19:44
bergLNXis there a way to totaly kill compiz?19:44
Jordan_Upil: I assume that it was booting properly before you lost the drive with /boot?19:44
pilI explained it better on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153690419:44
soreaubergLNX: Just use gnome-appearance-properties and set to None19:44
aarHi, I've got a directory with a few hundred files and a couple thousand symbolic links (pointing at other directories in the system). How can I convert the symbolic links to a copy of their target?19:44
macobergLNX: you can switch back to metacity with "metacity --replace" in a terminal19:45
frolov142can tork work together with vidalia?19:45
soreaubergLNX: or just use metacity --replace19:45
alkisgHi, I'm trying to update Lucid right now and I'm getting:19:45
alkisgThe following packages have been kept back:19:45
alkisg  linux-generic-pae linux-headers-generic-pae linux-image-generic-pae19:45
alkisgAny clues? Could the local (greek) repository mirrors be broken?19:45
FloodBot2alkisg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:45
alkisgFloodBot2, don't be so restrictive, it was just 4 lines. Tell your programmer to adjust your configuration files :)19:45
bergLNXah thanks :) gotta use console since I cant really click anywhere :P19:46
aarfrolov142, tor works with vidalia and in fact is often bundled with it.19:46
pilJordan_U: everything was working ok before that drive ceased functioning19:46
frolov142aar: not tor, torK19:46
markitGuest13763: should be fine... did you used crontab -e to edit crontab file? and added a "newline" at the end of the file?19:46
soreaubergLNX: In tty use killall -9 compiz; DISPLAY=:0 metacity --replace19:46
Jordan_Upil: Is the old drive still listed in your /etc/fstab?19:46
aarfrolov142, sorry, mis-read19:46
Aquinahow can I copy a broken file from a CD? Is there a version of secure dd or a parameter I can use with rsync?19:47
markitGuest13763: and check if you have "%" in the script, have to be escaped if run in crontab19:47
pilI phisically replaced it, it's no longer connected to the pc19:47
pilso, it's still  listed but now it corresponds to the new drive19:47
christophebonjour ca va19:47
Guest13763markit what do you mean.19:48
Jordan_UAquina: You can try gddrescue, but you'll have to make an image of the entire disk if you go that route.19:48
aarHi, I've got a directory with a few hundred files and a couple thousand symbolic links (pointing at other directories in the system). How can I convert the symbolic links to a copy of their target?19:48
rwwubottu: fr | christophe19:48
ubottuchristophe: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:48
markitGuest13763: how did you added that line in crontab?19:48
Guest13763markit and yes i used crontab -e19:48
markitGuest13763: ok, then a problem with crontab is that the very last line of the file is not considered19:48
Jordan_Upil: Does it have the same UUID as the old /boot?19:48
markitGuest13763: so you have to add a blank line at the end19:49
haxxorz321i have a very sensitive touch pad on my laptop, and even when i set the acceleration to as low as possible in the mouse settings, it still is very sensitive.  what do i do now?19:49
AquinaThank you Jordan_U! :-)19:49
Guest13763ok let me add a blank line... what did you mean about adding a "%"19:49
Jordan_UAquina: You're welcome.19:49
markitGuest13763: */10 * * * * /bin/echo $(/bin/date '+\%Y/\%m/\%d_\%H:\%M:\')  ' - uptime: - '  $(/usr/bin/uptime) >> /root/uptime.log19:49
macohaxxorz321: change the sensitivity settings instead of acceleration :P19:49
benjoldersma_so.. i installed gloobus-preview, and somehow all my folder shortcuts open up in gloobus instead of nautilus - places menu, docky, even xdg-open !  anyone seen this before?  i'd like to set it back to nautilus, but can't figure out how!19:50
haxxorz321maco: i did19:50
pilJordan_U: I've had to edit those lines changing the UUID=xxx for the corresponding /dev devices19:50
markitthis works, but  $(/bin/date '+%Y/%m/%d_%H:%M:\') works in a script from $, not in crontab19:50
haxxorz321dang it, gg19:50
Jordan_Upil: It's better to update the UUIDs in the fstab instead, but that's probably not what's causing the problem.19:51
markitGuest13763: or you could be more specific about your problem... to make run every 30 min you can also use */30 * * * *19:51
Guest13763markit I am starting to think that crontab isn't even running how could i check that and if it isn't make it run on start up19:51
oneirosFadeHello everyone.  How's today?19:52
pilJordan_U: I guess there must be somewhere some list on whatr packages have to be reinstalled to fully rebuild /boot19:52
Jordan_Upil: It's only the kernel and grub.19:52
adambuntu^peanut^, do you have a sec?19:53
^peanut^adambuntu: sure what's up19:53
adambuntu1 on 1?19:53
bergLNXlol, "metacity ..replace"made a mess, had to hard-shutdown19:53
pilJordan_U: then it has to be some grub configuration that is differently built?19:53
adambuntu^peanut^, 1 on 1?19:53
macobergLNX:  .. or -- ?19:54
bergLNXsorry --19:54
macobergLNX: hehe this sounds like morse code19:54
markitGuest13763: google says: ps -ef | grep cron19:54
bergLNXmaco: hehe, it is :) ...---...19:54
macobergLNX: was that in a ctrl+alt+f1 terminal or in a gui one?19:54
markit(sudo ...) and you should have 2 liner, one the command itself you have run, and the other the cron process19:54
philinuxBEER o'clock bye guys19:54
macobergLNX: and it did something other than switch you from compiz to metacity?19:55
doug__you heard the man, beer o' clock!19:55
bergLNXmaco: nah it just switched to metacity, but it stacked all the windows on top of each other, and since I had no control of them I couldn't do anything :P19:55
bergLNXmaco: so dudnt solve the problem, guess compiz wasnt it19:56
markitGuest13763: try something simple, like */2 * * * * /bin/echo "running" >> /home/yuruser.txt19:56
markitops, /home/yourusername/c.txt19:57
Guest13763markit what will that do?19:57
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markitcreate a file under your home dir named "c.txt" with a line with "running" each 2 minutes19:58
markitof course, you have to specify your homedir path19:58
markitwhat I wrote is just an example19:58
markitso you can "cat c.txt" and see if gets filled19:58
Roasted_Im on a live cd looking to test sound quick with an mp3 on the desktop. how can I test sound if I cant install the codecs due to being on a livecd?19:58
icerootmarkit: ~ is the shortcut for /home/username  so touch ~/foo.txt wil create /home/username/foo.txt19:59
markiticeroot: that's fine too19:59
bergLNXmight it be nautilus that locks up?19:59
oliver_why ubunut create my swap 6gb bif? I have 2gb ram installed19:59
Guest13763markit my bad i miss read that it should write a file echoing "running" in my home dir19:59
Jordan_URoasted_: You can install codecs in the live environment, you can also use the example media files.19:59
Guest13763markit brb19:59
macoRoasted_: aplay /usr/share/sound/alsa/Front_Center.wav19:59
Roasted_Jordan_U, what codecs do I need? restricted extras isnt installable on livecd.19:59
macoRoasted_: also, um... speaker-test20:00
macoRoasted_: speaker-test makes white noise come out of each speaker, one at a time20:00
bergLNXwhats the command for loging out?20:00
icerootbergLNX: exit or logout20:00
macobergLNX: in a terminal or gui?20:00
bergLNXmaco: terminal20:00
macoRoasted_: and yes you can install restricted extras on a live cd20:01
Jordan_URoasted_: Enable universe first. But for just testing sound it's easier to use the example sound files that come on the LiveCD.20:01
samoy2002where does apache put the httpd.conf when installed from gui, i found the one in /etc/apache2 but its blank20:01
macobergLNX: then what iceroot said20:01
Roasted_Jordan_U, example worked. thanks20:01
Roasted_maco, not from software center.20:01
Roasted_maco, its not selectable to install.20:01
Jordan_URoasted_: You're welcome.20:01
icerootsamoy2002: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf20:01
the_fileomfg I am trying to mount ubuntu 10.04 on a usb hdd20:01
macosamoy2002: you want apache2.conf in that dir20:01
samoy2002ahhh, thank you20:01
macoRoasted_: probably need to enable restricted and multiverse in sources.list20:01
Roasted_maco, hold that thought. missing a repo.20:01
the_filetrying to make my usb hdd live with a universal usb installer but it says autorun.inf could not be somehint your usb device won't be bootable !!!!!!!!!!!!!20:01
oCean_the_file: watch your language please20:01
Roasted_maco, yeah, i just enabled it in software sources just now20:02
bergLNXiceroot: exit just close the terminal, and logout just tells me to type exit :P20:02
samoy2002never done this from gui before, normally done it from the command line, guess it sets itself up differently20:02
Roasted_maco, theeeeeeeere we wgo20:02
macobergLNX: ok so you wanted for in a gui20:02
icerootbergLNX: yes, exit is logging out from the terminal20:02
the_filecan anyone help me making my usb hdd have ubuntu 10.04 live?.20:02
macobergLNX: sudo service gdm restart <-- thatd do it20:02
bergLNXoh, lol20:02
coordinadorok, i tried everyting... help pls, i have a problem, vino didnt report to avahi so vinagre cannot find vnc server connections on my network20:02
macoRoasted_: but really....there are example wav's included that'd work to test sound...like i said above20:02
bergLNXah thanks :)20:03
icerootcoordinador: what?20:03
realopty2someone name a simple fast easy proxy for ubuntu?20:03
icerootrealopty2: squid20:03
macorealopty2: uhh socks proxy?20:03
macorealopty2: all you need is a server and an ssh connection to it20:03
Roasted_maco, yeah, they worked fine. I was just confused over how you said restricted extras was installable yet it wasnt for me - but it was just that repo. its all good now20:04
realopty2maco explain more20:04
* realopty2 has ssh server 20:04
* realopty2 has ubuntu on both machines20:04
icerootrealopty2: please no /me20:04
coordinadoriceroot, my vinagre (vnc client) cannot automatically find the vino (vnc server) server available in my network, possibly vino server is not reporting its presence to avahi20:05
macorealopty2: well say you want to have firefox traffic go through a socks proxy. you just ssh to a server and bind the connection to a port locally. like "ssh -D 9999 user@server" then in firefox, go to the network settings and choose to use a SOCKSv5 proxy with "localhost" as the host and 9999 as the port20:05
coordinadorthis is kind of urgent because we use the system in a classroom20:05
macorealopty2: then all your web traffic will route through your server20:05
macorealopty2: for apps that dont know how to do socks proxies on their own, have a look at tsocks20:06
^Jay2^how can i make a script and run it?20:06
macorealopty2: its a wrapper to make them go20:07
adam___hi, i've to build a computer for record from a camcorder, stream the video and maybe also doing some postproduction on what's been recorded... the same pc while recording will also control presentation slide, browsers and stuff like that...... can i use ubuntu for all of this? (my worry is about the streaming / recording part... as i don't know if there are good tools for that....... ideally will be done screencasts too, and i'm worrie20:07
violinapprencoordinador: firewall blocking announcement ?20:07
coordinadoriceroot, i've search in internet but i really cannot find a solution, i can watch users's screen with localhost:5900, 5901, etc..20:07
realopty2maco ty20:07
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:07
icerootcoordinador: never used a setup like that, sorry20:07
ascheeladam___: yes Ubuntu will be able to handle all of that.20:07
coordinadorviolinappren, dont think so because, as i said i can see the other users'screen putting localhost:5900,5901,etc..20:08
Guest13763markit thanks... I found the issue and it was a typo in the script not the crontab ... thanks for the help anyway... I guess I should have had that extra cup of job after all20:08
violinapprencoordinador: is the avahi daemon accessible behind a firewall ? not the VNC server20:08
adam___ascheel: what do you suggest for video recording, post production, streaming and screencasts? (something visual which could be used by normal people.. :) )20:08
coordinadorviolinappren, i think i dont have firewall, how can i check that, since i only have a server and the users connect to it20:09
^Jay2^how can i know the color legends when i do LS ?20:09
ascheeladam___: for recording, something as simple as VLC will work.  For post production, perhaps OpenShot.  Streaming and screencasts?  You got me.20:09
violinapprenadam___: I'm not sure about recording from a camcorder (i guess that depends on the hardware and drivers) but you could use http://alternativesto.net for software20:09
ascheelviolinappren: Ubuntu would be just fine for recording from a camcorder.  Easy stuff.20:09
coordinadorviolinappren, this is a ltsp server, but the ltsp people ensured me that its not an ltsp issue since everything runs in the server20:10
silent1mezzoHey Guys, I'm trying to install ubuntu server and I keep getting 'No disk drive was detected'.  When I'm in my bios I can see both drives20:10
silent1mezzoTrying to install 10.420:10
violinapprencoordinador: i suggest you use tcpdump to watch sent and received packages20:10
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realopty2maco... ur a ubuntu pimp20:11
ascheelsilent1mezzo: has it been formatted?  You probably have to set up the partitions.20:11
coordinadorviolinappren, ill check20:11
^peanut^coordinador: you can use Wireshark (gui to tcpdump) which might help a bit too20:11
silent1mezzoascheel: can I do that from Ubuntu or does that need to be done before?20:11
Milkkkdagny_taggart: Ć­slensk ?20:13
coordinadorviolinappren, ^peanut^, somebody told me that i could use avahi- some20:13
^Jay2^is the .sh in ubuntu the equal of .bat in windows?20:13
^peanut^coordinador: use avahi for?20:13
^peanut^coordinador: sniffing network traffic?20:13
^peanut^^Jay2^: yes kinda. .sh stands for shell script .pl would be a perl script.. etc. etc.20:14
coordinador^peanut^, because this way i could check if vino-server is reporting its presence to avahi, so vinagre could find in network, the conclusion was that vino-server was not reporting its presence to avahi. This happened suddenly20:14
Milkkkcan anyone help me with a boot up problem... im not sure what the problem is.20:14
^peanut^coordinador: ah ok...hmm, yeah I guess you can do that.20:14
^peanut^coordinador: sounds good anyway20:14
^Jay2^^peanut^: so i can just make my own .sh and create some simple batch ?20:15
violinapprencoordinador: you could watch packets while vino is being started20:15
_6i_AFKhi, can anyone tell any tips why bookmark syncing in firefox through ubuntuone is not working20:15
_6i_AFKi'm logged into ubuntuone (file are synced allright), bookmark syncing is on, and i have bindwood installed in firefox and enabled, yet the bookmarks don' get synced20:15
_6i_AFKon ubuntuone, i was asked to register the computer (probably for file sharing), but for tomboy-notes syncing i was asked again separately - i didn't got asked for bookmarks however..20:15
FloodBot2_6i_AFK: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:15
erUSUL ^Jay2^ dircolors --print-database | less20:16
coordinadorviolinappren, ok.... hmmm..20:16
^peanut^^Jay2^: well, no. you would want to understand the "bash" scripting lang. but in a sense, yes.20:16
violinapprenmarienz: it's you!20:17
^Jay2^^peanut^: I am going to test this one out first before asking any questions further20:17
marienzviolinappren: indeed it is.20:17
^peanut^^Jay2^: ok... =)20:17
zusi just did and update and it modified the grubconf file,  do i keep the default window that pops open?20:17
coordinadoris there a way to watch another user's screen specifying the user20:18
^peanut^coordinador: use "screen"20:18
ubottuScreen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen20:18
zusto keep the local version?20:18
coordinadorill check20:18
^peanut^it's sweet20:18
coordinadorit says "There is no screen to be attached matching user" , do i have to make an extra step to use it?20:19
^peanut^!screen > coordinador20:19
coordinadori used screen -x user20:19
ubottucoordinador, please see my private message20:19
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coordinadorthank you20:20
_6i_AFKanyone got bookmark-sharing in ubuntuone?..20:20
samoy2002phpmyadmin installed nice, but now i cannot login, what is default login20:20
Milkkkcan someone help me with a boot up problem.. when i boot up it says home directory /etc/timidity not ours. than stops20:21
coordinadorhow can i specify the domain of my machine?20:21
ManDayDoes anyone know a very much lightweight Calendar App which floats on the desktop and supports appointments?20:21
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.20:21
s3r3n1t7samoy2002, it should use the same login data you use for your mysql server.20:21
coordinadorsince i use Vinagre, i specify the domain as 'local' but it cant find any vino-server connection on it20:22
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webPragmatistcan i make grep echo the fileā€¦20:23
coordinador^peanut^, i use avahi-browse -ta   it says nothing related to vnc, only "Workstation"20:23
webPragmatistI have something like find . -name "*.php" -exec grep "Mail_mimeDecode*" {} \;20:23
webPragmatistit echos the contents but i have no clue what files it is in20:23
s3r3n1t7webPragmatist, use -l20:23
s3r3n1t7webPragmatist, or the long version, --files-with-matches20:23
^Jay2^if i want my .sh file to be executed anywhere in the terminal. what command should i put in?20:24
erUSUL^Jay2^: you should put it somewhere in your path20:24
webPragmatistoh okay instead of using find?20:24
^Jay2^erUSUL: how do i go on doing that?20:24
erUSULwebPragmatist: no add that option to grep20:24
webPragmatistoh wait i see...20:24
edoceo!file add-apt-repository20:24
webPragmatistokaay thanks20:24
s3r3n1t7webPragmatist, no, you're using grep in the find command. Add that option to grep20:24
countlydoes anyone know if ubuntu server is hard to install20:24
edoceocountly: it's very easy20:25
erUSUL^Jay2^: put it in ~/bin/ ( for your use only) or in /usr/local/bin/20:25
s3r3n1t7^Jay2^, add it to your path. Recommending that you do make a seperate folder for it and add that folder to it, then you can add it for your user in .bashrc.20:25
s3r3n1t7erUSUL, is ~/bin in path by default? (just curious now)20:25
Milkkk-can someone help me with a boot up problem.. when i boot up it says home directory /etc/timidity not ours. than stops20:25
edoceoWhich package has add-apt-repository ?  ubuttu don't know20:25
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, can you type me out the entire error message? It should give you some more information then just that.20:25
markitGuest13763: you are welcome (was away)20:26
^Jay2^err s3r3n1t7 where can i edit .bashrc20:26
trismedoceo: python-software-properties20:26
pipeepAnybody seen this yet? http://news.slashdot.org/story/10/07/23/178221/BSOD-Issues-On-Deepwater-Horizon20:26
erUSULs3r3n1t7: .bashrc adds it if it exist (or profile); if [ -e ~/bin/ ], then ....; fi20:26
s3r3n1t7edoceo, python-software-properties20:26
s3r3n1t7erUSUL, cool, didn't know. Cheers for the info20:26
bellonahow to add web user? when i create it as -s /bin/false, i could not connect to my web dir on ftp? what am i missing?20:26
edoceotrism: s3r3n1t7 - thx!20:26
zxscould someone lend a hand in getting 3 monitors setup on 10.04 - ati 4xxx x2 cards20:27
pilJordan_U: still there?20:27
^Jay2^s3r3n1t7: i've seen the .bashrc but i dont understand what's inside it after opening it in gedit20:27
Milkkks3r3n1t7: doesnt really give me an error.. just says checking battery state ok. starting timidity++ alsa midi emulatio ok. starting webcamstuio kernel module webcam studio ok. then home directory /etc/timidity not ours than ok than just a blinking thing20:27
erUSUL^Jay2^: you do not need to edit bashrc...20:27
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, /etc/timidity isn't a home dir ... or well it shouldn't be ...20:27
Milkkks3r3n1t7: i know20:28
ManDayThe situation is the following: I want to compile a kernel for use with micro core linux (or anything else, just saying) and I want it to support my very much uncommon WIFI UBS stick. I've got no clue that driver would be required for it to support that stick but I know that it works on my current Ubuntu install - what do I need to do to figure out WHAT KERNEL OPTION and what driver is required?20:28
^Jay2^erUSUL: i just put my .sh in .bashrc ?20:28
erUSULs3r3n1t7: could be for the tymidity midi daemon ... ?20:28
s3r3n1t7^Jay2^, as erUSUL just explained to me (didn't know earlier) is that you do not need to edit it. Just create a bin folder (a folder named bin) in your home dir and place the .sh (with exec rights) in that folder.20:28
erUSUL^Jay2^: no as i explained either in ~/bin/ or in /usr/local/bin/20:28
bellonahow to add web user? when i create it as -s /bin/false, i could not connect to my web dir on ftp? what am i missing?20:28
MeadHello, I am having a problem trying to do something.  What I am trying to do: extract a .tgz file onto a ext2 partition I have created on a SD card.  While I could extract another tgz file into a fat32 partition, when I try to extract into the EXT2 partition I get a permissions error.   I am using a ubuntu live 9.10, as in I am running it off the CD not touching my harddrive.20:29
s3r3n1t7erUSUL, i don't see the use of having a home dir there, but that's just me. Let me just check that really quickly ...20:29
pilI've lost the disk that contained the /boot directory of a 9.10 installation, can anybody help me rebuild it?20:29
^Jay2^erUSUL: thanks :D s3r3n1t7 thanks too!20:29
erUSUL^Jay2^: for the later you need sudo and it will be aviable to all users. if you put it in your home bin folder it will be only aviable to you20:29
Milkkks3r3n1t7: any ideas ?20:30
^Jay2^got it20:30
pathogenis anybody else having a problem with the lucid-updates linux-image-virtual package?20:30
erUSULpil: reinstall grub and the kernels ?20:30
pildone that20:30
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, Personally i've never worked with timidity so i'll need to do some checking on it. Right now it doesn't work, correct? And the error only states that the home dir isn't ours?20:30
patxhow can i get a manifest of install programs?20:30
pathogenit appears that the linux-image-2.6.32-24-virtual package isn't there20:31
erUSULpil: and it didn't worked out?20:31
pilerUSUL: it boots to a text-mode login screen instead of previous gdm20:31
Milkkks3r3n1t7: yes20:31
Milkkks3r3n1t7: but timidity is just a midi emulator and hasnt given me any problems20:31
Milkkks3r3n1t7: until now suddenly20:31
Jordan_Upil: What happens if you log in and run "sudo service gdm start"?20:31
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, what exactly happens? (or rather, doesn't? )20:31
IdleOne!clone | patx20:32
ubottupatx: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type Ā« aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages Ā», move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type Ā« sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install Ā» - See also !automate20:32
erUSULpil: checked grub configuration ? maybe you are booting into recovery mode ?20:32
axisyshow do I move the menu buttons like close/min/max to the right like it used to be ? do I change it in simple-ccsm or some where else ? i could not find a theme that would do it.. may be i did not look enough20:32
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side20:32
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, and what would you expect to happen (or not? )20:32
axisyserUSUL: thanks20:32
pilesUSUL: how do I check that?20:32
IdleOnepatx: the above command will give you a text file of all the installed apps on your machine20:32
patxIdleOne, ok thanks20:32
erUSULpil: can you see the grub menu ?20:33
Milkkks3r3n1t7: ubuntu doesnt boot up20:33
hybridvigourgreetings all, any lubuntu users/developers here?20:33
pilesUSUL: only when I keep shift pressed when booting20:33
trismManDay: use lsmod to figure out what the module is called, and search for it with / in make menuconfig (or if that doesn't work, grep for it in the source tree)20:33
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, like not at all? That doesn't sound like it could happen just because of this ... I'll do some googling around, hold on.20:33
* Mead waits in line20:33
erUSULpil: that's normal. and you chhose a normal option fior booting ?20:33
^Jay2^how can i make a basic script of multiple choice?20:33
pilerUSUL: yes20:33
IdleOneMead: use sudo command20:34
deanhi when i do sudo update-grub it doesnt update and wont let me boot windows20:34
Milkkks3r3n1t7: i know but this is the only thing i see that could possibly be the cause20:34
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, do you happen to have an SSH server installed and if so, are you able to get in via there? I would like to take a look at the output of dmesg if possible.20:34
erUSULpil: tried Jordan_U suggestion =? manaully running gdm ? it fails ?20:34
deanGenerating grub.cfg ...20:34
deanFound linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-23-generic20:34
deanFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-23-generic20:34
deanFound linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-19-generic20:34
FloodBot2dean: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:34
pilJordan_U: when I tried that some linking error on a gdm library showed up, then I reinstalled gdm20:34
deanFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-19-generic20:34
deanFound linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-14-generic20:34
Milkkks3r3n1t7: im not sure how do i do that ?20:35
bastid_raZor^Jay2^: http://pastebin.com/HnuaxiGw  an example20:35
wonderllamaquestion about login screen.  how do i configure the latest ubuntu to /not/ show the list of possible user names? -- thx20:35
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, do you have an SSH server currently installed and do you have another computer or laptop? (google tells me just about nothing about a situation of a failure to boot with timidity)20:35
deancan anyone help me20:36
pilafter thatm the boot process hangs on the bootsplash screen20:36
pilthe one with the small white ubuntu logo in the center20:36
Milkkks3r3n1t7: im not sure about the ssh server. i have this computer macbook pro20:36
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SandGorgonwhen I use curl -LO to download a file (for example http://pl2.php.net/get/php-5.2.13.tar.gz/from/pl.php.net/mirror), it names the file "mirror". How do I get it to name it php-5.2.13.tar.gz20:37
MeadHello, I am having a problem getting something done with Ubuntu.  What I am trying to do: extract a .tgz file onto a ext2 partition I have created on a SD card.  I can extract into a fat32 partition, when I try to extract into the EXT2 partition I get a permissions error.   I am using a ubuntu live 9.10, as in I am running it off the CD not touching my harddrive.20:37
ManDaytrism: well but how do I figure out which modules is used for my wlan stick?20:37
s3r3n1t7erUSUL, quiet and splash are still default in grub2? (sorry for asking you personally, you seem to be on top of the things around)20:37
MaRk-Is3r3n1t7: yes20:38
s3r3n1t7MaRk-I, k, tnx20:38
MaRk-Is3r3n1t7: yw20:38
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, hmm that's going to be not of much use. If you had it you'd probably know. Alright, another way then. When booting, you have the grub menu at the start, correct? Could you remove splash quiet from the boot line? This should give you some more information about what is happening. See if you can spot anything out of the ordinary at the end.20:39
trismManDay: you could search dmesg output for your wireless interface (wlan0 or whatever) and see what module is listed near it in the output20:39
Meadanyone know how I can get around this permissions error and get these files extracted to a ext2 partition?20:39
erUSULs3r3n1t7: yes;20:40
E-Doggy-Dawganyone here20:40
erUSULs3r3n1t7: /etc/default/grub20:40
Milkkks3r3n1t7: i dont get the grub menu20:40
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, hold down shift, it'll show up. It doesn't show if Ubuntu is the only OS installed.20:41
Milkkks3r3n1t7: i only have ubuntu installed20:41
dean__can someone help me with a grub menu problem?20:41
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, ok so: Hit the power button, wait for the BIOS screen to flash by, just before it'd be gone hold down shift. This'll force Grub to show itself.20:42
Milkkks3r3n1t7: no wait i got it20:42
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loris there a lightweight window manager with support to ubuntu stuff, like wifi manager, etc ?20:42
hstefanhey there. Could someone help me with an RLT8187SE driver? I'm trying to get out of windows, but I still need my wireless working... soo... can you help me with this?20:42
jeaquares@dean__, what's your problem?20:42
* Mead takes a ticket and sits down like at the DPS20:42
th1lor, there is xfce20:42
Milkkks3r3n1t7: what should i do know ?20:42
mannyvmy down arrow key no longer works, just started yesterday. When I check in xev it will register a "KeyRelease Event" but it never registers a KeyPress Event as the other keys do20:43
Meadhstefan: some advice, find out the chipet on your wireless adapter and look for a driver for it, not your make and model20:43
mannyvanyone know how to fix this problem20:43
dean__@jeaquares my grub menu wont let me select windows 7 it just reloads the grub screen but i have updated the grub in my terminal but it still says 1.9820:43
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, i'm checking for the correct lines.20:43
dean__this all happened when i updated ubuntu to 1020:43
th1mannyv, install evtest and see if the raw events appear20:43
evstevemdI cannot see volume control but I can see evolution. Help me to restore it!20:43
evstevemdI cannot see volume control but I can see evolution. Help me to restore it!20:44
ManDaytrism: fair enough, will do that20:44
ManDaythanks :)20:44
evstevemdI cannot see volume control but I can see evolution. Help me to restore it!20:44
th1is there anything like "screen" but for x? so I can run an X app in a window on a server and seamlessly see it on my netbook and later on my desktop, like VNC but for individual windows20:45
zxscould someone lend a hand in getting 3 monitors setup on 10.04 - ati 4xxx x2 cards20:45
hallHelp, trying to get ubuntu to become a router/gateway but haveing trouble on lan side20:45
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, ok so, if you select the top entry and then hit the e key you'll go to the edit screen. There should be a line which ends with quiet splash. Could you remove those 2 words? Then press ctrl-x to boot it.20:45
evstevemdI cannot see volume control but I can see evolution. Help me to restore it!20:46
Meadhall: shoot me your question, I know about networking and have used ubuntu in a similar situation20:46
kryptykevstevemd: spamming your question will not get you any help. Try providing a bit more information as to what is going on20:47
mannyvth1, I am able to see raw events when i press the button20:47
hallMead, thx. well i followed a guide on how to make ubuntu a router, now i can get a ip address on the lan side but no internet for some reason20:47
th1mannyv, there is probably something running on the X server that consumes the event20:47
hallMead, i can ping the gateway just fine just can't get "outside"20:47
th1mannyv, did you play around with any configurations like shortcut keys20:47
sweltman_Is this the right forum for bugs in updater?  attempting upgrade to 10.04 server but unsuccessful.20:47
Milkkks3r3n1t7: i didnt see anything wrong and now im back to the usual boot screen20:48
Meadyou need to turn on some services like NAT and DHCP20:48
mannyvth1, no, I was rather behind in my updates so I had apt update like 120 packages the other day and i think it started after that.20:48
th1mannyv, I know it's a hassle but I suggest you try creating a new user and log in as that user and see if that solves the problem20:48
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, euff ... odd ... and if you hit alt f3 you should get another terminal. Are you able to login there?20:49
Milkkks3r3n1t7: yes20:49
hstefanMead: well, It's the chipset... so... what else should I do?20:49
^Jay2^bastid_raZor: i am confused with the a|A)20:50
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, ok do so please. Do you have internet on this pc? If so, please install pastebinit and use that to pastebin the output of dmesg using the following command: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && dmesg | pastebinit20:50
hallMead, you there ? or you wanted it in priv ?20:50
mannyvth1, ok i will try that. I also have both kde and gnome so i will check if it is a problem for me in both or only kde20:50
econdudeawesomeWhat in the world happened to fluxbuntu?20:50
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, it'll provide you with a link, which i'd like to see.20:50
JuJuBee__I just got my wife a new iPod nano what software can I use to manage it (make playlists and copy music/plalists to it)?20:50
th1mannyv, ok let us know either way :)20:50
bastid_raZor^Jay2^: a response of an "a" or an "A"20:50
^Jay2^bastid_raZor: i am getting this error test.sh: line 14: syntax error near unexpected token `)'20:50
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod20:50
ManDayCan anyone tell me how the kernel loads the keymap and how it can be told WHICH keymap to use?20:50
^Jay2^like 14 is where i have a|A) `ping www.google.com`20:51
JuJuBee__s3r3n1t7: thanks I will look20:51
th1ManDay, usually console-setup will load a keymap20:51
MeadHall: sorry I was in my ubuntu system looking at my configs to tell you about them20:51
=== MichealH_ is now known as MichealH
th1ManDay, sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup20:51
hallMead, ahh no worries :) i ahve to say i have a bridge tho on my wlan0 and eth0 "those 2 are min inbound"20:52
Meadhstefan: you need to find out what wireless chipset is in your device, and find a driver for the chipset.20:52
sweltman_Is this the right forum for bugs in updater?  attempting upgrade to 10.04 server but unsuccessful.20:52
Milkkks3r3n1t7: i doesnt seem to connect20:52
^peanut^sweltman_: try #ubuntu-server20:52
th1sweltman_, you can ask in here for sure20:53
sweltman_thnk you pnut!20:53
^peanut^sweltman_: np20:53
JuJuBee__s3r3n1t7: I thought Amarok doesn't sync with iPods since 2.x20:53
dean__so can anyone help me with my grub menu problem?20:54
s3r3n1t7JuJuBee__, I'm not sure, all i know is that factoid which seems to be fairly accurate. I'd say try it and find out20:54
unclemantisuuid_generate_time generates a UUID based on the current time and the mac address. What if I want to generate a UUID based on a specified timestamp. how does one do this?20:54
JuJuBee__I will give it a try20:54
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, doesn't seem to connect ... hmm sounds dodgy ... I'd be tempted to recommend to disable the startup entry from timidity and do a reboot. This will confirm (or not) if that truely is the bugger.20:54
Milkkks3r3n1t7: ok how do i do that  ?20:54
blekoscould tell me if there is a freeware for converting dvd to divx?20:55
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, a second, need to find out the boot entry of it20:55
Milkkks3r3n1t7: ok :))20:55
deanhi i cant boot windows 7 from my grub menu can anyone help me20:55
pipeepblekos: handbrake20:55
th1blekos, there are several dvd::rip is prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrobably useful20:55
pipeepblekos, will convert to mpg4 which I believe is compatible20:56
Jordan_Udean: Do you see windows as an option in the grub menu?20:56
tntcuh, I'm on x86_64 and it looks like some udpates to the kernel are being held back.  Is this normal?20:56
blekoshandbrake is not compatible any more20:56
deanyes i do20:56
Jordan_Udean: What happens when you select it?20:56
blekosI had handbrake in windows20:56
deanit reloads grub menu20:56
th1blekos, or AcidRip20:56
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, ok so ... this should disable the bootup entry by making the timidity binary no longer executable by removing that flag:         sudo chmod -x /etc/init.d/timidity20:56
pipeepblekos, older versions had xvid support20:56
blekosjust want to convert my movies for my HTC Desire :)20:56
Jordan_Udean: You've accidentily installed grub to your windows partition.20:56
deanhow can i fix it?20:56
th1blekos, try AcidRip20:57
^peanut^blekos: Handbreak is perfect for that20:57
deani dont have my windows 7 cd20:57
deanso i cant reinstall20:57
^peanut^blekos: that's how I get my movies on to my Moto Droid20:57
blekosas I said before, there is no new version for Linux :(20:57
Jordan_Udean: First run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" and when asked about install devices make sure that *no* partitions are selected. That command will ask other questions, leave them at their default (some will be blank, that is normal).20:57
th1dean can you paste your grub.cfg in codepad.org?20:58
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^peanut^blekos: the version that works with 10.04 has been great. what else are you trying to do that the currect version won't?20:58
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:58
deanhow do i find my grub.cfg20:58
th1dean or paste.ubuntu.com20:58
blekoswhich version is that?20:58
Jordan_Udean: After you've done that you can restore your windows bootloader by follwing this guide: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bootinfoscript/index.php?title=Boot_Problems:Boot_Sector20:58
th1dean, it is in /boot/grub/grub.cfg20:58
slinker1i second the handbrake works great20:58
Milkkks3r3n1t7: didnt change anything :(20:59
pipeepblekos: you can get nightly builds if you must here: https://edge.launchpad.net/~stebbins/+archive/handbrake-snapshots20:59
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, does it still show you the error about timidity?20:59
Milkkks3r3n1t7: nope20:59
^peanut^pipeep: yup, thats the ppa I just started using. works great20:59
coordinadorok , i recofigure avahi, now i have users connected to a machine, what if i restart avahi in that machine, the users will disconect?20:59
pipeepblekos, but "0.9.4 is no longer available due to compatibility issues with the newer version of gnome."20:59
slinker1use the ppa20:59
^peanut^coordinador: I'd think so.21:00
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, then timidity is not the bugger in this case, must be something else then ... go to the alternate terminal where you could login earlier and type in dmesg. It'll show you a huge chunk of text, but the part you're interested in is at the bottom. Check if it has an error, warning or something else that'd be bad.21:00
pipeepare their any serious stability issues?21:00
^peanut^pipeep: not that I've seen so far. been converting movies like crazy for the last 3 days.21:00
s3r3n1t7coordinador, no they shouldn't, not untill their lease runs out.21:00
slinker1works fine here as well21:00
coordinadors3r3n1t7, ^peanut^ so, i can restart avahi, right?21:01
* pipeep adds ppa21:01
blekosthen I give it a try21:01
^peanut^pipeep: then taking and compressing down a 3g movie to 900mb, and it really can do it. and it still looks great21:01
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s3r3n1t7coordinador, you should be able to restart it, yes. In my network it does not disconnect all the users. Do note, i have 2 switches in between the server and clients.21:01
^peanut^coordinador: if your not worried about kicking the other users... yes.21:01
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Milkkks3r3n1t7: I dont see any errors21:01
coordinadors3r3n1t7, ^peanut^ oh.. whom believe ?21:02
^peanut^coordinador: yeah, or whom.21:02
s3r3n1t7coordinador, i'm only talking about my own network. Yours does obviously differ so the results may not be the same. Follow ^peanut^ if you want to be 100% safe.21:02
chughgauravI know Java , can I help the ubuntu community ?21:02
patxwhen doing the minimal install it fails installing the base system, im doing this inside a vm... any ideas?21:03
deanth1 how do i find it21:03
Jordan_Uth1: The problem isn't his grub.cfg, see my above explanation.21:03
coordinadors3r3n1t7, i wanted to be a bofh,,, but i think i will do when all users go home21:03
deanwell the command u gave me wont work21:03
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, hmm kk ... let's reenable timidity then by the following command, once again in the terminal where you were able to login.         sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/timidity21:03
trismManDay: little late, but found that: lsusb -t; seems to list the module, though not the name, but lsusb shows the name, so just need to associate bus_id, dev_id between the two21:03
coordinadors3r3n1t7, and ^peanut^ , thank you for your help21:03
th1Jordan_U, why do you think he installed grub to the windows partition?21:03
^peanut^coordinador: your welcome21:04
Jordan_Uth1: Because when he chainloads to his windows partition it re-loads grub.21:04
Milkkks3r3n1t7: done21:04
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, i'm afraid that i've exhausted pretty much all my options to finding the bugger that doesn't let it boot up. We have ruled out that timidity blocks it though, which may help someone else find your problem.21:04
th1Jordan_U, that could also happen if the windows entry in grub.cfg was wrong21:04
th1Jordan_U, at least it's worth having a look21:04
tntcwhat's with these three held-back kernel packages?  linux-generic, linux-image-generic, and linux-headers-generic?21:04
Jordan_Uth1: No, it couldn't.21:04
th1Jordan_U, yes if he chainloads the mbr21:04
Milkkks3r3n1t7: ok ((21:04
ManDaytrism: not too late at all, greatly appreciated! thanks!21:05
Milkkks3r3n1t7: but thanks alot :))21:05
th1Jordan_U or the partition where grub is installed21:05
s3r3n1t7tntc, a new version should be installed, which will not happen with safe-upgrade.21:05
th1dean, did you install grub manually?21:05
Jordan_Uth1: The entry is automatically generated.21:05
deanso what should i do?21:05
deanubuntu did21:05
s3r3n1t7Milkkk, sorry I couldn't help you further. Ask the channel :-)21:05
th1I think it's highly unlikely that ubuntu would have installed grub in his windows partition's bootsector21:05
tntcs3r3n1t7, /should/ be?  Because I have to confess, I'm reluctant, since in the past upgrading to the newest kernel has caused my wireless and suspend to stop working...21:05
Milkkks3r3n1t7: no problem :D21:05
deanwhen u install ubuntu beside windows it adds the grub menu21:05
s3r3n1t7tntc, what command did you execute?21:06
th1dean, I'd still like to see your grub.cfg can you open it and paste it to paste.ubuntu.com21:06
chughgaurav /msg nickerv identify pass21:06
Meadanyone know how to deal with permissions?  I can't get a "file roller" to extract a tgz file into a ext2 partition.  Using ubunti 9.10 live21:06
deanhow do i open it21:06
deanim so new to linux21:06
th1dean, gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg21:06
tntcs3r3n1t7, on previous installs, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.  Update-manager won't install them, so I had to do that.21:06
s3r3n1t7Mead, do you have permissions to write on that partition?21:06
th1or open the file explorer and navigate to /boot/grub and open it from there21:06
paulhomebuschmod 777 *21:06
s3r3n1t7tntc, did you execute that command now as well, and it ended with those packages being held back?21:07
bastid_raZorMead: press ALT + F2  then enter gksudo file-roller     .. now navigate to the file and extract it.21:07
paulhomebuschown root * - chgrp root *21:07
Jordan_Uth1: It's because he didn't read carefully when prompted for where to install grub. I've asked for the message to be made more clear, and it will be in Ubuntu 10.10.21:07
deanth1: http://pastebin.org/41369421:07
Meads3r3n1t7: I am running whatever is default when you boot off a live CD21:07
tntcs3r3n1t7, as a matter of fact, yes!  I hadn't noticed that till just now.  What's going on?21:07
patxwhen doing the minimal install it fails installing the base system, im doing this inside a vm... any ideas?21:07
s3r3n1t7tntc, could you update please first? sudo apt-get update        and after that, simulate doing a dist-upgrade? sudo apt-get -s dist-upgrade21:08
s3r3n1t7tntc, check if it still tells you those packages would be held back.21:09
tntcs3r3n1t7, just did  it.  It still does.  funky.21:09
tntcs3r3n1t7, I can't be the only one, right?21:09
s3r3n1t7Mead, means you do not have permissions to write on your newly created disk. Do as bastid_raZor told you.21:09
tntcother people would've noticed.21:09
deanth1: any ideas?21:09
s3r3n1t7tntc, odd ...21:09
Jordan_Udean: First run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" and when asked about install devices make sure that *no* partitions are selected. That command will ask other questions, leave them at their default (some will be blank, that is normal).21:10
th1dean, yeah Jordan_U is probably right.21:10
tntcs3r3n1t7, I know! what does uname -a report for you?21:10
Jordan_Udean: After you've done that you can restore your windows bootloader by follwing this guide: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bootinfoscript/index.php?title=Boot_Problems:Boot_Sector21:10
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tarvidreplaced CRT with 17" LCD and all I get is the background. How do I reconfigure Xorg on Lucid?21:10
s3r3n1t7tntc, could you tell me your kernel version?                Linux thehoff 2.6.32-23-generic #37-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 11 07:54:58 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux21:10
tntcs3r3n1t7, I get Linux Ninja 2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:09:38 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:10
th1Jordan_U, can't grub load windows's ntldr or whatever it is directly?21:10
deanjordan_u when i run that i get debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable21:10
deanhow do i kill that process21:11
tntcs3r3n1t7, how recent is your install?21:11
s3r3n1t7tntc, haven't updated since euhm ... 2-3 days, so i'll run myself some now.21:11
Meadbastid_raZor: your the shiznick, extracting right now21:11
^peanut^tarvid: did you swap screens while the system was still on?21:11
Jordan_Uth1: Only in grub2's experimental branch.21:11
tntcs3r3n1t7, I'm wondering if the package is being held back on purpose21:11
s3r3n1t7tntc, perhaps it'll tell you with -v?21:12
deanjardan_U: why wont it let me run that?21:12
tarvid^peanut^, yes21:12
metalgeekHello everyone. Could anyone tell me how to bring up information about my system ala msinfo from windows? Thanks21:12
Jordan_Udean: What do you mean? What error message do you get when you try to run the command?21:12
^peanut^tarvid: try rebooting, or poweroff/poweron. ubuntu auto-detects screens, just not while it's running I guess.21:12
deandebconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable21:12
Jordan_Udean: Close any other package manager that may be open.21:13
tntcs3r3n1t7, I'll check. -v does version with apt-get.  also, even synaptic won't update it.  I think it's intentionally held back.  Plenty of other stuff updated just fine.21:13
s3r3n1t7tntc, i do not have a newer kernel available to me at this time. I would suggest that you reboot, then update, then upgrade and see what happens.21:13
deanhow do i do that21:14
deani dont have any other terminals open21:14
tntcs3r3n1t7, :) I did that before I came here!21:14
tntcs3r3n1t7, very odd.21:14
th1dean, maybe you have an "Updates available" window or a "Software centre" window open21:14
s3r3n1t7tntc, and you said some other updates just went fine? Did you do those before or after the reboot?21:14
ilovefairuzmetalgeek: what kind of info? try lshw21:14
IdleOnetntc: packages that are held back are usually so because of a dependency that has not yet been uploaded to the repos. Don't worry about them and when they are ready they will upgrade21:15
tntcs3r3n1t7, before, but I installed a package right after too.21:15
nico66Š²ŃŠµŠ¼ ŠæрŠøŠ²ŠµŃ‚ ))21:15
s3r3n1t7tntc, then i'd still suggest the list in my prev post. Reboot, update then upgrade, see what it'll tell you then.21:15
tntcIdleOne, yeah, but kernel packages?  That's a first for me.  Wouldn't they just leave the older, working version in the repos?21:15
Jordan_U!ru | nico6621:15
ubottunico66: ŠŸŠ¾Š¶Š°Š»ŃƒŠ¹ŃŃ‚Š° ŠæŠ¾ŃŠµŃ‚ŠøтŠµ #ubuntu-ru Š“Š»Ń ŠæŠ¾Š»ŃƒŃ‡ŠµŠ½Šøя ŠæŠ¾Š¼Š¾Ń‰Šø Š½Š° руссŠŗŠ¾Š¼ яŠ·Ń‹ŠŗŠµ  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:15
IdleOne!ru  nico6621:15
IdleOnetntc: the older working version is on your pc, working :)21:15
tntcs3r3n1t7, ok, back in a few then!21:16
tntcIdleOne, I suppose that's true :)21:16
s3r3n1t7IdleOne, didn't know that. I'll remember that21:16
tntcperhaps I'll just install on my other machine and see what happens.21:16
tntc(I am running Gentoo on my desktop, but Emerge has frayed my nerves)21:16
disappearedngI plugged in walkman, no response what do I do ?21:17
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metalgeekilovefairuz, Thanks, that brought up the sort of info i wanted about my harware. What about information on my OS?21:18
karloanyone know how to watch tv on VLC player ?21:18
Guest71779is zenity default package in ubuntu21:18
nico66Š²ŃŠµŠ¼ ŠæрŠøŠ²ŠµŃ‚ !!!21:18
^peanut^!ru nico6621:18
macoGuest71779: dont think so21:18
IdleOnemetalgeek: lsb_release -a    and    uname -a will give some info on installed OS21:19
ilovefairuzmetalgeek: uname -a21:19
maco!ru | nico6621:19
nico66Š° чŠµŠ³Š¾ Š½Šµ ŠæŠ¾ руссŠŗŠø ?21:19
ubottunico66: ŠŸŠ¾Š¶Š°Š»ŃƒŠ¹ŃŃ‚Š° ŠæŠ¾ŃŠµŃ‚ŠøтŠµ #ubuntu-ru Š“Š»Ń ŠæŠ¾Š»ŃƒŃ‡ŠµŠ½Šøя ŠæŠ¾Š¼Š¾Ń‰Šø Š½Š° руссŠŗŠ¾Š¼ яŠ·Ń‹ŠŗŠµ  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:19
^peanut^!ru > nico6621:19
ubottunico66, please see my private message21:19
ilovefairuznico66: write         /join #ubuntu-ru21:19
stealfalconanyone here21:19
deanJardan_U i ran your command and it says  The following Linux command line was extracted from /etc/default/grub or  ā”‚  ā”‚ the `kopt' parameter in GRUB Legacy's menu.lst.  Please verify that it    ā”‚  ā”‚ is correct, and modify it if necessary.                                   ā”‚  ā”‚                                                                           ā”‚  ā”‚ Linux command line:21:19
ilovefairuz!hi | stealfalcon21:19
ubottustealfalcon: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:19
^peanut^!hi  | stealfalcon21:19
Jordan_Udean: Leave it at the default.21:20
stealfalconi love so many responces21:20
stealfalconany way can you guys help me21:20
^peanut^!ask | stealfalcon21:20
ubottustealfalcon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:20
IdleOnestealfalcon: only if you ask21:20
thewolfHow do I get videos on to an iPod nano (5th)21:20
^peanut^!ipod | thewolf21:20
ubottuthewolf: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod21:20
stealfalconso i have ubuntu 10.0421:21
th1stealfalcon, read that message, ask your question all in one line21:21
karlo anyone know how to watch tv on VLC player ?21:21
stealfalconand i accadently made my moms pc edubutu! how can i switch it back?21:21
metalgeekilovefairuz, IdleOne Thanks guys21:21
stealfalconholy cow21:21
th1stealfalcon, sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop21:22
stealfalconand the other way around?21:22
deanJardan_U: go here and look cuz it wone let me select ok21:22
stealfalconone sec afk21:22
th1stealfalcon, sudo aptitude install edubuntu-desktop21:22
IdleOnedean: use the TAB key to highlight "ok"21:22
ilovefairuzstealfalcon: aptitude remove21:23
deanlol thanks21:23
IdleOnedean: no problem, common mistake when learning :)21:23
deani hate feeling this dumb with it all though lol21:23
stealfalconso what if there allready installed do i just attive ate?21:23
t-flodean, you're better than windoze users!21:23
IdleOneit's spelled Windows21:24
deani just need to get on my windows partition to get some info for work21:24
IdleOnedean: don't feel that way. there is a lot of new stuff to learn, little ata time you will become and old pro.21:24
papnaI tried to map a printer and I had to Authenticate. Now the Authentication and New Printer windows are stuck open21:24
papnaWhat are their process names?21:24
papnaxkill won't kill them.21:24
stealfalconcant some one just shut off server info?21:24
th1stealfalcon, sudo aptitude remove edubuntu-desktop and sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop21:24
th1stealfalcon, assuming you want to switch from edubuntu to standard ubuntu21:25
macodean: not dumb, inexperienced :)21:25
macopapna: xprop can tell you their command so you can look it up in ps21:25
ilovefairuzpapna: alt + f2 then gnome-system-monitor21:25
papnaIt's fixed now.21:26
deanjardan_U when i did that i didnt select any partition that was the way to do it right?21:26
tntcOk, Wow. the Ambiance chrome theme is awesome.21:26
thewolfThe guide for tranfering video to an ipod is for Ubuntu 6.06.... anyone got some updated info?21:26
deanso basically it re updated my grub21:26
tntcBlends in pretty darn well with the default ubuntu theme21:26
stealfalconth1 om check ur pm21:26
icerootthewolf: the ubottu-text?21:26
th1!pm | stealfalcon21:26
ubottustealfalcon: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:26
stealfalconim pming u21:27
icerootthewolf: if you got an actual solution, maybe think about changing the bot or tell an op to do it, so that others get the new information. i am sorry i cant help because (luckily) i dont have apple-hardware just wat to give the ifo about the new textfor ubottu21:27
Jordan_Udean: Correct.21:27
stealfalconcan sum 1 pls trun of sever info!21:27
deanJordan_U: im gonna do the testdisk thing now21:28
ilovefairuzstealfalcon: turn if off in your IRC client21:28
th1stealfalcon, read the message from ubottu21:28
stealfalconi use the web irc21:29
stealfalconth1 can u pls resomp in pm21:29
NetalarmThere's something wrong with my Ubuntu installation, and it's getting pretty annoying. When I boot up, there are 3 choices to chose from21:29
dean 1 * HPFS - NTFS              0  32 33    12 223 19     204800 [System Reserved] 2 P HPFS - NTFS             12 223 20 40212   3 36  645799157 3 E extended             40212   5 46 91201  79 18  81914292021:29
th1!pm | stealfalcon21:29
th1we try again..21:29
Netalarmdifferent ubuntu versions21:29
deanwhich one is my windows21:29
dean1 221:29
deanor 321:29
thewolficeroot:the guide is updated for the music...and I think for transcoding... but not for actually adding it to the iPod... they suggest gtkpod to do that and now it won't even find the iPod21:29
dean 1 * HPFS - NTFS              0  32 33    12 223 19     204800 [System Reserved]21:30
icerootthewolf: if i am correct banshee and amarok can handle it21:30
^peanut^dean: 1 and 2 are your windows parts.21:30
stealfalcon!pm | stealfalcon21:30
ubottustealfalcon, please see my private message21:30
^peanut^dean: 2 is your primary partition, 1 looks like a recovery partition21:30
deank thanks21:30
icerootthewolf: but let me add this info, you see why apple is bad because you cant easily add the music because its a strange closed-source drm thing21:30
stealfalconok my pc can read my disc help!21:31
mataernjHi--  please visit www.blogeek.com.ve21:31
gurudrewI'm running Ubuntu server21:31
stealfalconit cant even see the drive21:32
rwwmataernj: don't advertise in here, please21:32
icerootmataernj: stop it please21:32
^peanut^gurudrew: try: #ubuntu-server21:32
th1stealfalcon, what are you trying to do?21:32
thewolficeroot: but that is why I got it... Because we (Linux/Ubuntu) "hacked" it and can add or take any data that we want from a iPod... I actually did gave some one a podcast on there iPod (that was synced to there iTuned)21:32
ManDayWhat is /etc/rcS please?21:32
icerootgurudrew: there is no real difference in server and normal ubuntu, so just post your question21:32
winmuttim trying to get a dual headed radeon and my onbooard vid card to give me three displays, i can get either to work but not both21:32
stealfalconi have i disc with info on it and i cant even see it21:32
th1stealfalcon, it's a CD?21:33
deanJardan_U im on the last part of the testdisk thing and it says http://pastebin.org/41372121:33
thune3Netalarm: what options? are you talking about the grub screen?21:33
stealfalconwell dvd21:33
deancan u tell me what im supposed to choose21:33
Netalarmthune3, yes. http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/4489/dsc06914q.jpg21:33
stealfalconbut i have a dvd drive21:33
th1stealfalcon, what happens if you click Places->Computer, does it show the drive at all?21:33
Netalarmit creates a new entry everytime i update ubuntu21:34
th1stealfalcon, maybe your DVD drive isn't working has it worked before?21:34
stealfalconyes with windows21:34
icerootNetalarm: thats normal, its a new kernel21:34
ilovefairuz!dualhead | winmutt21:34
ubottuwinmutt: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama21:34
Netalarmis there anyway to remove the old ones?21:35
thune3Netalarm: every kernel you have installed gets its own entry. it is usually good to have a backup kernel installed, but you could *carefully* remove old kernels.21:35
icerootNetalarm: yes, uninstall old kernels21:35
gurudrewOkay, I posted in -server, but it's a bit dead in there. I'm trying to set up KVM on my 9.10 server. I need it for Windows Server 2008, so I need X. I did apt-get install gdm, assuming this would resolve my troubles21:35
thewolfstealfalcon: the laser for a CD and a DVD are two seprate things... one or the other can go out.. do you think that is it?21:35
gurudrewEverything worked fine for the moment21:35
gurudrewBut when I rebooted my hard drive isn't being detected properly, and I need to run some sort of chkdsk or something21:35
deanhttp://pastebin.org/413721 can someone look at that and tell me which im supposed to select21:36
gurudrewBut cannot find the option in the recovery on the CD21:36
ilovefairuzNetalarm: it's advisable to leave them, at least one older version, to use if new kernel has issues21:36
stealfalconit worked this moring21:36
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Netalarmgood to know that's perfectly normal xP21:36
th1stealfalcon, ls /dev/sr021:36
ManDayWhat is /etc/rcS please?21:36
^peanut^gurudrew: boot from a live desktop cd, open terminal, unmount your disk, then fsck /dev/"yourdisk"21:36
gurudrewSo I guess my question, simplified is, how can I check or repair a disk from server live cd?21:37
gurudrewis fsck on the server livecd?21:37
stealfalconok i have sr021:37
^peanut^gurudrew: not sure.21:37
ilovefairuzdean: is there existing partitions with important data on this drive ?21:37
icerootManDay: /etc/rcS.d/ ?21:37
th1stealfalcon, sudo mount /dev/sr0 /mnt -t iso966021:37
deanya my windows is on that21:37
^peanut^gurudrew: there might be a way to get a shell from the server install cd...never tried it.21:37
ilovefairuz!runlevel | ManDay21:37
ubottuManDay: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.21:37
stealfalconmount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr0,        missing codepage or helper program, or other error        In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try        dmesg | tail  or so21:38
gurudrewthere is, if fsck is on there21:38
deanim following these instructions to get my windows back http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bootinfoscript/index.php?title=Boot_Problems:Boot_Sector21:38
icerootManDay: the place with init-scripts which are executed at (S)tartup, so its rcS21:38
th1stealfalcon, try again without -t iso966021:38
deanand that is the last option in the test disk21:38
^peanut^gurudrew: or, boot server with -s option. see if you can get a root shell, then unmount your disk and fsck it21:38
^peanut^gurudrew: add -s to the end of the kernel line.21:39
ilovefairuzdean: well answer my question21:39
ilovefairuz!who | dean21:39
ubottudean: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:39
stealfalconmount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only mount: you must specify the filesystem type21:39
th1stealfalcon, I guess your DVD is probably corrupted21:39
stealfalconbut my dvd drive is active i can hear it going21:39
deanilovefairuz theres lots of important info on that drive21:40
th1stealfalcon, yeah its trying to read the disc but it can't try with another DVD or CD21:40
edoceo!file updatedb21:40
edoceo!file locate21:40
Netalarmwhat's the newest kernel?21:40
stealfalconi just wont apear21:40
ilovefairuzdean: i suggestion you backup now21:40
thune3Netalarm: the old kernels can stack up and you might benefit from knowing how to remove them.21:40
icerootedoceo: sudo apt-get install locate21:40
stealfalcondo i need a driver?21:40
th1stealfalcon, it won't appear because it can't read the disc21:40
ilovefairuzdean: suggest *21:40
stickyNetalarm, http://kernel.org - Look for yourself21:40
edoceoHmm, I thought it was called slocate ?21:40
th1type dmesg | tail -n 2021:41
stealfalconok it can see it21:41
th1stealfalcon, that might give you some moremessages21:41
stealfalconwith a new cd21:41
th1ok then there's just something wroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong with that disc21:41
* sticky compiles 2.6.35-rc6 on his ARM box21:42
th1oops stuck key..21:42
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monkey_dustserver split?21:53
shubbarusing chromium --user-agent= switch does not fool every website, don't know why21:54
wfamyis there a method to launch a script with upstart and have it all done before prompt or any-dm?21:54
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blendmaster1024_shubbar, I can tell you why. it's because that's not the only way to detect current browser21:55
ilovefairuzwfamy: rc.local21:55
blendmaster1024_the other way is to look and see what javascript features there are. which is the preferred way anyway, because it doesn't care what specific browser, it just uses what's there - or at least shows an error.21:55
shubbarblendmaster1024_, firefox user agent switcher does the job for me, but i prefer using chromium21:55
blendmaster1024_shubbar, I suspect that's because firefox may implement some nonstandard javascript features that IE adds, to be compatible.21:56
hiexpohow do i go back further on xchat log?21:56
monkey_dustyes chromium is nicer to work with21:56
blendmaster1024_hiexpo, depends on if you have it on. if you do, then go to settings->preferences->logging->open data folder21:56
hiexpoblendmaster1024_,  thanx forgot    :)21:57
blendmaster1024_hiexpo, however, that only works of you have logging on. if you don't have the checkbox "enable logging of conversations to disk" checked, you can't.21:57
hiexpowelp no luck21:58
ilovefairuzshubbar: most moden javascript libraries sniff for javascript features and modify their behavior according to that, not according to user agents21:58
blendmaster1024_hiexpo, also, if your ram is greater than 10mb, than I suggest turning the scrollback size to 10000 in the text box tab of the settings area.21:58
Bax2hi, can someone help me with my pendrive?21:58
blendmaster1024_!ask > Bax221:58
ubottuBax2, please see my private message21:58
Bax2i receive a message saying that it was not possible to mount it21:58
BCMMi'm trying to update a friend's system which is way out of date (hardy), and am running into problems21:58
slaboon xubuntu on my old laptop, after an upgrade xfce doesn't work anymore. after login - which works - it returns right to the login-manager. fluxbox works, though. what could i try?21:58
wfamyilovefairuz: /etc/rc.local? any url? do i have to call my script inside /etc/rc.local? I do not understand upstart.21:58
BCMMi've tried apt-get install -f, and get "package is in very bad inconsistent state" and so on for flashplugin21:58
BCMMhow can i fix that?21:59
ilovefairuzwfamy: yes call it there21:59
shubbarblendmaster1024_, i tried a user agent switcher extension for chrome, it worked at javascript but it didn't fool my bank website21:59
wfamyok i will try it. thx21:59
blendmaster1024_shubbar, hmmm .... due to the way chrome extensions work, it may be failing to excecute for one of a few reasons.21:59
ilovefairuzBCMM: pastebin command and all output22:00
Bax2blendmaster1024_: when i plug my pendrive, i receive a message saying it was not possible to mount it22:00
peggys_mousewhen trying to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.4, i get the error "you have held broken packages". when i search for held packages, i don't find any. when i look in /var/log/dist-upgrade, there are a lot of messages in the log about broken conflicts and broken depends. it seems like a lot to remove. what's the general approach to fix this?22:00
kisukehow does one figure out what drivers are loaded? i think its a switch for modprobe, but i can remember for the life of me.22:00
ilovefairuzshubbar: the user agent switcher for chrome changes only the navigator DOM object inside the browser, doesn't modify outgoing headers22:00
blendmaster1024_Bax2, I can't help.22:01
Bogus8anyone familiar with fuppes?22:01
^peanut^Bax2: did you format your pendrive to fat32? or ntfs?22:01
ilovefairuzBax2: in a terminal type: mkdir /tmp/test; sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /tmp/test22:01
Bogus8I've got it installed but when I run it I get a sqlite can't create DB error22:01
ilovefairuz!terminal | Bax222:01
ubottuBax2: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:01
hiexpopeggys_mouse,  upgrading from one distro to another is = to a train wreck   > should backup files and do a fresh install22:01
ManDayWhere is the documentation of irssi.conf?22:02
Bax2^peanut^ its fat16 i think =o22:02
etalyckisuke: lsmod22:02
shubbarilovefairuz, do you suggest changing javascript features?22:02
Bogus8ManDay: their website is usually where I get most of my info22:02
shubbarblendmaster1024_, whatsmyuseragent.com got fooled with the --user-agent=22:02
^peanut^Bax2: ok that should be fine. and your trying to boot from it and you get that error correct?22:02
ilovefairuzshubbar: what are you trying to accomplish ?22:02
ManDayBogus8: thanks22:02
peggys_mousehiexpo: reinstall every six months? i might as well switch distros.22:02
Bogus8ManDay: if you have specific questions their irc channel is quite helpful22:03
Bax2^peanut^: yes, it says not authorized22:03
hiexpopeggys_mouse,  stay with 9.10  it'sbetter i think22:03
kisukeetalyc, thanks22:03
chughgaurav_I know intermediate C++ and Java , can I help Ubuntu  team22:03
shubbarilovefairuz, pay my due bills... my bank doesn't accpet every browser and i want to use chromium22:03
blendmaster1024_shubbar, hmm. I forgot about the headers. that's going to be a bit harder to deal with ...22:03
Stamenican someone help me with Gedit ? anyone hwo use gEdit for coding ?22:03
ilovefairuzkisuke: lshw22:04
blendmaster1024_!ask | Stameni22:04
ubottuStameni: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:04
blendmaster1024_Stameni, I can. but ask your question first anyway!22:04
Stameniok, sorry22:04
ilovefairuzshubbar: not even Firefox is accepted ?22:04
peggys_mousehiexpo: this started because i couldn't get my cd burner to work but people surely it must be possible to upgrade from one distro to another.22:04
Stamenii need to know how to unindent22:04
Bax2^peanut^: it reconizes my pendrive on lsusb22:04
blendmaster1024_Stameni, shift+tab22:04
^peanut^Bax2: did you check the md5sum of the iso you downloaded to make sure it was a ligit download?22:04
chughgaurav_can someone , give me answer to question , "I know intermediate C++ and Java , can I help Ubuntu  team" .22:04
shubbarilovefairuz, firefox works with user agent switcher addon22:05
ilovefairuz!contribute | chughgaurav_22:05
ubottuchughgaurav_: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate22:05
Bogus8Hello, I'm trying to run fuppes on 10.4 server... got it installed but when I run it, it gives me an "unable to open database file" from sqlite322:05
wfamyWhen I add /etc/init.d/script start in /etc/rc.local it does not execute the script befor the gdm.22:05
Bax2^peanut^ was it for me? about the iso thing? =o22:05
blendmaster1024_chughgaurav_, try #ubuntu-dev, you can ask the team themselves22:05
Stameniblendmaster1024_: thank you !22:05
^peanut^Bax2: yeah22:05
hiexpopeggys_mouse,  yes but 90 percent chance of a train wreck you might get lucky  and make the break22:05
chughgaurav_blenmaster 1024_ , thanks22:05
Bax2^peanut^ i've no downloaded iso =x22:05
ilovefairuzshubbar: then use it, don't mess with bank sites, tell them to fix it for safari and it will work fine for chrome22:05
gdbpeggys_mouse: you can't upgrade from one distribution to another, you can, however, upgrade from one version of a given distribution to another version of the same distribution, and it's not difficult to do.22:05
kisukeilovefairuz, not quite what  iwas looking for, but it is wat i needed22:05
Bax2i've ubuntu, i dont want to install it22:05
^peanut^Bax2: so your running unetbootin and having it download the OS you want and isntall it?22:06
Bax2no, i don't want to install ubuntu from a pendrive22:06
peggys_mousegdb, that's what i meant. did you see my original question?22:06
Bax2i've ubuntu and i want to use my pendrive, with some photos and something else22:06
^peanut^Bax2: oh oh ok now I get it sorry.22:06
Bax2when i plug it, i receive a message: 'not reconized'22:06
ilovefairuzkisuke: great then22:06
gdbpeggys_mouse: No, I didn't.  I just saw someone giving you bad advice and your reaction about "might as well switch distros".22:06
Bax2not reconized its a lie, It says, 'not possible to mount, not authorized'22:07
^peanut^Bax2: hmm, what does dmesg say when you plug it in?22:07
shubbarilovefairuz, fairuz the singer?22:07
Bax2just above ur message, ^peanut^22:07
ilovefairuzBax2: did you execute the commands i've given you?22:07
^peanut^Bax2: ok got it thx22:07
Jordan_UBax2: Are you using the user created during install?22:07
Bax2ilovefairuz: yes, but nothing appeared22:07
chepodo anybody knows how yo fix the out of range problem in ubuntu22:08
peggys_mousegdb:  "when trying to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.4, i get the error "you have held broken packages". when i search for held packages, i don't find any. when i look in /var/log/dist-upgrade, there are a lot of messages in the log about broken conflicts and broken depends. it seems like a lot to remove. what's the general approach to fix this?"22:08
^peanut^Bax2: yea ilovefairuz  mentioned some unmounting and mounting commands earlier22:08
ilovefairuzBax2: no error messages?22:08
Bax2let me try it again, wait a sec22:08
peggys_mousegdb, the advice i received was to reinstall.22:08
thewanderer1hi, I've got a problem with playing a movie DVD. I've got Ubuntu 10.04 (I think, no means to check that now), stock kernel, an IDE DVD drive and a DVD with a movie. The system does not detect the disc at all, and dmesg tells me that some I/O errors are occuring. I am far away from that machine now. The disc seemed to work last week, so I am at a loss. Excluding hardware failure, how to debug it?22:08
gdbpeggys_mouse: Well, the brute force approach I'd use may not be what you want to do.  That's to use aptitude to strip the system down to a bare minimum install, perform the upgrade, then use aptitude to reinstall "ubuntu-desktop" (I think it's called) and re-localize from there.22:09
chepodo anybody know how to fix out of range problem22:09
Bax2ilovefairuz: ye, no error messages22:09
chepoon ur desktop22:09
gdbpeggys_mouse: There's really no need to reinstall.22:09
hiexpogdb,  i was not giving bad advice was just atating the facts that if you do a upgrade like that that  there is a 90 percent chance that it will be a train wreck i am here helping everyday and i see it everyday  and also i have been running since unix see get it right please do not say i give bad advise please22:09
mek8630chepo: what do you mean out of range problem?22:09
gdbpeggys_mouse: What are the broken packages you're seeing?22:09
Jordan_Upeggys_mouse: Are you trying to fix these errors before you upgrade or are these errors a result of the upgrade?22:09
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ilovefairuzBax2: type          cd /tmp/test; ls22:09
ilovefairuzBax2: do you see your files ?22:10
peggys_mouseJordan_U: the errors are a result of the upgrade22:10
Bax2yes i see, ilovefairuz22:10
Jordan_Upeggys_mouse: How did you attempt to upgrade?22:10
chepoi buyed my game and install it but it says out of range but i i could here the game start22:10
gdbhiexpo: It's bad advice.  As for the penis comment, I've been a Unix admin for nearly 20 years and running Linux since 1994.22:10
^peanut^gdb: woot me to... 95'22:10
thewanderer1chepo, your monitor does not support this resolution, it's not Ubuntu's fault22:10
puffDid something about virtual console handling change in the past couple versions of ubuntu?22:10
mek8630chepo: is it a game for windows? and you are using linux?22:10
gdb^peanut^: Right on! :-)  Rare to run into other old timers on IRC these days.22:11
ilovefairuzwell go to /tmp/test with File manager, you'll find your files22:11
cheposo they got playonlinux22:11
^peanut^gdb: yeah I'll say. we are a dieing breed!22:11
puffI just upgraded (a big jump, from edgy to lucid) and now virtual consoles seem borked.22:11
Bax2ilovefairuz: but when i plug my pendrive again, i'll need to do it? =x22:11
hiexposame here since 92 and it is bad to do a dist upgrade it almost always has some sort of failure22:11
chepohow u go to msconfig in ubuntu if they got one22:11
ilovefairuzBax2: may go away after a reboot, you could try reformatting it22:12
mek8630chepo: you may be able to adjust the resolution for the game so it will work on your monitor as per thewanderer1 was saying22:12
blendmaster1024_chepo, what are you trying to do?22:12
chepoyes how u do that22:12
Bax2ilovefairuz: you mean, the pendrive right?22:12
^peanut^hiexpo: I did it from 9:10 to 10.04 64bit, and it all went just fine (for me that is). but I agreed, a clean install is much easier in the long run.22:12
duffydackI have to agree the upgrades i have done to lucid have come with problems that are more trouble than a reinstall, but thats me...22:12
ilovefairuzBax2: yes22:12
Jordan_Uhiexpo: The majority of Ubuntu upgrades go fine.22:12
Bax2ok thx22:12
Bax2i'll backup files and do it22:12
thewanderer1chepo, read the game's manual and if no give, consult it with the tech support22:12
mek8630chepo: linux has it's own configuration msconfig is for windows22:12
peggys_mousegdb: there are many but here are a few: gir1.0-glib-2.0, plymouth, pulseaudio22:13
ilovefairuzchepo: system > preferences > start up applications22:13
gdbI've never had an issue with either Debian or Ubuntu upgrades (well, ok, Ubuntu's generally go smoother).22:13
machetumhey, how do I make a bootable winxp usb pen drive from ubuntu?22:13
gdbpeggys_mouse: Do you have a pastebin to review?22:13
hiexpo^peanut^,  yes some go ok but itis so much easier to just backup and do a fresh yes22:13
peggys_mousei can paste it. just a sec.22:13
thewanderer1machetum: Windows XP will not boot off a pendrive22:13
Bogus8Hello, I'm trying to run fuppes on 10.4 server... got it installed but when I run it, it gives me an "unable to open database file" from sqlite322:13
machetumthewanderer1, I don't mean like live usb.... but to actually install it on drive22:14
^peanut^hiexpo: yea new installs are much nicer to support than upgrades with system settings and prefs setup by and end user. that's a headache.22:14
thewanderer1machetum: if you want to install Windows XP on USB, you won't do that with Ubuntu - Windows is not tinker-friendly. Ask in #windows22:14
chepoilovefairuz and wat next22:14
BCMMilovefairuz: http://pastebin.org/41377422:14
Jordan_Upeggys_mouse: How did you attempt to upgrade?22:15
crohakonWhat channel should I go to for wine related help?22:15
ilovefairuzchepo: uncheck the stuff you don't want to run when you log in, but be careful22:15
machetumso I need to have to be on windows to make it work?22:15
chepothats what u do to make the screen smaller22:15
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peggys_mousegdb, Jordan_U, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/V6zE2cBi22:15
hiexpo^peanut^,  its a continuance thing probally before this line is over there will be one  > i upgradedfrom 9.10 to 10.04 and now i can not boot watch22:16
gdbMy point isn't that fresh installs are a bad idea.  My point is that resorting to "reinstall" over some package conflicts, without having any additional information, is a bad call.  peggys_mouse's hadn't even provided the error output yet.22:16
ilovefairuzBCMM: apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-nonfree22:16
MJB_Hey guys someone helped me get drivers for ubuntu 9.10. I am trying to get drivers for ubuntu 10.04. What was the application again ?22:16
duffydackmachetum, I think I saw a method while googling many moons ago, not sure if it was for xp or vista/7 or all.. google is your friend22:16
^peanut^hiexpo: You so know it. =)22:16
gdbpeggys_mouse: Thank you.22:16
chepowat about going to safe mode22:16
^peanut^MJB_: "Hardware Drivers" app22:16
chepou think it would detect the screen 4 the game22:17
machetumduffydack, if google is my friend he's acting like a real douche friend22:17
^peanut^MJB_: under Administration menu22:17
MJB_That wasn't it. It was something about ubuntu something. I can't remember it. I was having so much trouble finding drivers22:17
peggys_mousegdb: i did remove some of the errors by uninstalling some dbus packages. but there just seems like a lot to go. maybe that's the only way tho?22:17
gdbpeggys_mouse: It doesn't look from this as if you've actually upgraded the system yet.  Is that right?22:17
^peanut^MJB_: oh, then I'm not sure. sorry. someone here will know...22:17
Bax2ilovefairuz: how can i format the pendrive? =x22:17
pankaim trying to install ubuntu 10 without cd or usb. i've created a partition on which i have extracted to content of the iso, but im having trouble booting the kernel there from grub. i assume its isolinux/isolinux.bin i should boot?22:17
duffydackmachetum, the only way I know of installing xp other than cd is via a RIS server :) but i`m old.22:17
chepoi be back.i got something in my head wat to do22:18
^peanut^Bax2: mkfs /dev/"your pendrive partition"22:18
Jordan_Uhiexpo: This is a support channel, that means that comments here will be highly skewed toward people having problems. You can't base judgements about how reliable upgrades are by only looking at support requests.22:18
Bogus8anyone in here use fuppes?22:18
samoy2002hi there, enabled my user directories, but when i access them, the index.html file wants to download instead of displaying, anyone have any idea why22:18
Bax2^peanut^ its the sbd1, right?22:18
hiexpoJordan_U,  true22:18
ilovefairuzBax2: applications > system tools > disk utility ... and always be careful22:18
peggys_mousegdb: also, linux-image-generic seems like a bad one to remove. maybe there is something else i'm using.22:18
trojan_spikemachetum, do u mean aving xp without the key-code??22:18
^peanut^Bax2: type: sudo fisk -l to make sure22:18
ilovefairuzsamoy2002: how did you enable them ?22:19
barfsterIf I install Ubuntu virtual host, what am I supposed to run? VBox?22:19
^peanut^barfster: yes22:19
hiexpoJordan_U,  i was just sugesting a fresh install over an upgrade thats what started it sorry22:19
ilovefairuzroot_ghost: english only here22:19
kisukeok i need to load the module b43 on startup, how would i? (mostly bash literate user here)22:20
barfsterVirtualbox "server"?22:20
samoy2002ilovefairuz: created soft links within the mods_enabled directory22:20
^peanut^barfster: yes22:20
peggys_mousehiexpo and Jordan_U, it is true that i have installed a lot of software from various sources so i'm sure that most people don't have these issues.22:20
barfster^peanut^: How many instances can I run on one node?22:20
Jordan_U!arabic | root_ghost22:20
ubotturoot_ghost: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : Ł„Ł„Ų­ŲµŁˆŁ„ Ų¹Ł„Ł‰ Ų§Ł„ŲÆŲ¹Ł… ŲØŲ§Ł„Ł„ŲŗŲ© Ų§Ł„Ų¹Ų±ŲØŁŠŲ©22:20
^peanut^barfster: how many Vcpu's do you have?22:20
^peanut^barfster: how many cpu cores do you have?22:21
Bax2ilovefairuz: i get this error: Not Authorized22:21
barfsterI have dual quad core 3GHz22:21
ilovefairuzJordan_U: pm?22:21
^peanut^barfster: so you have 8 Vcpus22:21
root_ghostthank u22:21
^peanut^barfster: so you have or 16 I mean22:21
ilovefairuzBax2: can you see the disk on your desktop ?22:21
hiexpopeggys_mouse,  exactly likje me i install everything from compiling it so i  would loose everything22:21
Bax2ilovefairuz: i can see it on nautilus, but i can't access it,22:22
Jordan_Uilovefairuz: I'd prefer to keep it in channel, especially because I may have to leave (so someone else will have to step in)22:22
^peanut^barfster: so you could run a few systems. how much ram do you have in total?22:22
barfsterdual quad = 2x 4?22:22
ilovefairuzBax2: nvm, just sudo umount /tmp/test22:22
^peanut^barfster: 4 cores per cpu. if it's a quad cpu22:22
Jordan_Upeggys_mouse: How did you attempt to upgrade?22:22
ilovefairuzJordan_U: nvm, wasn't a technical question22:22
gdbpeggys_mouse: You have exactly 30 package conflicts.  Let me read through this some.22:22
peggys_mouseJordan_U: update manager22:22
Bax2ilovefairuz: i was getting this error before this /tmp/test, thats why i came here ;x22:22
peggys_mouseJordan_U: update manager wrote that log file22:23
^peanut^barfster: 15gb, nice ok you could run 8 systems...all depends on what they are going to be used for.22:23
BCMMilovefairuz: "flashplugin-nonfree: Depends: flashplugin-installer but it is not going to be installed"22:23
MJB_Anybody here who can help me find sound drivers for my ubuntu 10.04?22:23
^peanut^barfster: like, how many cpus per vm, how much memory, etc... what hypervisor are you going to use...22:24
BCMMilovefairuz: i should say the first error was "you have held broken packages" while trying to do a dist upgrade22:24
Bax2ilovefairuz: umount: /tmp/test: device is busy.22:24
peggys_mousegdb: a lot of those packages i can easily delete. but what scared me was the linux-image-generic showing up. probably some others i'd be scared to remove22:24
thune3panka: sounds like you are following basic procedure of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux . grub and grub2 commands are there in step 3. i believe this will work if you point it at the right partition.22:24
AnxiousNutWhy does it take a lot for a browser to look up a domain when using a static IP and loads fast when using DHCP?!22:24
^peanut^Bax2: make sure to cd / before unmount it22:24
ilovefairuzBax2: cd ~; sudo umount /tmp/test22:24
hiexpopeggys_mouse,  and a lot of things have been left out since 9.10 so they will also be bye bye and all extra repos will be bye bye is what i mean is all thanx also22:24
gdbpeggys_mouse: Of the 30 conflicts you have, upgrade manager resolved 27 of them itself, leaving 3 unresolved.22:25
Bax2ilovefairuz: still get Not authorized when formatting22:25
Bax2the same not authorized that i got when i first pluged the pendrive ;/22:25
ilovefairuzBax2: did you umount with no error messages ?22:25
peggys_mousehiexpo, gdb, perhaps i should remove what i feel is safe and come back?22:26
Bax2umount with no errors22:26
Bax2and backup files with no erros too22:26
peggys_mousegdb: sorry...didn't see your message22:26
peggys_mousegdb, which three are unresolved?22:26
gdbpeggys_mouse: I'm working to locate them now.22:26
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ilovefairuzBax2: when did you start getting this error?22:27
ilovefairuz!hi | lenin_22:28
ubottulenin_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:28
Bax2ilovefairuz: today, i'd like to add some files, but i couldnt acess the pendrive22:28
Bax2its saying not authorized22:28
pankaim trying to install ubuntu 10 without cd or usb. i've created a partition on which i have extracted to content of the iso, but im having trouble booting the kernel there from grub.. i assume its isolinux/isolinux.bin i should boot?22:28
ilovefairuzBax2: try rebooting the computer22:28
samoy2002i enabled userdirs for apache, by making softlinks to userdir.conf, and userdir.load within the mods-available dir, however, now my index.html is downloading instead of displaying within the userdirs, anyone have a clue22:28
Bax2i'll do it22:28
blendmaster1024_any estimate on how long a 7.4G transfer will take over usb2.0 to a SATA hd?22:29
^peanut^blendmaster1024_: 10/15 mins? maybe less...22:29
IceMakerhey ppls/ any1 can plz help me installing my wlan card? it`s tp-link wn422g v2 plz i cant conect to the net22:29
SwiateckiHi there, I get this error: 8: additional: not found: when trying to run a bash script, what does additional mean(i know what the word means) and im gueesing 8 is the line # ?22:29
ilovefairuzsamoy2002: it's a mimetype issue, either than or apache's sub process is crashing !22:30
Jordan_Upanka: Don't extract the iso, copy the iso as a file and follow this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128860422:30
ilovefairuzsamoy2002: pastebin your userdir.* files22:30
BCMMilovefairuz: should i just do a clean install or what?22:30
maleldraconisHello, I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS using the windows installer.  I'm wanting to make sure that the boot loader isn't on my windows partition before formatting it to work with Ubuntu.  Is there any way to find that out?22:31
Jordan_Upanka: You probably also want to add the "toram" kernel parameter if you have more than 1.5 GB of RAM. That way the installer won't complain about not being able to unmount the partition with the iso on it.22:31
ilovefairuzBCMM: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall -f Ā flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree libasound2-plugins22:31
gdbpeggys_mouse: Sorry, it's 6 packages, and here's the list of what the upgrade tool couldn't solve itself: libempathy-gtk28 libengine-pkcs11-openssl linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic usplash-theme-ubuntu22:31
Bax2ilovefairuz: it was fixed, u don't know how the FU************* bored i'm now22:31
blendmaster1024_maleldraconis, erm ... it's not designed to be able to convert like that, IIRC. you're going to have to reinstall the bootloader from the command line. have you done that before? it's not too hard, but it's a wee bit of a pain.22:31
gdbpeggys_mouse: Every other conflict you have was resolved by the upgrade tool.22:32
Jordan_Umaleldraconis: Not only is the bootloader on your windows partition, all of Ubuntu is in a file inside your windows partition.22:32
ilovefairuzBax2: please watch your language and it's okay then22:32
pankaJordan_U: i cant fint the initrd on the installation cd22:32
ilovefairuz!pastebin | samoy200222:32
IceMakerhey ppls. any1 can plz help me installing my wlan card? it`s tp-link wn422g v2 plz i cant conect to the net22:32
ubottusamoy2002: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:32
maleldraconisI did it years ago with redhat 6 but haven't messed with anything linux since22:32
Bax2ilovefairuz: i've added the ** :P, thanks for your help22:33
ilovefairuzBax2: yw22:33
Jordan_Upanka: Are you using the normal "Desktop" install CD or the alternate install CD?22:33
maleldraconisand I actually set it up with a seperate partition, Jordan_U22:33
Bogus8Hello, I'm trying to run fuppes on 10.4 server... got it installed but when I run it, it gives me an "unable to open database file" from sqlite322:33
peggys_mousegdb, thank you. i can remove some of those but any idea what i do about the linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic?22:33
X-Sleepy-XHow to protect recovery mode from unwanted abuse?22:33
pankaJordan_U: normal22:34
peggys_mousegdb: i can't just delete those i assume?22:34
ilovefairuzsamoy2002: did you change any apache conf files?22:34
Jordan_Upanka: Then follow that guide which has the correct paths.22:34
MrDudlehow do i clear my dns cache22:34
zxscould someone lend a hand in getting 3 monitors setup on 10.04 - ati 4xxx x2 cards22:34
maleldraconisI have a USB drive with the install and a CD, but I can't get my netbook to boot from either one, otherwise I would do it that way and say F all to this22:34
MrDudlemaleldraconis: did you change the boot order22:35
samoy2002no i did not change the apache conf files22:35
maleldraconisit changed the boot order automatically, but I confirmed it before reboot22:35
hiexpomaleldraconis,  i was gonna say boot order beat me 2 it22:35
MrDudlelol hiexpo22:35
BCMM_ilovefairuz: http://pastebin.org/41381022:35
ilovefairuzmaleldraconis: you could install from ISO on harddisk, using alternative ISO22:36
MrDudlemaleldraconis: could be your drive/port is a little slow so it could have trouble booting into it fast enough22:36
MrDudlei've had that22:36
hiexpoput both usb 's on top22:36
maleldraconisit was bringing windows up without even starting up the hardware >.<22:36
barfster^peanut^: hypervisor?22:36
MrDudleso can anyone tell me how to clear my dns cache22:36
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maleldraconisilovefairuz: How would I do that?22:37
m0dmdhello everyone22:37
ilovefairuzBCMM_: dpkg -r --force-remove-reinstreq flashplugin-nonfree22:37
m0dmdis it possible to run my localhost server via ubuntu server in vmware?22:37
Jordan_Ugdb: I can't stay to help peggys_mouse but you should have him try using aptitude to fix the dependency issues as it has more options for resolving broken dependencies than apt-get. Just make sure that aptitude doesn't try to remove everything as it removes packages that were "automatically installed" but the package they were installed as a dependency of has been removed.22:38
malcolmciHey, has anyone worked out how to change Chromium's fonts? A guy using KDE seemed to be able to do it by forcing font DPI, but I can't work out how to do that on GNOME22:38
Jordan_Ugdb: So if ubuntu-desktop has been removed for instance, aptitude will by default try to uninstall most of the system.22:39
maleldraconisso I can install from the Alternate ISO on harddisk? how?22:39
m0dmdanyone know about this.22:39
gdbJordan_U: Since it will try to remove any auto-installed packages that do not have a installed dependency, yes.22:39
m0dmdinstead of installing wampserver, i'd like to install ubuntu server in virtual env.22:39
ilovefairuzmaleldraconis: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux22:39
ilovefairuzmalcolmci: font face or font dpi ?22:40
gdbpeggys_mouse: Do you have any files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d ?22:40
ilovefairuzm0dmd: yes it's possible, i do is all time22:41
malcolmciilovefairuz: Chromium respects font face, but not font size22:41
ilovefairuzmalcolmci: options > under the hood > web content22:41
malcolmciilovefairuz: I'm talking about Chromium's actual control fonts, not the fonts in webpages22:42
peggys_mousegdb: several. akirad, mediabuntu, google-chrome and sevenmachines (flash)22:42
ilovefairuzsamoy2002: when you actually save index.html, is it source code or 0 byte file ?22:42
malcolmciilovefairuz: i.e., font in the bookmarks bar, tabs, etc22:42
peggys_mousegdb: but i unchecked all external sources in the synaptic22:42
gdbpeggys_mouse: are all the deb and deb-src entries commented out in those files then?22:43
samoy2002ilovefairuz:  i simply pico index.html, insert some random text22:43
ApocryphicIs something going on?  All of my mini.iso installs are failing on the linux-generic package.22:43
ilovefairuzmalcolmci: you can select gtk theme and then it will match the rest of gnome22:43
maleldraconisyeah, I'm not so sure I could pull off the non-CD install without giving myself a heart-attack... >.<22:43
ilovefairuzsamoy2002: access it in a browser and save the file, see if there's anything in it22:43
ApocryphicThey were working before, but it's been a few weeks since I needed to install Ubuntu.22:43
SoftwareExplorerIs there a way to mount a partition, but have the computer translate user id's and group id's ?22:44
peggys_mousegdb: some are, some not.22:44
malcolmciilovefairuz: as in, use the native titlebar option? That will give it the right font size for the window title, but not for the internal UI fonts like the bookmarks bar and tab headers22:44
peggys_mousegdb: maybe i missed something?22:44
trismApocryphic: the linux-generic various meta packages have been updated, but the actual packages aren't up yet (or they weren't earlier)22:44
gdbpeggys_mouse: Ah, this may be of interest to you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82776322:44
gdbApocryphic's comment sent me googling.22:44
samoy2002ilovfairuz: when i open the file, the random text is in the file, it is simply processing as a download, instead of a file to display22:44
gurudrewI did an unclean shutdown of my ubuntu server22:44
gurudrewThe drive at /dev/sda1 is no longer mounting22:45
ilovefairuzsamoy2002: random text? not the original html tags?22:45
samoy2002ilovefairuz: i hadnt put any tags into it at this point, let me do that, see if they come through22:45
m0dmdcan i run my ubuntu server for vm and access localhost from the host.22:45
AnxiousNutWhy does my internet connection becomes extremely slow when using static ip instead of DHCP?22:45
ApocryphicAlright, so no choice but to do a DVD install?22:46
ilovefairuzmalcolmci: options > personal stuff > use gtk+ theme22:46
ApocryphicOr can I force a different kernel package in the installer?22:46
ilovefairuzm0dmd: yes you can22:46
ApocryphicI see where to define it in the seed, but don't know which package to provide. :P22:46
samoy2002ilovefairuz:  Thank you, when i insert tags it seems to process it differently, it is displaying correct now22:46
m0dmdAlright. Thank You22:47
barfsterAnyone feel like helping me with making a bootable memory stick of Ubuntu 10.04 MiniCD?22:47
ilovefairuzsamoy2002: well i'm not sure i understand you but glad i've helped!22:47
barfsterI have so far installed grub2, and made a grub entry22:47
ilovefairuz!unetbootin | barfster22:48
ubottubarfster: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:48
stickybarfster, there are many tutorials available on the internets22:48
barfstergrub tells me it does not find what it wants22:48
peggys_mousegdb: when i run apt-get -y install linux-generic, it says already latest version. no error22:48
MatBoywow, encrypted home partition and bittorrent sucks big time22:48
barfsterunetbootin is not an answer to how I can boot an ISO using grub222:48
samoy2002ilovefairuz:  i dont understand either, now it is showing files without formatting, so it all seems a bit interesting, but either way, u did help, so thanks22:48
ilovefairuzmaleldraconis: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation .. pick your favorite flavor22:48
ilovefairuzsamoy2002: do you understand how html markup works ?22:49
^peanut^barfster: maybe this will help. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122441722:49
samoy2002ilovefairuz: i used to do a lot of pages, mostly php programming, been a long time though, i imagine i have forgotten a fair amount over time22:49
ilovefairuzsamoy2002: try http://w3schools.org for some introductory tutorials22:50
nexuslabhello please can you help me to install a driver ?22:50
BCMMhow can i list held packages?22:50
^peanut^!ask > nexuslab22:50
ubottunexuslab, please see my private message22:50
ilovefairuzsamoy2002: w3schools.com not .org22:50
ilovefairuzBCMM: did you try the last command i gave you ?22:51
alemadasalve a tutti22:51
kerebrusI just installed ubuntu on a Dell inspiron mini and it seems to not be using any video drivers. Is there any place were I can determine what drivers it is using?22:51
alemadasalve a tutti22:51
BCMMilovefairuz: oh, sorry - for some reason i don't highlight on bcmm_22:52
alemadapotete dirmo dove posso trovare aiuto per configurare irc22:52
ilovefairuz!it | alemada22:52
ubottualemada: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi Ā« /join #ubuntu-it Ā» senza virgolette)22:52
BCMMno, but i have successfully reinstalled flashplugin-nonfree22:52
samoy2002ilovefairuz: thank you, i wont be getting into the programming aspects again, have to hire people for that, my businesses take up to much time, but i do however need to get the servers setup to host many pages22:52
^peanut^kerebrus: try this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks#Lucid22:52
BCMMilovefairuz: now i just have the "held broken packages" thing, but i don't know how to list my held packages22:52
nexuslabhow can i make working my alfa wifi chipset RT307022:53
^peanut^!wifi | nexuslab22:53
ubottunexuslab: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:53
thune3kerebrus: driver= entry from : lshw -C video22:53
hiexpopure_hate,  hola my friend22:53
BCMMilovefairuz: that command seemed to help, it's running now22:53
ilovefairuzsamoy2002: there are some all-in-on books that explains Web technologies (the network, html, css, etc) and they are rather fun to read22:53
ApocryphicIs there another metapackage I can use instead of linux-generic, or can I force it to use an older version?22:54
BCMMilovefairuz: and then "held broken packages" again22:54
kerebrus<^peanut^> ill give that a try thanks22:54
ilovefairuzBCMM: pastebin22:54
^peanut^kerebrus: your welcome, and good luck.22:54
tkanyone familiar with ubuntu suddently not reporting compilers (GCC G++ etc) to ./configure scripts?22:55
tkclaims build-essentials isnt installed but compilers are definitely there22:55
corpseHi im running ubuntu lucid server on an htpc. I just istalled a ATI Radeon 4350. I installed the catalyst 10.6 file but when i run fglrxinfo i get: Error: unable to open display (null) i dont not have synaptic or any gui interface. I am not quite sure what to do from here22:55
ilovefairuztk: perhaps you removed by mistake ?22:55
^peanut^tk: if I'm not mistaken, I think you need to have build-essentials installed. but, I could be wrong22:56
leshasteis there some way to see the excel spreadsheet at http://www.ipcc.gov.uk/index/resources/research/reports_polcustody/excel_2008-09_deaths_following_police_contact.htm in ubuntu? Or just download it.22:56
osmodivsI installed Ubuntu 10.04, but soon after, i took out the PCI sound acrd and installed a WIFI one. Now i do not have any sound, the built in motherboard sound does not work22:56
corpsesorry for poor grammer there22:56
tkproblem is, it wont let me reinstall build-essentials either :(22:56
=== Faissal is now known as TheRealFaissal
^peanut^tk: do you get gcc: no input files when you type gcc ?22:56
osmodivsis there a way to fix it?22:56
ilovefairuztk: pastebin22:56
tk^peanut^: yup22:56
=== TheRealFaissal is now known as Faissal
hiexpo^peanut^,  yea need build es22:56
pedahzurHas anyone used the SMB LDAP tools in Ubuntu Server? When I run them, it barfs with: "Unable to open /etc/opt/IDEALX/smbldap-tools/smbldap.conf for reading !"  This is smbldap-tools 0.9.5-1.22:56
^peanut^hiexpo: cool, ty man.22:57
ilovefairuzosmodivs: pastebin lshw22:57
ilovefairuz!pastebin | osmodivs22:57
ubottuosmodivs: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:57
^peanut^tk: pastebin the error when you try to re-install build es22:57
tkilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/gZJvzcTY22:57
BCMM_ilovefairuz: http://pastebin.org/41383722:58
kisukeis ubuntu 10.04 netbook remix officaly supported?22:58
^peanut^tk: hmm, sudo apt-get remove build-essential; sudo apt-get install build-essential22:59
hiexpokisuke,  probally22:59
tk^peanut^: same22:59
hiexpodid u get it from ubuntu22:59
ilovefairuztk: apt-cache policy libc6-dev ?22:59
^peanut^tk: so you get the error regardless...hmm, ilovefairuz will know more about this than I . =)22:59
tkilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/UfQMmzVY23:00
jgcampbell300The following packages have been kept back:23:00
jgcampbell300  linux-generic-pae linux-headers-generic-pae linux-image-generic-pae23:00
jgcampbell3000 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.23:00
ilovefairuzBCMM: dpkg --configure -a23:00
jgcampbell300has anyone found a solution for that ?23:00
kisukehiexpo, just checking, ther was that fiasco with mint a while back23:00
trismjgcampbell300: the packages they point to aren't there yet, I'm sure they will be up shortly23:01
ilovefairuztk: puzzling stuff.. apt-get install build-essential libc6-dev g++23:01
jgcampbell300trism, oh ok ... thanks much was wondering why I could not upgrade any of my boxes for those three :)23:01
hiexpokisuke,  oh23:02
BCMM_ilovefairuz: no output from that, then same output from re-running do-release-upgrade23:02
tkilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/zUpdwg1623:02
kerebrus<^peanut^> that page broke my comp rofl ...23:03
ilovefairuztk: append libc6 to install line23:03
^peanut^kerebrus: really?!23:03
azloni installed pure-ftpd and pureadmin, but when i create a new account with pureadmin it wont let my users connect...23:03
^peanut^kerebrus: how so?23:03
azlonit says my username or password are incorrect23:03
osmodivshere is lspci23:03
tkilovefairuz: same error23:03
BCMMilovefairuz: would the log file help?23:04
kerebrus<^peanut^> now when my comp starts up after all the booting it just sits at a black screen ...23:04
ilovefairuzBCMM: apt-get autoremove flashplugin-nonfree23:04
^peanut^kerebrus: hmm, not good.23:04
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ilovefairuztk: but another package?23:04
osmodivshere is ...23:04
osmodivsthe other ona23:04
^peanut^kerebrus: is this after you installed the video driver for your card?23:05
kerebrus<^peanut^> nope and I followed the instructions perfectly23:05
kerebrus<^peanut^> yes23:05
tkilovefairuz: identical -   libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.9-4ubuntu6.2) but 2.10.1-0ubuntu15 is to be installed23:05
kerebrus<^peanut^>I did exactly what the instructions said for my specific model23:05
^peanut^kerebrus: ok, let me look up something23:06
^peanut^kerebrus: brb23:06
thune3jgcampbell300: apt-get upgrade doesn't pull in kernels (and some other stuff) for that you need  apt-get dist-upgrade23:06
ilovefairuztk: did you recently upgrade ?23:06
=== SpyderZNC is now known as SpyderBite
ilovefairuzosmodivs: that's not lshw23:07
=== Andre_Gondim_ is now known as Andre_Gondim
osmodivsI installed Ubuntu 10.04, after that, i uninstalled the PCI sound acrd, the added a PCI WI-FI card, now i hav no sound at all. The built in sound system does not work23:07
tkilovefairuz: its been some time ago since I did a full upgrade (I have upgraded since I hit this error and it did not help)23:07
tkupdate+upgrade (pkgs only)23:07
peggys_mousegdb: i think i'll just uninstall linux-generic etc  and then reinstall them after the upgrade23:08
shblangdoes anyone know how to assign a shortcut keyboard command to use the function of a gedit plugin?23:08
^peanut^kerebrus: are you using the UNR version or the standard desktop version?23:08
corpseHi im running ubuntu lucid server on an htpc. I just istalled a ATI Radeon 4350. I installed the catalyst 10.6 file but when i run fglrxinfo i get: Error: unable to open display (null)  I am not quite sure what to do from here. aticonfig --list-adapters shows 0.1:00.0 ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series23:09
hiexpothune3,  you just sudo apt-get upgrade does not upgradekernals ?23:09
kerebrus^peanut^ starndard desktop23:10
kerebrus^peanut^ how can I restore what I just screwed up ...23:11
^peanut^kerebrus: ah ok. not sure. thought about trying out the unr version. I believe the kernel is setup better for netbooks. though, again I could be way off.23:11
hiexposudo apt-get upgrade does upgrade the kernels   has mine anyways for the last 9 months    > unbelievable23:11
jgcampbell300if i have only 3 or 4 rules listed in UFW are the rest of the ports closed or secured ?23:11
ilovefairuztk: gcc --version ?23:11
icerootjgcampbell300: they are not handled by the firewall23:11
^peanut^kerebrus: hmm, go into rescue mode and un-install all those packages it had you install.23:11
tkilovefairuz: gcc (Ubuntu 4.3.3-5ubuntu4) 4.3.323:11
kerebrus^peanut^ ive tried the unr it sucked also23:11
kerebrus^peanut^ how?23:11
icerootjgcampbell300: so open if a program is running there, closed if nothing running there23:12
happyfacehow do I get my laptop external usb keyboard media controls to work?23:12
thune3hiexpo: it never has for me. maybe i have some setting off. they are always kept back23:12
hiexpo!hi | pradeep_23:12
ubottupradeep_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:12
^peanut^kerebrus: reboot23:12
jgcampbell300so if i want to secure my server i should add a rule to deny all ports and then add rules to open the ones i use ?23:12
kerebrus^peanut^ what do I press during reboot?23:12
^peanut^jgcampbell300: yes, that's a good standard to follow.23:12
ilovefairuztk: running lucid ?23:12
^peanut^kerebrus: oh, good question. one sec23:13
kerebrus^peanut^ lol23:13
tkilovefairuz: jaunty I do believe was the name on this version (its whats apt sources point to anyways)23:13
peggys_mousegdb: don't know if you are still there but that at least got me past the initial error. hopefully, 10.4 can run off the same kernel as 9.10 or the kernel will get updated in the process.23:13
^peanut^kerebrus: says to hold down the "shift" key23:13
tkilovefairuz: 9.1023:14
^peanut^kerebrus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:14
ilovefairuztk: lsb_release -a23:14
shblangdoes anyone know how to assign a shortcut keyboard command to use the function of a gedit plugin?23:14
tkilovefairuz: command not found23:14
kerebrus^peanut^ holding shift did nothing ...23:15
Stameniwhen i use split size option in zip command like this zip -s 670m -r foo bar. insted of creating foo file path from bar file path, it creates zip file in current directory with name 670.zip. Why it isn`t working ?23:15
iceroottk: cat /etc/issue23:15
peggys_mousegdb: looks like new headers/image are scheduled to install. thanks for your help!23:15
jgcampbell300so to close all ports would that command look like this ... sudo ufw deny 1-6553523:15
ilovefairuztk: apt-get install libc6-dev?23:15
tkilovefairuz: Ubuntu 9.10 \n \l (results of cat)23:16
iceroottk: that is karmic23:16
gdbpeggys_mouse: I'm sorry, I'm working from home today (about quttin' time) and I got distracted with something else.  I'm glad things are working out for you!23:16
tkilovefairuz: same pkg error as the other apt-get install attempts23:16
peggys_mousegdb: ya, thank you!23:16
^peanut^kerebrus: k23:17
tkiceroot: hmmm ok I can never keep track of what the names are anymore23:17
ilovefairuztk: apt-cache show libc623:17
tkilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/F6uaYfp523:18
thune3hiexpo: either way, to install packages listed as "kept back" (as is the case with jgcampbell300), the solution is to use 'apt-get dist-upgrade'23:18
^peanut^kerebrus: he user can interrupt the boot process and display the menu by holding down the SHIFT key until the menu displays. Grub 2 searches for a depressed SHIFT key signal during boot. If the key is pressed or Grub 2 cannot determine the status of the key, the menu is displayed. Note: The "SHIFT" keystatus check is currently nested within in a conditional statement within /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober and23:18
^peanut^may not work under certain circumstances.23:18
tksometimes I really dislike computers... this would be one of them :(23:18
hiexpothune3,  i use apt-get get upgrade23:19
Stameniwhen i use split size option in zip command like this zip -s 670m -r foo bar. insted of creating foo file path from bar file path, it creates zip file in current directory with name 670.zip. Why it isn`t working ?23:19
^peanut^kerebrus: with a black screen, can you try: crtl+alt+F2-523:20
ilovefairuztk: apt-get install libc-dev23:20
^peanut^Stameni: man zipsplit23:21
tkilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/PeBb0M9K23:21
visuospatialI've got a grub2 question if anyone can help23:21
Sunzaruanyone know the name of the app/software taht lets you have a panel like " http://compiz-themes.org/content/preview.php?preview=2&id=127349&file1=127349-1.png&file2=127349-2.jpg&file3=&name=midnight " ?23:21
tkilovefairuz: that looks like a possible key to the bigger picture23:22
kantxxhey all... im looking for a development IDE that starts with an A and supports sftp connections... anyone know?23:22
Stameni^peanut^ i don`t need that, that is for splitting existing archive23:22
^peanut^Sunzaru: that's AWN23:22
ilovefairuztk: your libc packages seem all mixed up23:22
Sunzaru^peanut^ thank you23:22
tkilovefairuz: is there a handy way of unmixxing it?23:23
AnxiousNutCan somebody please help me with this http://is.gd/dDQED?23:23
jgcampbell300is there an easier way to secure my server ?23:23
ilovefairuztk: i'd recommend a clean install if it's not much hassle23:23
Stameni^peanut^ i need "zip -s size foo bar", but it work very strange, in the present directory it create file with "size" as name. And not split anything23:23
tkilovefairuz: considering this install is part of a "base install img" for XEN servers... a true clean install... is a major PITA :/23:24
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:24
maleldraconisI have a grub2 question as well..  how can I use it to boot from an external CD drive during pre-boot?23:24
IncarnationAnyone here know a quick and painless way to download youtube videos?23:24
maleldraconisI've tried looking at the online docs, but I'm not finding anything23:24
ilovefairuztk: should have used an LTS release23:24
CrayonOfDoomDoing a preseeded install, and during the preseeding, it's installing grub.  When it finishes, grub somehow sets to boot off of /dev/sde1 instead of the correct /dev/sda1.  What could cause this and is there an easy fix to ensure it installs properly without having to tinker with grub after install?23:24
^peanut^Stameni: hmm, ok let me see23:25
ilovefairuzIncarnation: yt-download23:25
Jordan_Umaleldraconis: Most BIOSs don't present the CD drive to the bootloader unless you actualy booted from CD.23:25
Incarnationilovefairuz: where can I get that?23:25
tkilovefairuz: I thought at the time we did download the LTS version23:25
Saturn2888Anyone know why my Lucid kernel is -generic-pae whereas it used to be -server? I upgraded from Hardy yesterday and noticed my kernel change.23:25
maleldraconiswith it being an external drive, it's not powering up in time to boot from, any other way to fix that?23:25
ilovefairuzIncarnation: sorry, youtube-dl23:25
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ilovefairuzit's a package23:25
Incarnationah okay23:26
visuospatialThanks for the link, but I've read the online docs. I have ubuntu lucid on one hdd and win xp on another. os-prober finds win xp and adds it to the grub2 menu, but when i select it i get two errors: no such device and no such partition. Can anyone help?23:26
Jordan_Umaleldraconis: If it's a PATA (IDE) drive then you can work around that with grub's ata.mod.23:26
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trismSaturn2888: there isn't a server kernel anymore, linux-image-server just installs linux-image-generic-pae now23:26
kerebrus^peanut^ I unistalled what it had me install and I reinstalled compiz but it is still going to the black screen23:26
Incarnationthanks ilovefairuz23:27
tkilovefairuz: sounds like a new image is due anyways... 10.x LTS release vs my 9.1023:27
maleldraconisI don't know what it is, it's a Dell external DVDRW drive...23:27
maleldraconisthrough USB23:27
ilovefairuztk: well you don't do dist upgrades from for an LTS except to an LTS, it kinda defeats the point if you d23:27
^peanut^kerebrus: did you reboot?23:27
Saturn2888trism:  why is that?23:27
NFischerHI all!! i try to print on an DL-Envelope using Openoffice.. but Ubuntu is always printing on it in Portrait instead of landscape no matter what i define.. any suggestions?!23:27
ilovefairuzIncarnation: YOU'RE WELCOME23:27
ilovefairuzoops caps lock23:27
trismSaturn2888: I don't know, but I imagine they decided the configurations were so similar, they didn't need both23:27
kerebrus^peanut^ yup23:27
Saturn2888trism: ok thanks!23:28
Jordan_Umaleldraconis: Then it's possible that grub's native USB drivers could be used, you won't be able to chainload though.23:28
tkilovefairuz: I just checked, the other guy that was setting up our XEN image grabbed the newest at the time, not newest LTS he said23:28
Saturn2888Does anyone know if md_mod.ko is required to boot to a RAID1 from mdadm anymore?23:29
kisukeok, bcm4312 wifi card here, have working drivers, (thers a regression in the blobs) i just need to have it load at startup how  wouold i do this?23:29
maleldraconisJordan_U: how do I do that? and what's chainloading?  sorry, total newb now..  haven't used linux since redhat 6... and have forgotten mostly everything23:29
experiMENTALhi. problem not solved, plz. black screen with white flashing stripes up to half of the screen preceded by a message "checking battery state... [OK]": http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153154323:29
Sebohi, is it possible to install 64 bit ubuntu inside 32 bit windows?23:30
ilovefairuztk: it seems that libc providers 2.10 but libc-dev provides 2.923:30
Saturn2888Sebo with the right processor and software support yes. I believe it's really tricky though23:30
Sebobut it doesnt work by default with wubi?23:30
kisukesebo, yes, if yo uuse wubi23:31
MJB_I need drivers for my microphone not working. Compaq Presario F750us23:31
Jordan_Umaleldraconis: It's probably not worth the effort.23:31
kerebrus^peanut^ your killin me here23:31
Sebook thx23:31
kisukeSebo, as long as your pc can support a 64 bit os23:31
anigmawhat's the best way to burn an ISO image to a CD in ubuntu?23:31
^peanut^kerebrus: I'm still reading23:31
^peanut^kerebrus: =)23:32
MJB_anigma: Use the disk burner in ubuntu23:32
ilovefairuztk: apt-get update and apt-get upgrade?23:32
MJB_Applications>Sound and Video23:32
sindegraHey, anyone know how to get the vesa driver to display in 1024x600? I've been trying to get linux frame buffer to go into that and have so far been unsuccesful.23:32
^peanut^Stameni: try this. it works on my system. zip -s 1m mysplits1.zip files23:32
maleldraconisdid I lose connection?23:32
up_the_ironsI have a Jaunty box, running gnome, and I can change the accelerator key of any menu item within a gtk app by simply highlighting that menu item and hitting the new accelerator.  But on a new Lucid box i installed, I can't do this.  I *swear* I remember there being a way to turn this feature on/off, but for the life of me I can't find it now...  any tips?23:33
^peanut^kerebrus: wow man, I'm not seeing alot. everything that i'm find says that should have worked.23:33
ilovefairuzsindegra: vga=318, i think23:33
tkilovefairuz: no updates23:33
tkupgrade rather23:33
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:33
Evolution-XDid anyone have any kind of trouble after isntalling grub-common(GRand Bootloader Vertion 2) Common files,,,also grub-pc grand unified Bootloader Vertion 2 PC/Bios Vertion)23:33
kerebrus^peanut^ bleh dont say that23:34
Stameni^penaut^ but that createt that file in your present directoy ?23:34
Evolution-Xnot sure what to do23:34
^peanut^kerebrus: yea I know... sorry man23:34
sindegrailovefairuz: I'm not sure if that will do it. vbeinfo doesn't give 1024x600 as a possible mode.23:34
Jordan_UEvolution-X: What problem are you having?23:34
sindegraI can try it though23:34
^peanut^Stameni: yes. BUT if you run that command in the dir you want the files to be in, then you'll be all good.23:34
Evolution-Xanyone so far23:34
Evolution-Xdo i need that23:34
ilovefairuzsindegra: use vga=ask and it will prompt you at boot23:35
Evolution-Xi dont want to have a problem and not be able to boot after installing that23:35
kisukeok how do i get a driver to load on startup?23:35
Evolution-Xi want t make sure23:35
trismup_the_irons: in gconf-editor, would seem to be /desktop/gnome/interface/can_change_accels23:35
maleldraconisOk, lost connection..  but how would I use grub2's USB drivers to boot from an external drive?23:35
sindegrailovefairuz: alright I'll try that.23:35
visuospatialos-prober detects my installation of Win XP-64 on a second hard drive, but Grub2 will not load it. Where should I start to fix it?23:36
ilovefairuztk: if you notice, in apt-cache policy libc6-dev, version table has 2.0, but apt-cache policy libc6 has 2.10 installed23:36
^peanut^Stameni: try this. it works on my system. zip -s 1m outputfiles/mysplits1.zip "your files" all output will go into "outputfiles dir"23:36
Evolution-Xis grub the black screen with the memtest and recovery mode and all that23:36
kisukeEvolution-X, yes23:36
Jordan_Uvisuospatial: Try running "ls -l" in the grub shell at boot and see if your second drive is listed.23:36
MJB_I need help getting my microphone to work23:36
up_the_ironstrism: that worked great!! thanks!!!23:37
sindegrailovefairuz: ah, feck. I have grub2. I have no idea how to get it to work with that.23:37
visuospatialJordan_U: thanks, will do.23:37
Stameni^peanut^, tnx. But i`m creating a python script for system backup and that complicate things alot :/ i need to find another way so i can process destination paths any directory23:37
kisukeMJB_, have you checked ubuntuforums.org?23:37
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:37
Jordan_Usindegra: In the grub shell run "vbeinfo"23:37
MJB_Nothing at all23:37
Ornotermesi have a laptop works just fine with linux 2.6.31-20 but fail to boot normal with any 2.6.32 kernel ("single" starts), video problem? any ideas how to fix?23:37
ilovefairuzsindegra: press esc at boot, press e to edit line, append vga=ask, press enter and press b23:37
Evolution-Xi dont have problems with grub23:37
Evolution-Xi just ton want to have a problem after installation23:38
kisukeMJB_, have you done a google search?23:38
sindegraJoran_U: I did that. didn't get 1024x600 as an option.23:38
sindegrailovefairuz: I'll try that.23:38
Stameni^peanut^ i dont understand that last command, if outputfiles are zip archives, what is mysplits1.zip and where are input files ? ?23:38
cablophow can i access windows shared folders with ease? i don't need to automount them on startup, and also i don't need to mount them from shell... i need a graphical way to do it23:38
^peanut^Stameni: you could have a static path setup with switches to override?23:38
Jordan_Usindegra: Then you can't get that resolution with VESA.23:38
MJB_kisuke: yes23:38
tkilovefairuz: did not catch that, but it looks like a clean newer LTS image would be a good move23:38
sindegraJordan_U: any other way to force the framebuffer to do 1024x600 then?23:39
ilovefairuztk: strangely http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/libc6-dev current version is 2.10!23:39
kisukeMJB_, what did you  search for?23:39
Evolution-Xhow can i ignore this update so wont show up on list23:39
ilovefairuztk: try switch apt mirrors and update23:39
^peanut^Stameni: zip -s 1m outputfiles/mysplits1.zip "your files" all output will go into "outputfiles dir" outputfiles is just a dir name, under it all the files 1.x will be under the outputfiles dir.23:39
MJB_Ubuntu mic not working23:39
Stameni^peanut^ i`ll try that, thank you23:39
cablopsindegra what are you trying to do?23:40
^peanut^Stameni: your welcome23:40
ilovefairuz!sound | MJB_23:40
ubottuMJB_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.23:40
lxleeis there an ubuntu program that lets you type anything and your computer will say it?23:40
tkilovefairuz: any quick way to do that or need I go in and change my sources by hand?23:40
kisukeMJB_, are you using adesktop or a laptop?23:40
sindegracablop: get tty to display in 1024x600. Also get links2 -g with directfb to display in 1024x600x32. both seem to be related.23:40
MJB_kisuke: Laptop23:40
Jordan_Usindegra: Install proper drivers for your card if they are available. It's not something that can be "forced" to work, just like I can't force you to understand Chinese.23:40
ilovefairuztk: apt-mirror23:40
red2kiclxlee: espeak, festival23:40
Evolution-Xcheck assistive technologies23:41
IceMakerhey ppl. need help installing wireless- tp-link wn422g v2 card. please !can`t start working with ubuntu withought net connection :(23:41
ilovefairuztk: sorry, one momen23:41
kisukeMJB_, try googleing <pc model> mic ubuntu23:41
cablopsindegra: i don't know what is links2 -g but i think you can force your framebuffer at startup23:41
cabloplet me check23:41
kisukecablop, -fb at boot i beleve23:41
kisuke!wifi | IceMaker23:42
ubottuIceMaker: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:42
kisukeok how do i get a driver to load on startup?23:42
sindegracablop: don't bother. I know you can configure the framebuffer I just don't know how to make 1024x600 selectable.23:42
IceMakerkisuke:  thanks going to dig :)23:43
Jordan_Usindegra: What graphics card?23:43
ilovefairuztk: was apt-spy but not available any longer.. seems you have to do it by hand23:43
sindegraJordan_U: just what I was figuring out atm, just a sec.23:43
sindegraJordan_U: Intel 945GME23:44
maleldraconisok, not finding anything on the Grub2 files about using it to boot from an external drives, or using USB drivers or anything like that..23:44
kerebrusAnyone know what the defualt video driver package for ubuntu desktop is called?23:45
cablopsindegra: i believe you're booting in a netbook and afaik you're using the default grub2, isn't it?23:46
ilovefairuzmaleldraconis: they are treated like internal hard disk, just different numbers23:46
MJB_kisuke: No help searching.23:46
kisukeupdate-initramfs will include runinig drivers right?23:46
sindegracablop: completely correct. asus 1002ha in fact.23:46
visuospatialJordan_U: the second hard drive is listed as "Partition table. Filesystem unrecognized"23:46
visuospatialbut there are no partitions listed23:47
Saturn2888After upgrading to Lucid from Hardy, I tried to boot to my RAID1 and all I get is a blinking cursor after the GRUB screen. I was also getting a status 5 ureadahead error, but that's because /var is on another partition, an lvm in this case. After removing ureadahead, would that let me boot into an OS or would that just get rid of the error and leave me with only the blinking cursor?23:47
Jordan_Uvisuospatial: Are you using gpt on either of the drives?23:47
cablopok, then you must edit a filer and set the framebuffer from that place23:47
sindegraJordan_U: I checked drivers for my gfx card and the result from intel was basically telling me to check the gfx driver from my distro, soooo yeah.23:47
visuospatialJordan_U: i'm not sure what that is, so probably not23:47
MJB_kisuke: any other suggestion? Software I can use that includes all drivers?23:48
IceMakerhey ppl. need help installing wireless- tp-link wn422g v2 card. please !can`t start working with ubuntu withought net connection :(23:48
Jordan_Uvisuospatial: Is one of the drives over two TB large?23:48
visuospatialJordan_U: yes, one is a 2 TB drive, so it's listed as larger than 2000 GB23:48
stukadHi, how do i get a mouse (mx518) at 500hz instead of the default 125hz ?23:48
psycho_oreosIceMaker, is this a PCI or USB?23:48
visuospatialJordan_U:  that's the ubuntu drive, and it's working fine23:48
kisukeMJB_, unfourtunatly i kno0w of no "silver bullet" in this case23:49
IceMakerpsycho_oreos: usb23:49
kisuke!wifi |icemaker23:49
ubottuicemaker: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:49
MJB_kisuke: Someone here gave me something. An application a while ago that detects drivers.23:49
MJB_I can't remember what it was....23:49
IceMakerkisuke: tryed there noth` usefuul23:49
kisuke!mic |  MJB_23:49
EvilPhoenixanyone know how I can specify where iptables logging logs to?  it logs to syslog atm and i'd like it to log to somewhere else23:50
MJB_Bot doesn't know anything :|23:50
kisukeIceMaker, try google?23:50
Jordan_Uvisuospatial: Try adding "insmod part_msdos" to /etc/grub.d/40_custom then re-run update-grub.23:50
* er0s is away (=) brb)23:50
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kerebrusAnyone know what the defualt video driver package for ubuntu desktop is called?23:50
psycho_oreosIceMaker, if the USB device is connected, pastebin the lsusb output23:50
kisuke!audio | MJB_23:50
ubottuMJB_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.23:50
visuospatialJordan_U: will do. thanks.23:50
ilovefairuzsindegra: did you try vga=ask ?23:51
Jordan_Uvisuospatial: You're welcome.23:51
stukadhow to change the default 125hz on a usb mouse to 500hz in ubuntu 10.4? (MX518)23:51
IceMakerpsycho_oreos:  i didn`t understand that. i am new to linux23:51
ilovefairuzkerebrus: lshw23:51
Jordan_Usindegra: What happens when you try to use the default intel drivers?23:51
visuospatialJordan_U: the output for update-grub says "can't read 'part_msdos': No such file or directory23:52
DDwiever since the last two kernel updates my keyboard and mouse don't function after the gdm login screen shows, is this a known issue?23:52
Stameni^peanut^: i just excluded v from options "zip -s(not sv) 100 -r foo bar" and it work as expected, there is a BUG in "-sv" option. So in the end i don`t need to try your way, thank you anyway !23:52
Utrinqueparatusis there a way to select all using nano?23:52
j_ayen_greenthis is one of those questions where it's hard to figure out where to ask it. I'm running 10.4 under box. I was importing a mysql dump and it hung, and terminal hung, and nothing in ubuntu was clickable, and vbox couldn't shut it down, so I had to kill vbox, and ended up with the ubuntu image being corrupted. i just don't know how to avoid it happening again once I get done rebuilding everything.23:52
Saturn2888How can I set my system to reboot to initramfs?23:52
psycho_oreosIceMaker, open up terminal session (gnome-terminal) and type in "lspci" (without quotes) hit enter, copy the data of the output and pastebin it23:52
psycho_oreos!pastebin | IceMaker23:53
ubottuIceMaker: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:53
Jordan_Uvisuospatial: Add "insmod part_msdos" on a new line at the end of /etc/grub.d/40_custom, not the beginning.23:53
kerebrusilovefairuz is lshw a command to show you the drivers?23:53
visuospatialJordan_U: yeah, i just realized i overwrote the whole 40_custom file. any way i can regenerate it?23:53
ilovefairuzkerebrus: yes23:54
grendal_primeI got a router that i have been using for some time now.  Very solid router/firewall and web server.  I just moved and i now have a comcast cable connection.  I cant get this machine to route anything.23:54
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Jordan_Uvisuospatial: Here's what the file contains by default: http://paste.debian.net/81269/23:54
grendal_primeits making me crazy.  Now at this new location i have a dynamically assited ip address23:54
cablopi need a replacement of the ditto clipboard manager from windows23:55
cablopof course in ubuntu23:55
xcthulhuHi, I'm doing some astronomical work and I was wondering if there is a program that shows where the sun is shining on the planet earth23:55
xcthulhuBesides xephem, which doesn't have an ubuntu package23:55
grendal_primexcthulhu, ya the clock app23:55
sindegraJordan_U: not yet, vga=ask. brb to try that23:55
IceMakerpsycho_oreos:  sec i need to swich to ubuntu i have troble conecting there23:55
visuospatialJordan_U: ok, great. i'll reboot and brb23:55
kerebrusilovefairuz well thats not going to work since they are not currently installed23:55
xcthulhugrendal_prime, what's it's name?  And can it output to a file?23:56
ilovefairuzkerebrus: sudo apt-get install lshw23:56
tkilovefairuz: sounds like I'm creating a new image anyways -- gives me a chance to switch this particular server over to LVM anyways23:56
ilovefairuztk: yeah better23:57
tkilovefairuz: yup :) win from a fml :P23:58
ilovefairuz!hi | rootkid23:59
ubotturootkid: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:59
rootkidhow can run a file for exemple file.c23:59
rootkidin linux23:59
psycho_oreosyou'll need to compile it first, using gcc23:59

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