coathanger | What kind of response time can one normally expect on a billing inquiry? | 01:41 |
jblount | coathanger: I think the person that goes through those tries to turn them around in one or two days, did you submit the form at ? | 01:42 |
coathanger | Yes, one on 7-10 and another on 7-20... similar issue. | 01:43 |
jblount | coathanger: Wow! If you pm me your email I'll ask them to take a look at the queue. | 01:43 |
coathanger | Getting billed multiple times. Thanks, will do. | 01:44 |
jblount | coathanger: Sorry about the wait, we're in the process of turning that into something three people deal with instead of one, but I'm sure we can get you fixed up. | 01:44 |
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nUboon2Age | kermiac: after i got networkmanager running again, all the files and folders got down to my desktop. :) | 06:39 |
kermiac | nUboon2Age: That is good to hear mate :) | 06:40 |
nUboon2Age | working! :D | 06:40 |
nUboon2Age | you gave me the clue. what was it (forgotten now) it was a log file or something. That said something about errors due to missing networkmanager. | 06:41 |
nUboon2Age | oh yeah ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log | 06:43 |
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mandel | vds, ping | 08:11 |
vds | mandel: pong | 08:37 |
mandel | vds, very good morning! | 08:37 |
mandel | vds, how are u doing? | 08:37 |
vds | mandel: good morning to you! | 08:37 |
vds | mandel: not bad | 08:37 |
vds | mandel: we need to investigate that problem with the service | 08:37 |
mandel | vds, wanna try and see why you could not build the branch? | 08:37 |
vds | yep | 08:38 |
mandel | vds, yes, lets take a look | 08:38 |
vds | mandel: ok, what's the plan? | 08:38 |
mandel | vds, so, my plan for today is: fix your issue with the service, and se if you can approve two diff branches | 08:39 |
mandel | vds, integrate the selupdate with the ui and do a point to point test :D | 08:39 |
mandel | vds, does that sound good to you? | 08:39 |
vds | yep | 08:40 |
vds | but my question was more | 08:40 |
vds | how do we check why it is not working here? | 08:40 |
mandel | vds, mm, lets start by getting the branch again | 08:42 |
mandel | vds, once you do that, can you pastebin the build script? | 08:42 |
mandel | vds, is the file | 08:42 |
vds | mandel: ok | 08:44 |
mandel | vds, it is strange that your are not getting the build results, and is the build script that does that | 08:45 |
Rhonda | I am a bit puzzled by the ubuntuone-ios-client. bzr cloning it gives me a LICENSE.txt stating that it's under the GNU Affero GPL. From my understanding that would be even more violated by the appstore because it would require the appstore to provide the source itself? | 08:47 |
vds | mandel: I get the branch, I build, I bootstrap, and try to install the service | 08:48 |
vds | mandel: is that correct? | 08:49 |
mandel | vds, yes, if everything works ok that is the idea | 08:49 |
vds | :) | 08:49 |
vds | mandel: I did the build and the installer | 09:14 |
vds | mandel: what should I have now? | 09:14 |
Rhonda | Hmm, no, got that wrong, the appstore wouldn't have to provide the source because the binary doesn't run on the appstore. I still wonder about the opinion and approach that is taken here for the iPhone client in the light of recent compaints that the appstore regulations aren't GPL compatible. | 09:18 |
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mandel | vds,do you have a build_results folder in the install dir? | 09:41 |
vds | mandel: nope | 09:42 |
mandel | can you pastebin the you have from that branch? | 09:47 |
vds | mandel: | 10:05 |
mandel | vds, you are right, I'm stupid and told you tolook somewhere that is added by the other brach | 10:07 |
mandel | vds, mea culpa | 10:07 |
mandel | vds, you have to go to src\Canonical.UbuntuOne.ProcessDispatcher\bin\Debug | 10:07 |
mandel | vds, I told you my brain was damaged lst night :P | 10:08 |
vds | mandel: still the exe is not there | 10:09 |
mandel | vds, there should be an .exe there, I'm 99% sure | 10:10 |
mandel | vds, let me double check | 10:10 |
vds | I did the build and the install and in src\Canonical.UbuntuOne.ProcessDispatcher\bin\Debug there is no .exe | 10:11 |
mandel | vds, I'm doing it in that branch right now | 10:11 |
mandel | vds, give me 20 s ;) | 10:11 |
mandel | vds, are you using explorer to look at the folder? | 10:12 |
vds | mandel: nope the shell | 10:12 |
vds | mandel: I never use explorer even if the shell is awful | 10:13 |
mandel | vds, and you do not have Canonical.UbuntuOne.ProcessDispatcher.exe? | 10:13 |
mandel | vds, really? | 10:13 |
vds | mandel: I have a bunch of dll and and two .pdb | 10:13 |
vds | ans two xml | 10:14 |
mandel | vds, do you know how to request remote assistance in windows 7?? | 10:14 |
mandel | vds, I want to take a look at your system :P | 10:15 |
vds | mandel: not sure it works win the version on win I have | 10:16 |
vds | mandel: but | 10:16 |
vds | I nstalled ssh on it :D | 10:16 |
mandel | vds, you are going to make me ssh? hehe you bastard, lets try :P | 10:17 |
vds | mandel: let me setup the router | 10:17 |
mandel | vds, ok | 10:17 |
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mandel | vds, I'm looking at your machine, and the .exe is there... | 10:27 |
vds | mandel: ah | 10:27 |
vds | there...where then? | 10:27 |
mandel | dir C:\Users\vds\canonical\fix_gtk_installer\src\Canonical.UbuntuOne.P | 10:27 |
mandel | rocessDispatcher\bin\Debug | 10:27 |
vds | mandel: wrong dir | 10:28 |
mandel | vds, sorry for the double line, copy paste from windows cmd is not good | 10:28 |
mandel | vds, ups, true | 10:28 |
vds | mandel: fix_null_pointer_start that's the branch :) | 10:28 |
mandel | vds, ups... | 10:29 |
mandel | vds, do you have a console open ?? I have a lock problem | 10:29 |
mandel | probably you have a cmd in the bin/Debug dir | 10:29 |
vds | mandel: try now | 10:30 |
mandel | vds, thnx, it works now | 10:30 |
mandel | vds, the .exe is there | 10:32 |
vds | mandel: what did I do wrong? | 10:32 |
mandel | vds, no idea, which command did u use? | 10:33 |
mandel | vds, it was installer, not bootstrapper | 10:33 |
vds | mandel: yep, that's what I used | 10:33 |
vds | build and installer | 10:33 |
mandel | vds, mm strange, I've touched nothing | 10:34 |
vds | where do you see the .exe? | 10:34 |
vds | mandel: ^^ | 10:34 |
mandel | vds, I'm clenaning the solution, can you execute the command? | 10:35 |
vds | in src/Canonical.UbuntuOne.Client/bin/Debug I don't see it | 10:35 |
mandel | vds, got a lock issue, I guess you are in the dir.... DOS sucks big time | 10:35 |
mandel | vds, I just deleted everything hehe | 10:35 |
vds | ah | 10:35 |
vds | mandel: try again | 10:36 |
mandel | I wanted to do a clean and let you execute it to see hwat you were doing | 10:36 |
mandel | vds, where are you in the tree? | 10:36 |
vds | C:\Users\vds\canonical\fix_null_pointer_start\src\Canonical.UbuntuOne.Client\ now | 10:37 |
vds | mandel: ^^ | 10:37 |
mandel | vds, can you move to src? | 10:37 |
mandel | vds, now, execute build | 10:38 |
vds | mandel: I have to move one level up to do the build | 10:39 |
mandel | vds, yes, sorry | 10:39 |
mandel | vds, I tould you to move to src to get you out of the way of what I was doing hehe | 10:39 |
vds | mandel: np, actually was more a question :) | 10:39 |
vds | building | 10:39 |
mandel | vds, uh, then yes ;) | 10:39 |
vds | mandel: built | 10:40 |
mandel | vds, okk, dont move! ;) | 10:40 |
* vds frezees | 10:40 | |
mandel | vds, is there :D | 10:40 |
mandel | src/Canonical.UbuntuOne.ProcessDispatcher/bin/Debug | 10:41 |
mandel | vds ^ | 10:41 |
vds | arg | 10:41 |
vds | mandel: in Dispatcher | 10:41 |
vds | not in Client | 10:41 |
mandel | vds, hahaha | 10:41 |
mandel | vds, yes, well, no problem we know we can work with ssh ;) | 10:42 |
mandel | vds, it happens to the best of us! | 10:42 |
vds | mandel: are you still on ssh? | 10:48 |
mandel | vds, no | 10:48 |
vds | mandel: ssh please :) | 10:48 |
mandel | vds, ok | 10:48 |
vds | mandel: is returning a quite obscure error message | 10:49 |
mandel | vds, doing what? | 10:49 |
vds | mandel: I'm afraid it's the same problem muffinresearch had\ | 10:49 |
mandel | vds, ahh that is easy to solve | 10:50 |
lalejand | Hi everyone, if there is a U1 developer here, can he/she check this bug report please ? | 10:50 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 608011 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "errors in syncdaemon.log (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 10:50 |
mandel | vds, go to panel control, and in the search box, type services | 10:50 |
lalejand | syncdaemon is using 95% of my CPU since 3 days | 10:50 |
mandel | vds, one of the results should say something about local services | 10:50 |
vds | mandel: yep I have the table in front of me | 10:51 |
mandel | vds, look for the Ubuntu One service | 10:51 |
mandel | vds, right click and properties | 10:51 |
mandel | vds, in the properties, second tab (Log on) | 10:52 |
vds | mandel: must be a different issue, I don;t see any service | 10:53 |
mandel | vds, you did use InstallUtil, right? | 10:54 |
vds | mandel: yes but it says it rolled back | 10:54 |
mandel | vds, ahh, that is another issue then | 10:54 |
vds | mandel: feel free to ssh | 10:54 |
mandel | vds, are u root or whatever is called on windows? | 10:54 |
vds | I don't think so | 10:55 |
mandel | vds, I'll not be able to move to admin over ssh :( | 10:55 |
mandel | vds, you have to start a console as root | 10:55 |
mandel | vds, I know, major pain in the ass | 10:55 |
vds | mandel: ah interesting, how do I do it? | 10:55 |
vds | apart from googling for it :) | 10:55 |
mandel | vds, I always right click on the cmd icon on the start menu and choose run as admin | 10:56 |
mandel | vds, there must be a better way, but that is how i rulez :P | 10:56 |
vds | mandel: ok, done | 10:58 |
vds | mandel: now what happens? | 10:59 |
mandel | vds, then you have to do what I told you to fix the issue that muffinresearch had | 10:59 |
mandel | vds, you know, control panel, local services, find the ubuntu one | 10:59 |
mandel | vds, properties -> logon and select local system account | 11:00 |
mandel | vds, after thar, start service and stop it | 11:00 |
vds | mandel: should I change the login and pwd info? | 11:02 |
vds | and the user? | 11:02 |
mandel | vds, you can use your user to test, or select local service account | 11:03 |
mandel | vds, as you wish | 11:03 |
vds | mandel: localservice account is checked | 11:03 |
mandel | ok, now try to start and stop it | 11:03 |
vds | but if I start it like it is I get a security error 5 | 11:03 |
vds | mandel: wait | 11:04 |
mandel | vds, hug? try with your user, is probably becasue we used InstallUtil | 11:04 |
vds | I'm wrong | 11:04 |
mandel | :D | 11:04 |
vds | does it need to interact with the desktop? | 11:04 |
mandel | vds, not with the current code | 11:04 |
vds | mandel: worked | 11:06 |
vds | mandel: other ways I can test it? | 11:07 |
mandel | vds, well there is nothing beside that right now hehe, we have not python to talk with ;) | 11:07 |
mandel | but once you have that, you can stop it and uninstall | 11:07 |
mandel | vds, use InstallUtil /u process.exe | 11:08 |
mandel | vds, after that you can test the next branch that does all the installutil etc for you in the msi :) | 11:08 |
vds | mandel: service removed | 11:10 |
mandel | vds, cool, now the anoying things... you need to reboot to reinstall it :( | 11:10 |
mandel | vds, major pain in the ass, you know windows... | 11:10 |
vds | mandel: of course you have to close the service window and open it again to see it is not there because it doesn;t refresh it automatically and the manual refresh does nothing | 11:10 |
vds | mandel: wooooo? to reinstall a service you have to reboot? | 11:11 |
mandel | vds, didn;'t you hear me in mumble comlaining about that? | 11:11 |
mandel | vds, I rebooted the bloody thing like 50/60 times.... | 11:11 |
mandel | vds, I nearly gave up | 11:12 |
vds | nope I didn't hear that :) | 11:12 |
mandel | vds, I complained and mentioned I expect a pay raise ;) | 11:13 |
vds | ahahah :) | 11:13 |
vds | mandel: I guess you'll desrve it if you find a way to avoid all the reboots :P | 11:13 |
mandel | vds, that would be hard... but is the Os that is crap... | 11:14 |
mandel | vds, anyways, reboot and try the other branch, does the same but with the msi :D | 11:15 |
vds | mandel: really? :) | 11:15 |
vds | on it already | 11:15 |
mandel | vds, yes, really, is the os, nothing we can do about it :( | 11:15 |
vds | mandel: really was about "crap" :) | 11:16 |
mandel | vds, ahh hehe | 11:16 |
mandel | vds, you have to understand the irony of what we are doing ;) | 11:16 |
lalejand | Hi, I have a problem : syncdaemon is using 95% of my CPU since 3 days | 11:30 |
rodrigo_ | nessita, fixed my branch, the tests got broken with the last merge from trunk, so please review again | 11:31 |
vds | mandel: in the wiki is not clear when to use installer and when to use bootstrapper | 11:31 |
mandel | lalejand, let me see if I can get some one to help you | 11:31 |
mandel | vds, ok, I'll fix the wiki | 11:31 |
mandel | vds, did you create the installer for the second branch | 11:31 |
nessita | rodrigo_: sure! | 11:31 |
vds | mandel: for example for the last branch I'd say I should use bootstrapper and test the whole installation... | 11:31 |
vds | right? | 11:31 |
mandel | vds, whcih branch? | 11:32 |
lalejand | mandel, thanks | 11:32 |
lalejand | everything is here : | 11:32 |
mandel | rodrigo_, do you know who can help lalejand ?? rye is not here :( | 11:32 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 608011 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "errors in syncdaemon.log (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 11:32 |
lalejand | but I have no news | 11:32 |
vds | mandel: install_service_wix | 11:32 |
rodrigo_ | nessita, also this one -> please | 11:33 |
mandel | vds, nop, just installer | 11:33 |
rodrigo_ | mandel, lalejand: looking... | 11:33 |
mandel | vds, the bootstrapper creates a setup exe, but it installs the content of s3 | 11:33 |
mandel | vds, so you need to create the installer | 11:33 |
vds | ah ok | 11:34 |
rodrigo_ | lalejand, verterok should know, I'll ping him (or do it yourself) when he wakes up, in 2/3 hours | 11:34 |
mandel | vds, ideally we will automate our build server to post the new msi every time we have a new release | 11:35 |
rodrigo_ | lalejand, but just in case, your internet connection works ok, right? | 11:35 |
lalejand | mandel, rodrigo_ : thanks guys, ok. | 11:35 |
rodrigo_ | I ask because of the Connection failed: DNS lookup failed: address '' not found: [Errno -5] No address associated with hostname. line | 11:35 |
lalejand | rodrigo_ : yes, I'm using the web interface to talk with you | 11:35 |
rodrigo_ | lalejand, ok | 11:36 |
lalejand | rodrigo_ : and during the last 3 days (since the problem occurred) my internet connection has been ok | 11:37 |
rodrigo_ | hey alecu | 11:44 |
alecu | hola rodrigo_! me desperte temprano para hablar con nessita, si es que anda por aca | 11:46 |
nessita | alecu: acá estoy | 11:46 |
nessita | oops | 11:46 |
rodrigo_ | alecu, si, anda por acá, o andaba hace un segundo :) | 11:46 |
nessita | here I am | 11:46 |
alecu | nessita, here you are! | 11:46 |
nessita | english crowd! | 11:46 |
rodrigo_ | oh, yeah, English here :) | 11:46 |
alecu | nessita, I need you to review the NM branch... | 11:47 |
nessita | sure! | 11:47 |
alecu | nessita, let me find the link... | 11:47 |
alecu | | 11:47 |
alecu | looks like somebody has already asked for comments | 11:48 |
rodrigo_ | alecu, yes, me :) | 11:51 |
alecu | nessita, anyway: it would be best if you also reviews it, to see if I'm missing something. | 11:51 |
alecu | rodrigo_, I see :-) | 11:52 |
nessita | alecu: john added some comments, that's what you mean? :-) | 11:52 |
alecu | nessita, no: rodrigo asked for more info | 11:53 |
alecu | rodrigo_, regarding "Shouldn't this include the changes in to use the new networkstate object?" | 11:53 |
alecu | rodrigo_, I believe nessita is refactoring the sso bits, so a very well tested Network State detection code is what she asked me to do. | 11:54 |
rodrigo_ | ah, ok | 11:54 |
nessita | alecu: Chipaca asked for some fixes as well | 11:54 |
nessita | so if you can add those it will be awesome :-) | 11:54 |
alecu | nessita, yes, I'm fixing those | 11:54 |
rodrigo_ | alecu, then fix what Chipaca said, and I'll approve it, ok? | 11:54 |
nessita | then I'll review | 11:54 |
alecu | nessita, Chipaca just asked for a very small try/finally in a test binary, so go ahead and review | 11:55 |
nessita | alecu: yeah, thing is I have 2 more ongoing reviews for rodrigo_ :-/ | 11:56 |
nessita | and lunch in 4 minutes | 11:56 |
alecu | nessita, ok, don't review | 11:56 |
nessita | alecu: I'll do it! | 11:57 |
alecu | nessita, but at least take a look at the api | 11:57 |
nessita | but after lunch, that's all I'm seeing | 11:57 |
nessita | saying* | 11:57 |
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alecu | nessita, no prob | 11:57 |
alecu | nessita, I need to get a bit more sleep as well :-) | 11:57 |
nessita | rodrigo_: how can I test the first review on nautilus? | 11:57 |
nessita | alecu: bien sur, go ahead | 11:57 |
rodrigo_ | which one is the 1st one? :) | 11:57 |
nessita | I'll be here when you wake up (I think? ) | 11:57 |
nessita | rodrigo_: the share something? | 11:57 |
nessita | "check-before-disabling" | 11:58 |
alecu | nessita, also: please tell me if I can help you with another bit of sso | 11:58 |
rodrigo_ | nessita, can't test it, there's a bug on syncdaemon that doesn't share a folder on udf's | 11:58 |
nessita | alecu: well yes, I'd need you to take chad's assignment | 11:58 |
alecu | nessita, ok, cool. | 11:58 |
nessita | alecu: he seems a bit blocked about that, I think that rodrigo_ can fill you in? | 11:58 |
rodrigo_ | nessita, so only way to test is to run the tests, to test the new API added to libsyncdaemon | 11:58 |
nessita | rodrigo_: what about in nautilus? not yet? | 11:58 |
alecu | ok, I'll ping them later. | 11:59 |
rodrigo_ | nessita, no, the code checks the path of the share to check it, and syncdaemon never sets it | 11:59 |
nessita | ok then | 12:02 |
nessita | I'll approve and then review the second one | 12:02 |
nessita | I have lunch waiting for me! | 12:02 |
nessita | rodrigo_: done, see ya in a bit | 12:02 |
vds | mandel: the installer of tha last branch only installs ubuntu one client | 12:02 |
vds | mandel: not gtk# tomboy etc etc... | 12:03 |
mandel | vds, yes, because the msi does not do that, that is the bootstrapper | 12:03 |
vds | mandel: ok | 12:03 |
mandel | vds, we have an msi for tomboy, for gtk and ubuntuone | 12:03 |
vds | so it works... | 12:03 |
mandel | vds, and you need a bootstrapper to concatenate them | 12:03 |
vds | tests are ok too | 12:04 |
mandel | vds, cool | 12:04 |
vds | mandel: approved | 12:04 |
mandel | vds, thnx, I'll merge then :D | 12:05 |
vds | mandel: you need one more review for that branch | 12:06 |
mandel | vds, agg true, do you know who to ask? | 12:06 |
vds | mandel: nope... let's see if anyone volunteers | 12:07 |
mandel | vds, try muffinresearch he is the windows expert ;) | 12:07 |
vds | rodrigo_ muffinresearch jdobrien: hoe about a review? :) | 12:08 |
rodrigo_ | vds, a review of what? | 12:08 |
vds | rodrigo_: | 12:09 |
vds | rodrigo_: a read_only review is ok | 12:10 |
mkarnicki | Hey guys. Any maintanance undergoing currently? Authentication takes way too long. | 12:10 |
mkarnicki | aquarius: duanedesign: ^ | 12:10 |
aquarius | mkarnicki, not as far as I'm aware :( | 12:11 |
rodrigo_ | vds, ok | 12:11 |
mkarnicki | aquarius: too bad :<. Client authenticate() takes over 2 minutes, and it still didn't fetch volume list (no exceptions/errors thrown yet) | 12:11 |
aquarius | that's weirdly slow | 12:12 |
aquarius | lucio_, is authentication to filesync being slow for everyone? | 12:12 |
aquarius | (lucio won't be up yet, but hopefully he'll see this when he is) | 12:12 |
mkarnicki__ | sorry aquarius, having problems with remote session. I hope it's a temporary server load or something, not another Client problem | 12:14 |
mkarnicki__ | aquarius: it's interesting is that it's waiting for server responses, it didn't get any error or throw any exception | 12:15 |
rodrigo_ | vds, mandel: approved | 12:20 |
mandel | rodrigo_, thx | 12:20 |
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jdobrien | mkarnicki that normally happens very quickly | 12:26 |
jdobrien | aquarius, authentication is almost instant for me | 12:28 |
jdobrien | aquarius, I wonder if we have a dns issue or something | 12:28 |
mkarnicki__ | jdobrien: normally it takes up to 3-4 seconds with ubuntuone-java-storageprotocol client | 12:29 |
jdobrien | mkarnicki__, I am not familiar with that client | 12:29 |
mkarnicki__ | jdobrien: it took me 2 min 7 secs, and still didn't retrieve volume list (when I tried forcing that, it said it wasn't authenticated, as if it didn't finish) | 12:29 |
jdobrien | I use a python one | 12:29 |
mkarnicki__ | jdobrien: I see. | 12:29 |
jdobrien | mkarnicki we upgraded out protocol buffers | 12:30 |
mkarnicki__ | jdobrien: thanks anyway. it may be that client issue then. | 12:30 |
mkarnicki__ | jdobrien: when was that jdobrien ? | 12:30 |
jdobrien | mkarnicki__, lemme check | 12:30 |
mkarnicki__ | jdobrien: auth worked perfectly up till 1 AM UTC today | 12:30 |
mkarnicki__ | jdobrien: so if it wasn't today, I have to ping verterok | 12:31 |
jdobrien | mkarnicki__, nothing changed during that time | 12:31 |
mkarnicki__ | jdobrien: thanks. I'll get in touch with verterok then. | 12:31 |
jdobrien | mkarnicki__, our last upgrade was tuesday | 12:31 |
mkarnicki__ | jdobrien: gotcha | 12:31 |
vds | rodrigo_: thx! | 12:43 |
duanedesign | morning all | 12:44 |
jdobrien | hi duanedesign | 12:44 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki__, you're implementing the client in java, right? or I'm totally confused? | 12:52 |
lalejand | hi jdobrien, we talked here about my bug two days ago : can I do anything in order to help discover what's happening ? | 12:56 |
mkarnicki | hi duanedesign :) | 12:56 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 608011 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "errors in syncdaemon.log (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 12:56 |
aquarius | facundobatista, yep -- the Android client is java, and it uses verterok's java implementation of the storage protocol | 12:56 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: verterok wrote the java implementation of the protocol | 12:56 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: exactly what aquarius wrote ;) | 12:56 |
jdobrien | lalejand, yeah I just replied to it :) | 12:57 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, nice! | 12:57 |
lalejand | jdobrien, oh, ok | 12:57 |
jdobrien | lalejand, can you do without syncing that Documents folder? | 12:57 |
jdobrien | at least for now? | 12:57 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, I just wanted to mention that it's useful to have timeouts in everything related to network, so it starts reconnecting if something goes wrong | 12:58 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: thanks :) details here: | 12:58 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: good point, I'll have them implemented soon :) | 12:58 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, I can point you to (and help you with) how the Python client States are designed | 12:58 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: that would be lovely! | 12:59 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, you can steal^H^H^Hreuse that | 12:59 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: I could mimic at least part of the behaviour | 12:59 |
mkarnicki | ^_^ | 12:59 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, do you have the Python client around? | 12:59 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: Android application lifecycle is pretty fscked, but we can try ! :) | 12:59 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: I should have, lemme see | 12:59 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: yes, ubuntuone-client-1.1.91 | 13:00 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, I meant the sources | 13:00 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: exactly, I meant that too =) | 13:00 |
mkarnicki | I have them ready to rumble | 13:01 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, nice, check in the Docs directory of the project | 13:01 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: yup | 13:01 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: awesome!!! :D | 13:01 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, states_manager.svg is the one | 13:02 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: I have been reading some of client sources, but I must admit - I'm stupid enough not to have seen those svg's before! | 13:02 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, that describes how States work | 13:02 |
facundobatista | the name of the states and signals should be pretty descriptive | 13:03 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, you have the source, and me to ask, if you don't understand anything :) | 13:03 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: great, these might be really helpful, thank you facundobatista | 13:04 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, in any case... after we get connected and before we get into ServerRescan, all operations to the network have a timeout | 13:04 |
facundobatista | if not, an event is raised, SYS_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT | 13:04 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: got it | 13:04 |
facundobatista | ok | 13:04 |
lalejand | jdobrien, "can you do without syncing that Documents folder?", you mean in order to make a test ? --> yes, or you mean forever ? --> hmmm, I would like to sync it some day :/ | 13:04 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: =) great, thanks | 13:05 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, my pleasure | 13:05 |
jdobrien | lalejand, I mean for now while it has those folders that it can't handle | 13:05 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: although mobile client will be more leightweight (in sense of little as possible CPU/battery consumption), we probably won't be doing server rescan. I'm caching what the user has explored for now. we may introduce server rescan though, at some point in time. | 13:06 |
lalejand | jdobrien, yes | 13:06 |
lalejand | jdobrien : I try to delete a folder as you told in launchpad, but I think it will do it once it finishes local_rescan which means in 10 hours. Is there a way to stop it ? | 13:07 |
jdobrien | hmm | 13:09 |
jdobrien | lalejand, im afraid verterok is going to have to answer that one | 13:09 |
lalejand | jdobrien, ok | 13:09 |
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Chipaca | Ubuntu One Desktop+ kanban walkthrough starting in 10 minutes | 13:51 |
mkarnicki | Chipaca: may I ask what kanban is :)? | 13:52 |
jblount | mkarnicki: | 13:52 |
jblount | mkarnicki: Although in this case, Chipaca is talking about walking through our kanban board that lists tasks on it. It's a web app using | 13:53 |
mkarnicki | jblount: oh, thanks.. I googled that but thought it didn't mean that ;) | 13:53 |
mkarnicki | jblount: ah! so I was somewhat right :D thanks jblount | 13:53 |
jblount | mkarnicki: :) | 13:53 |
mkarnicki | jblount: neat :) | 13:54 |
Chipaca | mkarnicki: it's a lean/agile way of organizing a team's work with very low overhead and very good visibility both to the developers themselves and the other stakeholders | 13:55 |
mkarnicki | Chipaca: uhum! just read that on that eye-canty slideshow on their website =) thanks! I'm glad you're using nice tools to support workflow. | 13:56 |
Chipaca | mkarnicki: :) it's not quite as good as a real-life physical kanban board, but probably as close as it gets | 13:56 |
mkarnicki | Chipaca: aha! ^_^ | 13:56 |
lalejand | hi verterok, I have a problem with U1 (, syncdeamon is using 96% of my CPU, jdobrien told me to delete the folders (u1sdtool --delete-folder). But nothing happens, as it is doing a local_rescan I suppose that it will delete the folder after rescaning, which means in more than 10h. Is there a way to stop rescaning ? | 15:11 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 608011 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "errors in syncdaemon.log (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 15:11 |
jdobrien | lalejand, sorry, I don't think verterok is going to be available much today | 15:27 |
lalejand | jdobrien, ok | 15:28 |
jdobrien | lalejand, is there anyway you can move the offending folder out of Documents? | 15:28 |
jdobrien | lalejand, if you stop the client, move the folder, then restart it, your local rescan will speed up a lot | 15:28 |
jdobrien | lalejand, its very slow the first time it has to scan that many files | 15:28 |
lalejand | jdobrien, I don't know if there is an offending folder in Documents, and which one it would be | 15:29 |
lalejand | jdobrien, how do I stop rescaning ? | 15:29 |
jdobrien | lalejand, u1sdtool -q | 15:29 |
jdobrien | lalejand, you have a folder with directories and files that have unicode issues that break pynotifiy | 15:30 |
lalejand | jdobrien, ok I'll try & try to see where the client is making problem | 15:30 |
lalejand | jdobrien, and how do I launch it again ? | 15:30 |
jdobrien | lalejand, u1sdtool -c | 15:31 |
lalejand | jdobrien, I tried 3 times u1sdtool -q, and it says : ubuntuone-syncdaemon still running. | 15:32 |
lalejand | Ah, now it stopped | 15:32 |
jdobrien | lalejand, :) | 15:32 |
lalejand | jdobrien, is it long to delete a synced folder ? | 15:38 |
verterok | lalejand: hi, there is no way to stop the rescan :( | 15:38 |
jdobrien | verterok, not even u1sdtool -q? | 15:38 |
lalejand | verterok, jdobrien, ARGH ! | 15:39 |
verterok | jdobrien: yes, but you can't "skip" a local rescan | 15:39 |
jdobrien | verterok, the idea is, stop the rescan, move the directory with the Unicode errors, and restart it | 15:40 |
verterok | jdobrien: and that should work :) | 15:41 |
lalejand | verterok, jdobrien : ok, so I have to u1sdtool -q, then u1sdtool -c, then u1sdtool --deleteMyFolder, and just let it do its stuff for those 10h ? | 15:41 |
jdobrien | lalejand, after -q, move the folder | 15:41 |
lalejand | verterok, jdobrien : the file with the unicode error has already been removed | 15:41 |
verterok | yes, what jdobrien said :) | 15:41 |
jdobrien | lalejand, you have directories with problems, not just one file :( | 15:41 |
jdobrien | lalejand, did you get that directory from a windows machine? | 15:42 |
lalejand | verterok, jdobrien : but I don't know which directory has an error | 15:42 |
jdobrien | lalejand, start with the root folder of that web site content | 15:42 |
lalejand | jdobrien : from windows, it's possible | 15:42 |
lalejand | jdobrien : which website content are you talking about ? where do you see errors ? | 15:44 |
lalejand | jdobrien : in Documents, I have several website contents | 15:45 |
lalejand | verterok, jdobrien : anyway, I'm going to move every single thing in Documents, maybe I will find where is the problem | 15:46 |
jdobrien | lalejand, sorry for all this trouble, it's a very strange error | 15:47 |
lalejand | jdobrien : I'll try to find out the problem and tell you | 15:49 |
lalejand | jdobrien : If I manage to stop syncdaemon ;) | 15:50 |
rodrigo_ | alecu, CardinalFang: 3 branches for review please -> , and | 15:51 |
lalejand | jdobrien : can't stop it ! Should I kill the process ? | 15:52 |
alecu | rodrigo_, ok, my pleasure :-) | 15:53 |
rodrigo_ | alecu, :) | 15:54 |
rodrigo_ | alecu, CardinalFang: so is alecu then going to take over the dbus thing for ubuntu-sso then? | 16:09 |
CardinalFang | rodrigo_, alecu, okay. | 16:10 |
rodrigo_ | CardinalFang, you mentioned you had a branch without tests, so can you push it so that alecu works from there? | 16:11 |
CardinalFang | Sure. | 16:11 |
rodrigo_ | alecu, ^^ | 16:11 |
alecu | CardinalFang, would you like to tell me a bit about it? The only thing I know is nessita telling me I should help with that, since you had to work on something else :-) | 16:12 |
lalejand | jdobrien : can't stop it. Should I kill the process ? | 16:13 |
jdobrien | verterok, ^^ | 16:14 |
verterok | lalejand: yes | 16:15 |
lalejand | ok | 16:15 |
CardinalFang | alecu, currently there's a Login class, when we really need some SSO-Login. We need both for right now, but Login should be deprecated soon. | 16:15 |
* vds is away: Ci vediamo... | 16:17 | |
lalejand | verterok, jdobrien : I moved almost everything out of Documents, launched syncdaemon, as usual it uses 95% CPU, and I can't ask him to do anything : | 16:30 |
lalejand | verterok, jdobrien : I suppose I will have to wait my 10h right ? | 16:30 |
verterok | lalejand: it's probably loading the metadata | 16:31 |
verterok | lalejand: not 10h | 16:31 |
jdobrien | verterok, I think it will have to load the metadata then clean it up based on the deleted files right? | 16:31 |
=== jdobrien is now known as jdobrien|lunch | ||
verterok | jdobrien: yes, it will cleanup the metadata during local rescan | 16:32 |
verterok | that should be a lot faster without all those files | 16:32 |
lalejand | verterok : in tail ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log I see things like | 16:32 |
verterok | lalejand: u1sdtool -s works now? | 16:34 |
lalejand | verterok : no. Still trying | 16:34 |
CardinalFang | alecu, I hope this is useful: lp:~cmiller/ubuntu-sso-client/replace-login-with-ssologin | 16:41 |
alecu | CardinalFang, great, thx | 16:41 |
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Franxesk | hi everyone, i was wondering in which project should i report a bug about the web ui? | 18:53 |
statik | hi there Franxesk, you can report it on | 18:54 |
statik | thanks for the bug report | 18:54 |
Franxesk | statik: thanks! :) | 18:57 |
duanedesign | hello Franxesk | 19:00 |
duanedesign | oop, i see statik got your question answered. :) | 19:02 |
jblount | duanedesign: statik is very quick, you've got to watch out for him. | 19:02 |
duanedesign | even stealthier on my computer. His nick is almost the same color as my terminal background color | 19:03 |
mandel | guys, have a good weekend, my brain aint working any more :P | 19:06 |
dobey | spaniards... :P | 19:16 |
Franxesk | is there already a bug about making searches through the u1's web ui? | 19:19 |
dobey | you mean for searching your own files? | 19:20 |
Franxesk | yes | 19:20 |
dobey | i think there might be | 19:21 |
Franxesk | ok, thanks :) | 19:22 |
Franxesk | btw, sorry for my bad english :$ | 19:23 |
Franxesk | i was trying to find a specific file in "My Storage" and i couldn't find a way to do it through the web ui | 19:24 |
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dobey | yeah we don't have file content searching yet, because it's a touch and very difficult subject to get right. not sure how hard it would be to search for filenames, though | 19:26 |
Franxesk | ok | 19:28 |
dobey | we've been working on somewhat more important things for now, like performance. :) | 19:32 |
Franxesk | performance come first, there is no doubt about that :) | 19:36 |
Franxesk | i haven't got a lot of files in my u1's account so, i could try to find the file manually, it's not a big deal anyway. | 19:40 |
Fosfat | Does sombody know in what country Ubuntuone is hosted? | 19:53 |
BlackZ | Fosfat: it's hosted by canonical | 19:54 |
duanedesign | Fosfat: Canonical is registered in The Isle Of Man | 19:55 |
Fosfat | Ok... I was wandering because where I live there is unlimited domestic download but I must pay for download from overseas | 19:56 |
duanedesign | its main offices in London, support office in Montreal and OEM team in Lexington, Massachusetts, USA and Taipei, Taiwan | 19:57 |
Fosfat | Thanks | 19:57 |
statik | the main ubuntu one servers for downloading data are in the seattle EC2 region | 19:57 |
duanedesign | Fosfat: the servers for the repositories are all over | 19:57 |
duanedesign | ohhh | 19:57 |
statik | but the webservers are in london | 19:57 |
Fosfat | so there may even be a server in Iceland? | 19:58 |
duanedesign | I am sorry I did not see Ubuntu One in your question :P | 19:58 |
duanedesign | Fosfat: sorry I thought you were asking about Ubuntu ingeneral | 19:58 |
duanedesign | Fosfat: statik has the accurate information on Ubuntu One servers | 20:00 |
Fosfat | well... for me its more expensive to buy 50 GB bandwith quota from my ISP than Ubuntu charges for the 50 GB sceeme... | 20:00 |
Fosfat | I was just wandering what the total cost would be for me | 20:01 |
Fosfat | thanks | 20:01 |
duanedesign | np | 20:01 |
leonel | no plans yet for ubuntuone to work without graphical interfase .. like a remote server ? | 20:53 |
duanedesign | hello leonel | 20:54 |
karni | verterok: (mkarnicki here) I lost connection to my IRC session few hours ago. Did you reply to my msg about authentication ? line 25 never executes | 20:54 |
karni | verterok: and I don't know if this webchat has priv chat capability ;D | 20:55 |
* karni uses freenode webchat for time being | 20:55 | |
verterok | karni: hi, no I wasn't able to take a look to the code | 21:06 |
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duanedesign | these bugs where U1 is syncing Dropbox folders are puzzling. I installed Dropbox and have not been able to reproduce it. | 21:30 |
duanedesign | When putting a UDF in your trash(locally) it unsubscribes the folder instead of deleting it. Is this the expected behavior? | 21:49 |
mkarnicki | verterok: now I lost the link to the paste. in authenticateClient() it never reaches callback after Client.authenticate(...).getDeferred() runs (if it runs at all..) | 22:06 |
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