ScottL | hi ckontros | 00:20 |
ckontros | ScottL: I'ma total space-case. Friday, I totally thought of us talkin'. Got into doin' stuff w/the fam and it was over. Didn't think of it again 'till Sunday night. :P | 00:25 |
ckontros | I'm free now though. I'm actually hackin' on some art. ;) | 00:25 |
ScottL | oh cool, you gonna have something done for maverick? | 00:33 |
ScottL | oh, and it's cool about the weekend, family should come first anyways :) | 00:33 |
ckontros | Right now, I'm just hackin'. Don't know where it will lead. Though, an art lead would be better to set a direction. ;) | 00:34 |
ckontros | I can talk now if you want. | 00:34 |
ScottL | sure, let me get my headset | 00:34 |
ckontros | ScottL: I'm "addictedtometal" | 00:39 |
ScottL | i'll be just a minute, family stuff and setting up upstairs | 00:39 |
ckontros | np. Take your time. | 00:40 |
scott-upstairs | okay, calling you | 00:45 |
scott-upstairs | | 01:10 |
ckontros | Gone. | 01:36 |
falktx | hi guys | 10:33 |
falktx | can someone test one thing? | 10:33 |
falktx | i believe that "vanilla" lv2rack/zynjacku will crash when lv2fil plugin is installed | 10:33 |
falktx | or maybe it's the eq-10q plugin | 10:34 |
falktx | got it, it's the eq-10q that crashes lv2rack | 10:35 |
falktx | patch to fix it here - | 10:35 |
falktx | what about ffmpeg? | 11:51 |
falktx | there is some discussion going on the kubuntu mailing list about libavcodec | 11:52 |
falktx | they said libavcodec (a lib from ffmpeg) cannot be included on the official ubuntu cds | 11:52 |
falktx | afaik, ubuntustudio includes the full ffmpeg pack | 11:53 |
falktx | so I guess canonical makes an exception for the studio guys..? | 11:53 |
ScottL | falktx, did you say that you had a patch for gnome-network-admin to remove the 10_disable_interfaces.patch ? | 17:57 |
falktx | ScottL: no | 17:58 |
falktx | i tried to build without the patch | 17:58 |
ScottL | as far as the ffmpeg situation, i have no clue :/ | 17:58 |
falktx | doesn't work | 17:58 |
ScottL | falktx, yeah, me too, but it worked with the version in maverick! | 17:58 |
falktx | oh, ok | 17:59 |
falktx | that's fine I guess | 17:59 |
ScottL | i was working on a lucid install but forgot i was using the sources for maverick and installed source (2.30.2) | 17:59 |
ScottL | removed the patch from the patch list and it built successfully | 17:59 |
ScottL | then i realized that i had the wrong version for lucid for a SRU and tried rebuilding and ran into the same problem that you probably did | 18:00 |
ScottL | :( | 18:00 |
ScottL | i'll probably talk to The.Muso later about how to get the patch removed in maverick so it's fixed going forward but... | 18:01 |
ScottL | i'll probably talk to someone on #ubuntu-motu about lucid (but expect that we may have to walk away from fixing this version perhaps) | 18:01 |
falktx | about the ffmpeg thing... | 18:03 |
falktx | ScottL: ubuntustudio is officially supported by canonical, right? | 18:03 |
ScottL | falktx, yes it is to the best of my understanding | 18:07 |
falktx | hm, that would be an issue | 18:08 |
falktx | i don't know why they haven't discussed this before | 18:08 |
falktx | the kubuntu guys are kinda mad at it | 18:08 |
falktx | they can't include a decent video player | 18:08 |
ScottL | hmmm, whatever ffmpeg we include in ubuntu studio comes straight from the main (or universe) archives, therefore it should be the same version available to everyone | 18:09 |
ScottL | at least i believe it to be so | 18:10 |
falktx | ubuntu doesn't include any ffmpeg libs i believe | 18:10 |
falktx | libavcodec, libavformat, etc | 18:10 |
falktx | not ubuntu or kubuntu or edubuntu, xubuntu, etc | 18:11 |
ScottL | but you say that we include libavcodec in studio? | 18:11 |
falktx | yes | 18:11 |
falktx | many apps depend on it | 18:11 |
falktx | let me check... | 18:11 |
ScottL | i found this on the list from lucid: libavcodec52_0.5.1-1ubuntu1_i386.deb | 18:13 |
falktx | ffmpeg, audacious, qdvdauthor, spek, xjadeo, openmovieeditor, kino, ffmpeg2theora, blender, audacity | 18:13 |
falktx | those are present on ubuntustudio, i think | 18:13 |
ScottL | falktx, this launchpad page shows libavcodec available in lucid: | 18:15 |
ScottL | click the gray triangle next to the lucid release and scroll down | 18:16 |
falktx | ScottL: it is available on lucid, on main too | 18:16 |
falktx | the thing is: | 18:16 |
falktx | ffmpeg and it's libs cannot be included on the CDs | 18:16 |
falktx | legal issues | 18:16 |
ScottL | oh, just not on the CD! i understand now, like mp3 coded | 18:16 |
falktx | yep | 18:18 |
falktx | i'm looking for the discussion page | 18:18 |
ScottL | but we (ubuntu studio) include it? hmmmm, that might not be good | 18:18 |
falktx | that's what i'm thinking | 18:18 |
falktx | maybe they didn't noticed? | 18:19 |
ScottL | perhaps...and perhaps its not worth watching when we serve such a niche audience (the numbers aren't appreciable perhaps) | 18:20 |
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