=== ion_ is now known as ion | ||
=== h\h is now known as haraldh | ||
wfamy | is there a method to launch a script with upstart and have it all done before prompt or any-dm? | 22:11 |
JanC | wfamy: you can make "any-dm" and the prompt wait for an event that you raise only after the script is done | 22:40 |
wfamy | ok but i have to emit a signel in my upstart script and patch the initial gdm kdm to start on script-signal. I do not found this very clean. | 22:42 |
wfamy | Before Sys V I just have to tell s19 for my script and S20 for the xdm | 22:42 |
wfamy | I was easy to install in a simple post nstall debian script in the package. Now I am very confused. | 22:43 |
JanC | upstart is still pretty new, I guess in the future it will become easier to do such things | 22:59 |
ion | bar.conf: ‘start on starting foo’ → bar blocks the startup of foo, until bar is running (service) or done (task). | 23:01 |
wfamy | sure but is there any doc url explain how to do it? I am not able to migrate my customer's server from lenny debian to lucid because of that. | 23:02 |
JanC | wfamy: syntax is in the section 5 manpage | 23:02 |
wfamy | I only found events doc http://linux.die.net/man/5/events but i do not found any help | 23:17 |
wfamy | man 5 init same thing | 23:19 |
wfamy | the simple test scrip use a yesno dialog box and it apear when shutdown the computer | 23:21 |
ion | The man page you linked is for an old version of Upstart | 23:22 |
wfamy | a end before EVENT [[KEY=]VALUE]... [and|or...] could be a nice feature. | 23:26 |
JanC | you can do that now, just requires some editing of upstart .conf files -- IIRC the next version of upstart will make some things easier though | 23:41 |
JanC | maybe some way to add conditions from a different file might be useful... | 23:43 |
wfamy | my .deb script have to edit /etc/init/after-script.conf and it is for my opignon a little dirty. If I modify gdm.conf i have to modify when remove my-script.deb | 23:47 |
wfamy | 2 days ago my server stop booting because of a drbd not launch before the postgres or other thing but i don't know | 23:48 |
wfamy | Ok thx for help I go to bed. see you i'll try to found a solution. | 23:50 |
ion | What’s after-script.conf? | 23:52 |
wfamy | here it could be gdm.conf | 23:54 |
ion | my-script.conf: start on starting gdm | 23:55 |
wfamy | I try it but it does not work because of dialog ? | 23:55 |
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