=== Andy is now known as Guest68810 [12:21] hi ... i've got a sharp netwalker z1 and would like to upgrade the version of ubuntu (it comes with 9.04 preinstalled). after a simple update, it does not boot any more, though ... the device is using redboot as boot loader ... before starting a new attempt, does anyone have experience with this device? [12:24] also, is there some kind of live-microsd image? sharp just provides an image, that restores the original state of the machine ... [12:40] eh [12:41] what kind of upgrade you did? [12:41] nikulinpi@gmail.com [12:41] * Baybal away [12:46] Baybal, adapt /etc/apt/sources.list to point to lucid and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [12:47] hmm [12:47] did you update kernel? [12:47] I think you may have pointed the apt to repository for PC [12:48] I'm sleepy [12:48] email me please [12:48] i'm gonna go bed [12:50] Baybal, ok ... i'll send you an email ... i guess, the kernel was updated ... [14:05] mc [14:07] tim: Hey: I've a PC-Z1 also. The issue is twofold: 1) it's hard to find any newer kernels for that device, and 2) it ships with Ubuntu for ARMv5, but lucid is for ARMv7+thumb2, which means one needs to essentially reinstall (and compile a new kernel with the lucid toolchain). [14:08] persia, hm ... see [14:08] persia, did you manage do to that? [14:09] Do which? Upgrade? I've not found a newer kernel. [14:09] i see [14:09] btw, what specifics does the kernel have? [14:10] My understanding is that lucid udev, upstart, etc. require features not available in the older kernel. I've not tried it with the mix, but I wouldn't expect it to work. [14:10] How do you mean, what specifics? [14:10] certain device drivers etc [14:10] the source, that is provided by sharp is essentially the 2.6.28 vanilla kernel [14:10] Oh, I don't know the specifics. The source is available: let me see if I can dig it up. [14:11] I'm certain the provided source is the real source. I know there were some patches that got sent upstream. I don't know if all the patches got sent upstream. [14:13] Any of the "araneo" sources at http://netbook-remix.archive.canonical.com/updates/pool/public/l/linux-fsl-imx51/ would be the correct source for the packages installed on the machine. I think the sendai kernels are for the newer netwalker (without keyboard). [14:15] ah ... i see ... btw, i just checked ... there _are_ some differences between the vanilla kernel and the sharp kernel [14:15] i will try, maybe i can port them to a recent kernel version [14:15] If you can, that would be *great*! I'd love to run lucid or maverick on the PC-Z1 [14:16] persia, i'll do my best ... do you know of any source, how to cross-compile a kernel? [14:16] I only know a little about how the kernel packages are compiled, but the kernel team usually hangs out in #ubuntu-kernel, and they can probably answer anything that doesn't get a good response here about how the package works (I think the contents are from Sharp or Canonical or someone, so I wouldn't expect the kernel team to know them well). [14:17] We generally discourage cross-compilation in Ubuntu. I seem to remember some document on the kernel team wiki about cross-compilation, but I don't remember the URL. [14:17] You might do a text search on the wiki (but it will take a while). [14:17] persia, i'll try .. [14:18] I've just asked in #ubuntu-kernel, in case anyone knows, but those guys tend to be quiet on the weekends. [14:19] btw, do you know, if there is a git respority for the araneo sources? [14:19] I don't know. I heard some rumours that it wasn't developed in git, so if there is, and the rumours are true, the git repo would be more of a back-application of patches. [14:23] hm ... i just found an interesting forum posting from someone, trying to port it to 2.6.31 ... and who gave up because of badly written code :( [14:24] :( [14:25] http://ime.nu/kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=amitk/ubuntu-fsl-2.6.31.git;a=summary might have some of it, according to http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/linux/1258005134/ [14:26] Well, you might want to fix the redirect on kernel.ubuntu.com :) === jkridner2 is now known as jkri_holiday_afk [14:47] persia, hm ... true ... not easy to port :/ [14:48] That's what everyone tells me :( [14:48] * persia hopes someone will make some new small PC that runs Ubuntu well and works with upgrades. [14:50] not easy doesn't mean, not impossible [14:50] s/im// [14:55] honestly, mainline kernels work fine for the most part [14:55] i.e., unless you actually have hardware that we include the driver for [14:56] cwillu: You're able to boot a mainline kernel on a PC-Z1? I was advised this might melt my laptop. [14:58] cwillu, i guess, there is some specific hardware in the machine ... almost 400000 lines of code differ between vanilla 2.6.28 and sharp's [15:07] (sorry, ran off) [15:08] and I missed the bit about non-standard hardware too :p [15:09] I'm not sure it's "non-standard", but just not known to be supported mainline today. [15:10] It's certainly widely available in retail channels though. [15:10] I haven't had my coffee yet, give me a break :) [15:12] Sorry: timezone failure :) [15:17] * cwillu_at_work checks the time [15:17] oh, it's even morning [15:27] hm ... if we would know, what the original version of the kernel was, that sharp was modifying, it would be easier :/ [15:28] I suspect it's the 2.6.28 BSP from FSL, but I can't be sure. [15:40] well, it conflicts with very early version of 2.6.28 from the linux-2.6-imx.git tree ... then the sources diverge [15:42] Ugh