=== vorian is now known as v === v is now known as vorian === yofel_ is now known as yofel === yofel is now known as yofel_ === yofel_ is now known as yofel === ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube === NCommander is now known as NC|Alaska === NCommander is now known as NC|Alaska [12:58] I did not be a member on last meeting, can someone help me be it on the next? === Prabhash is now known as prabhash === prabhash is now known as Prabhash [19:05] Isn't there an IRCC meeting now? [19:05] jussi, Pici ??? [19:07] Yeah, I just checked the Fridge. I apologize to anyone who is here (and to those who aren't due to a lack of a reminder email) for the meeting. But unless we get a few more council members in the next 5 minutes or so, we will need to cancel. [19:10] Well, the agenda is empty, and it looks like I am the only one here, so I think that we are going to have to cancel this meeting. Thanks for coming (anyone who is here) === MichealH_ is now known as MichealH === MichealH is now known as TehWhizz === TehWhizz is now known as MichealH