[01:05] RoyK: i got it going as an mta [02:11] Hi, Ubuntu server10.04, mpd up and running, external client access ok, but no local sound out put. how do i configure a sound card on this edition? [02:32] I have alsa installed. Is there a nice config or auutoconf for it? [02:54] if im using dyndns [02:54] does it means that im behind a proxy / nat? [02:57] im using router does it mean im behind nat? [03:06] hello === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [03:07] hi [03:08] everybody are busy [03:09] I would like suggesttions on what to install on a home server, I have the basics: apache, vsftp, samba, etc. what could be added to that? [03:10] try mail server [03:10] that's what im studing now [03:12] I think I have that installed, but ISPs... well they might not like mail trafic, and I don't really need a mail sever but thanks for the idea. [03:12] can i ask to restate harrison [03:13] yes I am looking for software to add to my server, I have the basics: apache, vsftp, samba, etc. [03:13] for what purpose [03:14] *slaps head* a home server. [03:14] how about a PVR [03:14] Personal video recorder? [03:14] yeah, for tv shows [03:15] http://www.mythbuntu.org/ [03:15] Office is a bit to far but I am thinking of using an older computer for that, set it by the tv. [03:15] That is what I would use. [03:19] Any other ideas? [03:21] Another question, What are cron jobs? [03:23] harrison, have you checked http://tinyurl.com/yepp6ff already? [03:23] hi people i want to see the ubuntu hardware blacklist pleas... but i dont know where it is [03:23] I don't randomly enter tinyurls but I will check it out. [03:24] harrison, if you're using Windows, I'd agree with your procedure to avoid 'tinyurls'. [03:24] sir if im using router and i have dynamic ip [03:24] does it means im behind a proxy/nat [03:25] I wouldn't think so. [03:25] A dynamic IP is an ip that changes from time to time. [03:26] silentwhisper, I agree with harrison [03:26] how to determine if im behind proxy/nat? [03:27] First who is your ISP? [03:27] silentwhisper, some proxies are configured in a 'transparent' way, meaning they're unreconizable. [03:29] Silent, what are you tring to do? [03:32] harrison, https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/index.html [03:33] thanks bogeyd6, I had a look at that before I guess I am going in the right direction. [03:34] Question: how do you/which log should I check to see who has loged on in the past? [03:35] my server IS accesibal via the world. [03:45] Anyone have questions? [03:47] Good night everyone. [04:23] goodnight [04:46] in postfix [04:47] can we config to use hostname and domainname at once [04:48] myorigin = $myhostname (default: send mail as "user@$myhostname") [04:48] myorigin = $mydomain (probably desirable: "user@$mydomain") [04:48] i want to setup my mailserver to receive and send through internet [04:55] !postfix | silentwhisper [04:55] silentwhisper: postfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer [04:58] when i try to run [04:58] su - fmaster [04:58] mail [04:58] i wont work [04:59] i already installed postfix whis is it dont have /home/user/Maildir directory? [05:00] you asked yesterday... [05:00] did you get no answers? [05:00] rtfm [05:01] but i already did that i already run command to create directory but i was not there [05:02] you tried in #postfix? [05:02] if thats even the right channel... [05:02] yes [05:02] and? [05:02] im currently at the channel now [05:05] EvilPhoenix: what about postfix? [05:05] talk to silentwhisper [05:05] he had the issue(s) [05:05] sweetpi: ^ [05:06] silentwhisper: if you're alive, ask your question again [05:06] sweetpi: i can give you the logs of silentwhisper's question if you'd like [05:06] ok, msg them [05:07] sent be advised it might be slow on sending a few lines [05:07] i didnt know this channel even existed :) [05:07] HEH [05:07] stupid caps [05:08] now you do [05:08] sweetpi: did you get the PM [05:09] yes, reading [05:10] * sweetpi doesnt think silentwhisper is a native english speaker [05:14] its possible, but i dont understand what the problem is [05:16] it seems from my interpretation... [05:16] that he doesnt have a mail folder in his user's directory [05:16] and doesnt know why [05:16] perhaps he thinks postfix creates it automatically... [05:18] hmm.. all my installs keep mail in /var, even local mail. [05:21] anyway the users mail dir wouldnt normally be created until they received mail [05:22] i think hes away anyway [05:22] *shrugs* [05:22] or maybe his connection /died [05:30] i receive mail /var/mail/edwin [05:30] is it corect [05:30] is it in the format of Maildir [05:38] * EvilPhoenix pokes sweetpi === EvilTrek is now known as EvilPhoenix [06:07] New bug: #609651 in openldap (main) "compile OpenLDAP with OpenSSL" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/609651 === rmk_ is now known as rmk [07:17] is this correct? [07:18] myorigin = /etc/mailname [07:18] mailname value is mwit.no-ip.biz [08:34] silentwhisper: yes, that's fine. Or you can set it explicitly (rather than from a file) [09:35] New bug: #609681 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (universe) "package mysql-server-5.0 5.0.67-0ubuntu6.1 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso post-installation script devolvió el código de salida de error 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/609681 [14:30] Hey guys. Does anyone know how I can limit how much RAM a process can use? [14:30] jetole, I guess with the ulimit command you might do it [14:31] KurtKraut: I don't know how with ulimit. I know the -m option is ignored on Linux [14:35] jetole, just for checking... why do you need that? [14:52] KurtKraut: My workstation in the office has 4 gigs though a 3 gig hardware limit via the motherboard and tends to run out of memory on a regular basis from say, if I leave the browser open and banshee and thunderbird, eventually one of them will use more then there is I won't even have enough to ctrl+alt+backspace X or ctrl+alt+f1 [14:53] and yes I know thats not server related (although I run many servers too) but it's also generic enough that if there is a way, then it applies to server and desktop [14:53] I'm asking in #kernel now [14:53] jetole, there is certainly something very wrong in the scenario you've described. [14:54] jetole, I do everything you mention in a 1 gig RAM machine and never experienced such thing. [14:54] jetole, do you have a swap partition? [14:54] I should. Lemme ssh in and double check [14:56] KurtKraut: yes and no, it's not a partition but that shouldn't matter. It's a flat file (swap.dd) but according to the kernel devs, around the time 2.6 was released, a flat file is just as able as a partition [14:56] jetole, the free -m command tells you that swap space is being used? [14:57] jetole, do you keep track of the load average of this system? What is the load_avg number right before a crash? [14:59] jetole: how do you know the problem is due to a lack of memory? [15:01] jetole: maybe your pc is overheating, heatsink & airflow ok? [15:01] pmatulis: off the top of my head I can't remember. I have seen indicators in the past. I think it's when I was running conky and it showed the top memory using applications on my desktop and how much they were using and I saw something like banshee or chrome with >1G and memory at max before it crashed but it was just an off chance that I cought it [15:02] pmatulis: should be [15:02] It's a new PC, low profile actually but it's a dell too [15:02] I will double check the fans Monday but I know I have seen indicators of memory in the past [15:24] hi [15:24] is there a way to know what time is the system is up and running [15:25] I do w command and it shows 07:22:50 up 2 days, 19:22 [15:25] is there a better way to calculate the time since the server is up and running ? [15:25] I mean time in hrs:mm:secs [16:00] I have a question regarding GeoIP and Vhosts in Apache... [16:00] I have two vhosts - one is allowing CA and US, and one only US - can I have two different allow variables? [16:01] or will one override the other? [16:02] to clarify... in apache.conf - I have Setenvif US and CA to AllowCountry [16:03] and then, I have a Setenvif US to SiteCountry - is this valid? [16:04] and the specific vhost configs reference the appropriate variable [16:39] quesion about server mirroring and database backups [16:40] I have main server and backup server, backup taked mysqldump every night [16:40] dns points to backup server if main server is down [16:40] say main server goes down and things are added to the db on the backup server [16:40] what is the best way to reconcile [16:40] ? === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates === EvilPhoenix is now known as Mithos === Mithos is now known as EvilPhoenix [20:09] how do I get my WM5 device to be able to send TLS STMP? I've seen a lot of people posting requesting how to make it work, but no soulitions so far. [20:35] can someone help me with an unbootable 10.04 server system? [20:37] I applied a recent kernel update, and since then, it drops to "grub rescue" at boot. [20:37] The system is running software raid1 [20:38] mcarse, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=544881 [20:40] Grub rescue displays an error that "no such device" then displays the uuid [20:43] mcarse, then you need to grub search for /boot [20:43] Jeeves_Moss: this appears to apply to grub 1, my system is running grub2 [20:47] Jeeves_Moss: How do I do that? [20:48] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 [20:48] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Command Line and Rescue Mode [20:50] thank you Jeeves_Moss [20:50] I think I have got it sorted out. [20:51] Now i just need to figure out why I have problems like this every time I update the kernel [20:52] mcarse, it's not finding the proper UUID to update [20:52] is there a config I have to adjust somewhere to fix that? [20:54] mcarse, sorry, I'm not sure. I've never had that issue [20:55] Jeeves_Moss: thanks [20:55] np