=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
bupes | hi all people ,iam from mexico | 00:53 |
duanedesign | bupes hello | 01:18 |
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Jacob_ | hi | 02:00 |
duanedesign | Jacob hi | 02:10 |
nsahoo | I am using ubuntu one to keep files in sync between two computers. A folder suddenly appears as Folder.u1conflict in one of the machines. How do I resolve it? | 02:43 |
duanedesign | Put this here so I remember to ask someone about it in the morning :) https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+question/118585 | 03:36 |
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apachelogger | aquarius: ping | 09:55 |
aquarius | apachelogger, pong | 09:58 |
apachelogger | aquarius: interested in a patch that adds kwallet support to desktopcouch? ;) | 09:58 |
apachelogger | aquarius: http://paste.ubuntu.com/469236/ | 09:59 |
aquarius | cor, interesting, yes. I'm going to look like a complete whiner now, but can I get you to talk to CardinalFang and mandel rather than me? I believe they were looking at factoring out the authentication stuff into separate modules... | 09:59 |
aquarius | cor, is that it? that's pretty small ;-) | 10:00 |
* apachelogger sort of needs it to get along with ubuntuone-kde ;) | 10:00 | |
aquarius | ya, indeed :) | 10:00 |
aquarius | good work, fella | 10:00 |
aquarius | mandel, what happened with the splitting out of authentication stuff in desktopcouch? I know you were thinking about it for Windows as well as KDE | 10:00 |
apachelogger | the patch at hand is pretty non-intrusive, it adds the auth information to both gnome-keyring and kwallet if both python modules are importable | 10:00 |
mandel | aquarius, apachelogger, morning! | 10:01 |
apachelogger | ahoy | 10:01 |
mandel | aquarius, apachelogger we actually were looking at using python-keyring to try and hide the actual implementation of keyring since it would make the code cleaner, as I can remember we had some issues because that module did not expose the smae functionallity that we require | 10:02 |
mandel | CardinalFang, does know more about it, but it is indeed some work we have to do in the very near future | 10:03 |
aquarius | apachelogger, how are you accessing desktopcouch? desktopcouch.records doesn't know to look in kwallet for the tokens? is there a bit of the patch missing? | 10:03 |
mandel | apachelogger, I'm looking at your code rigth now | 10:04 |
apachelogger | aquarius: as I understand it the tokens are in the config and get thrown at the appropriate keyrings, internally desktopcouch still queries the config and not the keyrings | 10:05 |
mandel | aquarius, apachelogger I need to got for 15 min (goverment paper work requires me :( ), I'll be back asap and will let you know more info | 10:05 |
aquarius | actually...hm. I need to check that. In the old days it did. I'm not sure whether that ever got changed (guilty look) ;-) | 10:06 |
aquarius | and you are correct, heh. | 10:07 |
aquarius | couchdb-glib hits the keyring, but realistically people are unlikely to use couchdb-glib in a KDE app, right rodrigo_? | 10:07 |
rodrigo_ | aquarius, well, they can, if they don¡t have a better API | 10:08 |
apachelogger | aquarius: couchdb-glib ought to then depend on gnome-keyring though | 10:08 |
rodrigo_ | apachelogger, yes | 10:08 |
mandel | there was someone working on a Qt lib If I remember correctly | 10:08 |
apachelogger | in which case desktopcouch can store in gnome-keyring | 10:08 |
apachelogger | mandel: far from finished though | 10:09 |
aquarius | I thought couchdb-glib does depend on gnome-keyring? rodrigo_, does it not? | 10:09 |
rodrigo_ | it does | 10:09 |
aquarius | ah, good :) | 10:09 |
rodrigo_ | well, desktopcouch-glib does | 10:09 |
mandel | apachelogger, the issue I have is that we should extra your code to a diff module like python keyring, that is the ncer approach since the module should do the platform checks, otherwhise the code gets clutter | 10:10 |
aquarius | cool. mandel, let's make sure CardinalFang is aware of apachelogger's patch | 10:10 |
mandel | aquarius, I'll make sure of that ;) | 10:10 |
mandel | I'll be back in 15, laters | 10:11 |
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apachelogger | there is a bit of a scope issue IMHO, since a KDE app might very well use desktopcouch with kwallet inside a GNOME environment, desktopcouch essentially needs to throw its tokens at all keyring applications it can get hold of | 10:12 |
rodrigo_ | ugh | 10:13 |
* rodrigo_ wonders why GNOME/KDE don't share more of these non-GUI, basic services | 10:13 | |
apachelogger | supposedly that problem goes away on Linux with the fdo secrets storage thingy | 10:13 |
rodrigo_ | yes, that's what I was going to say | 10:14 |
aquarius | also, tomorrow the sun will be warmer and the beer will be colder | 10:14 |
rodrigo_ | :) | 10:15 |
apachelogger | ^^ | 10:15 |
aquarius | I would very much like basic infrastructure like this to be shared | 10:15 |
rodrigo_ | yeah, it doesn't make sense to not have it shared at all | 10:15 |
rodrigo_ | it just puts the problem in 3rd parties that want to support both desktops | 10:15 |
aquarius | but as far as I can tell, the opinions of keyring-system-X maintainers are "we are fine with sharing infrastructure, by which we mean that those other heathens can come over here and use our system" | 10:16 |
aquarius | maybe the marvellous fdo thing will do it | 10:16 |
aquarius | but it's not only not here yet, as far as I can tell it's not even close to here yet, is it? :( | 10:16 |
rodrigo_ | it's not AFAICS | 10:17 |
duanedesign | morning all | 10:23 |
rye | duanedesign, morning! | 10:24 |
duanedesign | rye: i was answering LP Ansers yesterday and i came across this one. https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+question/118585 | 10:27 |
rye | hmmm | 10:27 |
rye | duanedesign, that's actually an issue, we should not pretend to be anybody else | 10:28 |
rye | From: sso-test-8@rtg.in.ua | 10:28 |
rye | To: roman.yepishev@canonical.com | 10:28 |
rye | yes | 10:29 |
rye | bug | 10:29 |
rye | duanedesign, do you mind if I convert it to a bug report? | 10:29 |
duanedesign | yeah i thought that might oughta be convertd | 10:29 |
duanedesign | ill do it now | 10:29 |
duanedesign | bug 609999 | 10:32 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 609999 in ubuntuone-client "Share email rejected because it looks like spam (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/609999 | 10:32 |
rye | duanedesign, confirmed, prioritized and assigned, thank you! | 10:42 |
jml | aquarius, I just saw Benoit's email re couchapp & desktopcouch. Does this mean I don't need to use desktopcouch again? | 10:54 |
aquarius | erm, what are you using it for? | 10:55 |
rodrigo_ | hmm, what does couchapp do? start an instance of couchdb? | 11:01 |
duanedesign | who is handling musicstore issues right now? | 12:00 |
rodrigo_ | aquarius, please review this when you have time -> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/libubuntuone/use-libsyncdaemon/+merge/29316 | 12:20 |
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Chipaca | Ubuntu One Desktop+ standup meeting BEGINS. Say "me", yadda yadda. | 14:08 |
thisfred | me | 14:08 |
rodrigo_ | me | 14:08 |
thisfred | yadda yadda | 14:08 |
* thisfred ducks | 14:09 | |
CardinalFang | me | 14:09 |
* Chipaca looks at CardinalFang | 14:10 | |
Chipaca | vds: rmcbride: mandel: nessita: ping | 14:10 |
rodrigo_ | nessita is off today, afaik | 14:10 |
mandel | Chipaca, pong | 14:10 |
vds | me | 14:10 |
Chipaca | ah, nessita is off | 14:10 |
Chipaca | mandel: say "me" | 14:11 |
alecu | me | 14:11 |
mandel | Chipaca, contra, que es el standup, sorry, my head in somewhere else | 14:11 |
mandel | me | 14:11 |
rmcbride | me | 14:11 |
Chipaca | thisfred: go! | 14:11 |
thisfred | DONE: RT and procedure for upgrading couchdb on staging (and then production) filed | 14:12 |
thisfred | TODO: upgrade staging then production | 14:12 |
thisfred | BLOCKED: not blocked (depending on LOSA availability though) | 14:12 |
Chipaca | thisfred: yay | 14:12 |
thisfred | rodrigo_: a vos! | 14:12 |
rodrigo_ | DONE: submitted fixed package for missing python-libproxy in u1-client. Worked on more file syncing bugs/UI enhancements | 14:13 |
rodrigo_ | TODO: more file syncing/UI enhancements. ubuntu-sso | 14:13 |
rodrigo_ | not BLOCKED | 14:13 |
rodrigo_ | CardinalFang, your turn | 14:13 |
CardinalFang | DONE: Wrapped the weird python-couchdb object that acts like a function and a sliceable list. | 14:14 |
CardinalFang | TODO: Push to update approved (thanks rodrigo) branch. | 14:14 |
CardinalFang | BLOCKED: Writing tests to reproduce that bug is hard. About to give up on it. | 14:14 |
CardinalFang | vds, you | 14:14 |
vds | DONE: review and rebuild the python-couchdb package, reviewed a bunch on win client branches, discussed the new plan with mandel | 14:15 |
vds | TODO: check whether the win hudson slave is ready, make sure python-couchdb 0.7 lands in maverick | 14:15 |
vds | BLOCKED: nope | 14:16 |
vds | alecu: please | 14:16 |
alecu | DONE: started with tests for the DBus code for sso-client that Chad gave me. Installed maverick in virtualbox and kvm to test previous branch with network manager not installed | 14:16 |
alecu | TODO: keep working on dbus code. Try qemu | 14:16 |
alecu | BLOCKED: maverick gnome's won't start right on virtualbox. Kvm fails on maverick | 14:16 |
* alecu throws the lighted up TNT stick at mandel | 14:16 | |
Chipaca | ooh! ooh! me :) | 14:16 |
mandel | DONE: Integrated windows service with Spring.Net as an IoC, added extra tests that where missing | 14:16 |
mandel | TODO: review branch for rodrigo_ , push spring branch for review | 14:17 |
mandel | BLOCKED: no no | 14:17 |
rmcbride | DONE: further work w/ windows test boxen. Previewed contacts picker. | 14:17 |
rmcbride | TODO: More of the above | 14:17 |
rmcbride | BLOCKED: not really | 14:17 |
* mandel wonders how can his spelling be sooo bad O_o | 14:18 | |
Chipaca | DONE: lots of meetings, as you do. lp:~chipaca/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store/tweek-tweek | 14:18 |
Chipaca | TODO: give vds a hand with python-couchdb packaging and the politics therein. Continue crusade against sucky UI elements in U1 (next: make the "music store link" dialog better). Have some more meetings. | 14:18 |
Chipaca | BLOCKED: no sir! | 14:18 |
Chipaca | whee. Closing comments? | 14:19 |
mandel | I hate windows.... | 14:19 |
rmcbride | seconded | 14:19 |
alecu | eom? | 14:19 |
Chipaca | mandel: we all do! :) | 14:19 |
rodrigo_ | I'd appreciate reviews on 2 branches of mine: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntuone-client/check-before-disabling and https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntuone-client/add-contact-on-enter :) | 14:20 |
CardinalFang | rodrigo_, of my to-do, I'll finish this branch soon. What should I work on next? | 14:20 |
alecu | I love windows! I wouldn't see the sun from my office otherwise! | 14:20 |
Chipaca | alecu: as soon as people have ACKed all the above with at least a "no comments" :) | 14:20 |
mandel | rodrigo_, I'm doing the first branch :P | 14:20 |
rodrigo_ | CardinalFang, ubuntu-sso, let me see the kanban, and I'll assign you some task from there | 14:20 |
alecu | oh, you guys mean "software" windows, right? | 14:20 |
alecu | no comments! | 14:20 |
rodrigo_ | alecu, :) | 14:20 |
Chipaca | thisfred: rodrigo_: CardinalFang: vds: alecu: mandel: rmcbride: excellent work. Got impatient: EOM! | 14:21 |
Chipaca | :) | 14:21 |
Chipaca | Mumble is *so* much better :( | 14:21 |
alecu | :-) | 14:21 |
rodrigo_ | mandel, cool | 14:21 |
Chipaca | CardinalFang: when there's a "chad" in here, is that also you? | 14:22 |
mandel | Chipaca, sorry, I forgot what time it was... | 14:22 |
Chipaca | mandel: windows does that to you. I hope it's not a chronic condition. | 14:22 |
rmcbride | My blackout curtains were slightly too effective this morning | 14:23 |
CardinalFang | Chipaca, in here? You mean internal IRC? | 14:23 |
Chipaca | CardinalFang: no, in here | 14:23 |
mandel | Chipaca, if it is not windows, is the xml...god they love that crap, I miss python dicts.. | 14:23 |
CardinalFang | Nope, not me. "[chad] (~chad@cpe-67-246-19-44.nycap.res.rr.com): Chad Stephen Albert" | 14:23 |
Chipaca | hehe | 14:24 |
CardinalFang | New York? | 14:24 |
mandel | CardinalFang, wait, it my be miller, I've seen him in Fox news ;) | 14:24 |
mandel | CardinalFang, I need to find that url again :P | 14:25 |
rodrigo_ | Chipaca, where's your music store branch? | 14:25 |
Chipaca | thisfred: rodrigo_: CardinalFang: vds: alecu: mandel: rmcbride: excellent work. EOM! | 14:25 |
CardinalFang | mandel, shuush. | 14:25 |
Chipaca | um, no | 14:25 |
jblount | heh | 14:25 |
Chipaca | hehe | 14:25 |
Chipaca | https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~chipaca/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store/tweek-tweek/+merge/30877 | 14:25 |
Chipaca | stupid cut-n-paste :) | 14:25 |
* mandel goes to get some food | 14:26 | |
* Chipaca 's internet is so flaky he types his sentences out in another window just in case | 14:26 | |
=== mandel is now known as mandel_afk | ||
rodrigo_ | Chipaca, ok, testing it | 14:27 |
Chipaca | rodrigo_: I just got some comments from johnlea, so it might need a fix | 14:29 |
duanedesign | alecu: who should we ping now about music store issues? | 14:30 |
alecu | hi duanedesign, we should ask pfibiger who is working on that now... | 14:31 |
rodrigo_ | Chipaca, ok, works for me, so let me know when the other fix is in and I'll re-review and approve | 14:31 |
duanedesign | thank you alecu :) | 14:32 |
rodrigo_ | Chipaca, ah, a different icon for the button sounds good indeed | 14:33 |
pfibiger | duanedesign: what sort of issue? | 14:33 |
duanedesign | pfibiger: bug 608974 I just assi....hello :) | 14:34 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 608974 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store "purchased music fails to download to ubuntu one account (affects: 1) (heat: 34)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/608974 | 14:34 |
pfibiger | duanedesign: thanks! i'll have muffinresearch take a look at it. | 14:35 |
duanedesign | great! | 14:35 |
aquarius | rodrigo_, do I need maverick to test the libsyncdaemon stuff? | 15:07 |
rodrigo_ | aquarius, yes, unless you install u1-client trunk somewhere and make it link with that | 15:07 |
* aquarius is still on lucid... | 15:08 | |
aquarius | (guilty look) | 15:08 |
rodrigo_ | :) | 15:08 |
apachelogger | verterok_: pingy | 15:26 |
verterok_ | apachelogger: pong | 15:26 |
apachelogger | verterok_: I have a present for you, just a sec :) | 15:26 |
verterok_ | haha | 15:26 |
apachelogger | verterok_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/469362/ | 15:27 |
apachelogger | kwallet enabled syncdaemon patch :) | 15:28 |
=== mandel_ is now known as mandel | ||
apachelogger | tries to check if kde session ... if that fails -> gnome-keyring ... tries to import pykde/qt stuff for kwallet ... if that fails -> gnome-keyring ... tries to lookup information in kwallet ... if that yields nothing -> gnome-keyring | 15:28 |
verterok_ | apachelogger: :) | 15:29 |
apachelogger | well, technically not directly gnome-keyring once we have identified a KDE session... in that case it will try to import gnomekeyring and if that fails raise the exception as "fatal" | 15:30 |
apachelogger | so it is completel non-invasive to gnome envrionments and also works where in cases where a user is using KDE but not ubuntuone-kde :) | 15:31 |
verterok_ | apachelogger: looks like it should be moved into it's own module, instead of live in main.py | 15:33 |
=== verterok_ is now known as verterok | ||
verterok | apachelogger: also, I'ld like to avoid the subprocess call...but not sure if that's possible :) | 15:33 |
verterok | apachelogger: e.g: using dbus to find out if we are running in KDE or Gnome | 15:34 |
verterok | apachelogger: but I don't know if that's possible :p | 15:34 |
apachelogger | not reliably possible, at least not on KDE | 15:34 |
apachelogger | one could try to implement kcheckrunning in python, but I did try to avoid that for the sake of reliablity ^^ | 15:35 |
verterok | apachelogger: we have the same issue with the ubuntu-sso package/client | 15:35 |
verterok | apachelogger: not yet, but in the case there is a need for a kde client | 15:35 |
* apachelogger notes that that package is rewritten in Qt using 8x less RAM :P | 15:35 | |
verterok | :) | 15:35 |
rye | verterok, erm, is there a session variable somewhere that tells what session user is running? | 15:37 |
verterok | rye: no idea :) | 15:37 |
verterok | rye: googling about it ATM :) | 15:37 |
rye | verterok, DESKTOP_SESSION | 15:38 |
verterok | rye: but that's only set if you use gdm | 15:38 |
rye | verterok, gnome in GNOME and kde in KDM | 15:38 |
apachelogger | KDE got a similar one | 15:38 |
apachelogger | BUT | 15:38 |
rye | verterok, no, my wife has kdm running | 15:38 |
apachelogger | the daemon gets started via DBUS | 15:38 |
verterok | apachelogger, rye: KDE_FULL_SESSION and GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID ? | 15:38 |
apachelogger | which means that it will have a bare minimum env, which means no DESKTOP_SESSION | 15:39 |
rye | arghhh | 15:39 |
apachelogger | hence I was opting for kcheckrunning: http://websvn.kde.org/*checkout*/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/ksmserver/kcheckrunning.cpp | 15:39 |
rye | apachelogger, but daemon is started within session dbus, right?... maybe | 15:39 |
apachelogger | rye: doesnt matter | 15:39 |
apachelogger | stuff started via dbus service does not have a user environment | 15:39 |
verterok | rye: but that's only set if you use gdm e user dbus session, not the system dbus | 15:40 |
verterok | sry, apachelogger ^ | 15:40 |
verterok | apachelogger: anyway, it looks ok. not sure if we are going to be able to merge that...or if we are completely ditching keyring access from syncdaemon and using ubuntu-sso to get the token...we should ask rodrigo about it :) | 15:41 |
* apachelogger is all in favor of using ubuntu-sso really | 15:42 | |
rodrigo_ | CardinalFang, ok, 'proxy support for ubuntu-sso-client' card assigned to you | 15:42 |
apachelogger | verterok: kcheckrunning is not looking at the environment vars but querying using xlib :) | 15:42 |
rodrigo_ | CardinalFang, I'll assign a couple more that are just bug fixes, ok? | 15:42 |
verterok | apachelogger: :) | 15:43 |
verterok | rodrigo_: are we going to use ubuntu-sso-client to get the tokens? or each "component" should still access the keyring directly? | 15:46 |
rodrigo_ | verterok, we should all use ubuntu-sso-client, yes | 15:46 |
CardinalFang | rodrigo_, okay. | 15:46 |
statik | hi Chipaca, thisfred, CardinalFang: i've got a bug report with a user requesting couchdb 1.0 packaged for maverick, and still no movement from my sponsor in erlang-packaging team in debian. i'm working on packaging it directly for maverick today, any reason I should hold off on uploading today? | 15:47 |
verterok | rodrigo_: ok, but thats to get the token from the web and store it in the keyring | 15:47 |
verterok | rodrigo_: I'm talking about actually getting the token out of the keyring :) | 15:47 |
thisfred | statik: no reason, AFAIK. You do include the two bugfix patches right? | 15:47 |
rodrigo_ | verterok, I think we should have ubuntu-sso take it from the keyring | 15:47 |
rye | verterok, apachelogger DESKTOP_SESSION='gnome' - in a service started from dbus | 15:48 |
statik | thisfred, right | 15:48 |
rodrigo_ | verterok, so you just ask it for the tokens, and it will retrieve them from the web if there are none, or from the keyring | 15:48 |
rye | verterok, apachelogger via autostart / session dbus, so that would work | 15:48 |
CardinalFang | statik, none from me. CC the DPL or whoever is likely to be at the next Debian-Ubuntu-Coordination blamefest. | 15:48 |
verterok | rodrigo_: are we going to use encypted dbus magic? | 15:48 |
rodrigo_ | verterok, I'll discuss with nessita tomorrow | 15:48 |
verterok | rodrigo_: if not, all dbus stuff is plain text | 15:48 |
verterok | rodrigo_: ah, ok | 15:48 |
rodrigo_ | hmm, good point | 15:48 |
verterok | rye: k :) | 15:49 |
rodrigo_ | need to reboot | 15:55 |
statik | thisfred, could you dig up the svn commits that correspond to the auth_cache and del_users patch for couchdb 1.0? I don't think those had bug reports, right? | 15:56 |
thisfred | Not sure, I didn't file JIRA reports but couch.io might have. I'll look | 15:57 |
thisfred | statik: ^ | 15:57 |
statik | thanks thisfred | 15:57 |
thisfred | statik: auth_cache: r964108 remove_users: r963723 | 16:02 |
statik | thisfred, perfect thanks! | 16:10 |
thisfred | np! | 16:10 |
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk | ||
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mandel | CardinalFang, I forgot to mention, did they tell you about this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/469236/ | 16:33 |
statik | CardinalFang, thisfred: i'm testing the 1.0 couchdb package on maverick, and the desktopcouch-0.6.6-0ubuntu3 test suite all passes against couchdb1.0, but I get 'authorization required' when I try to login to futon. any ideas? | 16:35 |
thisfred | statik: ah, there's an ini setting 1.0 requires | 16:35 |
thisfred | statik: that we'll have to add in d-c's .ini I think | 16:36 |
thisfred | statik, chad: [httpd] WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="administrator" | 16:37 |
thisfred | without that, it'll tell you you need to login, but won't give you the opportunity to do so... | 16:38 |
statik | CardinalFang, are you doing a new upstream release of desktopcouch to include this or would you prefer to just distropatch it? ^ | 16:40 |
* statik doesn't know how many other desktopcouch fixes are queued up for this weeks release | 16:40 | |
statik | oh, looks like that is a problem with couchdb 0.11 as well | 16:41 |
thisfred | really? | 16:47 |
thisfred | could be, actually I don't know that I've ever tested 0.11's futon with any of our code | 16:47 |
mkarnicki | verterok: I'd be grateful if you could have a look at a mail I sent you :) I'll catch you in couple of hours, I know your working now :) | 16:51 |
verterok | mkarnicki: ok, I'll try to take a look to the issue | 16:51 |
mkarnicki | verterok: thanks! see you later! | 16:51 |
verterok | later! | 16:51 |
statik | thisfred, i see this warning during my build of couchdb 1.0 in a pbuilder, is it something to worry about? "WARNING: Module fdsrv not found | 16:56 |
statik | WARNING: Module oauth_rsa_sha1 not found | 16:56 |
statik | " | 16:56 |
CardinalFang | statik, Hrm, the INI should fix that. | 17:04 |
CardinalFang | statik, ken and I talked about it. I thought he was adding something to /etc/xdg/desktop-couch/compulsory-auth.ini | 17:04 |
CardinalFang | statik, new INI files in ~/.config/.. will have the right configs to make Futon work. | 17:05 |
CardinalFang | So, removing will make it work in your case. | 17:05 |
statik | CardinalFang, is more work needed to make it work automatically for users upgrading from lucid? | 17:07 |
CardinalFang | statik, Yes. | 17:08 |
statik | CardinalFang, thanks. can you make sure that a bug is filed and it gets taken care of? | 17:09 |
CardinalFang | Sure. | 17:09 |
statik | awesome. 1.0 is uploaded now | 17:10 |
thisfred | statik: hmm, I'm not sure. I don't recall seeing those. Maybe they are new soft dependencies. My 1.0 build probably had the same warnings then, and it works, but it may be worth asking the couch.io guys | 17:12 |
statik | thisfred: 1.0 is in maverick now, so if you can hit it hard with some tests (or drum up volunteers) that will be much appreciated | 17:14 |
thisfred | statik: I'll try upgrading to mav again this week, and "sidegrade" to do some testing | 17:15 |
thisfred | couchdb that is. | 17:16 |
thisfred | But the server side upgrade has priority, so if possible I'd like to do that first, and if so, I'd like to test that from a known working system first | 17:17 |
statik | absolutely | 17:17 |
mandel | alecu, do you have time to read some c# ?? | 17:20 |
alecu | mandel, for you, always | 17:22 |
mandel | alecu, thx, take a look at this: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-windows-installer/integrate_spring/+merge/30962 | 17:23 |
alecu | mandel, ouch! that's no C#... that's 7k lines of xml! | 17:23 |
alecu | :-) | 17:23 |
mandel | alecu, yes... there is some documentation you can ignore | 17:24 |
mandel | alecu, the important part is this: /src/Canonical.UbuntuOne.ProcessDispatcher/SyncDaemonWindowsService.cs | 17:25 |
alecu | mandel: lib/Spring.Net/Spring.Aop.xml ? | 17:25 |
alecu | mandel, oh, right. | 17:25 |
mandel | alecu, I use Spring.Net as the IoC, have you used ir? | 17:25 |
mandel | sorry, I meant used it? | 17:25 |
alecu | mandel, never used Spring in C# nor Java, but I've read about it. | 17:26 |
mandel | alecu, the idea is that Spring.Net creates the different host for the IPC through factories and injects them to the windows service, the injection happens through the properties | 17:27 |
mandel | alecu, which means a lot of xml :( | 17:27 |
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch | ||
alecu | mandel, by IPC you mean "the dbus replacement on windows"? | 17:29 |
alecu | mandel, and what do "different host" mean? | 17:29 |
mandel | alecu, yes, it allows .Net applications to talk with python through WCF | 17:29 |
alecu | ok, cool. | 17:29 |
mandel | alecu, different hosts means that there is "host" per functionallity, that is, one for shares, one for configuration etc.. | 17:30 |
mandel | alecu, each of them runs in a thread | 17:30 |
mandel | alecu, in a single process own by the windows service | 17:30 |
alecu | oh, great. I was thinking of "host" as computer or server. Now it makes sense. | 17:30 |
mandel | alecu, I use the word host 'cause WCF is meant for server and client | 17:31 |
alecu | sure | 17:31 |
mandel | alecu, but it also provides IPC through diff bindings :P | 17:32 |
alecu | mandel, is it common practice to include each .net dll in the bzr repo? | 17:35 |
alecu | mandel, I'm asking because we had a few headaches when including .jars | 17:35 |
alecu | mandel, mainly because of the time it took to download a repo when there was tons of revision of each .jar for all the java dependencies for funambol. | 17:37 |
alecu | (anyway: since this is already a project that has been split, I guess it's ok) | 17:37 |
mandel | alecu, that is a good question, I do not mind not to provides de libs, but so far they are there to stop people from dll hunting ;) | 17:40 |
mandel | alecu, but I do agree that the branch is gettnig heavy... | 17:40 |
mandel | alecu, removing can always be done ;) | 17:40 |
alecu | mandel, the problem we had was that *every* revision of the .jars was in the repo: remember that bzr keeps all history, and it downloads it locally when you are branching. So plain remove won't do. | 17:43 |
mandel | alecu, agg true, I forgot about that... bullocks | 17:44 |
mandel | mandel, well, there should not be many version of the dlls, or at least that is what I hope | 17:44 |
alecu | mandel, sure: we can always decide to not include the dlls if and when they start changing. | 17:45 |
mandel | alecu, there are also a number of utilities in there to simplify the work of the losas etc... snice it is probably the only windows project we have in c#... | 17:46 |
alecu | yup :-) | 17:46 |
* mandel goes for a coffee :D | 18:10 | |
=== mandel is now known as mandel_afk | ||
Laibsch | does Ubuntu One sync process pick of uploading a file from my computer to the cloud where it left off if the connection is connection? | 18:18 |
Laibsch | sort of like "wget -c" for downloads? | 18:18 |
statik | Laibsch, it doesn't do resumable uploads and downloads currently. we know thats kinda dumb, but have been fixing some other performance problems first, that one is very close to the top of the list though. | 18:18 |
Laibsch | I am on a slow DSL connection with very little upload capacity and it seems like the DSL connection is always cut before the file is fully uploaded | 18:19 |
Laibsch | I see, statik. | 18:19 |
Laibsch | Thanks | 18:19 |
Laibsch | I'll have to think of how to break this into pieces that I can still share with a Windows client, then. | 18:19 |
statik | i wish i had better news for you, we know how important it is for resumable uploads for people in exactly your situation | 18:20 |
Laibsch | well, that's OK | 18:21 |
Laibsch | I'll add an FAQ entry to the wiki | 18:21 |
Laibsch | that should do it for now | 18:21 |
alecu | mandel: why is "var hosts = new[]" defined both on the OnStart and the OnStop ? | 18:23 |
alecu | mandel_afk, ^ | 18:23 |
alecu | mandel_afk, I believe it would make more sense to have it defined once, so if new services are added we won't miss stopping them... etc. | 18:24 |
alecu | DRY | 18:24 |
Laibsch | statik: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ#Can%20the%20Ubuntu%20One%20client%20do%20resumable%20uploads%20and%20downloads? | 18:33 |
statik | Laibsch, thanks! | 18:34 |
Laibsch | thank YOU | 18:34 |
Laibsch | good bye | 18:34 |
jetsaredim | is there a way to sync a single file within a directory | 18:35 |
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno | ||
mkarnicki | facundobatista: Hi, could you tell me what is 'With user' on states_connection.svg diagram? | 18:38 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, that the user said that it wanted syncdaemon to connect | 18:39 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, and "with network" means that network manager (or the appropiate network master in the system) said that a network connection is available | 18:39 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, syncdaemon only will try to connect if both in true | 18:39 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: 'Not user' is then only before initial U1 setup to connect to the cloud? (or I got something wrong) | 18:40 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, you can tell at any moment that you don't want your client to be connected, at that point it goes to "not user" | 18:40 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: aha, thanks :) by the way (out of curiosity), how can I tell it not to sync? | 18:40 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, do you have a working desktop client at hand? | 18:40 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: sure | 18:41 |
mkarnicki | it's with user and with network currently | 18:41 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, do "u1sdtool -s" | 18:41 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, then do "u1sdtool -d" and get the status again | 18:41 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: aha, neat | 18:41 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: how do I turn sync on again? | 18:41 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, you can not tell syncdaemon to don't sync, you just can tell it to be disconnected | 18:41 |
mkarnicki | (I could see man pages but I have you ;P ) | 18:42 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, "u1sdtool -c" will connect it | 18:42 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: (aha I see - about the syncdaemon) | 18:42 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: thanks. that clarifies much :) | 18:42 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, :) | 18:42 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: some ideas can be really good to mimic on Android, not only to have some consistency, but also because you guys have thought of many scenarios for U1 usage, etc. | 18:43 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: and since I'll implement network availability detection soon, it's good time for me to ask ;) Thanks. | 18:44 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, my pleasure | 18:45 |
mkarnicki | :) | 18:45 |
mandel | alecu, yes, it can be defined only once, but then it will be ketp in memory all the time the service is ran, and therefore it will use more memory, is just an array of ref object, but I do not like the idea of the gc not collecting it | 18:45 |
mandel | alecu, I was talking about the hosts array | 18:46 |
alecu | mandel: what about a method that creates and returns just that array? | 18:46 |
alecu | mandel, yes, I see. | 18:46 |
mandel | alecu, mmm that is a goo point, that would be nicer indeed | 18:46 |
mandel | alecu, I've updated the branch with the array comment, it is seriously nicer to use a method rather than doing it manually, I was stupid when I wrote that :P | 18:52 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: 'working on metadata' is, for example, comparing hashes of local content and server content, while 'working on content' is up/downloading files, right? | 18:54 |
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away | ||
mandel | alecu, I need to go, let me know if you find anyother shit code in the merge proposal, and again, sorry I did not know when I updated Spring.Net that there was going to be soooo much xml added, my code is just around 300 lines :( | 18:58 |
alecu | mandel, oks. Talk to you tomorrow. | 18:58 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, all operations are in the meta queue, and upload and download are in the content queue | 18:58 |
mandel | alecu, ok, laters, and thx again! | 18:59 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: got it, thanks :) | 18:59 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, "working in metadata" means that the meta queue is working | 18:59 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: meta queue is part of syncdaemon, right? | 18:59 |
facundobatista | mkarnicki, both, yes | 18:59 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: ok, great | 18:59 |
mkarnicki | facundobatista: I'm doing pretty much things live, when the user browses the folders/files, but there'll be few modes of operation of AndroidU1 in the future. | 19:00 |
=== jumpa is now known as JUMPA | ||
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk | ||
owen1 | is ubuntu one works with thunar? | 19:48 |
owen1 | or is it only for nautilus? | 19:48 |
beuno | owen1, there is no thunar integration | 19:50 |
CardinalFang | https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cmiller/desktopcouch/compulsini-basic-auth/+merge/30977 | 19:51 |
CardinalFang | easy, small review, anyone? statik, rodrigo_, kenvandine? ^ | 19:51 |
owen1 | beuno: so if i use xubuntu, i need to intsall nautilus before installing ubuntuone? | 19:51 |
beuno | owen1, I don't think it depends on nautilus | 19:52 |
beuno | dobey or Chipaca would know in more detail | 19:52 |
dobey | the ubuntu one client side stuff really only supports gnome at the moment, yes | 19:53 |
owen1 | beuno: so i can use it even with xubuntu? don't i need to right click on a file and 'publish it' isn't it require some sort of a file manager? | 19:54 |
beuno | owen1, you can use the web interface for that | 19:54 |
beuno | the desktop integration is done with nautilus, yes | 19:55 |
owen1 | beuno: so after installing it, it create some kind of service (localhost:<port>) that i can access my home and 'publish' files? | 19:55 |
beuno | owen1, no localhost | 19:57 |
beuno | http://one.ubuntu.com | 19:57 |
owen1 | beuno: ok. i login and see my home. cool | 19:57 |
AJenbo | hi vds | 20:03 |
vds | AJenbo: hello | 20:03 |
AJenbo | im having some issues compiling the ubuntu one windows client | 20:04 |
AJenbo | am i right in thinking that i have to be under windows to compile it? | 20:04 |
AJenbo | also i am loading the project in monodeveloper, but it is giving me an error for client views | 20:06 |
CardinalFang | AJenbo, the person to ask left 1h ago. :( | 20:06 |
AJenbo | dang :( | 20:06 |
AJenbo | if any one see's him can you tell him that i need to talk to him, preferably this week | 20:07 |
CardinalFang | AJenbo, considering the packaging that goes with it, I suspect it needs some MSFT voodoo that cmake (or whatever) doesn't yet have. | 20:07 |
AJenbo | :/ | 20:08 |
CardinalFang | AJenbo, if you're here in 20 hours or so, I'll introduce you. | 20:08 |
owen1 | can i share files i have with non-ubuntu users? | 20:09 |
AJenbo | ok, now tell me what you primary weaponry is ;) | 20:09 |
AJenbo | ownen1, yes but there isn't any os client for non linux systems | 20:10 |
CardinalFang | owen1, individual files you can make "public" and give out the URLs, If you want specific users, then we need to authenticate them somehow. | 20:10 |
owen1 | CardinalFang:ok, so if i have 10 files, i'll have to give 10 urls? | 20:11 |
AJenbo | owen1: you can share files and forlders with otheres but they will have to download the individiual files from the web interface at one.ubuntu.com | 20:11 |
owen1 | AJenbo: and they don't need to login, correct? | 20:11 |
CardinalFang | owen1, and they don't need to use Ubuntu-the-operating-system. There's a web interface. They have to be an "Ubuntu One user", which is what I thought you were asking. | 20:11 |
AJenbo | owen1 if you want to share folders they need there own accound on the site. | 20:11 |
owen1 | CardinalFang: oh. so i can't make my files public to anyone (without the need to create ubuntu one account)? | 20:12 |
AJenbo | owen1: also you should be aware that there is a bug with public files and internet explorer, it might already be fixed tough. | 20:12 |
AJenbo | owen1: yes but then you need to give out an url per file | 20:12 |
owen1 | AJenbo: so if it's individual files, they will be able to get them without login. for folders, they have to use a login. | 20:12 |
CardinalFang | owen1, you can make files *public*, but the URLs are small and guessable. | 20:12 |
CardinalFang | owen1, to share with a particular person, they need a (free) account to make sure they are who they say they are. | 20:13 |
CardinalFang | For folders, there's no good way to share all of the files, yet. We have ideas, but they won't be ready in the next two months or so. | 20:14 |
owen1 | got it. thanks | 20:15 |
AJenbo | owen1 i am working on the windows solution, this very week :) | 20:25 |
statik | AJenbo, you definitely need to be under windows to compile the windows client | 20:27 |
statik | CardinalFang, do you still need a code review? | 20:27 |
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates | ||
statik | ah, nm I see it is approved already | 20:29 |
owen1 | AJenbo: so people will be able to install it on windows? | 20:33 |
CardinalFang | statik, Nothing needed now. Thanks. | 20:34 |
AJenbo | owen1 yes | 20:39 |
mkarnicki | verterok: In case you need me, I'll be around :) | 20:57 |
verterok | mkarnicki: ok, I wasn't able to take a look to the code yet. | 20:57 |
mkarnicki | verterok: np, take your time. I'll be waiting :) | 20:58 |
mkarnicki | verterok: Don't worry, I don't want to push you, I just really need your help :) If you could take a look at the code later some time, I could read what you found out even tomorrow if I'm not still here. Anyway, I'll be around for few more hours. | 21:00 |
verterok | ok | 21:00 |
mkarnicki | thanks! | 21:01 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
jamestait | Hello people. :) | 23:20 |
mkarnicki | hi jamestait :) | 23:21 |
jamestait | It's pretty quiet in here atm. | 23:21 |
beuno | jamestait, \o/ | 23:22 |
mkarnicki | jamestait: in Europe, its late evening/night. in USA, its after work hours. | 23:22 |
* jamestait takes a bow. | 23:22 | |
beuno | mkarnicki, jamestait will be joining the web+mobile team in ~3 weeks | 23:22 |
* jamestait is in the UK. | 23:22 | |
beuno | he's one of our secret weapons | 23:23 |
* mkarnicki *-* looks with jelousy | 23:23 | |
mkarnicki | sweet | 23:23 |
mkarnicki | dang that's my dream job | 23:23 |
jamestait | I've let the cat out of the bag somewhat on identi.ca but I'm still somewhat careful about shouting about it. :) | 23:23 |
mkarnicki | I saw the job offer link work no more. So I thought the position is already taken :) | 23:24 |
mkarnicki | beuno: I saw your blog for the first time today, a friend of mine dropped me a link, related to ubuntuone-android-client post. | 23:24 |
jamestait | mkarnicki: From what I gather, several people at work would quite like the job too. :) | 23:24 |
mkarnicki | jamestait: consider yourself lucky :) (however, you must have earned it) | 23:25 |
beuno | mkarnicki, I'm waiting for you to give me a wink to announce the first alpha of your app ;) | 23:25 |
jamestait | Although to be frank, I think it's more because they figure working from home means an easy life. ;) | 23:25 |
mkarnicki | jamestait: we've met before some time ago, haven't we. I remember you from somewhere, but I'm not sure where. | 23:25 |
jamestait | Quite possibly, but I'm hopeless with names and I don't have a face to go by. :) | 23:26 |
beuno | jamestait, people tend to think that working from home means working less, when in reality it means working harder | 23:26 |
mkarnicki | beuno: I'm on it. I need verterok to help me out with authentication though (again :/ ). I just finished implementing view biding (stars, filesize, etc. to be done: custom icons for files) | 23:26 |
jamestait | beuno: I certainly found that in my previous job. | 23:26 |
beuno | mkarnicki, jamestait is the developer of the hethera plugin to sync contacts for thunderbird via couchdb | 23:27 |
mkarnicki | aha, nice :) | 23:27 |
jamestait | I haven't had a lot of time to spend on it the last few weeks. | 23:27 |
mkarnicki | I'm currently a browser-guy, but I used to have thunderbird around. | 23:27 |
beuno | I can imagine | 23:27 |
jamestait | But now the school holidays are here and all the "new job" stuff is pretty much sorted, I'm back baby! | 23:28 |
mkarnicki | ;) | 23:28 |
mkarnicki | rock on jamestait | 23:28 |
jamestait | Well... apart from retrieving as much data as I can from my dad's old laptop before I wipe it and install Ubuntu on it for my wife. | 23:28 |
mkarnicki | I'm definitely going to continue working on the project and hopefully apply for Ubuntu Developer status in few months (maybe at the end of the year?) | 23:29 |
jamestait | What's your project mkarnicki? | 23:29 |
mkarnicki | jamestait: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AndroidU1 | 23:29 |
beuno | jamestait, mkarnicki is the awesome guy developing an ubuntu one file sync client for android | 23:29 |
jamestait | Ah, excellent. :D | 23:29 |
mkarnicki | jamestait: excuse the site. it's a mockup set up just yesterday ;d | 23:29 |
beuno | I've been using it for a few weeks now | 23:29 |
jamestait | Which reminds me, I really need to check when my handset upgrade is due. | 23:30 |
mkarnicki | beuno: please, don't say that. pre-pre-alpha is far from usable ;) | 23:30 |
beuno | oh, I've been using it to download things to my phone! | 23:30 |
mkarnicki | beuno: but I'm really excited to forthcoming alpha release, I really do :) | 23:30 |
mkarnicki | beuno: haha, lovely \o/ =) | 23:30 |
mkarnicki | at least that works ;) | 23:31 |
mkarnicki | I'd love to test what I just wrote, but I can't. I/we broke auth and hopefully verterok will have a look at it soon. | 23:31 |
mkarnicki | I'm pretty sure it's my fault, but I really think that part of code is robust and I can't find the problem source. | 23:32 |
mkarnicki | anyway, enough about problems :) I'm trying to get myself motivated hah ;) | 23:32 |
beuno | it's amazing, whether you like it or not! | 23:33 |
mkarnicki | beuno: why did it take me so long to notice '... the awesome guy developing an ubuntu ...' - thanks :D ! | 23:33 |
mkarnicki | ^-^ | 23:33 |
jamestait | There's your motivation. ;) | 23:33 |
mkarnicki | There it is :)! | 23:33 |
mkarnicki | I'm happy to be working with U1 team, you guys are really friendly and helpful. | 23:34 |
jamestait | beuno: isn't that exactly what I said? | 23:34 |
beuno | we're thrilled you're doing all this hard work | 23:34 |
beuno | jamestait, I remember similarities | 23:35 |
mkarnicki | beuno: download progress bar is on my TODO list ;) | 23:35 |
mkarnicki | :) | 23:35 |
beuno | mkarnicki, that'd be super nice | 23:35 |
beuno | like the ones in the market | 23:35 |
* beuno points jamestait at his other window | 23:36 | |
jamestait | :) Thanks. | 23:36 |
mkarnicki | beuno: yes, I think it's a good idea to put them in the notification bar, so that user can continue browsing other content in the mean time. | 23:36 |
mkarnicki | beuno: dropbox has this invasive (currently similar to mine) modal dialog box, but it's not really necessary there. | 23:37 |
beuno | right, no point | 23:37 |
mkarnicki | it's hard to believe how patient and helpful verterok is. | 23:40 |
beuno | it is | 23:40 |
mkarnicki | I enjoyed watching last stand up meeting of Ubuntu Desktop+ team | 23:44 |
mkarnicki | It's like a live report of ongoing work, isn't it :) | 23:44 |
beuno | yeah, I like that they're doing those in public now | 23:45 |
mkarnicki | :) | 23:45 |
jamestait | Ah, I haven't seen that. | 23:47 |
mkarnicki | jamestait: everybody wrote what they did, what they had TODO, and if their work was blocked by anything, and called out another person to do so :) | 23:47 |
mkarnicki | one by one | 23:48 |
jamestait | Sounds like Scrum. :) | 23:48 |
mkarnicki | beuno: I need icons for my app. I'll probably need some artwork, too. You think Ubuntu Artwork Team could help? Maybe I should stick with some public domain / GPL icons for time being. | 23:53 |
beuno | mkarnicki, yes, I may be able to get you some bling if you tell me exactly what you need | 23:54 |
mkarnicki | bling bling :D | 23:54 |
mkarnicki | cool | 23:54 |
mkarnicki | 1 sec | 23:54 |
beuno | sizes, what the icon needs to represent, etc | 23:54 |
beuno | bonus points if it's in an email ;) | 23:54 |
mkarnicki | hehe, sure thing | 23:55 |
mkarnicki | beuno: perhaps before I start playing with eye-candy, http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/ would do | 23:55 |
mkarnicki | you know, so that we get the codebase first, eye-candy second. | 23:55 |
mkarnicki | what do you think? | 23:56 |
beuno | mkarnicki, sure, that's what we're using for files in the web ui | 23:56 |
mkarnicki | \o/ | 23:56 |
beuno | Chipaca is a big famfamfam fan | 23:56 |
mkarnicki | ^_^ | 23:56 |
mkarnicki | ok then, I'll use those for filetypes. that's even better, we'll have more consistency | 23:56 |
mkarnicki | for more eye-candy, I'll know who I can write to :) | 23:57 |
* mkarnicki omg forgot about two sandwitches laying next to him for 2 hours | 23:59 |
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