
JoeMaverickSetti have a kernel version 2.6.32-24-generic, but i need to apply a patch to  2.6.35-rc, how do i do that?00:29
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: huh?00:30
stlsaintyour running .32 but want a patch to .3500:30
JoeMaverickSettstlsaint, i mean i need to install the .35 then apply the patch00:31
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: you want to compile the .35 kernel?00:31
JoeMaverickSettstlsaint, the case here is my open source graphic driver cannot hibernate and the patch has to be applied to .3500:31
JoeMaverickSettstlsaint, yup. i think so.00:32
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: have you ever compiled anything before?00:34
JoeMaverickSettstlsaint, eh! nope. :(00:35
stlsaintalright well i suggest you start here: http://www.kernel.org/00:35
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: for the kernel00:35
JoeMaverickSettstlsaint, alrighty.00:35
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: then here for kernel compiling: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5683500:36
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: also here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43065&highlight=kernel+compilation00:38
JoeMaverickSettstlsaint, wow! i got alot to learn from. i'll take a look at those. thanks.00:39
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: yea those are some good guides00:39
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: they are abit way back but good for starters00:40
JoeMaverickSettstlsaint, alright. thanks for the tips.00:40
newboon2agetoday i'm using ircle, an irc client on my iBook G4 (PPC -- which has seen its better days go by unfortunately)01:24
pcwCan any1 help with permissions problem on boot?01:47
paultagpcw: dejavu01:47
pcwpaultag: hey again01:47
paultagpcw: so what's up01:48
pcwI seem to lose permissions to read and write to /dev on boot randomly01:48
paultagoh cool :)01:48
pcwother symtoms include server apps not starting up01:49
pcweg. apt-cacher01:49
pcwssh seems to work fine though01:49
pcwrebooting fixed the issues01:49
pcwSimply the worst kinda bug i.e. repeatable but non consistent01:50
paultagsec pcw01:50
paultagpcw: just a sec01:52
paultag./stlsaint --halp | ./pcw01:54
stlsaintpaultag: aye01:54
stlsaintpcw: do processes crash before your reboot that causes these permission issues?01:55
pcwstlsaint: did not see anything weird on dmesg01:56
stlsaintpcw: is there anything out of the ordinary in dmesh?01:56
pcwstlsaint: I did a diff with one with problem and one not (both from clean boot)01:57
pcwstlsaint: did not notice anything out of the blue01:58
pcwrunning chmod manually resolved the issue as well01:58
stlsaintchmod on what?01:58
pcwchmod on /dev/dsp, ..., /dev/snd/*01:59
pcwthat will bring back whatever devices I have lost01:59
pcwduring the boot process01:59
stlsaintwhat is your fstab showing?01:59
pcwnothing out of the ordinary02:00
stlsaintdoes it show all your drives needed?02:00
pcwstandard ext4 and swap mappings02:00
pcwfstab command you mean?02:00
pcwor /etc/fstab?02:00
stlsaintyes...in /etc/fstab02:01
pcwonly the drive mappings02:01
stlsaintone sec02:01
pcwI am on ubu btw02:01
stlsaintpcw: go here and run script and paste the output in pastebin02:03
pcwstlsaint:just a sec02:04
=== s_ is now known as pablo
JoeMaverickSetthow do i save a patch as a .txt file if a developer has offered one. from which part do i start copy/paste to save?example: http://www.mail-archive.com/dri-devel@lists.freedesktop.org/msg01446.html02:09
pcwstlsaint:i am trying to dup the error02:12
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: save a patch?02:13
duanedesignJoeMaverickSett: start at ---02:17
duanedesignJoeMaverickSett: so the first line: drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon.h    |    3 +-02:17
duanedesigncopy and paste it into Gedit02:17
stlsaintduanedesign: you use screen?02:20
stlsaintone sec02:27
pcwstlsaint: dont think that gives enough info for the bug02:28
stlsaintpcw: /dev/sda3: PTTYPE="dos"02:30
stlsaintpcw: ^^ what is that?02:30
pcwstlsaint:win 7 swap i think02:30
stlsaintpcw: windows doesnt use swap persay02:32
stlsaintpcw: windows uses paging files02:32
pcwstlsaint: which is y i quantified the statement with "i think" :)02:33
stlsaintit has a random bootloader on it02:33
pcwyes i restored the original bootloader so virtualbox could work02:34
pcwby original i mean win 7 original02:34
stlsaintpcw: and you still have grub installed?02:34
stlsainthow is that?!02:35
stlsaintbetter yet WHY is that02:35
stlsainti run vbox with grub as bootloader02:35
pcwfor virtualbox to work02:35
pcwyes me too02:35
stlsainti think that is a problem in its own02:35
pcwgrub is default bootloader02:35
pcwno it is not02:35
pcwtat bootloader is and will never be used02:36
pcwuntil i load the win7 with virtualbox02:36
stlsaintaye, your running vbox on windows02:36
pcwmy vbox host is linux guest is win702:38
pcwunfortunately i had installed win7 b4 i installed vbox02:38
pcwso i had to reroute the vbox to the installed win702:39
pcwand to get it to work will require restoring the win7 bootloader02:39
pcwcant seem to find the instructions now02:39
stlsainthrm, one sec02:40
stlsaintpcw: well im not seeing anything off the wall in the results02:49
stlsaintpcw: tbh im not sure whats causing the permissions issue02:49
JoeMaverickSettduanedesign, thanks.02:50
pcwstlsaint:i do not think that the script generates the correct info required02:51
stlsaintpcw: well in general i was looking for anthing particular in your partitions on where the are being booted (blikd) and fstab02:51
stlsaintpcw: but it does show what permissions those partitions have02:52
pcwstlsaint: you have been looking in the wrong places02:52
pcwi will reiterate my problem if you have time02:52
stlsaintpcw: alright02:53
pcw1: random loss of permissions to read and write devices including /dev/snd/*, /dev/dvb/*, /dev/dsp02:54
pcwthis results in loss of sound and tv02:54
pcwchmod a+rw manually will fix the problem02:54
pcw2: server applications such as apt-cacher fails to start02:54
pcwcuriously ssh works02:54
duanedesignJoeMaverickSett:  patch  tries  to  skip  any leading garbage, apply the diff, and then skip any trailing garbage.  Thus you could02:54
duanedesign       feed an article or message containing a diff listing to patch, and it  should  work02:54
stlsaintpcw: all this happens at bootup?02:55
pcw3:Problem repeatable but on a random basis02:55
pcwyes clean boot02:55
pcwreboot does not seem to have that problem02:55
pcwat least not that often02:55
stlsaintwhats problem 302:56
duanedesignJoeMaverickSett: but it doesnt hurt to try and keep that stuff out02:56
pcwno more problem 302:56
JoeMaverickSettduanedesign, i'm confused. anyways, i won't be doing any patching untill i learn how to compile kernel. i'll get back to you all when i do any patchings. ;)02:57
JoeMaverickSettduanedesign, got alot of things to learn. doing that step by step. hope you can later assist me in my exploration of linux and Ubuntu. =D02:58
stlsaintpcw: alright, well only thing i can think of right now is something with user permissions02:58
duanedesignJoeMaverickSett: absolutely02:58
stlsaintpcw: im assuming your in the admin group and you are "root"02:59
JoeMaverickSettduanedesign, alright. thanks. right now! reading how to compile a kernel.02:59
stlsaintduanedesign: you see those linkys i posted for joe on compiling kernel....from our very own ibuclaw :D03:00
stlsaintduanedesign: hey you have any thoughts on pcw's issue?03:00
pcwstlsaint: ubu users should hav access to those devices via hal or udev right?03:00
stlsaintpcw: what release are you runnign?03:00
pcwstlsaint: one should not need to be root to read those devices03:01
duanedesignpcw: what do you get from this command: cat /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/51-ubuntu-admin.conf03:01
duanedesignshould be AdminIdentities=unix-group:admin03:01
stlsaintpcw: no you dont need to be root, but like i said something in permissions is finicky03:02
stlsaintyep yep03:02
pcwduanedesign:it's as you said03:02
duanedesignwhats in:  groups03:04
pcwpcw adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare03:04
pcwduanedesign|stlsaint: think it might be a race condition problem03:06
pcwotherwise it would not be this random03:07
stlsaintpcw: yea with it being random makes it kinda hard to diag03:08
duanedesignpcw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/consolekit/+bug/477832   I havent been reading this whole thread, but does this sound like anything you are experiencing?03:08
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 477832 in update-manager (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "User account lost permissions after Karmic upgrade, breaking all audio (affects: 4) (heat: 22)" [Undecided,New]03:08
stlsaintalso i wouldnt know how to configure udev or anything to troubleshoot03:08
pcwduanedesign: just a sec03:09
pcw<stlsaint: yep worse of the worst. Thanks for your effort.03:09
stlsaintpcw: sorry03:14
pcwstlsaint:no worries and thank you03:18
pcwduanedesign: the first part seems right but does not seem to affect the server apps or does it03:19
pcwduanedesign|stlsaint:Thanks for your help. Bug is still unresolved but i gtg now.03:22
harrisonpcw can you state what was being talked about?03:36
IdleOneharrison: you can see logs of this channel and many others at irclogs.ubuntu.com I believe they are updated hourly03:37
harrisonThanks I was looking for that before but I couldn't remember that URL.03:38
harrisonDoes IRSSI have a feachur to turn off telling who joins and quits?03:41
harrisonI find that anoying as When I am reading I get "soandso (soandso@soandsos.isp.net)" and it interups my reading.03:43
IdleOne/ignore  * JOINS PARTS QUITS03:43
IdleOnethat should do it03:43
harrisonI will try that.03:43
harrisonIt didn't crash so thats good.03:44
harrisonIdleOne What IRC client are you using?03:44
harrisonhave you ever used IRSSI>03:45
IdleOnevery little03:45
harrisonI might try xchat see how it works.03:45
IdleOneit is a GUI client03:46
harrisonThats why I don't have it on my server.03:47
harrisonI am curently SSHed into my server runing a screen session running IRSSI talking here.03:49
harrisonThat way I can swich betwean computers easly.03:49
IdleOnein that case you are using the right client03:50
IdleOnethere is a #irssi03:50
harrisonThere is?03:50
harrisonone moment03:50
harrison383 nicks on there03:51
IdleOnealso http://irssi.org/documentation/faq is something you may want to look at before asking questions in #irssi Not all channels have the same helpful attitude as Ubuntu channels :)03:53
harrisonhow do I join a chat room in Xchat?03:53
IdleOne/join #channel03:53
IdleOnesame as with irssi03:53
IdleOnemost commands are cross client03:54
harrisonWould /ignore work to?03:55
IdleOneit does03:55
harrisonokay that didn't work.03:56
harrisonGave me an error mesage03:57
harrison Unknown arg 'JOINS' ignored.03:57
harrison Unknown arg 'PARTS' ignored.03:57
harrison Unknown arg 'QUITS' ignored.03:57
harrison Usage: IGNORE <mask> <types..> <options..>03:57
harrison     mask - host mask to ignore, eg: *!*@*.aol.com03:57
harrison     types - types of data to ignore, one or all of:03:57
harrison             PRIV, CHAN, NOTI, CTCP, DCC, INVI, ALL03:57
harrison     options - NOSAVE, QUIET03:57
harrisonthats the error.03:58
IdleOneharrison: ask in #xchat04:02
IdleOneI don't know the exact command. I actually like seeing the join/parts04:03
IdleOnegood night04:05
IdleOneharrison: in xchat you can also right click on the channel name and go to Settings > Hide Join/Part04:06
IdleOnebut there is a command to make it global04:06
RealEyesI just DLed some MP3s and RythymBox doesnt want to play them04:22
ArthurGood night, I need help with my Ubuntu at boot, I installed Storage Device manager on my Ubuntu 10.4 installation to automount at boot an NTFS hardrive, then I wanted to set it back to no automount and I deleted the settings of the sda3 media, Grub works well and my xp installation, but Ubuntu won-t boot, the screen shuts down and i need to restart, any help+04:51
phillwArthur: it's quite likely as you are dual booting, that sda3 was your ubuntu04:57
ArthurRight, I found differences between fstab and fstab.bak, so I restored with the fstab.bak but have the same issue04:58
ArthurPhillw, sda3 apears as ntfs05:00
Arthurand I also have UUID=3fef9346-48dc-4805-a476-6ee8fddef899 as ext4 but permissions for users,noauto05:02
phillwthe guys over at http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=333 would be more familiar with such things.05:02
phillwthere are so many variables that you should run the "I've got a problem" script and post the result (In code tags) on there.05:02
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Arthursorry but where do I run the Ive got problems script? Im currenlty accesing with a live distro05:03
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iktArthur, which script?05:04
Arthur"I've got a problem"05:05
Arthurwould it be possible to use the live usb to reinstall on the same partition without messing with the grub?05:06
duanedesignmorning all12:48
paultaglo :)12:48
out-of-handhi, can anyone here assist me with installing ubuntu 10.0412:51
slidinghornout-of-hand, what problems are you having?12:51
out-of-handthank u for ur reply12:51
out-of-handim installing ubuntu via live cd through windows12:51
slidinghornwait....livecd through windows?12:51
out-of-handwhen it gets to the end of the progress bar . i get a "permission denied"12:51
out-of-handit gives me a wubi log12:52
slidinghornok...via wubi..ok12:52
out-of-handbut im confused . and dont know how to fix the issue12:52
slidinghorncould you post the log to http://paste.ubuntu.com for us?  (provide the link it posts to)12:52
geirhaout-of-hand: You probably need to install it as an admin user in order for it to update the boot manager.12:52
out-of-handim admin on this pc12:52
out-of-handwill post it12:53
out-of-handsorry. i ment via Wubi :)12:54
slidinghornout-of-hand, how much free space is on the HDD you're installing to?12:54
geirhaout-of-hand: https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/371264  that suggests it has problems reading the CD.12:55
ubot2Ubuntu bug 371264 in wubi "erroneous "permission denied" on read error (affects: 5) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Fix released]12:55
out-of-handhdd i have 50GB free12:56
out-of-handis it a CD error ?12:57
geirhaSo maybe try burning the CD at lower speed, or mount the ISO using daemontools or something like that.12:57
slidinghorngeirha, not a livecd it's wubi12:57
out-of-handill explain ... i once had it installed. i then removed it... and could never get it back on ... so i left it for a while. then eventually 10.04 was out. so i tried to install the new one12:57
geirhaslidinghorn: But as I understood it, wubi run from the CD ...12:58
slidinghorn(or is there a cd *for* wubi)12:58
slidinghorngeirha, oh ok, sorry...I've never tried through wubi so I'm unfamiliar12:58
geirhaslidinghorn: The desktop CD has a wubi.exe on it.12:58
out-of-handhmmmm... i dont think its the cd... i did burn it at a slow speed ..12:58
out-of-handit works as a live cd... when i boot up computer into ubuntu...12:59
out-of-handits through windows i seem to have this issue12:59
geirhaout-of-hand: Try booting the CD, hit shift when it starts booting to get a menu, then choose to check cd for defects.12:59
geirha(It is shift isn't it?)13:00
geirhaOr possibly any key. It's when you see a purple screen with a keyboard=person logo at the bottom13:00
out-of-handif it not that ?13:01
slidinghornout-of-hand, after doing that, you may want to try installing from the .exe as opposed to the disk: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/windows-installer13:01
slidinghorngeirha, shift is for the grub menu if that's what you're going for13:01
out-of-handchecking ur link now13:01
out-of-handtrying again13:03
out-of-handwill they eventually get a sync program to sync ur nokia phone numbers to pc ?13:05
out-of-handubuntu *13:05
slidinghornout-of-hand, not sure what you mean (then again, I have no cell phone, haha)13:06
out-of-handi hate windows... been stressing with this alot .. and been getting ubuntu introduced in south africa...13:06
slidinghornthe creator of Ubuntu is from South Africa :)13:06
out-of-handhmmmm... same error... as i get to end of installation ... comes up with permission denied13:07
out-of-handyeah i know :) ubuntu rocks ...13:07
slidinghornout-of-hand, ok...looking for more solutions...13:08
geirhaout-of-hand: Do you have a program to mount iso as a virtual cd in windows?13:08
out-of-handi remember last year, when i had the previous ubuntu... i deleted it through add and remove programs ... and since then ... had issues to re install13:08
geirhaI'm guessing wubi.exe detected the ubuntu CD in the drive and used that instead of grabbing the iso off the net.13:09
out-of-handi will quickly download a virtual mount program13:09
slidinghornout-of-hand, here's a post about one: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9070762&postcount=1313:09
slidinghornout-of-hand, check post #16 on that page too13:10
out-of-handthanks seems to have relevance to my issue13:11
slidinghornout-of-hand, well, I could always point you to a post about how to use Evolution ;-)  haha13:13
out-of-handok ... trying with ubuntu 9.10 iso13:13
out-of-handits the only iso i have on this work pc13:13
out-of-hand Evolution13:13
slidinghornEvolution is the default email client on ubuntu13:13
slidinghornsimilar to Thunderbird (or, a little less, Outlook)13:14
slidinghornvice versa^^13:14
out-of-handi was wondering if it was that .... cant get this new version of ubuntu to work :( i did see they took of pidgin and added Evolution13:14
slidinghornwell they replaced pidgin with empathy -- maybe that's what you're thinking of?13:14
out-of-handdamn i think u are right.... must be something on the CD i made ... thank u for that :) the 9.10  installed 100%13:15
slidinghornevolution's been with Ubuntu for quite a while13:15
slidinghornout-of-hand, excellent!13:15
out-of-handempathy ..13:15
out-of-handoh... haha ... lovely ... im falling behind13:15
slidinghornout-of-hand, the main reason I started using linux was to learn...love learning new things -- that's what linux is all about :)13:16
out-of-handcan one still play games ... wine ? or other software for it ?13:16
slidinghornsome of them13:16
slidinghornyou'll have to check compatibility through wine's AppDB http://appdb.winehq.org13:16
out-of-handyeah ... i like Linux to ... i started with Suse... was ok .. bat 8 years back ...13:16
out-of-handthen knoppix...13:16
out-of-handnow ubuntu cought my attention13:17
* slidinghorn started with ubuntu -- back when it was Dapper :)13:17
out-of-handawsome ... so how did u learn the command lines ?13:17
out-of-handthe grub13:17
slidinghornactually no...i had hardy first...and installed dapper on another machine13:18
slidinghornthat's what it was13:18
slidinghornout-of-hand, just practiced...tried to stay away from GUI programs when I could -- also had some experience w/ unix commands from having a VPS13:18
slidinghornplus, I read a lot -- spend a *lot* of my free time reading articles online and just trying to learn all I can :)13:19
out-of-handawsome... i got too much free time .. will look into it ...13:28
out-of-handalso another thing13:28
out-of-handcan one save repository (updates ) on a cd and update via a cd like before (for those pc without internet access)13:28
ubot2APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline13:29
slidinghorncheck that out ^^13:29
slidinghornoh...no link -- let me find you something13:29
slidinghornhappy to help13:30
slidinghornI'll be back in a bit, going to McDonald's to satisfy my sweet tea addiction and head to the office.  Should be back in here by 10 :)13:31
slidinghorn*it's 8:30 here now -- for those outside of EST, lol13:31
out-of-handthank you again and again13:31
slidinghornany time....that's what we're here for :)13:32
slidinghornbe back soon13:32
out-of-handsweet :)13:32
=== prabs is now known as Mohan_chml
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Mohan_chmlOMG BGS10015:14
Mohan_chml(: how are ya bgs100 ?15:15
bgs100Alright, sad that summer's nearly over... you?15:15
Mohan_chmlI am outta town. I think I ll go home tonight (:15:16
bgs100Well, as extremely cliched by hundreds of movies, "there's no place like it" :P15:17
Mohan_chmlhiya hobgoblin15:30
Mohan_chmlhows life hobgoblin ?15:32
hobgoblinpretty good ty Mohan_chml - you too I trust15:33
Mohan_chmlYeah. Going on well. I am outta town for the past three days. Hope tonight I ll get back (:15:34
Mohan_chmlwhere are the kids?15:34
hobgoblinshe is at here mum's15:35
hobgoblinthe other 2 are older ...15:35
BGL-[a]i have a simple script that mounts network shares, how do i pipe the (sometimes error) output to a file, an appending file18:43
BGL-[a]>> is not working18:44
BGL-[a]not appending18:44
BGL-[a]tried a couple other things too18:44
BGL-[a]i only get the last line of the last command in the file18:46
BGL-[a]hmm nevermind maybe i got it18:48
BGL-[a]i was using >> file.txt instead of >>file.txt18:48
drubinBGL-[a]: add 2>&118:53
drubinso command 2>&1 >> file.txt18:53
drubinthat way you will also catch the errors and exceptions18:53
BGL-[a]2>&1 >> file.txt but not 2>&1 >>file.txt ?18:54
BGL-[a]the space seems to make a diff18:55
BGL-[a]just askin18:55
BGL-[a]i'll give it a whirl18:55
drubinit shouldn't18:55
drubinspaces don't matter.18:55
BGL-[a]ok that seems to work18:57
Sketchbagokay I have a serious problem...Everytime I boot totem comes up trying to play a file on the network to which it no longer has access. so it spams errors until I either kill it connect to the network share or crash.19:48
SketchbagI did a purge and reinstall after reboot but the problem persists19:49
Sketchbagnow flash videos no longer work aswell19:49
komputesI would like to disable hibernation in Lucid. This used to be a simple gconf key but due to Bug #432598 I have to do "mv /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate.disabled;ln -sv /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate /bin/false;dpkg-divert --package pm-utils --divert /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate --rename /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate.disabled". Does anyone have a simpler way?20:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 432598 in upower (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 14 other projects) "Do not show suspend/hiberate related UI if suspend is disabled in polkit (affects: 49) (dups: 3) (heat: 218)" [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43259820:17
cosmosisHow do I modify the automount system in ubuntu 10.04 to mount usb sticks so that the current user has permission... right now its mounting them as /media/usb  with chown of root:root20:21
cosmosisHow do I modify the automount system in ubuntu 10.04 to mount usb sticks so that the current user has permission... right now its mounting them as /media/usb  with chown of root:root20:26
slidinghorncosmosis, might want to take a look at this thread: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/automount-permissions-for-external-usb-hhd-555022/20:27
cosmosisthanks looking thru20:27
cosmosisok so here is the thing....20:30
cosmosisthe article you referenced is nov 2009 so they were probably using ubuntu 9.20:31
cosmosisso they mention checking some keys with gconf-editor20:31
cosmosisand gconftool20:31
cosmosisthose keys dont exisit at all20:31
cosmosisits like storage is being managed by something else (probably fuse20:31
slidinghornunfortunately I'm not on an Ubuntu system right now & won't be until after 5pm EST...If you're still around then and haven't gotten your issue fixed, I'll see what I can find out for you20:34
cosmosislooking into it here too...20:35
paultagcosmosis: fuse would not handle a usb drive20:35
paultagcosmosis: fuse == filesystem in userspace ( a program ) :)20:35
cosmosisany idea what is responsible for automounting usb sticks?20:35
paultagcosmosis: sure do. HAL, and one other thing20:36
paultagcosmosis: sec, let me check init, it's in there20:36
paultagthat's it20:37
paultagcosmosis: it's managed by udev20:37
cosmosisPaul: ok not sure if you caught my initial question but the thing we are working on is that when a usb stick is pluged in it gets automounted in /media/usb0  and its owned by root:root instead of the active user20:37
paultagcosmosis: ahh, cool20:37
paultagcosmosis: sec, give me a sec to research20:37
cosmosisso I am trying to figure out a way to get it owned by the active user or to get the rights for the directory to be 666 so I can write to the stick20:38
paultag666 == devil20:38
paultagalmost the worst perms you can have20:38
paultag777 is a tad worse20:38
cosmosisI mean I can sudo and chmod but it gets annoying to do it over and over again20:38
paultagyes, of coruse20:38
paultagcosmosis: I did something with udev this morning, let me pull up the line i added to udev.d20:39
paultagSUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0bb4", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0c01", MODE="0666", OWNER="tag"20:39
paultagcosmosis: that's for my android. Might help apply here20:39
paultagcosmosis: just `lsusb` to get the idProduce and idVendor20:39
hobgoblinwhole bunch of these on the forums it seems20:39
paultagcosmosis: then add that to /etc/udev/rules.d20:39
paultaghobgoblin: oh?20:39
paultagheyya hobgoblin :)20:39
cosmosiswell my preference would be 700 but the only way to do it would be to get the drive mounted so its owned by my account20:39
paultagcosmosis: jst use that line I sent and add salt to taste20:40
cosmosisok so I want to poke around in /etc/udev/rules.d and add a line for each USB drive20:40
cosmosiscool thank you paul.. that gives me a good place to start20:40
paultagcosmosis: it's tough to get wrong. Just add in a 11-cosmosis-usb20:40
paultagcosmosis: sure thing. That can just go in a file in the rules.d20:40
paultagcosmosis: that should work :)20:40
paultagso hobgoblin, how's tricks?20:42
hobgoblinhi paultag20:43
paultaghobgoblin: have you seen my netbook?20:44
hobgoblinpaultag: people were removing hal20:44
paultaghobgoblin: Oh?20:44
hobgoblinno - have you lost it?20:44
paultaghobgoblin: why would someone do that?20:44
paultaghobgoblin: haha, I made "Forkbomb Linux mod"20:44
paultaghobgoblin: sec, let me screenshot20:44
hobgoblinI wondered that myself20:45
hobgoblinoh and do you know you are mia again20:45
paultaghobgoblin: http://imgur.com/5FktT.png20:45
paultaghobgoblin: Ach, crap!20:45
paultaghobgoblin: I need to fix my irssi20:45
paultaghobgoblin: that is debian squeeze hacked apart20:45
* hobgoblin hates irrsi20:45
hobgoblinnice one :)20:46
hobgoblinthough I find conky and it's ilk fairly pointless20:46
paultagI love it20:47
drubinpaultag: like the background20:48
hobgoblinall I need is a ship and a star to sail by20:48
paultagthanks drubin20:48
paultagdrubin: I did that :)20:48
drubinpaultag: yes I am sure20:49
paultagdrubin: it was booted in 81 MiB of RAM20:49
paultagdrubin: but now it's up to about 30020:49
cosmosisdo I need to restart udev after creating a new file in the rules.d directory?20:50
drubincan't hurt20:50
paultagcosmosis: nosir, just unplug and replug the device20:51
paultagbut it can't hurt :)20:51
paultag<3 drubin20:51
drubinpaultag: that was my nieve answer20:51
drubinmostly because never know what I am talking about.20:51
paultagdrubin: I was playing with udev this morning20:51
paultagthat's the only reason20:51
paultagdarn keyboard20:51
paultag'tis a poor craftsman that blames his tools20:51
drubinpaultag: Lucky my brain is on the fritz20:52
paultagdrubin: mm20:52
cosmosishmmmm I must have gotten something wrong20:52
paultagcosmosis: what's your line look like?20:53
cosmosisUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0fca", ATTRS{idProduct}=="8004", MODE="0666", OWNER="cosmosis"20:53
cosmosislsusb reports the device as Bus 002 Device 008: ID 0fca:8004 Research In Motion, Ltd.20:54
paultagcosmosis: what's the output of lsusb | grep 0fca20:54
paultagOh, it's a blackberry20:54
cosmosisyeah... I need to be able to dump pod casts into the 8 gig media card in it20:54
paultagcosmosis: humm20:55
cosmosisbut really it doesnt matter what device I plug in.. my regular usb sticks get mounted as root:root 75520:55
paultagcosmosis: and you can't play in the /media dir?20:56
paultagOh I wonder20:56
cosmosiswhat do you mean play?20:56
paultagI wonder if it's just making the /dev/ device that permission20:56
paultagthat might be20:56
paultagcosmosis: can you ls -l /dev/sd*20:56
paultagcosmosis: and paste the blackberry's line20:56
paultagor the whole thing20:57
paultagdon't matter much, I can figure it out ;)20:57
cosmosiswell it gets 3 lines because of how its got partitions20:57
cosmosisbrw-rw-rw- 1 cosmosis disk 8, 48 2010-07-27 15:52 /dev/sdd20:57
cosmosisbrw-rw-rw- 1 cosmosis disk 8, 49 2010-07-27 15:52 /dev/sdd120:57
cosmosisbrw-rw-rw- 1 cosmosis disk 8, 64 2010-07-27 15:52 /dev/sde20:57
paultagthought so20:57
paultagcosmosis: crap, it just changed the /dev/ to your user account20:57
cosmosisto its credit it did honor the 666 on the dev :P20:58
paultagcosmosis: yessir :)20:58
cosmosisbut the problem is that the dev when its mounted is back to root:root20:59
cosmosismedia directory looks like this20:59
paultaghey hobgoblin20:59
cosmosisrwxr-xr-x 11 root root  4096 2010-07-27 13:35 .20:59
cosmosisdrwxr-xr-x 23 root root  4096 2010-07-11 11:43 ..20:59
cosmosisdrwxr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 2010-07-14 23:04 bb20:59
cosmosis-rw-------  1 root root     0 2010-07-27 13:35 .hal-mtab-lock20:59
cosmosislrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     4 2010-07-14 23:07 usb -> usb020:59
cosmosisdrwxr-xr-x  5 root root 32768 1969-12-31 19:00 usb020:59
cosmosisdrwxr-xr-x  9 root root 16384 1969-12-31 19:00 usb120:59
hobgoblinpaultag: yep20:59
paultaghobgoblin: what auto mounts dev blocks to /media?21:00
paultaghobgoblin: is that hal ?21:00
hobgoblinnot sure it does in lucid anymore21:00
paultaghobgoblin: it does21:00
paultaghobgoblin: but it's either a GNOME thing or HAL21:00
paultagand I can't remember what21:01
paultagperhaps GNOME talks to HAL over dbus21:01
paultagI can't remember21:01
hobgoblinmmmm - well I can remove hall without ubuntu-desktop going21:01
paultagthat could be a pkg issue21:01
paultagand I think dbus can handle that with grace21:01
paultagcosmosis: might want to look into HAL rules21:02
hobgoblinin fact I think it turned up here when I installed some filemanager21:02
cosmosiswhere are hal rules stored?21:02
paultaghobgoblin: that could be21:02
paultagcosmosis: I'm not sure21:02
hobgoblinpaultag: xubuntu pulled it in21:02
cosmosishmm what I am reading says 10.04 droped hal for udev....21:03
cosmosiswhat is .gvfs-fuse-saemon?21:04
hobgoblinpaultag: not sure if they went backwards - but at one point hal went21:04
cosmosiserr daemon21:04
cosmosisbecause whenever I plug in a usb stick... it comes up in mount just before the media mounts21:05
cosmosisbut goes away when a usb stick isnt in21:05
hobgoblinpaultag: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8906905&postcount=1121:06
hobgoblinso it'd appear it's there if needed21:06
paultagthanks hobgoblin21:06
hobgoblinpaultag: all sorts of strange things I'm finding - removing hal removing usbmount problems with floppies conflicting21:11
cosmosisI think I might have it21:13
cosmosisok so I removed the blackberry21:14
cosmosisthen I deleted all the mount points it created under /media21:14
cosmosisplugged the device in.. and since it didnt have the old mount points I guess it created a new mount point under media using the rights from the udev rule21:14
cosmosisbut its kind of odd... I only have one device instead of two.. so I think I am only looking at the internal storage of the blackberrry and not its flash sd21:15
cosmosisbut its still an improvement21:15
cosmosisI find it odd though that this hasnt been a big issue in 10.04 and fixed21:16
hobgoblincosmosis: are you fully updated?21:18
cosmosisI run update manager every morning21:19
cosmosisso I am updated to currently within like 4 hours ago21:19
cosmosiserr to current21:19
cosmosisok its working now21:21
cosmosisso here is the thing I figured out21:21
cosmosisonce you create the rule for the device in udev21:21
cosmosisyou must delete the old mount point in /media21:22
cosmosisor it will continue to remount to the old mount point with the old permissions21:22
cosmosisThank you so much hobgoblin and paultag21:23
cosmosisI have been searching around using google all morning but I didnt know where to start... getting me pointed toward udev was the push I needed21:23
paultaglater hobo21:30
paultagnhandler: <generic whine about freenode>21:32
nhandlerpaultag: Blame the servers/sponsors ;)21:46
paultagnhandler: 'tis a poor craftsman that blames his tools21:46
ExpackOK, everyone, I'm a new Ubuntu user who made the mistake of attempting to install the operating system to a USB key from another USB key.21:55
ExpackNow I'm stuck having to use a GNOME-based multi-boot menu every time I want to run Windows 7.21:55
ExpackI'd like to remove the GNOME-based multi-boot menu so that I can at least re-install Ubuntu on a seperate computer where I can mess around with it without running the risk of messing things up.21:59
ExpackHello? Is anyone here?22:00
Out-Of-Handhi all ... i hope someone can help me with my installation of ubuntu 10.0422:43
Out-Of-Handhello ?22:44
slidinghornOut-Of-Hand, what seems to be the problem?22:55
harrisonanyone here booted ubuntu over a network?23:16
Out-Of-Handhay ... sorry23:17
Out-Of-Handbeen checking my iso md5sum of my ubuntu i downloaded23:17
Out-Of-Handits 100%23:17
Out-Of-Handproblem im having when i install it through windows .. it goes 100% then askes to reboot so it can install23:18
Out-Of-Handwhen it gets to the option of windoze or ubuntu... i choose ubuntu... it counts down 5-1 then when it get to 0 .... it freezes23:18
Out-Of-Handwhen i reboot... i select the Shift key when it counts down , and i choose safe graphics mode ... it gets to a point and freezes ., i  have a photo of what it stops at ... can someone assist me please23:19
slidinghornOut-Of-Hand, post the photo here: http://tinyurl.com/imagebin23:23
slidinghornharrison -- I've done netinstalls -- not with ubuntu, but debian...you having problems/23:23
Out-Of-Handok uploading23:25
Out-Of-Handsorry that was not the link23:25
harrisonyes I am fixing a friends laptop and it doesn't want to boot cds23:26
slidinghornharrison, any way to boot from USB?23:27
slidinghornOut-Of-Hand, I'm looking into that...23:27
harrisonMight be, it's from 2002 when usb boot was first comming around.23:28
Out-Of-Handany idea?23:33
slidinghornOut-Of-Hand, not yet -- still digging :)23:34
slidinghornOut-Of-Hand, not finding anything that has solutions...from the error msg I'm assuming you're booting from a USB?23:40
Out-Of-Handno ... i used the iso... i used a magic iso virtual drive23:41
Out-Of-Handto  install through windows... then when pc wants to reboot ... it comes up with the issue ... hangs ... or safe graphics it freezes there23:41
Out-Of-Handslidinghorn ... was i not chatting to u earlier today ?23:42
slidinghornOut-Of-Hand, yeah, this morning -- magic iso is on your windows system right?23:42
Out-Of-Handi managed to install it on my work pc... thanks .. but at home .. this foxconn crap MB is crap ...23:42
Out-Of-Handbut this pc ... i had a issue ...23:43
slidinghornwell I'm thinking the issue is that it's trying to boot off some type of live environment (i.e. cd or usb) that doesn't exist -- and it would have to access magic iso *on* your windows installation during boot, which I have no idea how it would manage to do...23:44
Out-Of-Handwhen i installed ubuntu first time ... it worked well... i then needed to install windows... so i formatted the 500GB  and installed windows ... when it gets to stupid... searching for drivers and devics hardward blue screen it stops at 34 min to complete windows xp install ...23:44
Out-Of-Handbare with me please ... :)23:45
slidinghornwhat I'm not getting (and maybe it's just that I don't know anything about wubi), is that I didn't think wubi set up dual-boots23:45
Out-Of-Handsop i had to bopot with F10 and go to the drivers  and delete CPU.INF file23:45
Out-Of-Handso ... they windows installs . after that ... i could not install ubuntu ... could it be something about the foxconn ?mother board23:46
Out-Of-Handhow would u suggest ... duel boot .? get a program to make a duel boot ?23:46
Out-Of-Handscrap windows completely and just install ubuntu ... and install windows in a virtualbox maybe ?23:47
slidinghornOut-Of-Hand, well that's where I'm getting confused...you said when you booted up the machine, it asked you whether to boot windows or ubuntu23:47
slidinghornwhich sounds like a dual-boot23:47
slidinghornbut, as I said (and I could very well be wrong), I didn't think wubi set up dual-boots23:48
Out-Of-Handi dunno ... earlier .. i tried what u suggested ... i used the iso in a virtual  mount software23:48
Out-Of-Handalthough it was 9.0423:48
Out-Of-Handit seems that... its installs ... and when the pc re-boots to finalize installation ... it uses what was installed on hdd... not the windows virtual mount anymore...23:49
Out-Of-Handso it worked at the office  after we found it to be a defect iso cd i made23:49
Out-Of-Handi check when i got home the md5sum is correct and i tried install again as i did at  office23:50
slidinghornwhat's the name of the iso file?23:51
Out-Of-Handhold on23:51
slidinghornok, so it's not wubi -- there goes *some* of my confusion23:53
slidinghornwith that .iso, you should be able to burn to disk and boot off of that disk.  From there you test out the live environment to make sure things work & proceed with the install23:54
Out-Of-Handok .. i dunno ... starting to get fed up ... its 1 am ... so ill try burn to cd ... and boot off live cd ...23:56
Out-Of-Hand1 last thing ...23:56
slidinghornsure :)23:56
Out-Of-Handif i install it from the live cd23:56
Out-Of-Handcan it create a partition and install on that section ?23:56
Out-Of-Handwithout me loosing my windozzzzze  crap  ( haha) i hate windows23:57
slidinghornyes...it will give you the options during the install process.  let me find a good link on setting up the partitions23:57
Out-Of-Handdo u use winsows at all ?23:57
slidinghornOut-Of-Hand, all of my systems are dual-booted with some form of ubuntu & windows xp.  need windows for a couple programs that don't run that well in wine23:58
Out-Of-Handyeah  picked that up too23:59
Out-Of-Handdid u install windows then duel boot from a cd (ubuntu)23:59

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