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un214just discovered leaving the grub packages in a chrooted system is a good way to fry the host03:52
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pittiGood morning06:12
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pittizul: mysql question for you in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.1/+bug/608423/comments/607:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608423 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (Ubuntu Lucid) "[lucid-proposed] post-start script broken" [High,New]07:18
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dholbachgood morning08:06
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LucidFoxWow, I didn't know Upstart was used in so many systems now10:01
diwicHow do I create a symlink (inside a make install target) that works in a .deb?10:24
diwicE g, the following does not work: ln -s $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/dir1/file1  $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/dir2/file2 - because when the deb is installed, the symlink will point to /buildd/debian/somewhere10:26
TheMusodiwic: You can use debian/packagename.links to create symlinks10:29
TheMusoman dh_link10:29
diwicTheMuso, thanks, I'll try that10:30
azeemdiwic: in general, do relative symlinks10:32
loolcjwatson: ssh-import-lp-id man page mentions ssh-import-id in synopsys; mind fixing that in the packaging repo?  I'm too lazy to bug this10:33
loolOh actually might not be a bug10:33
LaneyIt does say "ssh-import--id(1)" at the top though (two dashes)11:01
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sorendiwic: Leave out the $(DESTDIR) bit in the first argument, and you're golden.11:39
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diwicsoren, thanks. I think I tried that, but perhaps I removed it from the wrong path. Anyway, TheMuso's solution worked.12:06
zulpitti: *sigh* ok :)12:48
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pkramerruizHi everyone!13:18
pkramerruizCan anyone tell me if the developers of "software-sources" have an channel-sources?13:18
pkramerruizCause I want to run the process for selecting the best Mirror server, every time before making an update to some program, for obtain more speed downloading13:18
zulpitti: fixed13:27
Chipzzpkramerruiz: that would be pointless, since you would be running apt-get update each time, which would pull in several MB in itself13:33
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* apw is hearing rumours that the maverick CDs live dailies are borked at the moment, syslinux errors14:28
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* apw confirms that the i386 image is unbootable ... 'Unknown keyword in configuration file'14:44
apwpitti, it seems that maverick isos have the wrong version is SYSLINUX installed on them ... they are booting and indicating 3.63, but the version in maverick is 4.0114:56
apwi am suspicous that the config file has been updated to the new format, but the binary somehow not14:56
pittizul: rejected mysql; it seems $ret is not initialized to '0' on success, and you need to upload with -v14:58
pittizul: i. e. if $x is undefined, I get14:59
pitti$ LANG= [ $x -eq 0 ]14:59
pittibash: [: -eq: unary operator expected14:59
zulpitti: k thanks14:59
apwpitti, who owns the generation of the maverick isos ?15:00
pittiapw: usually cron15:00
pittiapw: hm, not sure how syslinux comes into play here15:00
apwpitti, somehow the version on the images is out of step with the archive.  though the real issue is that the verson on there does not understand the configuration file built for it while building the iso ... so it errors out and does not boot15:02
apwits not clear how long the iso's have been broken15:02
pittithey kept failing to build quite often, too15:03
pittikernel changed often, before langpacks rebuilt, etc.15:03
pittinot that easy to get something installable :)15:03
apwpitti heh .. typical15:05
apwpitti, so do we normally defer to mr. watson on this stuff ?  i think he is away15:06
pittiright, he's on holiday15:06
apwt'is a worry with a-3 fast approaching15:07
ionpitti: I prefer the paranoid style in sh programming: put *all* variable references in quotes, unless there’s a reason not to. :-)15:10
pittiion: right, but it'd break either way15:11
pittiif $x is empty, [ "$x" -eq 0 ] still errors out15:11
ionYeah, but the error would be about an illegal number, not a missing operand. :-)15:11
pittiapw: hm, I don't see anything relevant on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/ubuntu/maverick/daily-live-20100727.log15:11
pittiand I don't see how it should be the livefs; syslinux should be a matter of the actual .iso build15:12
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apwpitti, i assume there is some floppy which is combined with the live fs to make its an el-torito bootable what-sit15:13
ograapw, right, thats what debian-cd does15:13
apwogra, ok what makes the contents of the flippy ?15:14
ograit pulls the livefs from the live builder and creates an iso around it15:14
ograthere is no "floppy" :)15:14
ograits just syslinux copied into an iso or vfat15:14
apwogra, ok but to make a bootable CD you have to supply a floppy don't you?  in the CD and magic point to it15:14
apwogra, to re-cap.  maverick CD's stopped working sometime recently15:15
ograyou just copy the isolinix or syslinux binaries into the image file15:15
apwthe issue looks to be a configuration issue for syslinux, which is oddly an older version15:15
apw3.63 from lucid and not the one from maverick15:15
ograright, it might be that the debian-cd scripts pull from the host machine15:15
ograwhich would get you the hardy version15:15
* pitti found ~/cdimage/debian-cd/tools/boot/maverick/boot-{i386,amd64} now, looking15:16
ograthats the script15:16
apwso i wonder if its meant to be updated and the config in maverick is matching the new one15:16
apwogra, its the one from lucid it seems15:16
apwBUT its possible the host was updated from hardy to lucid ...15:16
pittiapw: is that isolinux.cfg?15:16
apwi know one of our machines was so upgraded recently15:16
apwpitti, i am unsure, though if you have that i'd say so15:17
ograogra@antimony:~$ lsb_release -a 2>/dev/null|grep Code15:17
apwogra, ok the one on there is 3.63, which seems to be lucid level15:17
apwpitti, actualy isolinux sounds wrong15:18
ograi gues there is some code missing to pull the maveric one into the image15:18
ograisolinux is right for the isos15:18
ograotherwise its syslinux for the vfat images15:18
apwpitti, oh but it does seem to be so15:18
* pitti defers to ogra then; NFC about this stuff, and I'm betwen two meetings now15:18
apwis mentioned in the source for syslinux15:18
* ogra hasnt any clue about the sys/isolinux changes either15:19
ograbut i'll take a look at the code15:19
pittididrocks: ^ that just means that you can't get a (working) respin of the CD15:19
apwboth packages were changed a long time ago, weeks in both cases15:19
pittididrocks: I advise to take the alpha-2 image with a persistency file and upgrade packages in-place15:19
didrockspitti: urgh, this ISO for Guadec sounds like a malediction :(15:20
didrocksogra: pitti: yesterday's iso has the same iso?15:20
ograapw, colin changed the code on friday15:22
apwogra, to ?15:22
apwi mean which bit did he change ?15:22
apwwhich package15:22
ogramaking i386 and amd64 use syslinix-coomon instead of syslinux15:22
apwhrm ...15:22
ograapw, http://paste.ubuntu.com/469833/15:24
apwogra, syslinux-common only exists in maverick ... but the version number reported on actual boot isn't that new one (4.01)15:26
ograwell, the code seems to pull syslinux-common from maverick15:26
ograwhich was the last usable image ?15:26
apwogra, yeah ... which may well make sense... except ... they say 3.63 when booting15:27
ograthere were some changes before ... though they dont touch syslinux code directly15:27
apwogra, last one i booted was the 5th so i am not much use15:27
ograwell, its hard to tell which change broke it if i dont know the date15:28
ograthere is some new code that makes use of gfxboot.c3215:28
apwogra, yeah only came to my attention today, do we keep any older ones?15:28
ogra3 days of successfull builds usually15:29
apwogra, so they would all be after the last change ... hrmph15:30
* apw asks arround ... to find out who last booted one and when15:30
ograis syslinux-common in main already ?15:31
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apwogra, how does one tell, the source claims to be in main15:32
hallynto make a sync request, can i subscribe 'ubuntu-release' to the original bug, or should i file a new bug referencign the original (fixed) bug?15:33
ScottKapw: rmadison will tell you at least for non-ports archs.15:33
apwogra, though from the binary he is trying to extract i'd be supprised if its in the -common file15:33
ograapw, he pulls isolinux.bin, vesamenu.c32 and gfxboot.c32 out of that package15:34
apwogra, and they do indeed seem to be in there somewhat supprisingly to me15:35
superm1apw, pitti: is the problem only present in maverick builds installed to usb with a lucid usb creator?15:38
superm1eg maverick isos directly on a cd or in a vm work fine15:38
apwsuperm1, i have put the iso on a grub booted disk and they boot there15:38
ograapw,   * Adding recommends to libcrypt-passwdmd5-perl in syslinux-common   (Closes: #567649).15:38
ografrom the syslinux changelog15:39
ogralibcrypt-passwdmd5-perl is in universe15:39
apwi would expect the issue to affect every use model of an ISO though15:39
apwogra, ok ... what would that mean15:39
superm1bug 60838215:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608382 in syslinux (Ubuntu) "Error: Unkown keyword in configuration file" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60838215:39
apwthat its not usable, and we fall back to an older one ?15:39
apwsuperm1, yes thats the error we are chasing15:39
ograapw, thats what surprises me, i wouldnt expect it to fall back to anything but fail the image build15:40
superm1syslinux gets installed to the key from the usb-creator on the system, so the version in lucid is older than that in maverick15:40
superm1and hence doesn't support the new 'ui' keyword15:40
apwsuperm1, OH15:40
apwso this is a bug in the usb-creator only ?15:40
apwogra, ^^15:41
apwi'll try making a CD to confirm15:41
ograapw, ah, that might be, try a real iso to confirm ;)15:41
apwmaking plastic now15:42
superm1if you use usb-creator on a maverick system it should in theory work fine (or if you backport syslinux to lucid)15:42
apwsuperm1, i can also try that combination15:42
apwthough that is poor15:42
apwa backport seems more appropriate15:42
superm1well backporting it would cause usb-creator to fail to make lucid keys on lucid (beware)15:43
apwsuperm1, HRMPH15:44
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didrocksI have the current iso which will be synced in 30 minutes, I'll try usb-creator there15:44
apwdidrocks, thanks15:44
pittididrocks: you could temporarily install maverick's syslinux for making the stick, I suppose?15:45
didrockspitti: I'm already on maverick on my netbook, so, should be fine there, isn't?15:45
pittiah, right15:45
apwpitti, this is a bit of a disaster :/15:45
apwso is the isolinux.cfg within the image ?15:46
apwbut usbcreator uses a local binary to make the stick versiion?15:46
ograyes, but i have no idea if usb-creator rewrites it15:46
apwperhaps we should be sucking it out of the image15:46
apwsounds like a bug in usb-creator rahter than anything else15:47
ograusb-creator should use both from the image file15:47
ograbut iirc it wasnt possible to just replace isolinux with syslinux before15:47
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apwogra, ok confirmed the real iso has 4.01 on it and boots as expected15:50
apwso this is not an image issue, panic off :)15:50
ografile a bug :)15:51
apwthe bug is there already15:51
ograoh, k15:51
apwjust updatinging it now and adding a new task on usb-creator15:51
ografile a patch then :)15:51
* apw needs to find the author and rattle them15:51
* ogra points apw to ev15:51
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superm1an alternate way to solve this might be to set a fallback if gfxboot fails15:52
superm1so lucid and earlier users would see a different bootsplash screen that's more texty, but functional15:53
apwyeah though that makes the sexy installer less sexy15:53
superm1or even make lucid and earlier boot directly to installer and just not give them a menu15:53
evbranches welcome on usb-creator using syslinux from the ISO.15:55
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didrocksogra: pitti apw: just confirming that it works well with last nebook ISO and maverick usb creator16:10
apwev, are the bits you need even on the CD ?16:10
didrockspitti: can you make an UNE respin once unity is built so?16:10
pittididrocks: sure16:11
didrockspitti: thanks a lot!16:11
evapw: the manifest says we have syslinux in the squashfs, yes.16:12
apwev, ok so it should be possible to fix this using the image ...16:12
evapw: correct16:12
evit just requires someone to do it, and all my time is going to the installer redesign at the moment16:13
evso, someone else :-P16:13
evto finishing the*16:13
apwev, pitti, ok i am getting further happy confirmations that using maverick to make the usb images of maverick boot just fine16:13
apwso at least we have a work-arround16:14
apwev ack16:14
superm1aren't you running into similar problems if you are loop mounting the squashfs to get syslinux out?  you would need to match versions still16:14
superm1(match versions of squashfs that is)16:14
evhow so?16:14
superm1try to loop mount a maverick squashfs on a hardy kernel (or something oldish) and you'll see that it complains that the squashfs major/minor doesn't match16:15
superm1also you wouldn't be able to burn amd64 cds to usb sticks on 32 bit systems anymore since you couldn't run the syslinux binary from that squashfs16:16
evright, indeed16:17
* ev ponders if the eventual switch to grub2 buys us anything here16:17
superm1it'll probably be worse actually16:18
superm1at this point you can come up with hacks/workarounds for fallbacks in syslinux i believe16:18
evyeah, seems like the fallback approach you suggested above is our only real option16:19
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shtylmanis there a reason that neither the xulrunner nor xulrunner-dev package create a libmozjs symlink in /usr/lib? one has it under the /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.2/ folder and the other in an sdk folder... what is the proper path to search for when linking against mozjs then?16:29
apwev, well we could consider changing the ISO to contain the file we need (its only one right and tiny) in the un-squashed bit of the image16:30
superm1another alternate more hacky solution might be an SRU to older usb-creators to detect newer cds and s/ui\ gfxboot/gfxboot/16:31
* apw goes confirm that its just the mbr which is an issue16:31
apwahh no we do run syslinux too ... so we'd fail there too ... bah16:34
apwsuperm1, i suspect your hacky solution is a 'fair' one for the moment16:44
mkarnickiIt there a nice way to write binary masks in java? Should I use hex values, binary shift operator, or just 1, 2, 4, 8.. values?16:45
mkarnickiArgh, forgot to say Hi :)16:45
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apwmkarnicki, for C i have always uses (1 << N) for bit N16:46
apwi assume java has the same semantics16:46
mkarnickiapw: same here, but I'm not sure what's the Java-fu or JAva-way of doing this :)16:46
mkarnickiapw: I'll use 1 << n for time being16:47
mkarnickiapw: thanks16:47
apwsuperm1, i've tested your sed incantation and it seems to work for this particular purpose16:58
apwso i've recorded it as a work-arround in the bug16:58
ograwe just need to copy the binaries into the vfat or the iso17:00
ograthat way you cant hit squashfs issues17:00
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geserRiddell: are still removals in Debian unstable regularly "imported" into Ubuntu or should removal bugs get filed?18:18
Riddellgeser: I guess I can do removals today18:19
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ansgarTo get a package imported from Debian that does not yet exist Ubuntu, should I just fill a sync request as usual?18:26
geseransgar: yes18:28
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andreoliHi, i'd like to build my own modified ubuntu kernel package and host it through a PPA, Can I blindly follow https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/BuildingASourcePackage ?18:39
Riddelltjaalton: can libxxf86misc be removed?  it's gone in debian18:40
andreolito supersede the official ubuntu name, is it sufficient to rename the package name by adding a ppan suffix? Or do I have to fiddle with files in the debian directory?18:40
andreoliIs this the right channel for *.deb and launchpad questions?18:41
Riddellandreoli: you can add a ppa suffix to the version number and that'll make it a newer version than the normal version18:43
Riddellandreoli: I believe there's a #ubuntu-packaging for packaging18:43
andreolithx a lot18:43
tjaaltonRiddell: if there are no reverse-deps left, then yes19:00
zulpitti: ping http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/469912/19:08
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* Riddell wonders if we want to follow debian in removing swfdec0.8 from the archive19:23
macoits about 18mo old isnt it?19:23
macoand while there've been commits to vcs since then, not many, and no new releases19:23
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pittizul: hm, where did the break go?19:31
zulpitti: i removed it...this might be a better solution19:31
pittizul: but now you always ping 30 times19:31
zulpitti:good point19:32
zulpitti: at this point im open to suggests19:33
zulpitti: suggestions even19:33
chrisccoulsonRiddell, i'm sure i remember rob savoye saying at UDS that swfdec is pretty much dead (although i might be wrong there)19:34
chrisccoulsonand see here: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/swfdec/2010-January/002490.html19:34
chrisccoulsoni don't think there's a reason to keep it in the archive really19:34
pittizul: oh, hang on, "exec" -> that could work indeed19:34
pittizul: I missed that19:35
pittizul: at this point we know that $HOME/debian-start exists and is executable?19:35
micahg+1 for swfdec removal19:36
zulpitti: it should...if they didnt do any funky stuff while trying to uninstall mysql because they think its broken19:36
pittizul: ah, it's mysql's $HOME, not any user's19:37
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zulpitti: correct19:37
rsavoyeswfdec is dead19:37
pittizul: what sets mysql's $HOME here? upstart scripts are run as root?19:37
rsavoyethey started shipping Gnash instwad of swfdec in GNOME19:38
zulpitti: lemme show you the whole upstart job19:38
zulpitti: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/469922/19:38
pittienv HOME=/etc/mysql19:39
pittizul: ok, looks fine to me19:40
zulpitti: cool thanks19:40
pittizul: "end scrip19:40
pitti-> cut&paste error, I presume?19:40
zulpitti: yeap cut&paste error19:41
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SarvattRiddell: libxxf86misc and x11proto-xf86misc can both go - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/PackageNotes21:20
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RoAkSoAxHi all, I'm having a package that is FTBFS after updating my pbuilder (today) with "fatal error: ltdl.h: No such file or directory" . Any ideas why might this be?23:41
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TheMusoRoAkSoAx: Sounds like you need to build-depend on libltdl-dev.23:49
TheMusoWithout looking into it further, so thats at a glance at your error.23:50
RoAkSoAxTheMuso: yeah that's what I was thinking of, but what I wonder is why it was working yesterday and not today after updating my pbuilder23:50
TheMusoRoAkSoAx: no idea.23:51
RoAkSoAxTheMuso: Might it be because one of its build-deps requires libltdl3-dev? And i should amke a transition to libltdl7-dev?23:52
RoAkSoAxTheMuso: thanks!23:54

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