
=== jussi is now known as Guest88035
=== KB1JWQ is now known as Thorly_mythtakn
=== Thorly_mythtakn is now known as KB1JWQ
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
=== Tm_K is now known as Tm_T
swoodywhat are the benefits to using the /member/ubuntu/ cloak?10:54
elkystreet cred10:55
swoodyI thought there were some real, tangible things... some permissions or abilities? o.O10:56
erUSULswoody: some chans have the cloak in access list ...10:56
swoodyoutside of that though? that's about it?10:57
rww1) Street cred, 2) ops in a handful of places, 3) crippling guilt whenever you violate the CoC on IRC10:58
erUSULswoody: what do you have in mind ? a oak wand with unicorn hair so you can do some magic? XXDD10:58
swoodythat would have been nice... :(10:58
swoodylol, no I was just curious is all :)10:58
rwwerUSUL: how did you find out about our magical abilities?!10:58
erUSULrww: your kind allways understimates me ...10:59
rwwmuggle :(10:59
elkyrww, so why did we let /you/ have one?11:05
rwwelky: I ask myself this question regularly :(11:05
Tm_Tlesser evil?11:07
* Tm_T huggles rww tightly11:07
pkramerruizHi everyone!13:18
pkramerruizCan anyone tell me if the developers of "software-sources" have an channel-sources?13:18
pkramerruizCause I want to run the process for selecting the best Mirror server, every time before making an update to some program, for obtain more speed downloading13:18
Picipkramerruiz: This isn't a support channel.  You'd be better off asking in #ubuntu or #ubuntu-server13:27
erUSUL!search council16:07
ubottuFound: mako, irccouncil, ircc16:07
ubottuThe Ubuntu IRC Council is the team governance council for the the Ubuntu IRC channels on the freenode network - For serious inquiries please join #ubuntu-irc-council - See also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil16:07
=== Guest88035 is now known as jussi
=== jussi is now known as Guest14592
=== Guest14592 is now known as jussi01
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
=== 77CAAZ5PK is now known as k1l
=== KB1JWQ is now known as Guest50207
phillwhi, is it in here I ask for the addition of a factoid?23:03
phillwnhandler: is it in here I ask for a factoid to be added?23:07
rwwphillw: if you "/msg ubottu !factoidname is <reply> factoid message goes here", it'll get sent to #ubuntu-ops automagically23:07
rww(which is also where one generally discusses additions)23:08
phillwrww, I'll pop over there. thanks for the info23:08

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