
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 480 bans)04:06
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=== jussi is now known as Guest88035
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 480 bans)06:53
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=== Thorly_mythtakn is now known as KB1JWQ
ikoniafew splits last night then......08:09
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 480 bans)08:15
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ikonia@mark #ubuntu Bogus8 offensive comments, troll fighting, rude in pm, thinks it's ok to say stuff as it's "just joking" won't accept the ban, stopped discussing in pm after being called a douche and various other names08:39
ubottuThe operation succeeded.08:39
=== Guest6908 is now known as kloeri
ikoniahello kloeri08:39
kloerihi ikonia08:40
ikonia@mark #ubuntu terry just realised he's a known problem user, pushing the lines of "new user"08:42
ubottuThe operation succeeded.08:42
ubottutvaughn called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()09:01
ikonialooks like my @mark for terry in #ubuntu was right09:02
ikoniaI knew it was the same guy09:02
elkyspammy spammer is spammerific09:03
ikoniano, just a pain09:04
ikonianot just spam09:04
ikoniagary_ appears to be Jungli09:24
elkyPosing as Gary?09:26
elkyBecause, you know, impersonating staff is a useful thing for trolls to do.09:26
ikoniano garry_09:27
ikonianot %100 certain09:27
ikoniabut it's an ip range jungli has used09:27
ikoniaand he joined the channel and straight away started asking for me to help him personally09:27
ikoniawhich is jungli's trick09:27
ikoniaI've never spoke to him before and he picks me out straight away09:28
ikoniamorning marienz10:29
marienzgood morning! Also, I hate segfaults.10:42
ikonia@mark #ubuntu meowbuntu asking for ubuntu support, yet in the mint channel saying he's running mint. He was removed for this as the user "its-me-again" 1 day earlier13:22
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:22
ubottuuse @login13:58
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:58
ikoniahellow txwikinger14:06
txwikingerhey ikonia14:08
bazhangthat was weird14:26
bazhangiirc bobthebuilder is jungli as well14:27
PicifunkyHat: is jungli still supposed to be banned?  I can't keep up with his issues.16:53
marienzjungli's still supposed to be banned?16:53
marienzheh, too slow, sorry.16:53
funkyHatPici: I don't think he's banned in -ot16:53
marienzyeah, but he's in #ubuntu16:53
PiciLet me double check the bantracker16:53
funkyHatLooks like the ban was lifted16:56
PiciNot to me.16:56
Pici122.177.66.100,,, @$#ubuntu-ops, and *!*@$#ubuntu-ops16:57
PiciWith the first one being 7 days ago.16:57
funkyHatOh, in offtopic16:58
IdleOneI had spoken with Jungli and lifted his ban in #u he seemed to be on track for a week or so. If he is an issue again please feel free to ban again16:58
PiciIdleOne: He has a bunch of other bans that were not removed though.16:58
marienzok, so he wasn't actually evading right now?16:59
IdleOnePici: yes I chose to leave the other ip's16:59
funkyHatPici: those are marks not bans16:59
PicifunkyHat: I'm looking at /mode b, not the bantracker.16:59
PiciIdleOne: Why?16:59
IdleOneI figured unbanning just one IP would lessen the chances of him cloning/trolling16:59
funkyHatoh. I can't figure out how to filter /mode +b to make it useful17:00
PiciI just used /lastlog17:00
funkyHatOh. Silly me17:00
Picimarienz: In #ubuntu-offtopic he was... I'm going to reformulate the ban mask so that it will actually try to hit him, since the ip based ones aren't working too well.17:01
IdleOnePici: I also figured when he tried to join with one of the banned IP's he would have to come here to have it removed.17:02
PiciI'm also going to remove his #ubuntu bans since IdleOne removed his ban.17:02
IdleOneI have not seen him lately in #u, I haven't been around much either.17:03
PiciIdleOne: Well, I'l looking at the bans to see if he is supposed to be banned or not.  Hard to do that if we're only unbanning some addresses that he uses.17:03
PiciIdleOne: When did you unban him?17:03
IdleOnePici: I remember talking about it with ikonia and bazhang I believe17:03
IdleOneat least two weeks ago17:03
IdleOneif not longer17:04
funkyHatI'd be tempted to ban 122.161.*17:07
PiciI'll wait on the #ubuntu bans until bazhang/ikonia are around.17:07
* gnomefreak feels stupid for asking but how do you op without any alias'17:08
Pici/msg chanserv op17:08
Pici/msg chanserv op $channel $nick  ?17:09
Picignomefreak: Or are you asking something else?17:09
gnomefreakPici: that is it. thanks17:09
PiciI have an alias for it.17:10
gnomefreaki tried while in pidgin in windows and i couldnt get it17:10
gnomefreakPici: me too but not on windows17:10
gnomefreaki guess unop would replace op17:10
Picignomefreak: Actually its /msg chanserv op $channel -$nick17:11
gnomefreakwith a -17:11
gnomefreaki unoped without being oped17:12
PiciYes, you can do that now on ircd-seven.17:12
gnomefreaki used /msg chanserv op #ubuntu-ops -gnomefreak17:12
Pici(confuses the people in -offtopic all the time)17:12
gnomefreakand it unoped me17:12
nhandlergnomefreak: There is DEOP you know17:13
PiciThats silly.17:13
gnomefreaknhandler: yeah never used it though. im trying to figure out how it unoped me while using op but was never oped to start with17:13
PiciLooks like deop does the same thing.17:13
IdleOnegnomefreak: I believe the -gnomefreak is what deop you17:14
nhandlerIt isn't really "deoping" you, just setting mode -o on you (which you already have set).17:14
gnomefreakyeah :)17:14
gnomefreakIdleOne: thanks that worked17:15
nhandlerIt is no different than me trying to set +i on myself when it is already set. The command will get sent, but no actual change occurs17:15
IdleOneso basically you asked chanserv to op in #channel but -$nick17:15
IdleOneso - is minus in this case17:16
IdleOneare shellium hosts still banned in #u?17:17
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IdleOnekill it before it grows17:24
* jussi grumbles17:26
Picijussi is a poor role model17:26
jussiPici: everyone can have that happen on occaision.17:26
topyliIdleOne: careful! sheriffs are known to be shot for saying that!17:41
mneptokdeputies are safe17:45
IdleOnetopyli: You saying I am the Sheriff?18:57
* IdleOne puts on bullet proof vest just in case18:58
topyliyeah but i'm no killer of seed :)18:58
IdleOneMy name is also John18:58
IdleOneI am scared now18:58
topylimany people are called john, and considered hip enough to live19:06
topylilike dr. john19:07
topylior mayall!19:07
topyliold, guys, very cool19:07
IdleOneI don't know if I am hip at all19:09
topylii think my flame extinguishing effort caused more flames on -ot :/19:11
mneptoktopyli: i have an irssi alias for "/extinguish" to "/mode +m"19:12
topylifor 2.0, create flags like -smallflame and -bigflame, and make timers of 5 and 10 minutes :)19:14
mneptokor /boxcar19:17
mneptokit's a secret stigma. a reaping wheel. diminished by a carnival of sorts. chronic town, poster torn, reaping wheel. stranger, he's a stranger in these parts. gentlemen, don't get caught. cages under cage. gentlemen, don't get caught! boxcars are pulling out of town.19:21
Pici14:37:16 <sikilpaake> abhijit: will robinson was this cool singer from the 90ś19:50
* mneptok feels old19:51
IdleOne<sikilpaake> maybe i should post some cp, then19:58
IdleOneI didn't get the reference19:58
h00kIdleOne: cp may be short for child porn.20:01
h00kit's a "common" reference to cp.20:02
IdleOnehmm thanks. I'll remember that20:02
h00kmasked, some refer to it as cheese pizza or other words beginning with a 'c' and'p'20:02
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ubottuIn #ubuntu, Traveler said: ubottu, that is not gonna answer my question22:30
phillwHi, I'd like the factoid !lxterminal adding, description is "The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open an  LXTerminal session via Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal.  Guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/LXTerminal23:13
ubottuProdego called the ops in #ubuntu (pokeir spamming on join)23:13
marienzcan someone reproduce that? it won't spam me, but sometimes they refuse to spam staff cloaks23:15
phillwmarienz: As I'm passing, I will check, if you want?23:16
marienzmuch appreciated :)23:16
mneptokdidn't spam me, but maco /kick'ed *just* after i /join'ed23:16
marienzmaco: spammed you?23:17
macotwo people said they got it, so i figure thats enough to believe23:17
marienzah, ok23:17
mneptokmaco: it's important to confirm these things before taking any action23:17
macomneptok: two witnesses, and one showed me in pm what the spam was. it was a french get-rich-quick scheme23:19
phillwmarienz: as pokier no longer on, I cannot confirm.23:19
marienzyes, I didn't notice that soon enough23:19
marienzthanks anyway :)23:19
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:20
phillwyw, you can always give me a shout if you need a 'user' to pop on anywhere (except #lubuntu, where I'm an OP)23:20
Tm_Tphillw: I don't think lxterminal needs its own factoid23:20
phillwTm_T  the calling of LXTerminal is different to that via GDE or KDE, possibly the customisation is also different?23:22
phillwI'm just writing up help pages as I  work through the FAQ's on the channel :-)23:22
Tm_Tphillw: that information could be in the same factoid? or added to that help page?23:23
phillwIF it can be added to the exsiting factoid, that would be okay, except that it is called LXTerminal and not terminal ?23:24
phillwI can certainly put a note onto the Using the The Terminal page, but am not sure if customisation should go there?23:25
phillwlxterminal is subtley different to terminal23:26
* phillw doesn't want getting shouted at for altering all sorts of documents; I'm still a fairly n00b at wiki / community pages :-)23:27
Tm_Tphillw: you can create separate page to help.ubuntu.com/community/ that contains lxterminal information, then link it in help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:27
Tm_Tor something...23:27
phillwTm_T: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/LXTerminal already exists, but lubuntu is not yet officially adopted by Canonical, so I do tread really carefully. There is a lot of good will to the project and I would hate to put that at risk. Hence the Lubuntu documentation lives where it does.23:30
Tm_T...so you want to keep your documentation separate for now, so you want to have separate factoids too? (which will lead to, separate bot)23:44
phillwTm_T: untill lubuntu gains it's bug #1 resolution, the subtle differences that lxde uses may require a new bot (we currently have ubot5 on the room)23:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123:49
phillwlubuntu bug No.1 is adoption my Canonical :-)23:50
phillwthe majority of factoids apply to all flavours, but there are some differences in lubuntu, just as there are in Xubuntu and Kubuntu etc.23:51
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete23:55
ubottuInstant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin23:55
Tm_Tphillw: how about channel-specific factoids?23:55
phillwTm_T: that would be well kewl, I'm pretty new to the ubots. alanbell and nhandler have been helping me get my head round how they work. I don't want to create masses of work for people. I'll go with what ever you people in the know say is easiest for you and best for putting things on to them.23:59

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