
=== satellit_ is now known as satellit_afk
* lfaraone waves at the world.03:06
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=== satellit_ is now known as satellit_afk
manusheellfaraone: Good morning Luke.05:01
=== alsroot is now known as Guest14691
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neerajHi lfaraone14:41
neerajlfaraone, I have modified debian/rules file http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-record-activity.git;a=blobdiff;f=debian/rules;h=badf8048b872dd690623234d9c7a93df2eb188f4;hp=b532c92cc73ccbf5598d47bc08feeb370207ea85;hb=d11f968abe381615e4e58d955f2d667bf8bd863f;hpb=9ff82260216dd033e199d769f2adbd085548827e14:42
neerajankur, hi14:49
ankurhi neeraj14:49
neerajcan we remove any warning in this http://paste.ubuntu.com/469819/14:49
ankurlfaraone,  around?15:03
ankurPlease ping me when you will be back15:10
kandarpklfaraone: Hi.15:14
ankurkandarpk,  around?15:22
ankurcan anybody tell me what role does exactly setup.py performes?15:23
ankurBert suggested it's removal from the package15:23
ankurbut without that it wont build15:23
kandarpkankur: Hi15:27
* lfaraone waves.15:53
lfaraonesugar-memorize-activity was sponsored and is now in the Debian NEW queue.15:54
lfaraonekandarpk: I did make some changes to your package before I uploaded it, please see the git repo. (pushing changes as we speak)15:54
kandarpklfaraone: thanks a lot.15:55
kandarpklfaraone: feels great to work with you.15:55
lfaraonekandarpk: same here.15:56
kandarpklfaraone: :)15:56
kandarpkmukul: Hi.16:05
=== neeraj_gupta is now known as neeraj
kandarpklfaraone: I was trying to update read16:09
kandarpkafter cloning Jonas' repo.16:09
lfaraonekandarpk: okay.16:09
kandarpklfaraone: do I need to file a bug report ?16:09
neerajlfaraone, kandarpk hi :)16:10
kandarpkneeraj: Hi.16:10
ankurhi kandarpk16:12
ankurhi lfaraone16:12
neerajlfaraone, I have made changes in debian/rules file and added r? on Sugar/tasks. Please review them (record and write )whenever u get time.16:13
lfaraoneneeraj: will do.16:15
neerajlfaraone, thanks16:15
lfaraoneneeraj / kandarpk : can you update the other package repositories by adding "${cdbs:Depends}" to the dependencies line as I did in http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-memorize-activity.git;a=commitdiff;h=85bade90159b116e8c769863d839128d8c466af3 , commit, regenerate control, and commit?16:21
lfaraoneneeraj, kandarpk , this was preventing some of the dependencies we added in debian/rules from being reflected in the resulting package.16:21
kandarpklfaraone: Ok. sure.16:21
lfaraoneI'm prety sure it needs to be done to all repositories othe r than memorize and physics.16:22
neerajlfaraone, I had to regenerate the control file for removing the error from the linitan output16:22
lfaraoneneeraj: right.16:22
lfaraoneneeraj, kandarpk , poke me when you've pushed up that change.16:24
neeraj*dinner will be back soom16:25
ankursry i got dc16:33
ankurlfaraone,  around?16:33
lfaraoneankur: yes.16:35
ankurhi lfaraone ,16:36
ankuri was gettting some lintian warning which i was not able to solve on my self16:36
lfaraoneankur: okay.16:36
kandarpklfaraone: made changes in poll and connect16:36
ankurand the arch-any warning was still showing while building package16:36
ankurbut not when running lintian on deb package16:37
ankuri wanted to know, that if i run16:37
ankurlintian *.deb16:37
ankurby * here i mean package name16:37
lfaraoneankur: you should do "lintain -iIv path/to/package.changes"16:37
lfaraonekandarpk: coolio, I'll take a gander.16:38
ankurlfaraone,  i need to run lintian on .changes file?16:38
ankuri was running it on deb package :(16:38
lfaraoneankur: well, that'll cause it to check the deb package and the source, usually.16:38
lfaraoneankur: it's not a rpoblem to run it on the deb, it just doesn't catch everything.16:38
ankur_i got dc16:39
ankur_rain here causes havoc :(16:39
lfaraoneankur: it's not a problem to run it on the deb, it just doesn't catch everything.16:39
* lfaraone is reviewing sugar-connect-a16:40
ankur_lfaraone,  okay , i will run the lintian on deb and will post changes here , in 1 min16:40
ankur_will you be around?16:40
lfaraoneankur_: yes.16:40
* lfaraone will brb in 5, switching DEs.16:42
=== ankur_ is now known as ankur
neerajkandarpk, please tell in which activities are left? for addling cdbs in depends?16:45
kandarpkneeraj: all activities that you have packaged16:51
neerajkandarpk, ohk.. :)16:52
ankurkandarpk,  one question16:52
kandarpkankur: yes16:53
ankurwe edited our rules file to do away with the lintian warning regarding the architecture16:54
ankurthe arch-any one16:54
ankurCDBS_BUILD_DEPENDS_class_python-sugar_python = python$(cdbs_python_nondefault_version)16:54
ankuryou added this in your rules file of memorize16:55
ankurwhat is the difference between the above one and the one below16:55
ankurCDBS_BUILD_DEPENDS_class_python-autotools_python = python$(cdbs_python_nondefault_version)16:55
ankurwhat purpose do tehy solve16:55
ankurany answer16:55
ankurand what are we supposed to add in our packages to rectify the warning16:56
ankurkandarpk, lfaraone  around?16:57
kandarpkankur: 2 min16:58
kandarpkankur: please see : http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/debian-olpc-devel/2010-July/002707.html17:00
lfaraoneankur: well, they override different things.17:01
lfaraoneankur: python-sugar.mk uses the CDBS_BUILD_DEPENDS_class_python-sugar_python one, which I found by looking at the source for python-sugar.mk17:02
ankurand we uses it for ? as i do not have much understanding of working of code17:03
ankurand tehre dependence as of now17:03
ankuris make file(script)?17:04
ankurmore specifically , what should i use in cae of etoys?17:05
ankursugar_python one?17:05
lfaraoneankur: yes, since it uses python-sugar, no?17:07
lfaraoneankur: by the way, when you talk of etoys, please be clear whether you're talking about "etoys" or "sugar-etoys-activity" because both are valid packages with different software.17:08
ankurwell etoys-activity17:08
ankurand well i guess it will use python sugar17:08
ankurlet me try17:09
ankurand python-sugar.mk was for?17:09
lfaraoneankur: it's a series of make rules which handle the building of sugar packages with CDBS>17:11
ankurlfaraone,  okay :)17:11
neerajlfaraone, I have update s-write-a-0.86 and s-record-a by including cdbs and regenerating control file17:14
lfaraoneneeraj: cool, thanks.17:14
ankurlfaraone,  can you have a look and tell me that if they are avoidable?17:15
lfaraoneankur: Yes.17:16
kandarpklfaraone: can I start working on speak ?17:16
lfaraonekandarpk: I don't see why not.17:16
kandarpklfaraone: Ok.17:16
kandarpklfaraone: package it fresh from tarball ?17:17
lfaraonekandarpk: sure.17:17
kandarpklfaraone: Great.17:17
ankurlfaraone,  did you mean that they were avoidable or did you mean that you will ahve a look on them?17:19
lfaraoneankur: they are avoidable.17:19
ankurlfaraone,  i got it :)17:20
ankurfor what time will you be around?17:20
lfaraoneankur: 1:30, maybe 2pm EST.17:20
lfaraoneankur: I encountered a similar issue, I used http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-physics-activity.git;a=commitdiff;h=936d60df1769867471d0605b5b4d9c0d2ee7407e to solve it.17:21
lfaraoneankur: does waht I'm doing make sense to you?17:21
ankurlfaraone,  i just checked the mailing list17:21
ankuri had forgotten that i had posted it there as well17:21
ankurjames suggested a similar solution17:22
ankuri am maing guesses17:22
ankurbut i think you cahnged the executable permission of file17:22
ankuri think 1 is for execute?17:22
lfaraoneankur: yeah, but I'm using symbolic notation.17:22
kandarpklfaraone: do we need to include cdbs depends in all packages we package now on ?17:23
ankurokay 1 also is and a-x also17:23
lfaraonekandarpk: yes, although I'm working on updating the template.17:23
ankurif used chmod 6 then it would have meant same?17:23
ankuras i am not sure becasue i read this long time ago :(17:23
lfaraoneankur: "a" means "all users", "-" means "remove this bit", and "x" means "executable"17:23
lfaraoneankur: "man chmod" is good bedtime reading :)17:24
kandarpklfaraone: being proactive :)17:24
ankurlfaraone,  thanks :)17:24
lfaraonekandarpk: yep.17:24
ankuras i can make form above irc chat17:27
ankurdo i have to add17:27
ankurin depends field?17:27
lfaraoneankur: yes.17:28
ankurlfaraone,  one more thing17:28
ankuras  i went through toolkit package to see right format for copyright file17:28
ankuri saw that the abbreviated text for license17:29
ankurwas written at bottom of the file one after another .17:29
ankuri will post link to my file17:29
ankurplease tell me if i need to edit it17:29
ankurlfaraone, and do in Depends , we add entry in alphabetical order?17:32
lfaraoneankur: usually.17:32
lfaraoneankur: although it doesn't really matter with substitutions.17:32
ankurokay , i will go with the normal order :)17:32
ankurwill add the entry in between17:33
ankuralso did you get a chance to look at a link file i gave above ?17:33
=== neeraj_gupta is now known as neeraj
ankurand does it seems right  ? : Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${python:Depends}, ${cdbs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, etoys17:36
ankurlfaraone,  around ?17:38
* lfaraone is at lunc17:38
neerajankur, yes..17:38
ankurneeraj thanks :)17:39
lfaraoneneeraj: either you or kandarpk should file a sync request when you have time for sugar-memorize-activity.17:42
kandarpklfaraone: sure17:46
lfaraonekandarpk: it'll not be in the archive for another three hours.17:47
lfaraonekandarpk: packages are installed into the archive 4 times a day, counter is at http://ftp-master.debian.org/dinstall.html :)17:47
lfaraonekandarpk: so it's safe to leave that to the morning17:47
kandarpklfaraone: ok.17:49
kandarpkdfarning: Hi17:49
lfaraonehey dfarning.17:49
dfarningkandarpk, hey how are you?17:49
lfaraonedfarning: earlier today the first SEETA-produced package was accpted in DEbian.17:50
kandarpkdfarning: I am good. How about you ?17:50
kandarpklfaraone: and second is in process ?17:50
lfaraoneI'm looking at connect, yes.17:50
dfarninglfaraone, I saw that! nearly peed my pants:)17:50
kandarpkI got the mail for connect moments ago17:50
dfarningkandarpk, great17:51
kandarpkdfarning: all credit to lfaraone17:51
lfaraonekandarpk: nah, I just reviewed and made some smallll changes.17:51
lfaraonekandarpk: the email you got said the package was uploaded to mentors, where I'll them submit it to my sponsor for final review.17:52
lfaraonekandarpk: its when you hear it's ACCEPTED that you're golden.17:52
dfarninglfaraone,  I am living on diet coke and coffee.  Need to be careful when I hear good news.17:52
kandarpklfaraone: Ok.17:53
dfarningkandarpk, how is the over work plan - work flow going?17:53
lfaraonedfarning: I'd advise toning down a bit :)17:53
kandarpkdfarning: personally, I am getting more productive with each passing day.17:53
lfaraonedfarning: if you die young, whom am I to contract for? :P17:53
dfarninglfaraone, that is the good thing about corporations (the business structure) the organization doesn't die with the founder:)17:55
lfaraonedfarning: but not about sole proprietorships. if you're HBAB, we're toast. :D17:55
lfaraonekandarpk: in sugar-connect-activity, I'm still getting "W: sugar-connect-activity: extra-license-file usr/share/sugar/activities/Connect.activity/COPYING". Can you fix this?17:56
kandarpklfaraone: Ok.17:56
kandarpkrm -f debian/sugar-connect-activity/usr/share/activities/Connect.activity/COPYING17:57
kandarpklfaraone: will it be ok ?17:57
lfaraonekandarpk: looks good, I'll be back in 30 minutes.17:58
ankurlfaraone, will you be able to take a look at this and tell me if it is okay?17:59
dfarningkandarpk, yes. I am noticing that.  how about the overall team production.  do we need to do a another round of planing/taskings soon?17:59
kandarpkdfarning: I think we haven't gained much momentum on collaboration17:59
kandarpkdfarning: I was thinking we should try an activity using telepathy first18:00
neeraj^^ +118:00
kandarpkdfarning: http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/hello-mesh18:00
dfarningkandarpk, can you package and debug that activity?18:01
kandarpkdfarning: I dont know18:01
kandarpkdfarning: I saw alsroot suggesting it to someone on #sugar18:01
dfarningkandarpk, +1 can you give it a shot?18:02
kandarpkdfarning: Sure, will try to work on it tomorrow18:02
dfarningkandarpk, can you send be a list of task the various team members are working on and will be working on over the next week.... or should I ask manu for that?18:03
dfarningsend me18:03
kandarpkdfarning: manu sir will be having a better idea18:03
dfarningok, I will ask him this evening.18:04
kandarpkdfarning: he'll be here soon.18:04
dfarningkandarpk, thanks.18:06
lfaraonekandarpk: did you have a chance to make that change to rules?18:58
kandarpklfaraone: adding that rule didn't supress the warning18:59
kandarpk  rm -f debian/sugar-connect-activity/usr/share/activities/Connect.activity/COPYING19:00
lfaraonekandarpk: you probably want to add a "sugar" in between "share" and "activities"19:00
kandarpklfaraone: I thought about that.19:01
lfaraonekandarpk: yes, that's most likely the issue.19:03
neerajlfaraone, when I build connect activity, then lintian gave this http://paste.ubuntu.com/469910/19:04
neerajno warning for copying file..19:04
neerajlfaraone, ok on going to the corresponding folder I found corrupt COPYING file which on opening gave this message "This link cannot be used, because its target "../../../common-licenses/GPL-2" doesn't exist."19:06
lfaraoneneeraj: it's not just the fact that the COPYING file is corrupted, it's that during a debian package build rather than a symlink that file will just be included, whcih is a waste of space.19:08
* lfaraone is running lintian after doing a build of the package in *debian*, and using debian's lintian.19:09
kandarpklfaraone: done.19:13
lfaraonekandarpk:  cool. by the way, you don't need to do a commit when you build the package.19:14
kandarpklfaraone: Ok.19:14
lfaraonekandarpk: since all those files are going to be removed in the clean rule anyway.19:14
kandarpkspeak-16 packaged, fine tuning required20:34
kandarpkmanusheel sir: ^^20:35
manusheelHi Kandarp.20:36
manusheelGreat to hear.20:36
kandarpkmanusheel sir: Hi.20:36
manusheelkandarpk: So, we submitted speak for review.20:36
kandarpkmanusheel sir: it is producing some warnings, and I haven't checked the copyright file20:37
kandarpkjust copied the git repo. one20:37
manusheelkandarpk: Ok, you'll be sending it for review tomorrow, right?20:37
kandarpkwill add it for review tomorrow20:37
manusheelkandarpk: Sure.20:37
kandarpkmanusheel sir: yes sir20:37
lfaraonekandarpk: have you looked at log, btw?20:40
kandarpklfaraone: log-activity ?20:46
lfaraonekandarpk: yes.20:46
kandarpklfaraone: not yet20:47
kandarpklfaraone: I wasn't sure if I really had to take a look20:48
lfaraonekandarpk: well, dip marked it "r?~kandarpk"20:48
kandarpklfaraone: hmmm.20:48
kandarpklfaraone: should I remove the speak repo. and create a new one ?20:50
lfaraonekandarpk: sure.20:50
kandarpklfaraone: Ok, will do that tomorrow.20:51
kandarpklfaraone, manusheel sir: good night.20:51
lfaraonekandarpk: see you in the morning.20:51
kandarpklfaraone: you'll be there ?20:51
lfaraonekandarpk: this evening, (EST) probably not, tomorrow morning (EST), of course.20:52
kandarpkgood night20:52

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