
=== Turl1 is now known as Turl
=== nobuto1 is now known as nobuto
jonostas_, ping?16:57
stas_jono: pong16:58
stas_hows going?16:58
jonostas_, hey, great! you?16:58
stas_me too, passed gsoc midterm last week :)16:58
jonostas_, good work!16:58
jonostas_, quick q16:58
jonohere he is :)16:59
jonokim0, meet stas_16:59
jonostas_, meet kim016:59
stas_hi kim0 :)16:59
kim0stas_: Nice to meet you16:59
jonostas_, kim0 just joined my team building a cloud community16:59
kim0stas_: hey16:59
stas_same here :)16:59
jonohe is building a WP site and needs the theme16:59
jonois there a location with the release?16:59
jonoand can you help him use it?16:59
jonoI am sure kim0 will provide some awesome feedback16:59
stas_jono: bad news, looks like newz2000 was a bit busy so the release isn't done yet16:59
stas_but i will surely help kim017:00
jonostas_, can we release without newz2000 doing it?17:00
jonostas_, plonk it in a Launchpad project and boom!17:00
stas_its in pending for code review17:00
stas_thats all :)17:00
kim0I'll just play with it on local machine for now17:00
stas_kim0: do you have the tarball?17:00
kim0no .. but I'm trying to lure you into emailing it17:01
stas_w8 i'll give you the bzr link17:01
stas_bzr branch lp:~sushkov/ubuntu-website/light-wordpress-theme17:02
kim0stas_: voila .. Thank you17:02
stas_kim0: if you need help with it, just ping me, usually I'm lurking around17:03
kim0stas_: that's just great .. thanks .. will definitely bug you :)17:03
stas_great, keep in touch :)17:04
=== Ng_ is now known as Ng

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