
ScottLcrimsun_, patch test and SRU filed: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qjackctl/+bug/60791400:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 607914 in qjackctl (Ubuntu) "Backport qjackctl 0.3.6-1 from Maverick" [Undecided,New]00:42
ScottLerr, s/test/tested00:44
crimsun_Uploading to ubuntu (via sftp to upload.ubuntu.com): qjackctl_0.3.4-0ubuntu4.1.dsc: Enter passphrase for key '/home/crimsun/.ssh/id_rsa': 03:03
crimsun_done. qjackctl_0.3.4-0ubuntu4.1.diff.gz: done. qjackctl_0.3.4-0ubuntu4.1_source.changes: done.03:03
crimsun_Successfully uploaded packages.03:03
crimsun_^^ ScottL 03:03
ScottLcrimsun_, capital!  thanks for the help03:13
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scott-workTheMuso: the ubuntustudio-audio package has uninstallable binaries, is this to do with the jack transition?14:14
scott-workTheMuso: i would like to find a solution the the ubuntustudio-audio uninstallable binaries soon since we are coming up on a new Alpha release14:23
scott-workTheMuso: if it isn't anything to do with the ubuntustudio-audio package can you suggest somewhere to look for a clue to find what is wrong?  don't give me the answer per se, just point me in a direction (remember, i like learning stuff)  :)14:24
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TheMusoScottL: Easiest way to work out what is broken is to go into an up to date maverick chroot, and try installing ubuntustudio-audio.22:57
holsteinScottL: ping23:44
holsteinOR anybody really23:44
holsteinis there a bug for the 'resize partitions' option not being available?23:45
* holstein is searching LP23:45
TheMusoScottL: As it is, I am still trying to work out why ubuntustudio-audio is uninstallable. It may have something to do with the jack transition.23:48
TheMusoScottL: Now I am sure its to do with the transition. I'm on it.23:59
holsteinTheMuso: w00t :)23:59

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