
charlie-tcaThat depends on the actual updates and when you updated last00:00
Kangaroooemma: check http://www.speedtest.net/ if it really shows a lot (more then 10mbit/s) then then after updates are finished try to change ubuntu sources server in Settings-> something Sources. there take Other and then Button "Choose best server" it will ping all servers and auto choose fastest..00:00
emmahow can i tell which version of xubuntu im using?00:21
charlie-tcalsb_release -a00:22
emmaI have xubuntu 9.10 here00:27
emmawhat is it on now?00:27
charlie-tca10.04 is the latest release00:27
emmacharlie-tca: if 9.10 is working is there any reason to upgrade?00:28
charlie-tcaSo, you are one version back from the latest00:28
charlie-tcaNo reason, no00:28
emmawhat would you do?00:28
emmacharlie-tca: ^00:33
charlie-tcaI prefer to stay with what is not broken for me until I have to upgrade. For 9.10, that means upgrading when 11.04 comes out in 2011, April00:34
charlie-tcaHowever, that also means that things might change a lot when you do upgrade.00:40
pcwIs this the correct channel to seek help for boot problems?01:43
cliff_will adding 4gb of swap space on a comp. running Xubuntu with 128mb RAM help it run smoother? (right now it has no swap space)02:16
pcwAdding swap will help but for 128mb i do not think u need 4 gb02:18
cliff_how much do u think I need just to make it run decent?02:19
pcwcliff_:512 should b ok02:21
cliff_<pcw> ok thanx02:22
cliff_<pcw> also, can I install xubuntu first and later add ubuntu-desktop without getting rid of xfce? the website said it was possible the other way around, but didnt clarify this way...02:24
pcwyes just apt-get install or whatever method you pref02:26
cliff_great! thanks again02:27
DeM0nFiReSo, are there working drivers out for xubuntu for ATI Radeon HD5800 series?02:35
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likemindeadDoes this look normal? htop -- http://imagebin.ca/img/G-UCY0.png03:24
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tazanyone able to help a xubuntu newbie?05:16
tazanyone able to help someone new to xubuntu?05:17
bazhangask a question; if someone knows they will answer05:18
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owen1_i have no audio with hdmi. i turn-off the laptop. connect the hdmi cable, turn the machine and can only see. not hear. where is the htmi option i had with kramic? it used to be part of the volume manager thingy.06:47
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Billll [    16.046033] Kernel panic - not syncing: Out of memory and no killable processes... [    16.046033]09:16
brotafter 16 seconds? something is broken :)09:19
TheSheepdid you forget to put ram into your computer?09:21
BillllI have ram in my comp :D09:37
Billllit running windows 98 =p09:38
Billllit's a older computer09:38
BillllI will check the ram out :D09:41
Billllwhat's min requirements for xubuntu ram wise?09:41
well_laid_lawn192mB for the live cd09:41
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal09:42
Billllit won't run the live CD or install same error >_>09:43
psycho_oreossounds like your computer spec is well below the minimal mark10:00
well_laid_lawnBillll: how little ram does it have?10:01
Billllwait I'm usnure how much rma I have but it's good enough to run win 9810:01
Billllthe hdd is smalle hold 6 gigs10:02
well_laid_lawnthere's normally a page in the bios that would tell you10:02
psycho_oreosor it would tell you at boot anyway, post POST process10:02
Billlllet me find out10:03
Billllboot it comes up to fast10:03
BillllI can check in winblows 98 =P10:03
psycho_oreosthere's a pause button onthe keyboard10:03
Billlldid so10:06
Billllcan't tell where the ram is though or errr10:07
Billllprocessor clocl: 400 MHz10:08
psycho_oreosshould be below that processor clock line10:08
psycho_oreosif its a white box that is10:08
Billllbase mem 640 kb ext. mem size: 64512kb10:10
Billlldon't see a white box10:10
psycho_oreosa white box is an old definition (or I could be mistaken, its probably also called grey box) meaning the machine is not a pre-built one by some large PC company such as Dell, HP, Acer, etc10:11
psycho_oreos64512kb would be it.. and judging by that you have very very small amount of RAM10:11
Billllah ok10:12
Billllit's a bit odd win 98 could run on that then?10:12
well_laid_lawnthat's ~64mB - ok for 9810:13
psycho_oreoswin98 was built differently.. windows is not linux10:13
Sysiwin98 is from -9810:13
psycho_oreosyou don't go comparing around apples and oranges10:13
Sysiget linux from that time if you want10:13
well_laid_lawnpuppy linux can work with 64mB10:14
Billll486DX-2/66 MHz or higher processor (Pentium processor recommended)10:14
Billll16 MB of RAM (24 MB recommended, it's possible to run on 8 MB machines with /im option used during the installation process)10:14
BillllAt least 500 MB of space available on HDD. The amount of space required depends on the installation method and the components selected, but virtual memory and system utilities as well as drivers should be taken into consideration.10:14
Billllnot comparing apples and organes just wonder what the system requirements are for win 9810:15
psycho_oreoswhat's with the unnecessary paste10:15
Billllnor am I compariong windows to linux10:15
psycho_oreosthis isn't the place to enquire about win9810:15
psycho_oreos<Billll> it's a bit odd win 98 could run on that then? <--- so that's not comparison?10:15
psycho_oreosor is that your thought gone loud?10:16
well_laid_lawnpsycho_oreos: he was trying to install xubuntu - what's with the attitude?10:16
Billll<Billll> it's a bit odd win 98 could run on that then? <--- so that's not comparison? <-- that's you failing at reading compression :D10:16
Billllat that you can read my mind as well, where did you get your mind reading credentials?10:17
psycho_oreoswell_laid_lawn, he doesn't seem like he was willing to install xubuntu but any rate he won't be able to10:17
psycho_oreosBillll, if I had mind reading capabilities you'd be paying me by the hour :p10:17
Billllmaybe I would O_o10:18
psycho_oreosreading compression :) nice choice of words10:18
psycho_oreosanyway, there's puppy linux or DSL10:18
Billllahn I take it your not 5 am est time so english isn't your native language either :D10:19
psycho_oreospretty poor comparison or is that just merely assumptions?10:20
Billllhow about neither10:20
BillllI'll do a play by play10:21
Billllnono it's called you were trying to do a mind read =P10:21
psycho_oreosyou seem to be willing to talk into other things apart from the topic on hand10:21
BillllI merly asked you where you got your credentials10:21
BillllI asked what min requirements of win 98 is10:22
psycho_oreoswhere I got my credentials is none of your business10:22
psycho_oreosand I said this wasn't a place to enquire about win98 did I not?10:22
BillllI raised a question of, oh hhmm it's winblows, I wonder what the min requirement to run is10:22
psycho_oreosand so you pasted a whole bunch of irrelevant and offtopic information10:22
Billllyou jump in and say it's like comapring apples and organes I did not do such a thing, I said i wodner what the min requirment to run windows is10:23
Billllif win 98 happened to run more than xubuntu then I would take it that it could be a actually hdd issue10:23
Billllif it's a hhdd issue I have two option attempt to wipe the whole ahrddrive orrrr toss it10:24
psycho_oreosapparently you were talking about win98 being able to run it, wouldn't that be evident to say that just because xubuntu can't run it windows can do everything?10:24
Billllthat's your conclusion and yes it could mena that or a lot of other thnigs but that wasn't what I thought at the time10:25
Billllthat's why I asked if you read minds =P10:25
psycho_oreosand no that question was already answered10:25
Billllok I'm  a bit lot now but ok :0...10:26
Billll<well_laid_lawn>psycho_oreos: he was trying to install xubuntu - what's with the attitude? <_-- no attidue stop being a gate keeper10:27
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xubuntu880shittiest OS ever12:26
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AquinaA friend of mine has a problem with apt-cache consuming 100% CPU after loading Xfce. I searched on the web but nothing was helpful yet. Any suggestions?16:26
Sysi how long does it do that?16:26
AquinaFor about 20-30 minutes every ime after boot.17:22
Aquinakillall apt-cache doesnt help and I also told him to uncomment all manually added repositories.17:22
AquinaOh I refer to a Hardy installation.17:23
slow-motionmy microphone makes a buzzing sound while recording. it does not sound like the buzz from a powerline. i really tried everything to get rid of it. i even sold my soul to bill gates but it did not work.18:01
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churloh yeah18:54
kangarooowhat r main differences between 10.04 and 10.10 ? im using 10.10 now and i want to install 10.10 to a friend couse for me its pretty stable.. dont like only this new task manager.. it shows some strange things.. like some virtual memory but its showing it wrong.. is 10.10 faster then 10.04? is the 10.10 notoficator less using cpu and ram ans hdd? some other programms faster less using?19:13
Sysi10.04 is LTS19:14
churlHello, how do I share a folder in xubuntu (everything online says to right click or system -> shared folders) and those options are not there for me19:18
Sysidepends what kind of share you want19:23
churlSysi: so i can get to my xubuntu files from a windows computer :)19:25
kangarooocharlie-tca: ping19:25
Sysi!samba | churl19:37
ubottuchurl: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:37
charlie-tcaHey, when asked about 10.10, it is not a release. It is the current development version and will break a lot before the release20:17
DeM0nFiReHello, I am wondering if anyone here is using an ATI Radeon HD5800 series card, and what drivers you are using21:13
brotDeM0nFiRe: i think you need the fglrx driver to get 3d acceleration with this card21:24
brotDeM0nFiRe: i think you need the fglrx driver to get 3d acceleration with this card21:28
brotnetsplit again?!21:28
kangarooohey hav u seen this? http://shimmerproject.org/projects/albatross/21:51
enigmahello everyone21:51
kangarooosome project witch is also making albatros theme??21:52
Sysikangarooo: albatross is originally from shimmer21:52
Sysisame (artwork) leader on both at that time21:52
charlie-tcakangarooo: please remember that 10.10 does not exist at this time21:56
charlie-tcaThe development version is Maverick Meerkat, and will be breaking many times before release21:56
kangarooo2althiugh for me it looks stable for now but since recomended is 10.04 thats why for one friend im now setting up 10.04 but 10.04 install crashed opens live then installing stops and totaly now i have 5 crash but cant report screenshot http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot792.php21:58
charlie-tcaIt may appear stable today, but it will break again. When it does, the fixes can take between 1 hour and 1 week or more21:58
kangarooowhat is that bus error in screenshot?22:00
kangarooohow to report bug about bus error if ubuntu-bug doesnt work couse it has that error?22:01
charlie-tcaImpossible to tell from the words "Bus error". You can check /var/log/dmesg.log and /var/log/dpkg.log and /var/log/syslog to see if there is anything else22:02
charlie-tcatried restarting the computer?22:02
kangarooo2in that screenshot http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot792.php its live cd of 10.04 .. at first i on cd boot i chose install then when installing it crashed and gave live mode. then installing i got 4 more crashes so i wanted to report and cant couse got this bus error. in screnshot it can be seen.22:05
kangarooo2Cant open failu "dmesg".  Failed to execute child process "mousepad" (Input/output error).22:05
kangarooo2that 1st live mode installation crash i know..it doesnt affects installation.. but others affect live cd..!?22:06
charlie-tcaYou need to report the crashes as they happen, then, instead of saving them.22:09
charlie-tcaYour crashes have created an unstable environment. Each crash can affect much more than you want it to22:14
kangaroooso no use saving and reporting on other comp couse opening will gather info about other pc yes? so then no use of reporting just restart and forget about them yes>?22:18
kangarooomaybe another 10.04 iso is needed? couse ppl will dl it since its LTS and all the time (till next lts 12.04 recomended is 10.04) installation crash happens. ive experienced it on all comps ive installed 10.04 (about 10 comps)22:22
kangaroooheh i cant even open shut down menu on that comp :)22:23
kangaroooclosed it with ctrl+alt+del in tty622:23
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kangaroooas i see in diagram in http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/146 every 6 months LTS releases get also releases now its 10.04.1 till 10.04.4 when also 12.04 will come out22:29
charlie-tcaI haven't experienced any crash installing 10.04 here22:30
charlie-tcaand yes, I did install on 5 computers and 40 VBox machines22:30
charlie-tcaYou could try downloading the alternate image and use it instead of the desktop image. Sometimes that eliminates the issues22:31
kangaroooi cant find that bug now. but ive found it yesterday somehow browsing thrue lp and it has more then 20 dublicates.22:38
charlie-tcathan there is no reason to report another duplicate. Just click on "this bug affects me" on top when that happens22:45
kangaroooyes yes but i wanted to show u that for many on choosing install xubuntu (without live) crash happens.22:46
charlie-tcathere is no reason to show it to me.22:46
charlie-tcaJust mark it as affecting you instead of reporting another bug that has to marked a duplicate22:47
kangarooook but that bug exists so then new iso is needed. maybe at least on 10.04.2 that could be fixed?22:47
charlie-tcaxubuntu will not have a point release.22:47
kangaroooso that means LTS 10.04 till 12.04 lts release will still have this bug. :(22:48
charlie-tcayup, for xubuntu22:50
charlie-tcaHave you tried the alternate cd?22:50
kangarooono im now trying OEM installtion have never tried it maybe that way install will go till end without crash and taking me to live version22:51
kangaroooif that doesnt work ill try it22:51
kangarooohmm got some network problem.. last ive seen was (00:50:27) charlie-tca: Have you tried the alternate cd? (00:51:20) kangarooo: no im now trying OEM installtion have never tried it maybe that way install will go till end without crash and taking me to live version (00:51:43) kangarooo: if that doesnt work ill try it22:58
kangarooothat oem install also crashed. can i install xubuntu thrue just thrue lan?23:03
kangaroooi mean somehow minimal cd?23:03
kangaroooif ill make usb then usb will be fromated yes?23:04
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