basy | Hi all, how to slow down my mouse on Kubuntu? I setup in System settings -> Pointer acceleration to 0.1x and run "xset m 1/10 1/10" and still need slower config pls help :o) | 00:23 |
pvandewyngaerde_ | have they slowed down already ? | 00:23 |
basy | yes using sys setting it slows down rapidly and "xset m 2" is faster then "xset m 1" and it looks that "xset m 1/10" is same speed as "xset m 1" | 00:26 |
basy | is there any other setting for mouse speed somewhere in xorg.conf or something? | 00:28 |
pvandewyngaerde_ | i dont know | 00:32 |
daniel_san | might be the wrong place to ask, but no response in the main ubunutu channel | 00:53 |
daniel_san | anyone know if theres a way to setup a keyboard shortcut in gnome to turn on and off compiz like with kde? | 00:53 |
cuznt | !compiz | 00:54 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see and more help #compiz | 00:54 |
da-bayman | quick question. Im stuck at grub2 with a wubi installation. How do i know which kernel im running? | 00:55 |
Exilant | da-bayman: uname -a | 00:59 |
da-bayman | i cant get to a command line. i only have grub and a live cd | 00:59 |
da-bayman | my revised question is, how can i get my kernel info through grub, OR a live cd | 01:01 |
yofel | da-bayman: grub2 has support for a few shell commands, maybe you could list the contents of /boot to see what kernels you have available | 01:01 |
Torch | da-bayman: grub-shell. or boot live cd and look what's lying around in /boot | 01:01 |
da-bayman | ok ill boot up my live cd and see what i can find... thanks guys, much appreciated | 01:04 |
compilerwriter | anyone know how to edit the quick menu? | 01:05 |
da-bayman | so it is possible to get my wubi kernel info froma live cd? | 01:05 |
yofel | !grub2 | da-bayman | 01:05 |
ubottu | da-bayman: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10. For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to | 01:05 |
yofel | that has a lot information | 01:06 |
da-bayman | sudo fdisk -l | 01:13 |
da-bayman | sudo mkdir /win | 01:13 |
da-bayman | sudo mount /dev/sdxy /win | 01:13 |
da-bayman | sudo mkdir /vdisk | 01:13 |
da-bayman | sudo mount -o loop /win/ubuntu/disks/root.disk /vdisk | 01:13 |
da-bayman | sorry, very sorry | 01:13 |
=== root is now known as Guest4706 | ||
ice | ciao a tutti | 01:25 |
ice | qualcuno parla italiano? | 01:25 |
ice | someone speak italian? | 01:25 |
Exilant | guess that would be #kubuntu-it or so | 01:26 |
Exilant | !it | 01:26 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 01:26 |
da-bayman | when i type "sudo mount -o loop /win/ubuntu/disks/root.disk /vdisk" i get "mount: you must specify a filesystem type"??? help? | 01:26 |
ice | thank you | 01:27 |
ice | i wrote my issue in english.. | 01:29 |
ice | today i log in in my kubuntu lucid lynx 10.04 and i found that the Network Management is disabled | 01:30 |
ice | I cannot connect with my ethernet modem/router | 01:30 |
ice | recently i had installed Avant Window Manager | 01:31 |
ice | but i don't think that the cause was that | 01:31 |
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=== alex5656 is now known as Surfergirl | ||
Surfergirl | hi everybody | 03:11 |
DaskreeCH | HI | 03:12 |
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frewo64 | hi. am i allowed to set a link to (K)ubuntu-homepage on my homepage? perhaps under "discovering linux" or whatever. and what about a small logo? am i allowed to? | 03:24 |
frewo64 | i want my people to use it for internet-banking, live-cd or live-usb-stick. for the people who fear win and online-banking ;) | 03:28 |
DaskreeCH | frewo64: Yes you can | 03:30 |
frewo64 | DaskreeCH: thx a lot! thats good news | 03:30 |
frewo64 | other question, is it possible to use wicd instead of knetworkmanager? in lucid, the deamon of wicd doesnt appear. it seems, wicd is not prepared for upstart? | 03:32 |
frewo64 | i use lucid kubuntu 64bit | 03:33 |
DaskreeCH | Yes it is | 03:33 |
frewo64 | does it need a workaround? with karmic i had no problems. | 03:34 |
frewo64 | wicd works better for me, when there are more wlans near my place. | 03:35 |
frewo64 | or does it need a specific order to uninstall (k)networkmanager and install wicd? | 03:36 |
DaskreeCH | most likely | 03:38 |
frewo64 | hmm, there are others in the forums with the same problem and no solution. wicd-daemon doesnt appear. | 03:45 |
frewo64 | at least, thx to (k)ubuntu, my HP ColorLaserJet CM1312 nfi MFP ONLY works with this distribution, with squeeze and sid no chance. but with kubuntu since karmic. thx for that! dont know whats wrong in debian, communication error with this lan-multi-device. kubuntu does its job! ;) | 03:49 |
frewo64 | also the scanner-plugin works. ;) | 03:51 |
=== luis_lopez is now known as ` | ||
=== ` is now known as luis_lopez | ||
travis_ | would anyone mind helping with Xubuntu? no one in #xubuntu would help, or #ubuntu | 04:10 |
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Luija1006 | sorry | 06:11 |
Luija1006 | Guys I got no sound when I play runescape (java game). Whats happening? | 06:11 |
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TeslaTony | I'm running Kubuntu Netbook Remix, and the logout button applet seems to be only capable of logout, suspend, and lock, but not there an alternative, or something I'm missing? | 07:33 |
nuwan | Hello | 07:59 |
nuwan | i have a problem installing kubuntu-desktop from synaptic or tru apt-get in ubuntu 10.04... it gives the error saying unable to fetch paackage | 07:59 |
=== per is now known as Guest32578 | ||
naftilos76 | hi everyone, when i try to write a new email in kmail everything starts ok but after half a minute or after a random number or seconds or minutes the editor stops responding to keyboard strokes. If i wait for a minute or so it starts responding. After some time it happens again and so on. Is this a known bug? | 10:44 |
naftilos76 | Anyone? | 10:46 |
caldera | selam | 11:27 |
Aurora | Hi | 11:31 |
idzi | hello | 11:31 |
idzi | is an ad block for opera?? | 11:32 |
troopperi | idzi: , some information | 11:41 |
cojack | hello guys | 12:02 |
cojack | there is any dbg package for dbus? | 12:03 |
Torch | ...lazy bunch here ... | 12:15 |
Torch | cojack: there are. you need to follow to get them, though | 12:15 |
glaucous | Anyone know of a good non-Gnome-based music player? Amarok is not working too well, failing with _some_ flac files and not able to play 96/24 files at all. | 12:20 |
Torch | glaucous: afaik amarok does not decode music files on its own but uses the phonon backend for that. so you'd have that problem with any KDE app. maybe ask on #amarok? | 12:22 |
glaucous | Torch, oh I see, so it might be a Phonon problem? Anyhow I'll try #amarok | 12:23 |
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tch_ | Is this normal that Kubuntu 10.4 is very slow on a PC with 1.6 Ghz Celeron processor, 2 GB of DDR2 RAM and ATI Radeon X200 M (128 MB RAM)? | 12:37 |
tch_ | Ubuntu with GNOME runs fine on the same PC. And so does OpenSUSE with KDE. | 12:38 |
Exilant | well, then it should run fine | 12:40 |
Exilant | it runs fine on my slightly slower pc | 12:41 |
tch_ | How can I troubleshoot this? | 12:41 |
tch_ | I have desktop effects disabled and no plasma applets and it didn't help. | 12:41 |
Exilant | hm, anything happening in .xsession-errors? | 12:42 |
tch_ | It's 800 lines long | 12:43 |
Exilant | that sounds ok | 12:44 |
Exilant | in some broken lucid alphas it often was hundrets of megabytes | 12:44 |
tch_ | System monitor shows that CPU is used 80-100% all the time. | 12:48 |
tch_ | and Xorg takes around 39% | 12:48 |
Hedron | hi all | 12:59 |
Hedron | I was wandering, is there a way to actually stop using sudo, kdesudo, gksudo for every single admin task in kubuntu? | 13:00 |
Hedron | I tried setting rootpw in sudoers, but for some tasks it continues to ask for user password instead root | 13:00 |
slow-motion | hi | 13:05 |
* sheytan food time | 13:09 | |
tch_ | Is there a way I can make KPackagekit display only the newest version of a package? | 13:11 |
* sheytan is back. | 13:56 | |
omkar | Hey guys I am trying to install gdm on kubuntu | 14:07 |
omkar | while configuring found this error gnome-doc-utils >= 0.3.2 | 14:08 |
omkar | n then it stops | 14:08 |
omkar | i tried apt-get install gnome-doc-utils but it doesn't installs the latest one mentioned | 14:08 |
john_47 | omkar? i think it's better if you use aptitude.... | 14:11 |
omkar | hmm | 14:12 |
omkar | I am trying to resolve my friends prob on phone | 14:12 |
fabio | update first | 14:12 |
omkar | n for that i started the same stuff at my side | 14:12 |
omkar | one of my friend is trying to install gnome on a red hat server | 14:12 |
omkar | n he doesn't has any desktop environment at his side | 14:13 |
omkar | he just has a plain konsole ie tty | 14:13 |
omkar | so i downloaded gnome 2.28 from gnome's ftp site | 14:13 |
omkar | n trying to install it on my kubuntu 10.04 OS | 14:13 |
omkar | i can anyways use apt-get install gnome which will select whole bunch of depencies which it would have | 14:14 |
Torch | omkar: i suggest you ask this on #ubuntu | 14:14 |
omkar | i want to know if I can compile the gnome-2.28.2 n then install the rest of the things | 14:14 |
omkar | hmmm | 14:14 |
omkar | but the question is related to my kubuntu isn't it? | 14:14 |
omkar | installing gnome on kubuntu | 14:14 |
omkar | so i have asked this question here Torch ... | 14:15 |
Torch | omkar: no. the question is "installing gnome" | 14:16 |
omkar | okie cool will ask over there | 14:16 |
omkar | :) | 14:16 |
john_47 | i having problem with networkmanager... help | 14:18 |
john_47 | my manager keep disabling itself... i don't know how to enable it | 14:19 |
Torch | !pm | john_47 | 14:25 |
ubottu | john_47: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 14:25 |
Torch | john_47: i cannot help you , i don't use networkmanager. you need to be patient until someone answers you knows more about this than i do. please stop messaging me. | 14:31 |
john_47 | sorry Torch | 14:32 |
kasper_ | )) | 15:31 |
kasper_ | Есть кто? | 15:34 |
kasper_ | але... | 15:35 |
Pici | !ru | 15:35 |
ubottu | Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 15:35 |
jimmy51_ | is digikam still the tool to get photos off of a canon powershot? | 15:36 |
Mamarok | jimmy51_: yes | 15:39 |
jimmy51_ | Mamarok: thanks | 15:39 |
Mamarok | jimmy51_: you are welcome :) | 15:39 |
Ertain | Hello everyone. When I connected my external, USB hard drive to my computer Kubuntu doesn't recognize it. This is odd because it has recognized and mounted it before. | 16:01 |
Ertain | When I look at logs it does see the USB device, but it is not mounted. | 16:01 |
Ertain | Also, I have gone into System Settings and configured Removable Devices to mount it when it is attached, but it does nothing. | 16:02 |
daniel_ | Hello | 16:14 |
daniel_ | guess not xD | 16:15 |
p_masho | kde is crashing on startup, the /var/log/kde.log shows.. QInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: inotify_add_watch failed: No such file or directory > QFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths: /tmp/0197834324/.config/ibus/bus | 16:57 |
troopperi | p_masho: | 17:06 |
lucitu | 4.5 next week reason why rc3 is not out yet? | 17:07 |
p_masho | troopperi: been there, done that.. compositing is disabled.. | 17:10 |
szefuncio | whois FloodBotK2 | 17:11 |
Pici | Its a bot. | 17:12 |
E_Sound | Hi, is it normal, that cpu load is 100% on youtube? | 17:13 |
szefuncio | i'm trying to know, what is it this Konverstion program | 17:14 |
szefuncio | jest tu ktos mowiacy po polsku? | 17:16 |
* sheytan food time | 17:36 | |
compilerwriter | Where does one edit the paths in the apllication launcher? | 17:45 |
compilerwriter | !application launcher | 17:46 |
Torch | compilerwriter: right click it, select menu editor | 17:46 |
compilerwriter | torch in my case the launcher is brought about by right clicking on the desktop. Do I need to put it on a toolbar, edit it, and then remove it from the bar? | 17:47 |
Torch | compilerwriter: you're using the plasma netbook shell? | 17:48 |
compilerwriter | I'm using plasma and I mapped my right click when on the desktop to be the application launcher. | 17:49 |
Torch | compilerwriter: juat run the menu editor from krunner then. | 17:49 |
compilerwriter | krunner menu editor ok torch. | 17:50 |
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Torch | compilerwriter: you don't sound convinced ;-) do you understand what i mean? | 17:50 |
e01 | some idea how can i fix flash in browsers in kde | 17:51 |
e01 | when i switch to gnome, it working fine, but in kde it`s buggy, there is no video, only sound | 17:51 |
compilerwriter | torch I am convinced, but now I see that the menu editor seems to have things in place, but when I right click on the desktop I get the wrong thing altogether from Application launcher. Perhaps if I just restart plasma it will sort itself out. | 17:52 |
Torch | e01: reportedly a problem flash has with qt 4.7. | 17:52 |
e01 | oh.. may be it becaus i am with kde4.5 from beta repository :( | 17:53 |
compilerwriter | torch What I did was uninstall the version of OO that came with Lucid and reinstalled the current from Sun/Oracle since the one that came with lucid was constantly crashing on me. Now my menus in Application launcher are all out of whack. | 17:53 |
Torch | compilerwriter: try restarting plasma | 17:54 |
compilerwriter | torch ctrl alt back then? | 17:54 |
Torch | compilerwriter: from a shell, kquitapp plasma-desktop then wait a little then run plasma-desktop | 17:55 |
Torch | compilerwriter: no. that would have killed X11 in former times. it doesn't anymore (per default at least) | 17:55 |
Torch | compilerwriter: plasma is not X11 | 17:55 |
compilerwriter | sorry old habits die hard. | 17:55 |
compilerwriter | so does plasma rest atop X11 I never quite understood the techy stuff behind plasma. I am more of a try it and see what happens when comes to gui things. | 17:57 |
Torch | compilerwriter: X11 is responsible for painting pixels on your screen. plasma just draws the background and the panels and widgets for KDE. | 17:58 |
Torch | compilerwriter: it's just an ordinary KDE app | 17:58 |
compilerwriter | I am beginning to get it. But screw a plasma setting or so and you have a mess. | 17:59 |
compilerwriter | thanks for the help torch menus sorted themselves when plasma reloaded. | 18:00 |
compilerwriter | So were I to shut down plasma I would be left with an X11 terminal essentially. | 18:01 |
Torch | compilerwriter: if you kill plasma you still have krunner (alt-f+2 still works) and all your apps. and kwin to manager all your windows. | 18:02 |
* sheytan is back. | 18:03 | |
gazra | I just did a stupid thing, I had an encrypted home directory and configured autologin | 18:08 |
gazra | So now I get an error message: kstartupconfig4 failed or does not exist | 18:09 |
gazra | Where can I change the Autologin to require password? | 18:09 |
gazra | Obviouly thought the console! | 18:09 |
gazra | Is anybody here that can help me please' | 18:11 |
gazra | ??? | 18:11 |
Torch | gazra: try /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc | 18:18 |
=== kopp is now known as Guest93727 | ||
mistrynitesh | gazra: someone facing similar issue posted on ubuntu forums. see if it is the same problem with you. this is the link | 18:34 |
=== Guest93727 is now known as kopp97 | ||
mistrynitesh | a work around is also posted in the thread... hope it works for you | 18:36 |
rohan | is there any PPA for getting updated version of kaffiene in kubunu 10.04? | 18:43 |
rohan | i want 1.0, as opposed to 1.0~pre3 which kubuntu has | 18:43 |
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kopp97 | there is rekonq for kde3? | 18:58 |
kopp97 | Rekonq KDE3 is on? | 19:06 |
Badegakk | Hi, this is a general linux question, but its considered as high avg work load? | 19:12 |
Badegakk | but its = what is | 19:13 |
Badegakk | <--- Do typos all the time ;) | 19:13 |
James147 | Badegakk: that really depends on what you are doing with your computer | 19:14 |
troopperi | kopp97: | 19:16 |
Badegakk | James147, mainly used it as a desktop | 19:16 |
Badegakk | James147, games, surfing, video encoding, music ++ | 19:16 |
kopp97 | troopperi: sudo apt-get install rekonq | 19:17 |
Badegakk | James147, the reason i ask is that i never figured out of this number is being calculated | 19:17 |
troopperi | kopp97: wich version get installed at packagemanager | 19:17 |
James147 | Badegakk: :) its going to vary depending on what you are currently doing... gaming is going to take more then surfing the web (well for 3d games at least) | 19:17 |
troopperi | by | 19:17 |
JDK | bbl | 19:17 |
James147 | Badegakk: why are you conserned about it anyway? | 19:18 |
Badegakk | James147, i am just tuning my fans on my computer and trying to how hard my computer work at times | 19:18 |
James147 | troopperi: aptitude tells me it knows about version 0.4 | 19:19 |
troopperi | ok | 19:19 |
kinection | hello, i'm trying to install ubuntu, however, it seems like the boot cd doesn't allow me to choose any options. I select the language, and then, i select "install kubuntu" i hear the drive spin a little, but nothing happens | 19:20 |
kinection | is there a way to get a debug console? | 19:20 |
kinection | i have installed linux before, this is not my first time. | 19:20 |
Badegakk | James147, i am Curious person, just like know whats going on, hehe | 19:21 |
James147 | Badegakk: it the average load shouldent be high underidle, but once you start gaming/encoding i would expect it to shoot up quite alot (i would think it whould average 100% during encoding) | 19:21 |
Badegakk | James147, yeah | 19:22 |
Badegakk | James147, Been away from linux way to loong, been on a long windows spell, i have forgoten a lot about linux, hehe | 19:23 |
Badegakk | kinection, by experience i have found out its better to boot up the ubuntu from the cd and then install it | 19:26 |
kinection | well, none of the boot options are working | 19:26 |
James147 | kinection: give it a couple miniutes, it can be slow at times to boot :S if it dosent load after about 5 mins it might be a cruppt cd | 19:27 |
Badegakk | kinection, can you read the information on the cd? you sure its not corupt | 19:27 |
kinection | i'm doing a md5sum check on it right now | 19:27 |
kinection | on the iso | 19:27 |
da-bayman | hi, im trying to recover files from wubi install using a live cd. I found a forum and entered the following commands: | 19:28 |
da-bayman | sudo fdisk -l | 19:28 |
da-bayman | sudo mkdir /win | 19:28 |
da-bayman | sudo mount /dev/sdxy /win | 19:28 |
da-bayman | sudo mkdir /vdisk | 19:28 |
FloodBotK2 | da-bayman: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:28 |
da-bayman | sudo mount -o loop /win/ubuntu/disks/root.disk /vdisk | 19:28 |
kinection | the iso is good | 19:28 |
James147 | kinection: even if the iso is fine, the burn might have failed... installation cd are fussy | 19:28 |
kinection | yea, i'll reburn and see | 19:28 |
Badegakk | kinection, iso can be good, but your cd can still be corupt | 19:28 |
Badegakk | kinection, i always burn install cd's on a lower bitrate | 19:29 |
Badegakk | kinection, less chance for failure | 19:29 |
James147 | kinection: if you have a 1gig or larger usb you can spare i suggest trying to create do it from htat.. i have had alot more luck installing form a usb then cd (usb-creator-kde can create one from an iso in kubuntu... or unetbootin can do it from linux or windows) | 19:29 |
kinection | unfortunately, don't have usb with me | 19:31 |
da-bayman | | 19:31 |
James147 | da-bayman: try adding "-t ext4" to the last command *replace ext4 with the actual filesystem | 19:32 |
James147 | type ^^ | 19:32 |
da-bayman | james147: and what would the actual filesystem type be?? sorry for my ignorance | 19:33 |
Badegakk | Depends on os | 19:33 |
James147 | da-bayman: probally ext4 or 3... (wont matter if you put 4 or 3 if it is ext) | 19:34 |
James147 | Badegakk: its a wubi disk image to I would think [k]ubuntu :) | 19:34 |
da-bayman | james147: now i get mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop1... | 19:36 |
Badegakk | James147, ok :) , I didnt know that | 19:37 |
James147 | da-bayman: try it with "vfat" then "auto" :S dont see it being any other filesystem other then ext or vfat so not sure what to do if that fails | 19:38 |
da-bayman | james147: im pretty sure my wubi is completely broken and ill never get my important files | 19:40 |
da-bayman | James147: no, vfat didnt work | 19:40 |
James147 | da-bayman: :( afraid I dont know what else to do then... not sure what could have broken it either | 19:40 |
roam | I'm using kubuntu netbook edition. I removed one of the activity screens cause it was not working properly. How can I add another activity page? | 19:41 |
Badegakk | join and quit spam :P | 19:43 |
da-bayman | James147: | 19:44 |
James147 | roam: intrasting... on the "search and launch" page I dont have the option, but on the other one i do :S (by clicking the 1/4 circly thing in the bottom corner | 19:44 |
James147 | da-bayman: you dont need to type into pastebin :) | 19:45 |
da-bayman | James147: haha ok... irc told me to... :( | 19:45 |
James147 | da-bayman: as long as you are not hitting enter after every 2 words we dont really mind :) nah thats just telling you off for pasting commands | 19:45 |
James147 | roam: yeah, if i configure the page off the search and launch activity type i get the option to add pages when I press the circle thing :) | 19:47 |
da-bayman | James147: ok, so maybe ill focus my energy into the initial problem. When i boat into wubi i go straight to the grub2 command screen. aka "sh :grub>" how can i get my kernel info from there so i can boot | 19:47 |
da-bayman | James147: uname doesnt work from there | 19:48 |
James147 | da-bayman: afraid i cannot really help you... I dont know that much about how the wubi system works :( | 19:49 |
James147 | da-bayman: nor the grub command line | 19:50 |
da-bayman | James147: can u direct me to someone who does? please | 19:50 |
roam | James147: well, I only have the search and launch page left | 19:50 |
James147 | da-bayman: just keep asking on this channel every 10 mins or so (or you could try #ubuntu since its about grub which isent kubuntu spicific) | 19:51 |
da-bayman | James147: ok thanks | 19:51 |
James147 | roam: you can configure it and make it use a different activity... not sure of another way to do it (plasma-netbook is still quite new) | 19:52 |
glaucous | Are shortcuts in KDE Menu Editor working? I can't get any programs to launch with hotkeys. | 19:52 |
roam | James147: so i change that into a different activity an then add another? | 19:53 |
James147 | roam: click on the circle thing > configure > activity : change the activity type to one o fthe others | 19:54 |
James147 | roam: then you should have the option to add a new page when you click the circle thing | 19:54 |
* James147 remembers hes on kde 4.5 :S cant remember how to do thing/if its possible on kde4.4 :) | 19:55 | |
roam | James147: that didn't work, it changed itself back into s&l | 19:55 |
James147 | roam: works here, but i know the netbook edition was improved quite abit in kde 4.5 ;S ... you could delete ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-netbookrc to reset it to the default settings (will require you to restart plasma-netbook) | 19:57 |
roam | will test that | 19:58 |
roam | will it keep my other settings? | 19:58 |
James147 | glaucous: dosent seem to be working here either, but I sware it worked in the past :S | 19:58 |
James147 | roam: what other settings? it will reset plasma-netbook and only plasma-netbook to the default settings... so you lose all your widget info and stuff but that should be it | 19:59 |
glaucous | James147, found it how to fix it. Go to System Settings -> Input Actions -> Enable KMenuEdit | 19:59 |
roam | will try that then | 20:00 |
James147 | glaucous: ahh, yes that sounds like something i might have done | 20:00 |
James147 | roam: note you can rename it | 20:00 |
James147 | roam: to get the same effect (so you can restore the settings if you wish to) | 20:00 |
roam | James147: that didn't work (removing plasma-netbookrc) | 20:04 |
roxy | my secondlife install has sound. but no music. works in windows.. where to ask for help? | 20:05 |
James147 | roam: try also removing plasma-netbook-appletsrc | 20:05 |
roam | ok, will try that then | 20:07 |
roam | James147: i removed every plasma-netbook* file | 20:11 |
roam | that worked | 20:11 |
aaron_ | Can someone help me? I'm trying to install kubuntu along side of ubuntu, so i go and install the kubuntu-desktop, and when i log out and log in with KDE it pops up a error saying the kconfig startup is missing or messed up along those lines, I already uninstalled and installed again, should i write it to a disk and install? | 20:15 |
aaron_ | Can someone help me? I'm trying to install kubuntu along side of ubuntu, so i go and install the kubuntu-desktop, and when i log out and log in with KDE it pops up a error saying the kconfig startup is missing or messed up along those lines, I already uninstalled and installed again, should i write it to a disk and install? | 20:20 |
xsomus | hi | 20:23 |
baxeico_ | hi guys. any hope to see kdevelop 4.0.1 in lucid backports? | 20:33 |
roam | James147: I removed plasma-destop. I think it confused plasma-netbook | 21:11 |
lucitu | no 4.5 RC3 yet? | 21:37 |
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Zorael | Is there a guide on how to start tagging your files? I must be missing something obvious. I can tag files in Digikam which saves it into its own database. I'm not sure I'm using Nepomuk for anything at all right now. | 21:53 |
baxeico_ | Zorael: you should activate Nepomuk in System settings (Advanced tab) | 22:01 |
Zorael | baxeico_: Once it's running, how do I tag a file? And how do I display files with a given tag? | 22:03 |
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xsomus | diznoya | 22:22 |
baxeico_ | Zorael: you should see a tag widget in Dolphin in the information panel (press F11 if you don't see it) | 22:22 |
baxeico_ | you can add tag there | 22:23 |
baxeico_ | then you can search for a tag using the search bar in Dolphin | 22:23 |
baxeico_ | btw, I disabled both strigi and nepomuk. I do not find them very useful until now | 22:24 |
dino__ | !list | 22:49 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 22:49 |
xsomus | я в аптеке - черный лекарь, я в Европе - господин | 22:50 |
maco | !ru | xsomus | 22:50 |
ubottu | xsomus: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 22:50 |
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BluesKaj | damn NM , punch in all the right parameters but it won't connect to a different network, I'm in the city , and there are lots of networks , but even the insecure ones won't connect with nm i linux ,what ajoke :) | 23:10 |
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Exilant | Hi, due to wlan-issues i use a more recent kernel, from the kernel-ppa. is there a way to have fglrx for new kernel, too, while staying with a recent kernel (and preferably without work) | 23:36 |
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sirfal09_kubunty | ewoerner: | 23:53 |
sirfal09_kubunty | kubuntgu | 23:54 |
ewoerner | ? | 23:54 |
sirfal09_kubunty | kubuntu | 23:54 |
sirfal09_kubunty | kubuntu | 23:54 |
sirfal09_kubunty | kubuntu | 23:55 |
sirfal09_kubunty | kubuntu | 23:55 |
ewoerner | sirfal09_kubunty: spam somewhere else | 23:55 |
sirfal09_kubunty | kubuntu | 23:56 |
sirfal09_kubunty | kubuntu | 23:56 |
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