wgrant | mars: Could you land that branch for me, please? | 00:03 |
lifeless | wgrant: have you fixed the typo | 00:05 |
wgrant | lifeless: See my reply... | 00:06 |
wgrant | It was already fixed. | 00:06 |
lifeless | hah | 00:06 |
wgrant | It was in a removed line. | 00:06 |
lifeless | ok | 00:06 |
lifeless | see, jetlag :P | 00:07 |
wgrant | Heh. | 00:07 |
* wgrant -> uni | 00:07 | |
lifeless | its on its way | 00:07 |
mars | thanks lifeless | 00:07 |
mtaylor | lifeless: is there a way to track how many times a branch has been pulled | 00:16 |
lifeless | do you perhaps mean | 00:21 |
lifeless | 'is there a way for a branch owner to know its popularity' ? | 00:21 |
lifeless | cause thats a very different question | 00:21 |
mtaylor | uh - I dunno... I was just asked "hey is there a way to track how many time a branch has been downloaded/pulled?" | 00:24 |
thumper | mtaylor: nope | 00:24 |
mtaylor | thumper: k. cool | 00:25 |
thumper | mtaylor: subscriptions may indicate others interest though | 00:25 |
thumper | mtaylor: if I'm really interested in a branch, I'll subscribe | 00:25 |
thumper | mtaylor: but I often grab branches I've just a passing interest in | 00:26 |
thumper | mtaylor: that isn't so useful to the branch owner | 00:26 |
thumper | mtaylor: have you talked to sinzui about your CoC generalisation? | 00:27 |
mtaylor | thumper: we spoke briefly a few months aog | 00:27 |
mtaylor | ago | 00:27 |
lifeless | mtaylor: so tracking pull is hard for a number of reasons | 00:32 |
lifeless | mtaylor: only one of which 'its distributed, fool' | 00:32 |
lifeless | mtaylor: other reasons are - http gets != pulls, requests to a stacked-on don't indicate pulls but use the same network verbs, and so forth | 00:33 |
mtaylor | lifeless: hrm. fair enough | 00:34 |
lifeless | mtaylor: not impossible, just not done | 00:37 |
lifeless | well, I mean - its not impossible to gather the specific data we /have/. Tracking consumers of a branch is impossible in the broader sense ;) | 00:37 |
mtaylor | well yes | 00:38 |
thumper | mwhudson: got a minute for a call? | 00:57 |
mwhudson | thumper: not really :( | 00:59 |
mwhudson | thumper: will do in a bit | 00:59 |
thumper | after lunch maybe? | 00:59 |
mwhudson | thumper: ok | 01:00 |
lifeless | thumper: can I help ? | 01:00 |
thumper | lifeless: no | 01:01 |
lifeless | ok :) | 01:01 |
thumper | lifeless: your biggest problem being that your aren't mwhudson :) | 01:03 |
lifeless | thumper: heh - I wasn't offended or anything :). | 01:03 |
thumper | lifeless: testr load finished with-> id: 1 tests: 8993 failures: 22 skips: 23 | 01:04 |
thumper | lifeless: but testr failing shows one failure | 01:04 |
lifeless | thumper: btw, if you want a weekly call with me or something-like-that, let me know. I'm inclined to just focus on good team wide dialogs fo rnow. | 01:04 |
lifeless | thumper: there is an unimplemented(shock, horror!) bit of testr that should detect deleted / renamed tests. | 01:04 |
lifeless | thumper: your test run 0 had the failure in it, and the failure is one for a test id not reported in your test run 1. | 01:05 |
lifeless | thumper: for now, rm .testrepository/failing | 01:05 |
thumper | and reload? | 01:05 |
lifeless | thumper: yup | 01:05 |
lifeless | oh, hangon - see, this is me just getting off a plain :) | 01:06 |
lifeless | 22 failures - that really should be reported by 'testr failing' :) | 01:06 |
lifeless | this is from a ec2 land response ? | 01:06 |
thumper | hmm... | 01:06 |
thumper | yes | 01:06 |
thumper | same result | 01:06 |
lifeless | forward me the stream? | 01:06 |
* thumper deletes .testrepository | 01:06 | |
thumper | same with a clean testr init | 01:07 |
thumper | :( | 01:07 |
lifeless | I'd like to look at the stream, if I may | 01:08 |
lifeless | I'm not alert enough to do a sensible series-of-questions-to-debug | 01:08 |
thumper | lifeless: email sent | 01:08 |
* thumper thinks that perhaps devel is failing again :( | 01:09 | |
thumper | ERROR: lp.soyuz.browser.tests.test_archive_webservice (subunit.RemotedTestCase) | 01:09 |
lifeless | thumper: its the same test every time | 01:10 |
thumper | lifeless: yeah | 01:10 |
thumper | I was just looking | 01:10 |
lifeless | thumper: zcat ~/Desktop/Downloads/merge-directive-handling-no-request-mirror.log.gz | subunit-filter --no-passthrough --no-skip | subunit-ls | uniq | 01:10 |
thumper | lifeless: added to .bashrc: | 01:16 |
thumper | function lp-failing | 01:16 |
thumper | { | 01:16 |
thumper | zcat $1 | subunit-filter --no-passthrough --no-skip | subunit-ls | uniq | 01:16 |
thumper | } | 01:16 |
lifeless | thumper: heh | 01:18 |
lifeless | wgrant: what is 'lucille' | 01:19 |
thumper | gah | 01:20 |
thumper | WTF? | 01:20 |
thumper | ✁☹ | 01:23 |
thumper | ✁☹ | 01:23 |
thumper | ✁☹ | 01:23 |
thumper | ✁☹ | 01:23 |
thumper | ✁☹ | 01:23 |
thumper | lifeless: that failing test assumes python 2.6 | 01:24 |
thumper | and doesn't import the with statement | 01:24 |
thumper | which is why ec2 fails for it | 01:24 |
thumper | but the builder passes | 01:24 |
lifeless | noice | 01:24 |
lifeless | by which I mean 'garh' | 01:24 |
thumper | lifeless: rs from you to add the import? | 01:26 |
thumper | lifeless: I'll land the "fix" now | 01:26 |
lifeless | doit | 01:26 |
lifeless | do we have a 'trivial' tag ? | 01:27 |
thumper | lifeless: not any more | 01:27 |
thumper | but rs (rubberstamp) is often considered good enough | 01:27 |
thumper | we do expect to have more than one person look at things | 01:28 |
thumper | even if just in concept | 01:28 |
* thumper files a bug to make done | 01:28 | |
lifeless | hmmm | 01:28 |
lifeless | we should really consider rolling that back | 01:28 |
lifeless | peer review is an important thing for helping make things great, but something like this - bah | 01:29 |
wgrant | lifeless: lucille was archivepublisher. | 01:32 |
lifeless | hah | 01:48 |
lifeless | we still call the db user lucille | 01:48 |
wgrant | We do. | 01:48 |
wgrant | And there's still lucilleconfig. | 01:48 |
wgrant | I may one day unleash my fury on and destroy lucilleconfig. | 01:49 |
lifeless | bbiab, post-travel fug is winning | 01:52 |
* thumper -> lunch | 01:53 | |
mwhudson | thumper: i guess you don't want to chat then | 02:02 |
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha | ||
thumper | mwhudson: I'm back now | 02:38 |
mwhudson | thumper: how long is the call likely to take? | 02:39 |
thumper | mwhudson: not long | 02:39 |
mwhudson | thumper: i'll call your landline? | 02:40 |
thumper | mwhudson: you have no skype? | 02:40 |
mwhudson | thumper: i can see if that's still working | 02:40 |
mwhudson | i'm in a cafe | 02:41 |
thumper | ok | 02:41 |
mwhudson | so a headset is probably actually a good ida | 02:41 |
wgrant | lifeless: Ah, thanks, I didn't know you were ec2testing that. | 04:08 |
wgrant | I wonder why buildd-manager doesn't log an OOPS and suspend builds when the dispatcher crashes. | 04:13 |
lifeless | it just needs the same love I gave librarian, I suspect | 04:14 |
wgrant | Also, universities need to die. | 04:15 |
wgrant | Seriously. | 04:15 |
spm | from the perspective of having been nearly 20 years since I got my degree, I'm inclined to agree. Although... The Qld Uni Great Court in Summer time... ahhh. memories. | 04:16 |
thumper | lifeless: still with us? | 04:55 |
lifeless | ish | 04:55 |
lifeless | 'sup ? | 04:55 |
thumper | testr run --failing fails to identify that one of the failing ones is fixed | 04:55 |
thumper | testr failing still shows it | 04:56 |
lifeless | check that it is run - subunit-ls < .testrepository/$id | grep testname | 04:56 |
lifeless | its possible the loader is doing something funky | 04:56 |
thumper | $ testr run --failingrunning: xvfb-run ./bin/test --subunit --load-list /home/tim/src/launchpad/stop-mirroring-hosted/failing.list| testr load | 04:57 |
thumper | $ testr failing --subunit | subunit-ls -> now gives a shorter list | 04:58 |
lifeless | check that it is run - subunit-ls < .testrepository/$id | grep testname | 04:58 |
thumper | but it is still showing lp.soyuz.browser.tests.test_archive_webservice | 04:58 |
thumper | lifeless: I don't grok your last comment | 04:58 |
lifeless | each test run generates a new file .testrepository/ID | 04:58 |
lifeless | where ID is printed at the end of the run | 04:59 |
thumper | yes | 04:59 |
lifeless | that has in it all the tests that were run | 04:59 |
thumper | running: xvfb-run ./bin/test --subunit --load-list /home/tim/src/launchpad/stop-mirroring-hosted/failing.list| testr load | 04:59 |
lifeless | the most likely reason for testr run --failing to not see a failing test as fixed is if the test runner (zope.testing) did not run it. | 04:59 |
thumper | that is what it says in response to testr run --failing | 04:59 |
lifeless | yes | 04:59 |
lifeless | then it should say | 04:59 |
lifeless | id: FOO tests run: .... | 04:59 |
thumper | id: 3 tests: 18 failures: 6 skips: 1 | 05:00 |
lifeless | right | 05:00 |
lifeless | so | 05:00 |
thumper | which I weirdly read as "18 failures" "6 skips" | 05:00 |
lifeless | subunit-ls < .testrepository/3 | grep lp.soyuz.browser.tests.test_archive_webservice | 05:00 |
thumper | not there | 05:01 |
lifeless | si | 05:01 |
lifeless | so | 05:01 |
lifeless | its not being run | 05:01 |
thumper | why is it telling me it is failing then? | 05:01 |
lifeless | this suggests its not in your branch | 05:01 |
thumper | testr failing ? | 05:01 |
lifeless | testr keeps a record of all seen tests ever | 05:01 |
thumper | but it is no longer failing | 05:02 |
thumper | :( | 05:02 |
lifeless | if you bzr switch or whatever between branches while a test is failing, and the test is not in the new branch | 05:02 |
lifeless | then testr will still think its failing | 05:02 |
lifeless | thumper: its *not being run* | 05:02 |
lifeless | thumper: that means whether its failing or not is *unknown* | 05:02 |
lifeless | thumper: my suggestion, when you bzr switch, nuke .testrepository | 05:03 |
thumper | I don't switch | 05:03 |
lifeless | thumper: try bin/test -t lp.soyuz.browser.tests.test_archive_webservice | 05:03 |
thumper | that passes | 05:03 |
lifeless | but does it run the test | 05:04 |
lifeless | see | 05:04 |
lifeless | that string looks like a module name to me | 05:04 |
lifeless | and thats how zope reports a failed import | 05:04 |
thumper | what happened was: | 05:04 |
thumper | I loaded the repository with the output from ec2 | 05:04 |
thumper | my branch didn't have an up to date devel | 05:04 |
thumper | so it didn't have the failing soyuz test | 05:04 |
thumper | until I merged devel | 05:05 |
lifeless | so as far as testr is concerned, a test has been deleted, which as I explained earlier, testr doesn't *yet* have a heuristic to guess at. | 05:05 |
thumper | and committed | 05:05 |
thumper | now it is stuct | 05:05 |
thumper | but it is there now... | 05:05 |
lifeless | right | 05:05 |
lifeless | so ignore that one test until you've fixed all the issues | 05:05 |
lifeless | then delete .testrepository/failing | 05:05 |
* thumper looks skyward | 05:05 | |
lifeless | patches accepted; its a very raw tool. I, and others, find it very useful, but its still rraw. | 05:06 |
lifeless | thumper: do you see what is going on ? | 05:09 |
thumper | I think so | 05:09 |
mtaylor | /msg lifeless oh, and hi, btw | 05:21 |
mtaylor | heh. guess people know my secrect message to lifeless now | 05:22 |
* wgrant puts it in the blackmail file. | 05:22 | |
mwhudson | scandal | 05:27 |
poolie | hi mtaylor, mwhudson | 05:46 |
mtaylor | hi poolie | 05:47 |
poolie | lifeless, i worked on the flags thing on the plane, so now it only looks up scopes as needed | 05:47 |
mwhudson | hi poolie | 05:47 |
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan | ||
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga | ||
adeuring | oodmorning | 08:33 |
wgrant | bigjools: Morning. | 09:06 |
bigjools | morning | 09:06 |
wgrant | Are you aware of the chaos this morning? | 09:06 |
* bigjools sighs heavily | 09:06 | |
bigjools | no | 09:06 |
wgrant | Bug #610687 caused the build farm to grind to a halt for many hours. We've disabled the archive in question (I think you might have an email about that), but it needs manual cleanup before it can be reenabled. | 09:07 |
_mup_ | Bug #610687: Delayed copies do not respect PPA component override <canonical-losa-lp> <Soyuz:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/610687> | 09:07 |
wgrant | Basically, we had a build attempting to dispatch with a component of 'non-free'. This made things rather unhappy indeed. | 09:08 |
* bigjools sees the email | 09:08 | |
spm | 3 emails to be precise, but yes. | 09:08 |
* bigjools sees why it happened and is very angry | 09:08 | |
spm | wgrant: pls to be ware. bigjools has a '.procmailrc' - From: spm@c.c >> /dev/null, so emails can be a tad hit'n'miss | 09:08 |
bigjools | spm who? | 09:09 |
spm | hahaha | 09:10 |
wgrant | (somewhat amusingly, I was on Monday looking at the code throughout Soyuz that creates publications, and noting how badly factored it was. one of my planned cleanups would have accidentally fixed this...) | 09:12 |
bigjools | wgrant: don't let me stop you :) | 09:13 |
wgrant | I need to fix it for ddeb copies, so it will be happening soon, yes. | 09:14 |
wgrant | bigjools: Is cleanup just a matter of DELETEing the publications and builds, or did some stuff actually make it to disk? | 09:39 |
bigjools | wgrant: I've not analysed it yet, I've got a load of stuff to get done this morning before I can look. | 09:49 |
bigjools | it can wait if it's not breaking anything *right now* :) | 09:49 |
wgrant | Well, as long as Brian doesn't reenable it. | 09:51 |
bigjools | he's been warned no to | 09:55 |
bigjools | not | 09:55 |
wgrant | Ah, good. | 09:55 |
* wgrant is tempted to take over the world, just to impose a global ban on shitty CS courses. | 10:44 | |
jelmer | heh | 10:51 |
jelmer | wgrant: What are they having you do? | 10:51 |
wgrant | jelmer: Well, it's so far been an excellent waste of 2.5 years, though I held some hope that the final semester project (4-5 people per team, 12 weeks in length) might hold some interesting or at least vaguely challenging material. Today, project assignments came out: most of the other teams' projects have some interesting visualisation, data processing or HID components. We were landed with a basic Web 2.0 app, remarkable only in the fact ... | 10:59 |
wgrant | ... that someone could think it was even close to comparable with any of the others. | 10:59 |
wgrant | So there goes any hope of some value in this course. | 10:59 |
wgrant | Yay. | 10:59 |
jelmer | :-/ | 10:59 |
jelmer | That sounds quite familiar. We had a 8 to 10 person final semester project (though I did it before my final semester) and quite a few teams ended up doing simple web services too. | 11:03 |
jelmer | The participation in a relatively large team was still quite educational though. | 11:03 |
wgrant | There was a 10-12 person project at the end of the course, but that has been cut in the new version. | 11:04 |
maxb | I think I learnt about 1 weeks worth of useful stuff from my uni course. And an immense amount from open source hacking whilst at uni :-) | 11:05 |
wgrant | Heh, yes. | 11:05 |
jelmer | heh, indeed | 11:06 |
mwhudson | i learnt stuff during my degree | 11:07 |
mwhudson | my phd on the other hand... | 11:07 |
mwhudson | (my degree wasn't in cos, that probably helped) | 11:07 |
mwhudson | *cs | 11:07 |
wgrant | The most useful thing I've learnt from the degree is to not do or trust degrees. | 11:07 |
* jelmer thought some of the more theoretical CS courses were very useful | 11:07 | |
wgrant | True, the few theoretical ones have been somewhat educational. | 11:08 |
StevenK | wgrant: I learnt some useful things at uni. Most of which wasn't taught ... | 11:16 |
wgrant | StevenK: Heh. | 11:25 |
jelmer | EdwinGrubbs: Hi | 11:27 |
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away | ||
henninge | Hi! | 12:42 |
henninge | Did I miss the discussion on moving the registration slot between the title and the bread crumbs or was there no discussion? | 12:43 |
maxb | It's a little jarring | 13:02 |
wgrant | I like it for branches and some other stuff. | 13:06 |
wgrant | But for projects it doesn't really work, because it's not important information. | 13:06 |
wgrant | The old location wasn't good, though. | 13:06 |
EdwinGrubbs | jelmer: hi | 13:27 |
=== gary_poster_ is now known as gary_poster | ||
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan | ||
lifeless | morning all ye non-jetlaggers | 15:35 |
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch | ||
bigjools | hello lifeless | 15:58 |
lifeless | hi bigjools | 15:59 |
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk | ||
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha | ||
jml | lifeless, hi | 16:25 |
lifeless | hi | 16:25 |
lifeless | henninge: ping | 16:28 |
lifeless | henninge: your buildd manager logging patch : upstream twisted's log class supports what you want directly; I'm confused why you seem to have reimplemented it : or am I missing something ? | 16:29 |
mars | jml or lifeless, around? Would either of you feel comfortable doing a Unix build system pre-implementation call? I am trying to figure out how much effort we should put into cleaning up the process tree | 16:39 |
jml | mars, otp right now | 16:40 |
mars | k | 16:40 |
jml | mars, happy to in a little while | 16:40 |
lifeless | mars: sure | 16:40 |
henninge | lifeless: Hi | 16:44 |
lifeless | hi henninge; I'm really excited to see the twisted log rotation stuff getting fixed for us - we've a lot of daemons (buildd,librarian, codehosting) that all need it | 16:45 |
lifeless | henninge: I'm just hoping we don't need to maintain code [and thus tests] for it | 16:45 |
henninge | lifeless: I don't see how this could be done any other way in twisted | 16:45 |
henninge | lifeless: It does not re-open logs on SIGUSR1 but rotates them (in its own way). | 16:46 |
lifeless | henninge: just use a LogFile(foo, bar, rotateLength=0) | 16:47 |
lifeless | ? | 16:47 |
henninge | lifeless: that's what I do, don't I? | 16:47 |
lifeless | hmm, let me re-read | 16:47 |
lifeless | henninge: ok | 16:50 |
lifeless | otp for a sec | 16:51 |
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch | ||
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk | ||
rockstar | bigjools, dogfood fall down go boom. | 17:15 |
bigjools | rockstar: will look later, OTP | 17:16 |
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch | ||
henninge | lifeless: I'll be finishing off now. I replied on the MP. ;) | 17:40 |
lifeless | yeah thanks | 17:40 |
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Guest58336 | ||
=== Guest58336 is now known as Ursula | ||
=== Ursula is now known as Guest16602 | ||
=== Guest16602 is now known as Ursula_ | ||
lifeless | ok, I think I'm going to pull on this librarian thing a bit, it should make a big difference | 17:56 |
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno | ||
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away | ||
mtaylor | bac: ah... so perhaps it's because of the commercial subscription ? | 19:06 |
bac | mtaylor: that's what i'm investigating | 19:06 |
bac | if so, it should be easy to fix. this problem has been infested with red herrings | 19:06 |
mtaylor | hehe | 19:06 |
mtaylor | fish are difficult to catch | 19:06 |
bac | slippery | 19:07 |
mtaylor | yup | 19:07 |
bac | i'll let you know what i find | 19:07 |
jml | thumper, are you guys planning on doing anything with https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jml/launchpad/private-branch-lookup-bug-261609 | 19:12 |
thumper | yes | 19:12 |
jml | thumper, it's been stale for a while now, and I'm really keen to get it off my branch list. | 19:13 |
thumper | jml: I was finishing off another tech-debt branch, this is next | 19:13 |
jml | thumper, cool, thanks. | 19:13 |
=== Edwin-lunch is now known as EdwinGrubbs | ||
james_w | the code users of the job system raise SQLObjectNotFound in a couple of places, is there something that should be used instead, or is this still the idiom? | 19:29 |
james_w | it's raised in a get @classmethod on a Storm object | 19:30 |
james_w | abentley: any idea? ^ | 19:33 |
abentley | james_w, I'm not aware of something that should be used instead. | 19:48 |
james_w | abentley: is get() raising an exception a required thing? It seems to me that the only callers convert the exception to None, so the work of converting None to the exception is not needed. | 19:49 |
abentley | james_w, I don't know if it's a required thing, but I would expect that retrieving an object that doesn't exist is usually a serious error. | 19:51 |
lifeless | jml: am I on th eplanet ? | 19:52 |
lifeless | jml: I don't think I am... can I be added ? | 19:52 |
james_w | lifeless: is it a requirement to get a review from both you and stub for db patches? | 19:54 |
lifeless | yes to deploy, no to merge | 19:55 |
james_w | ok, good | 19:55 |
jml | lifeless, sure. email mrevell. | 19:57 |
lifeless | jml: you know, if lp knew about blogs, the planet could be auto maintained ;P | 19:58 |
jml | lifeless, patches tolerated. | 19:59 |
lifeless | haha | 19:59 |
lifeless | I only get to code if I'm a *good boy* | 19:59 |
lifeless | matsubara: hi | 20:03 |
matsubara | lifeless, hey | 20:04 |
lifeless | I put a patch up for getting bug numbers in the timeout section | 20:04 |
lifeless | but I can't bootstrap properly to test it | 20:05 |
lifeless | did you have any thoughts on it | 20:05 |
matsubara | lifeless, I didn't get an email notification about the merge proposal | 20:06 |
lifeless | matsubara: I put it in the bug | 20:06 |
matsubara | lifeless, looking | 20:09 |
Ursinha | lifeless, bug 607776 is testable or not? | 20:11 |
_mup_ | Bug #607776: +filebug-show-similar FTI query timeouts <qa-needstesting> <timeout> <Launchpad Bugs:In Progress by lifeless> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/607776> | 20:11 |
benji | lifeless: if you have a working buildout you can use it to bootstrap a new buildout cd path-to-new-project; path-to-working-project/bin/buildout bootstrap | 20:11 |
lifeless | Ursinha: no | 20:12 |
benji | unfortunately, having a bootstrap.py script in a buildout is an attractive nuisance | 20:12 |
lifeless | Ursinha: I have a follow on branch that drops the time by ~ 75% | 20:12 |
Ursinha | lifeless, cool | 20:13 |
Ursinha | that's cool | 20:13 |
lifeless | benji: it seems the oops tools want stuff that isn't in the dep cache | 20:13 |
Ursinha | lifeless, will remove the qa-needstesting tag for now | 20:13 |
lifeless | Ursinha: thanks, wasn't sure if I should / shouldn't | 20:13 |
benji | can't help you there :) | 20:13 |
lifeless | benji: :/ | 20:13 |
matsubara | lifeless, what's the error? | 20:13 |
Ursinha | lifeless, that's the incremental change, if it's not testable, doesn't make sense to keep the tag there | 20:13 |
lifeless | Ursinha: kk | 20:14 |
lifeless | matsubara: bootstrapping? | 20:14 |
benji | maybe you need to bzr up the dependencies (~/launchpad/lp-branches/devel/download-cache | 20:14 |
benji | ) | 20:14 |
matsubara | lifeless, I'm not sure the patch is going to do what you want. My initial impression to the bug report is that the static summary (https://devpad.canonical.com/~lpqateam/oops- | 20:14 |
matsubara | summaries/lpnet-2010-07-20.html#time-outs) was generated before the bug was linked to the oops | 20:14 |
matsubara | lifeless, yes, what dependency oops-tools is asking that's not in the cache? | 20:15 |
lifeless | Getting distribution for 'zc.buildout==1.4.1'. | 20:15 |
lifeless | Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'zc.buildout==1.4.1'. | 20:15 |
lifeless | matsubara: when I traced the code, it seemed like it was simply that the bug wasn't being set for the reporter | 20:16 |
abentley | james_w, I'm looking at the build emails, and the ordering of items looks like it could be improved. I'd put the buildstate high. | 20:16 |
lifeless | matsubara: you could try it and see ;P | 20:16 |
matsubara | lifeless, you want this cache: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad/lazr-source-dependencies/download-cache/ not the LP one | 20:17 |
benji | indeed, zc.buildout 1.4.1 doesn't appear to be in the centrally-managed cache; I suspect 1.4.0 would work for you | 20:17 |
lifeless | matsubara: thanks | 20:18 |
james_w | abentley: yeah, that would be a good idea | 20:18 |
lifeless | pulling it | 20:18 |
lifeless | matsubara: was that in README.txt and I was simply blind ? | 20:18 |
abentley | james_w, in your bug, you seem inconsistent about whether the component should be included. | 20:19 |
matsubara | lifeless, yep, it's explained there and the make command should fetch the right cache. not sure why it didn't work for you | 20:20 |
james_w | abentley: bug number? | 20:20 |
abentley | james_w, 603606 | 20:20 |
abentley | james_w, or what is RELEASE? the pocket? | 20:20 |
james_w | abentley: pocket, yes | 20:21 |
abentley | james_w, and that's not listed in binary build email body, just subject. I see. | 20:21 |
james_w | abentley: the pocket will be important once it is possible to target non-release pockets, but for now there is only one choice, so I say put it in there | 20:21 |
lifeless | matsubara: my bad! | 20:22 |
james_w | abentley: I'm not particularly keen on the binary build email, but it's better than what was there for recipes IMO, and I think they should at least be largely consistent. If you want to improve both, that would be even better | 20:22 |
abentley | james_w, what about distroseries? | 20:22 |
james_w | abentley: that's a requirement IMO, it's especially important with multi-series builds. | 20:23 |
abentley | james_w, err, we don't have multi-series builds. | 20:23 |
james_w | well, one recipe being dispatched to multiple series at the same time | 20:24 |
james_w | if I wake up to a daily build failure, I want to be able to work out which series failed, without having to query them each in turn | 20:24 |
abentley | james_w, well, you can click though and get all the information, and more. | 20:25 |
abentley | james_w, but you didn't ask for distroseries. | 20:25 |
abentley | james_w, do you prefer pocket and distroseries separate, or do you want "suite"? | 20:25 |
james_w | abentley: the series is in the subject as well | 20:26 |
james_w | abentley: I don't mind | 20:26 |
james_w | I would prefer it was the same as binary builds | 20:26 |
abentley | james_w, binary builds don't list the pocket or distroseries in the message body at all. | 20:27 |
james_w | indeed | 20:27 |
abentley | james_w, so you're saying it shouldn't be included? | 20:27 |
james_w | abentley: I want it there somewhere. I don't have particularly strong preferences on where. | 20:28 |
james_w | abentley: are you redesigning binary build failure messages too? | 20:28 |
lifeless | matsubara: now it wants distribute 0.6.12 | 20:29 |
abentley | james_w, no, not my domain. | 20:29 |
lifeless | matsubara: with that new cache | 20:29 |
james_w | abentley: in that case, I would prefer that the recipe build failures just follow the binary build failures. | 20:30 |
abentley | james_w, seems like a lowest-common-denominator approach to me. | 20:30 |
james_w | abentley: why? | 20:30 |
abentley | james_w, because you don't especially like binary build mails, but you want me to make source build mails just as bad. | 20:31 |
james_w | abentley: they are better than what we currently have for recipes, and I value consistency. If you see ways to improve the binary build mails then I encourage you to improve those as well. | 20:33 |
abentley | james_w, so you're basically asking me to make recipe build mails no better than binary build mails. | 20:34 |
james_w | abentley: I'm asking you to make them equally as good, yes. I'd love for you to make them both excellent. | 20:34 |
abentley | james_w, It's not my job to make binary build mails better, but perhaps if I make recipe build mails better, soyuz will see and follow suit. | 20:35 |
james_w | abentley: I don't see why it isn't your job | 20:35 |
abentley | james_w, I am a member of the code team, not soyuz. | 20:36 |
james_w | and I don't think that is an approach that has worked particularly well in the past | 20:36 |
matsubara | lifeless, hmm I think I saw that distribute problem before with gary_poster and was unable to reproduce locally. would you mind filing a bug on oops-tools so I can investigate this further later on? | 20:36 |
abentley | james_w, I'm not going to go trampling though another team's code for no especially good reason. That will just upset them. | 20:38 |
james_w | abentley: I think that characterisation isn't helpful. I would imagine the soyuz team would be overjoyed at someone looking at this area of the project and improving it. | 20:38 |
james_w | I doubt anyone is particularly attached to the status quo | 20:38 |
james_w | fwiw, upload acceptance emails were redesigned about a year ago, with great success. They are now for more readable and usable than before. | 20:39 |
abentley | james_w, improvement is very much in the eye of the beholder. I would be very upset if someone made this kind of change to my code without consulting me. | 20:40 |
lifeless | matsubara: sure | 20:40 |
james_w | abentley: then consult them? | 20:40 |
bigjools | abentley: BFNs are crap, fee l free to fix them :) | 20:41 |
abentley | james_w, it's simpler to just ask them to do it instead. They have the experience with the code and the domain knowledge to do a better job. | 20:41 |
mars | lifeless, ping, any chance you could point to some example code that uses testtools.clone_test_with_new_id() ? | 20:46 |
lifeless | testscenarios | 20:46 |
lifeless | (apt-get install python-testscenarios, or grab it from pypi, or lp:testscenarios) | 20:46 |
mars | thanks, looking at the code now | 20:47 |
lifeless | mars: start with the readme | 20:59 |
mars | lifeless, hmm, I'm getting no text | 21:13 |
lifeless | what do you mean ? | 21:14 |
mars | http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lifeless/testscenarios/trunk/annotate/head:/doc/example.py?file_id=lib-20090307095458-ntl18b730pwjf0qy-10 is empty | 21:14 |
mars | for instance | 21:14 |
mars | does that mean codebrowse is going to die? :( | 21:14 |
lifeless | I don't know what it means | 21:15 |
lifeless | http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lifeless/testscenarios/trunk/revision/1#doc/example.py | 21:15 |
lifeless | clicking on doc/example.py there worked | 21:15 |
mars | lifeless, neat, that is a useful tool. Parameterization made easy | 21:16 |
lifeless | :) | 21:17 |
mwhudson | morninh | 21:36 |
mtaylor | morning lifeless | 21:38 |
lifeless | hiya | 21:48 |
bdmurray | I just got oops-1670ea4372 when reporting a bug and the traceback did not look to my untrained eye | 22:00 |
lifeless | look what? | 22:01 |
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk | ||
bdmurray | look good? | 22:01 |
lifeless | https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1670EA4372 looks sane (but sad) to me. otp for now, chat in a sec | 22:12 |
lifeless | bdmurray: ok, off the call | 23:17 |
lifeless | bdmurray: that timeout looks legit | 23:18 |
* wgrant looks at the build queues with dismay. | 23:18 | |
wgrant | barry!!!!!!!! | 23:18 |
wgrant | Oh, no, it's not all py27stack4 | 23:19 |
wgrant | Then what is it... | 23:19 |
wgrant | ..... | 23:19 |
wgrant | py27stack5. | 23:20 |
jelmer | 'evening | 23:20 |
wgrant | Can we at lest score that archive down a few hundred points, or something like that? | 23:21 |
mwhudson | jelmer: i wanted to ask you something a minute ago but now can't remember what :-) | 23:22 |
poolie | hi lifeless, wgrant, mwhudson | 23:24 |
poolie | thanks for the review lifeless | 23:24 |
wgrant | Morning poolie. | 23:24 |
lifeless | poolie: my pleasure | 23:28 |
poolie | how should i write tests for the page macros? | 23:28 |
poolie | preferably not as doctests | 23:28 |
lifeless | you get a browser instance | 23:28 |
lifeless | and use some template that uses the macros so you get a rendered view | 23:29 |
* wgrant whispers 'really bad user experience', and points at #launchpad and the build queue which is currently being eaten by an unimportant rebuild. | 23:29 | |
lifeless | wgrant: the magic phrase is 'losa ping' | 23:29 |
wgrant | Well, no, there are underlying issues. | 23:29 |
poolie | wgrant: i was thinking about proposing an "i care about this" button that can only be pressed by a human (not in the api) that adds X to the build score | 23:29 |
poolie | this will of course only work if people don't press it for everything | 23:30 |
wgrant | The problem at the moment is that people do partial archive rebuilds without telling anyone, so they are scored like normal PPA builds. | 23:30 |
wgrant | (well, that shouldn't be a problem, except our queue discipline is pathetic) | 23:31 |
lifeless | perhaps subtract the queue length for a PPA from uploads to the PPA | 23:31 |
bigjools | who is rebuilding? | 23:31 |
wgrant | barry. | 23:31 |
wgrant | I thought it was py27stack4. | 23:31 |
* bigjools scores it down | 23:31 | |
wgrant | But I was wrong; there's only a few there. | 23:31 |
wgrant | Now it's py27stack5. | 23:32 |
bigjools | I asked him to use rebuild archives | 23:32 |
wgrant | If he doesn't want to do that, he could at least get someone to add a score delta to the archive first. | 23:32 |
wgrant | Scoring them down to <900 might be nice, otherwise recipe builds won't happen. | 23:33 |
lifeless | whats a rebuild archive ? | 23:33 |
bigjools | I scored everything -100 | 23:33 |
wgrant | Haha. Even better. | 23:33 |
bigjools | that'll free the farm up | 23:33 |
wgrant | Thanks. | 23:33 |
bigjools | when I say -100 I mean a delta | 23:33 |
bigjools | not absolute :) | 23:33 |
wgrant | lifeless: ArchivePurpose.COPY. Doesn't accept source uploads, and has a forced build score of -10. | 23:33 |
wgrant | Oh :( | 23:34 |
wgrant | So recipe builds are screwed for the next couple of days. I guess that's not tooo bad. | 23:34 |
bigjools | hmmm | 23:34 |
wgrant | Also, will that affect existing builds? | 23:34 |
bigjools | yes | 23:34 |
bigjools | anything needsbuild | 23:34 |
wgrant | But I thought queuebuilder didn't run any more. | 23:34 |
bigjools | oh arse | 23:35 |
bigjools | I need to manually rescore them | 23:35 |
bigjools | well, it's only a 4 hour wait | 23:36 |
wgrant | Assuming perfect efficiency. | 23:36 |
bigjools | if it were days... | 23:36 |
wgrant | It's lots of short builds. | 23:36 |
wgrant | True. | 23:36 |
wgrant | But it'll be more like 24 hours. | 23:37 |
wgrant | Once you take into account the continuing pileup of builds, and the fact that they're short builds, which buildd-manager really doesn't handle well. | 23:37 |
bigjools | it will, soon | 23:38 |
wgrant | Indeed. | 23:38 |
wgrant | That will be good. | 23:38 |
bigjools | I should fix that score delta stuff so it applies the delta on the query | 23:39 |
bigjools | then it'll work on existing builds | 23:40 |
wgrant | That sounds confusing. | 23:40 |
wgrant | But maybe better. | 23:40 |
* bigjools shoos a fox away | 23:41 | |
bigjools | anyway it's seriously antisocial to upload 500+ packages for rebuild in a normal PPA | 23:42 |
bigjools | g'night | 23:50 |
wgrant | Night. | 23:50 |
poolie | are developer docs in the tree ever built into web pages people can read? | 23:53 |
poolie | like for bzr's? | 23:53 |
lifeless | there is apidoc.launchpad.dev now | 23:53 |
wgrant | How does one create code imports these days? | 23:53 |
wgrant | I can't see a way to do it outside +setbranch. | 23:54 |
jelmer | wgrant, some project code pages don't have a link, but https://code.launchpad.net/ has a link to create imports for all projects | 23:54 |
wgrant | Ah, +new-import | 23:55 |
wgrant | I was using +newimport :( | 23:55 |
thumper | the theory was... | 23:55 |
thumper | that we wouldn't show "new import" for a project that uses launchpad codehosting | 23:55 |
thumper | however it seems its all gone to pot | 23:55 |
wgrant | It seems to just not show the link if there is a dev focus. | 23:56 |
wgrant | AFAICT. | 23:56 |
jelmer | thumper: I can think of some (pehaps not common, but possible) situations where an import would be useful even if the trunk is hosted on Launchpad. | 23:56 |
thumper | jelmer: like? | 23:56 |
jelmer | thumper: dulwich is maintained in bzr, but I keep a mirror of it in git and some external contributors host their branches on github | 23:57 |
jelmer | (I did emphasize it wasn't a common situation :-) | 23:59 |
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