uRock | Finally started testing 10.10 in a VBox and was happy that it installed without a hitch. | 00:09 |
DrHalan | uRock: theres nothing to be happy aobut. Using maverick on my machine for a month without problems.. | 00:12 |
uRock | DrHalan, that takes the fun out of it | 00:13 |
DrHalan | out of what? | 00:13 |
uRock | testing | 00:13 |
DrHalan | alright :D | 00:13 |
* uRock Linkes being sarcastic =) | 00:14 | |
uRock | Likes | 00:14 |
DrHalan | do you know if there will be gtk3 in maverick | 00:16 |
DrHalan | it doesn't seem like.. | 00:16 |
uRock | no clue | 00:16 |
uRock | I haven't looked into much of anything yet | 00:17 |
DrHalan | i don't want to wait another rleease for it.. | 00:17 |
uRock | I mostly want to see the ayatana stuff for Netbooks will look | 00:18 |
DrHalan | you men indicator-appmenu? | 00:19 |
DrHalan | or the new network-indicator? | 00:19 |
uRock | all of the above | 00:19 |
uRock | the stuff that caused them to put the buttons on the left | 00:20 |
DrHalan | oh the windicators? | 00:20 |
DrHalan | i don't know if that is really worked on | 00:20 |
DrHalan | http://twitpic.com/27v3gq | 00:20 |
DrHalan | thats how my desktop looks like | 00:20 |
uRock | yup, those | 00:20 |
DrHalan | notice i don't have a legacy statusmenu anymore | 00:21 |
DrHalan | and the menu of my apps has moved in the upper panel similiar to OSX | 00:21 |
uRock | looks good | 00:21 |
DrHalan | but i don't know if the windicators really will make it into maverick as i don't see any pacakges for them yet | 00:23 |
uRock | I hope so, but I won't be too broken hearted. | 00:24 |
Daekdroom | There'll be no GTK3 in maverick | 00:26 |
Daekdroom | Because it'd require to ship GTK2 AND GTK3 in a single CD, as they can't do such fast transition.. | 00:26 |
DrHalan | -.- | 00:27 |
DrHalan | i thought its normal that the releases after the LTS are a little broken | 00:28 |
kklimonda | well, a little broken and unshippable are two different things | 00:30 |
DrHalan | well there is a gnome 3.0 release so all core apps should be compatible with gtk3 | 00:31 |
kklimonda | but we ship much more then only core apps on cd | 00:31 |
Daekdroom | DrHalan, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-gnome | 00:31 |
DrHalan | mh | 00:32 |
DrHalan | back when kde 4.0 came out there was a "4.0 remix" beside the normal Kubuntu release | 00:32 |
DrHalan | will something like this happen? | 00:33 |
DanaG | Say, how the heck do I point a vnc client at the SECOND head? | 00:42 |
DanaG | I have :0.0 and :0.1, and can only seem to connect to :0.0. | 00:42 |
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG | ||
BUGabundo | nite guys | 01:03 |
ChogyDan | anyone happen to know about a low latency kernel? | 01:16 |
DrHalan | ChogyDan: what for? | 01:36 |
ChogyDan | DrHalan: well, it was referenced to me, but I don't know where to find it | 01:37 |
ChogyDan | basically, I want to look at how it is packaged | 01:39 |
bjsnider | ChogyDan, the low latency kernel is called -rt, for realtime | 01:58 |
ChogyDan | ah, ok | 01:58 |
bjsnider | #ubuntu-kernel has the guys who package it if you want to ask them directly | 01:59 |
bjsnider | the kernel team in other words | 01:59 |
ChogyDan | yeah, I should ask them, thanks | 02:00 |
=== luis_lopez is now known as ` | ||
=== ` is now known as luis_lopez | ||
johnjohn101 | what's the version of freetype that will ship with 10.10? | 04:15 |
ZykoticK9 | johnjohn101, if you know the actual freetype package name, in this channel use "!info $PACKAGENAME" | 04:18 |
johnjohn101 | !info freetype | 04:19 |
ubottu | Package freetype does not exist in maverick | 04:19 |
johnjohn101 | !info mono | 04:20 |
ubottu | Package mono does not exist in maverick | 04:20 |
ZykoticK9 | johnjohn101, the reason i said the whole "if you know" part is cause i'd already tried "apt-cache policy freetype" and knew it didn't exist, sorry that wasn't clear. | 04:21 |
johnjohn101 | don't worry, I'll download alpha 3 in a few days | 04:23 |
=== Random833 is now known as Random832 | ||
yofel_ | huh? they moved the 'Reported by ...' line to the left on launchpad o.O (edge) | 12:34 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
yofel | and the flames look kind of lost on that layout.. | 12:34 |
yofel | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtm/+bug/573785 for example | 12:34 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 573785 in qtm (Ubuntu) "QTM crashes when a window is launched" [High,Fix released] | 12:34 |
yofel | meh, wrong # | 12:37 |
=== mrsun is now known as MrSunshine | ||
gnomefreak | does anyone notice that Ubuntu software center starts downloading when you choose a package instead of starting when you are finished? | 13:35 |
yofel | gnomefreak: afaik that's intended, once you click on install it starts installing, so it already does something while you're looking at other packages | 13:52 |
gnomefreak | it makes it hard to keep up with what you already installed, doing alot of packages | 13:53 |
Zeus__ | Hello! Am I going to have any problems if I have a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop keeping the partition of the Home folder of 10.04 untouched? | 14:26 |
Pici | Zeus__: Probably not, but maybe. | 14:33 |
Pici | Zeus__: Actually, let me rephrase that. You'll only potentially have issues if you are dual booting between 10.04 and 10.10 with a shared .home | 14:33 |
Pici | er /home | 14:33 |
Zeus__ | Pici, thank you :) | 14:34 |
gnomefreak | alot of packages are haveing depends issues atm | 14:38 |
napsy | Hello. Are catalyst drivers working on 10.10? | 16:22 |
Machtin | hey guys.. i'm a bit stuck: pidgin: Depends: pidgin-data (< 1:2.7.1-z) but 1:2.7.2-1ubuntu1 is to be installed. <- any thoughts on that? | 16:56 |
Machtin | Should I just wait or can i somehow fix that? | 16:57 |
Machtin | never mind, 'fixed' it. | 17:13 |
IdleOne | !info sessioninstaller | 17:16 |
ubottu | sessioninstaller (source: sessioninstaller): APT based installer using PackgeKit's session DBus API. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.20-1 (maverick), package size 27 kB, installed size 252 kB | 17:16 |
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG | ||
patdk-wk | fun, another grub update | 17:58 |
jpds | Hmm, food time. | 17:59 |
Daekdroom | Ha. Maverick wins. GNOME 3 delayed. | 18:22 |
charlie-tca | ummm, I think that would be Maverick loses. Gnome 3 is not going to make into it, even for testing | 18:38 |
Daekdroom | charlie-tca, I always assumed it wouldn't make it into Maverick at all, except by, who knows, a PPA. | 18:39 |
rpius | Does anyone have any idea on the progress of "windicators" for maverick? It's almost alpha3 now and still no sign of it..... | 19:03 |
DrHalan | hey | 19:03 |
DrHalan | where do debug libs normally go | 19:03 |
DrHalan | it seems like every package does this differently | 19:04 |
DrHalan | some are in /usr/lib/debug others are in /usr/debug/lib others are in /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib | 19:04 |
yofel | DrHalan: at least here on amd64 all debug libs that are installed by dpkg are in /usr/lib/debug/* | 19:05 |
DrHalan | yeah thats where i put mine.. | 19:06 |
DrHalan | just wanted to see if do my packages right | 19:06 |
yofel | if you're packaging something dh_strip should take care of that | 19:06 |
DrHalan | still waiting for a gui app to create my packages :D | 19:09 |
gnomefreak | its faster and easier to learn the text way :) | 19:09 |
DrHalan | took me ages and i don't do anything comples | 19:10 |
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGa_Mad | ||
=== BUGa_Mad is now known as BUGa_grumpy | ||
DrHalan | i just put build a .so and put it into /usr/lib | 19:11 |
yofel | well, unless you strip the file you shouldn't need another debug file | 19:12 |
DrHalan | strip? | 19:18 |
yofel | DrHalan: remove debug symbols from object / binary files | 19:18 |
yofel | see 'man strip' and 'man dh_strip' | 19:19 |
DrHalan | mh i just have two targets in my makefile | 19:19 |
DrHalan | one for release and one for debug | 19:19 |
DrHalan | and they get placed at the specific directories.. | 19:19 |
DrHalan | debuild can do that for me? | 19:19 |
yofel | yes, if you build with debug (-g usually) you'll get debug symbols in the binaries | 19:20 |
yofel | dpkg always *discards* those unless you override dh_strip to create a -dbg package (and the official buildds always put them into a -dbgsym package) | 19:20 |
yofel | so the packaged binaries never have debug symbols, you always have to install a debug package if you want the debug symbols | 19:22 |
yofel | (like this the application packages are smaller) | 19:22 |
DrHalan | mh if its like taht i don't know if my rules file is correct | 19:24 |
DrHalan | http://pastebin.com/vwbwZLWQ | 19:24 |
yofel | hm, looks ok to me, you won't get debug symbols in the package though since dh_strip will remove them (you *could* install 'pkg-create-dbgsym' so a -dbgsym package will automatically be created if you build locally, like on the official buildds) | 19:26 |
DrHalan | sothere is dbg package withoutdebug symbols? lol | 19:29 |
DrHalan | can is just remove the dh_strip thing? | 19:30 |
yofel | try it, I don't know | 19:31 |
* gnomefreak wonders what #ubuntu-motu is for :X | 19:32 | |
yofel | sry, we're finished I think | 19:32 |
yofel | now that I think about it, there's #ubuntu-packaging too | 19:32 |
DrHalan | man says If the DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS environment variable contains "nostrip", nothing will be stripped | 19:32 |
DrHalan | mh whats "DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS"? | 19:32 |
DrHalan | or betterwhere is it | 19:33 |
DrHalan | mh whatever g2g | 19:36 |
DrHalan | thanks yofel :) | 19:36 |
gnomefreak | yofel: was it you that told me that the password prompt was do to auto login? | 19:38 |
yofel | I don't think so | 19:39 |
gnomefreak | ok | 19:40 |
* gnomefreak cant recall who but either way i asked for confirm in -bugs | 19:40 | |
napsy | Hello. Are catalyst drivers working on latest 10.10? | 20:07 |
patdk-wk | heh, another grub update, another boot failure :( | 20:07 |
patdk-wk | heh, rebooting it after the first boot, seems to have fixed it | 20:10 |
calmdude | i need help for "lucid & nvidia proprietary driver"? | 20:39 |
calmdude | anyone? | 20:39 |
gnomefreak | calmdude: join #ubuntu for Lucid support | 20:41 |
gnomefreak | Please read the topic of channel for more info | 20:41 |
* gnomefreak smoke | 20:42 | |
calmdude | im already in there and nobody cares/knows | 20:43 |
gnomefreak | calmdude: it has alot of users in there please be patient and someone will answer you. if not you can try ubuntuforums.com | 20:47 |
gnomefreak | this is not an overflow channel for #ubuntu | 20:47 |
calmdude | overflow channel? | 21:04 |
calmdude | u just invented the term by yourself, dont u? | 21:05 |
patdk-wk | heh | 21:05 |
gnomefreak | CardinalFang: you weroverflow was wrong word | 21:05 |
gnomefreak | since the channel is not full | 21:06 |
gnomefreak | hes gone. sorry CardinalFang | 21:06 |
=== Mike_ is now known as Guest56089 | ||
Guest56089 | I'm searching for the feature that allows us to maintain several 10.10 computers for updates and whatever else this new feature offers | 21:55 |
Guest56089 | what is it called? | 21:55 |
Volkodav | If I need to install on btrfs I have to partition /boot and do that from alternate CD right ? | 21:55 |
Volkodav | and grub goes to /boot obviously | 21:56 |
Guest56089 | Volkodav, and I think /boot cannot be btrfs | 21:56 |
Volkodav | right | 21:56 |
Guest56089 | I read there was something new with respect to maintaining several computer but don't know what it is called | 21:57 |
Guest56089 | *computers | 21:57 |
JontheEchidna | OneConf? | 21:59 |
Mike__ | that OneConf looks promising | 22:00 |
Mike__ | JontheEchidna, google says you are spot on! | 22:01 |
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk | ||
* theoctagon installs ubuntu maverick meercat on btrfs on a virtual box - waiting for installation to complete | 22:34 | |
patdk-wk | heh | 22:38 |
patdk-wk | I just upgraded my lucid to maveric, then converted it to btrfs :) | 22:38 |
patdk-wk | stupid flash drive keeps failing | 22:38 |
judgen | could anyone check what version of AmiWM that is included in maverick? | 22:40 |
yofel | !info amiwm | 22:42 |
ubottu | amiwm (source: amiwm): The Amiga look alike window manager. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.20.48-8 (maverick), package size 92 kB, installed size 352 kB | 22:42 |
yofel | same version as in debian | 22:42 |
judgen | thnks | 22:45 |
Volkodav | anybody installed today from daily alternate CD? mine failed twice | 23:34 |
Volkodav | /boot does not have to be sdx1 ? it can be any partition on a drive as long as it has bootable flag ? | 23:42 |
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