
cwillu_at_workqemu-arm-static seems to be acting weird all of a sudden02:16
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lagMorning mythripk08:15
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lagMornin' all08:21
mythripkmorning lag08:42
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ogralool, btw, my ext2 image probs were caused by the FS running out of inodes10:32
ograformatting with a higher default value should solve it10:32
lagogra: Any luck?10:34
ograarchive is out of sync10:35
ograi'm waiting for it to test the fix i have10:35
lagHow do you mean 'out of sync'?10:35
lagOut of sync with what?10:35
ogra  computer-janitor: Depends: python-fstab (>= 1.2) but it is not installable10:35
ogra  libmailtools-perl: Depends: libtimedate-perl but it is not installable10:35
loologra: it's quite surprizing TBH; do you resize the fs at some point?10:35
lool(I saw the chat and agree it's a number of inode problem)10:36
ogralool, nope only later on first boot10:36
ograi create an empty file with dd and format it, then loop mount it and cp -ax10:36
ograthats all i do10:36
ograit might be the way dd creates the file if you use count=0 and seek=<$imagesize>10:37
ograi know that creates a file with holes (which i.e. swapon complains about)10:38
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loolAnybody at GUADEC?14:39
rsavoyelool: nope, blew it off to get work done...14:50
cwillu_at_workCheck my logic:  the qemu vm issues exist in the -static builds as well;  -static + chroot works better for at least partially unknown reasons15:18
rsalveticwillu_at_work: you mean, with rootstock?15:19
cwillu_at_workrsalveti, yes15:19
rsalvetiyep, had a hug debugging day yesterday15:20
cwillu_at_workoh, really?15:20
rsalvetiwith full vm things are slower, seg faults and hangs15:20
cwillu_at_worktoo bad I missed it, because the -static is really hurting me right now :)15:20
rsalvetiwith user emulation sucks with programs that request info from /proc15:20
rsalvetilike the stupid mono package15:20
cwillu_at_workI'm getting mysterious "method http died" messages, and if I shuffle things around, the mysterious deaths move to pip15:20
cwillu_at_workI've been running fine for months, and then yesterday my images just started failing15:21
cwillu_at_workit's almost as if some update to a package I was installing broke things15:21
rsalveticwillu_at_work: hm, what package failed?15:22
cwillu_at_workrsalveti, as far as I can tell, no package failed15:22
cwillu_at_workit's just that some process will randomly die after aptitude finishes15:22
rsalveticwillu_at_work: oh, ok15:23
cwillu_at_work(installing packages in the chroot)15:23
rsalveticwillu_at_work: what distro version are you trying to bootstrap?15:23
cwillu_at_workdebootstrap finishes fine15:23
rsalveticwillu_at_work: I'm planning to change to user mode emulation when running with root, like what you're doing, and also add native arm support15:24
cwillu_at_workI could push things out to first boot, but I'd really prefer not too15:24
rsalvetitoday, I mean15:24
cwillu_at_workwhich, rootstock?15:24
rsalvetiyep, that sucks15:24
rsalveticwillu_at_work: yep15:24
rsalvetifull vm doesn't work, lots of bugs, and user mode emulation works fine for most of the cases15:25
rsalvetithen if you still can't create the rootfs, do it on arm15:25
cwillu_at_workso, yesterday, did you figure anything out re: triggering it?15:27
persiaHow much of the vm issues can be attributed to issues with the kernel targets?  Might we just be seeing something odd there, especially with -updates things could be loosely tested for VM targets.15:29
cwillu_at_workchroot isn't using the arm kernel though15:29
rsalvetiyep, just full vm15:29
rsalvetipersia: with full vm I'm getting the same behavior with different kernel15:29
cwillu_at_workbut that's something I haven't checked:  whether I'm using -updates as my source15:29
rsalveticwillu_at_work: first, if you use maverick's qemu, you'll get the unsupported syscall for pselect again15:30
rsalvetiand a huge backlog15:30
cwillu_at_workI don't follow15:30
rsalvetithen if you install anything related with mono, it'll hang15:30
rsalveticwillu_at_work: this was fixed for lucid, but we have a regression for maverick15:31
cwillu_at_workI'm not targeting maverick :p15:31
rsalvetiapt-get uses pselect, and this syscall is implemented at lucid15:31
rsalvetihappens if you're using maverick as the host :-)15:31
cwillu_at_worknot doing that either15:31
rsalveticwillu_at_work: also, I get a seg fault while installing humanity-icon-theme15:31
* cwillu_at_work repeats himself:15:32
cwillu_at_worksame package set worked fine a week ago :)15:32
persiaThe lucid case should be fairly different from the maverick case, but the lucid Vm kernels come from the linux source package, which doesn't see much careful testing on updates except for i386 and amd64, usually.15:32
cwillu_at_workpersia, we're not using the vm kernels at all though15:33
cwillu_at_workpersia, qemu-arm-static doesn't require one15:33
rsalveticwillu_at_work: but for me rootstock is working fine for most of the basic cases15:33
rsalveticwillu_at_work: what packages are you requesting rootstock to install?15:33
cwillu_at_workrsalveti, it was for me too, up until a week ago :)15:33
cwillu_at_workI'm just going to pastebin my version15:34
persiacwillu_at_work: Sorry then: I thought the issue was comparison of -static to the VM case.  Ignore me :)15:34
cwillu_at_workpersia, well, it kinda is, but I'm focusing on the parts where -static fails in the same way :)15:34
cwillu_at_workline 62015:35
cwillu_at_workyou should be able to run that locally if you remove the git calls15:36
rsalvetiok, will try15:36
rsalvetijust a sec15:36
cwillu_at_workif I don't download the packages first, aptitude will die while installing firefox (i.e., second invocation)15:36
cwillu_at_workas written, it makes it through to the pip calls15:36
cwillu_at_workugh, which are commented out in this version :p15:37
cwillu_at_workyou might need an empty modules.d directory in the working dir15:37
cwillu_at_workgiven locally cached downloads, it takes about 20-25 minutes to run15:38
cwillu_at_workrsalveti, it seems like anything which touches the network dies after that point15:48
cwillu_at_workif I remove the pip calls and the aptitude update call at the end, it finishes15:49
cwillu_at_workrsalveti, actually, there's an odd thing:15:55
cwillu_at_workI split up the installer into multiple files as you noticed, which are each called in the same chroot, but different invocations of it15:56
cwillu_at_work(that was done to try to isolate things after they went weird yesterday)15:56
cwillu_at_workhmm, it could be the other arm chroot I had open to build packages was breaking things?16:00
persiaThat should have no effect.  I've routinely had multiples open (via schroot) without any apparent effect.  Mind you, that sample may not be large enough to prove a negative.16:03
cwillu_at_workpersia, arm chroot's?16:03
persiaarm-on-amd64 foreign schroots16:04
persiaErr, armel-on-amd6416:04
cwillu_at_workwell, I'm rerunning without the other chroot's open16:06
persiaI'd run that test a few times, as there's supposed to be some separation.  If you can demonstrate a convincing effect, then we clearly need to do something more advanced with LXC16:06
rsalveticwillu_at_work: sorry, will look at it now, was doing other things16:07
cwillu_at_workpersia, I've run 40-50 builds in the last day, and hundreds over the last few months16:08
cwillu_at_workI haven't established that the extra chroot was the cause though, if that's what you're asking16:08
cwillu_at_workbut whatever changed is consistent16:08
persiacwillu_at_work: I figured, but I doubt you have data on which of them were run with a simultaneous build chroot active (although I'd be happy to know otherwise).16:09
cwillu_at_workI could figure it out (both have start and end timelogs)16:09
persiaAre you targeting -updates?  I really think that's the most likely source of regression.16:09
cwillu_at_workI checked, I'm not16:09
persia-security ?16:10
cwillu_at_worktake a look at the pastebin I posted16:10
persiaHow about on the host?16:10
cwillu_at_workI haven't applied updates this week yet16:10
cwillu_at_workat it worked on friday16:10
persiaUgh.  phase-of-the-moon problem :(16:10
cwillu_at_workCOMPONENTS="main universe"16:11
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persiaRight.  That should be the same as it was at release.16:11
cwillu_at_workthe reason I mention the other chroot isn't so much that I had builds running at the same time (that was one of the earlier things I checked), but rather that I never closed the chroot itself16:12
cwillu_at_workthat's the test I'm running right now16:12
persiaThat really shouldn't have an effect16:12
cwillu_at_workyou've said this :)16:13
cwillu_at_workI'll know in ten minutes16:13
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persiaWell, a simultaneously active chroot could have an effect if the chroot boundaries are insufficient, leading to a need to do more with LXC, but an inactive chroot is about the same whether chroot() has been called on it or not.16:15
cwillu_at_workit had /proc, /sys/, dev and so forth mounted inside it16:18
persiaBut no files open, right?16:19
cwillu_at_workwhatever a shell would have, yes16:19
cwillu_at_workhere's the thing though:16:19
cwillu_at_work(have you looked at the pastebin yet? :p)16:19
persiaI wouldn't expect a shell to have enough open to make a difference, but maybe16:19
cwillu_at_workI split the script that runs in the chroot into four pieces16:19
cwillu_at_workto debug this16:19
cwillu_at_workeach script is run in a separate chroot, sequentially16:19
cwillu_at_workNow, I can rerun rootstock, and it'll get up to the same point each time (i.e., first download works, next thing to touch the network dies)16:20
cwillu_at_workbut... the next thing to touch the network is in a different chroot16:20
cwillu_at_workand it still dies16:20
rsalvetihm, werid16:20
cwillu_at_work...even though re-running rootstock doesn't16:20
cwillu_at_workI'm pretty sure this will reduce to a config change that I forgot I made or something silly like that, but even so, I don't think I'm doing anything that _should_ be broken :)16:21
persiaVery odd.16:21
persiaAt least it's isolated enough that it can be debugged, so once it's known, it can be made to never happen.16:22
cwillu_at_workI'm secretly hoping that this is the same trigger as the grief in qemu, but I'm not sure how that plays into what you said rsalveti earlier about lucid patches16:23
cwillu_at_workmoments away from knowing16:24
cwillu_at_worknope, that wasn't it :p16:24
* persia is glad the LXC integration isn't actually required, as that has looked painful the last few investigations16:25
rsalveticwillu_at_work: I'm running it here, will let you know if it worked or not16:25
cwillu_at_workrsalveti, I don't think there's too many hardcoded dependencies on my environment16:26
persiaBasically, one can create even more segregation than with a regular chroot, which we haven't (quite) needed for anything yet, but I keep expecting it when people start talking about issues with multiple simultaneous chroots.16:26
rsalveticwillu_at_work: I removed most of the stuff I could easily identify16:26
cwillu_at_workah, k16:26
rsalvetimirror, rsync, etc16:26
cwillu_at_workthe rsync might be of interest16:27
cwillu_at_work(of modules.d, at least)16:29
cwillu_at_workpulling up a shell inside the chroot after it starts dying16:35
cwillu_at_workI'd like to confirm that it's network related activity16:35
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rsalveticwillu_at_work: yep, worked fine16:46
cwillu_at_workokay, bash prompt up16:54
cwillu_at_workyep, definitely something weird on this box16:54
cwillu_at_workifconfig eth0 shows information, ifconfig dies with ": error fetching interface information: Device not found"16:58
cwillu_at_workwith no indication of which device it's looking for16:58
cwillu_at_workhost repository17:00
cwillu_at_workqemu: Unsupported syscall: 25017:00
cwillu_at_workerrno2result.c:111: unable to convert errno to isc_result: 38: Function not implemented17:00
cwillu_at_worksocket.c:3851: epoll_create failed: Function not implemented17:00
cwillu_at_work/usr/bin/host: isc_socketmgr_create: unexpected error17:00
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persiaThat's exceedingly annoying.  Is that unique to one install, or replicable?17:03
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cwillu_at_worknot sure yet;  copying the files over to my desktop to try it there17:05
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cwillu_at_workstrace doesn't work :D17:10
persiastrace-in-chroot or strace-on-qemu?17:11
loolqemu can't emulate ptrace right now17:11
looland it would probably be hard17:11
cwillu_at_workwhich is the package for binfmt?17:11
persiaWell, the issue is in qemu, if you're getting "Function not implemented".  Try stracing that.17:11
persiathat's the base, but it's pluggable.17:12
persiaYou want to edit the binfmt entry for armel binaries to call strace, or run host strace attaching to a PID.17:12
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cwillu_at_workwill be a moment, hit ctrl-c in the prompt once too many times17:19
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* cwillu_at_work cries18:05
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cwillu_at_workpersia, did you want an strace of qemu when a "host google.ca" fails?18:29
cwillu_at_workpersia, rsalveti, http://pastebin.com/8agEskqT18:32
cwillu_at_workhttp://pastebin.com/6EfBPFLu is the shell output18:32
cwillu_at_workthere's another thing I didn't notice before:18:50
cwillu_at_workmy build environment is an unpacked copy of the output of my rootstock18:51
cwillu_at_workwhich I haven't regenerated in a few weeks18:53
cwillu_at_worksame problems in it though18:53
cwillu_at_worker, not quite19:01
cwillu_at_workhost dies in the same way, pip and apt seem to work fine :/19:01
cwillu_at_workand, success19:16
cwillu_at_workbouncing everything through a local proxy on works19:16
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