slidinghorn | Out-Of-Hand, yep :) | 00:00 |
Out-Of-Hand | ahhh ok ... just as long as i dont loose my xp ... cool i will give it a shot :) | 00:00 |
slidinghorn | Out-Of-Hand, here you go: | 00:01 |
Out-Of-Hand | u see the thing on chrome os ... what do u take on that ? | 00:01 |
slidinghorn | Out-Of-Hand, haven't really looked at it -- just a friendly reminder to remember to back up all important info before doing anything with your partitions. there's always a risk of problems no matter how careful you are :) | 00:02 |
Out-Of-Hand | heheh... yeah i know computers toooo well ... been with them 2 long ... got the gray hairs from windows crap | 00:04 |
Out-Of-Hand | hmmmm... the partitions | 00:05 |
Out-Of-Hand | whts a swap file ? and /dev/sda2 | 00:05 |
Out-Of-Hand | would the sda2 be the partition | 00:06 |
Out-Of-Hand | ok off to sleep thanks for ur assistance | 00:09 |
Out-Of-Hand | later | 00:09 |
harrison | slidinghorn are you still there? | 00:22 |
slidinghorn | kinda, what's up? :) | 00:22 |
harrison | Can you point me to a link to do a network boot? | 00:22 |
harrison | I have to go but I will be back. | 00:23 |
slidinghorn | harrison hold on | 00:23 |
slidinghorn | !netinstall > harrison | 00:23 |
ubot2 | harrison, please see my private message | 00:23 |
harrison | i did I will be back | 00:24 |
harrison | slidinghorn are you still there? | 03:14 |
slidinghorn | sorta kinda :) | 03:15 |
slidinghorn | what's up? | 03:15 |
harrison | I am looking at a guide right now if you don't mind standing by that would be apreciated. | 03:23 |
slidinghorn | a link? | 03:25 |
harrison | | 03:29 |
harrison | I have one problem: I need a live cd to backup the data on the hard drive. | 03:30 |
=== bgs100 is now known as bgs000 | ||
slidinghorn | i take it the usb route didn't work? | 03:36 |
harrison | I can't I don't have a usb stick availibal | 03:38 |
harrison | netboot isn't working | 03:55 |
harrison | I guess I need to backup and try a usb stick | 03:56 |
zkriesse | what's up harrison | 03:57 |
zkriesse | harrison: Whatcha having trouble with? | 03:58 |
harrison | net boot | 03:58 |
harrison | I found the problem I think, the ethernet cable wasn't in all the way | 03:58 |
harrison | still didn't work but it connected to my server | 03:59 |
zkriesse | Yeah...that'd cause some issues | 03:59 |
zkriesse | Ok so what are you trying to do...explain it to me in it's entirety please... :D | 04:00 |
harrison | I got a few links via PM from Slidinghorn I followed the one for my situation, I can't boot off the cd drive and there are no usbs availibal right now | 04:02 |
zkriesse | So are you all good or still having issues | 04:02 |
harrison | still having issues | 04:04 |
zkriesse | Argh | 04:04 |
harrison | I know | 04:04 |
zkriesse | Issues suck | 04:04 |
harrison | if it helps any the computer is a dell inspiron 5100 from 2002 | 04:05 |
harrison | does anyone know how to connect wirelessly via CLI? | 04:12 |
zkriesse | nada...sorry | 04:15 |
harrison | I'l try the server section | 04:15 |
pedro3005 | I think it might be 'sudo ifconfig wlan0 up' (not necessarily wlan0) | 04:16 |
pedro3005 | not sure | 04:16 |
harrison | I got it | 04:28 |
harrison | I ended up were I should have started, googleing | 04:28 |
nhandler | robbmunson: !!!! | 05:00 |
robbmunson | hi boys! | 05:00 |
pedro3005 | hi robbmunson | 05:08 |
zkriesse | hello ThisDB | 06:39 |
ThisDB | Hi zkriesse | 06:39 |
zkriesse | How are you this evening/day/afternoon | 06:40 |
ThisDB | Good... I'm pondering how to get free in flight wifi | 06:40 |
ThisDB | But that's not ubuntu related | 06:40 |
zkriesse | Ah...on what? | 06:40 |
ThisDB | American airlines | 06:41 |
ThisDB | Gogo | 06:41 |
IdleOne | How much is it? | 06:41 |
ThisDB | 8$ for smartphones I thing | 06:42 |
ThisDB | For 1 leg of the flight | 06:42 |
zkriesse | Huh | 06:42 |
ThisDB | The long one | 06:42 |
IdleOne | how long is the flight? | 06:42 |
zkriesse | Where ya headed to/from? | 06:42 |
ThisDB | To boston | 06:43 |
ThisDB | Don't know how long | 06:43 |
ThisDB | From Texas | 06:43 |
IdleOne | bout 4-5 hours | 06:43 |
IdleOne | worth the $8 | 06:43 |
ThisDB | I'm cheap :D | 06:43 |
IdleOne | not worth risking being arrested for stealing wifi | 06:43 |
ThisDB | Wasn't thinking arrested | 06:43 |
ThisDB | I was thinking cupon code | 06:43 |
ThisDB | Sorry not thinking stealing | 06:44 |
IdleOne | ah, well | 06:44 |
zkriesse | oh hey IdleOne | 06:44 |
zkriesse | just realized ya | 06:44 |
IdleOne | evening zkriesse | 06:44 |
zkriesse | Hello head_victim | 07:50 |
head_victim | gday zkriesse | 07:51 |
zkriesse | Aussie? | 07:52 |
head_victim | Hah, yeah. | 07:52 |
zkriesse | Lol | 07:53 |
head_victim | You forget how little things are noticeable after a while. | 07:53 |
zkriesse | the "g'day" gave it away | 07:53 |
zkriesse | Couple buddies on here are from that area so I kinda can tell | 07:53 |
zkriesse | What brings ya here? | 07:53 |
head_victim | Just looking around for stuff to get more involved in I guess. | 07:54 |
zkriesse | AWESOME! | 07:54 |
zkriesse | Whatcha interested in? | 07:54 |
zkriesse | Wiki, coding, doc work? | 07:54 |
zkriesse | IRC? | 07:54 |
head_victim | I generally prefer irc/wiki type stuff as I'm a little technically challenged when it comes to programing, coding, etc. | 07:55 |
zkriesse | Oh cool | 07:55 |
* zkriesse is a wiki nut | 07:55 | |
head_victim | Hah I'm learning wiki a bit, it's a lot easier when I found a decent how to rather than just blundering along. | 07:56 |
zkriesse | Any wiki questions feel free to message/email/pm | 07:56 |
head_victim | Cheers mate, figured if I just came and hung around for a bit I'd see how it all went | 07:57 |
zkriesse | Colol | 07:57 |
zkriesse | I'll be here until I hit the sack | 07:57 |
zkriesse | which will be a while | 07:57 |
zkriesse | hey hobgoblin! | 07:57 |
hobgoblin | morning | 07:58 |
zkriesse | How's it goin man? | 07:58 |
hobgoblin | it's morning and I have not got home from work yet ;) | 07:59 |
zkriesse | So it sucks | 07:59 |
zkriesse | Night shift? | 07:59 |
hobgoblin | no not nights - I've just not started yet :) | 08:00 |
zkriesse | Oh gotcha | 08:00 |
zkriesse | You just missed robbmunson | 08:00 |
zkriesse | And dvz- is in here some where | 08:01 |
hobgoblin | not seen rob for some time | 08:01 |
zkriesse | Yeah, he's doing somewhat better so he says | 08:01 |
zkriesse | Had an injection for his legs | 08:02 |
hobgoblin | cool | 08:03 |
zkriesse | <robbmunson> Had surgery today. | 08:04 |
zkriesse | <robbmunson> injections in nerves of my legs to make them stop spasming...because the pills I were taking ultimately didnt work. | 08:04 |
hobgoblin | aaah - ty zkriesse | 08:10 |
zkriesse | yup | 08:17 |
kermiac | zkriesse: hey miss piggy!!!! :P | 08:17 |
kermiac | zkriesse: head_victim recently revamped the au loco wiki | 08:18 |
zkriesse | cool | 08:18 |
zkriesse | good one head_victim | 08:18 |
zkriesse | hows my froggy | 08:18 |
kermiac | zkriesse: hopping along ok, thanks mate ;) | 08:18 |
head_victim | hey kermiac so you hide out here hey. | 08:19 |
kermiac | zkriesse: how are you going? | 08:19 |
kermiac | head_victim: yeah mate, I'm part of this team too | 08:19 |
head_victim | kermiac: well there you go, you learn something new every day. | 08:19 |
zkriesse | lol | 08:20 |
zkriesse | head_victim: so you know, kermiac is Kermit to me and I'm Missy Piggy to him | 08:20 |
zkriesse | Our little joke right hoppers? | 08:20 |
kermiac | zkriesse: yeah, something like that mate ;) | 08:20 |
zkriesse | lol | 08:21 |
kermiac | it probably seems a bit strange to everyone else though haha | 08:21 |
zkriesse | lol | 08:21 |
head_victim | Whatever takes your fancy I say. | 08:21 |
duanedesign | good morning | 08:42 |
swoody | heya duanedesign :) | 08:52 |
=== swoody_ is now known as swoody | ||
=== swoody_ is now known as swoody | ||
=== zz_severity1 is now known as severity1 | ||
OutOfHand | hello all ... i was wondering ... mt pc is a Intel Foxconn 2 core... would i download the X86 or the AMD64BIT | 11:04 |
k3lt01 | The Foxconn 2 core is a 64 bit CPU isn't it? Ifit is download and install th 64 bit version | 11:05 |
OutOfHand | i been struggling on booting off the x86 via usb boot... it stops at isapnp : no plug & play device found - before it boots into the Gui splash screen | 11:05 |
OutOfHand | ahhh ok thanks ... that might have been my issue all along .... many thanks will try the 64 Bit | 11:06 |
k3lt01 | a 64 bit will be able to use an x86 setup | 11:06 |
OutOfHand | k3lt01 : problem is ... i install the x86 setup via wubi... in windoze ... installs fine .. but when i have to reboot ... it hangs | 11:07 |
OutOfHand | and does not proceed . if i go safe graphics ... it stops at isapnp : no plug & play device found - before it boots into the Gui splash screen | 11:08 |
k3lt01 | ah ok, I'v never used wubi so I'd just b guessing | 11:08 |
OutOfHand | i have taken photo of problem | 11:08 |
k3lt01 | what version of windows are you running? 32 or 64 bit? | 11:08 |
OutOfHand | normal 32bit.. but what was off ,. when i installed windows xp for first time... it kept me at the blue screen @ "Installing drivers and devices 34min remaining" | 11:10 |
OutOfHand | and froze... \ | 11:10 |
OutOfHand | so i googled arround and found that when it boots up press f10 to get to a cmd line ... | 11:10 |
OutOfHand | i had to find the cpu.inf file and delete it ... cos it was freezing the installation .. never encountered a prob like that... | 11:10 |
k3lt01 | if your running 32bit windowsand want to use wubi stick with x86 | 11:10 |
OutOfHand | could it be related ? | 11:10 |
k3lt01 | I've never come across anything like that either so I can't be sure about it | 11:11 |
OutOfHand | i dont want to use windows.... but problem is some apps only work in windoze ... | 11:12 |
OutOfHand | and i miss ubuntu ... | 11:12 |
OutOfHand | i cant even load off a usb live disk | 11:12 |
OutOfHand | its odd | 11:12 |
k3lt01 | have you considered a VM with WIndows within Ubuntu? | 11:12 |
OutOfHand | but .. the VM ... how does that work ? i must install virtualBox? when it installs complete, i must still register the windows xp throught the VM... but it wont pick up all the drivers ... for the Comport and stuff... of have thjey fixed it ? | 11:13 |
k3lt01 | Last time I used a VM, for iTunes of all things, verything worked | 11:14 |
OutOfHand | is vm freeware? | 11:15 |
k3lt01 | get it through synaptic | 11:15 |
OutOfHand | ok .. will try. but im concerened | 11:16 |
OutOfHand | hear me out ... | 11:16 |
k3lt01 | just be sure to back up wveruthing you need | 11:17 |
OutOfHand | i have 3 hdd 1 =500GB with windows xp | 11:17 |
OutOfHand | 2= 1TB - movies and all | 11:17 |
OutOfHand | 3= 500Gb extra ... i tried to install ubuntu on this drive ... | 11:18 |
OutOfHand | still freezes ,... | 11:18 |
k3lt01 | it is freezing on a usb install? | 11:18 |
OutOfHand | so if i format drive 3=500gb and install fresh of a live cd ... it would not install | 11:18 |
OutOfHand | yeah | 11:18 |
OutOfHand | can i upload u a jpg where it stalls on the usb install | 11:18 |
k3lt01 | try a LiveCD instead, I have heard of some issues with a usb made in usb creaor and other programs like it | 11:19 |
OutOfHand | ok .. will give a try | 11:20 |
k3lt01 | Thats a good question about the jpgm my first day here so I dont know | 11:20 |
OutOfHand | i know there a website ... like a dashboard sort of thing | 11:20 |
OutOfHand | cant ever find the link | 11:20 |
k3lt01 | Ubuntuforums? | 11:21 |
k3lt01 | | 11:21 |
OutOfHand | dunno ... looking | 11:21 |
geirha | !imagebin | 11:26 |
ubot2 | Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to and post a link to it. | 11:26 |
OutOfHand | thanks ... iwll upload now | 11:30 |
OutOfHand | | 11:31 |
OutOfHand | there it is | 11:31 |
k3lt01 | Is your BIOS st to boot from usb? | 11:33 |
k3lt01 | and is your usb actually bootable? have you tsted it on another machine? | 11:33 |
OutOfHand | yes | 11:33 |
OutOfHand | yeah i tested it ... | 11:33 |
OutOfHand | im downloading x86 and 64bit iso as we speak... and ill try again | 11:34 |
k3lt01 | you have other message there that could be relevant | 11:35 |
k3lt01 | sata link down, its almost lik it doesn;t see a hdd | 11:36 |
OutOfHand | yeah i was not sure about that | 11:37 |
OutOfHand | any ideas on that ? | 11:38 |
k3lt01 | thats your No Plug and Play Device found I'd bet, it dosn;t see an actual hard drive | 11:38 |
k3lt01 | check your cables inside th PC make sur thay re all connected properly | 11:38 |
OutOfHand | they work within windows though | 11:39 |
OutOfHand | ill try disc 1 at a time ... take one hdd off at a time | 11:39 |
k3lt01 | how old is this machine? | 11:40 |
OutOfHand | its about 8 months now | 11:40 |
k3lt01 | ok so it will probably be a 64 bit system, I'm wondering how the disks are setup | 11:41 |
OutOfHand | how do u mean the disks ? | 11:42 |
k3lt01 | whn you boot into Windows does it tll you in the post test if you have a RAID array? | 11:42 |
OutOfHand | no .. i dont follow ... | 11:43 |
OutOfHand | not that i can see | 11:43 |
k3lt01 | old ata disks were setup by ribbon cables and workd indepndantly of each other | 11:43 |
k3lt01 | new sata disks can be setup in an array so that you can have multiple disks but they appear to the BIOS as 1 disk | 11:44 |
k3lt01 | so your 2 disks of 500gb may actually be only rcognised as 1 disk | 11:44 |
OutOfHand | ok... | 11:49 |
geirha | OutOfHand: When it freezes like that, is there any response from the keyboard? E.g. hitting Caps Lock, does it toggle the Caps Lock led? | 11:49 |
OutOfHand | hmmm... | 11:49 |
OutOfHand | no nothing .. got a wireless kB and Mouse .. cant see ant caps lock happening | 11:50 |
geirha | Also, have you tried booting into recovery mode (with the wubi install)? | 11:50 |
OutOfHand | no led's | 11:50 |
OutOfHand | recovery mode with wubi? how do u do that ? | 11:50 |
geirha | When you boot, you'll first get to windows's boot loader where you can choose between windows and ubuntu | 11:51 |
OutOfHand | yes correct | 11:51 |
geirha | Right after choosing ubuntu, hit Esc (or shift?) to get to another boot menu. | 11:51 |
OutOfHand | yeah i tried that | 11:52 |
geirha | Then choose the second entry, with a (recovery) at the end | 11:52 |
OutOfHand | it says /// boot of hdd /// normal mode/// and safe graphics mode //// and 2 other names ... and last one is DEMO mode | 11:52 |
geirha | OutOfHand: That's the liveCD, I mean boot the one you installed on disk (with wubi) | 11:53 |
OutOfHand | i tried safe mode graphics... it hangs at the screen i uploaded | 11:53 |
OutOfHand | ok | 11:53 |
OutOfHand | i will try that tonight | 11:54 |
OutOfHand | geirha... that was the menu i got after i installed through wubi. once it reboots, and as it says press ESC .. i press ESC or Shift ... and those are the options i get ... | 11:57 |
OutOfHand | does not load into splash screen to finalize setup | 11:57 |
OutOfHand | last time i never had such issues installing ubuntu ... makes me sad :( but awsome to learn | 11:58 |
geirha | Hm. That's odd. Must be something new with the latest wubi install. | 11:59 |
OutOfHand | i dunno ... its confusing .. i honestly think it might be something to do with the damn foxconn drivers ... cos even windows gave me crap... also .. it might be my HDD's ... | 12:01 |
OutOfHand | the Sata ... and older HDD... i dunno .. will have to get hands dirty again | 12:01 |
k3lt01 | you have both types of hdds in there? | 12:01 |
OutOfHand | not as far as i can remember ... i think they are all SATA | 12:02 |
OutOfHand | but i will have to go see | 12:02 |
k3lt01 | ok | 12:02 |
OutOfHand | one might be the old IDE | 12:02 |
k3lt01 | sata hav small cables | 12:02 |
OutOfHand | i think\ | 12:02 |
k3lt01 | ata have ribbon cables | 12:02 |
OutOfHand | yeah thanks | 12:02 |
OutOfHand | im aware of that .. :) | 12:03 |
k3lt01 | lol, sorry | 12:03 |
OutOfHand | no :) its cool :) | 12:03 |
k3lt01 | even if you do have a raid array it should still install, it would jst do it over both disks | 12:04 |
OutOfHand | one thing i can say .... im glad ubuntu does not have so manny issues with the OS... like win does ... i been working with win a looooooong time | 12:04 |
OutOfHand | yeah raid it should install one them disks | 12:05 |
OutOfHand | but they all independant , no array setup | 12:05 |
k3lt01 | ah ok | 12:05 |
OutOfHand | what awsome apps does ubuntu have now ? | 12:05 |
OutOfHand | last one i played with was 8 | 12:06 |
k3lt01 | is that a question or a rhetorical statement | 12:06 |
OutOfHand | just curious ... any great apps u enjoy ? | 12:06 |
k3lt01 | devede | 12:06 |
k3lt01 | i take more out than i put in | 12:07 |
OutOfHand | haha ... why so ? | 12:07 |
OutOfHand | u prefere running like a bomb ? | 12:08 |
k3lt01 | my laptop, this machine is my internt machine | 12:08 |
k3lt01 | and my desktop is my ntrtainment unit | 12:08 |
k3lt01 | no i just dont need alot of apps so i remov what i dont need | 12:08 |
OutOfHand | yeah... i can reason with that | 12:09 |
OutOfHand | brb... wanna go for a smoke | 12:09 |
OutOfHand | where u at ? | 12:09 |
k3lt01 | Anyway, its getting late here (australia) so i'm grabbing some sleep | 12:09 |
OutOfHand | thanks for the help K3lto1 | 12:09 |
OutOfHand | and geirha | 12:10 |
OutOfHand | thanks ... i will try and hope to get success | 12:10 |
k3lt01 | thats fine, i learned as much as you, geirha was brilliant | 12:10 |
harrison | hello | 14:33 |
marianna | hi | 14:34 |
marianna | I was wondering how to delete programs that I "almost" installed. That is, I didn't write 'make install' but I did everything else | 14:35 |
deepk | Well behaving dual-boot Ubuntu 9.10 (with Windows Vista) suddenly stopped recognizing Keyboard. Windows Vista recognizes it. What might cause it? | 14:45 |
duanedesign | hello deepk | 14:47 |
duanedesign | hello deepk | 14:47 |
deepk | hi! | 14:48 |
duanedesign | its 9.10? | 14:48 |
deepk | Yes. | 14:49 |
duanedesign | do the system menus and the right-click menu that appears when using the mouse still work | 14:49 |
Timpiri | hi! | 14:50 |
deepk | Actually, my nephew (who has this setup) complains that he's able to enter his login name and password, but once he enters the desktop, keyboard stops functioning. | 14:50 |
deepk | he says mouse is all right. | 14:50 |
geirha | So none of the keys produce any characters? | 14:51 |
Timpiri | may i ask for some help please? i have installed ubuntu 10.04 to my other machine, but there has been a problem after the updating... | 14:51 |
geirha | Don't ask to ask, just ask ;) | 14:51 |
deepk | duanedesign: any other thing I should ask him to look for? | 14:52 |
Timpiri | All right!:) So the problem is that after the update i restarted the machine...and then after login, no panels, i cant see anything other than the background, and i get a few error messages... | 14:52 |
duanedesign | deepk: if - ctrl+alt+f1 lets you switch to a console | 14:52 |
deepk | it's not. | 14:53 |
duanedesign | i would run the ocmmands: /etc/init.d/dbus start /etc/init.d/hal start | 14:53 |
duanedesign | ok | 14:53 |
deepk | he says none of ctrl+alt+function keys work. ctrl+alt+f8 gives him a "blank" screen. | 14:54 |
Timpiri | 1. could not update iceauthority file 2.there is a configuration problem with the server. 3.Nautilus could not create the following required folders: /home/user/Desktop, /home/user/nautilus | 14:54 |
duanedesign | deepk: i assume he tried unplugging and plugging it back in? | 14:56 |
deepk | yeah, he did. but does not help. actually, he says "how come it works on Windows?" | 14:57 |
deepk | I am trying to divert him away from Windows. Selling Ubuntu. | 14:57 |
Timpiri | about the update: it wasn't going too smoothly, first of all the internet connection (don't know why) speed was jumping between 0 and 630K...when it finished, it dropped me a message something about that some of the files that should have been downloaded were not reachable... | 14:57 |
deepk | And I thank you for helping me out. The machine is in India and I am trying to help remotely. I can understand the plight ... | 14:58 |
duanedesign | deepk: you might try a newer version | 14:58 |
duanedesign | of Ubuntu | 14:58 |
deepk | That's a rather hard sell. 9.10 is ok, right? | 14:59 |
duanedesign | deepk: might be a bug that has been fixed. | 14:59 |
deepk | hmmm. possible. | 14:59 |
deepk | do you have a launchpad entry or should I do a search? | 14:59 |
deepk | Anything else I should ask him to try out before giving up? | 15:01 |
duanedesign | | 15:01 |
duanedesign | deepk: if he has a live CD you can boot into it | 15:02 |
duanedesign | sudo gedit /etc/default/console-setup check the contents of the file | 15:02 |
deepk | Ah, ok. Thanks a bunch. Will debug with him using Live CD. | 15:03 |
deepk | I think this IRC channel is as important as #ubuntu. Thank you! | 15:04 |
duanedesign | deepk: also might try: Sysrq+R (raw keyboard) allows to go back to ctrl+alt+f1 VT1 and then computer works. | 15:05 |
duanedesign | not exactly sure what that means :P | 15:05 |
duanedesign | sys rq + R brings up console I think is what they are saying | 15:06 |
duanedesign | deepk: last link i have: | 15:06 |
smeag0l | hi Silver_Fox_ | 15:49 |
Silver_Fox_ | Hello | 15:49 |
Silver_Fox_ | How are you ? | 15:49 |
smeag0l | a bit sleepy just woke up other wise i m good you ? | 15:50 |
Silver_Fox_ | I am fine thank you, I am doing some work for apple application (Boring!) | 15:51 |
Silver_Fox_ | Hey bobo123 =) How are you doing ? | 15:51 |
smeag0l | heh | 15:51 |
philinux | morneveaft : I'd like to remove some of the noise in IRc like peeps joining leaving. Any way? | 15:51 |
bobo123 | Silver_Fox_: hi! well I'm mostly ok I think :) | 15:51 |
Silver_Fox_ | You could hide join depart messages | 15:51 |
Silver_Fox_ | ^ philinux | 15:51 |
Silver_Fox_ | Depends on the client application | 15:52 |
philinux | Silver_Fox_: whats the command I thought I'd seen it somewhere | 15:52 |
philinux | xchat | 15:52 |
Silver_Fox_ | /set irc_conf_mode 1 | 15:52 |
Silver_Fox_ | I think | 15:52 |
Silver_Fox_ | That will apply to all channels | 15:52 |
Silver_Fox_ | Mostly bobo123 ? Is something the matter? | 15:53 |
bobo123 | is it possible to have the ~/.macromedia/ and ~/.adobe/ deleted automaticly when firefox exits? | 15:54 |
philinux | Silver_Fox_: I googled that and found Right click on channel> Settings ahaa | 15:54 |
bobo123 | (instead of having to install yet another fx extension to get rid of the flash cookies) | 15:54 |
Silver_Fox_ | Guess I am a sucker for non gui solutions philinux ;) | 15:55 |
philinux | Silver_Fox_: lol. That one you gave does it globally. The gui is channel specific. Learn something new every day eh | 15:56 |
Silver_Fox_ | Yes, you do philinux | 15:57 |
philinux | Silver_Fox_: the #ubuntu channel has a lot of join/part stuff. Nice to get shut | 15:57 |
Silver_Fox_ | philinux, That is a place I avoid. It is a bit busy for me. Lots of people all wanting attention at the same time. | 15:58 |
Silver_Fox_ | >.< | 15:58 |
philinux | LOL | 15:58 |
Silver_Fox_ | I just get headaches trying to follow it all | 15:59 |
bobo123 | would it be possible to just change the menu command to instead of starting "firefox %u" (what is the %u for btw?) instead start "firefox %u; rm -rf ~/.macromedia; rm -rf ~/.adobe" ? | 15:59 |
Silver_Fox_ | They are switches which are substituted with objects when launching the application. For example in the firefox %u command, the %u stats for a single URL | 15:59 |
Silver_Fox_ | bobo123 ^ | 16:00 |
Silver_Fox_ | Have a look here for more info bobo123 -> | 16:00 |
Silver_Fox_ | Or if you are KDE have a look at this bobo123 -> | 16:01 |
bobo123 | phillw: yeah the #ubuntu is impossible to use without turning on hiding of join/parts in your irc client. in Pidgin it is one of the default listed plugins, I did set it too that for rooms with more than 200 persons | 16:01 |
philinux | bobo123: Just use a script | 16:02 |
bobo123 | aha | 16:02 |
Silver_Fox_ | +1 script | 16:02 |
bobo123 | and yes I'm using ubuntu default (gnome) | 16:03 |
philinux | bobo123: why delete .adobe | 16:03 |
Silver_Fox_ | Adobe is EVIL ;) Hehe | 16:03 |
bobo123 | yes :-D | 16:03 |
Silver_Fox_ | Like me | 16:03 |
philinux | Whats hidden in that drirectory then? | 16:04 |
bobo123 | but your are the *right kind* of evi ;-) | 16:04 |
Silver_Fox_ | Good question philinux , what is in that dir bobo123 ? I am aware of what goes in to macromedia | 16:04 |
bobo123 | philinux: adobe stores its cookies there in both those direcories I think. well they said so on slashdot at least. | 16:04 |
Silver_Fox_ | Interesting.... | 16:05 |
* Silver_Fox_ will check later when I have a minute | 16:05 | |
philinux | But it has the acroread settings too. | 16:05 |
bobo123 | I don't think I use acroread in linux. why whould I when ubuntu have a better pdf-viewer builtin? | 16:06 |
philinux | bobo123: evince cant read some pdf at all | 16:06 |
philinux | bobo123: and there's no firefox plugin | 16:07 |
bobo123 | and if I would install say photoshop or something, then its settings would be somewhere under .wine, right? | 16:07 |
bobo123 | aha | 16:07 |
Silver_Fox_ | Wine.... memories, swearing... found alternatives ;) | 16:08 |
JoeMaverickSett | Silver_Fox_, define the alternatives. =D | 16:08 |
bobo123 | Ok, personally I hate when pdf's gets embedded into the webbrowser pretendeing to be webpages. I want any pdf I click on to open in its own application window. But I guess it is a problem if some pdf's isn't readble in ubntus viewer | 16:09 |
bobo123 | something that would be nice is if the viewer, if started by firefox (only then!), had an extra button in its buttonbar "Save and exit" that when pressed moved the pdf from /tmp to my desktop (or asked for place) and exited the viewer. | 16:11 |
Silver_Fox_ | Hello JoeMaverickSett , are you well? Alternative applications for the commercially available software. In my case I started using Umbrello for Unified Modeling Language diagrams | 16:11 |
bobo123 | now if someone could join evince and comix into one program..... copy evince pdf-support into comix... that would be something... | 16:20 |
Silver_Fox_ | Hello |[i||AZ , how are you? | 16:22 |
JoeMaverickSett | Silver_Fox_, alright, alright! i get it! =D | 16:22 |
Silver_Fox_ | Okay | 16:23 |
Silver_Fox_ | You did ask | 16:23 |
Silver_Fox_ | ;) | 16:23 |
* Silver_Fox_ goes back to writing report | 16:23 | |
bobo123 | Silver_Fox_: btw, the website doesn't give me any webpages at all here.... that is regardless of url they webpages i 0 bytes empty | 16:25 |
Silver_Fox_ | How odd, I need to check my list of useful links again... *sigh* | 16:26 |
Silver_Fox_ | Thank you bobo123 | 16:26 |
bobo123 | hmmm... wget gives me a '500 Internal Server Error' so perhaps it is juste temporary | 16:27 |
philinux | That link gives a blank page ^^ | 16:30 |
bobo123 | strange is wget gives 500 Internal Server Error, and wget give 404 Not Found, but in firefox both results in blank page and don't display any error message | 16:36 |
Silver_Fox_ | Hurrah, report done. Should be a fun day developing tomorrow :) | 16:44 |
paultag | CRAP! | 16:46 |
paultag | I can't do reports at all | 16:46 |
paultag | I keep forgetting | 16:46 |
paultag | every darn month | 16:46 |
Silver_Fox_ | Oh mine was pretty basic paultag . I was eyeing up (get it - pun) the competition and just doing a few screenshots and feature list | 16:47 |
philinux | Hey Piskie o/ | 16:48 |
hobgoblin | hi philinux | 16:49 |
user_ | anybody knows when nvidia 256.35 drivers will be avaiable in "hardware drivers"? | 16:49 |
hobgoblin | user_: if it works the same way as other things it will be in meerkat - not too sure whether nvidia drivers follow the normal pattern | 16:52 |
philinux | They might use the backports | 16:52 |
=== bgs000 is now known as bgs100 | ||
hobgoblin | aah yes possibly | 16:53 |
* hobgoblin forgets backports - once bitten twice shy lol | 16:53 | |
philinux | hobgoblin: Never had a problem with backports. Proposed yes. lol | 16:54 |
hobgoblin | never had aproblem with proposed here | 16:54 |
philinux | hobgoblin: proposed is the testing bit backports are stable AFAIK | 16:55 |
hobgoblin | stable ... | 16:55 |
hobgoblin | heh | 16:55 |
philinux | I believe them | 16:56 |
bobo123 | hmm... perhaps I should uncheck proposed.... | 16:57 |
philinux | bobo123: defo unless you want to test ;) | 16:57 |
bobo123 | I wonder if the sofware-center bug is fixed yet.... I remeber that I set it to an older version to make it work some week ago... it is easy to forget | 16:58 |
philinux | bobo123: the 265 driver also needs the latest xorg. Why not set up a testing partition for maverick. By the way I see no difference on mav to lucid re graphics | 16:58 |
bobo123 | "user_" already left, people are too quick | 16:59 |
philinux | Far too quick | 17:00 |
hobgoblin | he latched on to me in PMs ... | 17:03 |
philinux | hobgoblin: I tel them to create a thread full stop lol | 17:03 |
philinux | Or do you mean in here? | 17:04 |
Silver_Fox_ | Its usually the way philinux , or at least how it tends to happen when i get involved :( | 17:05 |
Silver_Fox_ | I still prefer public | 17:06 |
philinux | Deffo | 17:06 |
Silver_Fox_ | Then I can be corrected and or get a second opinion | 17:06 |
Silver_Fox_ | I am not always right, unlike my master.... | 17:06 |
Silver_Fox_ | Back later, goodbye | 17:11 |
hobgoblin | that is my way of thinking too - but as it was not much to do with the issue I didn't bother | 17:15 |
BGL-[a] | does anyone know of a basic apache2 tutorial ? all the stuff i've found so far is way outdated | 17:16 |
phillw | BGL-[a]: what do you want to learn about apache2? | 17:20 |
BGL-[a] | hmm well just the basics | 17:23 |
BGL-[a] | i've got it running & just poking around | 17:24 |
phillw | BGL-[a]: the server guide is a good resource, | 17:24 |
phillw | I'm assuming you're running 10.04, there are versions for older releases as well. | 17:25 |
BGL-[a] | yeah i'm running 10.04 | 17:27 |
hobgoblin | so any uk people (or anyone who possibly might know) have any idea why a bt homehub fails badly with nfs ? | 17:36 |
* paultag rages | 18:23 | |
paultag | OK, this issue is really really pissing me off | 18:23 |
paultag | anyone know anything about filesystems and kernel modules WRT unionfs in 10.04 ? | 18:24 |
paultag | union-fuse sucks ass | 18:24 |
zkriesse | nada | 18:24 |
zkriesse | paultag: what the heck did you break now? | 18:24 |
philinux | paultag: might get more response in #ubuntu many more eyes | 18:24 |
paultag | zkriesse: nothing, it's what's breaking me | 18:24 |
paultag | philinux: Also more static | 18:25 |
paultag | philinux: this is an issue for a kernel guru | 18:25 |
zkriesse | paultag: Ok....just checking. Just don't blow it up | 18:25 |
philinux | True | 18:25 |
paultag | philinux: I've not been able to figure it out after a lot of owkr | 18:25 |
paultag | work * | 18:25 |
philinux | Hey guys. If I did an /away how do you say your back | 18:25 |
paultag | the developer of unionfs-fuse needs a shot to the gut | 18:25 |
paultag | philinux: /back or /away | 18:26 |
paultag | philinux: depending on client | 18:26 |
philinux | looks like the obvious worked on xchat lol | 18:26 |
paultag | /back there :) | 18:26 |
zkriesse | yup | 18:26 |
* paultag rages | 18:26 | |
paultag | back to this issue | 18:26 |
philinux | paultag: there's less static if you disable join and parts in #ubuntu | 18:26 |
zkriesse | philinux: and you know that /away <message note here> will do the away with a message | 18:27 |
philinux | yep | 18:27 |
paultag | philinux: yeah, but I mean, I'm not going to catch anyone other then IRC help pfolks, and I need someone who works with low level filesystem stuff | 18:27 |
paultag | philinux: this module is used in rare case | 18:27 |
philinux | ah ok | 18:27 |
paultag | Ugh, I'll just download the darn source | 18:28 |
philinux | paultag: complining tonight !!! | 18:29 |
philinux | compiling lol | 18:29 |
paultag | Nah, I just need to see what the stupid thing's doing | 18:29 |
paultag | here's a hint -- not what the manpages say | 18:30 |
paultag | ugh | 18:30 |
sebsebseb | HI | 18:45 |
harrison | hello | 18:46 |
sebsebseb | harrison: hi | 18:46 |
harrison | ever used 7-zip? | 18:47 |
harrison | (p7zip in linux) | 18:47 |
Sketchbag | So.....when i start my buntu I get stuff thats starts automatically like a document that no longer exists and stuff like that. How do i edit whatever to remove these things from starting up? | 19:10 |
hobgoblin | you could try making usre that nothing is open and setting remember current apps | 19:11 |
Sketchbag | .......that just hides the problem though | 19:11 |
Sketchbag | i actually want to fix it | 19:11 |
Sketchbag | All my network shares are set for the specific users I have on my laptop and the main box | 19:12 |
kwg | How about main menu > Preferences > Startup Applications | 19:12 |
Sketchbag | They don't show up there .. | 19:13 |
hobgoblin | what did you do just before the issue turned up | 19:13 |
Sketchbag | It pops up stuff like tomboy notes and an empty document in document veiwer | 19:13 |
Sketchbag | nothing .....I noobishly had remember running applications on shutdown for like a year | 19:14 |
Sketchbag | So now this stuff doesn't exist anymore and even though I turned the rember checkbox off it still pops up | 19:14 |
hobgoblin | sop have you tried making sure that nothing is starting - setting remember apps and rebooting | 19:16 |
Sketchbag | My laptop is messed bad by this problem constantly opens totem on boot trying to play a file on my network share , which it cannot so it spams errors until you kill it or the computer crasheds | 19:16 |
Sketchbag | K i'll try it | 19:17 |
Sketchbag | brb | 19:17 |
Sketchbag | lol yea it worked I didn't realize you had to actually push the button to save the session :P | 19:20 |
* Sketchbag *facepalm | 19:20 | |
hobgoblin | :) | 19:21 |
hobgoblin | I ahd the same issue once upon a time | 19:22 |
Sketchbag | I feel like such a noob now ha ha ! | 19:23 |
Sketchbag | Oh well I won't make that mistake again | 19:23 |
Sketchbag | Thanx soo much | 19:23 |
Sketchbag | so .....ummm could you help me with another problem ? | 19:24 |
Sketchbag | LOL! | 19:25 |
Sketchbag | I removed and purged totem cuz the youtube thing wasn't working inside the program , Then I looked and realized it was a bug but now I can't play flash in firefox | 19:26 |
Sketchbag | So I got and installed the gstreamer bad plugin | 19:27 |
Sketchbag | and its like the name says ...bad .. it doesnt work | 19:27 |
hobgoblin | I install all the gstreamer codecs | 19:27 |
hobgoblin | and flash I get with restricted extras at the same time | 19:28 |
Sketchbag | thats the thing they are all installed | 19:28 |
hobgoblin | what flash did you install ? | 19:29 |
Sketchbag | adobe flash plugin for firefox | 19:29 |
Sketchbag | but after the purge it asked me to install a plugin for firefox and I got gstreamer-bad | 19:31 |
Sketchbag | that was the only option | 19:31 |
hobgoblin | k - have a look here and post there if necessary | 19:32 |
Bodsda | evenin all | 20:31 |
paultag | hey Bodsda | 20:36 |
paultag | Bodsda: how's the kid? | 20:36 |
Bodsda | sup paultag ! | 20:36 |
Bodsda | paultag: still cooking buddy - due october 1st :) | 20:36 |
paultag | hahaha :) | 20:36 |
paultag | I just solved the most complex issue I've had in a long time | 20:37 |
paultag | two issues * | 20:37 |
Bodsda | paultag: you understand women? | 20:37 |
zkriesse | LOL | 20:38 |
paultag | pfft, I said complex not fsck()ing un-doable | 20:38 |
zkriesse | Bodsda: don't we wish we could | 20:38 |
zkriesse | Bodsda: How ya been man? | 20:39 |
Bodsda | zkriesse: well.. no actually :) that would make my brain hurt more than debugging regex issues | 20:39 |
zkriesse | True | 20:39 |
paultag | +1 | 20:39 |
Bodsda | zkriesse: not bad thanks mate, yourself? | 20:39 |
zkriesse | Ah doing ok | 20:39 |
Bodsda | paultag: what was it then mate? | 20:40 |
zkriesse | Bodsda: Congrats on the little one btw | 20:40 |
zkriesse | Bodsda: Boy or girl? | 20:40 |
Bodsda | zkriesse: cheers :) | 20:40 |
Bodsda | zkriesse: Girl | 20:40 |
* Bodsda hopes, otherwise that £350 pram will have to be returned | 20:40 | |
zkriesse | Bodsda: Awesome....My uncle has three daughters...the one is like not even three yet, she's sooo cute | 20:41 |
zkriesse | All my little cousins adore me though | 20:42 |
Bodsda | I have just gone back to a program I started writing a month ago, it is half way through the sanity check code but I cant remember what I was checking for :( FALE | 20:42 |
Bodsda | zkriesse: ladies man | 20:42 |
zkriesse | lol | 20:42 |
Bodsda | I have a funny story to share | 20:42 |
Bodsda | Imagine the following: | 20:43 |
Bodsda | A service desk for a borough council has an analyst who has been working there for 8 years. She is a racist feminist hell bent on doing as little as she can get away with | 20:44 |
Bodsda | A technician from the networks team sends said analyst an email detailing the location of a zip file | 20:44 |
Bodsda | P:\look here\ | 20:44 |
Bodsda | The reply he gets is........... "I cant find the file, please advise" | 20:45 |
Bodsda | How can you not find a file when given a working direct link??? | 20:45 |
paultag | ibuclaw: poke | 20:47 |
paultag | ibuclaw: I need someone to play idea football with right quick | 20:47 |
paultag | Bodsda: lulz | 20:48 |
Bodsda | paultag: she has a knack for pissing me off | 20:48 |
ibuclaw | paultag, I'll chip in, you do a header. :) | 20:48 |
ibuclaw | back of the net. | 20:48 |
Bodsda | like germany | 20:48 |
Bodsda | Unlucky England! | 20:49 |
ibuclaw | paultag, maybe in -team ? | 20:49 |
ibuclaw | Bodsda, this isn't really a chit-chat channel. ;) | 20:49 |
paultag | ibuclaw: aye | 20:50 |
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