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JoeMaverickSett | there is a "Installing LAMP server" session here, right? | 16:26 |
Ddorda | JoeMaverickSett: it's in few hours | 16:30 |
JoeMaverickSett | Ddorda, okie thanks. i'm gona nap for awhile. coz this part of world will see it at 2am in the morning. =D | 16:40 |
Ddorda | JoeMaverickSett: good night :) | 16:41 |
JoeMaverickSett | Ddorda, good night for now! i'll be back though! =D | 16:43 |
phillw | hi, just trying to tame the bot to announve the source for the slides for this presentation | 20:02 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Current Session: Installing a LAMP server - Instructor: phillw - Slides: http://people.ubuntu.com/~nhandler/slides/misc/InstallingALAMPServer.pdf | ||
ClassBot | Slides for Installing a LAMP server: http://people.ubuntu.com/~nhandler/slides/misc/InstallingALAMPServer.pdf | 20:02 |
phillw | Hi everyone, firstly my deepest apology for getting the time wrong. This class is for installing LAMP onto a desktop system, I'll give everyone a moment to get the slides | 20:04 |
phillw | I will be watching #ubuntu-classroom-chat, so if there are any questions, please feel free to ask. | 20:06 |
phillw | [slide 1] As it says, what we are going to cover | 20:07 |
phillw | [slide2] The server manual is an excellent resource, the link for it is at the end of this presentation | 20:08 |
phillw | [slide 3] Doing a search for installing LAMP onto ubuntu will provide many, many different methods for achieving this. This class has come about as a result of people having problems | 20:10 |
phillw | issuing the command from a terminal will list all the various things that tasksel can do, easily, for you. | 20:11 |
phillw | [slide 4] Navigating is quite easy | 20:11 |
phillw | [slide 5] The use of the space bar and the tab key are all important with tasksel | 20:12 |
phillw | tasksel does come pre-installed | 20:14 |
ClassBot | zkriesse asked: Does taskel come pre-installed? | 20:15 |
phillw | [slide 6] Just do as you are told, it is very important not to lose your MySQL master password !!! | 20:16 |
phillw | The installation takes about 5 minutes, dependant on the speed of your internet and computer | 20:17 |
phillw | [slide 7] As we're using a desktop system, installing phpmyadmin is easiest done using Synaptics Package Manager. I've seen occurances where using apt-get has caused problems; So I'd recommend you use Synaptics. | 20:18 |
phillw | [slide 8] The clicking on details is important, other wise you will not see the questions being asked | 20:19 |
phillw | Automatically closing after the changes have been applied is recommended, I haven't done so as I was taking screen shots | 20:20 |
phillw | [slide 9] Again, you are accepting the defaults. | 20:21 |
phillw | [slide 10] It makes sense to me to keep the same password for phpmyadmin as for the MySQL system, you can choose a different one if you wish. | 20:22 |
ClassBot | zkriesse asked: What all is the phpmyadmin for/it's purpose? | 20:23 |
phillw | phpmyadmin gives a nice GUI method of creating / editing MySQL databases, tables, users and data. | 20:24 |
zkriesse | Ok | 20:24 |
phillw | [slide 11] the log on screen for phpmyadmin, the user name created will be root (you can create new ones later) | 20:25 |
phillw | [slide 12] As we only need to confirm that phpmyadmin can see the default databases (on the left), we can now exit it. | 20:26 |
phillw | [slide 13] in php.ini you store all the information that apache2 will read when you start it up, I'm just going to cover the 10.04 one. | 20:28 |
phillw | the file itself is well commented. | 20:28 |
dvinchi | ke onda | 20:28 |
dvinchi | de ke es la clase de hoy? | 20:28 |
pleia2 | dvinchi: it's going on right now, please join #ubuntu-classroom-chat to talk :) | 20:29 |
phillw | [Slide 14] As the default installation is for production use, to be able to see any errors and warnings you need to put the development set of rules on and restart the apache2 server. | 20:30 |
phillw | [Slide 15] My old bug-bear, magic quotes. I'm glad to say that they are now turned off by default in 10.04. They are going to be gone completely from php at some point in the future, and their use is not recommended. | 20:32 |
phillw | [slide 16] prior to 10.04, they were on by default. I'd strongly recommend turning them off, as they are going to vanish from php at some point in the future. | 20:34 |
phillw | [slide 17] This slide contains various links for further reading and to read up on how the LAMP server works (if you are curious) and also introductions to using phpmyadmin and programming with php, writing web-sites etc. | 20:36 |
phillw | That concludes the presentation. If you have any questions, please post them in #ubuntu-classroom-chat with the prefix QUESTION: | 20:38 |
ClassBot | OolonColluphid asked: What is a good resource for post install setup and configuration? | 20:47 |
phillw | I'd suggest heading over to the server manual in the first instance, the two php.ini versions provided by 10.04 are excellent for swithich between production and development | 20:48 |
ClassBot | OolonColluphid asked: like how to set up user public_html directories, where to put images, cgi scripts etc. | 20:48 |
phillw | by default the apache server will point to /var/www you can make sub dierctories in there. | 20:49 |
ClassBot | There are are 10 minutes remaining in the current session. | 20:50 |
phillw | If you're not too keen on editing the configuration files to change directories, there is a GUI programme called webmin which can do those things for you. http://www.webmin.com/intro.html | 20:51 |
ClassBot | There are are 5 minutes remaining in the current session. | 20:55 |
ClassBot | OolonColluphid asked: is there a good resource for understanding the Apache config files? | 21:00 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi | ||
phillw | for further details on configuring up apache2, head over to http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/howto/ | 21:07 |
phillw | webmin is a GUI method of configuring up Server things (adding additional web sites to your lamp system, reading mail and error logs etc.) http://www.webmin.com/intro.html | 21:08 |
phillw | it can be got for ubuntu via http://www.webmin.com/deb.html | 21:10 |
JoeMaverickSett | oh! i missed the class, is there a log that i can look at? | 21:35 |
pleia2 | JoeMaverickSett: yep, http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/07/28/%23ubuntu-classroom.html | 21:35 |
JoeMaverickSett | pleia2, thanks. | 21:35 |
kosaidopo_ | hello guys | 21:59 |
kosaidopo_ | where can i find the schedule fo topics tnx | 21:59 |
nhandler | kosaidopo_: http://is.gd/8rtIi (It is in the /topic) | 22:13 |
kosaidopo_ | nhandler: yeh im there too bad for me i missed all the classes | 22:14 |
kosaidopo_ | : ( | 22:14 |
nhandler | kosaidopo_: More will be coming up. I would suggest subscribing to that calendar. | 22:14 |
kosaidopo_ | nhandler: how can i subscribe ? | 22:15 |
kosaidopo_ | by clickin that mascot google | 22:15 |
nhandler | kosaidopo_: If you use Google Calendar, you can hit the button in the bottom right hand corner of that page. Otherwise, you will need to figure out if your calendar application can subscribe to online ical files | 22:16 |
kosaidopo_ | nhandler: yeh i got a google account | 22:17 |
kosaidopo_ | but i m not vey fmilair with it | 22:17 |
kosaidopo_ | dude when ther eventwill be soon i ll get a mail right | 22:17 |
nhandler | kosaidopo_: If you setup Google Calendar to send you an email reminder, yes. | 22:18 |
kosaidopo_ | oh i sud set it up then | 22:18 |
kosaidopo_ | ok tnx ill try to find out how | 22:18 |
kosaidopo_ | nhandler: what abt those old classes i cant find em on the web or sutmhin ? | 22:27 |
nhandler | kosaidopo_: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom has links | 22:27 |
kosaidopo_ | nhandler: ok ttnx a lot | 22:28 |
kosaidopo_ | no i mean get those classes i missed out | 22:28 |
kosaidopo_ | u got me | 22:28 |
kosaidopo_ | yeh i saw grr@me sorry | 22:29 |
kosaidopo_ | ineed toclean my specs : D | 22:30 |
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