doctormo | pleia2 Do you know when you mess up and run a perl or python script as bash because of a malformed bang line, well I did that. But it did something weird. It made screenshots of the terminal window. | 00:24 |
doctormo | Ah it's the input command. | 00:25 |
ScottL | doctormo, does akgraner work for Linux Format Magazine? | 00:59 |
doctormo | ScottL: I think so | 00:59 |
akgraner | ScottL, nope | 00:59 |
akgraner | I freelance for Linux Pro and Ubuntu User Magazine | 01:00 |
akgraner | ScottL, I am finally back home and I haven't forgotten about interviewing you | 01:00 |
akgraner | I did however meet the editor in chief for Linux Format at OSCON last week | 01:01 |
akgraner | that was cool! | 01:01 |
ScottL | akgraner, no problem :) i have a ubuntu user magazine or two at home, i'll have a look for your work | 01:01 |
akgraner | Issue 4 on | 01:01 |
ScottL | akgraner, was that graham that you met? | 01:02 |
akgraner | I interviewed Jane Silber in Issue 4 and wrote and article on Ubuntu Women, Issue 5 was Matt Asay, and Issue 6 will be Jono | 01:02 |
akgraner | and for Linux Pro I did event reports of SELF, SCaLE UDS and I should have one on OSCON as well | 01:03 |
akgraner | ScottL, hmm might have been I need to look at the card - but I thought it was a Paul someone | 01:04 |
ScottL | paul is a shortish, slightly skinny guy with a perpetual stuble beard:) | 01:12 |
* paultag perks up | 01:13 | |
akgraner | nah this guy was tall | 01:13 |
akgraner | or at least to me me - I'm only 5'6" so anyone is tall to me most of the time | 01:13 |
akgraner | :-) | 01:13 |
doctormo | akgraner: does it pay well enough? | 01:13 |
* paultag goes back to afk | 01:13 | |
akgraner | doctormo, maybe if I wrote more articles | 01:14 |
akgraner | but - I am actually applying for some full time jobs this week | 01:14 |
maco | akgraner: 5'6" isnt short for a woman | 01:14 |
akgraner | intel, rackspace, slunk and a couple other places are hiring | 01:14 |
akgraner | splunk even | 01:14 |
maco | ooh i use rackspace for my website | 01:14 |
akgraner | doh - I can't type today | 01:14 |
akgraner | the whole openstack stuff is pretty cool... | 01:16 |
akgraner | maco, you going to be around for a while | 01:16 |
akgraner | I need a set of eyes to review the newsletter finally getting it out the door :-) | 01:16 |
maco | yeah | 01:16 |
czajkowski | pp | 01:17 |
akgraner | ok I'll ping you in a few if you don't mind? | 01:17 |
akgraner | good grief the wiki is SLOW | 01:17 |
ScottL | akgraner, it was probably graham that you met, he's pretty tall i believe | 01:21 |
akgraner | probably :-) | 01:22 |
akgraner | I'll look at his card once I get the newsletter out :-) and let you know for sure | 01:22 |
dholbach | good morning | 07:38 |
dholbach | nigelb: did you blog about cleansweep yesterday? | 07:45 |
dholbach | nigelb: if not, it might make sense to mention cleansweep+UGJ | 07:53 |
nigelb | dholbach: I got swamped. I'll do it today. | 08:09 |
doctormo | nigelb: Before I go to bed | 08:17 |
* dholbach hugs nigelb | 08:17 | |
doctormo | nigelb: I wanted to ask if you had heard of Limca, something my wife made me drink last night. | 08:18 |
nigelb | doctormo: yes I have | 08:32 |
nigelb | doctormo: pretty good drink ;) | 08:32 |
nigelb | dholbach: I have to redefine "swamped" every day :( | 08:33 |
doctormo | lol | 08:34 |
doctormo | nigelb: My wife made a good panera curry too. home made yogurt, yum. | 08:34 |
vish | hmm , no sense! | 08:38 |
vish | err! , that doesnt sound right , i meant Sense isnt here : | 08:38 |
dholbach | haha | 08:40 |
vish | he tried to get people blogging in local languages and there are negative responses :( > | 08:48 |
duanedesign | vish: hmm, not sure what to make of those comments :\ | 08:57 |
vish | duanedesign: yeah , its bound to happen until we get a way to sort the messages :s | 08:58 |
nigelb | duanedesign: I actually like it :) | 08:58 |
vish | nigelb: comment there! | 08:58 |
nigelb | option II would be include translation after the post. | 08:58 |
vish | s/messages/blogs | 08:59 |
nigelb | vish: sense was taling about something like so you get only english | 09:00 |
nigelb | will give you all the posts | 09:00 |
vish | yup | 09:00 |
dholbach | nigelb: I just got in touch with the berlin team about the UGJ planning and I promised I'd do something with cleansweep :) | 09:07 |
duanedesign | its unfortunate that people would make comments like "dont post in your native tongue because most people will skip it anyway". most people == English speakers? | 09:09 |
nigelb | dholbach: awesome :) | 09:12 |
nigelb | duanedesign: it is :( | 09:12 |
duanedesign | nigelb: did your computer mess up? I thought i read your computer had some problem? | 09:15 |
nigelb | duanedesign: yes you read right. | 09:16 |
nigelb | I'm at work | 09:16 |
nigelb | Also work gave me a laptop for temporary use. | 09:16 |
nigelb | motherboard got busted :( | 09:17 |
vish | nigelb you will be our[human's] secret weapon , when skynet takes over ;) | 09:31 |
vish | we give it to you and it will get busted ;p | 09:32 |
nigelb | vish: hahahaha | 09:37 |
nigelb | vish: optionally, ask HP to manufacture. That works better. | 09:55 |
vish | nigelb: duanedesign: needs fixing first i guess | 10:03 |
vish | czajkowski: too ^^ | 10:03 |
vish | when its in the guidelines , it tough to support.. | 10:04 |
duanedesign | vish: i think there have been some neat ideas presented. like planet.ubuntu/fr or planet.ubuntu/global | 10:12 |
czajkowski | vish: eh ? | 10:33 |
vish | czajkowski: related to multilungual posts in planet | 10:33 |
czajkowski | vish: ah ok | 10:36 |
cjohnston | was the english only changed for planet? | 11:31 |
AlanBell | oh, ddorda is posting in Hebrew, cool. | 11:41 |
czajkowski | yay | 11:42 |
nigelb | AlanBell: see comments :( | 11:59 |
czajkowski | wow | 12:03 |
czajkowski | what asholes tbh | 12:03 |
czajkowski | grrrrrr | 12:03 |
nigelb | czajkowski: I know. Asking for a translation is okay, but asking them to refrain from posting is sooooo rude :/ | 12:08 |
czajkowski | aye see my comment on post | 12:09 |
dholbach | james_w: listened to the new Klute album already? | 12:29 |
dholbach | james_w: there's a few nice tracks on there | 12:29 |
AlanBell | as the size of the community of Ubuntu Members grows there are going to be more and more people who get their blogs on the planet who post in assorted languages | 13:00 |
AlanBell | I think the "English preferred" rule is no longer in touch with the reality of the community, and will get less so | 13:01 |
popey | at what proportion does it get irritating though? | 13:03 |
popey | what if 90% of the people on planet ubuntu posted in non-EN ? | 13:03 |
popey | and one would assume they'd be all kinds of languages, not just one | 13:03 |
popey | I agree with the posters that it breaks the whole point of RSS, in that aggregating content in my rss reader is done to prevent me having to go and seek out 'news'. If i have to go and seek out translations (which I would have to do for every non-EN post) it would dramatically reduce the whole RSS experience | 13:08 |
dholbach | start learning new languages! :-P | 13:09 |
popey | I have a hard enough time with python! | 13:11 |
dholbach | I see :) | 13:14 |
AlanBell | there are many planets and having language tagging in the aggregated planet sounds like a good technical move | 13:14 |
AlanBell | however is an aggregation of Ubuntu Members blogs | 13:15 |
AlanBell | not an aggregation of "good blogs that talk about Ubuntu a lot in English" | 13:15 |
popey | well, technically it is | 13:16 |
popey | we currently ask that people don't annoy people (good blogs) and that they write in English | 13:16 |
AlanBell | yup, I just think that request could be revisited | 13:19 |
AlanBell | well, the second part! | 13:20 |
popey | sure | 13:20 |
popey | but to say that the current state is 'not an aggregation of "good blogs that talk about Ubuntu a lot in English"' is somewhat bending the truth | 13:21 |
AlanBell | oh, it certainly happens to be both at the moment | 13:22 |
popey | put it on the cc agenda :) | 13:23 |
nigelb | czajkowski: love the comment | 13:29 |
nigelb | love the picture even more :p | 13:29 |
james_w | dholbach: I didn't know there was one | 13:35 |
dholbach | james_w: release this or last week :) | 13:36 |
dholbach | james_w: even in U1MS :) | 13:37 |
AlanBell | it is on the CC agenda, if anyone wants to help describe arguments for (or against) then feel free here | 13:45 |
paultag | AlanBell: what's the policy on that? Dor of the I.l LoCo asked me if he coyuld write posts in Hebrew | 14:12 |
paultag | Il * | 14:12 |
paultag | could * | 14:12 |
paultag | Gah! Lag! | 14:13 |
popey | paultag: | 14:13 |
popey | "As a rule of thumb, English should be considered the "lingua franca" of Planet Ubuntu. There are a number of language and locale specific Planets run by Ubuntu LoCo Teams, which are a great way for teams to get news out in their local language. However, the official Ubuntu Planet should attempt to use English where possible to reach the widest possible audience" | 14:13 |
paultag | Hummm. | 14:13 |
paultag | This'll need some thought :) | 14:15 |
AlanBell | tis like the pirate code, more of a guidline than a law. Arrrrr | 14:15 |
paultag | Alright, you need to stop that. My co-workers are looking at me funny | 14:16 |
paultag | I laughed a bit, and without noticing it said "Arrr" | 14:17 |
paultag | Wow, anyone have screen blow up on them? | 14:18 |
paultag | <-- my last session | 14:18 |
popey | lovely | 14:18 |
huats | hi everyone ! | 14:28 |
paultag | hey huats :) | 14:32 |
huats | hey paultag :D | 14:33 |
* popey tickles JFo with a usb stick | 15:51 | |
* JFo sneezes on popey | 15:51 | |
JFo | :( sorry about that | 15:51 |
JFo | rally flu and all | 15:51 |
popey | :) | 15:52 |
JFo | so what's up popey? | 15:56 |
JFo | ah, I bet you are going to ask be about uEFI bootable USB keys? | 15:57 |
popey | wondered if you'd had any chance to look at usb booting sticky.... | 15:57 |
popey | you got it :) | 15:57 |
JFo | heh | 15:57 |
JFo | we've done tons of work, but I didn't get to that. There are some things in progress that I am holding on | 15:57 |
popey | is it something the community can help with? | 15:57 |
JFo | if nothing changes, I should be able to get something going this weekend | 15:57 |
JFo | well, it is work being done in the distro that I don't have complete details on | 15:58 |
popey | ok | 15:58 |
JFo | so I am waiting to get more info before I proceed | 15:58 |
popey | magic, will poke you again after some undertermined time has passed | 15:58 |
JFo | the Rally piled a lot of things ahead of it unfortunately :( | 15:58 |
JFo | hit me again next week | 15:58 |
popey | wilco, thanks for the update | 15:58 |
JFo | that way I can see about this weekends work | 15:59 |
JFo | certainly :) | 15:59 |
JFo | just sorry I don't have anything for you yet :( | 15:59 |
popey | no worries, I have other things to keep me busy :) | 15:59 |
JFo | popey, on a related note: | 16:01 |
popey | ooooooooooo | 16:02 |
JFo | that is part of the research to get what I want to give you ^ | 16:02 |
JFo | :) | 16:02 |
* popey clicks 'subscribe' | 16:02 | |
JFo | you can have as many ISOs as you want on one key | 16:02 |
* popey envisages a massive usb key containing EVERY ISO EVER MADE! | 16:02 | |
popey | MUHAHAHAAHAHA | 16:02 |
popey | etc | 16:02 |
JFo | we are also working on a way to allow you to rsync updates to the image | 16:03 |
JFo | that will come soon | 16:03 |
JFo | so as ISOs change (re: dev ISOs) you can gather updates to the ISO on an image that you'd then dd over to the key | 16:03 |
JFo | but we needed that bit so we can do the EFI stuff since grub will be involved there as well | 16:04 |
JFo | popey, | 16:06 |
JFo | :) | 16:06 |
JFo | for your massive USB key | 16:06 |
popey | golly! | 16:06 |
* popey does some 'math' | 16:07 | |
popey | that could hold... | 16:07 |
JFo | heh | 16:07 |
popey | a lot | 16:07 |
popey | of ISOs | 16:07 |
JFo | yep | 16:07 |
dholbach | ok my friends - I call it a day | 16:33 |
dholbach | see you all tomorrow! | 16:33 |
* dholbach hugs you all | 16:33 | |
Technoviking | jcastro or jono: ping-a-ling | 16:36 |
nigelb | jorge is at guadec, you might get lucky with jono | 16:37 |
Technoviking | anyone know who Canonical media contact is? | 16:38 |
* nigelb looks at popey | 16:38 | |
popey | Gerry Carr | 16:38 |
nigelb | he generally knows this stuff | 16:38 |
czajkowski | hi | 16:40 |
Technoviking | a report is wanting the Forums Council to comment on Dell droping Ubuntu. wanted to pass him on to someone more official | 16:40 |
Technoviking | s/report/reporter sigh.... (spell you bastard, spell) | 16:41 |
AlanBell | Gerry is reportedly planning to make a statement on that today | 16:41 |
popey | Matthew forwarded that to the CC, but a canonical person might be better, Gerry is best I'd say? | 16:41 |
Technoviking | thanks, | 16:41 |
czajkowski | anyone seen jono today | 16:52 |
paultag | czajkowski: no ma'am | 16:52 |
nigelb | czajkowski: he's done his disappearing act hasn't he? | 16:58 |
vish | Technoviking: dell just seems to have included Ubuntu again | 17:00 |
vish | | 17:01 |
AlanBell | vish: nope, that was always there | 17:02 |
AlanBell | the issue is in the UK and Europe | 17:02 |
AlanBell | <- there was a page there | 17:03 |
vish | AlanBell: ah.. that issue.. | 17:03 |
* nigelb wishes dell had ubuntu in india :( | 17:04 | |
AlanBell | | 17:04 |
vish | AlanBell: snap! i was just about to hit enter on a long comment praising that post ;) | 17:06 |
AlanBell | praise away! | 17:06 |
czajkowski | nigelb: no that's just where a lot of the call center is :p | 17:06 |
vish | bad czajkowski! | 17:07 |
vish | ;p | 17:07 |
czajkowski | but true! | 17:07 |
nigelb | czajkowski: true indeed. | 17:08 |
nigelb | They used to have ubuntu option for india | 17:08 |
nigelb | my roommate bought too. later, its no longer there | 17:08 |
paultag | OK, perhaps someone crazy in here has the answers I seek. I'd like to be able to specify a process ID, and have all filesystem writes be translated from / to /prefix/ | 17:41 |
paultag | optionally, also reads, if the file exists in /prefix/ | 17:41 |
AlanBell | you want to chroot a running process? | 17:45 |
paultag | AlanBell: well not quite. I'd like it to read the root, but not write | 17:46 |
paultag | AlanBell: a half-chroot, if you will | 17:46 |
paultag | I can't find anything at all | 17:53 |
paultag | Ohhh, I have an idea. | 18:00 |
paultag | if this works, I'll cry inside that there is not a better way | 18:00 |
paultag | Hey AlanBell, do you know much about chroots? | 18:07 |
AlanBell | no, sorry, was just trying to understand what you were asking for | 18:10 |
AlanBell | I was wondering if mounting something would be part of the answer | 18:11 |
paultag | Well, it's fast becoming it | 18:11 |
nigelb | heh | 18:11 |
paultag | I've made a dd ext3 image | 18:11 |
AlanBell | so if it wanted to write to /prefix/foo you could mount some other filesystem over /prefix | 18:11 |
paultag | Then I've mounted it, and used unionfs to merge to two | 18:11 |
paultag | then chroot into it in a local dir, but diverting via unionfs | 18:11 |
paultag | But, I'm getting an error | 18:12 |
paultag | chroot: cannot change root directory to chroot/: Permission denied | 18:12 |
paultag | chroot: cannot change root directory to chroot/: Permission denied | 18:12 |
paultag | chroot: cannot change root directory to chroot/: Permission denied | 18:12 |
paultag | Oh shoot. Sorry for the flood | 18:12 |
paultag | Done with sudo | 18:12 |
paultag | I think I got it... | 18:13 |
AlanBell | only root can chroot | 18:13 |
paultag | AlanBell: I was sudo'd | 18:13 |
paultag | yeah, this is not working at all | 18:16 |
doctormo | hey sense | 22:00 |
doctormo | Very quiet again today | 22:00 |
sense | hi doctormo | 22:00 |
sense | doctormo: Me or this channel or something else? | 22:00 |
doctormo | Channel | 22:00 |
sense | Yeah, half the community staff is on GUADEC and the rest seems to be having a few days off. | 22:01 |
sense | I returned earlier from the Canonical party, which probably is still going on when I left it an hour ago before missing a tram and walking in precisely the opposite direction I should go when I walked out of the tram. | 22:02 |
czajkowski | I can ssume no jono so tonight | 22:12 |
sense | nope | 22:14 |
sense | He left for the USA this morning already, though. | 22:14 |
doctormo | sense: So you were having fun eh | 22:34 |
sense | doctormo: I'm too tired to make up whether I'm having fun or not. ;) | 22:35 |
sense | I'm just robotically working off the list of things I want to finish tonight and then I'll go to sleep. | 22:35 |
sense | Hello vish! | 22:37 |
vish | sense: heya! | 22:37 |
sense | Saw my first Bollywood-TV and Indian food today, but ate Surinam. We went to one of the Surinam-Indian restaurants in The Hague. | 22:38 |
sense | The guy next to me complained his vindaloo wasn't spicy enough. :) Probably too adapted to Western taste. | 22:39 |
sense | doctormo, vish: Following GUADEC remotely using the videostreams, are you? | 22:40 |
vish | sense: if you want real spicy food , you should try Andhra dishes :) | 22:40 |
vish | sense: no time :s , but will probably catch up later | 22:40 |
sense | I think we'll make a lot of videos available on the internet! | 22:41 |
* vish rebooting.. | 22:42 | |
doctormo | sense: Indian food isn't spicy enough unless your in England. | 22:51 |
popey | \o/ curry | 22:51 |
sense | doctormo: Well, I'll be going to England in a few weeks, so maybe I'll have to opportunity to try it then. :) | 22:52 |
popey | yay | 22:52 |
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