
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
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TheMusosuperm1: Would you like me to take care of the mythtv packages for the jack transition, or are you going to be touching them in the next couple of weeks for other updates?00:09
superm1TheMuso, they're FTBFS right now on the current Qt in maverick, so they'll be touched by us at some point00:09
TheMusosuperm1: Ok thanks.00:09
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
Riddellgeser: I do believe I've caught up with the four month removals backlog, let me know if whatever you wanted didn't happen02:00
TheMusoRiddell: Ah dude! You're the loan soldier again. This is really starting to suck. :)02:03
TheMusoFor you02:03
Riddellyes, it is02:10
cooloneyiulian: hi Iulian, is that possible to upgrade guilt to 0.33 in Lucid? Lucid guilt is 0.32.2 which does not work with git 'Unsupported version of git (
cutterjohnooo.. good guess.. hello04:37
cutterjohnanyone else with x86-64 having the hdd go apeshit on wake from suspend as it takes LONGER to recover from suspend than just to ALT-SYSRQ+RSEINUB?04:38
cutterjohn(10.4, x86-64, P8600, Catalyst 10.6, 4GB)04:39
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.04:39
RAOFI haven't seen that reported; try searching launchpad bugs?04:40
cutterjohnanyone else with x86-64 having the hdd go apesh1t on wake from suspend as it takes LONGER to recover from suspend than just to ALT-SYSRQ+RSEINUB?04:40
cutterjohn(10.4, x86-64, P8600, Catalyst 10.6, 4GB)04:40
RAOFIf you can't find one, file one.04:40
cutterjohnsorry, didn't see your initial response since I thought that I go autocensored04:41
RAOFNo, we rely on people to speak appropriately.04:41
cutterjohndoesn't happen ALL of the time, just enoughbt of the time to be INCREDIBLY annoying for an LTS release...04:42
RAOFIf you can track down the circumstances under which it happens, that would be very helpful on whatever bug you find/file.04:42
cutterjohnOK, better file a bug report since I just have no idea what to try to debugon my own since I'm not even touching VM half the time that it happens...04:43
RAOFYou might also want to try using the free drivers rather than fglrx to see if that's the culprit.04:43
cutterjohnor even anythign CPU or otherwise intensive04:43
cutterjohn(Personally I'm suspecting the ageold daemon, npviewer ATM)04:43
ajmitchsounds similar to something I've seen04:44
cutterjohnwhat GPU are you running and driver?04:45
ajmitchfglrx, again, with whatever was in lucid04:45
* ajmitch was going to file a bug about it after tracking down a bit more info04:46
cutterjohnthe OSS driver? or did you do the restricted(ctalyst) driver/04:47
cutterjohn(I had to dump the OSS driver as it's OGL support is WAY too liited)04:47
ajmitchfglrx is the restricted driver04:47
cutterjohn(er limited)04:47
cutterjohnhave you filed a bug report?  If so I'll just ... well... anecdotally add my exp as I've got nothing "hard" to add...04:48
ajmitchas I said, no I haven't yet :)04:49
cutterjohnah.. catalyst is the proper package name for the proprietary driver BTW04:50
cutterjohnfglrx is just a piece of it04:50
RAOFfglrx is the driver, though.04:50
cutterjohnyes, but it's only the base X11 driver there are other driver components beyond that04:50
RAOFRight.  There's a libgl.04:51
RAOFfglrx is what we call it, because that's the driver name.04:51
cutterjohnok, let's not argue over trivialities04:52
cutterjohn(better to call it catlyst though IMNHO)04:52
RAOFEveryone should be able to pick up what you mean if you say “catalyst”; you'll just find us referring to it as fglrx.04:52
RAOFParticularly because that's what the package is called :)04:53
cutterjohnOK, anyways, I guess that I'll go fap lAUNCHPAD04:54
RAOFYeah.  That's where to find bugs!04:54
cutterjohn(er at launchpad)04:54
cutterjohngot nothing to detail ... but... maybe someone else will add something useful by chance04:54
cutterjohn(well other than crappy resume from suspend times...)04:55
cutterjohnbug reporting is doing its best to defeat me ATM05:01
cutterjohnweb UI is useless as are the directions for going through the gui...05:02
cutterjohn(since they dont apply)05:03
cutterjohnyay bug reports only apply for PIDs or packages... how entirely useful05:04
cutterjohn(I think that I'm at the wrong UI...)05:04
RAOFOr symptoms.05:05
ajmitchit's generally preferred to use the ubuntu-bug tool, since that automates much of the log attaching, etc05:05
cutterjohnyeah, I tried ubuntu-bug but it whines about no PID05:06
cutterjohnif run w/no arg05:07
cutterjohnand the web-UI has been totally screwed apparently05:07
cutterjohnit's a freaking adventure game with no solution05:08
cutterjohnubuntu-bug 0 complains about no PID 005:08
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: 0 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/0)05:08
cutterjohn(also I have NO log to attach)05:09
cutterjohn(no PID to assign it to)05:09
cutterjohn(just a general cockup)05:09
cutterjohn(that's variably repeatable... although with no discernable triggers)05:10
ajmitchif you believe it's kernel related, put it against the 'linux' package05:10
ajmitchmost suspecd/resume bugs are, though this one has a good chance of being fglrx05:10
cutterjohnI don't... my personal guess is npviewer... but I could be entirely wrong05:11
cutterjohnit could be nautilus or any of the other GNOME VFS daemons too...05:11
cutterjohnjust no idea05:11
cutterjohnjust LOTS of disk activity, but not much CPU usage05:11
cutterjohn(when I get to a GUI/terminal)05:12
ajmitchif it's t all like what I see, it seems to be very much vm-related05:12
cutterjohnsometimes I'm using 0 VM, sometimes a few 100mb no diff05:12
ajmitchiotop doesn't usually point to any one process that's hitting the disk a lot05:12
cutterjohnit can happen right after a fresh powerup05:13
cutterjohnor not05:13
cutterjohnit's one of THOSE bugs..05:13
cutterjohnno way to force it to happen that I know of and as far as I can see nothing obviously wrong05:14
cutterjohn(BTW: I've been doing lsof when I can get to a terminal nothign striking there either..)05:16
cutterjohn(as root)05:16
cutterjohnafk for a few minutes... then I'll deal with the bug "reporting" system again... been changed too much to discourage bug reports IMO better to be liberal in closing them than discouraging them05:18
RAOFcutterjohn: You know, if you run just “ubuntu-bug” it'll pop up a list of symptoms for you to chose from?05:21
RAOFI don't think that's new in Maverick.05:21
RAOFWould anyone care to sponsor mesa 7.8.2 http://cooperteam.net/Packages/mesa_7.8.2-2ubuntu1.dsc & http://cooperteam.net/Packages/mesa_7.8.2-2ubuntu1_source.changes ?05:24
RAOFIt contains a crash fix required for GLX 1.3 (ie: Unity & clutter) before we can upgrade to Xserver 1.905:25
cutterjohnRAOF Yes, I tried that and it bitched at me05:28
cutterjohnYou need to pick a package blah blah05:28
cutterjohnbut I've got no package to target... so...05:29
cutterjohnactually it gives me no option to pick a package to begin with, just bitches about it05:29
cutterjohnif I pick other05:30
RAOFRight.  It wants you to run “ubuntu-bug linux”05:30
cutterjohnwow, how helpful of it05:31
RAOF(Because the kernel is a reasonable guess as to the package)05:31
cutterjohnok that worked, i'm going "I don't know" because I don't05:32
anderskCan I draw somebody’s attention to bug 610710, which makes dpkg-dev uninstallable?05:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 610710 in Ubuntu "Sync libtimedate-perl 1.2000-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61071005:32
anderskThe timedate source package was replaced with libtimedate-perl, but timedate was deleted in Ubuntu without libtimedate-perl having been synced.05:33
cutterjohnwell, that was f-ing useless as I got to enter no desc... clues as to what adventurous steps I should take to actually enter a bug report with a desc?05:34
cutterjohnoh wait, it looks like it opened a new web page... brb05:36
cutterjohn(without popping it to the foregorund ffs)05:36
anderskIs there a way to get a list of all the packages Riddell deleted so I can file more bugs?05:39
cutterjohnok, thanks guys got in a bug report finally after playing the IF game Submit an Ubuntu Bug Report game05:44
cutterjohnInfocom would be astounded05:44
cutterjohn(and I didn't get all the nice packaging and extras for playing it...)05:48
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
cutterjohnmost amazing thing, my desktop icons are now gone as well, with no changes in the nautilus desktop display config05:52
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pittiGood morning07:10
TheMusoHey pitti.07:11
pittihey TheMuso, how are you?07:13
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pittizul: ... mysql ... -v ..07:29
pittizul: I'll reupload myself07:30
dholbachgood morning07:38
* pitti hugs dholbach07:39
* dholbach hugs pitti back07:40
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
zygazul, ping08:19
rsalvetihallyn: just sent a request to merge for bug 61074208:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 610742 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu) "qemu shows "qemu: Unsupported syscall: 335" for pselect in Maverick" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61074208:27
rsalvetijust to remove the annoying unsupported syscall that was removed for lucid08:27
rsalvetiit's just a backport from upstream, so np applying it now08:28
rsalvetilool: you may also be interested, if you plan to run user mode emulation on current maverick qemu08:29
rsalvetitime to get some sleep :-)08:30
DamasceneArneGoetje, there?08:37
Damascenebug 60302208:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603022 in mlterm (Ubuntu) "[MIR] mlterm" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60302208:37
Damasceneis it possible to include Mlterm in main before the next release?08:46
ArneGoetjeDamascene: yes08:53
vishArneGoetje: hi , could you review merge https://code.launchpad.net/~joel-auterson/ubuntu/maverick/ibus/newmenuname/+merge/30391 ?09:03
ArneGoetjevish: yep09:04
mvoDktrKranz: hi, would you be interessed in adding a aptdaemon backend to gdebi? now that we use the debfile.py from python-apt that should be really straightforward :)09:13
loolrsalveti: You could have a patch which doesn't emulate pselect but kills the warning09:18
ChipzzArneGoetje: are you aware that this is not the first time Damascene asks this question, that several concerns were raised, and that I don't see those concerns addressed in the MIR?09:18
ArneGoetjeChipzz: which concerns do you mean?09:18
ChipzzArneGoetje: one concern I remember was integration with the fontconfig etc stack09:19
Chipzzor the lack thereof09:19
ChipzzArneGoetje: there were other concerns too, but he asked that question, what, about a month ago I think, and I saw several concerns (which the fontconfig issue was one of) raised, and I seriously doubt those issues have been resolved09:21
dholbachwho can I persuade to give a packaging training session on 12th Aug 12:00 UTC or 19th Aug 18:00 UTC or 26th Aug 0:00 UTC? :)09:23
dholbach(19th Aug 18:00 UTC might be taken already)09:23
ArneGoetjeChipzz: Do you have any alternative for RTL language users?09:33
ChipzzArneGoetje: no, just making you aware of the situation09:39
ChipzzArneGoetje: you gave him a straight "Yes" without being aware of the larger picture09:40
ArneGoetjeChipzz: I am aware of those issues and also that we cannot fix them. The proper solution would be to fix vte. But I don't see this happening anytime soon. Therefor mlterm is currently the only possibility to give RTL language users a working terminal.09:41
c_korn42hello. I wanted to install lucid yesterday and tried the daily build (alterate amd64). after clicking "install ubuntu" I got the error: "uncompress error -- system halted" is this a known problem ? I could reproduce it on my notebook. I created a bootable usb stick from the iso using Ubuntu's creator09:41
sorenI'm putting some finishing touches on the first revision of some OpenStack packages. OpenStack does not require copyright assignment, so every single file may have lots of copyright holders, and almost no two files will have the same set of (copyright holder, year) tuples. Am I really supposed to repeat the copyright statements from every single source file in debian/copyright?10:08
diwicsoren, I'm afraid so10:11
sorenDoes anyone know off-hand of an example of such a monstrous debian/copyright. We're hardly the first project to not require copyright assignment, so there must be prior art to this.10:12
diwicsoren, just pick one and see, I just had a look at audacity e g10:14
diwicsoren, that one does not follow the spec10:14
diwicsoren, so forget my advice and ask someone else. Sorry.10:15
DktrKranzmvo: hi! could do, I'm short of time lately, but I plan to fix some issues before maverick and squeeze are out, and will save a couple of days to do some work on it10:19
sorenPerhaps an archive admin could weigh in on acceptance criteria for this sort of thing?10:19
mvoDktrKranz: nice, you rock :) if I find some spare moments, I will try to attack it too, but time is short10:19
mvoDktrKranz: just keep me updated so that we don't duplicate anything :)10:20
DktrKranzmvo: it seems "being short on time" is a common ill :)10:22
mvoyeah :)10:22
vishtkamppeter: hi .. attached a debdiff to fix Bug #554174 , could you review it ?10:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 554174 in One Hundred Paper Cuts "Inappropriately appears in Ubuntu Software Center "Developer Tools" > "Python"" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55417410:23
sorencjwatson: You're listed as the AA for today, maybe you can help me out? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Basic#Copyright says "10:25
sorenIn the case of large numbers of trivial copyright holders, not all need be mentioned (ask on IRC if you are in doubt), but all licenses must be listed"10:25
soren(last bullet under "Common errors")10:25
ograsoren, he is on vac. afaik10:26
sorenOh, right.10:26
sorenDarn it.10:26
sorenIt also says later on that identifying copyright holders is a legal requirement.10:26
soren...so I feel at a bit of a loss.10:26
ograsoren, /usr/share/doc/linux-image-$(uname -r)/copyright ;)10:29
ograi dont think it requires copyright assignment, does it ?10:29
sorenI don't believe it does, no.10:29
sorenHeh: Linux is copyrighted by Linus Torvalds and others.10:29
sorenthat was easy.10:30
ograyeah :)10:30
sorenNow I just need to represent that in a DEP-5 style debian/copyright.10:30
dholbachDaviey: what was the wysiwyg editor you recommended again?10:31
mvoDktrKranz: I upload 0.6.2 for now and sync it to ubuntu10:33
sorenWould http://paste.ubuntu.com/470166/ be an acceptable debian/copyright? Of course assuming that it's true :)  The vast majority of the code is copyright OpenStack LLC and/or NASA, the rest is copyright a bunch of other people.10:45
DamasceneI don't know where I should post this but the link (partners) http://www.ubuntu.com/partners/program in the wiki is broken11:08
DktrKranzmvo: good, as several people reported bugs against kdesudo11:11
dholbachDamascene: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+filebug11:12
mvoDktrKranz: great, one step a time :)11:12
DamasceneReport a bug about Ubuntu Website "Pro..."?11:13
Riddellasac: do you have an opinion on bug 598874 ?11:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 598874 in libmpcdec (Ubuntu) "Please sync libmpc 2:0.1~r459-1 (universe) from debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59887411:17
Damascenebug 60955311:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 609553 in Ubuntu Website "bad partners link in the wiki" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60955311:18
Damasceneit was reported earlier11:18
asacRiddell: i only pushed it to get it rebuilt ;)11:19
asacso i dont have a qualified opinion ;)11:19
asacRiddell: while you are at it ... could you please sync ntrack 008-1 from unstable ;)?11:20
asacRiddell: http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/n/ntrack/ntrack_008-1.dsc11:20
Riddellasac: ok done11:25
Riddellasac: how can I tell why libqtwebkit4 isn't installable on arm?11:26
ograhmm, whats up with libtimedate-perl ?11:31
asacRiddell: good question. ogra could try it locally and tell you whats going on (i dont have a board running)11:33
asaci would assume that something failed to built ;)11:33
asac(or is out of sync)11:33
* ogra only has a chroot either, but that should do11:33
ograThe following packages have unmet dependencies:11:33
ogra  libqtwebkit4: Depends: phonon but it is not going to be installed11:33
ograE: Broken packages11:33
ograRiddell, ^^^11:34
Riddellogra: what happens if you try to install phonon?11:36
ograRiddell, works11:36
ograapt-get install libqtwebkit4 phonon that is11:36
Riddellogra: libtimedate-perl has only just been synced11:37
ograoh, k11:37
Riddellogra: so now you can install libqtwebkit-dev ?11:38
ograapt-get install libqtwebkit-dev phonon seems to work11:38
Riddellmyeh, so why is kde4libs not building11:39
Riddellogra: could you try installing all the packages it's doing there?11:39
ogradid it fail again ? i just gave it back11:40
Riddellogra: finished 3 minutes ago11:40
ograah, k11:40
ograthat was quick11:40
Riddellogra: quick because it failed :(11:41
ograapt-get build-dep kde4libs seems to have no probs11:42
Riddellogra: so it's a complete mystery11:48
ograi dont see any webkit in the deps it installs though11:48
Riddellogra: then your apt sources haven't updated to the newest version?11:52
Riddellthis is the build-deps  http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/Dvvm5fjC11:52
ograi just did an apt-get update11:52
ograin fact i had to add a deb-src entry11:53
ograso i would definately expect the latest versions to be there11:54
Riddellogra: then apt-cache showsrc kde4libs  should show 4:4.4.92-0ubuntu4 which build-deps on libqtwebkit-dev11:55
ograVersion: 4:4.4.92-0ubuntu411:56
ogralibqtwebkit is in there11:57
ograi dont get why i would get the old deps11:58
Riddellogra: this may all be down to the libtimedate-perl issue12:01
ograoh, that might be indeed12:03
ograit just finished building12:03
ograi'm watching it anyway for some image testbuilds, if it shows up on ports i'll give back kde4libs again12:04
Riddellogra: it's an arch all package, I just accepted the binary, we can start building stuff again after the next publisher run12:05
ograRiddell, great, though ports seems to have a slight delay in mirroring12:08
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
DamasceneArneGoetje, what should I do now?12:20
Damasceneasac, can we talk about Bug #60302212:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603022 in mlterm (Ubuntu) "[MIR] mlterm" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60302212:22
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xelisterhi, what is the best way to quickly learn how to make custom livecd?12:36
Riddellxelister: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization12:42
ricotzhi, could someone trigger the build of https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/2.21.5-1ubuntu1 the missing dep libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev is available now12:44
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asacDamascene: not sure ;) ... what you want to say?12:46
mvomdz: we talked a while ago about the super slow update-manager progress bar with nvidia, is this still a issue for you? it appears that I can (finally!) reproduce the problem12:55
=== pascal80 is now known as padv
xelisterRiddell: I need to choose what things are installed by default (throw out some applications, add nvidia and radeon drivers),  and run some custom script on boot.  Easy to do?12:56
xelisterRiddell: also, the livecd should have propertiary drivers for both nv and radon and on boot detect and choose the needed one.. will that work?12:56
xelisteralso make bootup fast, just boot to live cd, not offer to install12:56
Riddellxelister: that URL explains how to install and uninstall bits12:57
allquixoticHi, I am trying to build a source package from lp:~ubuntu-desktop/rhythmbox/ubuntu on Lucid, but I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/470225/ Any suggestions?12:57
ansgarallquixotic: Build-dependencies not installed?12:59
allquixoticansgar: I have all the required build-depends.12:59
allquixoticbzr-buildpackage can't find the source tarball. So I guess the question is where are the sources for the git snapshot packages in the current Maverick development for ubuntu-desktop.13:02
allquixoticnevermind; answered my own question! I needed a deb-src line for maverick.13:04
Riddelltjaalton: the guy who does the cool electric piano keyboards with kubuntu on is asking "I need also to know IF the new Xorg server 1.8 or 1.9 is included in 10.10" do you have a quick answer?13:19
zygazul, are you going to work on the server papercuts project?13:27
zygaivanka, congratulations on walking 100km :-)13:28
zulzyga: yes13:28
zygazul, I'm interested in the tracepath/traceroute papercut13:29
zulzyga: ok13:29
zygazul, would you be interested in taking over and finishing the code required to implement it?13:29
zulzyga: sure13:29
zygazul, great, if you want I can help you with this and share the branch I have for this feature13:30
zulzyga: yes please13:30
zygazul, one second13:30
zygazul, I'm copying my branch (a snapshot of it really) to people.c.com13:32
ivankazyga: thank you :-)13:33
zygazul, http://people.canonical.com/~zyga/trunk.dbus.tar.gz13:33
zygazul, get that tarball please13:33
zygazul, hopefully your need can motivate me to finish this :D13:34
zygaivanka, quite a feat really, how did you train to do that?13:34
zygazul, this code is really different from what c-n-f was before but it has support for a quirk like this13:37
zygazul, what it _doesnt_ have is the user interface13:37
zygazul, if you think that finishing this is within the scope of your project I'll gladly walk you through the coded13:37
zulzyga: actually its probably not a papercut if its modiyinfg code for command-not-found you might want to talk to mvo about it though13:38
zygazul, ok13:38
zygazul, _or_13:39
zygazul, you could get the trunk from ubuntu and just add a one-liner that knows this particular problem13:39
zulzyga: i could do that :)13:39
zygazul, the code is in lp:ubuntu/command-not-found AFAIR13:40
zulzyga: gotcha13:40
bigoncould someone have a look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/debian/+source/pygi/+bug/60412113:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 604121 in pygi (Ubuntu) "Please remove pygi package from maverick archive" [Wishlist,Confirmed]13:40
tkamppetervish, your debdiff is OK. If you have upload rights on system-config-printer (in main), upload it (but take into account that I uploaded it yesterday, apply your change to the newest version).13:45
vishtkamppeter: i dont have upload rights :s , could you upload it?13:46
tkamppetervish, no problem, and thanks for the fix.13:47
vishtkamppeter: np , thanks :)13:47
tkamppetervish, uploaded.13:52
vishneat! thanks.13:53
Damascenewere I can find Rick Spencer?13:59
RainCTdavmor2: He's at GUADEC, dunno if he is connecting to IRC..14:00
RainCTerr Damascene14:00
Damasceneare you Rick?14:01
davmor2Damascene: this message was for you -> He's at GUADEC, dunno if he is connecting to IRC..14:03
Damasceneok thanks14:03
RainCTDamascene: No. He usually hangs around in this channel, but this week he is at a conference (with rather bad internet connection) so I don't know if he'll be connecting. I guess you can just send him a mail.14:04
DamasceneI think he found a good connection today. I'm really upset with him comment on my MIR14:04
Damasceneif there is a program with bug it should be fixed or replaced. we just asked for alternative and it become "won't fix"14:05
Damascenebug 60302214:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603022 in mlterm (Ubuntu) "[MIR] mlterm" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60302214:05
=== Riddell changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-lucid | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | builds broken until libtimedate-perl reappears
RainCTDamascene: Well, a bug isn't really the place to discuss such a thing.14:10
Damascenehi rickspencer314:12
rickspencer3hi Damascene14:13
=== sconklin-gone is now known as sconklin
DamasceneI've updated bug 603022 with some information if  you don't mind14:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603022 in mlterm (Ubuntu) "[MIR] mlterm" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60302214:13
DamasceneI hope you change your mind14:13
rickspencer3Damascene, I'm still confused14:14
rickspencer3why can't users just install their terminal of choice?14:14
rickspencer3I'm not sure what problem is attempted to be solved14:14
Damascenerickspencer3, the same could be said about translations and fonts, what is language selector for?14:16
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Damasceneany one could just install those things by him self14:17
rickspencer3Damascene, but you're talking about a terminal14:17
Damasceneyeah, do you question the important of terminal?14:17
Damasceneso what is it?14:18
hallynrsalveti: ok - thx for the heads up, though I can't do merges myself at the moment.  I suspect kirkland will see it.14:18
kirklandhalfline: what am I looking at?14:18
rickspencer3Damascene,  I question the value of shipping and supporting 2 terminals to solve the case14:18
Damascenewe can't use ls, apt-get cat and many other terminal programs probably with vte14:19
Damasceneit's not that you are going to install it for every users14:19
rickspencer3the solution sounds rather complicated and hard to maintain when there is a work around as easy as installing a different terminal14:19
Damasceneonly the users who chose to localize their systems14:19
rickspencer3I think if we were to invest in this it would make much more sense to make Gnome Terminal work14:20
kirklandhallyn: what am I looking at?14:20
Damascenerickspencer3, I'm getting the idea that you have not read the original bug carefully14:20
* hallyn scrolls up14:21
rickspencer3Damascene, perhaps14:21
hallyn02:29 < rsalveti> hallyn: just sent a request to merge for bug 61074214:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 610742 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu) "qemu shows "qemu: Unsupported syscall: 335" for pselect in Maverick" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61074214:21
Damascenerickspencer3,  all this have been discussed earlier14:21
hallynkirkland: ^14:21
Damascenerickspencer3, one of the main things was that vte is not going to be fixed any time soon while Mlterm is ready and it can just be a choice in Language Selector14:22
Damascenejust a choice14:22
rickspencer3that doesn't change my feedback14:22
Damasceneok, thanks for helping14:23
rickspencer3I'm not trying to be argumentative here, I'm just not convinced we've arrived at a good solution yet14:23
ArneGoetjerickspencer3: last thing I heard was that upstream is not interested in fixing vte for RTL language users, since it would be "too difficult to do so". So, who do you think can fix vte and in which time frame?14:23
rickspencer3 ArneGoetje I don't know14:24
ArneGoetjerickspencer3: well, mlterm is the _only_ terminal out there which supports RTL languages properly.14:24
rickspencer3so users who need it can install it14:24
rickspencer3my point is that the work around is not too hard, but the solution that has been proposed to avoid the work around seems overly complex and requires supporting another VT14:25
ArneGoetjerickspencer3: then that should be communicated better14:25
rickspencer3I'm communicating right now14:25
ArneGoetjerickspencer3: I mean to the RTL language users14:25
rickspencer3what specifically was not communicated?14:26
rickspencer3never mind, it's a moot point14:26
ArneGoetjerickspencer3: That mlterm is what they want as a terminal solution and how to get it14:26
rickspencer3so many many people choose alternate software, that's why we have Universe and that's why we have software-center14:27
Damascenerickspencer3, but you don't ship broken software and tell a user to search for a solution him self in a bug report suggesting using mlterm. It will be kind of you if you suggest that early when a user seeks for language support14:29
kirklandhallyn: ah, merging qemu ... personally, i'd say just wait for 0.13;  but if you're feeling motivated, you can do the new dot release14:29
=== Riddell changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-lucid | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
Riddelltopicdiff, builds no longer broken now that libtimedate-perl is in again14:31
ograstill not promoted to ports yet :/14:32
geserRiddell: thanks for those removals yesterday14:32
Riddellgeser: mm well I removed a few packages which ought not to have been :(14:33
LucidFoxHmm, I wonder14:34
bigonmmmm I've added the ubuntu-mozilla-daily ppa but it seems that some info of the Release file are not take into account by apt14:34
LucidFoxWould it be possible to request for my Ubuntu developer privileges to be suspended until Canonical's font is publicly released?14:34
bigon 500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa/ubuntu/ lucid/main Packages origin ppa.launchpad.net14:34
Damascenerickspencer3, sorry for heating things like that but I thought I should provide as much support as I can for my language and making ubuntu better14:36
rickspencer3I hope he didn't go away mad14:39
LucidFoxAlternatively I guess I could just publicly upload the font, presumably at the cost of my Ubuntu membership but meh14:40
hallynkirkland: that particular bug appears to be a papercut, so i'd say let's wait14:43
rsalvetilool: the patch basically kills the warning14:51
rsalvetiwas the upstream decision14:51
rsalvetihallyn: kirkland: will qemu be updated before A3?14:52
rsalvetithat's why I created the bug14:52
loolrsalveti: The initial patch implemented the syscall using libc; I think it's not acceptable14:53
rsalvetibecause I'm using qemu with rootstock, and without this patch my logs are huge, and I have to filter it to not show to the user14:53
loolrsalveti: I wonder why we didn't send a patch to use sys_pselect instead14:53
rsalvetilool: probably because no one worked on this14:53
loolrsalveti: I would recommend you don't merge a patch implementing the syscall if it's against upstream recommendation14:54
rsalvetiit should be an easy fix, but someone have to do it :-)14:54
loolrsalveti: did you plan to add a different patch which just skips the warning for this syscall?14:54
rsalvetilool: but this is my patch14:54
loolrsalveti: If you don't have the time yourself, you could ask Michael, he wrote the original one14:54
ttxslangasek: I'd welcome a comment of yours on bug 570944 -- if you agree with it, I'll make it happen.14:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 570944 in samba (Ubuntu) "passwd : gives "Authentication token manipulation error"" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57094414:54
rsalvetijust skipping the warning14:54
loolrsalveti: Oh ok14:54
loolrsalveti: I didn't see that one14:54
loolrsalveti: but we're on the same page14:55
rsalvetithat's why this patch is simple and can be merged14:55
loolrsalveti: Right14:55
rsalvetilool: the original patch from michael was dropped14:55
rsalvetithey just got the one that adds the define14:55
rsalvetiand later one they pushed another patch just to remove the message14:56
rsalveti*later on14:56
ttxHmm... PPAs "start in..." estimates look a lot like XP filecopy progress bar ones.14:57
rsalvetilool: the patch that implements pselect was dropped from our package when was updated for 12.314:57
loolrsalveti: I'd love if you could review which patches were dropped14:58
loolrsalveti: I dont think it was a good change to remove all patches in there, without any warning (at least I didn't get one)14:58
rsalvetilool: well, this is the first I noticed, but I can review the others14:58
rsalvetibecause when I started apt-get I got a huge huge log14:59
rsalvetiand when I tested on lucid it worked fine14:59
rsalvetilool: kirkland: if we're not getting the qemu .13 update before a3 I'd like to get this patch merged, if possible15:00
bankixHi. I'm trying to build a deb package for Ubuntu 10.04. But depending on the architecture (i386,amd64) I have to delete one or another directory (to get rid of platform-dependet stuff) and use one or the other startup script. How can I detect which platform is currently being built?15:00
hallynrsalveti: lool: yes, we will be merging qemu before A315:00
hallynwe're reallly hoping for 0.13.0, but if that doesn't happen then definately 0.12.515:00
Riddellhmm, builds are still broken15:00
hallyn0.13.0 is supposed to be GA'd a few days before freeze...15:00
Riddelllamont: when is libtimedate-perl 1.2000-1 likely to be available to buildds?15:01
rsalvetihallyn: oh, ok, that would work then :-)15:02
rsalvetilool: will see if we're also missing any other patch, so it can be included on 0.13 when we have the new release15:02
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* ogra kicks the publisher15:40
hallynrsalveti: .15:41
hallynrsalveti: just wondering, how annoying is the pselect thing?  does it consume all cpu with constant scrolling of error msgs, or jsut warn once?15:41
hallynrsalveti: i see no problem with the patch, so my only motivation for nack'ing would be my insane desire to keep the delta to upstream minimal15:42
rsalvetihallyn: basically I can't read the logs if I don't filter it15:42
hallynall right, that sounds worthwhile then15:42
rsalvetishould be easy to remove it later15:42
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_UsUrPeR_hey all. thought I would point out something that may apply to ubuntu developers. I have downloaded and re-downloaded the ubuntu alternative 64-bit installation cd 3 times now, and there appears to be a problem with the kernel during installation. The errors I am seeing in the installation log have been recorded here: http://pastebin.com/usdjXmDB15:46
_UsUrPeR_If this is still not the correct forum, I can put in a bug report, or just move this to #ubuntu, and I apologize.15:47
_UsUrPeR_FYI: I am using the alternate installation for LVM support, and have attempted to install with and without an internet connection.15:47
SpamapSpitti: ping15:53
rsalvetihallyn: thanks for the review, no I need need someone with a good heart and upload permission :-)15:59
rsalvetilool: kirkland: ^? :-)15:59
hallynrsalveti: or mathiaz perhaps16:00
kirklandrsalveti: i can sponsor for you;  have you pushed a branch and a merge proposal to launchpad?16:01
rsalvetikirkland: yep, all ready :-)16:01
hallynholy cow!  i thought a jet was going overhead.  no, it just started POURING out there16:02
pittihello SpamapS16:04
cyphermoxkirkland, I'm wondering about the status of the isc-dhcp sync, or if there are any blockers for it.  it replaces the packages of dhcp3 with the new version 4 packages, which I'd need for new versions of network-manager.16:06
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bdrungdholbach: ping16:17
dholbachbdrung: pong16:19
bdrungdholbach: the sponsor overview looks wrong: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/16:19
dholbachwhat about it?16:19
dholbachcan you file a bug?16:19
dholbachI'm very very busy16:19
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bdrungdholbach: the css file seems to miss16:20
dholbachbdrung: which one?16:21
dholbachlaunchpad.css is there and readable16:22
dholbachsame goes for the sorttable.js16:22
dholbachwhich browser do you use?16:23
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dholbachthe page works for me in firefox and chromium16:23
dholbachmaybe you can be more specific about what's broken?16:23
bdrungdholbach: http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/6507/sponsoring.png16:24
bdrungdholbach: it look like the default style without css applied16:24
dholbachweird, I don't get that in chromium or firefox16:24
bdrungdholbach: and sorting the columns doesn't work, too16:24
dholbachoh yeah, that's broken here too16:25
dholbachcan you file a bug for that?16:25
bdrungdholbach: damn, i found the reason: adblock blocks it16:25
bdrungfilter: /sponsoring/*16:25
dholbachha, and the sorting works again :)16:25
bdrungdholbach: btw, https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/ubuntu-sponsoring/trunk contains the latest source?16:26
bdrungdholbach: you will get a merge request soon :)16:26
ograRiddell, i wonder if the publisher is dead16:30
ograno trace of libtimedate-perl anywhere16:31
Riddellogra: it's in the archives, doesn't seem to be available to buildds though, I pinged lamont16:32
ograi dont see it, neither http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/main/t/timedate/ nor http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/timedate/ seem to have it16:33
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shtylmanwhere should I file a xulrunner packaging bug?16:50
shtylmanlaunchpad? under the xulrunner project?16:50
shtylmanor is there a better location?16:50
ScottKRiddell and ogra: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libt/libtimedate-perl/16:52
ScottKhttp://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/main/libt/libtimedate-perl/ too.16:53
* ScottK retries16:53
micahgshtylman: maybe come discuss in #ubuntu-mozillateam16:53
RiddellScottK: ah16:54
ograScottK, oh, weird16:54
ScottKRiddell: Did the old timedate source package get removed yet?16:54
ograi dont think so16:54
RiddellScottK: I think the current problem is the libmpcdec3 -> libmpcdec6 transition16:54
ograit is used in lucid16:54
Riddellwhich will stop phonon being installed16:54
ScottKogra: Right, but it should be removed from Maverick.16:55
ograah, indeed16:55
RiddellScottK: yes the old source package got removed that's what cause the problem16:55
ScottKWe'll see how far this one gets.16:56
RiddellScottK: which one?16:57
ScottKThis retry of kde4libs16:57
RiddellScottK: it won't16:57
RiddellScottK: it's blocked on the libmpcdec3 -> libmpcdec6 transition16:57
RiddellI'm test compiling xine now16:57
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ograah, my image build seems to proceed fine now17:14
LucidFoxOkay, sorry to be flogging a deceased equine, but...17:15
LucidFoxWhere can I write to get my access to the private font PPA removed?17:15
sladenLucidFox: why do you want to? ... you can just chose not to use it/not to install it17:15
sladenLucidFox: or if you have already enabled it, you can disable it by editing /etc/apt/sources.list17:16
LucidFoxBecause I feel disgusted about having this privilege that non-members don't have, and I'd rather be on the same terms as them here. And if Canonical can't do that by releasing the font publicly, then I want to have as little access to it as non-members have.17:16
sladenLucidFox: okay, this is an interesting (and wider, political issue)17:17
* vish thinks LucidFox is not really understanding the issue , why it was released as it is now17:17
sladenLucidFox: could you write it up on  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntufontbetatesting/+filebug  and I shall try to get some answers17:17
LucidFoxvish> I received comments stating why17:18
LucidFoxI still don't like having access to the closed beta of a proprietary font.17:18
LucidFox*Even* if I'm not going to actually exercise that privilege.17:19
sladenLucidFox: could you please write it up above;  the conversation will scroll off the top of IRC17:19
vishLucidFox: cool, then sladen's two choices are the best :)17:19
sladenLucidFox: but on Launchpad I can try to get a solution both to your particular access, and hopefully the wider issue17:19
LucidFoxthe wider issue?17:19
LucidFoxWhat wider issue? It's just me being weird :)17:20
sladenLucidFox: the first issue you've asked is "can I write to get my access to the private font PPA removed"17:20
sladenLucidFox: the second issue is "I feel disgusted about having this privilege that non-members don't have, and I'd rather be on the same terms as them here."17:21
sladenLucidFox: the first is a technical problem;  the second is a social issue and so much harder to fix, but it is good that you have raised it17:21
LucidFoxWell, I'm the only one I know who has issues with the social issue, so I don't see why it needs "fixing"17:22
sladenLucidFox: well, it's clearly upsetting you (which makes it worth fixing), but it's probably an indication that there are other people as well who might be upset.  (And here in Ubuntu we (you and I) both don't like having upset people)17:24
sladenLucidFox: so the first issue is to make you individually happy, and then to make lots more people happy17:24
LucidFoxOkay, filed: bug #61093417:26
ubottuBug 610934 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/610934 is private17:26
sladenLucidFox: awesome, if you click in the top-right then you can make it public17:26
sladenLucidFox: actually, while we're at it, lets see if you can get the bug reports made public by default for the font issue and open things up17:27
LucidFoxAnd the fact that it upsets me means nothing other than the fact that I'm a silly immature drama queen :p17:27
sladenLucidFox: in Ubuntu everyone is created equal (except Mark), so you're bug is as important as anyone else's17:28
sladenLucidFox: lets see what we can do try and sort it, both for yourself, and everyone else in the long run17:29
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SpamapSpitti: sorry I pinged you and then disappeared. Are you still around?17:56
pittiSpamapS: on the phone, but yes17:56
SpamapSpitti: I have just a simple question really. I've been working with jiboumans  on adding a page per-user to the WI tracker, so each user gets their own burndown and list of work items. However, that was REALLY slow when I tried it the first time...18:02
SpamapSpitti: I added a few indexes, and it started to go *really* fast... but I haven't tested collection with the indexes. I just wanted to make sure you aren't opposed to adding a few indexes.18:02
achiangdoes anyone know if there is an ubuntu stack exchange site yet? or is it still in the area51 thingy...18:08
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SpamapSachiang: http://ubuntumathiaz.wordpress.com/2010/07/08/vote-for-the-ubuntu-stack-exchange/18:12
SpamapSachiang: vote for it so it moves off area51 ;)18:12
achiangSpamapS: ah, thanks.18:12
SpamapS"This proposal is18:13
SpamapScomplete. Committed users will be invited to the private beta soon."18:13
SpamapSso go ahead and commit now, you should get an invite to the beta. ;)18:13
pittiSpamapS: well, the slow thing is the chart generation18:15
pittiSpamapS: I won't generate 300 charts every day, we need an on-demand solution for that18:15
pittiSpamapS: I don't mind adding DB indexes if it helps, of course18:16
SpamapSpitti: I got it to generate a chart for ever user+milestone plus the usual teams/milestones in < 20 minutes on my macbook18:16
SpamapSpitti: the usual generation stuff runs in < 3 minutes18:16
pittiand without indexes?18:16
SpamapS90 minutes for all the users, 20 minutes for the usual stuff.18:16
pittiSpamapS: so as I said, if it improves performance, then I'm all for it18:17
SpamapSthe chart generation stuff scans the work_items table because there's no index on status18:17
SpamapSIt would actually be totally doable on-demand..18:17
jiboumanspitti, doens't this run on people.c.c?18:18
SpamapSbut other than cron, do we have any way to run things on demand?18:18
pittiSpamapS: you need to add the CREATE INDEX when creating a db, as well as when upgrading a DB (and bump the format number); the code already handles that for a few other cases18:18
pittijiboumans: yes, it does18:18
jiboumanspitti: good, idle cpus then :)18:18
jiboumanspitti: i pointed spamaps at the right spots for that fwiw18:19
SpamapSpitti: Right so, essentially I'd be speeding things up by a about 4x, and then slowing them down again by about 4x by generating everybody's page/graph. ;)18:20
jiboumansi believe spamaps is offering a package deal ;)18:20
SpamapSThats without filtering any users out though... MANY of them are basically empty18:20
pittiwould it perhaps be enough to just generate the reports, not the charts?18:21
SpamapSpitti: the charts are the hotness though. :)18:21
SpamapSpitti: and again, the chart and report generation are about the same level of impact once indexes are added18:21
* pitti already sees a wave of220 "please fix my trend line" requests per day18:22
pittis/of220/of 20/18:22
SpamapSyeah I was thinking about that too.. :-/18:22
jiboumanspitti: clearly that's solved by giving spamaps commit acccess ;)18:22
* SpamapS glares at jib18:22
jiboumansi'm not a native speaker, but i believe 'glare' means 'thanks', right?18:23
SpamapSjiboumans: that may have worked in Poland.....18:23
jiboumanspitti: if you're concerned about the impact, i'm happy to enable it for the server team to start with18:24
pittioh, let's try it18:24
jiboumanswe think it'll really help wiht our productivity. if anyone else can benefit from it, that's great18:24
SpamapSpitti: one thing I was thinking with the trend line was to tie it to the first DONE item in a chart, rather than the first day of the cycle... because yeah, it definitely looks wrong for most users.18:24
pittiif the indexes are the biggest slowdown, then it sounds like a fair trade18:25
pittiSpamapS: on the charts/teams I looked at so far we very often had DONE items before the cycle even starts18:25
SpamapSI wouldn't mind adding a config item.. "detailed teams = x, y, z" and only generate user reports for those teams.18:25
* pitti has to leave to Taekwondo now, good night!18:26
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SpamapSpitti: have fun, will submit a merge proposal today and we can discuss tomorrow. :)18:28
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mathiazcr3: hey!19:21
mathiazcr3: what's the status of https://code.launchpad.net/~cr3/ubuntu/lucid/checkbox/0.9.2/+merge/28341?19:21
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SpamapSwom 1-20:14
* SpamapS blames the non-existent cat20:14
cr3mathiaz: I've had to spend my time on an important certification project and I've had no personal time to take care of it wearing my community hat :(20:23
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FenzikHi All20:59
mathiazcr3: ok - could you cancel the merge proposal then?21:09
mathiazcr3: ie delete the merge proposal? Thanks21:11
mathiazSpamapS: what's the state on https://code.launchpad.net/~clint-fewbar/ubuntu/maverick/cloud-init/glusterfs-mount-example/+merge/29490?21:11
FenzikI'm new here, wish to contribute21:14
FenzikCan someone provide some assistance to kick start21:15
cr3mathiaz: I'd really like to have the merge proposal approved one day though, it's just a question of updating the bugs accordingly21:43
mathiazcr3: hm - ok21:44
cr3mathiaz: I'm not particularly pleased with the situation myself :(21:44
mathiazcr3: I'll probably keep poking at you on a weekly basis as long as it shows up on https://code.launchpad.net/~mathiaz/+activereviews21:44
cr3mathiaz: ADD - Annoyance Driven Development, that actually works well for me21:46
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tjaaltonRiddell: not a quick answer, but aiui 1.9 is going in soon. RAOF knows the exact time22:01
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judgenIs this the place to ask for a update for a package?22:37
judgenThere is a several years older version on the repos than the current version of AmiWM, and i was wondering if this tiny wm could be updated in the repos?22:38
judgenthe lucid repos that is, i do not know if the current version is in maverick22:40
micahgjudgen: we sync from debian and are up to date w/debian, it would probably be better to request an update in Debian and then request a sync to Ubuntu22:41
micahgjudgen: that package has no Ubuntu changes22:41
judgenoh, ok..22:42
micahgjudgen: you can use reportbug -B debian amiwm to request the update22:43
SpamapSmathiaz: Scott merged that one manually I think22:43
mathiazSpamapS: I don't think so - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/files/head%3A/doc/examples/22:45
mathiazSpamapS: and https://code.launchpad.net/~clint-fewbar/cloud-init/glusterfs-mount-example/+merge/2951522:45
mathiazSpamapS: I don't see any file related to glusterfs in cloud-init trunk branch22:46
SpamapSmathiaz: :(22:46
mathiazSpamapS: as there is another merge proposal for the upstream project, I'm going to delete https://code.launchpad.net/~clint-fewbar/ubuntu/maverick/cloud-init/glusterfs-mount-example/+merge/2949022:47
SpamapSyeah thats probably appropriate22:48
SpamapSmathiaz: as far as libdbi, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=56556222:49
ubottuDebian bug 565562 in libdbi "libdbi: new upstream version available" [Wishlist,Open]22:49
mathiazSpamapS: hm - not sure you've attached the correct patch22:51
mathiazSpamapS: it seems that the attachement to the bug is way to big22:52
SpamapSmathiaz: looks like it may have the binaries or something22:53
mathiazSpamapS: yeah - I'd suggest to file a new bug22:53
SpamapSthats what I get for using 'submittodebian' and blindly trusting it. ;)22:53
mathiazSpamapS: to fix the specific issue22:53
mathiazSpamapS: AFAICT the docbook change is not necessary22:53
mathiazSpamapS: so that leave the debian/rules change22:53
SpamapSmathiaz: it fails building on my pbuilder w/o it22:54
mathiazSpamapS: hm - do you have the error message somewhere?22:54
mathiazSpamapS: it might be an issue with your pbuilder setup22:54
SpamapSmathiaz: It was a missing template... otherws with that error solved it by installing docbook explicitly22:55
SpamapSmathiaz: while we're chatting about this, when is the last time manual syncs from debian can be requested?22:56
mathiazSpamapS: this is the sbuild log: http://people.canonical.com/~mathiaz/libdbi_0.8.3-0ubuntu1-amd64-20100728-163022:57
mathiazSpamapS: docbook is automatically pulled in22:57
mathiazSpamapS: till the very end22:57
mathiazSpamapS: once we're passed FeatureFreeze a FeatureFreezeException will be required22:57
mathiazSpamapS: currently DebianImportFreeze is in effect which means that packages are no longer *automatically* synced22:58
mathiazSpamapS: instead a manual sync needs to be filled22:58
mathiazSpamapS: once FeatureFreeze is in effect, the Sync request will require a FeatureFreezeException as well22:58
SpamapSUgh.. why did config.guess and config.sub get deleted?! :-/22:59
SpamapSmathiaz: ok so new packages for ceph would be a bad reason for feature freeze exception, but updated libdbi to make main package rrdtool work is a good reason for an exception... right?23:00
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mathiazSpamapS: ceph: yes-- - given that it's part of a blueprint getting a FeatureFreeze Exception is possible23:01
mathiazSpamapS: especially if the release team is aware of it early enough (ie before FeatureFreeze)23:02
mathiazSpamapS: libdbi: to fix an FTBS it would be possible23:02
mathiazSpamapS: however a new upstream version would require a FeatureFreeze Exception anyway23:02
mathiazSpamapS: again the FeatureFreeze Exception could be granted based on the fact that it fixes a FTBS23:03
SpamapSit builds23:03
mathiazSpamapS: oh right - it's about moving it to main23:03
mathiazSpamapS: ?23:03
SpamapSbut rrdtool's dbi support crashes using 0.8.223:03
mathiazSpamapS: is the rest of rrdtool working correctly?23:04
SpamapSsomething I'm realizing more and more should be reported as a bug23:04
SpamapSYeah the rest works fine23:04
mathiazSpamapS: Given that we're getting closer to FF I wouldn't wait for Debian23:04
SpamapSI think libdbi can move to main as 0.8.2 .. but it would be better to move it as 0.8.323:04
mathiazSpamapS: I'd just upload everything relevant to Ubuntu23:04
mathiazSpamapS: and file relevant bugs in Debian23:04
mathiazSpamapS: with the hope that things will be picked up by the time we open the next release cycle23:05
mathiazSpamapS: and we can sync from Debian again23:05
SpamapSceph is going in this week, but the debian dev that is uploading it isn't confident that it will pass the new queue because of debconf23:05
mathiazSpamapS: we're not in FeatureFreeze yet - so we can still update to new upstream version23:05
mathiazSpamapS: I need to jet out for a few - I'll be back23:06
SpamapSmathiaz: thanks for the reviews and such.. ttyl23:06
corecodewhat's the best practise to maintain local modifcations to packages?23:26
mathiazSpamapS: for ceph I would suggest to use the  PartnerUploadDeadline23:26
mathiazSpamapS: which is tomorrow23:26
SpamapScorecode: what do you mean by "local modifications to packages" ?23:26
corecodejust using apt-get source will give me a complete new set23:26
mathiazSpamapS: so if ceph doesn't get through NEW by  PartnerUploadDeadline, I'd upload to Ubuntu23:26
mathiazSpamapS: so that it gets in time for FeatureFreeze23:26
corecodeSpamapS: i have modified an alsa driver to support my soundcard23:27
corecodeSpamapS: i'm using the backports-modules-alsa package for that23:27
mathiazSpamapS: for libdbi updating to the new upstream release should be done before FF23:27
SpamapSmathiaz: fairly certain ceph will not make it through NEW by tomorrow.23:27
mathiazcorecode: I'd look at PPA23:27
corecodebut now with the 2.6.32-24 kernel i need to pull my changes into the new sources23:27
SpamapSmathiaz: it may not even be uploaded by tomorrow.23:27
corecodemathiaz: the problem is less the hosting or building23:27
mathiazcorecode: so what's the issue you're running into?23:28
corecodemathiaz: but a way to merge my local changes with the changes coming from ubuntu23:28
mathiazSpamapS: ah ok - so I'd upload ceph to ubuntu (ie seek sponsorship)23:28
mathiazcorecode: I'd suggest to maintain a bzr branch23:28
mathiazcorecode: ie bzr branch lp:ubuntu/disto-release/backports-modules-alsa23:29
mathiazcorecode: and put your changes in your bzr branch23:29
corecodeah so every package has its own bzr repo?23:29
mathiazcorecode: yes23:29
corecodehow do i find this repo?23:29
mathiazcorecode: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/NAME-OF-THE-SOURCE-PACKAGE23:30
SpamapSmathiaz: http://ceph.newdream.net/testing/0.21/ceph_0.21-1.dsc23:30
SpamapSmathiaz: its a native package23:30
mathiazSpamapS: is there a PPA wich already has this package available for maverick?23:31
SpamapSmathiaz: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=50604023:31
ubottuDebian bug 506040 in wnpp "ITP: ceph -- a distributed filesystem" [Wishlist,Open]23:31
SpamapSmathiaz: Hm I suppose that warrants actually creating a PPA just for it23:32
mathiazSpamapS: yeah - the goal is to make sure that it builds correctly on Ubuntu maverick23:33
mathiazSpamapS: the version number of the package should also be changed - 0.21-0ubuntu123:33
mathiazSpamapS: if the package builds in the PPA and everything is correct we should be able to just copy it to the main ubuntu archive23:34
corecodemathiaz: thanks!23:34
mathiazSpamapS: could you mark the status of this branch as abandoned? https://code.launchpad.net/~clint-fewbar/ubuntu/maverick/cloud-init/glusterfs-mount-example23:35
SpamapSmathiaz: done23:39
SpamapSmathiaz: I've uploaded the ceph package here https://launchpad.net/~clint-fewbar/+archive/ceph (waiting for acceptance email) ...23:40
mathiazSpamapS: cool - I'll look at it23:41
SpamapSmathiaz: I'll also submit a patch to build lintian clean back to Sage .. would be cool if we can upload his package untouched tough23:44

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