
CIA-85ubiquity: evand * r4179 maverick-redesign/ (3 files in 3 dirs):08:59
CIA-85ubiquity: * Pack a VTE in a GtkScrolledWindow and wire it up to /var/log/installer/debug08:59
CIA-85ubiquity: * Use a better color for the PartitionBox dots.08:59
CIA-85ubiquity: * Bring back the Skip button, showing it alongside the GtkExpander when08:59
CIA-85ubiquity:  the GtkExpander is expanded.08:59
=== ev_ is now known as ev
CIA-85ubiquity: evand * r4180 maverick-redesign/ (gui/gtk/stepPartAdvanced.ui ubiquity/plugins/ubi-partman.py): Add spacing around the advanced partitioning page.16:47
CIA-85ubiquity: evand * r4181 maverick-redesign/ubiquity/plugins/ubi-console-setup.py: Fix reference to currently disabled greyed overlay.16:54
CIA-85ubiquity: evand * r4182 maverick-redesign/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Bring in some new artwork from the just-finished greeter page design.18:03
shtylmanev: hows the pizza? :p18:32

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