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bazhang | !member | 14:19 |
ubottu | Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership | 14:19 |
bazhang | daif, are you a member? | 14:19 |
Pici | daif: To be eligable for an ubuntu cloak you need to be an approved Ubuntu Member,. | 14:19 |
Pici | If you are, please share your launchpad ID and I'll get you setup. | 14:20 |
daif | I can't remember ,, yes | 14:20 |
daif | I want ubuntu irc hostmask | 14:21 |
Pici | daif: I know. I saw your message in #freenode. | 14:21 |
erUSUL | all : ActionParsnip ask me for a testimonial for memebership https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ActionParsnip i'm sure he would apreciate that form other #ubuntu regulars as well | 14:21 |
popey | https://launchpad.net/~daif | 14:22 |
daif | yes ,,, it's me | 14:22 |
popey | you're not an ubuntu member I'm afraid | 14:22 |
daif | so,,, what should I do now ? | 14:23 |
popey | read the page bazhang linked to | 14:23 |
popey | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership | 14:23 |
Pici | popey: Thanks | 14:23 |
popey | np | 14:23 |
daif | ok, Danke | 14:27 |
Ddorda | there should be a command to all that msg, it's being said too much | 14:33 |
Ddorda | something like !cloak > to get a cloak you should become an Ubuntu member. for more details: !member | 14:34 |
Ddorda | or something like that | 14:34 |
bazhang | there is one for cloak already | 14:34 |
Ddorda | bazhang: so why you guys not using it? | 14:35 |
bazhang | Ddorda, we do | 14:35 |
bazhang | !cloak | 14:35 |
ubottu | Want to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks More information available in #freenode | 14:35 |
Pici | I don't think we need to explain the membership thing that often. | 14:36 |
bazhang | not that many ubuntu users to justify a special factoid for | 14:36 |
bazhang | err members | 14:36 |
Ddorda | bazhang: well i see that question being asked quite often... | 14:37 |
bazhang | I defer to the factoid overlords :) | 14:37 |
erUSUL | Pici: it seems odd that we have the !nicksetup factoid but not the one Ddorda wants. the later is more often needed than the later... | 14:38 |
erUSUL | Pici: it seems odd that we have the !nicksetup factoid but not the one Ddorda wants. the later is more often needed than the former ... obviously | 14:38 |
Ddorda | !nicksetup | 14:39 |
ubottu | To setup your nick so that you can be given a cloak, please follow the instructions here: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup | 14:39 |
elky | It's also more polite to take a moment to type something out if it's not a rushed thing | 14:41 |
Pici | Agreed. | 14:41 |
daif | popey: I am a member of the Arab Translation Team | 14:42 |
popey | daif: I know :) | 14:44 |
daif | can I get ubuntu irc hostmask | 14:45 |
popey | no | 14:45 |
popey | only ubuntu members can | 14:45 |
popey | an Ubuntu Member is someone who has attended one of the Regional Membership Boards and had their contribution evaluated | 14:45 |
Ddorda | daif: check the link they sent you | 14:46 |
Ddorda | daif: for now you can get regular cloak from #freenode | 14:46 |
=== Ddorda1 is now known as Ddorda |
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