=== Zeike is now known as brandonj | ||
godbyk | humphreybc: I just released the German edition. | 04:26 |
humphreybc | gnarly! | 04:26 |
godbyk | (Hopefully I didn't forget any of the steps.) | 04:27 |
brandonj | congrats on the release | 04:32 |
godbyk | Now I can go through my inbox and archive all the German- and Greek-related emails. :-) | 04:32 |
godbyk | I'm going to head to bed and read for a while. I'm done staring at the computer screen today. :-) | 04:36 |
humphreybc | godbyk: beautiful work on the translations | 08:57 |
humphreybc | I forgot we had all of those translated screenshots as well :P | 08:57 |
humphreybc | So stoked how nice the translated editions look | 09:01 |
humphreybc | Anyone know the username and password for http://ubuntu-manual.org/stats ? | 09:08 |
=== topo is now known as Guest44524 | ||
dutchie | humphreybc: gnarly? do normal kiwis say that, or just you? | 09:28 |
humphreybc | just me | 09:29 |
dutchie | thought it might be | 09:29 |
humphreybc | you thought correct | 09:29 |
humphreybc | although I'd say more kiwis say gnarly than poms say gnarly | 09:29 |
Pa_trick17 | hi - anyone of the german translation team here (or can anyone give me a room/member)? | 09:38 |
nisshh | Pa_trick17: hmmm, there was someone from that team in here the other day, i cant remember who it was though | 09:39 |
nisshh | Pa_trick17: i think there is an #ubuntu-translators channel | 09:40 |
nisshh | try in there | 09:40 |
Pa_trick17 | nisshh: thanks anyway - i'll give #ubuntu-translators a try | 09:41 |
nisshh | Pa_trick17: cool, good luck :) | 09:41 |
Pa_trick17 | Anyone have permission to assign Translation Bug-Reports and can help me out? | 10:40 |
nisshh | Pa_trick17: i dont know if i do, but give me a link to the bug | 10:41 |
nisshh | ill see if i can | 10:42 |
Pa_trick17 | nisshh: Sure: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+bug/610777 -> shall be assigned to (or even better if you could change "affects") Ubuntu German Translators (https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-de) | 10:44 |
Pa_trick17 | nisshh: i'll have to go now ... would be great if you can help me with this bug. if not i'll contact the team member jochen skullj - think i'll have to do this anyway, because bug-reporting doesn't work as described in their launchpad-site given above. Thank you very very much!!! :-D Have a great day! | 11:00 |
daker | godbyk, nice work :) | 11:37 |
humphreybc | hey daker, how're things? | 11:40 |
daker | i don't know :) | 11:40 |
humphreybc | did I say something? | 11:41 |
nisshh | lol | 11:41 |
daker | humphreybc, back | 11:46 |
humphreybc | lol okay | 11:47 |
daker | So, You Were Saying? | 11:48 |
thorwil | daker: humphreybc did say something: "<humphreybc> did I say something?" | 11:49 |
daker | thorwil, \o/ | 11:49 |
humphreybc | lol | 11:50 |
humphreybc | I just asked how you were daker | 11:50 |
daker | not very good but it's fine | 11:50 |
daker | humphreybc, i thought you were asking about the German edition :D | 11:50 |
humphreybc | haha nope | 11:51 |
thorwil | which reminds me ... | 11:51 |
daker | beause i don't anything, it's godbyk who has done everything | 11:51 |
thorwil | godbyk: in german edition "Live-CD" looks odd with the not-so-bold small-caps CD. (i guess it's the same in english, but somehow manged to not notice) | 11:52 |
humphreybc | http://twitter.com/MatthiasHeil/status/19733857928 | 12:40 |
humphreybc | woohoo! | 12:40 |
daker | GREAT | 12:41 |
thorwil | ah, that means nothing, germans are known to get excited and double rainbow happy easily!! | 12:45 |
daker | \o/ | 12:45 |
daker | humphreybc, thorwil http://stats.ubuntu-manual.org/downloads/?id=28 | 12:47 |
humphreybc | https://twitter.com/#search?q=ubuntu%20manual | 12:48 |
humphreybc | daker: how do I see all our stats for all time? | 12:48 |
daker | there no way actually | 12:49 |
humphreybc | :( | 12:49 |
humphreybc | so we can't tell how many times the manual has been downloaded now? | 12:49 |
daker | yes we can | 12:50 |
humphreybc | oh okay | 12:50 |
humphreybc | give me some stats then : | 12:50 |
humphreybc | :) | 12:50 |
daker | tell godbyk he can do that | 12:50 |
humphreybc | lol okay | 12:50 |
daker | i don't have access the db | 12:50 |
* humphreybc is off to bed | 12:57 | |
humphreybc | night everyone! | 12:57 |
daker | hey everybody we are at the 1er position on google results | 13:25 |
daker | http://www.google.co.ma/search?hl=en&q=ubuntu+manual&btnG=Rechercher&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai= | 13:25 |
nisshh | daker: wooo! finally! | 13:26 |
daker | YES | 13:27 |
nisshh | we have been 3rd or so for ages | 13:27 |
daker | we beat ubuntumanual.org | 13:28 |
daker | & ubuntuguide.org | 13:28 |
daker | same thing for the Greek version | 13:35 |
daker | http://www.google.co.ma/search?hl=en&q=%CE%95%CE%B3%CF%87%CE%B5%CE%B9%CF%81%CE%AF%CE%B4%CE%B9%CE%BF+%CF%87%CF%81%CE%AE%CF%83%CE%B7%CF%82+%CF%84%CE%BF%CF%85+Ubuntu&btnG=Rechercher&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai= | 13:35 |
daker | some thing for in german | 13:38 |
daker | http://www.google.co.ma/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=Ubuntu-Handbuch | 13:38 |
godbyk | thorwil: Ah, non-bold small-caps. Crap! I had noticed that eons ago and I meant to fix it, but apparently didn't. I think at one point I had gone through and removed the \acronym tags from the section headings, but perhaps I just dreamed it. | 17:40 |
thorwil | godbyk: don't sweat, you still rock ;) | 17:42 |
godbyk | thorwil: We'll just blame the font designer for not supplying a full set of bold glyphs. ;-) | 17:44 |
daker | godbyk, ping | 18:29 |
godbyk | daker: pong | 18:36 |
daker | euh, [12:49] <humphreybc> so we can't tell how many times the manual has been downloaded now? | 18:37 |
daker | can you do a selection from the table urls | 18:38 |
daker | there is a filed which store the number of downloads | 18:38 |
daker | do you remember ? | 18:38 |
godbyk | Here are the results: | 18:41 |
godbyk | http://test.ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/en_US/screen24 | 18:41 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/en_US/screen124369 | 18:41 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/en_US/print7289 | 18:41 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/en_US/js/countdown/countdown.js3 | 18:41 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/en_US/screen/Getting_Started_with_Ubuntu_10.04.pdf1 | 18:41 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/en_US/screenhttp:/ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/en_US/screen1 | 18:41 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/en_US7 | 18:41 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/en_US/22 | 18:41 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/en_US/screen/11 | 18:41 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/en_US/screen&ei=EgHhS6rbD5fE3AKggr23BQ1 | 18:41 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/en_US/.google-analytics.com/ga.js2 | 18:41 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/en_US/.google-analytics.com/.google-analytics.com/ga.js2 | 18:41 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/en_US/.google-analytics.com/.google-analytics.com/.google-analytics.com/ga.js2 | 18:41 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/en_US/.google-analytics.com/.google-analytics.com/.google-analytics.com/.google-analytics.com/ga.js2 | 18:41 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/en_US/41 | 18:41 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/en_US/screen/favicon.ico1 | 18:42 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/el/screen2333 | 18:42 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/el/print55 | 18:42 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/en_US/text/javascript1 | 18:42 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/el/screen.3 | 18:42 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/el1 | 18:42 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/de/screen958 | 18:42 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/de5 | 18:42 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/de/print17 | 18:42 |
godbyk | http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04/de/30 | 18:42 |
daker | what the hell | 18:42 |
godbyk | that's the url and the number of clicks. | 18:43 |
daker | oki | 18:43 |
godbyk | So 124,369 downloads of the English screen version. | 18:43 |
daker | which means the total is 135,021 downloads | 18:47 |
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