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karim__ | how do themes get that small icon of the program in the window border | 12:12 |
dholbach | karim__: try #ubuntu-desktop - this channel is just for meetings | 12:16 |
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karim__ | hey is the meeting in silence | 12:31 |
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dholbach | karim__: there's no meeting right now, at all other times it is silence in here, yes | 12:37 |
dholbach | karim__: check the topic | 12:38 |
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* mvo looks around | 16:01 | |
* psurbhi1 waves | 16:02 | |
doko | hi | 16:02 |
barry | hi | 16:03 |
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barry | are we meeting today? | 16:04 |
mvo | hi | 16:05 |
robbiew | who's chairing | 16:06 |
robbiew | hmm.../me looks at last agenda | 16:06 |
robbiew | I suspect it was ev | 16:06 |
robbiew | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Meetings/2010/0623#Chair for next meeting | 16:07 |
robbiew | hey ev ;) | 16:08 |
robbiew | perfect timing | 16:08 |
ev | damn IRC bouncers | 16:08 |
ev | right, I'm running this thing, aren't I? | 16:08 |
doko | well, "running" would imply some speed ... | 16:09 |
ev | lol | 16:09 |
ev | right | 16:09 |
ev | #startmeeting | 16:09 |
MootBot | Meeting started at 10:09. The chair is ev. | 16:09 |
MootBot | Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] | 16:09 |
ev | [TOPIC] Lightning round | 16:09 |
MootBot | New Topic: Lightning round | 16:09 |
ev | order: Keybuk, mvo, csurbhi, barry, ev, doko, cjwatson | 16:09 |
ev | given that Scott's bouncer is on the same box, I'm assuming he's offline for the same reason | 16:10 |
ev | mvo: you're up | 16:10 |
mvo | sprint: s-c whats-new/buy-something, mago/ldtp into with ara, metadata in PPAs, design team feedback on specs/usertesting/s-c, unity&oneconf integration in sc, ubuntuone collaboration (login) | 16:10 |
mvo | (done) | 16:10 |
psurbhi | * worked on #601877 and 601874. The fix to both of them is the same really. Have uploaded a ppa and shall ask the user to see if the fix works for them. I cannot reproduce the bug, so cannot test it. | 16:10 |
psurbhi | * looked around for bugs in e2fsprogs. | 16:10 |
psurbhi | * configuring qemu environment for testing. | 16:10 |
psurbhi | * need to test mdadm and send a request for upload. | 16:10 |
psurbhi | done | 16:10 |
* mvo is happy that he actually took notes this time during the sprint :) | 16:10 | |
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ev | barry: ping | 16:11 |
barry | catching up on email threads; babysitting py27 ppas; reviewing/discussing/fixing ftbfs on debian-python; pep 3149 (versioned .so) shepherding; upgraded main box to maverick (only failure: known libvirt security breakage). done. | 16:12 |
ev | Fixing bugs in the installer design, trying to get a working version of greyable bin, working on a take a photo page, and trying to package sphinxsearch's python api. Verifying a ubuntu netbook USB disk for the shop. Just had a call with Andrew S. on the installing non-free software during install stuff. Moving forward there, I let him know that I'll be on vacation so the deadline is well before FF. | 16:12 |
ev | General "oh my god, feature freeze in a few days, panic" stuff | 16:13 |
ev | (done) | 16:13 |
doko | another set of openjdk-6 security updates, lucid sru's for eglibc. gcj-4.4, some linaro work, and openjdk & eglibc bug triage | 16:13 |
doko | done | 16:13 |
robbiew | cjwatson is on holiday | 16:14 |
ev | oh, well then | 16:15 |
ev | no actions from last meeting | 16:15 |
ev | [TOPIC] alpha 3 | 16:15 |
MootBot | New Topic: alpha 3 | 16:15 |
ev | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+bugs?field.milestone:list=27561 | 16:15 |
ev | I see a few that are ours | 16:16 |
ev | anyone need help getting things ready for alpha 3 or have time to help with alpha 3 tasks? | 16:16 |
robbiew | ...and are we up-to-date on our work item status? | 16:17 |
ev | somewhat ;) | 16:18 |
barry | mostly | 16:18 |
ev | I need to update mine to reflect last week | 16:18 |
robbiew | says the two with the most items ;) | 16:18 |
ev | *ducks* | 16:18 |
ev | [TOPIC] sponsorship queue! | 16:18 |
MootBot | New Topic: sponsorship queue! | 16:18 |
barry | *runs* | 16:18 |
ev | http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/ | 16:19 |
MootBot | LINK received: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/ | 16:19 |
ev | ^ you know the drill | 16:19 |
ev | [TOPIC] Business from activity reports | 16:19 |
MootBot | New Topic: Business from activity reports | 16:19 |
ev | anyone have anything they'd like to raise? | 16:19 |
barry | doko: we need to talk about the timeline for py27 decision. we can take that offline after meeting | 16:21 |
ev | right | 16:21 |
ev | [TOPIC] Any other business? | 16:21 |
MootBot | New Topic: Any other business? | 16:21 |
ev | I'm assuming not, given the above | 16:21 |
doko | barry: sure, but we have to wait for alpha3 anyway | 16:22 |
robbiew | I think HR expects objectives in by this Friday....but I don't ;) | 16:22 |
ev | lol | 16:22 |
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk | ||
ScottK | barry: I'd like to be involved in that discussion. | 16:22 |
barry | doko: right. i'm just worried about vacations getting in the way ;) | 16:22 |
ev | [TOPIC] good news? | 16:22 |
MootBot | New Topic: good news? | 16:22 |
robbiew | I'll write up some guidelines and get those out by next week...I think by end of August is more reasonable ;) | 16:22 |
barry | ScottK, doko: +1. after this meeting? | 16:23 |
ScottK | Sure. | 16:23 |
barry | robbiew: +1 | 16:23 |
ScottK | Good news is the linaro toolchain stuff landing means qt4-x11 built on armel. Thanks. | 16:23 |
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha | ||
robbiew | ScottK: you have no idea the drama that the linaro toolchain caused last week...lol | 16:24 |
doko | ScottK: bad news is that kde4libs now fails =) | 16:24 |
ScottK | doko: Riddell has a fix. | 16:24 |
ScottK | We just need to get some installability stuff worked out now. | 16:24 |
ScottK | Progress. | 16:24 |
ev | [TOPIC] next chair | 16:25 |
MootBot | New Topic: next chair | 16:25 |
ev | who? | 16:25 |
barry | shuffle says keybuk :) | 16:26 |
ev | sold | 16:26 |
ev | #endmeeting | 16:26 |
MootBot | Meeting finished at 10:26. | 16:26 |
ev | thanks! | 16:26 |
mvo | thanks | 16:26 |
mvo | short and sweet | 16:26 |
barry | thanks! doko, ScottK here or new channel? | 16:26 |
* ScottK is flexible. | 16:26 | |
barry | here is fine with me | 16:27 |
barry | so, i've been working my way through jwilk's follow up on debian-python. i think the only thing painful about 2.7 so far is numpy, but we're beholden to debian on that one i think | 16:28 |
ScottK | So it's going to be magically easy? | 16:28 |
barry | so while we have a few failures, i don't think there's anything yet identified to stop us from enabling 2.7 | 16:28 |
barry | ScottK: not magically. jwilk identified two packages that need fixing, but that should be fairly easy | 16:29 |
ScottK | OK. | 16:29 |
barry | i have three ftbfs to investigate, but unlikely py27 failures | 16:29 |
barry | numpy is the biggest concern, but i think we should not let that stop us | 16:29 |
ScottK | My biggest concern is that there isn't a lot of community support available to fix Universe stuff. | 16:29 |
ScottK | If you are going to do this, it has to be with an eye towards the whole enchilada. | 16:30 |
barry | ScottK: this is true, however the question is whether it's better to try to fix those *before* we enable (remember: not default) py27, or whether we enable it for mav with the understanding that there may be failures in uni we don't know about | 16:31 |
barry | ScottK, doko you guys lived through the 2.6 transition, and have a better feel for the problems. what do you think? | 16:31 |
ScottK | You rebuilt everything in py27, right? | 16:31 |
doko | the whole enchilada would be the robust python packaging included | 16:31 |
barry | ScottK: everything that was build-dep on python-all python-all-dev | 16:31 |
barry | in main tho | 16:31 |
ScottK | You didn't rebuild Universe? | 16:32 |
barry | doko: that's py3.2, which isn't ready upstream yet | 16:32 |
doko | barry: as long as you don't change the default, you can always fall back not building for 2.7 | 16:32 |
barry | ScottK: no, but that's next | 16:32 |
ScottK | barry: I think Universe should be rebuilt before a final decision is taken. | 16:33 |
barry | ScottK: cool, i'll start scripting that today | 16:33 |
doko | ScottK: I disagree, we even didn't rebuild main just for adding 2.7 | 16:33 |
ScottK | doko: barry did rebuild Main. | 16:34 |
barry | well, you mean build-deps, right? | 16:34 |
doko | build-deps on python-all* | 16:34 |
ScottK | Right. Not all of it, just the Python using bits. | 16:34 |
barry | doko: yep | 16:34 |
ScottK | Yes. | 16:34 |
ScottK | That's all I'm talking about is Universe packages that build-dep on python-all* | 16:35 |
doko | barry: I thought you did do this for universe already? | 16:35 |
barry | doko: main | 16:35 |
barry | i will set up a ppa for uni today | 16:36 |
barry | doko, ScottK main thing for me is agreeing on a timeline for making the decision, given alpha3, feature freeze and vacations coming up | 16:37 |
ScottK | I think the gating function on the timeline is the Universe rebuild. | 16:37 |
ScottK | Other than that, the sooner the better. | 16:37 |
barry | alpha3 is 5-aug. ff is 12-aug. beta is 2-sep. do we need to do this before ff or before beta? | 16:40 |
ScottK | Before FF. | 16:41 |
ScottK | We should start 6-aug. 5 if we can. | 16:42 |
ScottK | (where "do" means add it as a supported version and start work on rebuilds) | 16:42 |
ScottK | doko: It would probably be good to provide the same thing in Debian Experimental. We might get some benefit from testing there. | 16:43 |
barry | ScottK: +1 | 16:45 |
barry | ScottK, doko: pvt email sent | 16:46 |
barry | okay, i have what i think i need. thanks guys | 16:46 |
doko | I'm away now | 16:46 |
barry | np. ttyl | 16:47 |
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renglaji | Is there supposed to be an Edubuntu meeting in here now? | 18:08 |
renglaji | No Edubuntu meeting? | 18:32 |
pleia2 | renglaji: looks like that's not for another couple of hours | 18:46 |
pleia2 | @now | 18:46 |
ubottu | Current time in Etc/UTC: July 28 2010, 17:46:26 | 18:46 |
renglaji | You're right, sorry had my time conversion off. Thanks | 18:48 |
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renglaji | Will there be an Edubuntu meeting here? | 20:06 |
nhandler | renglaji: It is listed on the Fridge, but the agenda (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/Meetings/Agenda) doesn't appear to have been updated, so I'm not sure | 20:07 |
renglaji | I saw that as well. Thanks for the info. | 20:08 |
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=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk |
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