akgraner | holstein, thanks | 00:00 |
akgraner | how hard to you all get hit? | 00:00 |
akgraner | we took an almost direct hit to the house | 00:00 |
holstein | not bad | 00:00 |
holstein | nothing like that | 00:00 |
holstein | it sounded bad | 00:00 |
akgraner | Pete got shocked as he was working on the servers when it happened | 00:00 |
holstein | ad i thought we might lose power | 00:00 |
holstein | but not even a blip | 00:01 |
holstein | akgraner: w0w | 00:01 |
holstein | is he cool? | 00:01 |
akgraner | yeah - but it def tickled him | 00:01 |
akgraner | not sure what all happened to the servers yet but I am sure something is fried | 00:02 |
* holstein crosses fingers | 00:02 | |
akgraner | I'll let you know | 00:05 |
akgraner | I was in the middle of adding stuff to the wiki too | 00:05 |
akgraner | now I gotta figure out what I lost | 00:05 |
akgraner | this week is full of fail and suckage!!! | 00:05 |
holstein | :/ | 00:08 |
zkriesse | Hey newsies | 04:00 |
akgraner | The new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: | 04:01 |
akgraner | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue203 | 04:01 |
pleia2 | akgraner: yay! :) | 04:01 |
akgraner | :-) | 04:01 |
akgraner | pleia2, yay and ugh! | 04:02 |
akgraner | I hate when I am traveling on both weekends | 04:02 |
zkriesse | looks very news-ish | 04:02 |
pleia2 | akgraner: yeah, that's tough | 04:03 |
akgraner | then I had a stupid migraine yesterday | 04:03 |
akgraner | and then we had a lightning storm that took out breakers today - suckage and fail! | 04:04 |
zkriesse | akgraner: it's not that bad | 04:04 |
zkriesse | It could be worse | 04:04 |
pleia2 | akgraner: ouch :\ | 04:05 |
akgraner | pleia2, yeah - one of those weeks :-/ pisses me off so bad | 04:06 |
pleia2 | akgraner: oh yeah, loved your writeup of oscon table stuff for the user blog :) | 04:07 |
akgraner | thanks! OSCON was awesome - wish you had been there | 04:08 |
akgraner | Part 2 about the Ubuntu Booth is tomorrow | 04:08 |
pleia2 | me too, MarkDude had lots of great things to say about the event | 04:08 |
akgraner | MarkDude and Valerie rocked | 04:09 |
akgraner | she is awesome - had me laughing and smiling the whole time | 04:09 |
pleia2 | I haven't met her, I hope I get the opportunity soon | 04:09 |
akgraner | oh and your fliers were a huge hit | 04:09 |
pleia2 | yay! | 04:09 |
akgraner | I had people they gave them too finding me throughout the day | 04:09 |
pleia2 | it's amazing what pretty paper will do :) | 04:10 |
akgraner | I even gave a talk to a group of HS girls about why now is the time to get involved in IT and open source | 04:10 |
pleia2 | that's great | 04:10 |
akgraner | the o'reilly folks estimated 3k+ in attendees | 04:11 |
pleia2 | anyway, the boy is home, need to run off to the store before they close | 04:11 |
pleia2 | wow nice | 04:11 |
akgraner | laters | 04:12 |
zkriesse | bye pleia2 | 04:15 |
akgraner | ok folks - newsletter posted to IRC channels, mailing lists, forums, fridge and planet - also the new docs for Issue 204 have been created and you can start adding to them now | 04:31 |
akgraner | http://ietherpad.com/UWN-Ideas | 04:31 |
akgraner | http://ietherpad.com/UWN | 04:31 |
akgraner | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue204 | 04:31 |
akgraner | https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AdKZelXU8Y2LZGNrcHRkYmhfODlkODNxNnRnZA&hl=en | 04:31 |
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