
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
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Scunizion a fresh install I installed samba4 out of curiosity then uninstalled it.  It's left some cruft that I think is interfearing with the samba3 install... doing a ps aux -e | grep samba & smbd & nmbd shows all are loaded.. #samba says that the samba process is related to version 4 and smbd & nmbd for version 3.. how do I erradicate samba4? Just delete all related files?00:51
ScottKScunizi: Better to reinstall and then purge instead of just remove.00:52
ScottKThen if there's anything left and you remove it, the package manager won't remember you removed it by hand and reinstall it properly if you ever install the package again.00:52
ScuniziScottK: I tried purge after remove.. of course it didn't work.. will installing samba4 eliminate samba3's installation? or replace my smb.conf file?00:53
ScottKScunizi: Purge only works if the package is installed.00:53
ScottKIt shouldn't, but if you're concerned, make a copy of it first.00:54
Scunizidid.. thanks..00:54
* ScottK isn't much of a samba person, so can't say for sure.00:54
ScuniziScottK: just so I have the right purge command.. sudo apt-get purge samba4 ..?00:55
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ScottK(assuming samba4 is the binary package name)00:55
Scuniziok.. thanks00:55
ScuniziAlso had to do a apt-get autoremove for some of the extra packages.01:02
cmwslwi have multiple subdomains on my home server02:23
cmwslwi used to keep the subdomain files in different folders in /var/web02:23
cmwslwis this a normal place to keep it?02:24
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=== unreal_ is now known as unreal
PleceboI have a server using software raid in a esata enclosure. I physically moved the location of the server and the enclosure and now my raid array is resyncing am I loosing data?03:22
Italian_Plumberhttp://pastebin.com/Z5DaVRvL <-- can't kill samba ... any ideas?03:39
qman__Italian_Plumber, kill -903:52
qman__if that doesn't work, the only way I know of is rebooting03:53
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Italian_Plumber:) thanks...  I tried that and it seemst o have worked.03:55
harrisondoes anyone know how to connect wirelessly via CLI?04:15
KurtKrautharrison, this is constantly asked here. I didn't find yet a wiki/tutorial/howto about that. If you find, please, tell me so  I'll be able to answer other people.04:18
harrisonthere is the link04:25
KurtKrautharrison, did it work for you? Can I recommend this link?04:26
MTecknologyWhat's some really amazing thing about Ubuntu that I could use in a report?04:30
MTecknologyWhat he says is "Give an "Oh Wow" fact about the project."04:31
qman__MTecknology, the best features of ubuntu over other linux distros aren't "oh wow" things04:32
harrison over windows?04:32
MTecknologyin general04:33
qman__in my opinion, Ubuntu's best feature is the simplified nature of the total package04:33
qman__it gets a lot of it from the debian upstream, but then ubuntu picks a well-thought out subset and puts it together nicely, very little work required04:34
MTecknologyI was thinking something like, 50 billion people contributed to it04:34
KurtKrautharrison, thanks04:35
MTecknologyThat is true though - it puts together an awesome default setup04:35
qman__I guess the crowning moment for me was when they added the LAMP tasksel04:35
qman__one check box for a working web server04:35
MTecknologyand now tasksel is going away....04:36
qman__what's it being replaced with?04:36
MTecknologySo far I've heard nothing04:36
MTecknologyaptitude is being removed from the default install too04:36
qman__I always use apt-get anyway04:40
qman__I know aptitude offers more features but old habits die hard04:40
qman__it IS kind of silly to include both in the default install04:40
qman__but tasksel is one of the best features of ubuntu server04:41
qman__if they don't replace it with something they're seriously hurting it04:41
MTecknologyqman__: indeed04:42
harrisonqman__ what is tasksel?04:50
qman__harrison, `sudo tasksel` and see04:51
qman__it also runs near the end of a ubuntu server install04:52
harrisonThat is something to remember04:54
harrisonwhat is an edubuntu server?04:54
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twb!edubuntu > ubottu04:58
ubottutwb, please see my private message04:58
twb!edubuntu > harrison04:58
ubottuharrison, please see my private message04:58
twbharrison: try "/msg ubottu foo" when you want to know "what is foo?"04:58
silentwhisperhow are you04:58
silentwhisperare you a system admin?04:59
harrisonI will try that but what I wanted to know, does edubuntu have a server-client system?05:00
harrisonSilentwhisper no I am not, someday maybe.05:00
silentwhispersorry, i have no idea05:00
silentwhisperwhy you're here?05:01
silentwhisperwhat is your careeer now?05:01
harrisonHomeschool student.05:02
silentwhisperThis is a great start for you05:02
silentwhisperi'm here to learn and shift career05:02
harrisonin what way?05:02
silentwhisperi hope i could do that a short span of time05:03
harrisonWhat administer a server?05:03
silentwhisperi would like to learn about server admin05:03
harrisonI mostly browse the forum how-to's to learn how to install vsftpd and samba and the sort.05:04
harrisonkylenet.dyndns.org is my server.05:05
silentwhispervsftpd to transfer files?05:06
harrisonyes it's a ftp server.05:07
silentwhispersamba to host files?05:09
silentwhisperwere you able to finish the installation05:09
silentwhisperwhat do you want to accomplish now?05:09
silentwhisperwhere are the files?05:10
harrisonI have it setup on my parents computer, it runs win 7 and it works well.05:10
NonpythonI want to use postfix to, instead of having a unix account for each address, use LDAP to manage the users. Is there a guide for this?05:12
harrisonWhat's postfix?05:12
harrisonIt's 12:14 EST time for bed. (thats in Quebec, Canada)05:14
silentwhisperwhat is the url for your files05:15
silentwhisperwhere is your fileserver?05:31
silentwhispernowadays what are the skills i should learn a system admin?05:36
silentwhisperas a system admin05:36
NonpythonWhat form does Postfix want LDAP users in?06:01
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NonpythonNo matter what form I put the password in, ldap stuff gives "ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)".06:33
twbNonpython: is the LDAP server slapd on lucid?06:38
twbOn the server, does "slapcat" work?  Does "ss -lp" report that slapd is listening to the appropriate port?06:40
twbIf so, then try to use "ldapsearch -x" on the server.06:41
twbProbably ldapsearch -x -H ldap://
NonpythonSlapcat does not work. ss -lp reports that slapd is running on port 24726.06:43
twbWhat does slapcat say?06:46
NonpythonI am just running "slapcat". No arguments.06:47
twbWhat is its exit status?06:47
twbThat is "command not found"06:50
twbYou should be getting an error message from your shell -- you should investigate that sometime.06:50
twbAre you running slapcat as root?06:50
NonpythonLawl. That was from a typo.06:51
NonpythonReally it is 0.06:51
twbOK; do you have any evidence that there are any objects in your LDAP database?06:53
twbI think your LDAP is working but you don't have any objects07:03
NonpythonHow do I get some?07:10
NonpythonI have 2 virtual hosts. One works, and one shows the same content as the other one, which is not right. What is wrong?08:37
twbBy "virtual hosts" do you mean apache vhosting?08:41
twbI don't do apache, sorry08:51
larsemiltwb: i got that error when having apache read the config files in the wrong order. so i renamed the other one to 00_name and that solved the problem. its about having a default one i guess.09:01
trinkity__hi all09:33
trinkity__i need help with shorewall. Is possible log mac address with masquerading?09:33
someuserhello! need help with UUIDs: i have 3 partitions on my disk, sda1, sda2 (primary) and sda5 (extended). now, for some unknown reason sda5 suddenly has no UUID and I can't mount it anymore. How to create a new UUID and attach it to sda5?09:46
twbDepends on the filesystem09:47
twbWhat does "sudo blkid /dev/sda5" say?09:47
someuserits ext409:48
twbWhat's the whole line?09:48
someuserno result for blkid /dev/sda509:48
twbThat doesn't make sense09:49
someuserblkid gives me result only for sda1 and sda209:49
twbWhat does "sudo file -s /dev/sda5" say?09:49
someuser"/dev/sda5: Minix filesystem09:50
someusere2fsck -f says that filesystem is clean09:51
twbYou've fucked up your filesystem somehow09:53
someuserwhat I have already tried is tune2fs -U random /dev/sda5, but that didn't yield any result for me09:53
twbWhat is the filesystem type for sda5 in the partition table?09:54
twbIIRC it should be 83 for ext09:54
someuserbut how? only users with limited right are working on the system, I didn't touch anything for at least a month or two :(09:54
twbI don't know09:54
someuserhow can I get this what you need? (83)09:55
twbI would probably run "sudo cfdisk /dev/sda"09:56
someuserwrite new partition table? will all data then be lost?09:57
twbThat will *inspect* the partition table09:58
twbMake a backup of it first if you're really paranoid09:58
someuseraha, no. I'm not that paranoid :)09:59
someuserwell, i'm in cfdisk, all partitions are listed10:00
twbAnd what type does it list for sda5?10:00
someusersda1 (swap),sda2 (root, ext3) and sda5 (extended, ext3) (sry!, its ext3 after all)10:01
someusersda5 is listed as logical ext3, linux10:02
twbThat's what it SHOULD say10:02
twbI don't know what you've done to this box that it can't see it in file -s and  blkid10:02
someuserthis is computer of my aunt, she has 3 children and some of them must have done something. but they all have limited user accounts, what they can do?!10:04
someuserall is there except UUID10:04
someuserwhen I run 'ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid' only sda1 and sda2 are listed10:06
silentwhispersir twb i was able to setup webserver and mail server quit and dirty10:10
silentwhisperwhat else should i learn in maintaining server?10:10
trinkity__anyone can help me with shorewall? I need log macaddress of all my packet10:11
twbsomeuser: /dev/disk/by-uuid won't see tune2fs changes until you restart udev10:16
twbtrinkity__: try #shorewall10:17
someuseri did shutdown -r now10:17
someuserbut still no changes10:18
someusertwb: i did it on the old way, with /dev/sda5 instead of UUID in fstab. but still no explanation while UUID is suddenly missing. I will do the upgrade to 10.04 and hope that upgrade process will notice that UUID is missing and generate a new one for me. thank you for your help!10:42
MmikeDOMAHow do I run installation in text mode? i'm trying to install server on remote HP server using the ILO interface that I can access only via ssh, but as soon as installCD boots up it goes to graphics mode. Is there a way to circumvent that?11:35
twbMmikeDOMA: boot with fb=false11:35
twbUnless you're using 10.04, in which case you're fucked due to a bug in the server CD.11:36
twb(Serial also works, as long as there's no graphics card installed.)11:36
MmikeDOMAtwb, i'm using 10.04. as soon as i get ISOLINUX booting message it goes to fb11:39
MmikeDOMAso I'm fucked11:39
MmikeDOMANeat :)11:40
=== someuser_ is now known as someuser
twbMmikeDOMA: you can either preseed past it and do the install over ssh, roll your own CD, or netboot11:40
twbOr do a d-i-less install from an existing unix system11:41
trinkity__in try in channel #shorewall but nothing help for me11:41
trinkity__i need log mac address in shorewall log11:41
MmikeDOMAtwb: problem is that ILO remcons won't let me press any keys because it's in graphics mode. It tells me to use web graphics interface which I can't because ILO adapter is on private network, i used ssh port-forwarding to access it. And I don't have hands on site.11:42
MmikeDOMAOh, well.11:42
twbMmikeDOMA: yeah, I hate that stuff with a passion11:42
MmikeDOMAI'm begining to grow a passion for that hate these days, yes.11:42
twbAt least your LOM actually supported direct ssh11:42
twbMost of the routers and loms I get thrown at ONLY support some goddamn activex-based web UI11:43
MmikeDOMAMaybe there is a way to fool the java applet11:44
twbMmikeDOMA: I assume you're nowhere near the machine?11:44
MmikeDOMAtwb, 2 hours drive. I'll be there tomorrow but I wanted to prepup from home.11:45
MmikeDOMAAnd I'm not going there now.11:45
twbCan you boot the host off PXE?11:45
MmikeDOMABut, would the installCD recognize the serial console if attached?11:47
twbIt'll support it, but you'll need to pass parameters via the VGA console first :-(11:47
twb(You need to do that for 8.04, too, it's just I assumed you could type that blind.)11:48
MmikeDOMASo, the only thing I'm left to is making java applet to connect trough the ssh-forwarded connectio11:50
twbGood luck11:50
MmikeDOMAWhy does a server install CD goes to framebuffer anyway?11:51
MmikeDOMABecause of a fancier look?11:51
Jeeves_MmikeDOMA: That's a very good question.11:51
Jeeves_It broke stuff for much people11:51
Jeeves_And has no use11:52
twbMmikeDOMA: just to piss me off11:53
twbthat's the ONLY reason11:53
twbThe whole world is against me11:53
kim0Hi server guys. Remember that little django app for celebrating the 10.04.1 release I mentioned yesterday. Can anyone provide me a publically reachable VM to test it on (don't wanna waste time waiting for IS)11:58
Jeeves_twb: Ehm, but we agree with you! :)11:59
MmikeDOMAtwb, i'm with you too ;)12:00
twbThe fact that plymouth is a required part of ubuntu-minimal, and that even with "splash" removed from the boot parameters, it's still *running*, is enough of a turn-off that everyone in my office is turning to one another and saying "so, remind me, why did we switch to Ubuntu again?"12:00
Jeeves_implementing plymouth was stupid, and useless.12:01
Jeeves_And they did it in an LTS release12:01
Jeeves_which isn't supposed to be usefull at all!12:01
twbAnd because i915 is enabled by default, my cheapo VGA-only LCD monitors chop off the leftmost column on the tty, so I have to spend five minutes every other day pissing about with their horizontal alignment.  The old 80x25 default was big enough that it wasn't noticable.12:02
twbThe other one that has screwed me hard so far is the race conditions in upstart/mountall when booting from NFS12:03
twbTo "fix" it I had to change mountall-net.conf to just "killall -USR1 mountall" every tenth of a second, forever12:04
MmikeDOMAWhere does one report a bug for ubuntu-server? Same place as for desktop?12:05
twbMmikeDOMA: launchpad somewhere12:05
twbTry "BROWSER=w3m apport-bug" or so12:06
twbhttps://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/EmailInterface is useful12:06
a_okwat is the recomended way to add and configure a bridge at boot?12:13
Jeeves_add a br0 in /etc/network/interfaces/12:14
Jeeves_add a br0 in /etc/network/interfaces12:14
twbUnless you're using libvirt, in which case it probably shits over that and does it internally12:14
Jeeves_No it doesn't12:14
twbI stand corrected12:14
twbI just remember installing it somewhere and going "aah, wtf are you doing to my configuration?!" before going back to invoking qemu by hand.12:15
Jeeves_Hmm, never had that12:16
a_okJeeves_: will it also create the bridge and add the proper intefaces to it???12:16
twba_ok: brctl's package has a supplementary manpage for interfaces(5) that makes it very clear12:17
a_oktwb: by default libvirt should not do anything with bridging as it is optional12:17
Jeeves_If you configure it correct, yes :)12:17
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:17
a_oktwb: ah thanks!12:17
Jeeves_a_ok: http://paste.ubuntu.com/470214/12:17
twbapt-get install bridge-utils; man 5 bridge-utils-interfaces12:17
a_okthat should teach me to prefere google over manpages12:18
a_okJeeves_: those are some sensable defaults, verry nice12:30
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sommermorning all12:52
AndyGraybealmorning sommer  :)12:53
AndyGraybealsommer: are you in EST?12:53
sommeryeppers :-)12:54
AndyGraybealsame here, just got to work.12:54
sommeroh ya starting the day, heh12:54
AndyGraybeali'm gonna go find some coffee12:55
MmikeDOMAtwb, I did it!13:00
MmikeDOMAtwb, i needed to port-forward port 23 from my homebox to the ILO adapter13:00
MmikeDOMAand now i have the neaty-neat graphical display of a ubuntu server install13:00
twbMmikeDOMA: you should post it on your blog or whatever13:01
twbSo that the next guy can google and work it out13:02
MmikeDOMASure thing13:02
twbJust to be clear: you're *reverse* forwarding 23 back to the ilo host?13:05
MmikeDOMAtwb: yes. I opened 23 on localhost and ssh-tunneled it to 23 on the ilo13:06
disposabledoes anybody know of an isp control panel that doesn't need postfix/apache2/bind to be locally installed?13:09
disposable_ruben: it's for a charity so it needs to be free13:12
smoserkirkland, here now if are13:23
smosergood morning mr zul13:23
kirklandsmoser: sup?13:23
zulhey smoser13:23
smoserresponding to ping about bug 610134 which i see you fix-commited.13:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 610134 in byobu "'byobu -S _name_' is broken" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61013413:23
kirklandsmoser: oh, i was just asking about your byobu bug13:23
kirklandsmoser: yeah, it's fixed, such that you can use byobu -S ... to name your sessions13:24
kirklandsmoser: however, byobu-select-session only looks for sessions that start with byobu*13:24
smoseri think thats reasonable13:24
kirklandsmoser: which should only affect you if you ssh into a system with multiple running byobu sessions, and you want to choose one13:24
kirklandsmoser: if you name your session byobu -S smoser, it won't appear in the list13:25
smoseryeah. hmm.., but one thing that would stnk about that.13:25
smoserif i had byobu by default enabled13:25
smoserand created a session with 'dev'. the select then wouldn't show it to me.13:26
smoserand may possibly not be able to attach at all when ssh'ing in13:26
kirklandsmoser: away for 5minutes, in a 1:113:26
smoseri guess i could work around with ssh -t bash, then byobu -d -r13:26
AndyGraybealis it possible for me to have 3 lvm volume groups on 1 physical volume?13:47
qman__AndyGraybeal, maybe, but why? you can just use one volume group and create as many volumes in it as you want13:54
kirklandsmoser: i could also force a byobu- in front of your "dev" when you do byobu -S dev13:57
kirklandsmoser: but i felt that might be rude13:57
smoseryeah, i was going to suggest that.13:58
smoserit may or may not be all that rude13:58
smoserscreen -d -r 'dev'13:58
smoserwould still attach13:58
smoserit does matching13:58
mathiazzul: hey!13:59
mathiazzul: what's the state of https://code.launchpad.net/~mathiaz/server-sru-tracker/visual-improvements/+merge/29329?13:59
kirklandsmoser: oh?  cool....14:00
kirklandzul: mathiaz: morning guys14:00
mathiazkirkland: o/14:00
mathiazkirkland: how is the east coast doing?14:01
kirklandmathiaz: it's very, um, liberal :-)14:01
mathiazkirkland: :)14:01
kirklandmathiaz: :-)14:01
zulhi kik14:01
smoseri'm wrong, kirkland14:01
zulkirkland even14:02
zulmathiaz: once i get it unbroken ill let yo know :)14:02
smoserit must match to the beginning only14:02
smoserwhich means you could change your selection to match at the end.14:03
smoserand always append .byobu14:03
smoserso that select would show all byobu sessions (searching by appending .byobu)14:03
smosers/appending/ending/ ^14:03
AndyGraybealqman__: thankj you for the response, i just came to the same conclusion a second ago after reading more.14:04
smoserbug 574910 is getting bad.14:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 574910 in linux-ec2 "High load averages on Lucid while idling" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57491014:04
kirklandsmoser: sweet, that sounds perfect14:05
smoseryou should, of course, test my assertions.14:05
ttxsmoser, kirkland: about bug 574910, is it EC2-specific ? Or does it also affect UEC images / classic servers ?14:14
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 574910 in linux-ec2 "High load averages on Lucid while idling" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57491014:14
smoseri was just thinking that.14:15
smoseri have no idea on non-ec214:15
smoserbut there is suggestion that it might be larger. i have no data at all about non-ec2.14:15
kirklandttx: unfortunately in our testing, we don't generally leave uec-instances run for very long14:15
kirklandttx: "does it respond on ssh?  if yes: terminate;  if no: mark test failed"14:16
ttxkirkland: could be good to compare some idle load14:16
ttxI'm pretty sure it's EC2/linux-ec2 specific14:16
jiboumanssounds like something we could integrate in our tests though14:17
ttxThat last comment may be orthogonal to the issue, but talks about VirtualBox14:17
Jinxed-what is good to use for an ftp server with ubuntu?14:17
smoserttx, yeah, its becoming a metabug14:17
zatrickyHey guys. Is there an easy way to figure out when last a disk was fsck'd?14:18
ttxsmoser: the "virtualization sucks" metabug ?14:18
smoserbut there is one other bug linked there about way-too-frequent wakeups that could cause such things.14:18
smosermore "performance on lucid sucks" metabug14:18
kirklandjiboumans: agreed;  we could run some long tests over the weekend, when the rig isn't doing anything else14:18
smoseri've just started testing something here.14:18
smoserI fired up A.) lucid image B.) lucid image with karmic kernel and ramdisk14:19
smoseron each, I am running14:19
smoserwhile : ; do read r < /proc/loadavg; echo "$(date): ${r}"; sleep 10 || break; done | tee log.txt14:19
smoserthe goal of whic his to see if simply swapping the kernel makes the loadavg reporting go away.14:19
Jinxed-What can I use for a ftp server, apparently filezilla doesn't have the server for ubuntu14:21
ttxI haven't seen clues to a general lucid issue. But it might indeed be a common issue that has more visible consequences in virtualized hosts14:21
jiboumanszatricky: tune2fs can set that time, so it probably has a way to read it as well14:21
ttxJinxed-: vsftpd ?14:21
smoserso far, the lucid kernel is definitely showing spikes.14:21
zatrickythanks, jiboumans. looking into that, will post result14:21
Jinxed-ttx, will give it a try14:22
ScottKSpamapS: Thanks for looking into the php5 patches for Kolab.  Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help.14:23
jiboumanszatricky: yeah, tune2fs -l /dev/xxx14:24
jiboumanszatricky: Last checked:             Sat May 15 00:54:20 2010 # on one of my boxes14:25
zatrickycool. Just got tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 | grep Last\ checked, gives a similar result14:25
zatrickythanks, jiboumans14:25
jiboumansmy pleasure14:25
=== mrjazzcat-afk is now known as mrjazzcat
Jinxed-what is a simple GUI based ftp server I could use14:39
RoyKJinxed-: gui????14:40
RoyKa server isn't gui based14:41
RoyKvsftpd is a good ftp server, though, and quite simple to configure14:41
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.14:41
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox14:41
RoyKebox can probably (or possibly) help you configure vsftpd14:42
Jinxed-So if I get rid of pure-ftp and pure-ftp admin and get wsftp with ebox14:42
Jinxed-the pure-ftp admin only had configuration for users etc14:42
Jinxed-I want to know how I can connect with a filezilla client14:42
Jinxed-and it doesn't seem to work14:42
RoyKvsftpd, not ws14:43
RoyKvs = very secure [sic]14:43
RoyKit's probably the most used ftp server on the planet, so I guess it's rather secure14:43
RoyKJinxed-: just public ftp, or private users as well?14:43
Jinxed-RoyK, I just want to have ftp on a private network that would allow for both public and private users14:45
RoyKout of curiosity, why use ftp on a private network?14:46
Jinxed-eh... RoyK there are alot of different options for ebox14:46
RoyKwhy not cifs or nfs?14:46
RoyKJinxed-: it's probably just as easy to configure vsftpd in the config file14:46
Jinxed-1.) I don't know what those are. 2.) I like ftp :)14:46
RoyKJinxed-: are the PCs on linux or windows?14:46
RoyKor mac14:47
RoyKfor the windows machines, run samba - that'll work with linux as well14:47
RoyKjust install samba, configure the shares in /etc/samba/smb.conf and you're done14:47
Jinxed-shares suck14:47
Jinxed-Im locked out 70% of the time14:47
RoyKthat shouldn't happen14:48
RoyKwe're running samba on a 200 user network - it works14:48
RoyKfor the linux machines, you might want NFS, but then, SMB/CIFS works with linux as well14:48
Jinxed-yeah... it seems to work well when i use ip addresses14:49
Jinxed-but not when I use the network name14:49
RoyKdo you have a windows server in there as well?14:49
Jinxed-Im just running14:50
Jinxed-ubuntu (desktop edition)14:50
RoyKok, setup samba as a windows NT domain controller and it'll just work14:50
Jinxed-ehhh how would i do that14:51
pmatulishe he14:57
Jinxed-not very nice14:57
harrisonHow do I install a printer via the command line?14:57
Jinxed-ask roy -> lmgtfy -> " How do I install a printer via the command line"14:57
RoyKharrison: I think that's covered in the CUPS docs, though I haven't done it for years14:58
harrisonWhere would I find the CUPS docs?14:58
ivokszul: do you have any idea how to solve that thing with bacula?15:00
ivokszul: predepend is what we want, but not going to do it :)15:01
zulivoks: no idea but that predepends is what i really want to do :)15:01
ivoksme too15:02
=== mrjazzcat is now known as mrjazzcat-afk
zulsooooo.....whats stoping us? :)15:02
ivoksi doubt that someone will like that solution :)15:03
RoyKharrison: this was the first hit from google http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Networking/Setting_Up_a_Network_Printer_using_CUPS15:03
ivoksnetwork printer?15:03
ivoksit's really easy15:04
RoyKsmb or ipp?15:04
ivoksyou need to change two lines in one file15:04
harrisonThe diference?15:04
ivoksin /etc/cups/cupsd.conf15:04
ivoksListen localhost:63115:04
ivoksListen 63115:04
ivoksBrowsing Off15:05
ivoksBrowing On15:05
ivoksrestart cups and that's it15:05
ivoksBrowsing, obviously15:05
ivokson all other mac and linux machines, printer will automagicaly apear by it self15:06
ivoksno drivers, no configuring, nothing15:06
harrisonWhat is the diference betwean SMB (samba) and IPP?15:06
ivokson windows, you'll need to add them manualy15:06
ivoksIPP is printing protocol, SMB is file sharing15:06
ivoksand can be misused for printing :)15:06
harrisoni.e exploited?15:07
ivoksbut whoever tells you that SMB printer is on server, he doesn't understand meaning of the expression printer server15:07
ivoksharrison: no, windows use SMB for printing15:08
RoyKharrison: not really, it works that way too. also, samba can be used to distribute printer drivers15:08
harrisonIf I have Samba installed do I need anything else?15:08
RoyKivoks: a windoze or samba server can be setup as a spooler, but not really a print server15:08
ivoksRoyK: right, clients do the processing15:08
RoyKharrison: just setup a cups printer and configure samba to use that, sharing it with a samba share15:09
=== mrjazzcat-afk is now known as mrjazzcat
ivokshe can use ipp on windows too15:09
ivoksno need for samba15:09
ivoksand to complicated15:09
RoyKimho it's easier for windoze users to browse printers with smb15:09
RoyKI don't think you can add IPP printers from a login script either15:10
RoyKwhen in rome ...15:10
smoserccheney, ping15:11
smoseror maybe kirkland or Daviey can help. i think i need to install a maverick uec.15:11
smoserand am interested in the automation goodness.15:11
ivokszul: the only problem is...15:12
ivokszul: bacula doesn't really depend on local mysql/pgsql server :D15:12
zulyeah i know..15:13
zulstupd dbconfig15:13
ivoksit's not dbconfig's fault15:13
ivoksit's apt15:13
harrisonin ubuntu desktop, I have to go to system -> admin -> printing and configure the printer there, in ubuntu server is it audo detected?15:13
RoyKharrison: no, you'll need to add it manually to cups15:14
ivoksharrison: it's http://localhost:63115:14
harrisonWhats at http://localhost:631?15:14
RoyKcups config15:14
harrisonif my server is at the url kylenet.dyndns.org should I subsitute localhost for the url?15:15
ivoksif you replaces localhost:631 with 631 in cupsd.conf, then yes15:15
harrisoni did15:16
RoyKand restarted cups?15:16
ivokswell, if you are accessing from non-localhost machines15:16
ivoksyou'll have to allow access15:16
harrison*slaps head* I forgot to restart CUPS!15:16
harrisonHow do I do that?15:17
ivoksservice cups restart15:17
harrisonjust to tell you add sudo to that command.15:18
harrisonstill didn't work?15:18
ivoksof course you'll restart services as root15:20
ivoksi don't find it neccessery to tell you that15:21
harrisongood thing I read error meseges.15:21
RoyKI just tried 'allow from 81.191.180.x' (my IP) where order deny allow was set, still can't access it.....15:21
harrisonHow do I allow access?15:21
harrisonWhat part of /etc/cups/cupsd.conf do I add my desktop to?15:22
ivoksRoyK: try Deny from none15:22
ivoksharrison: just add ServerAlias *15:25
ivoksharrison: at the end of the file15:25
harrisonit did something now I get the error 403 fobidin.15:26
ivoksadd Allow from all15:26
ivoksto each <Location>15:27
ivoksthere are only 3 of them15:27
harrisondo I deleat the deny part?15:27
ivoksyou have a deny part?15:28
harrison<Location /> Order allow,deny15:28
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harrisonthat is a copy past15:28
ivoksthat's ordering15:29
harrisonof /etc/cups/cupsd.conf15:29
ivoksdon't delete it15:29
ivokshave you ever configured apache?15:29
harrisonNot realy.15:29
RoyKorder allow,deny shouldn't deny anything access unless it's explicitly denied15:29
ivoksRoyK: i'm not sure what defaults are15:29
RoyKivoks: order allow,deny will allow anything that's not explicitly denied15:30
ivoksRoyK: maybe, if unspecified, deny is always from all15:30
RoyKorder deny,allow is used when you want to restrict access15:30
ivoksRoyK: and allow is from localhost15:30
RoyKI've only used Apache for 10 years or so, but I'm quite positive order allow,deny allows everything15:30
RoyKseems they have done something 'smart' in there15:31
ivoksRoyK: true, but for apache, if i don't specify anything, i want it to be available to everyone15:31
ivoksRoyK: in cups, if i don't specify anything, i want it to be forbidden for everyone :)15:32
RoyKsure, but then, order deny,allow should be the one used15:32
ivoksRoyK: order allow,deny is just ordering15:32
ivoksRoyK: what's important is what's allowed and what's denied15:32
ivoksRoyK: and this could be different, by default, for cups15:32
RoyKthat's what I'm trying to say...15:32
ivoksRoyK: in apache, default deny is none, and allow is all15:32
ivoksRoyK: it could be that for cups, default is deny all, allow localhost15:33
ivoksbut i'm just guessing15:33
RoyKthat doesn't make sense - there's no default deny or allow AFAIK, just the order15:33
RoyKorder deny,allow says 'everything is denied unless explicitly allowed'15:34
harrisonI still want to know where to put allow from all. ;)15:36
ivoksunder location15:39
ivoksi've told you that already15:39
ivoksdon't delete anything, just add15:39
harrisonabove the alow deny?15:39
harrisonor below?15:39
harrisondoes it matter?15:39
harrisonIT WORKS!15:40
harrisonThank you ivoks and RoyK that helped a lot.15:44
trapmaxi'm trying to create an lvm-snapshot. my machine just gets stuck there. here's the kern.log http://pastebin.com/KUzVGZSQ15:48
RoyKtrapmax: looks bad15:58
RoyKlike a deadlock between lvm and ext4? is that possible?15:58
ttxDaviey: are you on top of hggdh-detected UEC maverick regressions ?16:04
smoserccheney, ping16:06
zulmathiaz: can you upload the fix for openldap to maverick as well?16:08
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sommerzul: I was looking at creating an apport hook for spamassassin, and the spec mentions to collect email headers... just wondering how to go about that?16:21
zulsommer: im not sure...i didnt get that far :)16:21
sommerokay, I'll do some figurin, heh16:22
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
mathiazzul: the openldap fix is not needed in maverick16:33
zulmathiaz: k thanks16:33
ttxDaviey: around ?16:35
kirklandivoks: howdy16:47
kirklandivoks: are you around?16:48
ivokskirkland: yes16:49
ivokskirkland: howdy :)16:49
ccheneysmoser, hello whats up?16:54
ccheneysmoser, i'm off today sick, fever keeps rising and is 102f so far, going in to the doctor once my father in law can take me16:55
smoserwas wanting maverick uec install scripts16:55
ccheneysmoser, its in the archive16:55
smoserrock on.16:55
kirklandivoks: hey, i think mrjazzcat and hallyn16:56
smoserso apt-get install uec-provisioning-*16:56
ccheneysmoser, the dhcp part isn't done yet so do the dd-wrt method16:56
ivokskirkland: mrjazzcat left couple of minutes ago16:57
hallynkirkland: did you mean to finish that sentence?16:57
hallyni'm here fwiw16:57
kirklandivoks: hallyn: sorry ... we wanted to get a chat together :-)  let me track down mrjazzcat16:58
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
smoserkirkland, ccheney so is that availalbe anywhere for lucid ?17:08
smoseri've 3 boxes : stable lucid, 2 for cloud. would like to run install server on lucid.17:08
AndyGraybealin fstab, the last two numbers in the lines, what does this mean?  i seem them being 0, 1, and 2.17:10
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AndyGraybeali found it on the web, nevermind17:11
ccheneysmoser, not yet, i think it will probably work if force installed on lucid17:18
ccheneysmoser, or locally rebuild with s/maverick/lucid/17:19
* ccheney bbl, going to try to make it to the doctor now17:19
ccheneyinteresting my fever has dropped a full degree in the past hour17:21
* ccheney wonders wtf is going on17:21
hallynyou forgot to stick the thermometer back in the boiling water :)17:28
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picard1421hey i had a question about the enterprise cloud... is it possible to install Windows OS's as part of the cloud or are you limited to Linux Distros?17:50
thesheff17windows installs fine17:50
thesheff17at least windows xp17:50
RoyKpicard1421: most windows OSes will install nicely17:52
RoyKeven win311 on DOS should work17:52
picard1421the other question i had about cloud computing in general.. ... How "realisitic is it" i mean that in the sense.. if i have thinclients around the office.. how responsive will Installs be ETC?17:53
thesheff17picard1421 what kind of thin clients17:53
thesheff17picard1421 I have had people RDP into a virtual windows xp machine with no problem...they have no clue it is running a virtual machine17:54
RoyKpicard1421: on a gigabit or even 100mbps lan, you won't notice much17:55
picard1421well it would be over LAN.. in the sense people would obviously on that note not know what is going on etc...17:56
picard1421but what about (in theory) gaming..17:56
picard1421i know the server could handle hte graphics and the processing.. but how about the "screen" transfer over the LAN17:57
picard1421i have also seen products like DVI over Ethernet17:57
thesheff17I don't think any good games work over any thin clients17:57
picard1421are those even worth it.. or is the LAN enough?17:57
RoyKgaming from a thin client isn't what you want17:58
RoyKoffice apps will work well17:58
thesheff17you will never get the same performance on video with cloud/thinclient then you will directly connected to the monitor17:59
android60I have a small home server mainly for file storage, should I keep the ubuntu os on a separate drive?18:17
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trappistI have a rack app listening on port 8000.  after running for some time and handling a lot of traffic with no problem, suddenly port 8000 was responsive only to a small percentage of traffic...18:18
trappisteven nmap showed it as filtered, and even from the local machine.  restarting the app didn't help, but rebooting the server did, so I'm thinking something in the kernel18:19
trappistthere were no iptables rules - what else could it be?18:19
trappistI have 7 other servers in the same situation, and I'd rather figure out the actual problem than just reboot them all and wait for it to happen again18:19
zulsommer: i queued up your apport hook for openldap the next upload18:25
smoserhallyn, ping18:27
sommerzul: nice, thanks dude18:33
zulsommer: i just changed the refrences from ssh to slapd :)18:33
sommeroh, woops missed that one, heh18:44
hggdhDaviey: feeling adventurous?18:55
alex88hi guys, i'm trying to use apache with chroot, but i haven't get it working in hours..19:08
alex88i'm on ubuntu 10.04, so, installed libapache2-mod-chroot, enable, restarted apache, and still on vhosts it says that the directory not exists, i've set relative the chroot..is it right?19:08
ivoksalex88: have you enabled the module?19:14
ivoksoh, you did19:14
ivoksalex88: did you set ChrootDir in config?19:15
alex88ivoks: yes, and on start it says that document root not exist, using absolute path outside chroot works (just the start)19:15
alex88ivoks: yes, just under the pidfile, also linked19:15
skydromehow can i make 'pgrep apache2' return only 1 pid? instead of all of them?19:15
ivoksalex88: 'also linked'?19:16
alex88ivoks: yup, i'm searching the how-to i've followed19:16
ivoksalex88: what's your chrootdir?19:16
ivoksand DocumentRoot?19:18
alex88well, i want something like /var/www/domain.com /var/www/domain2.com etc19:19
alex88so in virtualhost config i've set domain.com19:19
ivoks /domain.com19:19
alex88yes sorry19:19
alex88domain.com looks in /etc/apache19:19
ivoksset it as /domain.com19:20
alex88it is19:20
alex88let me see, un second19:20
ivoksyou've linked pid file and logs directory?19:20
alex88i'll check again19:20
alex88i've set logs inside user dir19:21
alex88well, is /domain.com/www the documentroot and /domain.com/log the logs19:21
andreserlttx, ping19:22
alex88ivoks: so, i've restored backup, now it has default virtualhost with fcgid for php19:23
alex88now, installing libapache2-mod-chroot19:24
ivoksthat's not ubuntu :D19:24
alex88vps :)19:25
alex88ubuntu 10.04, trust me19:25
ivoksi know, i know19:25
alex88btw, installed, enabled19:25
alex88restart fine, site still works19:26
ivoksadd chrootdir19:26
ivoksChrootDir /var/www19:26
ivoksstop apache19:27
alex88edit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf under PidFile ${APACHE_PID_FILE} added that line19:27
ivoksfix pid file19:27
alex88mkdir -p /var/www/var/run  chown -R root.root /var/www/var/run ln -s /var/www/var/run/apache2.pid /var/run/apache2.pid ?19:29
alex88done, start?19:29
alex88done, start with no errors (strange, it has to say /var/www/ not exists)19:30
alex88http://www.alexnetwork.it/ connection closed19:30
alex88btw i've done chown -R root:root not root.root19:30
ivoksand what's in error.log?19:31
alex88now i have to set document root of 000-default as / right?19:31
alex88http://pastebin.com/tWkKu8G3 something like this would be fine?19:33
ivoksbut your apache isn't working19:33
ivoksat all19:34
ivokscheck error.log19:34
alex88oh..errors on fcgid19:35
alex88i'll dismod for the moment19:35
memoendoes anyone know what service takes care of logs?19:35
memoenbecause I have no message logs or boot logs19:35
alex88memoen: syslog19:35
memoenthanks alex88 :)19:36
alex88memoen: np19:36
alex88ivoks: (2)No such file or directory: could not open mime types config file /etc/mime.types19:36
alex88No such file or directory: Couldn't bind unix domain socket /var/run/apache2/cgisock.2446419:36
ivoksfcgi and chroot need additional fixing19:37
ivokspaths are different19:37
alex88this is after disabling fcgid19:37
ivoksdisable fcgid19:37
alex88already done and restarted, those are message for next start19:37
ivoksthat stinks like fcgid19:37
ivoksor cgi19:37
alex88removed cgid19:38
ivoksstop apache19:39
ivokscheck if apache process is running19:39
alex88ps -A | grep apache nothing, also netstat -tapn nothing19:40
alex88should /var/www be www-data owned?19:40
ivoksnope, that's irrelevant19:41
ivoksput LogLevel debug to config19:41
matt_keysI'm trying to set up pub key auth. I've done this hundreds of times before but never seen this. I created the pair (no password) w/ssh-keygen, then ssh-copy-id to the host i'm trying to connect to. all looks fine but when i try to use the identity file it asks for a password19:43
matt_keysanybody know what the deal is?19:43
alex88not much more19:43
alex88matt_keys: need to change sshd config to no accept password?19:44
ivoksalex88: don't know... it should work19:45
alex88ivoks: damn..19:45
alex88ivoks: thank you for your time19:45
matt_keysalex88: RSAAuthentication yes and PubkeyAuthentication yes, AuthorizedKeysFile is commented (defaults)19:47
aadityaWhat's a reasonable amount of swap on a high-usage production server with 16GB RAM?19:48
zulwhee openldap is fun19:49
matt_keysaaditya: depends on what you're running on it19:49
alex88ivoks: i'm asking on https, hope thay can help19:49
matt_keysaaditya : oracle, for example, has requirements for swap sizing19:49
matt_keysaaditya : old rule of thumb was 2x RAM. with 16gb ram I wouldn't do that though... 2048mb tops19:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #611005 in antlr3 (main) "Merge antlr3 3.2-3 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61100520:01
alex88ivoks: you there?20:03
ivoksalex88: yes20:04
alex88ivoks: from 2.2.10 you don't need mod_chroot, everything works without mod, just add chrootdir to config.. -.-'20:04
MagicFabNew question on Shapado: What's the most well-integrated monitoring solution on Ubuntu: Zenoss, Zabbix or Cacti(+nagios)?20:05
alex88now i just need to found the libcc file cause it says "libgcc_s.so.1 must be installed for pthread_cancel to work"20:05
alex88how to find a file? O.o20:06
ivoksapt-file search20:07
ivoksit's libgcc120:07
ivoksthat should be installed by default :)20:07
alex88it is, but maybe under chroot it can't find it20:08
ivoksor... more likly, it doesn't work with fcgi20:08
alex88it's disabled20:08
alex88now it's normal apache20:09
ivokstry prefork20:09
alex88too slow for me, i'll try to leave it as is20:10
alex88now is time for suexec :)20:10
aadityamattt: fair enough. So I believe it's safe to say that swap should never exceed 2GB.20:10
aadityamatt_keys is gone, nevermind.20:11
ivoksalex88: so20:15
ivoksalex88: if chroot is now supported by apache itself20:15
ivoksalex88: you don't need to fix pid file20:15
ivoksalex88: remove the link20:15
kirklandhallyn: how long does it take to build the eucalyptus liveiso/20:19
alex88ivoks: wait, i've added /var/www/alexnetwork/www/20:21
alex88DocumentRoot [/alexnetwork/www] does not exist20:22
alex88i've serious doubts about it, but apache will give errors if chrootdir option in config is rejected20:22
alex88don't know what to think20:22
alex88and now says "SuexecUserGroup directive requires SUEXEC wrapper."20:24
ivoksthat's worker, right?20:24
alex88ivoks: true20:25
ivoksi think this is broken20:26
alex88okok, now it works..but it still says that my docroot isnt' there20:27
alex88now alexnetwork.it says forbidden20:28
ivoksapache is running?20:28
ivoks[Wed Jul 28 21:28:53 2010] [notice] child pid 23581 exit signal Aborted (6)20:29
ivokslibgcc_s.so.1 must be installed for pthread_cancel to work20:29
ivoksthis is bad20:29
alex88yes it's running20:29
zulmathiaz: ping nssov seems to be broken with a newer gcc20:30
alex88ivoks: mod_fcgid: call /alexnetwork/www/index.php with wrapper /var/www/alexnetwork/php-cgi20:31
alex88suexec policy violation: see suexec log for more details20:31
alex88Exec format error: exec failed (php-cgi)20:33
ivoksi got it working with worker20:33
ivoksplain, default apache install20:34
ivoksand just this in /etc/apache2/conf.d/chroot:20:34
ivoksLoadFile /lib/libgcc_s.so.120:34
ivoksChrootDir /var/www20:34
ivoksedited /etc/apache2/sites-available/default20:34
ivoksso that DocumentRoot points to /20:35
ivoksthat's it.20:35
alex88sure? let me try to add LoadFile /lib/libgcc_s.so.120:35
ivoksi'm sure :)20:35
hallynkirkland: the eucalytpus liveiso took prolly 20-30 mins20:36
hallyni couldn't do it in tmpfs (at 4G it called itself full)20:36
alex88ok working...20:36
hallynwhich slowed it down :)20:36
alex88now, last thing i hope...20:36
alex88/bin/sh: Can't open php-cgi20:37
alex88the php-cgi is in the fcgid wrapper20:37
ivoksthat's something else now20:38
ivoksyou have working chrooted apache20:38
ivoksyou'll have a hard time making fcgi working with chrooted apache20:38
alex88maybe it's because /usr/bin/php-cgi is unaccessible inside the chroot20:38
ivokscause apache conects on request20:39
kirklandhallyn: what's the URL to that again?20:39
ivoksbut... that's it from me for today20:39
ivoksgood night20:39
kirklandhallyn: i think smoser might want to take a look at it20:39
alex88ivoks: good night, thanks for your time20:40
hallynkirkland: people.canonical.com/~serge/binary.iso.lzma20:40
kirklandsmoser: ^20:40
smoserwhat is this20:40
hallynreally the lzma was worthless here :)  shaved 8M off20:40
kirklandsmoser: maverick live ISO with euca-everything installed20:40
kirklandhallyn: yeah, i meant to tell you that20:40
smoserwell, id ont particularly want that. iw anted an insall to work :)20:41
hallynsmoser: then stop breaking them20:41
kirklandsmoser: will probably need daviey to help sort that out20:41
Jinxed-How do I add a static route to something to an interface where vlan trunking is enabled20:41
smoserbloody wonderful.20:41
hallynis that a subtle dig at our brittish companion?20:42
hallynkirkland: have you run into any real problems yet?20:42
kirklandhallyn: well, it's not working yet, but i don't think it's due to image creation20:43
kirklandhallyn: it's probably just euca-2.0 borkage20:43
kirklandhallyn: but i need Daviey to confirm or deny that20:43
kirklandhallyn: as far as I'm concerned, it's looking okay;  can you drop the live-helper command you used into the blueprint?20:43
hallynkirkland: yup20:44
kirklandhallyn: thanks, i'm going to leave it for now;  i've verified all the bits are there, and the cloud controller is listening20:44
kirklandhallyn: its friends eucalyptus-* are not yet registered and working20:44
kirklandhallyn: i'll drop an email to you and dave20:45
kirklandhallyn: would you mind lzma -d'ing that image, and renaming it to:  maverick-uec-amd64.iso20:46
kirklandhallyn: just post me the updated url when you're done20:46
tyskahello im having problems with CUPS Server, i cant auth and print, can someone help pme20:51
RudyValenciaI changed the network card in my server and the new card isn't eth0, how do I fix it?20:53
hallynkirkland: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/maverick-uec-amd64.iso20:53
kirklandhallyn: thanks!20:53
Jinxed-how would you add a static route with virtual interfaces20:57
hallynJinxed-: well, you can 'route add -dev'20:57
hallyn'route add -net -dev veth3' might work20:58
Jinxed-i have tried this20:58
Jinxed-i first added the up route add20:59
Jinxed-that didn't work20:59
Jinxed-then i tried making every virtual interfaces default gateway20:59
Jinxed-what i wanted the static route to be21:00
Jinxed-but that didn't work21:00
mathiazzul: you may wanna check with upstream then21:01
mathiazzul: file an ITS - they should be able to help out21:02
thesheff17does anyone use vmbuilder here?  I create two instances then reboot the whole server and the first instance won't start.21:07
smoserso in theory i can install this iso ?21:08
smoserhallyn, kirkland21:09
hallynsmoser: i suppose - i don't know if there is some 'installer' package i should ahve installed to do that21:09
hallynit's intended just as a live demo aiui21:10
hallynsmoser: you should be able to just boot an ec2 node off of it though21:11
hggdhanyone with eucalyptus installed? If so, please confirm bug 610987 -- I will then set it to High21:17
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 610987 in eucalyptus "euca-describe-availability-zones verbose incorrect output" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61098721:17
papertigersdoes eucalyptus do kvm failover?21:18
papertigersfailover: haha not directed to you21:18
papertigersanyone else running KVM?21:23
thesheff17papertigers I am21:31
papertigersthesheff17: whats your setup like?21:32
thesheff17papertigers it isn't that advanced....I run standalone KVM machines21:33
thesheff17and slowely moving to eucalyptus21:33
papertigersI want to set up eucalyptus too, I never used it before21:33
thesheff17it is pretty straight forward with ubuntu 10.0421:33
papertigersthesheff17: I would love to set it up21:34
papertigersthesheff17: currently I have a quadcore box with 8g of ram running 3-5 vms21:34
thesheff17papertigers: I have the similar setup21:34
thesheff17papertigers: how do you install your virtual machines? virt-install?21:35
thesheff17papertigers: what I really want to be able to do is put a SAN behind everything and run eucalyptus and use vmbuilder21:36
_Techie_i need  help setting up postfix, port 25 is blocked by my ISP by default... i will request to have it unblocked at a later date... i just wish to be able to recieve mail at the moment21:43
_Techie_i also have webmin as i am unable to get ssh out from my current location21:44
thesheff17Techie it sounds like most of the outgoing ports are blocked.21:49
papertigersthesheff17: I usually install via virt-manager21:49
thesheff17papertigers: I have been using vmbuilder which can build virtual machines very quickly but I'm having some problems.21:50
papertigersthesheff17: currently I have a 5.4TB raid6 shared over nfs that is trunk linked via gigabit to the kvm server, and I store all of their drives on there21:50
thesheff17papertigers: so are the mounted NFS actually running the virtual machines?21:51
papertigersyeah basically, they all point to something like /mnt/vmimages/dnsserver.img21:52
thesheff17papertigers: have you tried virt-migrate?21:52
papertigersyeah virsh migrate --live?21:54
papertigersthat one21:54
_Techie_also, how can i redirect a virtualdomain in apache to another ip in my network, eg linksys.domain.com to get my main router and dynalink.domain.com to get my wireless repeater?21:54
thesheff17papertigers: does it work good?  I have never got it to work...I think it is because I never had one central storage device.21:55
papertigersthesheff17: yeah it works, you need a central storage like I have setup21:55
hallynkirkland: btw, did i ever mention that the ttylinux iso is under /srv in that liveimage?21:55
hallyn(or, should be)21:55
kirklandhallyn: cool, i didn't get that orginally, but thanks22:04
hallynkirkland: all right, lp:~serge-hallyn/live-helper/uec22:17
lowridah_Techie_:  you can put redirect directives inside the <VirtualHost> directive22:26
_Techie_lowridah: can you please provide an example?22:27
lowridah<VirtualHost myRouter> RedirectPermanent / routerIP </Virtualhost> (3 lines though)22:27
_Techie_lowridah: and last of all, what config file is this in?22:31
mathiazsmoser: hey22:48
mathiazsmoser: reading your blog post about ssh keys on EC222:48
mathiazsmoser: is there a way to automate all of that?22:48
mathiazsmoser: could this part of the xc2-init project (whatever the name is)?22:48
_Techie_lowridah: i couldnt seem to get it working, i added the lines into the default sites config, and then when i loaded it in webmin it reported an invalind address and wouldnt load the virtualserver22:52
lowridahwell then create a new blank site in apache22:53
lowridahmake sure you have mod_rewrite enabled22:53
lowridahthen create an .htaccess in each blank site you need to redirect to your router/etc22:53
lowridahthat should have been in your sites-available sites22:55
lowridahthe previous example22:55
hallynzul: the # of failed mysql install/upgrade bug reports is kind of impressive.  Do you happen to know if they are always due to pre-existing configuration file being misplaced, or if there is a real bug?23:19
hallyn(seems like every week i see at least one or two)23:19
=== XyliosPC1 is now known as Xylios
mathiazhallyn: the main problem with mysql upgrade is that the init script uses a specific user (debian-sys-maintainer IIRC) to connect to the database and shut it down23:47
mathiazhallyn: however if you take a snapshot of another mysql server and load it in your machine, either the debian-sys-maint doesn't exist23:48
hallynmathiaz: hm.  the two bugs i was just seeing today were an apparently-known bug about old_passwords.cnf not existing23:48
mathiazhallyn: or its password is different23:48
mathiazhallyn: which leads to upgrade failure23:48
hallynall just seems so fragile :)23:48
mathiazhallyn: yes - the mysql package is fragile on upgrade23:49
mathiazhallyn: which leads to tons of bugs :/23:49
hallynand there's nothing really to be done about it?23:49
hallynwithout fixing zul and a team of ninjas on it of course23:49
mathiazhallyn: hm - not really23:49
mathiazhallyn: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingMySQL23:50
mathiazhallyn: ^^ has some help in debugging things23:50
hallynthanks, i'll look at that23:50
mathiazhallyn: mainly the standard reply that will ask for more information23:50
hallyn(i imagine i'll be seeing more :)23:50
mathiazhallyn: part of the reporter won't provide the information, so we'll close the bug in a few weeks23:50
mathiazhallyn: and the rest will provide the daemon.log file that should have the actual error message23:51
hallynmathiaz: yeah, i've seen several bugs about non-standard install in the past weeks.  not today though23:51
mathiazhallyn: so in terms of first-list triager the standard reply is usually enough23:51
hallynanyway, figuring those out isn't particularly hard, i was just hoping we could do more than say 'yup, confirmed'23:51
mathiazhallyn: starting from lucid there should be apport hook to provide that information though23:51
mathiazhallyn: well - there can be multiple causes for an upgrade failure23:52
hallynheh, then maybe we can have a hook to not report a bug, but just auto-fix it :)23:52
mathiazhallyn: :)23:52
mathiazhallyn: usually the error message is about mysql not being able to be stopped or started at some point during the package upgrade23:52
mathiazhallyn: however there can be multiple reasons for this failure23:53
mathiazhallyn: so marking 'yup, confirmed' is not enough if there is only the dpkg terminal log23:53
mathiazhallyn: looking at daemon.log is necessary to figure out the *actual* error message23:53
hallynmathiaz: right, the ones i saw in the past have *mostly* been bc of apparmor as i recall23:55

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