walderrama | duanedesign, the disc I bought had 16 files... I know for shure that the 14998 remaining files are due to a wrong "left click" ona folder | 00:00 |
dubno | dunnedesign: ah just - just seen the status ;-) The only thing I had done prior was to request a password reset (not used the web interface for awhile). Whilst validating the password I also added another 2 email addresses to be associated with my single sign-on. Then when looked as Dashboard I saw all content was gone - looked like a virgin account. | 00:00 |
duanedesign | walderrama: ok | 00:00 |
walderrama | duanedesign, so how can I dump the queue ? | 00:01 |
rye | walderrama, duanedesign - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RomanYepishev/UbuntuOne/ClientControl#Accidentally%20added%20an%20UDF,%20how%20to%20remove%20it%20fast | 00:01 |
duanedesign | rye: thank you :) that is quicker than me searching my notes :) | 00:02 |
duanedesign | rye: i wrote that down the other day in a sticky. Unfortunately my Ubuntu One sticky needs cleaning out. I have stuff from jaunty still in there | 00:03 |
duanedesign | walderrama: can you open a terminal | 00:03 |
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rye | dubno, were you asked to create new subscription before you noticed the files disappeared? | 00:03 |
duanedesign | dubno: you lost notes, files, and contacts? | 00:04 |
walderrama | duanedesign, how long did take to the unsuscribe sommand to take effect? | 00:04 |
duanedesign | walderrama: did it just hang on that command? | 00:05 |
walderrama | no, it came back, then did the list folder again.. and its still there | 00:05 |
walderrama | i'm using the delete now.. taking more time | 00:06 |
dubno | rye: no - i responded to a password reset request. didn't need to enter any new data, other than a new password | 00:06 |
dubno | duanedesign: yes lots all notes (300+), couple of files, and all contacts (100+) -- account had 2.0 gb avail | 00:07 |
dubno | duanedesign: sorry bit ambiguous - all files (only had a couple and unimportant anyway) | 00:07 |
duanedesign | dubno: /5 | 00:11 |
duanedesign | oops | 00:11 |
rye | dubno, well, regarding files - the storage removal is not immediate and couchdb databases cannot be removed at the server (plus a backup done every day for couchdb databases) so the data is somewhere there, need to find where it is | 00:12 |
rye | dubno, when you logged in, you had notification that you had no contacts or notes, right? | 00:12 |
rye | dubno, it would be really helpful if you could outline your actions in the bug report for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+filebug - in order to be able to reproduce. I will need to doublecheck tomorrow how the identification is done and whether it is possible to get a brand new account if email is changed... | 00:16 |
dubno | rye: no worries about the data. it is all still on my local laptop (not sync'd it yet)... but actually I think i have just found the problem. afraid it looks like user error. It appears I had another one.ubuntu account already setup (but unused) and that's the account that I did a pwd reset on. Then was suprised when it appeared blank! DOH! Sorry to have wasted your time but good to know that kind help was readyily available and a p | 00:21 |
rye | dubno, aha, well, i have 10 test accounts and sometimes it takes a while for me to understand that i am still logged in to the web site under testing account, lots of strange files with weird names and tons of notes, so I really know what you mean | 00:23 |
dubno | duannedesign: thanks too - looks like it was me being dumb. logged into an old, unused acct by mistake ;-) | 00:23 |
duanedesign | dubno: ok well that is good | 00:26 |
dubno | duanedesign: indeed - 1st time support via IRC btw, very impressive ! super-satisfied Ubuntu user for 5 years now, lucid is amazing. | 00:28 |
walderrama | duanedesign, now it's done.. and i'm getting the queue on rythmbox.. thanx a lot!! | 00:28 |
duanedesign | that is great to hear | 00:28 |
duanedesign | walderrama: awesome | 00:28 |
duanedesign | walderrama: yeah you dont want to wait for a UDF that you didnt mean to click | 00:28 |
walderrama | yep... | 00:29 |
duanedesign | walderrama: i have done that myself. | 00:29 |
duanedesign | walderrama: are you on Lucid or maverick? | 00:29 |
walderrama | now I finally undertood how the U1 cloud works.. thanks! | 00:29 |
duanedesign | walderrama: np | 00:29 |
duanedesign | walderrama: that page rye referenced has a lot of good commands on it | 00:30 |
walderrama | duanedesign, here lucid ... like my laptop | 00:31 |
duanedesign | walderrama: ok | 00:32 |
duanedesign | walderrama: maverick has a little different UI. Just wanted to see if that played into the accidental sync of the folder | 00:33 |
dubno | rye link to the command line tools is very useful - I can see a few useful applications for that | 00:33 |
duanedesign | dubno: yes. I use u1sdtool --status a lot | 00:34 |
walderrama | duanedesign, days ago I was sharing my music folder to my lan coworckers, and for shure I pressed the wrong button | 00:35 |
duanedesign | after awhile you will start to get used to what the different 'Status; are | 00:35 |
duanedesign | walderrama: ahh i see. Sync on U1 and Share on U1, are very similar | 00:36 |
walderrama | duanedesign, indeed.. well thanx a lot.. now gotta run for a volley game | 00:37 |
duanedesign | have fun | 00:37 |
walderrama | c-ya guys, ... hell of a good support!! | 00:37 |
duanedesign | good to hear | 00:37 |
dubno | duannedesign: am playing with u1sdtool. if I try to --publish-file or --create-folder (only ones Ive tried) I get an exception and traceback. | 00:47 |
duanedesign | http://paste.ubuntu.com/470033/ | 00:52 |
duanedesign | is that what you get | 00:52 |
dubno | duannedesign: yes - exactly -- | 00:53 |
duanedesign | dubno: i think the name is a little decieving. The folder has to exist | 00:55 |
duanedesign | so : mkdir /home/duanedesign/testSync and then u1sdtool --create-folder=/home/duanedesign/testSync worked | 00:57 |
dubno | duannedesign: exist where? same thing even after creating the folder/file locally and having it appear in U1, (and vice-versa). If i mkdir or touch locally or on U1 I can see results. then run u1sdtool to that same content and still get an error? | 01:00 |
duanedesign | dubno: after running the --create-folder command the folder dhould show up when you do u1sdtool --list-folder | 01:02 |
duanedesign | folders* | 01:02 |
duanedesign | id=768e01cc-5883-4d2e-a70b-ed8a8ae81eb1 subscribed=True path=/home/duanedesign/testSync | 01:02 |
duanedesign | the --create-folder command id the same as r-click --> Syncronize with Ubuntu One | 01:03 |
duanedesign | is* | 01:03 |
dubno | duannedesign: ok see that - no more exception but I get a "FolderCreateError: UDFs can not be nested " | 01:06 |
duanedesign | dubno: after running the --create-folder command do you see the folder show up at: https://one.ubuntu.com/files/ | 01:06 |
duanedesign | dubno: yeah you dont need to create a UDF inside a UDF | 01:07 |
duanedesign | everything in the UDF will be synced | 01:07 |
dubno | duannedesign: if i do a mkdir inside my U1 folder (locally) yes it does appear on website. I thought --create-folder is another way to do that? actually I don't even know what a UDF is? besides the man pages - any other link to more info re this tool? | 01:09 |
duanedesign | dubno: sorry. A UDF is a User Designated Folder | 01:09 |
duanedesign | dubno: that is a folder other than the ~/Ubuntu One folder that you have set to sync with U1 | 01:10 |
duanedesign | dubno: it doesnt actually create a folder it just syncs a folder in your home directory that is outside your Ubuntu One folder | 01:11 |
duanedesign | dubno: if you right-click on a folder and select 'Syncronize with Ubuntu One'. That is the same thing as the u1sdtool --create-folder | 01:13 |
dubno | got it! all working now and I understand. wow. that's amazing! | 01:13 |
dubno | done a few tests | 01:13 |
dubno | happy as larry ;-) | 01:13 |
duanedesign | dubno: the name 'creste folder' is a bit misleading :) | 01:13 |
duanedesign | create* | 01:13 |
dubno | sure | 01:13 |
dubno | i wasn't aware of the right click to share bit either - assumed ubuntu one folder was the only place that was sync'able | 01:14 |
dubno | well this is fantastic - came here for a dumbass question and leave learning a whole new tool! | 01:14 |
duanedesign | dubno: it was on older versions. Just dont confuse Share on Ubuntu One and Sync on Ubuntu One | 01:15 |
duanedesign | dubno: you can share a folder that is already synced with another Ubuntu One user | 01:16 |
dubno | thanks for the assistance - I am being summoned to bed, but I've learnt something today. yip - know the diff. | 01:16 |
duanedesign | ok great | 01:16 |
dubno | it's tools like this that make it very easy to implement some solutions for people that I work with | 01:17 |
duanedesign | good, good | 01:17 |
dubno | I'll be playing with this again very soon, and cheers for making my 1st IRC trip and worthwhile one... (i'll be back :-) ) | 01:18 |
duanedesign | definetly some back :) | 01:18 |
duanedesign | come* | 01:18 |
duanedesign | :P | 01:18 |
dubno | for sure. night all | 01:19 |
mkarnicki | beuno: finally found the bug, and pushed the project a little today. I hope to have something to show tomorrow :) I *really* do hope so :) | 01:38 |
mkarnicki | good night everyone! | 01:38 |
* mkarnicki waves | 01:39 | |
ajmitch | great, *finally* got my debian install to be added to ubuntuone. | 03:48 |
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mandel | good morning!!! | 08:09 |
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duanedesign | good morning | 08:40 |
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rye | morning all! | 09:34 |
duanedesign | moorning rye | 09:50 |
duanedesign | rye: anything about the unlink of non-empty directory? | 09:53 |
rye | duanedesign, failed to catch verterok yesterday, but will ask facundobatista today re bug #607102 since it looks like something got broken in the way deletes are handled | 09:55 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 607102 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "deleted files do not delete on ubuntuone web or other machines (affects: 1) (heat: 553)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/607102 | 09:55 |
apachelogger | mandel: any progress on kwallet support in desktopcouch? | 10:20 |
mandel | apachelogger, I've taken a look on it, but I need to talk with CardinalFang about it | 10:20 |
apachelogger | ok | 10:21 |
mandel | apachelogger, he is in the states, so I need to wait a couple of hours ;) | 10:21 |
apachelogger | mandel: shall I repoke you? ;) ... I need to talk to vertok anyway ^^ | 10:21 |
mandel | apachelogger, can you send me the patch to my mail? that way we do not have to depend on a pastebin | 10:21 |
mandel | apachelogger, you are welcom to repoke when ever you want ;) | 10:22 |
apachelogger | now that I am home I can also make a proper merge request if you want | 10:22 |
mandel | apachelogger, but done worry, that work will be done, we need it for the windows port too | 10:22 |
mandel | apachelogger, I merge request will be better, that way we all can keep track of it, please do | 10:23 |
apachelogger | okies | 10:23 |
duanedesign | DDC/5 | 10:25 |
duanedesign | oops | 10:25 |
duanedesign | gotta do that at least once a day :P | 10:25 |
ajmitch | short password :) | 10:27 |
apachelogger | mandel: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/desktopcouch/kwallet-support/+merge/31135 | 10:38 |
mandel | apachelogger, awesome, will take a look as soon as CardinalFang has some time, hopefully today | 10:39 |
mandel | apachelogger, he has a lot of work since we are getting close to the deadline | 10:39 |
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lalejand | Hi everyone, I have this architecture : Documents > Volei > torneo > 2009. "2009" folder and all the files in it have the green mark. "torneo" and "Volei" have the double circular gray arrow with "!". In the web interface, in my account, "2009" is empty :( | 12:13 |
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* mandel goes to have some food to fuel his brain | 12:18 | |
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lalejand | Hi everyone, I have this architecture : Documents > Volei > torneo > 2009. "2009" folder and all the files in it have the green mark. "torneo" and "Volei" have the double circular gray arrow with "!". In the web interface, in my account, "2009" is empty :( | 12:35 |
Chipaca | lalejand: and ...? | 12:38 |
Chipaca | lalejand: (that sounds fairly normal) | 12:38 |
lalejand | Chipaca : on my computer --> files with green mark in "2009", on web interface --> no files in "2009". I should see the files in 2009 on the web interface isn't it ? | 12:39 |
Chipaca | ah, sorry, I misread. Yes, no, not normal :) | 12:41 |
Chipaca | *sigh* | 12:41 |
Chipaca | lalejand: in a terminal: u1sdtool -s | 12:41 |
lalejand | Chipaca : http://pastebin.com/RBGHngJV | 12:42 |
facundobatista | rye, I'll take a look | 12:43 |
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lalejand | Chipaca : no idea on what's happening ? | 12:58 |
Chipaca | lalejand: sorry, I dropped your conversation. Let me look... | 12:59 |
Chipaca | lalejand: what about u1sdtool --waiting-metadata ? | 12:59 |
Chipaca | lalejand: sorry, u1sdtool --waiting-metadata | 13:02 |
Chipaca | gah, 2 times | 13:02 |
Chipaca | lalejand: sorry, u1sdtool --waiting-content | 13:02 |
Chipaca | lalejand: ^ this one | 13:02 |
lalejand | Chipaca : http://pastebin.com/CWBX0sm7 | 13:04 |
lalejand | Chipaca : (I'm going out for a moment) | 13:04 |
Chipaca | lalejand: sounds like you're out of space in your account? | 13:05 |
Chipaca | lalejand: or, being bitten by a bug | 13:05 |
lalejand | out of space on my HD maybe, it can be that ? | 13:08 |
lalejand | Chipaca : out of space on my HD maybe, it can be that ? I have a U1 50 Go account | 13:08 |
duanedesign | Chipaca: that error looks like bug 596910 | 13:08 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 596910 in ubuntuone-client "Latest trunk does not create UDFs (affects: 1) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/596910 | 13:08 |
Chipaca | not that one, but a variation thereof. lalejand: you're on the nightlies? | 13:09 |
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smallfoot- | with UbuntuOne i am vendor lock-in to canonicals proprietary cloud | 14:06 |
smallfoot- | why cant i choose freely what cloud to use? | 14:06 |
mkarnicki | smallfoot-: Because that's one of Canonical ways to pay developers working on Ubuntu. You can always set up your own 'couchDB cloud' and sync data with that. Or, for files, use something like sftp+rsync or something. Your question has popped up quite many times. | 14:16 |
duanedesign | you are free to use the client and protocol code and build your own server solution | 14:16 |
mkarnicki | :) | 14:17 |
mkarnicki | hi duanedesign :) | 14:17 |
smallfoot- | oh | 14:18 |
mkarnicki | duanedesign: I have probably mentioned a problem I faced recently with authentication. I found the bug and I'm back on track :) | 14:18 |
mkarnicki | duanedesign: (in my AndroidU1 app) | 14:18 |
smallfoot- | well maybe Canonical can make money using proprietary file formats and DRM too? | 14:18 |
mkarnicki | smallfoot-: you can choose not to use U1 if you don't like it. you're being offensive. | 14:19 |
smallfoot- | so remind me, what is the difference again between Canonical, Microsoft and Apple? | 14:20 |
duanedesign | smallfoot-: DRM? | 14:21 |
mkarnicki | smallfoot-: This is a support/devel channel for Ubuntu One. Please direct such questions in some other channel. | 14:21 |
duanedesign | smallfoot-: all the music in the music store is DRM free | 14:21 |
duanedesign | mkarnicki: that is good :) | 14:22 |
mkarnicki | :) | 14:22 |
smallfoot- | duanedesign, Apple started with some DRM-free too, or so i heard, idk | 14:23 |
* mkarnicki is happily hacking some code | 14:23 | |
duanedesign | mkarnicki: i made little progress yesterday | 14:23 |
duanedesign | mkarnicki: so i chose a different direction and am hacking away :) | 14:23 |
mkarnicki | duanedesign: that's good I think :) ? on spottify? | 14:23 |
mkarnicki | duanedesign: aha, I see | 14:24 |
duanedesign | mkarnicki: i have been working on clicompanion | 14:24 |
mkarnicki | duanedesign: well, any direction is good as long as it's forward ^ ^ | 14:24 |
duanedesign | right, lol | 14:24 |
mkarnicki | duanedesign: uu, neat! | 14:24 |
mkarnicki | duanedesign: I think I'll have to clean up my lp project. Before I didn't know much and created milestones without planned releases (would be fine with pre-pre-releases). I guess I'll ask aquarius or somebody about that. | 14:26 |
duanedesign | mkarnicki: i think i have seen projects that have milestones without releases | 14:27 |
duanedesign | mkarnicki: the bazaaar project has a ton of series/milestones/releases it is a good one to reference | 14:28 |
mkarnicki | duanedesign: really? cool, I'll have a look at that. Thanks! | 14:28 |
duanedesign | https://launchpad.net/bzr/+series | 14:29 |
mkarnicki | "Bazaar Integration for Visual Studio" :O impressive | 14:29 |
mkarnicki | I mean, I didn't know guys worked on supporting those tools. | 14:29 |
mkarnicki | aha, tens of inactive milestones | 14:30 |
mandel | vds, ping | 14:51 |
vds | mandel: pong | 14:51 |
mandel | vds, can we create the rss feed? | 14:51 |
vds | mandel: mumble? | 14:52 |
mandel | vds, if it works on windows ok | 14:52 |
mandel | vds, let me try | 14:52 |
mandel | vds, on windows it does not work | 14:53 |
mandel | vds, skype? | 14:53 |
vds | mandel: sure | 14:54 |
mandel | vds, ok, on my way | 14:55 |
mkarnicki | CardinalFang: any ideas why would private PackageManager mPM = getPackageManager(); throw a NullPointerException? I have not found any permissions I would need to use.. | 15:04 |
* mkarnicki walks the dog | 15:22 | |
mkarnicki | oops | 15:22 |
mandel | CardinalFang, can you take a look at this: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/desktopcouch/kwallet-support | 15:28 |
lalejand | Chipaca : lalejand: you're on the nightlies? >>> no; I should ? | 15:32 |
Chipaca | lalejand: no, you shouldn't. What version are you on? | 15:32 |
lalejand | Chipaca : wow can I see that ? | 15:35 |
lalejand | Chipaca : "how" | 15:35 |
smallfoot- | ubuntu is hypocratic, it say free software is good and want make free software operating system, then it goes and make vendor lock-in on Ubuntu One cloud | 15:35 |
Chipaca | smallfoot-: Couch as integrated by Ubuntu One puts the user back in control of their data while still having the benefits associated with the cloud | 15:38 |
Chipaca | lalejand: apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client ? | 15:38 |
Chipaca | smallfoot-: there is no vendor lock in; you always have all your data (or as much of it as you want to have) | 15:39 |
lalejand | Chipaca : 1.2.2-0ubuntu2 | 15:39 |
Chipaca | hmmm | 15:39 |
smallfoot- | Chipaca, i cant switch cloud provider in UbuntuOneClient from Canonical to some other | 15:41 |
Chipaca | smallfoot-: um... and how would that work? | 15:43 |
Chipaca | smallfoot-: in any case, that's only partially true; you can switch / add sync peers to couch, and you can implement your own funambol, and the only part that isn't switchable is because other people haven't written a server that implements the protocol, which is open and free | 15:44 |
smallfoot- | Chipaca, UbuntoOne client has a addressbar that says which server to connect to, default should one.ubuntu.com, but then i can change it rackspacecloud.com | 15:44 |
Chipaca | smallfoot-: rackspace is IAAS, which is not what we provide at all | 15:45 |
rodrigo_ | alecu, nessita: an easy one to review -> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntuone-client/upgrade-on-quota-exceeded/+merge/31159 | 15:45 |
rodrigo_ | alecu, nessita: and when you have time, 2 others -> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntuone-client/use-a-checkbox-and-an-expander and https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntuone-client/add-contact-on-enter | 15:46 |
smallfoot- | Chipaca, well ppl should be able to change from what you provide to an alternative provider which provides the same | 15:46 |
Chipaca | smallfoot-: they can | 15:46 |
smallfoot- | i dont see how | 15:49 |
Chipaca | smallfoot-: is that an honest question? | 15:50 |
Chipaca | damn, done it again | 15:50 |
Chipaca | smallfoot-: is that a honest question? | 15:50 |
Chipaca | grr | 15:50 |
Chipaca | you chose your haich | 15:50 |
smallfoot- | yes | 15:51 |
vds | mandel: do we still include a manifest in the package we upload to S3? | 15:52 |
Chipaca | smallfoot-: the easy answer is that there is no alternative provider which provides the same, so it's moot for now | 15:52 |
mandel | vds, I believe we just need the rss feed since it has the same info | 15:52 |
Chipaca | smallfoot-: the more complicated answer is that you can switch individual services to individual alternative providers | 15:53 |
vds | mandel: ok just to know from where I need to get the info | 15:53 |
Chipaca | smallfoot-: and that the way you switch each service is different | 15:53 |
mandel | vds, you mean, that you need the infor for the rss feed? | 15:53 |
vds | mandel: yep, I used to open the zio, get the manifest and extract the info from there... | 15:54 |
Chipaca | mandel: Gabriel Galán, te suena? | 15:54 |
vds | mandel: with no manifest I could get the info from command line if they are no where in the package itself | 15:54 |
vds | mandel: I'd say, if it is not too complicated, | 15:55 |
vds | or it doesn;t make any sense at all, to maintain the manifest | 15:55 |
mandel | vds, I can pass it by command line without a problem | 15:55 |
mandel | vds, and should be easier | 15:55 |
vds | mandel: but in the long term we want to automate this process | 15:55 |
vds | mandel: where do we store the info then | 15:55 |
mandel | Chipaca, not right now... why? should he? | 15:56 |
Chipaca | mandel: new contributor, hopefully :) | 15:56 |
mandel | Chipaca, then he should from now on :D | 15:57 |
mandel | Chipaca, I never heard back from the danish guy.... I talked with him and vds over skype and that was it, I fear I scared him :( | 15:57 |
vds | mandel: Chipaca he pinged me few days ago, I ponged and got no answer | 15:59 |
Chipaca | mandel: vds: that is the nature of volunteer work. Try organizing something at an NGO if you want to feel 10x that pain :) | 16:00 |
smallfoot- | Chipaca, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/52641077/ubuntuone.png | 16:00 |
Chipaca | smallfoot-: I understand, and it would be awesome to have that kind of unification, but it's not a reasonable short- (nor even medium-) term goal | 16:01 |
vds | mandel: back to our discussion...? | 16:02 |
smallfoot- | oh | 16:02 |
mandel | vds, yes, tell me | 16:02 |
Chipaca | smallfoot-: we have *so much* other work just to make it work in a huge pile of corner cases, that level of simplicity is a few years away still | 16:03 |
smallfoot- | oh | 16:03 |
smallfoot- | i heard something about OpenStack, that will make cloud be open source | 16:03 |
Chipaca | "cloud" is an empty word | 16:03 |
vds | mandel: I was saying that passing params manually doesn't feet well in automatic building :) | 16:03 |
Chipaca | smallfoot-: the cloud *is* open source | 16:04 |
Chipaca | smallfoot-: or not, depending on what you call the cloud :) | 16:04 |
mandel | vds, nop, but I can tell nant to generate what you need, or pass it, either way | 16:05 |
vds | mandel: ok | 16:06 |
mandel | vds, you put the requirements, I adapt in that case :P | 16:06 |
vds | mandel: ok I'll make it work and we fix the details later | 16:07 |
mandel | vds, exactly :D | 16:07 |
mkarnicki | Chipaca: well explained Chipaca :) | 16:13 |
mkarnicki | Chipaca: (the smallfoot-'s question) | 16:13 |
mkarnicki | arghh well answered | 16:14 |
Chipaca | mkarnicki: explained also works | 16:19 |
mkarnicki | :) | 16:19 |
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lalejand | Chipaca : my version of U1 --> 1.2.2-0ubuntu2 | 16:28 |
Chipaca | lalejand: a mystery. Can you do: killall ubuntuone-syncdaemon; /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon --debug | 16:33 |
Chipaca | lalejand: and then u1sdtool -c in a separate terminal | 16:33 |
lalejand | Chipaca : done | 16:35 |
Chipaca | lalejand: what is your launchpad username? | 16:35 |
Chipaca | (do you have one?) | 16:36 |
Chipaca | lalejand: otherwise, the email you used to sign up, please :) | 16:36 |
lalejand | Chipaca : launchpad --> lalejand | 16:37 |
Chipaca | hrm | 16:37 |
Chipaca | lalejand: there doesn't seem to be that user in launchpad (nor in ubuntu one), can you doublecheck? | 16:42 |
lalejand | Chipaca : sorry, launchpad says : "You are already logged in as Loïc Alejandro" | 16:45 |
Chipaca | lalejand: if you click on your name next to "log out" (top right corner) you go to lp.net/~<username> | 16:45 |
lalejand | Chipaca : ok sorry again : loic-alejandro | 16:46 |
Chipaca | got it | 16:47 |
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=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk | ||
vds | mandel: so basically the info we need to have in order to create a new build will all end up in the rss file | 17:23 |
vds | we have two oprions | 17:23 |
vds | I make a script that generates the rss getting the params from the command line (6 params) | 17:24 |
vds | mandel: or we edit the rss manually and then run the script to upload to S3 | 17:24 |
mandel | we pass the parameters | 17:24 |
mandel | vds, ^ | 17:25 |
mandel | vds, no? | 17:25 |
vds | sure | 17:26 |
vds | we can | 17:26 |
mandel | I really this that we can pass it in params and then see if it is a pain | 17:29 |
mandel | vds, what we need to do know is try to get all those merge proposals done | 17:31 |
vds | mandel: are they all approved? | 17:31 |
mandel | vds, not a single one :( | 17:32 |
mandel | vds, and there are 6 of them... | 17:32 |
vds | mandel: did I approve all of them or you need me to take a look? | 17:35 |
mandel | vds, let me take a look | 17:35 |
mandel | vds, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-windows-installer/systray_integrate_spring not reviewd | 17:36 |
mandel | vds, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-windows-installer/add_client_tests/+merge/31132 not reviewed | 17:36 |
mandel | vds lp:~mandel/ubuntuone-windows-installer/spanish_installer | 17:37 |
mandel | vds lp:~mandel/ubuntuone-windows-installer/systray_integrate_update | 17:37 |
mandel | vds lp:~mandel/ubuntuone-windows-installer/ubuntuone_icon | 17:37 |
mandel | vds, all of them excep the systray_icon_core needs you | 17:37 |
vds | woo | 17:38 |
mandel | vds, muffinresearch is also taking a look at the core one | 17:38 |
vds | and sorry I missed that | 17:38 |
mandel | vds, no worries | 17:38 |
mandel | vds, when I'm not doing the installer I go quite fast :) | 17:38 |
mandel | vds, some of them are small or they just add spring.net which i do step by step because there is a lot of xml | 17:39 |
mullcom_lix | hello | 17:48 |
mullcom_lix | i dont find any information how to use ubuntu one :S | 17:50 |
* mandel goes to the gym to forget about windows... | 18:11 | |
=== mandel is now known as mandel_afk | ||
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno | ||
vds | mandel_afk: to review this https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-windows-installer/spanish_installer/+merge/30752 you may want a spanish speaker like nessita, alecu or Chipaca ? :) | 18:38 |
mandel_afk | vds, yes :P | 18:38 |
mandel_afk | vds, rodrigo_ already took a look, but he needs a vm | 18:38 |
vds | ah | 18:38 |
vds | right... | 18:38 |
mandel_afk | vds, but I'm afk so I did not see anythin ;) | 18:38 |
vds | :) | 18:39 |
mandel_afk | vds, going to the gym now, laters | 18:39 |
nessita | vds, mandel_afk: I have no operating system other than Ubuntu, can I help the same? | 18:39 |
vds | mandel_afk: could nessita just go trough the xml? | 18:40 |
Chipaca | vds: if you can check that it builds, we can do a visual review :) | 18:40 |
Chipaca | "yeah, looks ok" | 18:40 |
mandel_afk | vds, nessita yes, you just have to check that I did not use my terrible spanish... | 18:41 |
nessita | mandel_afk: where can I check that? | 18:42 |
mandel_afk | I'm not here any more, I swear I'm leaving... | 18:42 |
nessita | ok, send me an email with the info, I'll check | 18:42 |
mandel_afk | nessita, there is just one file to read | 18:42 |
nessita | mandel_afk or vds ^ | 18:42 |
mandel_afk | nessita, I'll get it for you ;) | 18:42 |
nessita | great | 18:42 |
mandel_afk | nessita, is this one: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-windows-installer/spanish_installer/annotate/head:/install/InstallerProject.xml | 18:43 |
mandel_afk | nessita, it was generated by a tool, I usually indent better, sorry | 18:43 |
mandel_afk | nessita, the important thing for you is the second configuration node | 18:44 |
mandel_afk | nessita, from line 24 'til the end | 18:44 |
mandel_afk | nessita, muchas gracias! | 18:45 |
mandel_afk | nessita, a2 | 18:45 |
nessita | de nada | 18:46 |
Alco | Hello. Any news on the resolution of the 500 server error when trying to access Notes? | 19:01 |
mkarnicki | Chipaca: I heard you're using famfamfam icons in the WebUI, right? I got them for my app and they don't look so well as in WebUI. Did you get any specific icon pack? | 19:14 |
Chipaca | mkarnicki: umm... | 19:16 |
Chipaca | an excellent question | 19:16 |
Chipaca | let me look :) | 19:16 |
Chipaca | mkarnicki: silk icons | 19:16 |
Chipaca | mkarnicki: what're you using? | 19:16 |
mkarnicki | Chipaca: silk v1.3 . I'll make sure if I don't have some lossy scaling. | 19:17 |
mkarnicki | /s/if// | 19:17 |
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away | ||
mkarnicki | Chipaca: your folder icon does look much crispier, even if I compare WebUI and regular famfamfam downloaded file using gThumb viewer :( | 19:37 |
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg | ||
Chipaca | a ver... | 19:40 |
Chipaca | mkarnicki: links! | 19:40 |
mkarnicki | Chipaca: you mean..? | 19:41 |
mkarnicki | Chipaca: I used that one http://www.famfamfam.com/archive/silk-icons-thats-your-lot/ | 19:42 |
Chipaca | I mean to the individual icons | 19:42 |
Chipaca | they were just plain famfamfam, I did nothing to them | 19:42 |
Chipaca | any crispification, I blame beuno | 19:43 |
mkarnicki | ^_^ | 19:43 |
mkarnicki | I just managed to align them, all in all, looks pretty neat | 19:43 |
* beuno blinks | 19:43 | |
beuno | I don't recall making things nicer | 19:44 |
* mkarnicki wonders | 19:44 | |
mkarnicki | I'll show you in a sec | 19:44 |
mkarnicki | Chipaca: beuno: http://goo.gl/07sn | 19:47 |
mkarnicki | I'll have to scale them or get lil bigger onces | 19:48 |
mkarnicki | notice the folder icon is not as crispy as in WebUI. and it looks same (not crispy) when I open the file directly. oh well, it's pre-alpha anyway. | 19:49 |
Chipaca | mkarnicki: I think it's the black background that is not helping | 19:49 |
beuno | yeah | 19:49 |
Chipaca | mkarnicki: the icons have a slight black shadow that helps | 19:49 |
beuno | that would be it | 19:49 |
Chipaca | helps bring them out I mean | 19:50 |
mkarnicki | that will be changed. | 19:50 |
Chipaca | and it's lost on this black background | 19:50 |
mkarnicki | that's possible | 19:50 |
=== jumpa is now known as JUMPA | ||
mkarnicki | Chipaca: you were right, white background does bring the icons out better. | 20:34 |
Chipaca | mkarnicki: so, if you need the dark background, you know what to do | 20:35 |
Chipaca | mkarnicki: color-invert the images :) | 20:35 |
Chipaca | green folders would look cute :-p | 20:35 |
mkarnicki | Chipaca: hahahah :D | 20:36 |
mkarnicki | Chipaca: we can stick to white background, it'll be consistent with the WebUI ;) | 20:36 |
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico | ||
mkarnicki | Chipaca: beuno: how about that ;) http://goo.gl/u0mm | 21:11 |
beuno | mkarnicki, they look much nicer, huh? :) | 21:12 |
beuno | I think I like white | 21:12 |
mkarnicki | beuno: and the red filenames/dirnames! ;D | 21:12 |
* beuno high-fives mkarnicki | 21:12 | |
mkarnicki | I thought you'd say 'hey, this looks like WebUI' :D | 21:12 |
* mkarnicki o/ beuno | 21:12 | |
mkarnicki | (that's a high-five :D) | 21:13 |
beuno | \o | 21:13 |
* mkarnicki laughs | 21:13 | |
brighty22 | hello? | 21:34 |
=== cpg is now known as cpg|brb | ||
=== cpg|brb is now known as cpg | ||
Pilotat | Why the big files aren't synchronyzed with the server | 23:33 |
Pilotat | @ | 23:33 |
Pilotat | ? | 23:33 |
mkarnicki | Pi.. oh, I didn't make it. | 23:36 |
duanedesign | mkarnicki: :( they are not very patient | 23:41 |
duanedesign | they are hard to catch. Sometimes they only wait 1-2 minutes | 23:42 |
mkarnicki | duanedesign: yup :< | 23:42 |
ajmitch | mkarnicki: you need to start typing your answer before they even ask it | 23:51 |
mkarnicki | ajmitch: that would mean I know the answer to existence of the world ;) | 23:52 |
ajmitch | sure, but that's the price of support on IRC :) | 23:53 |
duanedesign | lol | 23:55 |
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