Conzeit | hey all...I got a simple question. How can I auto-mount a NTFS file on boot in Lynx? | 00:17 |
Conzeit | err I mean a NTFS drive | 00:17 |
holstein | Conzeit: at boot you mean? | 00:17 |
Conzeit | hi holstein, yep | 00:17 |
Conzeit | I mean when I start ubuntu :p...I dont need it to be mounted before ubuntu starts heh | 00:18 |
holstein | well, auto-magically | 00:18 |
holstein | Conzeit: check out | 00:19 |
holstein | | 00:19 |
holstein | scroll down to 'create a mount point' | 00:20 |
Conzeit | hahahahahaha | 00:20 |
Conzeit | thank you holstein | 00:20 |
Conzeit | and so holstein saves the day yet again | 00:20 |
holstein | :) | 00:20 |
holstein | Conzeit: i havent tried that with an NTSF drive | 00:21 |
holstein | but i do it with ext partitioned drives often | 00:21 |
Conzeit | hm... | 00:23 |
Conzeit | it doesnt mention ntfs only fat and ext | 00:24 |
holstein | Conzeit: you know how to edit if it doesnt work? | 00:24 |
holstein | if it wont boot | 00:24 |
holstein | you wont be able to get in | 00:25 |
holstein | you can just use a live CD | 00:25 |
holstein | or recovery console and use the command line to undo your changes to fstab | 00:25 |
holstein | | 00:26 |
holstein | ^^ that makes me think it will be fine though | 00:26 |
Conzeit | ah, great =D | 00:26 |
Conzeit | I searched around a bit and someone on another tutorial does it like this /dev/hda1 /windows ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0 | 01:16 |
holstein | Conzeit: thats an old link i posted | 01:16 |
Conzeit | heh | 01:16 |
holstein | i was just looking for somebody saying it was possible | 01:16 |
Conzeit | oh I c | 01:17 |
holstein | im not sure about the locale bit | 01:17 |
Conzeit | should I still use ntfs-3g where you specify the disk format ? | 01:17 |
holstein | but that looks good | 01:17 |
Conzeit | ok | 01:17 |
Conzeit | I was thinking of skipping the locale bit | 01:17 |
holstein | seems uecessary | 01:18 |
holstein | un* | 01:18 |
Conzeit | yeah | 01:18 |
Conzeit | so it would be | 01:18 |
Conzeit | ugh | 01:19 |
Conzeit | /dev/hda1 /windows ntfs-3g defaults 0 0 | 01:19 |
holstein | as long as you know how to find it with a live CD | 01:19 |
holstein | and fix it | 01:19 |
holstein | i say go for it :) | 01:19 |
Conzeit | hmmm | 01:20 |
Conzeit | I'll back it up just in case | 01:20 |
holstein | yeah, you can back up the old one | 01:20 |
holstein | OR | 01:20 |
holstein | #i added this | 01:20 |
holstein | then the line | 01:20 |
holstein | Conzeit: and you made the dir /windows? | 01:21 |
Conzeit | no I gave it the name of the drive | 01:22 |
holstein | i mean, the dir where you are going to mount the drive exists? | 01:22 |
Conzeit | yeah | 01:23 |
Conzeit | I created it.....following a tutorial | 01:23 |
holstein | thats about all i can think of then | 01:23 |
Conzeit | huh...tested it, apparently ntfs3g is an unvalid filesystem type | 01:24 |
holstein | try just ntsf | 01:24 |
Conzeit | ha | 01:26 |
Conzeit | worked! it was ntfs-3g instead of ntfs3g :p my bad | 01:27 |
holstein | OH yea | 01:27 |
holstein | i thought that was a typo | 01:27 |
Conzeit | gotta watch those typos on terminal XD | 01:27 |
holstein | :) | 01:27 |
Conzeit | hahaha | 01:27 |
Conzeit | hey do u do graphics mostly on studio too? | 01:27 |
holstein | nah | 01:28 |
holstein | audio | 01:28 |
Conzeit | ah cool | 01:28 |
Conzeit | got a gallery site or something I can check? =o | 01:30 |
holstein | i got a myspace | 01:31 |
holstein | i think ;) | 01:31 |
holstein | | 01:31 |
edakiri | Yay! And the best part is, it does not use LCMS (Little Color Mangling System) | 16:40 |
edakiri | or does it? liblcms is also linked | 16:42 |
nighmi | Hi, I've got problems with Rosegarden/Seq24 and Yoshimi/Zynaddsubfx. First starting jack via qjackctl, then starting Rosegarden and Yoshimi (or Seq24 instead of Rosegarden or Zynaddsubfx instead of Yoshimi) in either order will result in the synthesizer not producing any sound. It does work properly though when I don't start Rosegarden. Anyone got an idea on what to do? | 18:20 |
nighmi | the sound will return after I quit Rosegarden as well | 18:20 |
nighmi | that doesn't hold true for Seq24, though | 18:20 |
holstein | hello nighmi | 18:33 |
nighmi | hi | 18:33 |
holstein | theres a MIDI guy | 18:33 |
holstein | over in #opensourcemusicians | 18:33 |
holstein | [lsd] | 18:33 |
holstein | if you can catch him there, thats who i would ask | 18:34 |
nighmi | okay, thanks a lot | 18:34 |
holstein | nighmi: have you tried the virtual keyboard in yoshimi? | 18:34 |
nighmi | yes | 18:34 |
holstein | hmmm | 18:35 |
nighmi | as soon as I start Rosegarden or seq24, it won't play any sound at all | 18:35 |
nighmi | but if I don't start them, it's not problem | 18:35 |
holstein | OH | 18:35 |
nighmi | it's not a problem* | 18:35 |
holstein | nighmi: did you go and double check the routing? | 18:35 |
holstein | after launching them? | 18:35 |
holstein | maybe they grab the in's or out's | 18:35 |
holstein | and re-route them | 18:35 |
holstein | in a way that is *not* cool | 18:36 |
nighmi | well, I had a look at it, I'm not an expert about anything, but I thought as long as Yoshimi is connected to system, it ought to play sound | 18:36 |
holstein | should | 18:36 |
holstein | yeah, hmmm | 18:36 |
holstein | i know a lot of those packages are kinda 'in-flux' | 18:36 |
holstein | my friend [lsd] has some tutorials up | 18:37 |
holstein | dont think any of them really apply to this scenario | 18:37 |
holstein | BUT he does a lot of MIDI in ubuntu | 18:37 |
nighmi | yes, I tried googling as well, but I didn't find anyone with exactly the same problems | 18:38 |
holstein | so if anyone would know about packages, and glitches and what works | 18:38 |
holstein | it would be him | 18:38 |
nighmi | yes, I'm going to ask him, thanks | 18:38 |
fling | how do i install ubuntustudio-rt? | 20:01 |
sixofour | is there any good program for converting audio from oen format to another? i ened aiff to mp3 | 20:32 |
edakiri | fling: you mean the kernel? it is a package with 'linux' in the name. | 20:53 |
edakiri | sixofour: 'sox' is one way | 20:53 |
sixofour | sox? | 20:53 |
edakiri | mp3? yech. | 20:53 |
sixofour | btw, i know it kinda sounds retarded, but this is to be used on a windows machine ..heh | 20:54 |
sixofour | well windows and linux | 20:54 |
sixofour | if there exists such a program | 20:54 |
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